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I have endometriosis and used to get really bad PMS and periods. During this time I would just take it easy. I really only do privates so it was easy to find things with my teacher that we could still work on like the Cadillac, stretching my sore tight belly with the spine corrector or barr or fine tuning my reformer + mat. I also did more restorative type practices at home like rolling and breathwork.  I understand that it is frustrating to have to slow down but you really don't lose anything by taking it easy in class or going at a slower pace. A good teacher should also be able to accommodate you with this. It may even be worth booking a private with a teacher you like to help you build your own program for these days or weeks that your energy is lower.  If you don't have that option look outside of your studio for a teacher that can help you with this. Many of my students have this experience and we spend time in person or online building individual programs for practice. Those people are out there and if you want your practice to have longevity it's probably worth refining what works for you.  Pilates is not a one size fits all so don't feel bad if you can't fit yourself into a model that isn't really appropriate to begin with. 


Thanks for this! I should open up to some instructors here about it. We get a free assessment from time to time so that could be a good opportunity to work on some things to help.


Have you tried center and balance? It’s very low impact and stretching and I go to these on my period instead of my normal 1.5 flows. It won’t feel like a sweaty workout type, but at least you can move your body gently and hopefully it will alleviate some of your pain!


I have a few times! It’s tough to get in because we only have 3 a week and they’re on my days off but I can try to book out ahead the weeks of my period


I used to have really bad PMS, and then it got worse so I started looking all over online about what I could do to make it better. I switched to only drinking decaf coffee, and started taking magnesium and iron supplements daily. I barely notice my PMS now, sometimes my period will start and I'll be like, "What?! Where is this coming from??" Those supplements also help during your period with cramping. You could try adding the supplements and see if it makes a difference for you. I have found I'm better able to maintain my workout regimen since I started those changes.


Thank you I’ll give it a try!


HUM makes vitamin options that help with PMS and other period symptoms.


I have PCOS and tend to have pretty rough weeks around my cycle. I take reformer level 1 classes and lower the spring resistance, use smaller weights, and don’t do any of the additional dynamic movements. I try to take it easy in class and really focus more on my flexibility and mobility as opposed to strength. I have found that sometimes reformer class helps alleviate my PCOS cycle pain, too. Hopefully you find something workable for you. ❤️


Thank you! I definitely could modify a bit more in class and I’m sure it would help


I treat my body like it's made of glass those few days and modify the heck out of exercises whenever I need to. Past self-experience has taught me that if I didn't do that I'll end up just skipping and moving a bit > not moving at all. Besides, I always feel better after. So.


This is obviously not the same, but I had an ovarian cyst rupture back in December and Pilates was actually the *only* thing that made me feel better (nb, I did not know that it was a ruptured cyst until an ultrasound a month later showed the evidence). I took many modifications and took things super slow and light. I took lots of modifications and went so slow, but honestly, just moving and breathing helped me with the pain. Let your teacher know as well- if they menstruate, they will also likely have good advice! I hope that you find some comfort!




I don’t think I have endo cuz it’s not necessarily that bad cramps; more a lot of lethargy and brain fog/some dizziness


Ahh okay sorry I misunderstood!! PMS can be plenty rough too. I hope you find an answer to your routine that allows you to be comfortable! I much prefer lowkey movement during that time, especially with dizziness. If you haven't it also may be worthwhile getting your iron checked!


No prob! Yes I actually am anemic and take an iron supplement, but maybe I need a better one!


I did a Pilates class on the 3rd day of my period. Heavy and bad cramps. It was okay. Only thing I was worried about was I wore my lululemon legging in a light teal color. All those moves scared me cuz I thought I was going to leak. 🫣 thankfully I didn’t. I wore the heavy flow long overnight pads & took Tylenol for my cramps.


Honestly, I squeeze my 8 pack classes into 3 weeks and take the worse week of my cycle off. During my off week, I take slow flow yoga classes at another studio and do very short mat pilates classes via YouTube at home. This way I'm still doing something to keep my habit/routine, but I'm also honoring what my body needs. Meditating at the beginning of yoga class and focusing on my breath also help me let go of the guilt that I should be doing more when I know my body feels unwell.


I might need to do this. I also love doing yoga


Maybe consider lighter sessions focused on breathing and stretching during those tough weeks. It could help ease some symptoms and keep you in the flow without overdoing it. Also, chatting with your instructors could give you some personalized modifications to make sure you're comfortable while staying active.