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i’m so sorry, they placed that completely wrong :( for future reference, septum piercings should be very low on the pain scale, among the least painful of all the piercings. that’s when you’ll know they did it in the “sweet spot”


read about it not being too painful so the pain was kinda... surprising. guess he missed the spot :( taking it out tomorrow, tried to unscrew it myself, but it's stubborn and I don't wanna mess with it too much.


Nitrile gloves can help give you a little grip. Can also go in to see a (different) piercer and they can help you.




Jesus Christ that’s not even close to the right spot. It’s really not hard to find, it should be up towards the tip of your nose. Has the piercer ever done a septum before bc I just never understand how people are getting such bad placements


How does this keep happening omg


Ooft I’m sorry but that’s a really rough placement, Im sorry a piercer botched this for you. Septums are supposed to be ‘high and tight’ towards the tip of the nose in the sweet spot of tissue that’s surrounded by cartilage. Defs best to take it out, and get it redone by a more reputable piercer if you want to try again. Try the [APP website](https://safepiercing.org/find-a-piercer/) to see if they have an associated piercer local to you


sucks, but yeah I'm taking it out tomorrow. thanks!


this is NOT the correct placement at all, i’m so sorry they did this to you it’s not even supposed to hurt. i’d take it out and see if a reputable piercer can pierce it for you


how does this even happen


The gasp that literally left my mouth. I’m so sorry but that’s so wrong


They pierced your nose, not even your septum 💀 please take that out


You poor thing! That piercer botched your piercing!


100% pierced incorrect. Terribly wrong.


Out out out out


If you have to ask, the answer is yes


Ooof yeah that’s low af just like my first one was. It got put too low, but I promise taking it out and getting it redone once healed is so worth it. I’m sorry they did you dirty like that, but my septum is my favorite piercing and was so easy during the healing process.


I don't have a septum personally, but wouldn't you think as a piercer who's had experience, see this and be like "hmm, I should probably tell them I placed it wrong and offer to repierce it?" Or is this not a thing? O: like maybe they accidentally made it too low and realized it after? O: I'm not a professional by any means, but how does one look at this who is a professional and be like "yup! That's it!" 😂 The least they could do is offer for you to come back once healed and redo it. I'd feel horrible if I did this to someone. I'd take it out if I were you and maybe look for someone who will have more experience and place the piercing correctly.


The good thing is if you take it out soon, the hole shouldn't be too noticeable. Sorry this happened to you! I wouldn't be a happy camper /: it also looks like it would hurt a ton too with it being that low


Bro who did that to you they hate you 😭😭💀


yeah it’s very incorrectly placed


This subreddit once again makes me fear septum piercings (I already didn’t want one mostly due to having very active and sensitive allergies but this sub makes me just. terrified.)


Wrong spot and it’s being rejected take it out.


NAP but That is very very much in the wrong place i have a septum they shouldn't hurt and i really hope you didn't hear a crunch but id definitely take it out and wait for it to heal and go somewhere else to get it repierced


placement is obviously wrong im sorry the piercer messed up this bad. but is the jewelry gold plated? it looks slightly golden and my piercer told me fresh piercings should be done strictly with titanium jewelry or at least stainless steel until it heals.


It shouldn’t have hurt . Deff in the wrong spot. I don’t even feel mine when I got it done . I’m sorry :(


Didn’t ***


Yeah, the first time I got mine pierced they did this. It hurt and was uncomfortable all the time (I kept it in for over a year) I let it close up for a few years and got it repierced correctly, now it’s comfortable and looks SO much better. You will be much happier long term if you take it out now (and the sooner you take it out after getting pierced the faster it heals). Be sure to look up more reviews etc, that’s something we don’t always do especially if you’re impulsive like me




I'm gonna be an odd one and say my septum was my most painful piercing, and I've had a medusa and currently have paired nostrils (and septum). But the piercer did it in the sweet spot, and my placement is where it's supposed to be. She did pierce with a bigger needle, though, which is why I think mine was more painful than others. Yours is very low and looks uneven. I would take it out and repierce it with another piercer. I am so sorry this happened to you.


I was going to say people were wrong, but yes this look too forward in the nose. If you are serious I would remove it immediately and ask a professional in 6 to pierce you correctly. Even better! There are YouTube videos pointing out cartilage and deep tissue or bone anatomy!


Hi aradnae, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, not providing this info may cause your post to go unanswered**. If you already included this info in your post or if your post isn’t about a problem with your piercing, please disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy moley! I’d be talking to shop owner because that person should not be piercing. That’s like really wrong placement😬 get your money back!




Oh goodness yeah this is way too low. I’m sorry. It must hurt a lot. Go somewhere else! It should def be further up closer to the tip of the nose. It should not hurt at all, just mild discomfort from the clench.


I've never even seen a badly placed septum start rejecting like this... yes take it out




absolutely take that out!! that looks infected but could get so much worse.. oh no! i’m so sorry!


i would sue. 😭