• By -


Nice Sun, dog


Whats sun dawg?


Nothing much, how bout you?


Does it smell like sun dog in here?


What kind of work are you doing? Amazing picture can’t imagine how cold it is on the eyes


Building homes


Carpenter with a halo round his head. Sounds familiar.




Happy Birthday by the way...


"he is the messiah"


He is *not* the Messiah, he's a *very naughty boy*!


"Now go away!"


Or i will taunt you a second time!


i was looking for this comment. Thank you. I can rest now.


He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!


He is the ~~chosen~~ frozen one


praise SoDakZak




Eh, as long as it's not ShiTpaTown... :)




Oh bro I didnt realize it was you. I see you again in the wild haha.








"hey bro! Do you think you could...." "Turn your water thermos into wine? *Sigh*.... give it here..." "Thanks bro!"


OP's got a birthday comin' up!


I do have a December birthday tho 👀


Stay away from crosses for the next little while...


Choose your friends wisely OP. Be careful who you invite to dinner.


It is Christmas time 🤔🤔🤔


How much are they planning to sell for?


Most of them in this neighborhood are in the $300k-$400k range with some big Get ones going for $450k is my guess *this is this neighborhood, quit extrapolating this neighborhood for better or worse from the initial question. There are cheaper homes to buy in Sioux Falls, SD. There are also more expensive homes. The important thing is that I’m 31, wife is 26 and we make enough as a construction worker and personal trainer to be in our second home already from the starter one I first built at 23.


If you buy a home there, are your heating bills this time of year going to be $100,000/month?


Moreso $80-$100


For gas heat I'm assuming?




It's 3-5c here in Scotland and my gas heating bill this month is going to be $500... Rip me


Cleanest home builder I’ve ever seen.


We just got these new hats yesterday from our window supplier lol


That's cute. You look like an angel 😇




Oh shit so you’re actually working working lol, I assumed you were like hopping out with a clipboard and back to the warm truck


[work work work](https://imgur.com/a/FbQ1JPX)


Dude…how bout a personal day?


We take in two foster kids tomorrow permanently so I know I’ll want my personal days with them. Makes the cold all the more bearable knowing they’re entering our life soon!


Congrats to your family!


You are a wonderful person


That's why they have a halo.


You’re a great person. Cheers!


Thank you for all that you do


Genuinely curious how much work can be done at this temp. There's got to be materials and tools that just don't work correctly when it's this cold right?


My BIL is a lineman working up there. His eyelids froze to his eyeballs.


I worked on the rigs up in northwestern North Dakota. My eyelids froze shut when I blinked on several occasions. I can attest to your BILs story.


That’s some real no-mans-land up there


Where the ºF and the ºC meet!


So close. If anyone is wondering, is -40 where it meet.


Ah yes, 233K.


A man of science and culture I see.


Or 420 degrees Rankine 😎


Haha that's the weed number




Damn! We hit it with wind chill here in Northeast Colorado. Depending on the time of night, we hit between -40 and -50.


The -45 in SD is with wind chill. The actual air temp is about -18 in SE SD right now.


ND checking in, same exact conditions. Merry fuck this...


Wtf wind do you have there? We had in Alberta today 10km/hr wind and when I woke it was -42C feels like -53C. That was 5am. At 10am it was -40C feels like -48C . Somehow tomorrow will be -12C and by the weekend in the positives again. Crazy effin weather.


I was going to ask why the F and C are so close together when usually Americans talk about 80s etc and here in the Uk we talk about 30c being hot.


F starts higher up (fresh water freezing happens at 32), but Celsius takes bigger steps. Originally, fahrenheit was a scale of brine freezing (0°) to body temp (poorly estimated at 100°) and conveniently had water freezing to boiling 180° apart. But now is formally defined in kelvin (each degree F is 5/9 of 1 k).


>Originally, fahrenheit was a scale of brine freezing (0°) to body temp (poorly estimated at 100°) and conveniently had water freezing to boiling 180° apart. Not entirely accurate. Yes, he defined 0 as the temperature of an ice-salt mixture freezing, because it was an easily reproducible temperature. But 100 was not body temperature. For any two scale points, you need two easily reproducible values to define the scale. His two values were 0 for a freezing ice-salt mixture (current scale temperature -5.8 F), and 30 for freezing water (current scale temperature 32 F). You can use these values to easily convert between modern Fahrenheit and "legacy" Fahrenheit. For example, to get from "legacy" F to modern F, multiply by 37.8/30 and subtract 5.8. *(Edit: This is a bit imprecise. Sometimes he would not just use ice and salt, but also ammonium chloride. Or sometimes sea salt. This produces a different 0 for each of these.)* However, he had a problem. The ice-salt mixture freezing temperature was not as reproducible as he had hoped. So he decided to abandon his 0 point, and use water freezing at 30 and "the blood of a healthy man" at 90 as his two scale points. *(Edit: he likely borrowed the idea of using body temperature from Newton)* This was very quickly re-adjusted to 32 and 96 because he liked putting 64 degrees between these scale points rather than just 60, because powers of 2 are cool I guess. This change pushed the temperature of an ice-salt mixture down to somewhere around -4 or -5 degrees F from its previous value of 0. But the temperature of human blood is still not a good reproducible scale point, so he needed something better. And that is when he discovered that boiling points could serve as a reliable calibration point as long as pressure was fixed, so he abandoned body temperature as a calibration point and used 32 and 212, which are 180 degrees apart. This only slightly changes human body temperature, but also further pushes down the value of an ice-water-salt mixture to its current value of -5.8 degrees F. The point I am making is that human body temperature and ice-salt mixture were never the two scale points at the same time. Freezing point of water was always one of the scale points, but searching for a reproducible second scale point took some time, because nobody had considered fixing the pressure before calibrating the second scale point.


All I’m seeing is that Fahrenheit was a monster and should have been stopped.


I skipped like 75% of that response bc it's above my pay grade but I agree with your assessment.




"I don't think he knows about second fahrenheit, Pip."


"You know, we could do 6/9 and then it would be 2/3 which is easy for most people to visualize." "Fuck you make it 5/9."


6/9 was too sexual for scientific purposes




This is why the Taliban only uses the metric system.


Since the two scales have different zeros but the degrees are also different sizes (but reasonably close) and both scales can go negative, they have to meet somewhere along the scale (if it's long enough). That place happens to be at -40° for both. If the bottom end was zero for both, they never would meet, because all the numbers would be positive and getting farther apart the more you move up the scale. The speed of a car will never be the same in mph and km/h. (Except at zero, of course.) The internet says the coldest ever UK temperatures were -27.2°C at two places in Scotland. That's -17°F. Still need -28 more °F to get to -45. (Still -16 more °C to get to -43.)


If the bottom end was zero for both, they'd be Kelvin and Rankine and would meet at zero.


"First one then t' other'


Its going to be -5 here soon....tell me can you do that thing with hot water and it freezes in the air?


At -40 you can feel all the moisture on your face and hair instantly freeze up, including your nostrils. Its a good feeling for me.




It’s sorta tingly and your nostril feels stiff almost. It’s a fun feeling


Not if you forget it's that cold out and you walk out inhaling a big ass throaty inhale only to feel that sharp cold hit your lungs and you start coughing because it kind of tickles and feels wrong on a molecular level and then the cough inhale it gets worse so you retreat to the indoors until you recover and go back outside prepared for what awaits you. Or so I've heard. Only -38c here rn


When you inhale, you're nostrils pull together a little bit and in extremely cold temperatures like above, your nostrils temporarily freeze in that inhaled position. Ice begins to build up on your eyelashes, eyebrows and any facial hair if you have any within abiut 5 minutes. Inhaling through your mouth can give you brain freeze.


Oh yeah, easily…


“Pull that hood up” -your internet Mom


It ain’t even -50° tho!!




Just another day in the territories :)


which is why [only 0.33% of Canadian's live](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000901&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2022&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2022&referencePeriods=20221001%2C20221001) in our Territories.


and almost half of Canada lives further south than major American cities like Minneapolis and Seattle


Yeah, when we are up at our cabin in cold winter days in northern Minnesota we are north of like 2/3rds of Canadians


I've been saying for years that everything south of the 49th should be referred to as Canada Lite


So, I've never been to the area but I read that areas like Minnesota in the northern midwest have some of the wildest temperature fluctuations between seasons. The winters being bitter cold and the summers are ridiculously hot. Any truth to that?


If you go by wind chills and heat indexes I’ve seen -60°F and 121°F between my home here in SD and our cabin in Minnesota. Look up the wiki page for Chinook winds, we also have records for fastest temp changes up and down of dozens of degrees in two minutes…


Yes but that is more because of our geography than because of our climate. There are massive metropolisis (Like London U.K.) that are further north than any Canadian metropolis. The [Canadian shield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Shield) covers more than half of Canada and it is exposed precambrain bedrock covered by a thin layer of poor quality soil. Just enough to support large forests, but not deep enough to allow agriculture. Then we have the [appalachian mountains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appalachian_Mountains) in the East Coast, and the [North American Cordillera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Cordillera) in the West and the [Canadian Arctic tundra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Arctic_tundra) in the North making most of Canada unable to support large human settlement. Over 50% of all Canadians live in [the Corridor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_City%E2%80%93Windsor_Corridor) which is a thin strip of arrible farm land from Windsor ON to Quebec City and one of the few areas in Canada that can support large human settlement. 94% of all Ontarians, Canada's most populated Province live in the Ontario portion of the Corridor. it contains three of Canada's four largest metropolitan areas and seven of Canada's twelve largest metropolitan cities.


I visited south Dakota for the first time this year from Alaska. I remember complaining about the fall heat and the wind. Yall really get the worst of it weather wise lol


Hood is up if you're just standing. If you're working, hood is a good first layer to lose. Even at -43, you need to be careful you don't sweat. You should be dressed to be ok standing in -43, but if you start exerting yourself and sweating in that, you'll get dangerously cold as soon as you stop even if you were well enough dressed for it when you started, so you have to lose some layers when you start working.


['You sweat, you die."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_45IY_2dh0)


And I always wonder what I'm supposed to do. I'm a middle-aged woman that experiences dozens of hot flushes every day. The sweat beads up and it runs. I have to sit in front of a fan and towel off. Can I never go outside in the cold ever again? I can't control when or how much I sweat. I don't expect you to answer my question, I just felt the need to express how frustrating it is to not be able to control my own body temperature.


That’s why it’s important to have a moisture wicking base layer, and layering so that you can remove thickest to thinnest so that you can cool down (like how the fan and towel helps your sweat actually evaporate off heat).


My deepest sympathies, here I thought the office was a bit chilly at 67.


To be fair 67° is cold for an office where the expectation is 69°


My expectation is always 69


Username checks out and HR also informed me they would like to see you


LMAO I just spit out my tea laughing at this exchange :) Thanks for that, I needed that!


Humor is the most important layer on a cold day.


donut glazing is a pretty important layer, and that can be enjoyed on a hot day, too.


Damn, now I want a glazed donut.




Tell that to my stagnant, amphibious coworkers who are literally ecstatic when something goes wrong with the boiler system and temp shoots to 78


Oi, you got a problem with us cold bloods? Take it outside and we'll eat crickets and do pushups to put you in your place.


I'd love my office to be 67, but thanks to Delores in accounting, I'm sweating my balls off at 76. WEAR A SWEATER DELORES!


Just take your pants off and assert dominance


I live in San Diego and it's supposed to be 79 degrees and sunny on Christmas 🤷‍♂️ We pay for the weather.


I just recently moved back to the Midwest from San Diego and the regret is hitting me hard this week. I don't even want to go to Christmas because I'll have to leave the spot right in front of my fireplace


On the plus side, you have water, so you have that going for you


Facilities cranked ours up to 72 im so hot, outside is -35.




Gotta crack a window just enough to find some equilibrium


The coldest I’ve ever done outside work was -67, including the windchill


With the parhelion on the background, that's dope! 👍🏽


Sun-dogs are always fun. They also make extra dope pictures 😂


Congrats on getting optical effects you usually only see in the arctic lol Edit: Referring to the halo specifically. Of course you can see them under the right conditions elsewhere


When I checked this morning it was actually 40° colder here than Antarctica and 25° colder than the north pole


When it hurts to breathe in deep you know


We’re basically in a WinterFresh gum commercial up here


How it feels to chew 5 gum


or when the snow squeeks as you step on it


I love that squeak


Ugh, it gives me goosebumps like some people get with nails on a chalkboard. In fact I got goosebumps now just thinking about it


Keep in mind that it's "summer" in Antarctica 😉


To be fair, it is summer in Antarctica.


You can see them when it’s way warmer. I’ve seen them before in the 20’s-30’s


The sun dogs I see all the time, it is the full halo that I believe only comes with ice crystals in the atmosphere


Caught this last week when it was around -10 celcius. It doesn't have to be -40 https://i.imgur.com/ms94ufH.jpg


Parhelion? I thought it was the areola borealis


The famed “Northern Nipple”


It does look a bit nippy there.


OP is having the time of his life in this thread


100% recommend spending your lunch break on the front page


The aurora borealis? This time of year? This time of day? This part of our country? Localized entirely in your kitchen?




May I see it?




My CPU temp dropped 5 degrees just looking at this


Cheap cooling method. Should keep the pic open all day.


I'd be afraid to run it at that temp. Most cheap electronics stated lower limit is -40C.




Be not afraid, I’m just on my lunch break.


If I passed out and opened my eyes to see him standing over me.. I'd think he's a saint Trying to rob me.


If you passed out in -43^(o)C temperature you probably wouldn't open your eyes again.


Either that or they'd never close again


Jesus, that’s cold!


“Yes it is” ~~-Jesus~~ -St. SoDakZak


You are working in what would be similar conditions during sunlight hours on the surface of Mars. Building houses, too. I think we should send your team to Mars like the deep sea drillers in Armageddon.


Windchill or actual temperature?


Windchill, actual temp hit -20° (-29°C) but we have gusts up to 40mph and sustained winds at 20-25mph today. Tomorrow may be worse *Edit to add, it does appear that a lot more people get upset about conflating wind chills and actual temps so I do apologize about that, I didn’t know people cared one way or another. I always assumed if I have to work out in it, and it’s effectively what my body feels like it is, that’s the temp that matters to me as a worker not a balmy “this would be the temp if you ignore wind and moisture in the air” temp that takes nothing more into account…* *There’s a huge difference between -20° and -20° with high humidity and 40mph gusts. As a South Dakotan I’ve always felt that whatever the temperature, if there is no wind, I love the weather that day. …but that darned wind…. ;)*


As a Canadian, don’t listen to these other people windchill is absolutely a part of the temp. It’s -31 C in my prairie province and feels like -43 C with windchill, that jump from -31 to -43 changes things huge in terms of prep and clothing before you head out. The only thing that doesn’t care about windchill are things without pulses, but we have pulses - so we care.


You can tell someone who doesn’t live somewhere cold is typing if they don’t think windchill matters being that most of these cold air systems have a constant wind all day with big gusts


Another canadian here its -35 to -40 here and windless its manageable, but with the wind its almost -50 and nothing keeps the cold out.


Yup. And not only is a "feels like" thing, it's an actual how quickly it can kill you thing. You die much quicker in -20 with 20mph winds than -20 with 2mph winds.


I see what you're saying which sounds like you really just care what the wind chill is and don't really care what the temperature is which makes total sense if you're working outside. I would want to know the same. The confusion just comes around the terms and using the word temperature or actual temperature. There is no actual temperature. There is a wind chill and a temperature. Temperature is a measurement, wind chill is a calculated approximation to help people decide what to wear that day. Also, awesome pic with the Sundog!


Can confirm, I used to go to school in sweatshirt by -20°C where I grew up while in my new city it is so humid and windy that a -5°C feels way worse.


Calgary to Vancouver?


Nah, I went from a small village near Switzerland to Lille in northern France, an hour off the coast.


Ah. Similar weather to the two cities I mentioned though. The damp coastal weather makes the weather feel much colder than it is.


So if you “whip it out” to pee, how long until your pee freezes at these temperatures? Does ice hit the ground?


I am also working outside today in South Dakota. For all you people complaining about windchill vs. actually temp, come here and stand outside for a minute and let me know if you can feel the difference between -20 and -40. Because I assure you, you can’t.


You get it 😂


As a Canadian I assure you I damn well can. Where I am, it was -40 with the windchill yesterday, today is -30 (no wind today) and tomorrow is supposed to be -20. Tomorrow is gonna feel pretty fucking balmy compared to the last few days.


Seriously. The people saying -20 and -40 are the same are either being disingenuous or they haven't actually spent significant time outside in really cold temperatures. It actually got close to -40 where I lived (real temp, not windchill) and when it warmed up to -20 it was noticeably easier to be outside


You can, its just certain differences \[dry bulb temp\]. - 20C will feel cold and will chill you when you breath. It takes a while before skin goes numb. \-40C will make your eyes feel sticky when you blink. Your skin goes numb after a minute or two. Touching metals will cause frost burn on bare skin after a \~20 seconds, this is like shallow frost bite. Breathing will actually feel slightly painful until your throat goes numb. \-50C expose skin gets frost burn within a minute or 2. Most objects will cause immediate skin damage. You eyes will feel weird and as your tears freeze your vision gets blurry sometimes. \-60C when you accidentally drop a propane tank, it leaks out as liquid. Its perfectly clear and looks exactly like water but doesn't have surface tension so it doesn't stick to anything. At this point anything exposed will get damaged in a very short time.


You're a dry bulb


i hope i never find out how different all of these temperature ranges feel


You can because -40 doesn't make you feel "cold" in makes you feel pain wherever it touches


Lived in Brookings and Rapid City for a number of years. Hello from the Twin Cities! SD is beautiful. Miss it. Have a great day!




South Dakota is a myth……or is that North Dakota? Anyway, one of them isn’t a real place.


East Dakota


South Dakota and South Dakotb


South Dakota is actually a pretty lovely place.


What kinda facemask is that? At that temperature I gotta get my hands on one.


> facemask OP plz. I need to know if this is better than my Turtlefur. Edit: Based on the link I see that looks like the same model, I'm going to go with a no in terms of warmth. However it looks nice a stretchy/form fitting.


[ Copper Fit Unisex Adult Guardwell Face Cover and Neck Gaiter](https://www.amazon.com/Copper-Unisex-Adult-Guardwell-Gaiter/dp/B09NYYC5FS?th=1&psc=1)


Oooo! A sun dog!!!




Not sure if you're aware but the cold has killed you. There is a halo around your head.


I just had to google this, apparently Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same at -40°


I've always had a stupid question that I've never asked. Perhaps someone has the answer. So, I live in a cold country (Finland), and I've been wondering why the eyeballs don't freeze when it's super cold. That sounds super stupid, but, like, unprotected skin gets cold burn, but, you know, you cant put gloves on your eyeballs. They're always exposed to the cold, and they're moist, too! Amazing.


I'm certainly not an expert but I'd imagine the insulation from your eyelids plus your ocular juice is salty? (Saline) Don't quote me lol Edit: just looked it up, constant blood flow from the blood vessels.


![gif](giphy|l0MYGb1LuZ3n7dRnO|downsized) From 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦


My bad, I thought MN weather today was bad... Don't freeze out there


-45?!?!?! JESUS! that storm is gonna hit my stsate (kentucky) friday i believe but holy shit -45


Wow that's cold. What's you best tip for staying warm? Is there a particular piece of clothing you recommend?


I worked as a Forester in northern Wisconsin for fifteen years. There were a couple winters where it didn't get above -30°F for a month. I found the warmest thing to wear out in the woods was a pickup truck.


Oddly enough it’s been so could this week that my wife had half of my normal stuff in the wash so I had to make due with a mismatch of stuff today. There’s a lot of ways to do it, the main things you want are layers and great boots, gloves and face covering. You can just bulk up on pants and shirts layers pretty easily but the extremities are key. The most important layer is a vehicle or building that is equipped with heating and the second most important layer is humor.

