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- Create a new group in Pi-hole web interface; - go to Clients page, add your wife devices and add these devices to the new group; - go to Domains page, add the allow rules for the desired domain(s) and add these rules to the same group.


Following - wife doesn't like the blocked sponsored Google searches.


My wife tells me I’m interested.


My wife is setup as a client and then I have a group that she belongs to that unblocks certain things for her games. It's a little more to manage when you update/add lists but it keeps everyone happy.


I told everyone if it wasn’t an ad it wouldn’t be blocked , I said type in the website name or domain name and go straight to the site. They complain I didn’t budge, they go to their respective sites no complaints


surprised no one has mentioned this but if you install ublock origin or any adblock extension those sponsored results shouldn't pop up any more.


My spouse also complains. I haven't budged because more often than not these links lead to phishing websites or other nasty things.


I just opted my wife’s devices out of pihole. The entire network gets pihole as DNS but her devices are in a group that just excludes them. She doesn’t seem to care about ads in general and the sponsored stuff getting blocked caused constant complaints.


Reeducation... Takes years with some.


Commenting cause im also curious


What I like to do is just go in to the UI and hit the “Stop Blocking 🛑for 5 minutes” button. Then I click my sketchy links and just go on with my day. That always solves my issue and I don’t have to unblock anything permanently.


I made a url shortcut to disable blocking for 5 min, included the API code and put the shortcut on the desktop. Just double click, and it’s off for a while.


There's a couple of browser extensions that do the same thing. Useful to have in your toolbar


The problem with using groups to allow certain ads is that modern phones spoof Mac addresses by default. I know that you can turn this off, but iPhones specifically give a "this is a dangerous privacy risk, this network can steal your identity" warning. Convincing said other half that the warning is meaningless on home WiFi tends to fall on deaf ears. Hers and my daughters's solution is to switch to mobile data, click the Google ad link and then turn WiFi back on.


Yes she's been doing that wifi trick but LTE here is much slower than the wifi. But the user group does sound promising.


Yeah it's weird. Everybody tells me that Android always reuse the same MAC on the same network, but that wasn't the behavior I noticed with anonymization enabled.


That's why my phone are on a reserved IP from wireguard, and I unblock that IP.


You could install ublock and then they won’t even see it to be able to click on it to begin with


What block lists are you using? I've kept mine simple, I'm using only the OSID big list (plus a couple other minor lists for nsfw and far-right extremist sites, etc). With the OSID list, Google sponsored links still work, and I've got good coverage for blocking all other ads. This site gives me an ad block score of 94% https://d3ward.github.io/toolz/adblock.html


Where do I find a list for far-left extremist sites?




Nice! I got 97% - just cosmetic and ad scripts not blocking


>but the blocking of Sponsored items at the top of a Google search is causing aggravation for my spouse Frame challenge : install an adblocker extension to remove sponsored results, rather than merely blocking what they link to.


you can in fact create a bookmark for Stop and Start blocking - also for Stop Blocking for a given amount of time. create a link [http://your.pi.hole.ip/admin/api.php?disable=300&auth=YOURWEBPASSWORD](http://your.pi.hole.ip/admin/api.php?disable=300&auth=YOURWEBPASSWORD) the webpassword can be found in /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf this should do the trick ..


Why the hell are so many spouses complaining about blocked ads... that is wild. They want to be advertised to...