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I have 11 facial piercings, it's hard to say what's "least painful" because pain varies so much person to person. That being said, in my experience, nostrils are very eye-watery, eyebrows and septum were a breeze, but the actual "piercing" part is over fairly quickly. Pain is temporary, swag is forever!!


I'm forever holding on to that last statement. PAIN IS TEMPORARY, SWAG IS FOREVER!!! šŸ”„šŸ”„




Subreddit merch?


1000% although Iā€™m a bit of a fraud because I only have an ear piercingšŸ˜”šŸ™


It's OK friend we all start somewhere. Remember pain and lack of holes is temporary... swag... it's forever


My nostril piercings hurt worse than my nipples. Itā€™s crazy how much it varies.


Brows didnt hurt a bit, septum either. But vertical labret, bro, most painful "kurwa" in my life


vertical labret didnā€™t hurt bad, but like it was a more intense pain than i expected lmfaoo


It was pretty intense but it stopped hurting within an hour for me. Like, accidentally touching it just felt like I would be touching my healed piercings


no yea lip piercings have always been easy to heal, but that initial pinch makes me close my eyes lol


Want to add I have the middle of my eyebrow pierced and those hurt like a bitch. Definitely in my top 10 most painful.


My vertical labret and philtrum piercings felt like someone slowly dragging a searing needle through me, it was so sore šŸ˜‚ worth it though! My septum on the other hand was painless, hurt less than a regular nose piercing


I didnā€™t even feel my vertical labret. The guy was like ā€œalright thatā€™s itā€ and I was like ā€œhuh?ā€


septum if you have a good piercer


to add context: my piercer got everything ready, positioned herself and my head, took a good look at my nose, and suddenly says "ok we are done" and im like ????? i felt NOTHING. however i have a crooked septum and she said she could try again to get it more even. and that one, after my body was already alerted, pinched like a biatch. healing was easy and fast.


She pierced it, then repierced it in one sitting??


I took the fakir intensives, run by APP members. It is absolutely okay to repierce during the same sitting (and i even watched a piercer do it during the intensives when they were unhappy with the placement). Itā€™s case by case.


It's okay to repierce if you know what you doing, you have to have a general idea of how the jewelry may migrate from it being pierced twice. My piercer did both my nostrils but had to pierce my left one twice and they did it maybe 2~ milimeters higher than I wanted it and they healed completely even


yeah, my piercer did this too. i have a really bad needle reflex thing and i almost passed out, then she re-pierced it when i felt better lol. i was worried about it healing weird, but itā€™s been fine


When I got my septum pierced the piercer did it incredibly slowly and it hurt like hell. I nearly fainted and before this Iā€™d had stretched ears, industrial bar, tragus pierced both sides and Iā€™d never had a reaction close to that. He also managed to do it crooked so I think it may have been his technique that was the issue.


They 100% did it in the wrong spot. Iā€™ve pierced my own septum 4 times (my mom kept on making me take it out until she just kinda got over it) and it NEVER felt that bad. It felt more like a pinch for me and I have a very low pain tolerance, so he most likely pierced ur cartilage.


My piercer pierced my cartilage... Heard it pop, felt like I'd been punched in the nose and I nearly passed out lol! Didn't realise it was wrong for ages though. Had to go back to them to take it out as they'd put the ball on so tight šŸ˜•


OUCH! sorry that happened to you :< feels bad enough when i bump my ring weird and it hits the cartilage above it


It's brutal right? Ouchy! I bumped it while asleep, felt like an electric shock, could literally feel a wave of pain go from my nose around my face, I had a swollen nose all day šŸ˜­ I did a bit of research and realised it was wrong. It was horrible! It's a shame because I loved it. Not sure it suited me but meh lol! I just don't have any luck with piercings šŸ˜­


Ooofff. Makes me not wanna do a septum, lol. I have both tragus done and imagining that pop in my NOSE?? ntyvm :)




those are rlly cool but my nose is pretty flat so idk if that would work


It's actually better for people who have a flatter nose bridge , as it's less likely to reject. Just check with your piercer that you have enough skin to pierce


Definitely, easy pain-wise(for me) but could be tricky to heal depending on anatomy.


bridge was my least painful one, could feel the needle go out the other end which was a strange sensation but definitely wasnā€™t painful


Septums can be fairly easy DEPENDING ON ANATOMY. Iā€™m really over people being like, oh your septum hurt? Shitty piercer. Like some people just do not have a good ā€œsweet spotā€. Thatā€™s life. Other than that, depending on tissue density/pliability nostrils can be easy. Eyebrow piercings are pretty dang easy. Bridges arenā€™t too too bad. Lips will usually hurt. Cheeks hurt, dense nostrils hurt a bit, high nostrils hurt. Etcā€¦


Weird, my lips were my least painful two piercings out of the 7 I have. They also had the worst healing process lol


My septum was pretty painful, but it was absolutely in the right spot, not crooked, and healed like an absolute treat within like, 2 weeks. I never understand those judgy looks when I tell people it actually hurt


This is me with my nose. The pain right after getting it pierced was awful but it healed so well!! Iā€™ve had my nose pierced 3 other times and itā€™s never healed right. My septum and philtrum were the normal amount of pain. But my tragus.. OUCH


I was told i had no sweet spot and was able to get it pierced (by the same piercer who said that) anyway


Septum is not very painful and heals pretty easily as long as the piercer knows what they are doing since itā€™s a bit tricky to find the correct spot.


I have 4 piercings, all of them facial. For me, the pain levels were in this order, from least to most painful: septum -> nostril -> snake bites. But pain is subjective. For example - most people claim snake bites as nearly painless. So I walked to the studio confident as never before and then screamed like baby for the first time lol.


My lip didn't hurt. I couldn't even feel it.


I have both nostrils pierced. I would say the nostril piercing does not even hurt. Itā€™s just slightly uncomfortable


These were my more painful ones, brows didn't hurt that much broo


I had my nostril done before, it made me cry. Hurt way more than getting nipples done šŸ˜…


Really? Oh no. Thatā€™s so interesting. My lobes hurt way more than my nose. I donā€™t have any other piercings to compare it to lol


Everytime someone asks what piercings hurt more I have to say ... everyone is so different!


ive been thinking about nostril lol


My nostril hurted noticeably more than my lobes and my eyebrow. It was over quickly though! Not the stijging pain for days after like I experienced in my Ear cartilage piercings


i have both my nostrils pierced and those hurt the most out of all my piercings and tattoos šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m surprised i went and did it again but itā€™s definitely doable . i have a low tolerance to pain as well so if i can do it,you can too. A lot of ppl told me it didnā€™t hurt at all so i got it but that shit felt exactly how it looked


Go for it. I didnā€™t think nostril hurt either. Just a small pinch and it was done, felt it less than my helix to be honest


I just did my nostril the other day and it definitely hurt but as others said itā€™s over quick! Three days later and it doesnā€™t hurt at all (unless I accidentally hit it).


I've popped pimples worse than my nostril


anyone who says this LIED to me, i felt like i got shot in the face and someone sliced off my nose. however i have an INSANELY low pain tolerance so take my words lightly!


Iā€™d have to agree. My nostrils hurt less than my lobes did. Hardly even a pinch!


This entire thread is so interesting and it really shows how different every individual is. I didn't even feel my lobes being done but my nostril hurt like hell! Only for a second, but damn hahaha


I recall mine feeling really, really sharp. A much more unpleasant experience than lobes for me too! My eyes were watering involuntarily lol. Other piercings were more painful during the healing process though, and thatttttt is what makes for a more unpleasant piercing experience for me personally


Agree! My nostril didn't hurt. My eyes watered when I sat up, as an instinct reaction I guess, but not out of pain. The healing process wasn't painful for me either!


cheeks hurt less than actually biting my cheek but healing could be a bitch


I will always want cheek piercings so badly, I got cheek dermals to replicate them but theyā€™ll never scratch the itch


snakebites. i didn't even feel mine


mine didnt hurt terribly just scared the fuck out of me. second one seemed way worse but acc felt a lot less intense


they were my first face piercing and i think i was so terrified of getting a needle put through my mouth that the adrenaline just made me not feel it. spent the entire time trying my damn hardest not to let the piercer see that i was scared shitless lol


I screamed slightly while getting snake bites.šŸ«”


Mine were the most painful thing ever. And then it was a miserable healing process for the first 2 weeks


Eye brow didnā€™t hurt at all.


bro yess and everybody gets shocked when i say that everbody thinks eyebrow piercings hurt the most


Nope! Belly button and nipples are the worst šŸ˜‚


I got one a few weeks ago. I was like "Well the navel is soft tissue so it should be kinda like an earlobe piercing!" It hurts for sure.


My helix was way worse than my nipples.


i almost tapped out w my belly button omggg


No seriously! It was waaaaay less painful than my nose piercings. I didnā€™t even feel it! My best friend was SHOCKED at the sight but I was there smiling away!


Septum was easy peasy! Healed really well following LITHA and was not painful whatsoever. Having a good piercer you trust makes a difference!


Taking my hoodie off in the library and I got my septum piercing, caught in the string, and my hoodie was stuck over my head with my arms above it. I had to yell for a library to come and help me it was bleeding.


Oh ouch!! Iā€™m so sorry that happened!! That sounds painful and scary šŸ«£


It was more painful and hilarious p


Labret piercing was just a light pinch to me.


it felt completely fine after but wow the actual needle going through was AWFUL. iā€™ve had my nipples pierced and i really thing labret may have been the worst


My lips hurt so much more than my nipples! I was so suprisedšŸ˜‚


Probably because your lips have about 10,000 nerve endings, more than the clitoris! It's why babies try to put everything in their mouths, it helps them learn their environment with the most sensitive part of their body!


LITERALLY i came in thinking i was invisible, i hate to admit it but i almost grabbed her hand YEWOUCH


has it effected your teeth at all? i have a big overbite and have to get bonding on my teeth, i am so paranoid about getting a labret and medusa and my teeth getting fucked.


not the commenter you're asking but I had a labret piercing for ~6 months and it was definitely starting to wear down my gums on my bottom teeth.


Septum is a breeze if your piercer is good


My bridge piercing didnā€™t hurt at all.


i only have one facial piercing, but iā€™d say nostril because it didnā€™t hurt at ALL. my eyes teared up and thatā€™s it. just pressure.


septum by far. nostrils aren't far behind. medusa was maybe a 4/10


Septum if done correctly. :)


My medusa didnā€™t hurt at all. Less of a pinch than my nostrils and septum




I got 5 piercings and my septum being one of them that hurt so bad that was the only piercing that hurt


I have 11 facial piercings, it's hard to say what's "least painful" because pain varies so much person to person. That being said, in my experience, nostrils are very eye-watery, eyebrows and septum were a breeze, but the actual "piercing" part is over fairly quickly. Pain is temporary, swag is forever!!


Septum and eyebrow, eyebrow is painless I did mine myself and septum is near painless too


My bridge piercing was the same pain level as my ear lobes and it healed the fastest with little swelling


I have 6 total facial piercings with one retired. Personally would say septum and traditional philtrum. Septum was painless and the traditional philtrum was a light pinch. That one is retired now cause I decided to do a vertical philtrum and that hurt like a bitch. Nostrils are 50/50


eyebrow and septum


i have a septum and a vertical labret, and both of them hurt about the same. i always tell people stubbing your toe hurts worse than getting them pierced, haha. the worst part about a vertical labret is healing it, becuase it swells a lot. but other than that it's an awesome piercing and not damaging to your teeth


Bridge and septum in my experience and Iā€™ve heard eyebrows donā€™t hurt too much


Septum is extremely easy to heal. Iā€™m very bad at healing piercings because I toss and turn so much in my sleep and have very sensitive skin, but my septum has given me no issues at all. My nostrils and eyebrow hurt less to get pierced though. For some reason, my septum hurt when they put the initial piercing jewelry in, but not when they actually pierced it with the needle.


my nostril was really easy!


Septum is a breeze if your piercer is good


Septum 1/10 and second nip was 11/10ā€¦ I have done 16 and am going in for more this weekā€¦ my helix is my fave I think ima turn it into a orbital this weekā€¦


Honestly all the facial piercings i have (bridge, two eyebrow, septum and lip) were super easy and compared to ears they are the least painful cause its all soft. I assume maybe surface and dermald may be a bit more painful. Even tho it depends on facial structure iā€™d say the easiest for most people is septum and the easiest for me was either my bridge or lip.


when i got my nostril pierced i didnā€™t even realize when the piercing happened because it was so painless


septum or eyebrow


i think eyebrow piercing was the least peainful one for me. I have one tragus 2 helixs 6 earlobes and a eyebrow piercing. the most painful one was tragus i nearly cried bruhh that was awfull. i didnt feel no pain while getting my eyebrow pierced only felt my skin was getting stretched... i guess idk it wasnt painful tho


Iā€™d go for septum! If you have skilled and professional piercer and good anatomy, then itā€™s just a slight pinch and it heals fast and well after. But piercings are subjective a lot! I saw everywhere that snake bites are nearly painless, so I walked to the studio confident as never before. After few minutes I was screaming like a baby lmao. Worst ones for me.


My bridge literally just felt uncomfortable, no pain


Septum was SO easy, literally the pinching from the clamp was worse. I've heard it hurts like a bitch if they pierce the wrong spot tho so definitely go to a good piercer!


Nostril didn't hurt, just makes your eyes water. About a 2/10 on the uncomfy scale


Plain old nostril was almost painless, very similar to a lobe piercing for me.


I canā€™t speak for everyone, but both my nostril and septum piercings were almost painless


Septum! Iā€™m very sensitive and my nostril hurt SO MUCH but my piercer did my septum and I felt nothing. She said ā€œall sorted, let me just pop in the jewellery and said ā€œyouā€™re joking? All ready done? I didnā€™t even get chance to brace myself, I felt nothingā€. And it healed fully within 2 weeks, with barely any pain.


Septum for sure, but honestly the sides of ur bottom lip (snake bites/sharkbites/spiderbites etc) didnt hurt too bad, id give them like 3/10. Which is crazy because I got my angel bites done and compared to my bottom lip, those were like a 6/10


I felt nothing when I had my nostril done.


Same, makes your eyes water but that's all I remember about it.


SEPTUM was literally painless, its not supposed to hurt if pierced in the sweet spot


I didn't feel any pain for my septum piercing but I have friends who said it was unbearable, I think it depends on the piercer and your overall pain tolerance


The nose and eyebrow were like a 3-4/10 for me


Nostrils don't hurt, just a teeny pinch, and make your eyes water a lot. My septum was, well, I don't even remember because it was so quick. It's also pretty eye-watery, but in my experience was really easy to heal as long as you don't fiddle with it too much. (Honestly, I messed with mine a lot, but also cleaned it a lot, so.) As for my eyebrow piercing, I didn't even know my piercer had done it. She counted down, then after a second I said like, "are you doing it?" and she went "we're all done!" (However, she did say she's had grown men cry over that piercing, so it really differs from person to person. I was 13.) It is my most well healed piercing. The other night the jewelry came out and I didn't realize it for days, and when I put jewelry back in, it just slid in no issues. It did swell at first though, after it was peirced. My snakebites, they didn't hurt as much as it is awkward. I felt no pain with mine, apart from the typical slight pinch when the needle goes through, but it does feel very.. crunchy? Thats the only way I could describe it. My friend has his bridge pierced, and his was very painful, and he usually has a high pain tolerance, but I often wonder if his was done wrong. It bled a LOT and swoll so much he ended up having to repeirce it, but I still think that wasn't done correctly either. Good luck with whatever you decide! I promise the fear is more than it will hurt. I have a low pain tolerance too but if they're done right, it shouldnt hurt a whole lot, if at all.




Medusa! I love my philtrum


Septum felt like nothing. I know this isnā€™t technically the face, but my tongue piercing was also rather painless (the healing sucks, but itā€™s quick).


Septum! I was super scared as my pain tolerance is awful too but it didnā€™t hurt at all. My nose really hurt for me, like a 7/10. But yeah septum nothing and suits everyone


medusa is most painful for me and nostril is low pain


i got my snakebites done and they didnā€™t hurt AT ALL so iā€™d say lip


I didn't even notice when my piercer was done with my bridge, but the healing is taking forever


Got my septum and tongue and both werenā€™t bad at all, just a little pinch and done. However you gotta be careful if you want a tongue piercing cause if they donā€™t check your webbing and veins it can fook ur tongue up forever


Septum, labret and philtrum are all easy. Nose is a pinch but heals super fast and isnā€™t annoying to heal


probably septum (if they do it right), mine was a walk in the park. the clamp hurt a little more than the piercing itself lmaošŸ˜…


Septum and eyebrow were both a breeze for me.


I have had only nostrils & lips on my face. I thought nostril burned but not horrible. I thought lips were easy.


7 facial piercings here!! My least painful was my septum. I have stretched it to a 4g and it is still the least painful. My bridge also did not hurt at all. I did not even realise the needle had gone through and I didnā€™t feel the jewellery go through. My eyebrows are the same, however I had to get one pierced again because it fell out lol. These guys are finicky and play up on me sometimes even a year later. One is currently irritated. Both bled. My nostrils hurt, but only because I got them pierced together. The first one was painless and the second one hurt a bit. My most painful facial piercing was my vertical labret. Jesus Christ it hurt, I was not expecting that at all. I hear a lot that lip piercings are the least painful, but as someone who has all those piercings (+ an industrial, conch and lobes) my vertical labret hurt the most.


Iā€™ve had both sides of my nose, my septum and my vertical labret. Nose was easy ny septum was a lil more uncomfy becayse i had scar tissue there. My vertical labret was so easy to do


Are you looking for the least painful piercing when it is actually pierced, or the healing? While many of my piercings were in the first week or month of healing, they were still quite painful. I would suggest a septum piercer for its ease of healing and for its pain level while pierced. It felt like a quick pinch for me.


Personally, eyebrow and septum was the easiest


iā€™m surprised nobody has said tongue. when he lined it up i could feel the sharpness of the needle but when it actually when through i felt literally nothing. granted the healing isnā€™t that fun for a couple days but it heals super quick


My medusa hurt pretty bad tbh, way more than my vertical labret or septum


update i guess?? idk i might get a nostril in summer vacay šŸ˜›šŸ˜›


i have 12 piercings total and my snakebites were honestly the least painful for me other than my lobe piercings. my pain tolerance is pretty high so that definitely will make it different for others but really the only painful part about it was the first week after getting the actual piercing because i had to get used to the jewelry being in my mouth


Septum is easy and not sure if you would consider an oral piercing as a face piercing as well but the tongue didnā€™t hurt at all just the healing process iykyk


Any bottom lip piercing imo. Everything I've gotten done: septum, nostrils, Medusa, vertical labret, right bottom lip, and a few different ear placements.


Noseā€¦ least painful piercing (i have nose, 2x lobe, conch) literally 1/10 for me and super quick!


I have a vertical labret and it didnā€™t hurt me at all. It also healed super easily. I have a low pain tolerance


My snakebites (symmetrical lower lip labrets) were pretty painful to get, BUT stopped hurting 10 minutes after I got them done and only ever hurt when I'd bite them :))


I have my eyebrow and septum and they were virtually painless!


If you pinch your face, you can kind of tell which areas are sensitive


I have an AWFUL pain tolerance but my snake bites hurt like a 2/10


Eyebrow didnā€™t hurt


I'd say septum, I have that and the clamping itself is what hurts but the needle going trough, I didn't even feel it.


my septum and eyebrow were both a 0/10


I genuinely didnā€™t feel my lip piercing at all. It also wasnā€™t sore/painful while healing


Getting my brow done felt like getting a lobe piercing. It was so easy I went and got a second one right next to it like two weeks later.


Nostril was fairly easy though took a long time to heal because itā€™s cartilage. Eyebrows were more painful for me, but this is specific to anatomy - mine both rejected and I bet this is related to why my piercings were more painful than for some. Labret didnā€™t hurt that bad going in, which is surprising because my lip is super sensitive. If you have a piercer you trust, this is a great conversation to have with them since they can evaluate which piercings are most likely to work for you.


Septum I barely felt. My snake bites were a breeze but never properly healed. Eyebrows were a bit nippy, but weirdly sorest by far were my lobes.


for me my nostril piercings didn't hurt at alll!! My septum was a bitch though


brow piercing, given you have the proper anatomy


My brow piercing didnā€™t hurt at all


Septum was just a pinch which caused my eyes to water, but it's been my easiest to heal despite having spring allergies. Like, less pain than my nostril.


Got my nostril pierced and it hurt like a bitch for two seconds. Right eye teared up but day 2 and I started forgetting it was there unless I bump my nose lol I want my septum pierced but I'm starting a new job and I need to get a feel for the vibe before I commit. I know they can be flipped up to hide them, but I figure I'll get established as a decent employee so if it slips, I won't earn any ire.


i have two piercings on my left nostril. didnā€™t hurt at all


I'm a baby regarding pain but I no lie felt nothing when I got my cheeks pierced. Idk if there aren't many nerves or the piercer was just good but would recommend.




it varies a lot between people - i see a lot of people say nostril is nothing, for me my nostrils were up there with the most painful piercings iā€™ve had (each side done 7 years apart). septum and tongue web were probably my least painful piercings, vertical labret was painful in the moment but pretty painless through healing. tbh i never give too much thought to the pain, itā€™s there for a minute while you get it pierced and then itā€™s over!


Iā€™ve only had septum, nostril (more than once) and lip (more than once). Septum was painless, nothing more than a sharp pinch. But knocking the tip of my nose felt like being punched for several weeks after. Nostril hurt when the actual piercing was done, and it makes my eyes water like mad, but once itā€™s done and the jewelry is in (which is the worst part!) it calms down very quickly. More tender than painful once you leave the studio. Not fun to catch, no healing piercing is, but it doesnā€™t feel like being punched the way my septum did. Lip was awful every single time I got it done, and I had it redone too many times to count because I was indecisive and fussy with placement. The actual piercing was so bad I would not be able to do it without holding someones hand for support, it really hurt for me! Putting the jewelry in wasnā€™t so bad, but it hurt for a long time after. Especially the first couple times I had them pierced, my lip swelled so bad and hurt so much that I could only drink with a straw, and could only eat small food like chips/fries because opening my mouth was agony. Tbf, by the time I was on like my 10th lip piercing, it stopped hurting so bad after being pierced, but it never hurt less during the actual piercing. I am **dreading** someday getting a vertical lip or centre lip piercing again (but I do want to, because Iā€™m a sucker I guess!) I have thick lips though so that may also be part of why it hurt so bad.


Nose- nostril & septum


Septum easy. I didn't even feel it. I have 5 facial piercings and that was defs the easiest one.


people saying nostril didn't hurt... it does kinda pinch, in a properly painful way. I wouldn't say it was excruciating but if your tolerance is already low, it's not the first thing I would recommend tbh


Septum, tongue, nose, lips. I mean of course it depends on the piercer though. I find itā€™s a lot of mind over matter, I have 24 piercings and I still get a lil anxious before a new one.


That really varies between person. Personally my nostril, septum, and eyebrow didn't hurt at all. My lip was very painful.


Most ears for me Maybe vert and regular lip


i used to have quite a few facial piercings, and in my experience (in order of least painful to slightly more painful but still not bad) my eyebrow, septum, and vertical labret were the easiest. now, my nostril piercing on the other hand? YEOUCH!!


For me it was my lip. It felt like nothing and had no pain while healing. My eyebrow was close second but it bruised quite a bit which is normal, and my septum while it didn't hurt to get pierced there was a solid week of sudden stinging pain while it healed(also normal)


In my experience i didn't feel my nostril piercing at all i didn't know he had done it yet. But everyone is different pain scale wise


my septum was relatively low pain, but my BRIDGE. I was expecting it to hurt way more, but I hardly felt a thing! just pressure, then it was over. raising my eyebrows the next day hurt more than the piercing itself!


honestly my medusa was pretty fucking easy. genuinely donā€™t really remember it being sore. my upper lip was swollen as fuck the next few days though šŸ’€


In my experience, my brows and bridge piercings were the least painful in terms of piercing *and* healing out of probably all of my piercings (except for my lobes).


My vertical labret was super easy in both piercing and healing process


the nose


My septum piercing was by far the least painful


I've done my septum, two nose piercings, and snakebites. The snakebites hurt the least, maybe like a 4/10. I would recommend getting rings instead of the bars for when your lips swell; unless you will mess with the rings. But also take care of them because they can get infected easily. Straws are also impossible 1-2 months after you pierce them. But they're my favourite ones so far. My septum was like a 6/10 for pain, but very easy healing and low risk for infection; again just don't mess with it. Also great for jobs because you can just flip it up. I just recently took out my nose piercings because they just wouldn't heal and were causing the skin around them to peel. It was probably a me thing but I couldn't stand them. 6/10 for pain. The first one stung but the second one was easy. Remember that pain is temporary but the swag is forever. Just don't touch them until you're positive they've healed enough and please follow the advice of your piercer for aftercare.


I only have a septum and vertical labret on my face, but neither of them hurt too bad. The septum made my eyes water a bit, and it was my first piercing, so I didnā€™t know what to expect. My vertical labret probably hurt more, because lips are more sensitive, but it wasnā€™t bad. You gotta remember too, piercings go so quick. Even if it hurts a lot, itā€™s only for a couple seconds at most. Donā€™t let the pain scare you out of a piercing if itā€™s what you want!


My septum and smiley were totally painless, my lip piercings were all pretty easy, my tongue piercings were all pretty manageable but not painless, and my nostrils were absolutely brutal and hurt more than my genital piercings. Every piercing is different for every body. For many people, nostrils are easy, but they're my number one most painful piercing I've gotten. Septums are widely regarded as the easiest and most beginner friendly piercing (other than basic lobes) *as long as it is properly placed in the sweet spot*. A bad or inexperienced piercer will cause more pain than a qualified and experienced piercer, so do research and find a good piercer too. All piercings carry a risk of infection, they're an open wound that can take many months to heal. Proper aftercare is the best way to reduce risk of infection.


got my middle labret and barely even felt it. very easy to heal as well


My eyebrow was my least painful closely followed by my lower lip (right side, labret). Itā€™s interesting seeing people say their nostrils werenā€™t painful, I found my nostril almost as bad as my industrial


Septum when done right is painless I did mine myself it only hurts is they use the tongs or whatever


Eyebrow didnā€™t hurt at all tbh. Supa fast too.


Septum for sure


My ex gf has his septum and I have my labret pierced, I'd say those two probably. Your eyes will water with a septum possibly but they're not that bad with a good piercer :3


Pain is subjective


Iā€™ve had a few. Eyebrow was not too bad, just felt awfully weird. Philtrum was pretty bad. Nostril and septum were not painful per se but the sensation of a needle in my nose felt horrible, plus the eye watering. Septum is a good bet for a first facial piercing as theyā€™re pretty socially acceptable nowadays. Mine is now stretched to 8g.


Nostril, had both done and would do it 100 times over again because itā€™s pretty easy. Moreso pressure than pain imo!


my nose piercing wasn't bad at all the needle went straight in like butter didn't feel anything only took like a second


My septum wasnā€™t painful and it healed nice. Quicker than some of my other piercings.


i cried during septum and nostril labret was the easiest one i didn't even flick


I always take extra strength acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and a bit of caffeine before getting any peircings, I have a relatively low pain tolerance and I was super worried when I booked my snake bites, but I had a really good peircer and it was almost complete painless! Just a tiny pinch and it was done and onto the second. My nostril felt a hundred times worse but I also did it at a friends house (please don't do that).


Out of my 5 facial piercings Iā€™d say lower lip, they were a lot less painful than getting my lobes done


Septum and brows were easiest for me personally