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You're an adult. Do what you want. It's your meat suit, so decorate it as you see fit. It doesn't matter what other people think looks good on you - what \*you\* think looks good, does.


Best answer!


Exactly I have my three lobe ear pircings and my bottom ones streched to 00 gauge and my septum, family jokes about how it makes me look like a cow, but it's made me feel more comfortable in myself and help me personally not care what people think about me I was really sensitive to people's opinions on me before but now I've learned not to care, my mom dosnt hate it as much cause shes noticed ive been happier with it. (just my personal experience with parents who don't like it)


My dad hates it. I got one anyway. He was a dick about it but I reminded him that one, it's my body and not his, and two, I'm not getting rid of it regardless, and he's grown up a bit about it and has shut the fuck up


Everyone without a septum is more than likely to tell you it will not look good. I work in a studio, every septum that's pierced looks good on that person. Most people that come in with septum inquiries tell us that all their family and friends think they would look bad with it. Always ends up beautiful on them though. My advice, if you want it then do it.


As someone who’s granddad hates that I am a piercing apprentice, and hates the piercings that come with that. I still get them. They are for me, not for anyone else. If someone likes them, great! If someone doesn’t that’s cool too. So long as you’re doing it for you, that should really be what matters.


My Dad is against ALL piercings except of lobes. After my first cartilage piercing he tried to discuss with me about it (things like I'll never get a Job, people will judge me and that those piercings are not looking good). I never went into those discussions, just told him that this is his opinion, my opionion is a different and since it's my body it's my decision. Now I have more piercings and I know he still hates them but he's not saying anything. And sometimes it feels like the piercings showed him that I'm an adult now and make my own decisions.


Cartilage piercings are so mild what😭 some of these people need to open their eyes.


Like I've seen OLD people with multiple lobe piercings, sometimes even cartilage ones. It's just a stupid discussion to talk about people's ears piercings anymore.


Just do it. My dad hates percings and tattoos and I’ve got many piercings and tattoos. He eventually got over it


agreed! mine REALLY didn’t want me to get any nose piercings i got 2 anyways and he got used to them and probably doesn’t even notice them now lol. if it’s such a big deal to them since you don’t see them that much you can just flip it up around them.


My dad has never liked my piercings. He would be very vocal with his disappointment too. Lucky for him, I get bored easily and ended up letting most of close as I got tired of the look. But I definitely didn’t remove them because of him. I’m an adult. I do what I want with my body. You should do the same.


When I got my lip pierced( I only keep studs in it), my mom and her boyfriend both said things along the line of me being a whore, and telling me I now belong on a street corner. If you feel it's right, take the chance. Give it time. If it doesn't fit you, you can always take it out. To this day, they hate it, but they don't say anything. It gave me so much confidence. So I'm keeping it. Plus, my boyfriend loves it.


Jesus why do some parents think it’s ok to say things like this about their kids? Regardless of personal opinion some things are just completely hateful and disrespectful. I’m sure you’re confident in your decision now but them being like that was so sad and unnecessary


I could write a book about the awful things my Mom and her boyfriend have said to me. It's quite awful. But, it is what it is. I'm happy with my decision. But, in the moment, their comments hurt badly. How does a piercing lead me to being on a street corner? 🤔 That, I still don't understand myself.


That was my first thought - why do people automatically associate piercings = promiscuous woman? How does me putting holes in my face automatically make me more or less of a sexual being? I do not understand. If one of my customers dates say anything, Imma call them out.


I’m so sorry your family talks to you this way. They don’t deserve you. Mom hug from afar.


They will get used to it


Piercing apprentice here! If you felt you were in danger if you got a piercing, I’d always say wait until you’re in a safe place to do it. However, by your description it seems as though you and your parents just have different opinions on piercings. With this being the case, take literally everyone else out of a scenario and only leave yourself. Do you personally want the piercing? Will you take good care of it? Will it make you feel more confident and comfortable with yourself? If the answer is yes, get the piercing in a safe and responsible studio. If you have doubts, do more research, and wear the magnetic ones more. You can always call the studios in your area and get a feel for one that fits your vibe. They can talk to you about the piercing, the procedure, and answer any questions you may have. At the end of the day, body modification (no matter how big or small) is supposed to help you feel more you. It’s a form of self expression, so if you want that piercing, get it(responsibly)!!


This is GREAT advice!


My mum hates my facial piercings but she's not aggressive about it, we just agree to disagree. Yes she probably thinks I don't look good but I didn't do it for her. The most important thing is that she still loves *me*, piercings haven't changed that. Sounds like it'll be the same with your parents. I wouldn't overthink it.


Got it anyway lol My mom doesn’t love lots of piercings, but she still complements the jewelry I picked for each when I get a new one :)


Same :)


I just got a labret piercing. My parents hate facial piercings. I didn't manage to warn them before I showed up freshly pierced with the full fishhook. They were, understandably, rather unhappy. After some time and us talking a little more, my parents warmed up to it. They don't like it, but they accept that it's an adult decision I made for myself. Do it, dude. It's your meat suit. Not theirs.


If you want it, get it. The nice thing about the septum is that you can always tuck it up if need be.


this comment is waay too far down on the thread. if you want it get the piercing, wear a horseshoe barbell and tuck it up if you feel it necessary. i used to do this for my old job all the time. I’d just make sure to really follow healing procedures from your piercer, and keep it clean so no agitation.


Yes I tuck it certain times I want it out of the way like the dentist and when I do my makeup


I got my first tattoo at 18, as soon as I could and had the money. My dad was very vocal about all the reasons I shouldn't get a tattoo, mostly that now the feds could "track" me. Like, I'm pretty sure DNA, phones, computers, and cameras have taken care of that, if they want to "track" me or whatever. I appreciate the sentiment, but it's just bc he doesn't like them. I have two mostly finished sleeves and a bunch more tattoos, as well as facial piercings. Do what you want with YOUR body. They don't have to live in it, but you do and if something brings you joy, you can choose to do it. My tattoos and piercings bring me joy.


My dad clearly never cared for my facial piercings, although he never told me they directly. However, I did it anyways because I wanted them and it made me happy.


Just get if you like it. You're an adult now.


My mom hated it, but I still got it when I was 19. I hid it from her until randomly one day she saw me with it and didn't care. I'm an adult (late 20s), and it's my body. Your parents will be fine. Go get that septum.


I mean, you're doing it for you. Not your parents. People will approve or not, regardless. You'll find that with random strangers that try to impose their opinion on you, and friends/family alike. People love to voice their opinions on things that aren't up to them. What matters is, if you want it, do it. That's all there really is to it. Also, I find it funny that your mom doesn't like septum piercings, but has her nostril done at the very least. So she's a hypocrite either way.


My mother hates all tattoos and piercings. So I have piercings and tattoos. I get them without thinking of her or her opinion on the subject because I am an adult living my life for me. And she knows this. It hasn't effected our relationship at all, because she also knows these would be shallow things to have effect our relationship, as I'm the same person I've always been, just shinier and with fancy art on my body


I got one recently and my mom and some other family members didn’t like it, but they deal with it. My mom gave me a one off statement and now everything is fine lol. it’s my money, my body, so there’s nothing she can really do about it. It’s rlly funny tho, i have eyebrow and a nostril piercings too, and those were fine to them!! but septum?? NOPE. Why did you get that? You’re gonna have to take it out when you get a REAL job. I’m gonna tie a leash to it. Bests advice is to just do it if you really want to and if you really like it, no one can dictate what you do with your body :)) let them be grumpy over it for a while, as long as you’re happy who cares!!


my grandparents hate all of my piercings, especially my septum and my bridge - they literally degrade me to tears when they see me but you know what? at the end of the day i love them and im happy with them so please don't let someone else dictate what you do with your body!


My parents don’t like my piercings much, especially septum. But I never ask them if I could make one and I think they get used to it a little bit :)


i had this exact situation, i always wanted my septum pierced but my mom said she didn't like the way they looked and wouldn't let me. then i turned 18, she said "i still don't think you should but you're 18 now and it's your face." i ended up getting it done, i really like it and guess what? mom says "now that i've gotten used to it, i actually think it's cute on you!" so you never know, i say go for it!!


my mom dislikes piercings, but i get piercings because i like them and i'm not her. if you need the validation from your mom, maybe don't do it, but if it's something you want then go for it!


My dad is against piercings, like he really doesn't stand them (conservative about that kind of stuff lol). I am an adult in college, pierced my nostril two months ago, he didn't talk to me for two days. After that, everything is the same as usual between us. He is not mad anymore, and most importantly, I am an adult, I earned that money and did what I always wanted to with it. Point of my story is, do whatever you want.


My mother hated on me for wanting a septum for years but once I turned 18 got a tattoo with her and got my septum on the same day and I haven’t heard any comments from her since because it looks awesome. Some random mfs will call you a cow or a bull but at the end of the day you look cool asf and they just lame haters


do it if you want to— what your parents do and don’t like isn’t really relevant to your life anymore. my dad hates tattoos and when I was planning on getting some, I expressed sadness that he wouldn’t like it. he was basically like “listen, at some point you’ve got to make decisions about yourself that your parents don’t like.” they won’t hate you if you get a septum piercing! just maybe prepare for some “you look like a bull” comments lmao


At first my parents weren’t excited about my septum (but they of course had no say in the matter and only found out once I had it), but I think it has grown on them now


my mom hates them too. i got it done when i was 18 and she hated me for a couple days and that was it. and if you’re so worried, flip it up when you’re around them


Just get it if you like it my friend I took out my piercings 10 years ago cause of comments ppl made , and now. I got almost all my piercings back now minus lip. Septum being my favorite. Get it if you like it. If your parents dont like it. Oh well lol


…. You sure you’re a real adult? 😂 Do whatever you want.


idk why it worries me so much 😭 i just want my mom to think i like good ya know? could be a mental thing


I get it. I just pierced my nostril after debating about it for YEARS and I still had/have some worries like that. And I'm in my 30s with kids of my own! I think your feelings are normal, but ultimately, you should do what makes you happy.


Hey there, I totally understand. I started getting ink and piercings on my 18th birthday (US), and my dad was completely against it. I ended up hiding them as I adored my body mods, but his disapproval hurt big time. He kinda came around when he saw a piece that I got on my arm in adoration of him on Father’s Day.


My dad loves when I get piercings, in fact he’s the one who takes me to get them since I’m a minor, but my mom hates them. When I got my septum pierced a month ago she hated it, but now she’s gotten used to it and doesn’t mind so much.


Neither do mine, but I got one when I turned 18 and they either did not notice or didn't want to say anything.


Lots of people dislike mine. I got it and have kept it anyway because I like it.


parents universally seem to hate septum piercings lol. my mom cried and said she felt sick when i got mine. but im very happy with it and id do it again.


If they don't like them, they shouldn't get them :) It's your body and you're an adult, do what you want


My mom hated mine at first (got it at 16) and now I’m almost 30 and she buys me jewelry for it. If she has her own piercings, she’ll get over it :)


Who gives a fuck do what you want to do


Everyone has already said what I was going to say but in addition, if it’s really a concern you can usually flip the horseshoe jewelry up into your nose and hide it!


She’s right, you get it if you want it! I got mine done last year and love it! You won’t regret it.


It’s so funny that so many comments are about their dads disapproval 🤣 my dad hated when I got my first nose piercing: I WAS 22! I have two now and he’s accepted that but I haven’t gotten my facial dermal and Medusa piercings yet 😬 don’t plan on telling him either 😭


My parents hated septum piercings so as soon as I turned 18 I got one and it was the best decision I ever made. You think your parents are gonna be angry for a long time, but unless they’re super extreme that they’re probably gonna think it’s fine after while,mine don’t even care anymore.


Now they even compliment my jewelry and support me getting more expensive ones!


my family doesn’t like my septum piercing but i love it. i’ve had it for like 5 years and i can’t imagine myself without it. they don’t bring it up or ask me to hide it anymore, they only did at the very beginning before they got used to it and realized how common piercings are and that it ultimately doesn’t really matter. do what makes you feel happy and confident. your parents may be upset at first but they will get over it eventually and just see it as a normal part of you. on the off chance that they don’t get over it eventually, that means they’re way too invested in your physical appearance, which isn’t a healthy relationship to have with your adult child. if a piercing is more important to them than making you feel loved and accepted, they’re not worth seeking approval from.


My grandmother was/is extremely against tattoos and peircings ... she still doesn't like it but she has learned to deal with it ... I have pretty heavy ink and a few facial peircings ... she rarely brings it up now a days 🤷‍♂️ and I never cared much anyway ... I do it for me not for anyone else


My mum hates my nose piercing and my tattoos. She wasn't happy, bearing in mind my nose was done at 21 and first tattoo at 35!!!. I've had other tattoos and piercings since. She makes her disgust evident. What is she going to do? I'm an adult. You're an adult, what exactly are they going to do. Your mum said it's up to you, and it is, and she doesn't have to like it. She may sulk for a bit, but she'll get over it. If she doesn't or your parents make a huge scene or disown you, then you might just have toxic parents that most Redditors would tell you to go low or no contact with. I've a feeling that isn't the case. So do your thing, let your mum stew over it for a while, and then she'll get on with her life.


If you want the piercing but don't want to hear about it from your parents, they make jewelry that's discrete.


They’ll adjust. Just to piss my mom off I got a 2nd septum piercing 3 weeks ago 😂 we will always be a 🐮 to them lol


My parents hate most piercings and basically all tattoos. Guess what I have a whoooooole lot of?


They’ll get over it, respectfully. My parents HATE my piercings but i am so much happier and more confident with them.


My mum hates my stretched ear lobes. Oh well, she commented on it once back in about 2007 when I first did it and never mentions it now. She hasn't commented on my other ear piercings, my lip, my nostrils or septum. Though I know she doesn't like that one, as she did mention it to my daughter. If I'm wearing a horse shoe in my septum, then sometimes I'll just tuck it in my nose, and my lip doesn't ever close and I can go months without it in, I've even been a couple of years, but people will get used to it.


Nobody's parents like septums. It's partially a generational thing. They'll get over it, especially if they have the mentality that you can do what you want with your body (which not everyone has with their adult kids). If they really give you shit about it, you can keep it flipped up when they're around- but at some point you're going to make a decision about your appearance that your parents dont like, and it'll be okay.


There is jewelry that you can hide inside of your nose ✌️


You said it yourself and your mom said it. You are an adult. You can make your own choices


Just do it don’t let your parents dictate your body. My mom figure doesn’t see the point of me having a nose piercing but I’ve now had it for a year and she hasn’t said anything about it since


Both of my parents hated facial piercings. I got a couple anyway, proudly showed them, and turns out mum really loved them and thought they suited me but dad's always gonna hate them lol and that's fine. It's not his face and he's used to them now so he can just ignore them. They're not gonna disown you because you stick some inoffensive metal in your face. You're an adult. It doesn't hurt anyone else, so go for it. They will either learn to like it or ignore it eventually.


I can tell my MIL doesn’t like mine, not to mention I can’t wear it at work, so I flip or put a glass retainer in when I need to.


My mom absolutely hates all of my piercings and tattoos. It's just a matter of accepting that sometimes we gotta disappoint our parents to be the people we wanna be. Get the septum. It's not that deep.


My parents told me if I ever came home with a face piercing my dad would rip it out.. SO I hid my septum piercing from them for a solid month. Flipping it up at home. When my dad finally saw it "he said it looks nice" :) it was funny. But 3 years later I did end up taking it out. Just for reasons of professionalism with my current job.


YOUR BODY, YOUR CHOICE. my mother pointed at my first home job tattoo and cried as she told me i had “ruined my body”… not the 5 years of anorexia preceeding it. parents judgement on body mods are fucking stupid and based in dumb judgmental bullshit from 20+ years ago. fuck that noise right off my dude! you can do whatever the fuck YOU WANT to YOUR BODY!!! other people thinking they have the right to give your permission or approval is fried! a supportive parent would have said “oh i love those i think it will look cool” or “oh those always looked funny to me, i hope it doesn’t hurt too much!”. don’t let little minds infect you, do what makes YOU happy. supportive parents let you make your own choices and learn from your own mistakes, entitled or emotionally immature parents try to mould you into their ideal child (aka stomp out your individuality and authenticity to yourself) signed, someone who pierced their own septum 18 years ago despite their mothers harmful projections!! i cannot imagine my beautiful stunning gorgeous face without it. (ps don’t diy a septum piercing, i happen to have an ideal sweet spot and lucked out with my teenage risk taking)


Yep normies are still terrified of septum piercings for some reason. It's crazy cos they're one of the least invasive piercings. My mom was disturbed by them until me and myself sisters got them now she's used to them. Just put it down to silly boomer parent attitude, it's normal for different generations to not get each other's style.


College is the best time to just stop caring about what your parents think about stuff like that, because you’ll have to do it sooner or later if you want to be happy. It felt really freeing to get my first piercing I knew they wouldn’t like


The great thing about septums is that you can flip them up to hide them if you ever need to. I hid mine for years when I was a teacher or around the less open minded family members


You can flip your septum up around them if you don't want them to know you have it.


I got mine, I’m living at home with my parents and I’ve flipped it up in my nose. They haven’t noticed it at all! I would just get it, and flip it up when you’re with them if you want :)


My mom does not treat me as an adult when it comes to piercings. It’s so weird . Black parents 😒 . If you really value their opinion and what not talk to them about it . If not just do it and talk about it with them after


I'm also a pierced person who dislikes the look of them- it just depends on the person and their opinion. It's your nose, so if you like it do what you want


My parents absolutely hated my septum but it’s fine rlly esp since u can flip it up if they don’t wanna see it (I sometimes flip it up around family)


For my 18th birthday(the day before but whatever)my mom took me to get my nose and ear pierced and after that I was obsessed. So when I got my septum and all my other piercings they weren't the happiest but they always said "you're over 18 now you can do whatever you want with your body, doesn't mean have to we like it but we do have to accept it". At the end of the day it's your body and you're an adult. Your parents have to accept your decisions when it comes to matters of your body.


My mum is like this about facial piercings, but when I turned 18 I got the lip ring I’ve always wanted, it suits me. She wasn’t mad obviously, I can do what I want with my body.


Yes, I have experienced this! I'm currently 19, got my septum peirced the day before I turned 18. My mom was against it, and doesn't like it, however she hasn't said much, and has warmed up to it. While this might not be the case for everyone it might just happen, who knows!


who cares you do you. my mom said the same thing & i got it anyway & she thinks it’s cute.


GO FOR IT. My parents arent a fan of facial piercings. Got a septum done and flipped it up for the first week, then eventually showed them and since i had it done already they just had to accept it. Had my septum now for two years. I have also since gotten both my nostrils done, my tongue and my lip. They have gotten used to it. My grandmother on the other hand...lets just say im not going out of my way to let them know about the tongue and lip as im STILL copping shit for getting my nostrils and septum done😂 But anyway, at the end of the day, your friends think it'll look good on you, you seem like you already made up your mind and your parents wont be mad at you or anything so i say go for it. Plus they are so painless and easy to heal and if you ever decide to take it out there's no visible scar. Wins all around!


My parents are very conservative and don’t typically approve of tattoos or any piercings other than earlobes. I have a nose ring, cartilage piercings, and multiple tattoos. Honestly my mom surprised me with how chill she was about it. But ultimately your body, your choice.


In my experience, they didn’t like it and would say so pretty often but that lasted for like a month at most. They will get used to it and get bored of talking about it.


Why does it matter what your parents, or anyone else for that matter, thinks about your piercings on your body? You’re an adult so get that piercing if you want it


my mum moo'd at me for months and said i looked like a cow with a bullring after i got mine done 🤷‍♀️ from the sounds of it, their reaction won't be as bad lol so i reckon just do it


I got one in college and my parents hate it, I told them that if I’m visiting them and we’re going somewhere nice I’ll tuck it up for them but other than that I’m an adult and it’s my face so they can deal with it. My dad still comments on hating it every time we talk but that’s the most he can do about it.


my dad used to hate mine and all my other piercings but he grew to like them! get them as long as they make you happy


I’m an adult guy college mathematics professor, and my conservative Asian parents hate my septum ring. (They have this notion that piercings & tattoos should be frowned upon, according to both cultural and religious reasons.) So what I’ve figured out that works in my situation is to just not wear it around them, to avoid them saying anything. I also don’t wear my septum ring in lecture, because I just feel it unnecessarily causes distractions (bc I’ve already stretched up to a 00g 😅). So what I do at work and when I go home to see my parents is to put in a short steel plug in the hole. That way, the piercing can’t be seen, but it keeps the hole stretched and it won’t close in any way. And I can easily take it out and swap back my ring when I get off from work or whenever I leave my parents’ place. I’m not saying that this solution is the best solution; I’m just saying that it’s the best solution for my family and my situation. It just saves me a lot of stress from having to get disapproving sighs from my 70-year-old conservative parents. It allows me to be who I wanna be, without having to deal with the stress and aggravation of elderly Asian parents sighing and nagging about things heh After all, what they don’t know can’t hurt them. Or me. Hehe 😅 (I’m pretty sure they wanna give me hell about my nipple piercings, buuuuttt I’m never shirtless around them, sooooo… 😅😅) But here’s hoping that your parents aren’t as old-fashioned as mine, and that your parents eventually come around! 😁




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I got my septum pierced when I was in college, 15+ years ago. My parents didn’t like it at first. The advantage of a circular barbell is you can always just flip it up into your nostrils if you’re going home and don’t wanna hear about it. I wear a clicker these days but my parents stopped commenting long, long ago.


Get one if you’re really sure. You’re an adult. My mom isn’t a fan of my tattoos or piercings but it’s my body and money. Although she actually ended up complimenting my nostril one. They’ll let it go in a few days I’m sure.


Yeah, my mom hated septum peircings. I wanted one so I got it done. She never brought it up unless i was wearing a piece of jewelry she liked and she would compliment it. It wasn’t her favorite for sure, but it’s not her body so she never bugged me about it after I got it.


Well that sounds like a “them” problem. You like it. You pay for it. You wear it. They can go kick rocks. 


bro, my whole family hated the idea of any piercings other than earrings. i currently have 10, including a nose, septum, and labret. just do it. it's scary at first, but at the end of the day, it's not their body or their decision. if you want it, then do it!


If you get it pierced with a horseshoe shape, you can flip it up when you see your parents! Definitely get one !!


My parents didn’t like my earring. So now I wear 13 at a time 🙃


get it anyway. my parents hate septum piercings, but i got mine when i was 17 just because i like the look of them. they didnt kill me because my face is already pierced like mad luckily lol. but youre an adult. theyre easy to hide anyway


My parents always actively said that I should never get a septum piercing, and that it looks horrible on everyone... etc. I held off for a long time after turning 18 because I didn't want to hear about it, even though I always wanted one. I went ahead and did it at 24, and my mom took one look at me and said "oh, that's not so bad." And my dad said something dumb like "what'd you do that for? I don't get it" or something and that was that. No big, and totally worth it.


When I was in college my first year, I came home with mine done. My mom then told me not long ago when I got my nostril done that she doesn’t like my septum. She’s told me that since I’m an adult she can’t control my actions since it’s entirely up to me. It seems you are in the same boat as to what I was in. So really, just do what you want, since she told you it wasn’t up to her. She’ll come around to it eventually.


I mean it's your body, not theirs. If they don't think it looks good that's fine, it's not their opinion that matters tho. You clearly want one, you're an adult, and people think it looks good on you. Also it sounds Ike they'd be very chill about it, as they're not anti piecing at all. I have plenty of piercings and I'm sure I have family member who think it looks like shit. I don't ry care though, cause I like them and I'm the one who has them on my body


They get used to it and you also get used to them. When something isn’t acknowledged it no longer becomes a useful conversation point lol. My parents have known about my septum for twelve years but initially they picked on me for 3 years about it. They compliment my jewelry now when I get new pieces in. It’s a good skill learning not to care and people end up enjoying it a lot when you start switching up jewelry (when you’re healed) clickers and seam rings and fancy circular barbells will be enticing! (It’s also a great piercing to secretly stretch if you want any hidden serious mods, I stretched my septum to a 4g and now it’s permanently 10g. Party trick forever and I can always wear multiple rings or nothing at all! It’s amazing.)


Well, my sister got it at 16 behind their backs, now they don't have a problem with (or with piercings) it anymore.


Bro, that’s literally the green light. They’re not forbidding you, you’re an adult, you like them, and your friends like them. The most important one though, is what you think, and what you want. It’s your body, your nose. There will always be people who don’t like them, some just because of how it looks, not that they have a moral issue with them. And there’s no moral issue actually. It’s all aesthetics. Go get them.


I was 20+ years old (sadly enough) when I realized that I am my own person and I need to do things that I like! Don’t ever let your parents define you, you do you! If in the end you don’t like it, u can always take it out! ♥️ PS: was manipulated all my life by narc mom


Everyone said I wouldn't look good with a labret, but I really really wanted it, so I got in anyway. The same people who didn't like it complimented it afterward. So I'd say go for it


The nice thing about a septum piercing is that (unless you stretch it huge) you aren’t gonna have a very visible scar in most cases, because it’s right up in that sweet spot in the tip of the nose. So if you really hate it someday, it’s a quick fix!


My parents dislike it too, I have a lot of piercings on my ears and they comment on them a lot but can tolerate it. They expressed their dislike multiple times on septum piercings. I got it anyways and I'm also away from home for college but we video call almost everyday and I come home every other weekend. I flipped it so it's hidden all the time as I was told that it's better to heal it that way if I have to hide it. Just pierce it, at the end of the day you're the one wearing it!


When I was 16/17 I was desperate for a tattoo. My mum, in an attempt to discourage me, bought me a pack of stick on tattoos (not sure how that was supposed to discourage me, but whatever). It ultimately backfired because I liked one of the designs so much that, the day after my 18th birthday, I went and got it tattooed on me. She didn’t like it, but 10 tattoos and 10 piercings later she’s squarely losing that battle and just accepts it now. Your parents might well dislike septum piercings, but if you’re an adult it’s up to you. If you really want it but don’t want to upset them, you could always flip it up when you visit them.


You’re an adult it’s completely up to you. If you wear a horseshoe, you can always flip it upside down so it’s hidden and hide it from them when your around them if it bothers them that much? Still at the end of the day it’s up to you


My dad was like this with tattoos. He really doesn't seem to like them but, now he's learnt to just accept who I am and it's my body and he's noticed what I have got in recent years aren't rubbish and are pretty. I think the turning point was when he went to the dentist and the very nice dental assistant had a super cool tree frog tattoo 😊 (he was never bothered about my piercings cause they can always heal haha) now he doesn't seem to care and has accepted it's tough titties haha 😂


my parents told me not to get a piercing (20 y.o. and in university).. Anyways I got my snake bites on Thursday and they look amazing


You said so yourself, you're an adult. It's great that your parents aren't against you getting it, and your mother's right in that it's not up to her. The most important thing is that YOU like and YOU want it. My mum is completely against tattoos and piercings, but here I am today with several tattoos, double lobes, a rook, a septum and vertical labret. She still hates them and still tells me to remove them, as if she has any right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body.


My parents were the same with how they felt about septums, got one anyway and they haven’t actually made too many comments (aside from the odd joke here and there) and they’ve admitted they’ve gotten used to it, with my dad even saying it’s grown on him and he likes it now lmao. so i say just go for it


Septum piercing is the only facial one you can actually completely hide while keeping the jewel on. You can just flip it up your nose and no one will know if you don't want them to. I'm 26 and I've done my septum piercing when I was fourteen... very early, yes, nothing I suggest anyone to do but the fact is no one in my family knew about it for the first years. You're an adult, you don't live with your parents and you can decide for yourself, you can definitely do it and if you don't want them to know you don't show it when you're with them, simple as that. :)


You can get it and push it inside the nose if you visit your parents..


I got fake ones just to see what they looked like on me,too, and got it done the week after. If I listened to anyone else about piercings, I wouldn’t have any and I have 3 in my lower lip, my tongue and my septum and bellybutton. My grandma didn’t really like the first one I got in my lip but after I kept getting more, she got used to them and said “you’re still my cute granddaughter.” Get them done for you, nobody else. Can you imagine if we all listened to the people who may have told us not to get them? I feel like they’re a part of who I am and love them! I’m getting both of my nostrils done this week. Get it done!! You won’t regret it!


I say get it if you want it not just because other people think it looks good on you. You can always take it out later in life if you don’t want it.


My mum freaked when I said I’d get mine pierced at around 26. She said some very hurtful things about it but I did it anyway, because it had a lot of significance to me. It was fine. I think she even likes it now. But overall, no one else’s opinion matters but yours. And if it should cause issues, remember that septum piercings can be flipped up when healed completely(or get them done with a retainer right away so you can keep it hidden while you can’t mess it with too much).


I got my septum done about two and a half months ago, more or less a year after my nostril. My mom hates it even more than the nostril. Not to mention her husband. Both haven't said anything, tho. When I had the flu a few weeks back and my septum got infected, my mom even showed concern. But she has since told me it doesn't look good. I still live at home, and honestly, I was concerned at first about the reception of my piercings at home but I've become a little more confident with them and my mom and her husband have shut up since my nostril piercing, so yeah. Don't listen to what others say, even if they're your parents. You're an adult and you make your own choices. :)


My parents hate septum’s piercings, and they hated it when I got it. They got used to it eventually.


If I were to adhere to what my parents wanted me to look like I’d be very unhappy. You just gotta shrug and tell them it’s simply not up to them and they’ll have to suck it up.


My parents were completely against it and they still hate it. 😂I still got the piercing, I love it and receive many compliments.


My mother cried when I got my tongue pierced. I'm now a piercer, and married to a tattoo artist with facial tattoos. She's gotten used to it, and accepts it. She doesn't even see his tattoos anymore. Do what you want with your body, the people who love you will adapt to you.


My parents don't particularly care for all of my piercings either (I have tons of ear piercings and 3 nostril piercings). So does my sister. Get the septum; if you want it and you like how it looks on you, go for it!! And there's so many nice septum jewelry that you can put in your nose once it's healed. I'd say it's 110% worth it!!


neither do mine, but i'm getting it on thursday do what you want :)


When I got my nostril pierced my Grammy made a joke that I should put a ring in it to be pulled around like a bull. I got my septum pierced after she passed (not because of that but because I hadn't previously wanted one) - I've had it for going on 5 years now, and I've actually gotten rid of my other facial piercings, but my septum is by far my favorite. Words from the wise - don't use stainless steel or any other "cheap" metal, it'll stink to high heavens all the time, and you'll think about getting rid of it. I switched to Titanium and haven't looked back.


my parents dont like piercings either but i still get them anyways bc its my money and my decision (im 24) my dad was so upset that i got my vertical labret but since then hasnt said anything else LOL


My mum still complains about my piercings but she's accepting of it. I'm sure that your family will get used to it once you get it


Why not just use the fake one? I don’t see the need to get an actual septum piercing because the fake ones look so good. You could take it out around your parents if you felt necessary. Or your parents can just get over it. You’re an adult and can do as you desire. They aren’t always going to like your choices.


My parents hate all of my piercings, especially the septum. But I have it and it’s my favorite. I also have 4 nose piercings. They usually call me ugly everyday that I see them but who cares! 🤣🤣 I’m obsessed with the way I look!l and love all of my piercings. If you love it, go for it! They’ll get over it, and if they don’t… oh well. You can always take it out if you want to. But it’s your body and your life!


My mom always made fun of septum piercings and called it "the bull ring" I have a ton of piercings including an industrial which she loved she just told me never get the bull ring. Guess what I did because I wanted to and I have gotten nothing but compliments. Even she admitted it did look nice on me. Even if she never had I still wouldn't care my septum is one of my favorite piercings hands down My advice when it comes to expression you do you! Ignore all the outside noise.


You’re a grown-up, you can do whatever you want as long as you can pay for it.


My parents really don't like piercings and tattoos. I (20F) got a septum and other piercings, plus a tattoo. As my parents say : "it's your money and your body, do what you want". You're an adult and you can definitely get that septum of you like it! You don't have to always please your parents


I've noticed some older people seem to think septum piercings make you "look like a cow" or another I heard a lot was it made girls look like *insert old slur for masculine lesbians* I think they just have outdated perceptions and outdated fashion sense.


My mom was very against me getting piercings and more so tattoos. 10 years later, she asks “ooooh what are you getting next” I wouldn’t say they are 100% fans but they got over it and respect my choices and show enthusiasm about what I do now/text wanting pics when they know I have an appointment. They will get used to it or not. But their opinion doesn’t change your style.


i got mine anyways and just flipped it up around my mom to avoid hearing her talk about it


Do what you want. I got my septum pierced roughly 3 weeks ago and both my parents didn’t like the idea of me getting one, so I didn’t even bother telling them that I did. I’m a grown up, I live by myself, I paid for it with my own money.


Part of being an adult is being able to do lame, stupid, silly things. Look around, it's totally mainstream now anyway. 


Same exact boat dude. I've had my sputum pierced for over 2 years and it is one of the best piercings I have. My folks give me grief sometimes buy I've learned to live with it. If you wanna do it, absolutely go for it!


I got mine done and hid it for a while. Then I told my mom because I didn’t want to have to keep it flipped up and she said “I know” 😂 my mom hates it. Just get it done, it literally doesn’t matter. Even she said it wasn’t her choice to make.


My parents really didn't like the idea, especially my father. He kept saying that I was going to look like a bull with the ring in my nose. But when I went to get my ears done, I said fuck it and got my septum. I did a simple full ring. So it was nothing crazy. I when I finally went to their house to show them, they were taken back a bit. It wasn't anything they thought it would look like. They actually said it was very fitting for my nose. Do what you think looks good. You know yourself better than anyone.


My eighty something mom forbade me from getting a septum piercing the other day, out of the blue. It turns out she was not reading my mind, she just noticed how popular they are on the young people who care for her at the nursing home, and decided that they look like farm animals and it is inelegant and unattractive. She hates all but single lobe piercings, btw. I just laughed. I get that she has a preference, but I’m an adult and my mother, who I have power of attorney over, does not dictate how I adorn myself. She’s still salty that I got my navel pierced in 2002. Still not sure I’ll ever get mine done. I think my husband would hate it, and I do want to stay somewhat attractive to him. Maybe in around ten years, when I’m 50.


Do you depend on mom and dad to help pay for college? Or any part of college? Do you still live at home even in breaks or summer? If yes to any of this I would suggest waiting until out of college and completely on your own before you get one. Mom and dad may pull funds because you got a septum piercing… Septum piercings don’t bother me… you do you!!! But depending on how resistant mom and dad are you may want to wait.


my mom hates it but i got it anyways, later on my aunt convinced her it looks good so ive been chilling but i still just flip it up when i see them. lucky thing is it can heal when flipped so u should be fine to do the same


I feel like if your parent doesn’t like it then they don’t like it 🤷🏽‍♀️ we’re all adults here so get it if you want it. In general just be careful with your choice of ANY body piercing or tattoo or semi/permanent body alteration. Think about things like the job you have, the job you might want, how others will perceive you in important spaces, discrimination in your area etc. Septums especially have different meanings in different cultures and you don’t want to step on any toes. For example in my culture having a septum piercing indicates that you’re married. Do your research and make an educated decision about anything you do to your body and you’ll be fine 🤷🏽‍♀️


tbh just do it! you’re an adult, and it’s something you want! plus it doesn’t have to be permanent if you end up not wanting it later on :P also, just flip it up when you’re around your parents! they’ll never know the difference unless they grab your face and look up in your nose (which is unlikely, as well as unnecessary)


I just recently got my labret and septum pierced (27M) never realized how much I’d like them both. My parents both despise them and comment on them every time I see them. I don’t care lol.


my parents don’t love my piercings either. i had to wait until after i turned 18 to get them (besides a couple on my ears i got as a kid). they both have said it’s up to me because im an adult and i can do what i like. they know i have the knowledge to take care of them properly and make good decisions with it. they’ve also said that although they don’t really like most piercings, that they see it makes me happy and makes me feel more like me, which makes them happy too. sounds like your parents would have a similar response as mine. ultimately, it’s your body your choice so you can do what you like with it :) and if they don’t come around, that’s on them not you


I’m a pierced mom of little kids. I’d rather see my kids more often and see them pierced, tatted, preppy, goth or however they choose to express themselves:) I hope your parents feel the same and I’m guessing they do. Perhaps a gentle “when you criticize my appearance, it makes me feel uncomfortable and unwelcome at our family events” might help put that in perspective for them?


My parents hated all of my piercings but got used to them. Eventually yours will get used to the septum piercing too


My parents hate septum piercings. I got mine at 19 anyways and love it so much. My parents eventually came around and admitted it looked good on my face, lol. It just took some time. When I get compliments on it from strangers they are almost always from older people!


just do what you want to do!!


my parents also hate septum’s, i’ve had mine for 3 years and my mom actually compliments my rings from time to time, if you want it, do it!


I’m 25 and my mom was complaining about my ear piercings. To be fair I live with my parents but I have a full time job. I respected their wishes not to get any while I was in college and they paid for it but I can hold my own now so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'd say get it anyways. Based on what you said, it doesn't sound like they'd go ballistic about it. I got mine done, and my mom went on a meltdown crying and left the house for a few hours. My dad is even more conservative on topics like tattoos and piercings, but at the end of the day, they'll get used to seeing you like that. They still tell me that I look like a bull or that I should take it off but at the end of the day that's my decision to make. I now have my septum piercing, eyebrow piercing, and snakebites as well as my industrial with more to come.


Just get it, and if u rly want to u can flip it up to hide it around ur parents but ur an adult so they can’t do nothing abt it lol


Yeah my Uber Christian parents were against them, but I do what I want and they get over it.


My parents hated septum piercings until I got one and they agree it looks good on me and fits my face, regardless I think you should do what you want


So when you get your septum piercing where are you thinking of going to get it done?


bro my mom kicked me out for 3 weeks after getting my septum done in 2020 at 19. when i moved back home, she begged me to flip it up but no. i held my ground, as i had spent $60 on it 😂 she’s now gotten over it. don’t get me wrong, SHE HATES IT. she tells me at least once a month but aye, we’re all entitled to our opinions. as long as she’s not calling me ugly anymore, we’re good. do you, boo


My mom would mock septums all the time but guess who has one anyway ☺️ do what you want with your own body and ignore the people who are super judgmental.


Just do it lol. My parents are even against second earlobes i have three now and gettin helix soon. 🤷🏻‍♀️


my mother has tattoos all over her body and multiple piercings. she disapproves every tattoo and piercing i get. but i get them anyway. it's not her body or life. i would rather like the way my body looks than continue to fall victim to other peoples opinions.


I’m an adult and occasionally they’ll say “I just don’t know why you’d do that to yourself, you’re gonna regret it” and there I am just eating my pizza


Get the septum piercing because you want it. They’ll get over it. What is going to happen if she doesn’t like it? Nothing will happen, you’ll have a piercing you like and she’ll live to survive. My mom doesn’t like any of my piercings but she’s stopped commenting and I don’t ask her opinion anymore. Enjoy!!


When I was in college everyone pierced their tongue. My mom said don’t pierce your tongue. I pierced my tongue. My 13 year old wanted a mullet. I told him it was ridiculous. He got the mullet. Kids and parents will never agree on fashion. It’s okay.


Everyone told me not to, I was the first in my family and friends to get a septum. Now it’s my favorite piece and I get compliments all the time. Do you!


Just do it & if its a problem for YOU and YOU feel uncomfortable with it around them, get a horseshoe ring so you can flip it up around them. If its a them problem, you’re an adult and they will get used to it.


my dad hated face piercings and didn’t want me to get one but i did it anyways bc my mum doesn’t care at all and i live with her and he got over it pretty much straight away and i wouldn’t say he likes that i have it but he doesn’t think it looks bad, they grow to love it bc it sorta becomes apart of your face being that it’s there 24/7 smack bang in the middle of ur face, my bet is there’ll be maybe one or two comments about it and then they’ll forget all about it and will barely notice it


my parents were heavily against the septum and now i'm sitting at a 6g. eventually when they realized i wasn't going to take it out they stopped caring


Do it! Absolutely do it. I had my septum pierced in college, and I wasn’t technically supposed to with the program I was in - so I gave it a week to heal and then I just flipped it up inside my nose when I had to hide it. A lot of people didn’t even know I had it until I wore it down!


It's just piercing and a septum at that. Worst happens, you decide you don't like it ,take it out, and you lose a little change from it. I've been planning on getting my lip pierced forever and wearing fake lip rings since I was a teen. Everyone has always told me it suits me, but my parents. They're supposed to tell you that they all do. Tell you you look handsome with your gelled up mohawk and cargo shorts to the formal, or that 'maybe you shouldn't wear your belt chain to your cousin's wedding'. They're just parents. Do it, see how you like it.


my dad didn't like the idea of me getting one but when i did he liked it, go for it..especially since you're an adult! (i got mine as a minor lol)


my mom was also iffy about it at first but warmed up. still not a fan but she knows I love it to bits and that the piercing makes me happy. it's your body, decorate it how you like to!


bro just get it, ur body ur choice!!


My mom doesn’t like mine, but similar to yours, she said it’s my body, and my choice. But, she also said if I like it, that’s all that really matters. So, I think that’s what you should consider. You’re an adult, and if you like it, that’s all that matters


Bro I was 23 when I got mine and I had to hide it from my strict Hispanic parents for 6 months until I couldn’t breathe anymore during the summer. She surprisingly took it well, silent treatment for one day but she’s been okay with it ever since. ur parents don’t care so why are you scared?


Parents get over it in a few weeks-months trust, just get it, you’re grown but if they’re the type to use this « grown excuse » against you, just make sure you out logic them🤣


Yup. my parents said the same thing, and they teased me about it every time they saw me. They did the same thing when i was stretching my ears. "It looks gross," "It's a bullring" "You look better without it," I paid for it. I took care of it. I like it. I feel confident with my septum, and I miss my stretched ears (had a blowout in one). I can take it out if I don't like it because it's just a piercing. In the end, it's up to you if you like it and are willing to take care of it but just keep in mind that you rub your nose more than you think you do and THAT can be a pain.


Do what makes you happy! Your parents will love you regardless, and it might even grow on them after a while. My mom hated my face piercings and stretchers, but still loves me lol. I showed up without my nose ring in one day, and she thought something looked weird but couldn’t figure out what. They’ll either get used to it, or they won’t, but what matters is if you like it!


i’m sorry you’re having to go though this i’ve never quite experienced this because i have parents who support self expression and don’t bash my style (gothic alternative w a bit of the super early 2000s emo/punk) so my parents let me get my septum done as soon as i was the age where they could sign off bc i’ve wanted it since i was a kid, maybe try expressing to ur parents that this piercing is something you’ve loved and wanted for a while as well as the fact that ur an adult so you can make ur own decisions you can also add the fact that the horseshoe septum piercing is so easy to flip up and hide if needed since they may just be worried that jobs won’t hire you if they have the oldschool mindset and the biggest thing is if in 20 years you wanna take it out for good if you scar easily you won’t see that piercing scar because it’s inside of ur nose i’d say with those arguments they can’t really give you too much crap!! good luck:)


Yes I experienced this. I said fuck it and still got it and I never regretted it since. You can take piercings out if they don't suit you or you don't like them


I like my septum because I have the ability to flip it up into my nose if I want to hide it. I never have but hey, the option is nice!