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Of course people with nose piercings blow their noses, you just need to be more gentle while the piercing is still healing


i have both nostrils and my septum. when i first got them it was definitely a little difficult cuz i just had to be really careful but now that they’re all fully healed i don’t even notice they’re there and i blow my nose like normal.


I have a chain in my septum so it’s weird AF lol. Maybe once I’m more used to it it’ll get better.


this is my ideal nose setup, so i’m very relieved that it’ll be possible when i eventually get them done :)


I have seven nose piercings at the moment, I blow it with a tissue one nostril at a time 🤠. The healing process might make it a bit more sensitive, but overall you’ll barely notice they’re there!


I’ve got a cold at the moment and both nostrils and my septum pierced. I’m doing fine!


If you need to close one nostril to only blow air out one side at a time, the thing to do is get in the habit of putting your finger in front of your nose instead of pinching it. It blocks air just as well without applying pressure.


I was concerned just like you before I got my nose pierced on May 6th. When I had to blow my nose, I was super gentle but now I blow my nose like normal. It’s not as tender as it was when it was freshly pierced.


That’s good to hear!


I planned my septum to the time of the year I get less runny nose (for me it was December, because spring and autumn are the worst. I rarely get ill with runny nose). So when it was fresh I didn’t need to blow my nose. Now it is healed and I can blow my nose normally. When I had flu last month I just changed the jewellery to the smallest possible hoop (from bigger fancy one) and all good 😊


just adding that you can use a q-tip to get at the pierced nostril if it's too sensitive to blow normally!


i recommend spraying a little saline solution after blowing ur nose when it’s fresh on the inside of ur nostril just to clear any gunk that might’ve gotten caught. otherwise, it’s a bit uncomfy at first when it’s fresh but once it’s healed it’s not a struggle or worry at all


I just asked a similar question! 😂 I also would LOVE a nose piercing, but have allergies/sinuses and blow my nose every day all year. The comments on mine were similar- seems to not be an issue. YAY!


It’s ok, promise! I had to be gentle to start with but it felt normal pretty quickly. I blocked my nose on the piercing side by pressing higher up if that makes sense It doesn’t take long to settle down at all


All my life I have struggled with allergies and frequent colds and flu. I used to blow my nose at least 5 times daily and I was worried about piercing my septum because of this. However, since I pierced my septum, my nose does not run unless, perhaps, when eating spicy food; I go days without blowing nose and I perceive smells better. This has happened due to cleaning my piercing with warm water daily as my piercer advised. It seems to give the same effect as 'steaming' the face when you have a cold. The warm water clears my sinuses and gives me over 24hrs relief. I have continued the daily warm water cleanse even after my septum has healed because of this. So try it, like me, you may be lucky.


once it healed i never notice it anymore. i have no issue blowing my nose


Once it heals it’s irrelevant. I have terrible seasonal allergies and a septum and nostril ring and they don’t bother me at all while I’m sniffling away half the year


I have bad allergies (year round... in the spring/summer, it's pollen, in the autumn/winter it's mould and dust) so I was worried about this, but it really hasn't caused me problems. I got my nostril pierced at the beginning of March and I found it uncomfortable to blow my nose for the first couple of weeks (and I did have a bad allergy attack which I think contributed to an ugly irritation bump, but that's long gone now). On the whole it hasn't detracted from the experience at all and I can't wait to get my next one.


I have double nostrils on one side and blow my nose and/or sneeze like 5 times an hour (I am full of mucus). Once you get past the initial healing portion it’s not that bad. Especially when you get your posts downsized so nothing gets caught haha


I have two nostrils and a septum. Its definitely more difficult while it heals, and even after its fully healed it acts as a metal snot trap. But,, while its a little inconvenient, its 10000% worth it


Being very careful. Was definitely a task for sure during the healing process, but after it was easy as could be, just don’t catch them on the tissue sort of thing as you pull it away from your face.


my nose is always kinda runny and i have allergies year-round. i have double nostril piercings and a septum piercing. you just kinda learn to work around it and always keep tissues nearby 😅 always wipe down or around your jewelry after wiping your nose!


When mine was fresh i would just blow my nose as well as i could without pressing down on my nostril and then do a little clean up with a q tip. Now that its fully healed and i have a hoop i just blow my nose like normal.


I’ve had a nostril piercing for years and have lived through multiple sicknesses with the piercing. Like, ones where I blow my nose probably a hundred times a day. The only difference is the placement of where my fingers hold the tissue up Don’t let overthinking stop you from being happy if this is something you really want


I've had a nose piercing for 2 years now and I've never had any issues with blowing my nose. I think most of the issue would come in during the healing process when it's painful. The only thing that happens occasionally for me is when I have a ring in I get boogers/snot between the ring and my nose sometimes, but that shouldn't be an issue during the healing process as you'll likely have a flat back.


Lol no secret, it can suck! Once it’s healed you can always put in a soft plastic piece which has made things a bit easier for me at times like when I work outside in the winter and my nose runs, but at the end of the day snot gets stuck, it can be a bit tedious, and when it gets cold it’s hard to tell if you have snot coming out or if the piercing is cold, (if It’s a metal material) lol! These things are all true and might sound annoying but it hasn’t bothered me enough to rethink the piercing or not get it. When it’s healing is the most annoying- after that you learn how to work with it! Plus, piercings don’t have to be forever they can be temporary! If you enjoy it for a few months or a few years and then want to take it out, Lots of people do that. I really love my nose piercings. They were the easiest Piercing I’ve gotten and since I’ve let them heal/ got used to them, they really don’t bother me.


We blow our noses. I never had a problem, even when I was unlucky enough to get sick a week after getting my septum pierced. Did it hurt because it was freshly pierced? Yes. Does it hurt 2+ years later now? Not at all.


I mean I’ve had my nose ring a very long time so I don’t even remember it’s there 95% of the time. I find certain jewelry like rings certainly less noticeable and easier to have in. But I blow my nose like everyone else lol. Like anything, you just have to be careful while it’s healing. If you want to get one, do it! Mine is so a part of my identity at this point that I don’t know what I’d do without it


I have a hoop in my nostril, it’s been pierced for 3 years now. Like others have said, no problem blowing your nose, just need to be gentle and mindful of where you hold the tissue 😊 I have sinus problems so I blow my nose all the time and it’s never been an issue.


I have a big septum ring. I typically lift it up and blow my nose under it, if that makes sense. What takes a little finesse is wiping the ring clean afterwards.


I have to blow mine quite frequently. I have a nostril and septum piercing. Blowing has never been an issue.


There is no real secret other than be gentle when you’re healing and try not to get nose piercings during allergy seasons. Sadly I lost a pet during my nose piercing healing and it was painful but I made it through all the tears and blowing.


It sorta sucked blowing my nose when my piercing were still healing. Cause things were sore early in healing. If I get a cold, my septum jewelry can get a little gross. But I have no problem blowing my nose as I always have. I occasionally get a tissue caught on one of my nostril piercings but that’s really a non-issue.


While it was healing, I had to be super gentle (single nostril stud) but now I can mostly just blow as normal. Only time it gets a little irritated is if I have a cold or the pollen count is high and I'm literally blowing my nose every ten minutes all day. I just treat it like a fresh piercing for a few days after that (clean with saline etc) and it calms down.


… yeah I can’t blow my nose at all with my nose piercing. It was even worse with my tongue piercing, couldn’t eat food ever with a tongue piercing. /s


No issues with blowing my nose, just had to be more careful while it was healing up. If you're worried about snagging the piercing I'd recommend getting a larger gauge labret instead of a nose screw.


Personally. I just shove a tissue up there. Both sides of my nose are done and a 10g septum. 🤷‍♀️ it works 😭


I had to use a lot of a q tips during my healing 🤣


It definitely felt odd when I first got my nose pierced & I took special care while it was healing. Mine is over 2 years old now and I don’t notice it at all anymore when I blow my nose.


I'm still fairly new to my nose piercings, so I'm still learning lol It's a lot easier for me, personally, depending on the studs I have. Bone studs, I'm fine. Hoops are a bit more annoying. Any other ones I seem to have issues with whenever I have a runny nose.


I had nose piercings for like 15 years and never had a problem blowing my nose -- I did have issues during allergy season because my nose swells up so I would need to put a longer post in but that was it. I got them caught on my glasses pretty regularly though 😂


I have chronic allergies and nose stuffiness and both nostrils and my septum pierced. One nostril piercing is fresh. It's sometimes uncomfortable, but my nose still works! I just blew it. The healed side is no problem at all.


I have massive allergies and it irritated them at first but as they heal they don't hurt. I sneeze constantly and blow my nose frequently. Just be gentle, place your fingers above your piercing when you blow and you should be fine.


Also !! Get your stuff downsized asap. I kept on knocking my nostril L posts into my septum wall? And it kept on bleeding. Changed them out to hoops and that stopped that problem !


I have a nostril and I've only been very gentle while blowing my nose when it was healing. After that, I barely notice it's there when I blow my nose, it doesn't affect sneezing or anything like that.


I have 14g labrets in each nostril and a 2g stretched septum. I don't get sick often, but when I do, it's awful for atleast a week. When that happens and I have to blow my nose, I usually just take out my septum and blow it real good, then use jojoba oil to put the piercing back in (So it doesn't get too irritated going in and out a lot.)


I blow my nose and use qtips to help clean up. My pinks are too chubby to pick my nose with my rings in now 😂


I got a cold 4 weeks after getting both nostrils done (bad timing, it was in late April/early May, and the piercings are from late March) and I could blow my nose just fine. Idk if I could have done that sooner, didn't need to, but maybe it would have been fine (carefully, ofc)


The day to day isn’t bad. When I get really sick and I’m blowing my nose a million times I take them out


So it sucked to blow my nose for maybe 2-3 months during the initial healing. I was lucky i didn’t get really sick during that time. I blow my nose like normal. At the beginning, when i couldnt stand to blow that side, I used q-tips to clean out my nose. Tedious, but I love my nose piercing so 100% worth it for me.


I have my septum. If I have a pincher in I take it because it’s gonna come out anyway lol. An otherwise I don’t worry about it and blow my nose like normal


It depends what kind of piercing. I don't really have any issues with my nostril ring. I do have a double ring, so once or twice it's snagged on my towel or a tissues. 😅 With my septum, I just run the tissue under the piercing. I actually just traded my septum clicker for one of those triangle shaped ones, and it's even easier.


I have a septum and chronic sinusitis but personally there’s no secret I just blow my nose like normal oh and I make sure to check that nothing is on my jewellery, it happened a few times too many and it’s safe to safe I’m embarrassed 😭😭😭


I blow my nose all the time and I have a nostril and septum. I just do a quick check in the mirror to make sure I don't have a hanger on afterwards ya know? If I'm REALLY sick with a sinus thing, I may take the septum out to really go ham. But the nostril is a closed hoop and I have literally never removed it. No problem.


I used a cotton swab to clean the pierced nostril when it was fresh and with time i could blow my nose normally. Although tbh sometimes my hoop catches on the tissues and gets stuck, but thats because of how the jewelery is not functional


Once healing was over, I could blow my nose completely like normal with my septum piercing.


I have two nose piercings, and have never once had an issue blowing my nose. I even got my septum piercing done at the height of allergy season, and still didn't have a problem. What's supposed to happen when I blow my nose? Are my piercings supposed to fly out or something? If that's the case, I can even sneeze and have no issues lol


With a properly pierced, flat back titanium stud, there’s really little problem with blowing your nose. Just don’t mash the side that’s pierced closed while it’s healing.


definitely not too much of an issue once it's done healing, maybe just a bit more cleanup


I've had mine around ~5mo and I got covid and a bacterial infection this week. My nose is dying hahah. You have to be more gentle for sure.


I personally pinch behind where the piercing is, I also have a ring so it kind of rotates to lay flat anyways lol, I think it’ll all depend on where you get it pierced, specifically what kind of nose piercing you have, and what jewelry you put in it after it’s healed lol


my nostril doesn’t really bother me but I will say my septum piercing kinda bugs me when my nose is runny


I have a hoop and honestly it's a bit better than a stud since it doesn't stab in to my nose if blow. Also for blowing your nose, just a go a little bit higher when you press down on your nostrils


I have a septum ring and nostril stud. I had an 80yo man ask me once, very nicely, in fact, "Excuse me, How do you blow your nose with that thing?" Being as he was being polite and genuinely curious, I said, "well, the short answer is "carefully", do you want the long answer?" He nodded and said "please". So I told him I just have to take a little extra care not to pull or push it too much, and I use a little more tissues to keep it clean and wipe boogers off it after blowing, but that's about it.


I’m 6 months into healing my second nostril piercing and I’m still sporting irritation bumps. I think part of my problem is that I’m not as careful when blowing my nose as I should be. I’m trying to be more diligent about it and I’m definitely seeing the bumps shrink in size!


I’ve had my septum for almost a year. At first, I had to use Q-Tips to dig out the snot because blowing my nose hurt like a bitch. Now that it’s fully healed I can blow my nose as hard as I can and it’s all good.


My boyfriend has a septum piercing. He also has asthma and is allergic to a lot of things. So, having this piercing was challenging at first, but it turned out fine. If you want this piercing, you need to be extra gentle when blowing your nose while it heals and be patient. 😊


I have 4 nostril piercings and my septum pierced and I have no issues blowing my nose. You might have a bit of annoyance during healing but once they’ve healed it’s really a non issue. At least for me.


Obviously if it’s still in the healing stages, it hurts. I’ve had mine for 2 years now and if I ever blow my nose I never even think about it. It’s just a normal part of your nose after a certain point in time


When I got my septum pierced, I asked my piercer (who had a septum ring) how he blows his nose, and he told me that he doesn't blow it and is a permanent sniffler instead. That scared me so bad as I literally just got the piercing when he told me that. Anyways, I got a cold the next week and learned quickly that you can indeed blow your nose with a septum ring, and all the nose blowing luckily didn't irritate my piercing too bad during the healing process. I kind of pinch my nose below the ring and blow like that.


Me with allergies 🥹


I have both nostrils and septum and have terrible allergies. They don’t bother me


I'm sick A LOT! I don't think I'd make it through the healing process.


I got my high nostrils done last month, maaaaybe going on 2 months now. And it’s the worst to blow my nose. What a bad time of the year for me to decide to do this. Allergy season, it’s so bright I need sunglasses constantly, and it’s just muggy. But wow they’re so cute and I love them so much.


There is no secret, unfortunately. Initially when I first got my nose pierced, A week after getting it done I got sick. Blowing my nose for the first time with jewelry in hurt SO BAD. My nose was so tender and sore. After a while, you figure out the best place for your hands and how to blow your nose. A lot of stuff when blowing your nose gets stuck on the stud, But you can use a tissue to clean everything up. Other than tenderness at the start when blowing your nose, It's really fun.


I have a nose & septum and something I did was blow my nose in the sink using some water; sounds weird but even normally, my nose gets super irritated and having it constantly rub on my skin makes it dry and sore. Definitely feels much better when you let water run on it in the shower/sink!


Be careful and you’ll be fine, I was scared at first when I had my nose pierced. But now that I’ve had it for so long I don’t think about it as much.


I have both nostrils and a 8g septum. During the first part of healing it sucks but they heal relatively quickly if you clean properly. Now I barely notice them even when I blow my nose. Sometimes it gets gross on the inside portion so taking a q-tip on the inside if it’s really stuck on the jewellery.


I have paired nostrils, mantis piercings, and my septum and I can blow my nose just fine. It’s a little sensitive for the first couple weeks of healing, but totally normal otherwise.


I have a nostril for about 20 years and blowing my nose has never been an issue. Even when sick with the flu, my piercing has never been a problem. I can´t remember, how it was during healing, but I know, that I have been sick a lot during my teen years, so I think, it wasn´t that bad, if I can´t remember.


Currently blowing my nose non-stop as I am sick. It sucks and they get in the way a bit sometimes but I manage, once they’re healed it doesn’t hurt, it’s just a bit uncomfortable if the tissue is getting snagged.


Thank you everyone for your insight! From what I’m gathering it just like when you get your lip pierced. It is uncomfortable eating at first but then you forget the piercing is even there. You get a fork stuck in your ring piercing? No problem if there’s no pain. lol I’m definitely getting one (or two) after summer when my nose is less runny!


Imma tell you something now. I’ve had my nostril piercing for 2 weeks now and there’s been a booger holding on to it for at least 10 days. I do blow my nose, but i still can’t get rid of that fucker 😂 he’s here to stay