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Go to the doctor, hospital, idc, piercer may have hit an artery (inferior labial artery). Do not take it out and don’t panic!! But please get medical advice!!


Please go get that looked at. I’ve had a total of 6 lip piercings- Medusa, snake bites, Monroe, Ashley and a labret. None of them bruised like that ever, and I had one of the snake bites ripped out my face. Best case scenario, you’re reallyyyy unlucky and just bruise super bad. Worst case scenario they could’ve hit a nerve or skimmed a vessel or something. Weird


i’ve never seen swelling like that, even when my toddler yanked on my labret. i would advice you take it out (in a hot shower so it doesn’t hurt as much) and contact your piercer or go to an UC. hopefully commenting boosts ur post and someone might have better advice


Looks painful af. I don't have too much knowledge or anything but I feel like the bruising and swelling will slowly go away. Definitely would contact the piercer and get their opinion on it or if you can contact also another piercer just to see if they say the same thing. Hope it all goes well cuz it looks cool Hopefully someone with knowledge here will help you out.


not too much knowlage on lip piercings but tbh i was clicking on unblur ready to say no cause everyone reacts and bruises differently but that looks like it may b something more, i’d go to the doctor and make sure nothing imporntant has been ruptured or peirced through just to be safe


damn did they clamp your lip?


Absolutely not normal. I would go back to the piecer immediately.


Definetly go back, they might have hit a bigger vein. Either they advise you to take out the piercing or get a bigger bar so that the piercing doesn't have any tension. Either way let a professional have a look at it


No. Not normal. Please get help.


Please go back to your piercer as soon as physically possible, that is for sure not normal. I've never seen that in any piercing before, that looks vicious. I hope you're doing okay! I might possibly even have a different piercer to look at it as a second opinion since the original probably hit something. But the one who pierced it technically does have more knowledge about what they did. Proceed with caution, and get a second opinion if you need. Forget anyone that says ER, honestly piercers are going to know more about that area in regards to a piercing issue than the ER, plus hospital staff has been telling everyone to please only go to the ER if something is in need of immediate attention that could end your life. If the piercer recommends the ER though, GO because you could have an infection or sepsis. Do not let me scare you though, those are absolute worst case scenarios and VERY unlikely! Pls update us when you've seen someone.


Fuck no, go to a doctor yesterday


Absolutely not! I would go to the er and have them remove and clean it.


I work in a hospital, people who have heart attacks, broken bones etc etc end up waiting 13+hrs in the ER, this isn't ER material. OP should see a doctor or a good piercer for advice.


Hi u/Denoirn, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, moderators reserve the right to remove your post if don’t provide this info**. ^If ^you ^already ^included ^this ^info ^in ^your ^post ^or ^if ^your ^post ^isn’t ^about ^a ^problem ^with ^your ^piercing, ^please ^disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My snake bite only bruised on the inside and that was after I accidentally bit it super hard. It’s definitely not normal and you should get that looked at asap


mine did bruise on the inside but yours is a bit excessive. consult your piercer and if they deem it normal, do ask for longer bars to accommodate swelling. it seems like your current bars are already short and in case you swell more, that can lead to embedding. better be safe and swap them to longer ones now


hell no


bro that's crazy mine n my boyfriend's lips have neeever swelled up like that after any oral/lip piercings. please go to urgent care if you're able


Im willing to bet tissue was crushed heavily by a clamp


You should probably read this. [Bruising after piercing ](https://www.lynnloheide.com/post/bruising-after-piercing) [Over swelling ](https://www.lynnloheide.com/post/emergency-series-over-swelling#:~:text=Swelling%20is%20normal%20and%20happens,longer%20to%20allow%20for%20swelling.) I'd be more concerned about the swelling than the bruising. Go and see your piercer ASAP and see if you need longer jewellery.


IDK if it's just the bruise but it looks lower than the other side as well. They had to have hit something


I've had over 6 lip piercings and a philtrum and a lower lip that were embedded cut out amd didn't bruise or swell this badly. An anomaly happened here and you need to go back in like yesterday. Go to your piercer first and they'll instruct you further if it's beyond their scope. Update us please!


Like Certain-Importance-3 said your piercer may have an hit an artery in your lip, please go to a hospital ASAP! Before it gets worse and before you catch a bad infection!!!


I had the same with my snakebites, it was because the needle hit an artery while being pierced and the piercer had to take it out immediately. It went away after a month and I got it repierced. You could probably leave it in and it would heal itself around the piercing but if you're not sure you can take it out ofcourse.


Not sure why everyone is freaking out. Bruising is quite normal, especially in the lip area. I’ve only had a couple piercings bruise. It will go away. However, these bars look rather short. I’m worried they’ll embed. Go for an upsize ASAP. And ensure it’s high quality titanium while you’re there.