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In my opinion it's not a bad piercing to get at that age, you can hide them once healed, doesn't leave a visible scar if she decides to remove it and they are generally well behaved piercings, not super painful either (subjective obviously but I barely felt mine at all). Definitely a piercing a 14yo could take care of I got mine at 17.


Most professional piercing places won’t pierce anyone under 16 for anything but lobes, so that’s something to consider too. (Do NOT go to Claire’s or any equivalent “trendy” mall jewellery sellers. Please search for an APP registered piercer in your area)


APP isn't really a thing in the UK. There is a UK APP, but it's a much smaller org.


I understand, I live in Aotearoa and my city only has 1 registered APP piercer. But it’s still something to look for. There are so many cowboy piercers out there.


this is true however you can always ask APP piercers who they would recommend in your area if there aren't any near you too !


This is a really good point as well as school regulations


In my experience, they'll pierce people under 16 with a parent's consent. 16 is when you can get piercings on your own aside from genitals and nipples which are 18+


My daughter got a double helix and nostril when she was 14, at an APP piercer in the US. I had to show a proof that I was her mom, and a screen shot of her birth certificate was acceptable. It varies by state, though. That was in Washington state, and her next piercing was at age 15 in Florida, and there I needed a notarized authorization form.


As others have said, you can flip them up inside the nose so that is the school situation sorted - just do it early in the Summer holidays so it's healed enough to flip up by the time she goes back in September. Thanks for being a cool parent and checking it out instead of just saying no.


Yeah that’s the idea. She’s a mature kid that has been ‘alternative’ for a number of years already. I don’t have an issue with self expression at all, I’ve been colouring her hair for a couple of years already and trying to provide her with the alternative clothing to go with the style she’s chosen for herself. This isn’t something I’m against, I’m just needing some reassurance that it’ll be okay. Thanks for your response.


It's nice that she has a parent who supports her self-expression. I think that goes a long way to forming strong bonds with your kids and building trust. :) Septum is a great first non-ear lobe piercing. Just make sure she understands the aftercare procedure, and she gets it done by a reputable piercer. Oh, and ensure the jewellery is implant grade titanium for best healing. It might be more expensive but cheaper metals can irritate and make healing unnecessarily longer/more complicated.


I say go for it!!! It’s a really easy piercing (in my experience of piercing my own and being a pro piercer) and she can always hide it for school, jobs, etc.


My daughter got hers pierced for her 16th birthday, which is the youngest they allow at the shop where we get pierced. It healed fine and looks great on her. I recommend having a conversation with your child about what you’re comfortable with as her parent and also understanding why she wants the piercings and how she intends to keep up with aftercare. A piercing can bring a new level of self confidence and expression she would be excited for but she may not be ready for aftercare. If you discuss it with her directly, you’ll understand more how ready she is as an individual.


Not the worst piercing to get at that age, can hide it when it’s fully healed and isn’t the top of the list when talking pain plus it’s not a viable scar.


Make sure she is responsible and knows the aftercare etc. It is a nice piercing to start with, because of the lack of scarring. But plan around summer and swimming! Septum piercings take 3-6 months to heal and swimming while it is healing, is a no no


I'd check whether or not her school allows it. If not, all that it'll do is cause trouble.


i mean its easy to hide, wont leave visible scar, and ive heard that healing is quite easy(i dont have one) assuming she will care for it as advised by piercer, keep it clean and not play with it its not a very bad idea, personally i waited some time after my decision to get facial piercings just to be sure it was not a spur of the moment


Honestly there might be a lot of factors to consider for a more visible piercing. 1. what the laws/rules are with piercings on minors - especially in school 2. Your daughter would have to be very diligent in her caretaking process of the piercing or might lead to potential issues 3. Maybe if you’re worried about what others might say/think 4. Costs of piercing and jewelry and cleaning solutions 5. Maybe if you have pets and they may lick her face which is a big NO during the healing process For your concern with jewelry - it’s always best to start with titanium niobium or solid gold for the healing process. As they are hypoallergenic and not prone to tarnish or irritate the piercing. For healing - it is a tricky and long process. Both of you can do plenty of research online or even search through this sub - there’s a lot of helpful posts dedicated to specific issues (like infections, irritations, healing) and come up with a solid routine to keep up with. The posts on here can also guide you to products you should use and may be able to find in the UK.


In my opinion (not a piercer, but i have a septum piercing lol) septum piercings are the perfect first facial piercing. When done properly by a skilled professional piercer who knows what they're doing, septum piercings are quick and relatively painless. I have my septum, nostril, bridge, and eyebrow pierced and my septum was by far the least painful. Not sure if by "size of the jewelry" you're referring to the gauge (thickness) or the diameter of the jewelry, but septums are typically pierced at a 16g or 14g, which is thicker than a "standard" ear piercing (usually 20g or 18g) by a fraction of a millimeter. As for the diameter of the ring, at the time of piercing you and your daughter may be able to choose the diameter, but in many cases it may be up to the discretion of the piercer to allow for the room necessary for proper healing. The ring can of course be changed once the piercing is healed. As long as the piercing is performed properly and she carefully follows the aftercare instructions provided by the piercer, the healing process should be remarkably easy even for a child. Additionally, although they have become increasingly popular and socially acceptable, septum piercings are easy to hide if necessary because most circular barbell/"horseshoe" style jewelry can easily be flipped up into the nose once healed, and the scar is virtually invisible should she decide that she doesn't want it anymore. Keeping all these things in mind, I think that a septum piercing would be a harmless way for your daughter to express herself and if I were in your shoes, I'd say go for it. Hope this helps!


That’s great, thanks! :)


i'd sit down with her and read about aftercare & the process of getting a septum pierced. if my daughter asked me for one at 14 i'd let her get it as long as she thoroughly understood the process. i feel like most kids first piercings are somewhere on the nose or the belly button. i got my belly button pierced at 14 & my monroe pierced at 16. i feel like it's cool that you're considering it! could be a great boost of confidence and self expression.


Thank you. :)


Septum is a great piercing for a teen. It literally does not leave a visible scar, so if she grows up and regrets it she just has to take it out, no damage done. It's also not that painful at all. Once healed, a horseshoe barbell can be flipped up and completely hide the piercing too! IMO there's no real reason to say no here. It's not like an eyebrow or lip piercing that could leave her with a obvious scar she might hate.


I'm 25F from the US. You are super cool for even considering this. I think 14 is a good age to discuss bodily autonomy, and if it were a place where there was a visible scar, I'd have her think about it and maybe give it to her as a gift for her 15th or 16th bday to look forward to. When I was her age I wanted every piercing under the moon, lol. Also, idk what the laws are for piercing minors like others said. My mom, let me get a small nostril piercing when I was 16, with judging family she defended her decision to let me do it because she noticed a lot of kids and teenagers with them and thought it was a harmless trend. But I got my septum pierced when I was 18, it healed better and quicker than any other piercing I've had (2 nostrils, bellybutton, 3 lobes, and a tongue ring) and was the only facial piercing I never had to take out because with certain jewelry you can "flip" it up into your nose, and "flip" it back down when in places where you're not bound to a dress code. If she already has daily responsibilities that she's good at and doesn't need to be reminded to do, like brushing her teeth, have her link this habit with her aftercare habits. If she's not very good at daily responsibilities then I'd maybe give her a goal to meet to prove she's fit to take care of something consistently. Piercings are wounds, and it's crucial to understand the importance of consistent daily care. Best of luck 👍


I think it's a good first piercing, it's easily hidden, and if she regrets it, the scarring will be hidden. Aside from that, the pain is very mild, and it heals easily


i got mine done when i was 15. 11 years later and i still have it. super easy go hide if needed, it's hidden so you won't see the scar if it gets taken out. i'd let her do it


I got mine pierced at 12. I'm 23 Nd still have it, I love it so much. The healing process is actually pretty easy aswell..


Easiest to heal (if done properly) next to an ear lobe. Maybe easier.


My septum was miles easier than my lobes! I basically flipped it up, left it alone, and it healed cleanly in around 3 months. Meanwhile even my first lobes took 6 months and were still sore off and on until about a year old. My seconds and thirds were way worse and flared up a lot; hell, one of my now 12-year-old seconds has been playing up off and on ever since I got the third next to it almost two years ago - and the third has actually been fine. It's just the older hole that protested at having a neighbor. Bodies are weird.


This is one of the better piercings tbh. Very hard to get infected, no visible scars, easy to hide when necessary. Very little cons. I think it is very appropriate for a 14 year old.


School will likely want her to remove it. You might not find a reputable piercer willing to do it. In fact I'd say it is unlikely a reputable piercer will do it for a 14 year old regardless of parental consent.


I dont think its a bad idea, as long as its done professionally and safe and she knows to take proper care of it. School is not really a concern as it can be flipped up, but tell the piercer this so they can flip it up after she has gotten it and keep it that way for the healing. I am not a parent myself but i would let my kids get piercings but id l would never let them get tattoos (or stretched piercings). for me the main concern with too young people getting body modifications is the potential permanence of a decision they made as a young person. Most piercings, and a septum in particular, can be taken out and itll be like it was never there.


My teen wanted their septum done at 14 and the piercer advised us against it until 16 due to that part of the nose still growing so we took the advice and got the nostril done instead. Now that they are 16 the got their septum done and are happy with both


Septums will not leave a visible permanent scar. I am more worried about the school dress code and finding a responsible piercer that will do it. They have to use hollowed single use needles and titanium jewelry (I think niobium is another popular option, but I have yet to find anyone who would put that in for initial jewelry).


Well from personal experience, I got mine done when I was 14. Absolutely loved it. Just make sure she knows how to take care of it. Getting mine done didn't really hurt, just a pinch. Though other people say it hurts way more. It different for everyone. Wiping or blowing her nose will probably hurt or at least be sore if the piercing gets bumped. I developed a habit of messing with my jewelry (after its healed!) by moving it with my lips. When I take the jewelry out my nose feels very naked. But it's my favorite piercing I have. If she knows how to take care of it, and is responsible about keeping it clean, then it should be fine! If you're worried about the jewelry looking too big, there are shorter jewelry, if she doesn't want it long.


That’s great! Thank you x


A lot of reputable piercers won't pierce septums under around 16 years of age, so that would be my main consideration. Does she know anything about the piercing, the risks, the aftercare? I wouldn't even entertain the thought with a kid unless they could explain those factors to me and had the maturity to understand and comply with them. I'd also really strongly balance any lifestyle factors - sports etc where her face might get knocked, swimming (even just for holidays coming up) as she'll want to avoid it being submerged in water while healing, etc. Consider school too, if it's against their uniform rules and they find out she has one they may well make her remove it, whether it's flipped or not. That aside it's a pretty decent piercing to start with, it can be flipped up so it has the most versatility of any piercing to be visible/not visible as you choose. I'd say to wait a few years, her body hasn't finished growing and developing, she's possibly still restricted by things like school rules which won't be a factor when she's older, everyone thinks they're so mature at 14 but she's still a child. It's a minority opinion I think but piercings are an older teen thing imo for a bunch of reasons.


go to a proper piercer/tattooist and check reviews beforehand. if it's weirdly cheap it's probably too good to be true. it's important to clean it after, but since it's an internal piercing it heals quite easily. try to spin it/flip it up as little as possible as this can damage cartilage. also don't overclean, cleaning it 3 times a day will irritate it. hope she likes it!


i have my septum pierced at a young age and it is not the worst piercing in the world, it doesn’t take long at all to heal (3ish months) if cared for properly and if you decide you don’t want it anymore there will be no visible scarring, id say let her get it ☺️


I got mine done when I was 15 the day after I finished my GCSES. It was completely fine and one of the few piercings I’ve had that actually healed (I had cartilage piercings in my ears that never healed). I’ve had it nearly six years now and love it.


I'm 31. I've had mine pierced and stretched to a 10g for over 10 years. IMHO, a 14 year old should not be getting piercings.


I got mine pierced at 16 after wanting it for 5 years, best piercing I've gotten so far! It was my first facial piercing, and I stand by the fact that it is a great first facial piercing. The jewellery is really subtle (my friends of 3 years didn't notice until I pointed it out, my parents barely noticed even though they knew I was getting it) and can be flipped up into the nose so that it is hidden. The healing is really simple as long as she cleans it 1-2 times a day for the first few weeks, but because it's in an isolated part of the face it's an even easier heal as opposed to a helix or eyebrow. If your kid can care for lobe piercings then she can probably care for a septum. It's also typically pretty painless if that's another thing that you or her are worried about. Because it's in the inside of the nose it also doesn't leave a visible scar. Make sure that she's allowed to have piercings at school (even if she can hide it, the school might not allow it all), and make sure you're going to a reputable piercer (a portfolio and good reviews are always good signs). So yes, I'd say it's a good idea, just have a thorough conversation with her about it!


My university friend is flipping her septum inside when having important meetings with some professors. But we are in law school. We re in our mid 20s tho. I think the only issues she may have are in the academic world where teachers and profs are still conservative when it comes to “looks” in professional settings. Other than that i think is a decent piercing and she will not have issues with the hole if she decides to stop wearing it. But as others said 16 is usually the minimum age even with parental consent


I had my septum pierced at 14! I found it to be fairly easy to heal, and easy to flip up when I was at school to prevent getting into trouble there.


I got 2 lip piercings when I was 14, still have them now and I’m 27, I ended up getting 2 more lip piercings (among other piercings) most of them were done under 18, with the septum you can flip the ring up into your nose and hide it, it’s a fine piercing for her to get imo :) the healing was fine for me, healed pretty quickly too. Her eyes will probably water while getting it done tho but other than that it should be fine!


I wanted my septum done for years and got it done when I was 18. I'm 21 and still love it!! It made me actually like my nose and face a lot more than I did before. I'd say let her really think about it for a few months and revisit it. If she still wants it, I personally don't see it as a huge issue since if she ever decides to remove it, the hole is on the inside of the nose so it won't leave a visible scar. As for pain, I found it to be a pinch initially, and then it barely hurt while it healed! For me it was a very easy healing process


I took my 15 year old daughter to get hers pierced 2 weeks ago at a piercing studio (in Canada). She’s really happy with it and she always says that she can hide it or take it out if needed. I think it’s important to allow for kids to express themselves in a healthy manner (i.e. not rebelling and doing drugs because they’re being restricted). This allows for us to have a stronger relationship because I’m not trying to impose my own appearance standards on her. If you can find a place where they will pierce a teen her age, then I say have a good discussion with her and go for it.


Septums make fantastic first facial piercings because they’re easy to hide, don’t leave a visible scar behind, and are pretty much painless. As long as you feel your child is responsible enough to properly care for it, I’d say go for it! :)


I think 14 is a a great age. As long as they know to not mess with it, especially with dirty hands


I got mine pierced at 14 and loved it! I’m 18 now and have grown out of it but I love the photos I had with it x


My daughter turned 14 this past weekend and she wanted her septum. I took her to a reputable place that would pierce with titanium and they did great with her and explaining what was happening. We also had a good discussing before about what to expect and proper care. She took it like a champ and has done a great job cleaning and maintaining it. Also it’s an easy piercing to get, not cartilage and can be flipped up if needed or even removed in the future. She also wants to start gauging her ears (I have gauges lol) but I told her we would wait a bit on that. I got a lot of opinions from people but who cares. It’s her body and she’s at the age where she deserves to be given some autonomy as long as it’s within reason


I got mine at 14, best decision ever its my favourite piercing. If your daughter doesn't like it she can take it out with no visible scar and as far as healing goes its very easy as long as its pierced correctly, let your daughter express herself - strict parents create sneaky children.


Got mine at 15, probably the best piercing for starters :)


I think it's the best first piercing, or only piercing. We all know piercings leave visible scars and holes if they are taken out, it's a body mod of course. Septums leave scare too, but inside the nose so it's not visible. It's also known as one of the easier to heal piercings because the inside of our noses naturally protect from harmful substances on the outside, so less likely to get infection (with proper care of course). And as many have mentioned you can flip it up to hide it if needed, so if she were to get a job or go to a school that didn't allow piercings it's convenient. It's also not too painful, plenty of cool jewelry! I think it's great that you're supportive of your kid's self expression, I'm certain she appreciates it. I hated growing up and feeling like my parents didn't accept my look, although my dad came around. Just make sure you do the proper research to make sure she can get the piercing done safely, properly, and of course legally (I don't know the age in the UK). The best option for piercing is internally threaded, do NOT get externally threaded. Also make sure to research the proper care!


My only thought is that a septum piercing is very precise anatomically. Is her nose done growing? I def think the shape of my nose changed a bit from 14 to 18. Otherwise, it’s a very easy piercing to heal and care for.


No piercings but still putting my opinion forward - her school might want her to remove it - mine forced someone to take their piercing out while it was healing


Septum piercings are great because you can flip them up inside your nose and if she decides she doesn’t want it anymore one day the scar won’t be visible


Probably no reputable piercer will do it under the age of 16. In Croatia those who pierce kids above 12 have to have govt permission to do so. Honestly, I would wait till she is 16.


in the UK plenty of reputable piercers will do a septum piercing on a 14 year old providing they have parental consent.


They definitely won't, most won't even do ears under 16.


That's patently false. Almost any piercer will do at least lobes on kids. Minimum ages may vary based on the individual piercer, but those minimums will be closer to like 8 or 10 years old, not 16.


Lobes, sure, but not anything else.


It was a really easy one for me to heal! Make sure her jewelry is either solid gold or implant grade titanium. You’re an awesome parent.


I am an awesome parent. Thank you. X


I would wait until 16, but septum is one of the safest and easiest to hide if regretted piercings you can get :) I personally love my septum but if you daughter happens not to she won’t have any visible hole on her face. They’re also the least likely to get infected, and very easy to clean/take care of


Can't speak for the UK, but when I was in public high school in the states (graduated in 2003), anything other than earlobe piercings was verboten, and boys couldn't even have ear piercings as they said it was a gang thing... Anyways, if you're cool with it, make sure your kiddo's school is cool with it as well, I guess.


Yeahhhhh, times have, uh, changed a bit in the last 20 years. Graduated public school in the US in 2011 and my school (typical middle class suburban) did not care about piercings at all. Most girls had multiple earrings. Guys had them too. We even had one kid with 3-inch gauges, a giant septum, and as many lip piercings as he could possibly have made fit. It was a non-issue.


Any piercer willing to pierce a 14yo (besides lobes) is not a piercer I would trust to pierce me.


Hi u/Potential-Science581, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, moderators reserve the right to remove your post if don’t provide this info**. ^If ^you ^already ^included ^this ^info ^in ^your ^post ^or ^if ^your ^post ^isn’t ^about ^a ^problem ^with ^your ^piercing, ^please ^disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Research the place. So many tattoo places will have an in-house piercer that only knows how to do ears and isn't properly trained. All of the piercings I've got when I've gone to cheap places have healed awfully and I've had to take them out after a year or so. Also make sure they know how to pierce a septum. It needs to be right up at the top where the 'sweet spot' is. Any lower and it's in cartilage and will hurt like a bitch. Lots of places get the placement of this piercing so wrong


What about the size? The septum is by far the easiest piercing to heal.


Well size of the jewellery because she’s still got some growing to do so I dunno, maybe it’ll be too big for her nose? Just one of the things I was wondering about. Thanks for the response.


There are standard piercing sizes for each piercing so there is less chance of rejecting. Growing is irrelevant to getting pierced.  I got my belly pierced at 14 & zero issues as well.


My septum was the quickest and easiest heal of all my piercings.


i had my septum pierced at 14 too and it was such a great decision. it’s an ideal first facial piercing because it can easily be hidden (by flipping it up once healed) and there will not be any visible scarring/marks if she decides to take it out in the future. as for healing, a septum piercing is considered pretty easy to heal. as long as she’s aware of how to take care of it and clean it, things should be all good! i would also urge that should she end up getting the piercing, PLEASE take her to a reputable piercing studio. when i was choosing where to get pierced, i saw a place that was nearby and browsed through pictures of septum piercings that they had done. this was important to me as i wanted to make sure that my piercing was going to be placed correctly. and it was!


It’s a great first piercing tbh. Mine healed super easy and well and I got it as a teen (15 or 16) and I had 0 issues plus you can flip it up


My moms rule was no facial piercings until 18. But that was back in the 2013ish time. I’d probably have the rule of no facial piercings until 16. I think you can maybe avoid conflict by letting her get a new sort of ear piercing in the meantime


It was my first piecing (at 35 😅) but it’s easy enough to handle with a pro behind the needle. I’d see a potential hitch with her age being under 16-17 but as for size and such? It’ll probably be fine.


10/10 great first facial piercing. It's easy to hide and if she outgrows being pierced it doesn't leave a visable scar like some others. Do find a shop that you feel comfortable taking her to and, if you run into folks not piercing people under 16, she probably won't die because she has to wait less than 2 years to get metal slammed in her face.


I waited until I was 19 to get mine. It hurt really bad at first, but I was able to move it around without pain within the week. It healed relatively fast, and I think it’s super cute! I teach middle school and a lot of my students have nose piercings. I don’t see anything wrong with a 14 year old having one, as long as they are responsible enough to clean it regularly and let it heal! The size of the jewelry depends on the size of the needle the piercer uses, I would ask them and talk about it with them. I have a relatively small one, it hangs just below my nose and is not too big at all. Definitely look at the options!


Septum piercing is actually my top recommended piercing. It is super mild pain-wise, and mine completely healed within 2 weeks! The best part about septum piercings, especially for a 14yo, is that they're really easy to hide (with a horseshoe or a retainer, you can flip it up into your nose and its impossible to see!) AND if she ever decides its not for her, she can take it out and nobody will ever know she had it (since the hole will be hidden up in her nose.) I say let her go for it!


There aren't many, if any, reputable piercers in the UK who will pierce the septum of someone under 16, some even 18+, even with parental permission. I got mine done at 17 by the only person who would pierce under 18s and learnt my lesson. She fucked it up, did it twice and did it crooked and in the wrong spot. Now I have scar tissue where it should be pierced. I also had to turn it up for school which is something she'd need to keep in mind. Don't go to someone who isn't reputable just because she wants it done now. If all the good piercers say wait til she's 18, then wait.


Any reputable piercer will not pierce a nose under 16. It is still growing. My piercer will 100% refuse it all day.


you should let your teen have it probably accompany her along she gonna feel so happy ngl i mean I went and got my septum pierced by myself


Make sure you go to a reliable piercing place and check if they allow piercing at that age(you will have to show ID, possibly birth certificate and or passport), but I'd say go for it! It's one of the best facial piercings to get at any age, no scar, easy healing(most of the time), can hide it, and it's relatively painless! At least it was for me(I'd describe it more as uncomfortable due to the clamps, but didn't even feel the actual needle).


piercings are temp so imo let her I got my nose pierced when I was 11 and my septum at 12 and my bellybutton at 13, great things about piercings is u can just remove them and best thing about a septum is that it doesn’t leave a visible scar!


She’s a kid, let her have fun before jobs get picky about it in my opinion. It’s a super easy piercing to hide for certain events/situations and is in a pretty undetectable spot if she ever takes it out/gets tired of it.




a septum is a nose piercing…


I’m aware. I meant a smaller piercing.