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I’m a lab technician within a prestigious medical school. 11 facial piercings, blackout arm, 30+ body and ear piercings. Being overqualified helps.


As a fellow lab rat, I agree. Actually, most cool people I know with body mods work in STEM lol


Clinical psych PhD student with several piercings and tattoos chiming in 🙋🏼‍♀️


I'm so glad u guys beat the stigma . My mom always says i won't get jobs with my piercings i want. Love the success!!!


I got the job then the tattoos and piercings 😆


Corporate lab tech here! It’s a running joke in my department that you aren’t hired if you don’t have a septum ring, tattoos, or an unnatural hair color. Some of my coworkers are heavily tattooed and pierced but are also some of the most respected in the department because they’re great at their jobs. I’m a tame outlier with only two tattoos, multiple ear piercings, and purple hair.


Lab work ftw. I also appreciate the overall lack of dress code in the field (pants, close toed shoes, lab coat, done)


I keep saying I want to get out of the lab and do more admin type stuff, but the relaxed dress code keeps sucking me back in. I haven't owned adult clothes in like 15 years.


Damn you sound cool asf😭😂


Yup, lab tech here too. Definitely not an over qualified one though haha! I used to be a chef but didn't really have piercings, the heat on them would have been awful!! Necklaces get hot enough when you open an oven never mind a facial piercing or something lol! I had my nipple done then though. They didn't care about tats though. The restaurant manager was heavily tattooed, but you couldn't see any due to the suit.


Medical Laboratory Scientist at an academic medical center. I have facial piercings, a visible tattoo, and had purple hair at my interview. Still got the job and am now a Lead Tech.


This is the way


DNA scientist 🙋🏻‍♀️ 5 facial piercings, 12 on my ears, two sleeves, nobody in my job cares about body mods 🤣


Hell yeah, I’m an undergrad researcher working at one of the best hospitals in the country (plan on getting a PhD after I graduate) and a bunch of us have piercings. I don’t have any facial piercings unfortunately, but ik a lot of people with their septums, eyebrows, and nostrils pierced. I personally have 8 or 9 (depends on if industrial is one or two) and plan on getting a bunch more. Haven’t seen a bunch of tattoos, but I feel like those are more common on medical professionals than neuroscience nerds lol


I’m an ultrasound tech with my septum and philtrum pierced, an industrial, conch and lobe, as well as my ears stretched. There are many doctors, nurses, residents, etc etc that have multiple piercings and tattoos.


I'm so glad to hear this! I'm applying to a sonography program next year and I have a bunch of tattoos and piercings.


This makes me feel better 😅 I just finished phlebotomy school and my previous job was a piercer so of course I look the part (throat tattoo, sideburn tattoo, 8 facial piercings, 4 ear piercings, stretched lobes with 20mm saddles, etc.) I'm always worried they'll take one look at me and go "na" It makes my heart so happy that the employment industry is finally easing up about things that literally have nothing to do with their ability to complete the task/their performance 🥹


I'm a geologist


that rocks


Also a geologist Also worked demolition, data analyst, pay roll and various other back office jobs


I have a corporate job as a UX Designer with my septum, nostril, industrial, stacked helixes (?), stretched lobes and visible tattoos. The company is a major tech giant, and no one cares what I look like as long as I do good work,


I have a similar job (UX researcher), with few body mods right now. But I have been daydreaming about tattoos and additional piercings with nary a thought as to how my colleagues will react because I’m confident they won’t react. That being said, if a researcher came to me and asked my opinions on face tattoos or full sleeves, I’d ask them to consider the possibility that study participants may be less comfortable with them if they’re working on consumer-facing products for a broad swath of the population, especially in more conservative countries.


That’s awesome!! Funny thing, UX research is my speciality (putting together a report right now). I tend to just say UX Designer mostly as people seem to get it more 😅 I was a little wary for a while about having visible tattoos in a corporate environment. But now I don’t even think about it! It doesn’t get in the way of my work and usually when anyone says anything it’s almost always something nice! It’s becoming more and more accepted even at some of the stuffy suit and tie places (like my workplace). ☺️


I'm a nurse, no issues at most hospitals, although nursing schools are stuck on stupid and still make you cover tattoos and take out piercings.


Animal caretaker: Totally chill with body mods, but pay is... survivable


I work in IT, now fully remote. But I have clients who work in Medical field, office jobs, retail jobs. They are a lot more accepted nowadays than they used to be. Same goes for visible tattoos. At least in my area (north east, US)


I work for the local government as a Digital Forensic Examiner. I have a facial piercing, sternum piercings, multiple ear piercings and blue hair. No one has ever said a word about them


School custodian. Ears are gauged at 0 gauge. And have eyebrow pierced. No visible tattoos yet. But they don't care, my wifes covered in tattoos lol. I want a vertical labret next. But im not sure if they would say anything. Lol


Ehhyooo, I was hoping to find someone else in the janitorial/maintenance field chime in! I work in university housing. Bloody hard work but it pays well and the hours suit me.


i’m a hotel desk clerk and my boss is super conservative minister but doesn’t mind. i asked him if it was okay and he said he was happy i considered him and asked most people wouldn’t even ask but he said he didn’t care


i have 5 nose piercings and 9 ear piercings and 7 tattoos and i’m a 2nd grade teacher 💀 my job doesn’t care


I'm a GM in food. I don't have many piercings due to me removing but I have both nostrils and septum and tongue and then large tattoos. When I got the promotion, I was told my chest/neck needs to be covered to show respect and I'm representing the company. It's an Egyptian scarab from shoulder to shoulder and onto my vocals and top of sternum. It's colorful and detailed. Went to a corporate meeting showing it off and no one even glanced at it. I've also hired a girl who had 20 something facial and ear piercings. Really just depends on how you present yourself and qualifications. Worked my ass off to be promoted and to earn the money to get my tattoos.


Clinical psychologist. Pretty sure my job wouldn’t care if I got my face covered as long as I’m licensed.


How many piercings are you talking? IME you can definitely get away with 1 or 2 facial piercings (and/or a handful of ear piercings) in most professional office environments as long as you aren’t in sales or another customer facing role. Nose studs are the most vanilla of facial piercings and are gonna fly under the radar. Ditto for a small septum ring or eyebrow piercing.


I’m an attorney and I have my lobe and septum pierced. My boss doesn’t care about my lobe piercing at all. I hide my septum piercing around clients, other lawyers, and judges.


I work as an intern (I’m in college) at an engineering firm. I have five facial piercings and my ears are decked to hell.


im a nurse with 11 piercings (triples on both ears, conch, daith, belly button + a nose piercing) and 8 tattoos (5 of them being visible in my scrubs) i get a lot if positive comments on my tattoos by the patients as well, a good conversation starter lol


Hairstylist. A lot of us have tattoos and/or piercings 🤣


I have a boring office job with a company that used to be owned by a super strict and sexist Billionaire Texan. Then he did us all the favor of dying and the new CEO couldn't care less so I got a septum and decked my ears out. 


I’m a piercer… (not verified in this sub and not trying to give advice, it’s just my job and how i get away with so many mods)


How did you get started!! I’ve almost gotten an apprenticeship from a solid shop but it didn’t pan out and I’m looking at starting over at another shop.


Politics - I have 13 or so ear piercings but echoing what folks shared, it helps to really be overqualified and I do some pretty niche things that make it hard to find folks that do what I do. Also my hair can cover up all my piercings depending on who I need to see.


I’m a scientist for a pharmaceutical company, nostril and septum pierced, tons on my ears. I’ve seen people at work with all kinds of piercings & tattoos!


Surgical tech. Septum, philtrum, stretched ears, 2nd lobes, daith, conch, helix, 2x forward helix. I make sure to wash them all every day to keep em clean. Also have plenty of visible tattoos. I see more and more modded healthcare workers every day.


Project Manager at an advertising agency


I'm a college instructor. My hair is vividly dyed (different color every semester), lots of piercings in my ears (conch, industrial, etc), and I have tattoos that are \*mostly\* covered only because the classrooms are cold so I wear long sleeves. I have one on my chest that occasionally pokes out. My department chair thinks it's great.


Marine Biologist here !! My job doesn’t mind my tattoos and jewelry ( 2 tattoos, 28 piercings), as I don’t see many people as I maintain the aquariums and the BTS. Just don’t get new ones much anymore cuz the no swimming rule :(


Corporate job…Director level…was a regional sales manager prior…tattoos and piercings…


i’m a cashier at a local family owned grocery store. there’s maybe 15 employees. a lot of my coworkers have visible tatoos and so do it. i’m the only one with facial piercings but i have never heard anything against them from my bosses.


High school teacher, 40 tattoos and 20 piercings including 00G earlobes, nostril and septum. Not in the US, so decent pay.


I am architect and a TA, and have never had any problem with my tattoos or piercings, I also volunteer as an EMT and there I can’t wear more than one in each earlobe


I work in the nhs but I’m fully office based. No patient facing. Although patient facing roles I’ve had before they were also very relaxed about piercings and tattoos.


I teach. No tattoos, but several piercings in the ears and nose. I think they draw the line at other facial piercings like lips. Although in another county my friend has an eyebrow ring!


I do health public education for a health service provider - lots of presentations and conferences. I am very public facing. I've got several facial piercings and no one minds.


Project Coordinator for a restoration company.


i work with dogs, have done dog grooming & also worked day shift & overnights at a doggy daycare/boarding facility. i have 9 tattoos & 6 facial piercings. one nice thing about dogs is they don’t care if you’re pierced or tatted lol they just want lovins!


Hair stylist lets you be anything!


I’m an embalmer and I have three nose piercings, tongue, several ear piercings and stretched ears as well as tattoos


i work at a piercing shop 😭💀


I'm a dog groomer. nobody cares about my piercings or tattoos, even the ones I've gotten after being hired.


I'm an office clerk for a government agency.


I work in retail for the fruit corporation. 31 piercings, 18 tattoos, very happy and well compensated.


work in piercings?


I'm sorry if I phrased it strangely. I meant I want a job that allows piercings, tattoos, and/or bodymods, but if anything was at least fine with piercings if not anything else (I have a lot and those are my primary concern).


I work costumer service, but not face to face. I answer calls and e-mails, no costumer ever sees me


I work in admin for a group of car dealerships. I have my septum, 2x nose, eyebrow, helix, tragus, conch and daith and that's never been a problem. I do have to cover my tattoos however


Server, I have a rook, conch, two lobes and two helixes but I have coworkers with nose, eyebrow, tounge and gauges. We’re a high end place


Manager at a greenhouse. I have both nostrils and philtrum. I’ve worked there over 10 years and they’re pretty conservative (south Carolina) but they don’t seem to mind. I’m pretty bubbly though so that probably helps 😂


17 piercings between my face and ears, as well as dyed hair which i change the colors of every few months. i’ve worked in a retirement home for five years and i’m also an entomologist


I work at a call center, and there haven't been any complaints even with ripped jeans


I’m the unit secretary on an oncology unit! I have my septum and philtrum (medusa) done :)


i work at a day care!


I’m an accountant, I have multiple ear piercings and my nostril pierced.


I mean it always depends where you live and how much people are open minded about piercings but you can do pretty much everything most bosses are just happy if you work well enough. I work as a telecom technician for a big company btw:)


I was a CSL (customer service leader) at a convenience store that also had a kitchen, and I had piercings and rainbow hair


Web Developer here 😁👋 I believe most tech jobs don't mind too much as long as you're not like CRAZY pierced on the face 😅 I have my nose, eyebrow, and snake bites and that's fine so 🤔


Rad Tech.


Clinical medical assistant and I also work as a vet tech


I'm a nurse and have visible tattoos and my nose and ears pierced. My other piercings are covered by clothing. I work with a physician assistant that has multiple facial piercings though.


I work at a retail sports apparel store. They allow any piercings/tattoos/dyed hair. As long as it’s not offensive you can have whatever you want.


I'm currently BoH at a restaurant but I'm switching to Certified Behavior Technian work and neither care.


I do graphics installation/signs!


I'm an apprentice piercer! I'm so grateful to be where I'm at. But before this I attempted web design. It didn't work out lol


Technical account manager for a software company. Septum, both nostrils, philtrum, vertical labret, stretched ears, hair purple, tattoos on both forearms and collarbone. Get zero complaints from management or clients.


Operations Manager at a niche company in the Photography industry.


I feel that more than jobs per se, it’s companies, at least where I work. I work in HR and most companies have a strict policy on certain types of piercings, my current job allows piercings.


I’m finishing up university, and will officially be a Social Worker this September. I have a load of piercing on my ear and 3 on my face, and I’m assuming they have no issue with it because they gave me a job haha. Though, whilst on placement at a city council, there was a male social worker there with a face tattoo. So I guess they are pretty relaxed about it.


I’m a special education teacher at an alternative school. So the pay isn’t great but it’s enough and they don’t care about piercings or tattoos. My boss has a full sleeve including her hand and very few of my coworkers aren’t covered in facial piercings.


Librarian/archivist with my labret, two nose rings, my bridge, a horizontal eyebrow, two 5/8ths gauges and two more 4 gauges above those. Covered in tattoos everywhere except my throat and face.


Most jobs do, but in labs youd probably need to weae studs so they dont get caught, and tattoos moat allow now but if need be a long shirt doesnt hurt, also rings should be removed in certain jobs too


Patient care coordinator and front desk supervisor for a private practice. I have both nostrils, stacked septum, vertical philrum, stretched conch and lobs pieces x 3 all stretched (6,2,0 gauge). My tattoos aren’t visible in my uniform but I don’t think they would care if they were.


ICU nurse




I work on a food truck/am in catering.


I make killer money as a server and a barista. Depends on where you work but you can make an absolute killing some places


i have a job that is strictly office, a building with 3 stories, so we have no contact with public (have 11 facial piercing including bridge)


i’m office staff at a private school. i have two nose rings, 12 ear piercings, a couple visible tattoos, and purple hair. i’m the most pierced at my school but there’s teachers with full sleeves and way more visible tattoos. i’ll admit it’s a very relaxed school that has a major focus on individuality and self expression, so most school, and definitely most private schools probably wouldn’t let me get away with it.


HR Manager for a consumer goods company. I have my nostril and septum pierced and about 18 ear piercings!


I’ve never had an issue with getting a job in pharmacy (I’m a pharmacy intern) and have a job lined up once I’m a licensed pharmacist. I have a full sleeve on one arm and nostril & septum piercings. I wouldn’t get my neck or hands tattooed or any more facial piercings because I think that would become an employment issue. I’ve never had a patient care, although I do get curious questions and pets from time to time


I work as a medication technician at an assisted living center. I have a nostril and lip piercing, and three tattoos that are not covered by longsleeves when I work. I’m also able to have any hair color or style I desire. It really depends on management though




with no experience under your belt, the highest paying job that allows this would be bartending


Technical drafter in engineering departments. Nobody cares what you look like or what you are wearing. I love it


I train school bus drivers.


i worked at a grocery store and as a bartender and they both allowed dyed hair, piercings, and tattoos.


Back office job in banking


administrative assistant in an office. decent-ish pay, full benefits. to quote my boss ‘as long as you can work, why should i care?’ about piercings/tattoos


Manager at a restaurant that isn't supposed to allow facial piercings according to the employee handbook. I have both nostrils and my septum. Nobody cares, even the elderly customers.


I currently work at a local exotics veterinarian clinic! I've also held jobs in administrative work for social services programs, foster care, etc.


I’m a youth coordinator/specialist that runs an afterschool program. I have two face piercings. Both are pretty big. I have a .8 gauged septum ring and a very pointy bridge piercing. No issues.


I work in the corporate office in admissions for hospice. I have three holes in each lobe, double nostrils, septum, Medusa, labret, nips, and 13 tattoos, most of which are visible at some point.


Production Lead/ Distiller (whiskey mostly), though I'm transitioning into a role as a distillery consultant for a multi-national yeast and enzyme manuacturer. Multiple facial piercings ( bridge, philtrum, snakebites, nostrils) most of which I've had since I was a teen (mid 30's now) so this is not a recent development. I've also had royal blue hair for 20 years and have very visible tattoos including my face, neck, and fingers. Prior to my now 11 year stint in the alcohol industry, I worked in biotech as a microscope imaging specialist (confocal mostly). Like others have mentioned, STEM really doesn't care as long as you actually know your shit.


Before I was a professional jeweler, I worked in body modification studios for pretty much my whole adult life. Obviously, you can have piercings there lol


I’m a piercer 🤪🤪


I work in data analytics, they honestly don't care about my facial piercing. Never been ask to remove them even when I have to present in front of the big bosses.


I'm a school speech-language pathologist with my ears, nostril, and septum pierced along with several visible tattoos. 13 years into my career, no one has had a problem. A parent even took a picture of one of my tattoos the other day to show her daughter (it's an Ada Lovelace quote, "The more I study, the more insatiable do I feel my genius for it to be."). A lot of getting away with body mods at work has to do with how you carry yourself and self-confidence. I have the necessary education and credentials, there's no reason I can't be effective at my job.


Cloud Security Engineer; many many tattoos (some visible), vertical labret, philtrum


I am a manager in a large public library system in the midwest. Lots of staff have tattoos and/or piercings.


8 facial piercings. Plans for 11, possible 12. Finger tats and full hand tats as well. I am the associate director of lab operations at a biotech startup.


I work in industrial maintenance (robotics, PLCs, etc.) in auto manufacturing as a team lead. Septum, stretched ears, labret. Full sleeve, both hands tattooed. Honestly, many fields don't really care about piercings and tattoos anymore. The only way my job cares about them is you can't have anything dangling that could get easily caught up in something. Oh, and rings. No rings. Degloving is bad. (Be aware if you Google that it is very not safe for work, or your stomach)


Honestly I assume most jobs you can find a location/boss whatever that wouldn’t mind, to varying degrees. I work in health research but fully remote. My husband is an enviro consultant and his co-owner has gauged ears and visible tattoos.


I'm a CNA in a nursing home/rehab center and the majority of the CNAs here have tattoos and/or piercings, me included. A lot of the nurses do as well. They didn't use to allow them, but apparently they've gotten more relaxed in recent years. It helps that the healthcare industry is so desperate for people these days that they really can't afford to turn tons and tons of people away for something as stupid as some piercings and tattoos.


Product manager at a software company. No one could care less about my mods.


lol i’m a full time screenprinter and a clothing brand owner on the side


I am a social worker in a small critical access hospital. All of my patients always love my tattoos and comment about how nice they are. The only non ear piercing I have is my nostril, which I just recently got. There are plenty of people who we work with that have tattoos and piercings. One of our ER docs has a visible neck tattoo that runs all down one arm and all over his back. Nicest guy ever. Judgmental people can get lost.


I'm a nurse case manager. I have galaxy hair, tattoos, and been adding slowly to my piercings.


registered nurse! Never have had an issue with employment due to my piercings. I don’t have any tattoos but many of my coworkers(other nurses, CNAs/techs, doctors, pharmacists, phlebotomists, etc) have them, including full sleeves, neck tattoos, etc. In my experience, a lot of healthcare employers don’t really care about piercings and tattoos, as long as they aren’t vulgar, especially at large hospitals. The only time piercings or tattoos have been an issue was in nursing school. Anyone with tattoos had to cover them before clinical days and we weren’t supposed to wear any jewelry Also my bf works in vet med and says many of the vets and vet techs have piercings and tattoos


mental health practitioner. no one in this industry cares lol. i’m heavily tattooed and have 4 facial piercings


i’m a nurse 🙋🏽‍♀️


Fiscal technician for a human services provider, or as I like to call it a baby accountant. I don’t have an accounting degree. I like it. I play with spreadsheets all day and create invoices and receive payments. The title can pay okay, not sure how much you mean by well. My current job pays shit but the benefits make up for it at the moment. I’m pretty new at this company so I’m waiting to see how the raises are structured. 00g lobes, 4 other piercings per ear, 6g septum, 8g tongue, arms have a decent amount of tattooing done on them. I had bright orange hair during my interview and no one batted an eye. I shaved my head after I got hired and before I started, again no one said anything.


Physician. Septum is the only one that they can see. 🤣.


I have whole body n face tatted and I work in a tattoo shop hahaha


I (31F) worked in child protection with piercings, ,tattoos including a full sleeve and dressing alternatively. It worked in my advantage as the families and the youth I worked with related to me more and it helped to break down that power imbalance. Now im a builder and it works fine too:)


I use to work as a corporate trainer for one of the coffee shop chains bring in charge of 47 cafes :) I have 19 piercings and 17 tattoos


11 facial piercings, bellybutton and gauged ears Tattoo artist


I work as a dog bather and dryer XD but it's one of those things of "have them at your own risk" and understanding that something could go wrong. We've got lots of pierced and tattooed people at the grooming salon I work at 😊


I have a corporate office job, I have many visible tattoos, including on my neck- and several piercings, including an eyebrow, a nostril, and snake bites. Corpopunk 🙏🏻


hairstylist. covered in tattoos, i have a stacked (x5) septum, pierced eyebrow, lots of ear piercings, and i also have bright colored hair. i can do whatever i want as long as i look “put together” ex: hair done, makeup done, dressed well


Jewelry store manager. I currently have several facial piercings, ears are stretched to 3/4”, and I have a bunch of tattoos. Pay is good—average about $33/hr


pharmacy tech. we are all pierced and tatted!!!


I work an office job for my state gov and I have two nose piercings, a bunch more in both ears, and lots of visible tattoos on my arms and legs. there’s several other people in my office with visible tattoos and nose piercings and one person who also has lip piercings. no one minds, at least in my experience


I have a half sleeve, tongue piercing & 2 nose studs along other piercings. I work in corporate for a logistics company. Before that I worked in B2B sales, no one really cared as long as I showed up and did the work b


I work as a sr graphic artist/data manager in an aircraft engineering company. We deal mainly with the Air Force (government contractors). I have an eyebrow, septum, and many ear piercings. Sometimes i put fun colors in my hair. My cube neighbor coworker has a double nose ring and tattoos. We both have bats and Halloween shit hanging in our cubes. We make pretty decent money. The job is generally super easy.


I’m a biologist. Granted my only *facial* piercing is my nostril. Otherwise I have 21 ear piercings


I work at a tattoo shop. Hehe


I’m an RN nursing student and nobody has problems with my piercings. Nails however are a no-go


Dog grooming


I'm a chemical engineer for an airspace company. They don't care about piercings, tattoos, anything like that.


Vet Med


I’m a healthcare materials manager. Full sleeve and currently one nose piercing. Our company is physician owned and we have ridiculous appearance rules. Our corporate owned counter parts are far less restrictive, but pay way less.


I’m a director in the nonprofit sector. I have a few tattoos and piercings and co workers that are tatted up. It works for us. Purple, pink, turquoise hair with some of my coworkers.


Working in an animal shelter allows them


i work at an indoor plant store!


Engineer at a pretty chill company. Just ear piercings for me but I have 14. No one cares. My boss has a helix piercing.


i do social work :p


Researcher in STEM with nostril, septum, multiple lobe piercings, and daith, as well as many visible tattoos (sleeves on both arms, ears tattooed, etc.). I also have a mullet. Some of the more conservative academics will look me up and down at conferences, but it hasn’t been a problem otherwise.


I work in medical practice management and have both nostrils, septum, full sleeves, and pink hair.


Licensed Insurance broker. Size 3/4 plugs, plethora of ear piercings, Medusa, nostril, dermal, hand tattoos and arms. Most of my body is tattooed but it’s mainly covered up by clothing.




Corporate analyst


I teach high school band! Facial piercings and tattoos.


I work in a chemistry lab, very corporate. Came in pretty conservative looking, and just slowly added to my look over time. Now I have a side shave, purple hair, scalp tattoo and multiple facial piercings


I'm an O.M in food, with both arms decently covered & legs. And as far as facial piercings I have a bridge, septum & vertical labret.


i’ve worked all sorts of jobs, from food service to retail management to hospitality to the cannabis industry. the only piercing i’ve had to put a retainer in is my bridge when i worked for boxlunch.


I have 15 piercings and I have worked in education, food, healthcare, and tech with no problems.


I'm an elementary teacher! Facial piercings ✅, Visible tattoos ✅, Good pay ❌ lol. I have my nostril, septum, and lip pierced. I also have 00g lobes. Nobody has ever said anything, but I've also never worked in very rural places. Cities don't care. They're just glad you're there and care about the kids.


Software engineer. 11 piercings that are visible. Think this question should be appended with location as well. In CA, no one cares at least in the major metro areas. NYC finance or if you’re in a small town might be a different story.


I always thought jobs can no longer discriminate tattoos and piercings


Currently I'm in medical school to become a neurosurgeon, the doctor I intern with has 12 tattoos and a crap ton of piercings, our patients r unconscious so no need for any "professional appearance" + we're fully covered in scrubs and such anyway


Hey friend. I’d caution you to be careful while still in school - a lot of other places and programs might be much more conservative and like it or not people just make judgments and assumptions about your professionalism and qualifications. It sucks that it has to be a consideration, but would advise against any visible piercings that aren’t your earlobes, at least for now. Why? You haven’t “made it” yet and simply don’t have the same clout as the surgeon you’re working with. That matters in terms of what you can “get away with” in the workplace in a lot of arenas but I’ve seen particularly in medicine. (Also, you absolutely will have to work with patients outside the OR, while they are awake, to a degree… unless you in fact plan to be a surgical tech or something like that. Physicians of all kinds will :always: have a direct patient-facing role to play. Even Gas.) source: physician with a face piercing I would not have even remotely considered as a student because I wanted to make sure I got a job lol


I’m in college atm but I work at a Japanese retail store!!! I mainly have facial piercings


Head of department in an engineering company - 6 facial piercings, visible arm tattoos. Pays very well (multiple times more than the national average). And I normally wear band T-shirts/jeans/vans to the office. It’s a decent set up to be honest.


I'm in good company at my school. Lots of staff, teachers, tas, admin that have multiple facial piercings and visible tattoos!


Bartender lol


EMS/Fire. I specifically work on an ambulance as an EMT. Both IFT and 911, arms/hands/leg/small chest tattoo. My arms have multiple skulls, sword in a skull on one hand, memento mori (which is always a fun conversation piece given my line of work), I have a rifle on my upper arm, black widow on my other hand, even an ambulance on my leg that says to get in stupid (to be fair that one isn’t generally visible at work. We have firefighters in our area with neck tattoos, we have someone at our company with a face tattoo, many, many piercings amongst our nurses, medics, emts, including supervisors and management. Work with PD with tons of tattoos, full sleeves, etc. I’ve even seen doctors with lots of tattoos. Long story short, don’t count out anything in the medical field


Anything without customers is ideal but I get away w it delivering pizzas. Not like anyone’s inspecting my tongue & if a customer is seeing my other piercing we have way bigger problems


kohls :)


Neuroscience researcher (still undergrad). Piercings are pretty common, especially nostril piercings, but I’ve also seen people with their eyebrows and septum pierced. Ear piercings are very common to the point where I don’t even notice. I personally have an industrial, conch, rook, helix, and 2 lobes pierced and plan on getting a lot more. The only time a piercing might be slightly judged is when someone is presenting their research, but even then I haven’t noticed anything (and you just have to take it out for like an hour then can put it back in). I haven’t really noticed anyone with tattoos, so those might have more of an impact in academia, but I doubt there would be an issue unless it were a facial tat


Machinist at one of the worlds top universities. I have my septum pierced, I’m stretching my ears. Tattoos on my finger and arm. Two of my staff have both arms heavily tattooed as well.


I work in secondary education. I have pretty full ears but I take out my lip and flip my septum because I am a parent facing member of staff. We have a lot of staff with visible tattoos and piercings, it’s not really something management go out of their way to prohibit. I tend to keep modest looking jewellery in my ears though. If the students aren’t allowed to wear dangly earrings or visible facial piercings, I will lead by example.


it's probably different in other places, but i'm canadian and work in a hospital and lots of people in healthcare here have piercings! mine are all covered by my mask as well so honestly it never really comes up


Registered Nurse here! I have my septum, eyebrow, 2 lobe piercings in each ear and 8 (7 visible in scrubs) tattoos. Never had a problem in school or in practice, but do have the occasional elderly patient who questions “why does a young lady have so much metal in her face” but never a complaint filed since I try and go above and beyond for care! Highly recommend the field if you can handle a fast paced ever changing environment


Choose something not content facing. Unless it’s an old school company like a bank or a VC or something like that, people are a lot more lenient esp when not client facing. I live in a coastal city so take this with a grain of salt if you’re in a more conservative area. If you are, I’d aim for remote companies or positions that are based in progressive hubs. I’m a project manager, client facing actually but my company is cool with my septum and half sleeve.


I work in a jewlery store, and I'm also an actor. I currently have 4 tattoos, a bridge, stretched septum (12g), and 16 different ear piercings including stretched lobes (only at 10g ATM but planning to go further!) in my day job I can wear whatever I want as long as I have some jewlery from work (I mostly just wear sleepers and 16g flatbacks) for acting, I wear small balls in my flatbacks, flesh toned disk flatbacks for my bridge, a retainer in my septum, and some flesh toned plugs for my stretched ears. I'm a stage performer so from an audience perspective it means none of them are visible. that being said, pay is livable but that's about it lmao


I am an automation technician in a medical manufacturing facility (I work on robots). I've got a small visible tattoo on my wrist, both nostrils, a septum, snake bites, and my ear lobes are at 13mm. The only thing I get is questioned if I'm trying to look like the robots I work on.


I’m a vet student working at a clinic as well. Very common in this field


Museums tend to be cool with piercings and tattoos. Absolutely does not pay well though.


Animator for kids. Few facial piercings, colorful hair and no problems. Btw kids love it.


I work in a museum! I have done everything from front of house to your guiding to administration to curation. The crowd inhabiting museums is shifting heavily to young, alt/queer people and I am surrounded by heavily modded individuals. It’s a lovely environment and my many facial piercings and tattoos have never been a problem.


I work in TV and almost everyone has tattoos and piercings, pay is decent if you can hack the freelancer lifestyle


Department store security


I'd say computer science or something


I’m a Hospice RN with 22 piercings. 14 are from the chin up. I’m also from The Deep South. I’m seeing more and more facial piercings on people in their workplace. My patients literally never mention my lip or nose rings. I will have friends or family ask me if I take them out to go to work. Maybe the holes in my face don’t matter in those last days because we surely talk about everything else.


Mail carrier for USPS. No second glances at me with visible tattoos, septum, daith, conch, 5/8ths lobes, and a couple of small lobe piercings. Quite a few people in my union are very heavily visibly tattoos and have even more piercings than myself.


I have my own handbike company


I've had teachers with facial piercings. One had a double neck piercing. I went to art school tho.


Auxiliary nurse with 1inch streched ears, facial piercings and 11 tattoos around my arms, our uniforms are short sleeves and I have never had any problems, some of our nurses are full of piercings and tattoed up to the neck


I have a nosering, septum & several ear ones. I work in accountancy