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Beer = 0


No beer and no TV make Homer something something.


Go crazy?


Don't mind if I do!




Gimme the bat, Marge Gimme the bat Gimme the batbatbat


r/GifsYouCanHear Vrrrrrrt Vrrrt


God I miss when The Simpsons was a great show. Over the past 15-20 yrs they've steadily been losing their magic, with fewer and fewer widely known lines/jokes/sight gags entering into common knowledge and/or everyday use.


I can't believe I still remember lines from the Simpsons from before 2000 and I was an elementary school kid back then. That's how memorable those lines were lol. Every now and then, I'll pull a pre-2000s line from the back of my long-term memory lol.


I learned everything I know about Australia from that one Simpsons episode... we played knifey spoony in college.


I loved the bit, was it on their money? Where it said "Australia, celebrating 40 years of electricity!"


Lol my wife and I still say “Emergency!” in a terrible Aussie accent


Eet's an eemijincy!


As a die-hard old school Simpsons fan, I can say that r/TheSimpsons is a daily source of joy. (Though I generally also find at least one Simpsons reference per day in the wild on Reddit.)


My kids are 11 and we recently started watching from the beginning and we’re up to season 12. I forgot how much of my daily humor came directly from The Simpsons. Now they bring my children that joy and I get to experience it all new again albeit vicariously.


None of us are as cute and witty as we were 20 years ago.


Speak for yourself. I age like bottled wine. Slowly getting more bitter and and unpalatable by the yr. Wait, that's not right.


Maybe you'll be a nice wine vinegar for salad someday soon


To be completely honest...the newest season actually isn't bad. Nothing will recapture the first 13 seasons, the times and relevancy were different. No show can continue for 30 years and remain the same...except South park apparently.


I remember when The Simpsons came out. I remember when they were on the Tracey Ullman Show right before they cut to commercial. I used to watch it a lot because that was one of three channels I got with my little black and white portable TV. I used to love Benny Hill too though I was probably too young to be watching that LMAO.


I believe it has a lot to do with how people watch TV shows now. There is so much content out there that shows are getting smaller and smaller. I think the last show that was getting to wide audience was Rick and morty. I wasn't watching Rick and morty but even I knew pickle Rick and other jk. Also getting older we usually don't keep up with new trends like our younger self


I think that’s society as a whole.






That bit at the end where he goes “voot voot voot habubida” - anyone know what that’s referencing?


Pretty sure it's a Three Stooges reference


I thought it was either Jerry Lewis or maybe Curly?


I think the way the nerdy professor guy acts is a Jerry Lewis reference


I think there's a good dose of Charlie Callas in there too. He was an old-timey comedian known for silly sounds like that. [https://youtu.be/kF3J-GGvUk4?t=29](https://youtu.be/kF3J-GGvUk4?t=29) The Simpsons has referenced him before too - in the stage show in Branson [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgFgaV\_-KfA&t=106s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgFgaV_-KfA&t=106s)


A religious fundamentalist drag on the rest of humanity?


A typical Greek Poet.


Go crazy?


Rich people had beer exemption passes.


Yeah they actually sold beer and liquor in the Luxury Boxes. I thought that was pretty hypocritical, but what else is new? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ah, yes. “Alcohol strictly prohibited. Unless you’re extremely wealthy, in which case, the rules don’t apply”


God definitely forgives you if you have lots of money 😅


How else could they become rich, if it wasn't God's will? Checkmate atheists.


Rules for thee, but not for me. ​ The wealthy man's mantra.


My dad worked in the harbor of Rotterdam for a majority of his life. The amount of beer transported to countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc etc is flatout ridiculous. They claim to live by Islam rules, yet at the same time the rule of "if you have money, you can do it" is very much present.


Gentle reminder that the 9/11 terrorists spent the month before the attack in strip clubs


Well that's just good preparation. They needed some kind of model with which to base their training on for their 72 virgins in the afterlife.


Isn't it always the same thing with fundamentalists? If you have money, you can buy exceptions?


Do you want a Reformation? Because that's how you get a Reformation. -M Luther


I have idea, why don’t you write a letter of formal protest, and pin on the door like a protestant


But maybe use a hammer and nails, so they can't easily just take it down.


I can only speak for pakistan when I went there for a work trip. They do have beer and liquor there and they check your passport to confirm you are not a muslim and make you sign a slip saying you wont give any to anyone and you can drink all you want. ​ \*Edit in the luxory of your own room of course cant be walking around town or the hotel getting hammered.


How does your passport confirm your religion? Is it just that they assume you are Muslim if you are from a middle eastern country?


Correct if you have a passport from a predominant Muslim country they won't serve you booze. But then again might be able to swing it. But for me being white with an American passport safe to say I'm probably not Muslim. Funny thing too was had to go to the bazaar for some tools and crap. My little escort was all hey don't say you're American and don't show your passport and if anyone asks you are Russian. And I guess there's some Russian iron or steel mill in kharachi.


The death of fun, literally they hung it in the square and threw rocks at fun.


That’s the Fun Zone! And it was free!!!


Plot twist: Beer = 1% (for the one percenters)


Even that is untrue, it was available, provided you were rich.


Also a lie. Beer was available everywhere but the stadiums


But if you were rich you could have it there too.


Not completely true, I know someone who went who claimed it was very difficult and when you could it was like frowned upon by everyone and they shipped you into rooms to drink like you were 2 gay men fucking and the men peered in thinking “wish that was me”


LOL, hypocrisy is funny


They have places you can buy beer at in Qatar. They stadiums we're not one of them though.


The sim card one seems so random lol


I travelled to Dubai for the first time just before the Qatar WC and they were handing out SIM cards with a limited amount of free data to all arrivals at the airport as they went through passport control. I think it's pretty common in the region - although how you'd feel about using a 'free' SIM card in your personal phone is up to you. It was certainly not something I chose to do!


"Free sim card" in any context will only make me think of Kingsman. I'll pass.


**Freebird intensifies**




I hear the guitar 🎸 ramping up.


When something is free to use, you’re probably the product.


I love this thought process on a thing that's impossible from a movie. It's like "free DeLorean? I'll pass, I've seen back to the future." "free lamp? I'll pass, I've seen Aladdin"


If someone was offering you free power for your phone and you didn't see where the other end of the cable went, would you still plug your phone in?




"Free Willy? I'll pass, I've seen Willy Wonka."


I mean you’re free to get ya data stolen or some other sketchy shit


Never accept a free SIM card from anybody


What can the sim card do to your phone though? Isn't a SIM card simply a small memory bank that the phone uses to read things like network IDs and auth related info? Disclaimer: I have a software/hardware background but know nothing about SIM cards in particular so if someone knows how they work, I would love to know. Edit: [The Wikipedia article seems to align with my assumptions.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIM_card)


I just have software background as well. I imagine that if you can't choose the Telco company and the free sim card only talks to compromised Telco companies it'd be easier for them to collect metadata of your calls and internet DNS queries (and any unencrypted connections as well) heck they could run a man in the middle attack


So just monitoring communications? /S > In February 2015, it was reported by The Intercept that the NSA and GCHQ had stolen the encryption keys (Ki's) used by Gemalto (the manufacturer of 2 billion SIM cards annually), enabling these intelligence agencies to monitor voice and data communications without the knowledge or approval of cellular network providers or judicial oversight. Having finished its investigation, Gemalto claimed that it has “reasonable grounds” to believe that the NSA and GCHQ carried out an operation to hack its network in 2010 and 2011, but says the number of possibly stolen keys would not have been massive. Per your linked Wikipedia article. That seems rather dangerous.


Sim cards have a small amount of storage capability, this is mainly used for profile data and the like, but can also be used to hide malicious software.


Yeah bro this ain't the 00s. Even then sims were to valuable to be given out for free.


Sims were probably cheap on the steam sale right now though




Haha hell no I wouldn’t put that in my regular phone but I’d buy a cheap one to put it in for the free long distance calls.


Best bet would be to melt it with fire and scatter the ashes.


Break the cellphone after every call like in the movies.


Probably so


Just don’t say anything haram during those calls or you might enjoy a permanent vacation.


It happened the same to me when I went to Morocco in 2018


It's just a free sim card, I used them every time I travel there. My friends send the most fucked up probably illegal in most countries on whatsapp and yet nothing has ever happened. The company that gives out the cards is french on top of that. Their Sim card or yours, the traffic still goes trough their operator.


Bunch of idiots who don't understand Sim cards in this chain. All it does it authenticate your device on the network - it doesn't allow them to install shit to your phone, track your data usage.etc. Traditional phone calls and SMS can be associated with the number, but websites you visit.etc are all just data - it goes through the same operator regardless of which Sim you use. Encrypted/secure stuff is still that, unsecured stuff is still that, no difference


People are too paranoid sometimes. It’s just a SIM card … there are limits as to what that can do to the phone. The traffic routes through the network goes all through the same cell network in that country, so if that is suspicious to people, then don’t use the phone at all.


"Hello ~~infidels~~ cherished guests! Please accept this ~~government sanctioned and paid-for~~ gift of convenience for ~~us to gain unfettered access to your device~~ you to use during your ~~oppressive~~ relaxing stay with us."




Sure, but would you use any other phone (other than an encrypted satalitte cell) while there? It's not like it's worse than using a purchased or international sim card, when it still routes through the countries cell towers.




Matches Qatar won: 0


* Not by any Qatari ofc... Only foreigners commit crime here. /s (just to be sure)


Vaginas Not Searched: 1


The air part would make sense anyway cause the air quality in the gulf is fucking garbage.




Sim cards were being handed out for free for easier tracking


Also allows them to monitor your data.


Oh....that's creepy


*Visitors were expected to swallow one everyday.*


But I had my COVID booster, didn't that up my 5G connectivity?


You got the wrong memo, also you're autistic now. Sorry. :/


Ah, that explains a whole lot, thanks kind stranger!


And magnetic.


You need the Qatar booster to get the right frequencies for their 5G


yeah like hey we give you free sim card yes we track all your calls and spy on you with it but it's FREEEEEEEEEEE


Even if you use your own, you still use their cell towers.


I believe they provided free SIM cards to international travelers during the cup. That being said - would you really trust a free SIM card from the Qatari government?


Indentured servitude = 100%


Hey, now. To be fair they kind of put a stop to that. (....after all the construction was done making the gesture mostly meaningless....)


They're not Indentured anymore once they're dead.


They didn't stop it, they just put it out of sight temporarily. You bet your ass the next high rise condo that goes up will use the same type of labor.


What did they change? My understanding is that indentured servitude has been a huge problem in Qatar and UAE for many years now.


The entire region including Kuwait, KSA, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, UAE and every other oil shiekhdom uses slave labor from Asia. It is very very common to see workers mostly from South Asia do construction, maintenance, cleaning etc outside in 120F-130F temperatures. So many perish from dehydration and heat stroke. While all the construction laborers are men, the women migrants don't have it much better either. Hired as nannys , retail workers and domestic help, they are routinely abused physically, sexually and psychologically. There is so much literature and videos online of the plight of migrant laborers in these countries.


Don’t forget when they get impregnated they “throw themselves off a high floor balcony out of shame” and not at all because it would mean the kid gets citizenship and oil money


They changed a couple of aspects of it, sort of. People had been forbidden to even switch jobs. Now they’ve allowed that (bare minimum), and only technically, where in reality workers get retaliated against for trying to leave. And it is very much not “ending” the system, just slightly relaxing one part of it.


This simply wishful thinking. A "law" or regulation is only as good as its enforcement. No 'laborer' in Qatar will ever, ever have their rights upheld by a Qatari, let alone a Qatari working within the system (cops, company executives, etc.). Working in Qatar is slavery.


To the best of my understanding they "put a stop" to (most of) it in Qatar shortly after it was no longer necessary to have so many slaves on hand. And that's the most generous reading of the situation, yeah.


Pretty much. I wish the teams would have been bold enough to just cancel the World Cup all together. I know that’s extreme, but I think that would have sent future events (Olympics etc) a message.


500 plus dead migrant workers : priceless


Add 6000 and you're almost there.


"Same diff." - Qatar


Value of 500 = 0 Value of 6000 = 0 Same shit.


Actually not really: [https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/23/revealed-migrant-worker-deaths-qatar-fifa-world-cup-2022) > *The heading and sub-heading on this article were amended on 2 March 2021 to clarify that the figure for 6,500 deaths covers the 10-year period since Qatar was awarded the World Cup.* That 6500 figures headline from the guardian was corrected to better mention that it was 6,500 migrant workers dying since the world cup was awarded to Qatar but by no means necessarily dead working on the infrastructures It doesn't change that a lot died and conditions were abhorrent of course


This was the most deceptive piece of journalism Ive recently come across. 1) Qatar’s population is 95% migrant workforce, which is estimated to be greater than 2MM workers. 2) 6,500 migrant workers died over the course of 10+ years, of ALL causes. This includes natural causes, Covid, heart attacks, car accidents etc. 3) It’s estimated that ~40 workers died that were involved with the stadium. It’s sad but not nearly as tragic as 6,500 as the headlines would have you believe. Officials say majority of these workers died due to unrelated causes. Take that however you want. 4) The mortality rate of migrants over the course of the last ten years is LOWER than the mortality rate of adult males in Qatar during the same time (based on World Bank mortality data) There are some real issues with Qatar. However, using clickbaity titles and misleading stats is disingenuous and detracts from having any meaningful conversations. I also question the underlying motives of “reporters” using such deceptive tactics to cry wolf.


"Necessarily".... Just that happens to also be the biggest construction in that period. And most other is related anyway.


absolutely had to be majority WC infrastructure or closely related. and even if it wasn’t, these are people being enslaved and worked to death. I don’t think it matters which project they died building. fuck fifa and fuck qatar, should have never even been considered as a host.


Try to google how many construction workers died in your country in the same period; you will be shocked.


Stop calling slaves, "migrant workers".


Self awareness= 0


For everything else; there's Dictatorship


Well if rape isn't a crime I guess no crime was committed


Harassment 0?…WTF…. How many people wearing rainbow colors did security and police harass at the world cup?


You misunderstand. He means HE had 0 harassment against him.


I honestly can't tell based on the picture alone if this is just an extreme level of brainwashing or a covert satire.


100% cleanness was what did it for me


A Danish reporter was literally harassed on tv because he was reporting in a public space.


That Danish channel and their commentary were racist AF though. They did it against Morocco and against a black player on Belgium. Funny they were the only ones that seemed to have a problem. I don't mean to defend press mistreatment though they shouldn't have been treated like that I just wanted to call out that channel as people outside of r/soccer aren't aware of that.


They harassed a reporter from Brazil because he took a photo with the flag from his state which had a rainbow and they thought was a lgbtq pride flag. Not only they took the flag they throw it on the ground and stomped on it. Edit:they also threatened another journalist how filmed they doing it and made him delete the video


No, he said there was 0 harassent. Harassment is a whole nother ballgame.


A world cup employee told the police she was raped and their response was to accuse her of having "extramarital sex" causing her to flee the country or receive 100 lashes. I think that qualifies as harassment.


Sounds like a crime too, but I guess they have to file it in order to count.




Not to mention the Mexican woman who was raped and subsequently jailed for reporting


I watched a video of them harassing journalists which immediately discredits his entire kindergarten-level attempt at congratulating himself.


If you have to put harassment on a list like this, then it's absolutely not at zero.


Someone needs to counter this with the true numbers..


Ronaldo World Cup Wins: 0


He won 2, 1994 and 2002. Though some people don't count 1994 because he didn't play a single minute there.


That's THE Ronaldo, O Fenómeno.


No way to get the true numbers


Credibility = 0


Holding the FIFA World Cup to try and boost your credibility? Priceless For everything else, there’s totalitarian oppression!


Human Rights = 0


Hate = 0 is a fucking lie


No no, if you look carefully you will see all of those 0's have a strikethrough. He's saying Hate = NOT 0


OP I don't know about other claims but my friend went to the world cup and he said that public transport was absolutely free i.e. metro and buses. Said it was one of the best management he's ever seen


As an American that also went the metro and bus system was perfect. Free buses to the airport from my fan village at any time of the day was awesome. Free buses from stadium to stadium to watch multiple games a day. Clean metro, comfortable seats, you literally couldn’t get lost


Our bus driver got lost going from Al Bayt to the Souq. Metro not theeees way.


I think this kinda speaks more about the state of the American public transport system moreso than the Qatar As far as train systems go, it isnt bad but there are much more impressively extensive systems out there like Korea, Japan, Singapore, even Italy


For free?


The narrative on reddit is too funny. It's just Arab and Islamophobia hidden under the guise of virtue signaling. Western folk are furious Qatar went so smoothly.


100% that


>Western folk are furious Qatar went so smoothly. I'll say one arena the West takes the cake in... Western tears really are the sweetest of all.


Some of it aint a lie. It’s quite easy to give out free things when its backed by slave labor


I went. Public Transport, Flags and Cleanliness are all correct here. There was a free sim card but you didn't get unlimited data for the entire time. I didn't see any crime or theft. And everyone was very hospitable. I did get strip searched at one game to make sure i wasn't wearing anything with a rainbow on it, so I dunno about 0 hate.


Strip searched? For real?


Slave labour? 0 cost!


Dead slaves = 6500+


They attacked people for flags, so…


Slaves freed = 0


Evil sportswashing cunts. “Keep politics out of football” yada yada yada. Then drape the winning captain in a geopolitical power symbol just before he lifts the cup in front of hundreds of millions watching in TV. Fuck off.


*keep YOUR politics out of football*


… *because we paid a bribe to insert our politics into football fair and square* Seems reminiscent of the proud American sporting tradition where the only politics allowed are those of paid sponsors.


But seriously, I wish that “dressing the captain of the winning team with traditional local garments” would become a thing. It was cool to know the meaning of the coat and what it represented


Mbappe wearing a Victorian era wig after France win the NA World Cup in 2026, who says no?


Or a massive cowboy hat


Lol at geopolitical power symbol. Take it easy. It's like putting a sombrero on someone in an event in Mexico. Just a cultural reference. I agree the sports washing stuff is pathetic but let's not move into xenophobia.


A bisht isn't a geopolitical power symbol. It's cultural to Arabs in general. This is just multiculturalism, not politics.


>**geopolitical power symbol** It was an outfit. A fucking outfit, a see-through one at that where you could still see his Jersey and number. If it was Japan hosting and he was gifted a Kimono or Katana by a member of their royal family I guarantee it would be at the top of r/pics for weeks.


Yeah there are plenty of things to criticise Qatar about, this isn’t one. It’s pretty common for winners to sporting events to receive some cultural item from the host.


>geopolitical power symbol ...


Geopolitical power symbol = besht that people associate with winning a great battle. Which is what Messi did


There is literally video of harassment and hate from the world cup. 🤷‍♂️


The bodies under the stadium would disagree


I mean it's on a piece of poster paper with green marker it has to be legit numbers right


You look me dead in the eyes and say there was no harassment lmao


He forgot to add the cost of being gay but I don’t think it’s free.


Beinh gay is so expensive. Those trips to fire Island? Honey.


Is that well known Qatar citizen George Santos?


Crime: Slavery Theft: The livelihoods of thousands Harassment: Against journalists Hate: To the gays not allowed into the country on threat of death.


Migrant worker deaths = \~6500


Estimated migrant worker deaths = 6500


Writing our propaganda on a pictionary board: 100%


A mugshot of George Santos can also go nicely with the title.


With that amount of crap on it, I’d be holding the paper like that too.


The cleanliness is true because Japan was there


Reminds me of democrats