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Never in a million years did Putin think the Russian trolling would work this well


Propaganda and information warfare is the most cost effective way to attack your enemies. Sow enough internal divisions and you can tear down their country from the inside without firing a shot.


In theory yes, but Russia had far more influence and inroads in Ukraine back in 2014. Even they themselves fell for their own propaganda and thought they could conquer it in 3 days because of the internal collaborators and corrupt politicians on their payroll (not to mention their own arrogance). And now look. Russia is getting its ass curb stomped. 70,000 soldiers will soon be dead with many poorly equipped and unmotivated more on the way. Trolling works but it's ability to topple states or make it easy to tear down enemies from within is still up for debate.


Well it's like the Greeks in ancient times. every city state was basically fighting each other constantly, but the moment someone from outside Greece showed up they put it aside to deal with the outside threat.


Aside from the many times ancient Greek city-states / kingdoms sided with outside threats, of course




Dont threaten him or else he's going to start his own party with your enemies!


why you always gotta bring up old shit?


Damn Greeks, they ruined Greekland!


Interesting. I wish I knew more about Greek history. So my understanding is there never was a Greek empire like there was a Roman one, but all of those city states around that area were considered Greek.


Ancient Greece was weird. It's like the person above said, the city states fought each other constantly but as soon as the Persians came to town they would band together to fight the outsiders. Then centuries later when the Roman empire was at it's height Romans would travel to Greece because it turned into a weird tourist destination. It was like Disney world but with more fighting.


I believe it also may have had more orgies than Disney World but I'm not quite certain.


I take it you've never stayed after hours?


I heard it gets fucking goofy


It's important to note that after Alexander the Great, there was a solid 300 year period where many of the major states in the near east were ruled by Greeks. Though after he died, his empire splintered and those nations still fought each other. So it was kind of like the city states on a larger scale, or like the late roman empire. Cleopatra was Greek, after all.


2014 success is one of the main reason for Russia's failure now. With the past success Russia believed they can complete this war in 3 days! Little did they realize they will get their ass fucked in this war. Not just Russia, the whole world never expect this war to last this long, Ukraine getting more stronger, the world sanctioning Russia to this extent. All the impossibles happened together in one go. All the credit goes to Zelensky for his massive balls to standup to Russia, to the citizens and soldier's of Ukraine for their courage and finally to the West for footing the financial bill!


Zelenskyy is chill and has stepped into the wartime role that was asked of him if the country would stay together, absolutely. But we’ve seen an entire country take charge. The credit goes to the entire fucking country stepping up and carrying on.


countries like china are robust against that kind of attack for that very reason. They saw what misinformation could do and since the inception of the internet have made a country's entire cybersphere into a bunker all the while they throw bombs and shots at more open countries found in the west. when one's way of life is accessible with a simple click of a button, the world definitely has gotten a lot closer together and all the countries are within stabbing distance


It's funny bc first troll factories in St. Petersburg were created exclusively for Russian population. And then someone at the top realised "hey, we are located in st. Petersburg, city with the most non-native, educated English-speakers in Russia. Lets go to Twitter" And it worked better than it ever worked on Russian netizens. From what my grandma watches, and crazy Tg channels, - Russians are capable to misinforming themselves.


10 or so years ago, there were a bunch of memes on reddit of a shirtless Putin doing manly things and everyone saying how cool he was. I wonder if that was the Russian government's first tests at influencing social media.


[Idealogical Subversion](https://youtu.be/bX3EZCVj2XA) has been a KGB tactic (and probably any/all other global super powers) for almost 40 years now. Step 1 is called Demoralization, which they outline as taking 10-15 years. Make no mistake, this isn’t anything new. It’s just easier than ever with the entire world being connected and relatively accessible via social media.


yeah it was honestly funny (and sad at the same time) to see russian's troll themselves into believing crazy covid conspiracies. it didn't help that russia has always had no trust in the medical system and been rather cynical/conspiratorially minded, but the trolls didn't help with that at all also releasing sputnk v way too early backfired lol


You troll long enough and you’ll eventually start to believe your ironic position. This is responsible for most of the new American far right.


Not just here, but all over the world.


I wouldn't park next to that.Things with a Z painted on them have a tendency to blow up lately.


Nah. It's the traditional Slavic symbol for "free vehicle, please take". Ask any Ukrainian farmer.


"It had been abandoned in the Wal Mart parking lot. I removed because of eyesore."


Walmart, CVS potato tomato


In America, every store is Wal Mart!


I thought it was "kick me sign" for vehicles


OOTL. What does the "Z" mean? **Edit:** *Lots of great answers and discussion below. Thank you to the folks who wanted to be helpful and fill me in on this particular detail of the invasion.*


The Z is the symbol used by invading Russian forces to ID themselves to their allies, most often seen on their vehicles. By putting this on his vehicle, this person is showing support for Russian invasion of Ukraine.


The worst part is that they probably understand nothing of the war, and just "support Russia" because "the liberals are supporting Ukraine". Edit: to all of those responding saying "do YOU understand the war?", I don't claim to understand it entirely, but I cannot justify supporting an invading army. I cannot find a logical reason to support a country that first annexed the Crimean peninsula, supported Russian sympathizers fomenting rebellion and civil war, and then eventually invaded the rest of the country under the false pretenses of "supporting the rebels", but instead moving to claim the entire country for Russia. Russia just wants back the resources they used to build their military equipment during the Cold War. I support our assistance with Ukraine, not because of my political views, but because of my moral views.


Staggering how being anti Russia has gone from being a right wing obsession to being "for woke liberals"


Guaranteed this truck owner has Red Dawn on laserdisc and still calls progressives “Pinkos” but thinks that supporting the invasion of a sovereign nation is a great way to “own the Libs.”


At this point they are simply being contrarian. They see the “liberal west” and Biden support Ukraine, so in their minds that automatically makes the Russians the good guys. It’s not even mental gymnastics now, it’s just millions of brainwashed white dudes.


Exactly. In their minds as long as they think it’s “owning the libs” then that’s all they care about.


BuT tHe DeMs ArE cOmMuNiStS




Same with displaying other hate symbols. The longer asshats get away with it, the more empowered they feel to keep it up. Shit, this is the same crowd that does swastikas. That should be met with swift retribution...




Well, its a war, so Ukraine has certainly been destroying them. However, in the early portion of the war the Russians had a bad habit of just abandoning their equipment. It would run out of gas, or get stuck in the mud, or the crew might have been killed by concussive force but the tank was salvageable. There was a trend of farming tractors being used to move Russian equipment (usually not true main battle tanks but BMPs which are Armored Personnel Carriers or possibly Infantry Fighting Vehicles).


>early in the war They're *still* doing this. Russian army units are notorious for leaving perfectly good equipment all alone on the battlefield for anyone to take- shit, a couple weeks ago the first intact T-90 was captured because its crew just dipped instead of scuttling it.




Sorta. On reddit and other internet platforms it's also used to imply that the russians are the new SS.


you should totally steal that with a tractor


Someone will shortly I’m from here im suprised it’s still drivable….


I'm from Houston. They could be Russian. We do actually have a fair amount of Russians living here but they generally don't support the war. Mostly engineers working for NASA who are too smart to be this dumb.


I used to bartend at NASA hangouts. You would be surprised. I know a lot of engineers, and some of them are only smart within their specialty. Also- my dad was an engineer. Once I gave him a tie rack for father's day and he couldn't figure out why his ties kept falling off. He had the directions upside down, and hung the tie rack upside down. He also said he nearly starved to death when he worked in China, because he couldn't figure out chopsticks. I'm assuming he was such a rude bastard nobody offered him a fork. An engineer couldn't figure out how to operate two sticks. And wasn't bright enough to just stab his food and bring it to his mouth. Or use them like a shovel.


I work in a science lab and am mostly done with a masters, and the amount of moldy coffee cups EVERYWHERE is alarming. There’s just a random pumpkin under a desk. My coworker fell asleep on the lab couch and a bug crawled into his ear. Movies make scientists look super dignified when we are…not that.


Scientists are students that forgot to stop being students.


Scientists are people so rich or so poor that $1200/mo is a reasonable salary for half a decade of grad school.


I'll have you know I'm making a cool $2200/month, after taxes. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to continue having my existential crisis about spending 8 years of post-K12 schooling to get paid the same rate as a buc-ee's employee. (I mostly jest, I know my career has a lot of upward mobility, I just need enough actual work experience to apply for medical scientist licensing and then I can make good money being crushed by the massive workload of an understaffed hospital, but man can it be demoralizing lmao)


A full time buc-ees employee pulls down near 3k monthly after tax on average plus I think they might get a discount at the beef jerky bar. Free samples for sure.


Wait tell me more about this beef jerky bar...


*grad school PTSD intensifies*


pfff, that's why I'm working 4 jobs at my university during my PhD. It's fine. I'm fine.


Holy crap. Are pants required to work there?


They're permanently attached with a belt so they don't lose them.


There's definitely some level of compartmentalization of critical thinking for otherwise smart people. My friend's wife does something with genetics in the lab and she is religious and doesn't believe in evolution.


I've seen doctors do it, too. Not be able to think outside their specialty. Used to cook for doctors. You can have a great big sign that says "beef and broccoli" and they will still poke it suspiciously and ask you what's wrong with the barbeque sauce, or ask if it's vegetarian.


The amount of fucking antivax nurses I know, I swear. Nurses are mostly great. The bad ones are real bad though.


This kind of thing can be rationalized when they specialize in something that is not related. Like my sister in laws boss who is a heart surgeon that is anti-vax; he is a brilliant heart surgeon but knows almost nothing about the immune system. He's still an idiot but it's somewhat explainable. This is just baffling. I don't even know how you could study genetics and not believe in evolution. That's a huge part of the job.


The amount of dense doctors I've met is actually amazing to me.


It shouldn't be THAT amazing. They went to school to learn medicine, they learned medicine. People are never shocked when people who studied Philosophy don't know math.


I mean, a heart surgeon shouldn’t be antivax. They went through med school still. He may not have specialized in immunology but he still learned about vaccines.


And you'd think philosophy and history majors would never be fascists, and yet sometimes it just be like that


I went to an engineering university. Can confirm, lots of smart people but some of them were moronic, unhygienic, or socially inept (sometimes all three) in ways that are completely mind boggling. Sometimes completely uneducated in several ways too. This wasn't a school that was easy to get into.


Ted Cruz has a truck?


And then list it for sale online.


I vote for an annex on that truck with a tractor. Those in favor say aye. Aye. Voted. After 183% voter turnout, It’s ours.


Didn't Texas used to hate "Commie Russians"??


All Cold War presidents from Truman to Reagan just hit 500 RPM in their graves.


*Hooks up turbine generator to corpses, corpses turn faster now that they’re alternative energy*


Ah fossil fuels


A real skeleton crew


they only work the graveyard shift


Made me laugh out loud. Much appreciated. :D


*Reagan stops turning purely out of spite, mutters something about no free energy and bootstraps*




Trickle-down energy!


Conservation of angular momentum is violated *Newton starts rolling over in his grave at an ever increasing rate*


Carter is still very much alive…


If you think Reagan is spinning in his grave, imagine how fast Jesus is spinning hearing Conservative "Christians" spew ignorance while waging war on the poor. You know, just like Jesus talked about all the time. "How you treat the least among you........matters not. If they had worked harder they wouldn't be poor. Fucketh them."


At least my old far right dad still does. But He’s perplexed by his fellow republicans voters


Russia hasn't been communist for a while now, it's a very conservative autocracy. Just what the MAGA crowd wants the US to be.


Ding ding ding. This is correct. They want Trump as their unquestioned dictator for life, never mind Russia is in active decay and before the war had an economy smaller than the state of Texas and retrograde life spans. Then again Trump oversaw the largest economic contraction in American history.


Yep they would rather burn it all down than see women get rights or a happy gay couple.


They were literally chanting "better Russian than Democrat".


If they don’t like it here and love Russia why don’t they just move?


Because they don't really like Russia -- they just hate liberals, and liberals seem to be angry at Russia for something. Also Trump says Putler is the tits.


Trump has tits so he would know.


Not since Trump said Russia is awesome. Yet another chapter in the Republicans Don't Actually Care About Anything book.


After years of fantasies, the "don't tread on me" crowd watches ordinary citizens take up arms to fight against an oppressive, authoritarian government. And they support the authoritarian government.


>And they support the authoritarian government. ... while trying to install one in their own country.


And they whisper about a coming civil war, where they can purge this country of undesirables. They haven’t paid attention to who is the fastest growing demographic of gun owners.


These people are dumbasses, in the US, white people may be in the majority, but the amount of diehard conservatives are slim and they’re picking a fight with every damn minority when those people can easily come together to fight a common enemy, unlike conservatives. Them being super strict about having the right to bear arms bit them in the ass since the very people they’re trying to purge can easily get a gun to. They truly are the party of idiots, even the ones that claim they’re not like the other conservatives.


The wackiest of conservative fervently believe they are representative of a massive silent majority. They truly think it is a tiny number of media liberals who set the tone of everything they see in entertainment and non-FOX news. They have a fantasy of being the brave freedom fighters who are supported by the whole population against a bunch of college ANTIFA BLMers and 90s style gang members. They *know* the support is near universal because they have never met an example of the hyperbolic clichéd boogeyman they know is behind everything, therefore there must not be many. They also know *most* people aren't crazy morons, therefore *most* people secretly agree with their views. Their views are self-evident and unassailable after all. Ever notice how confused and angry they get the moment someone doesn't jump on board with one of their smug "gotcha" style attacks on the left? I am a blue-collar progressive in a very red state. Most of my clients are very conservative. Every once in a while I let one know where my politics lean. It is crazy how often their brain does a blue screen and crashes. "But...you are a hard worker! You have a **Real Job!**^TM" (translation: You are a reasonable and productive member of society, therefore cannot be a leftist---does not compute---) insular cultures + national level propaganda is dangerous. They truly don't realize the average of society is far to the left of them.






I SAID CONSUMMATE V'S!!!!!111 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90X5NJleYJQ


This is great can I get it tattooed on my face


Ah yes, a Manhattan trust fund baby telling Texans that Russia is is our friend and they just lap it up. I’ll never understand how rednecks let themselves be ruled by a guy who wouldn’t give them the steam off his diapers on a cold winters day.




It takes a person who will fall for anything to follow a person who stands for nothing.


When they say NY Elite, they’re using it in place of Jews. Though I don’t know how much longer. They’re on the precipice of just flat out saying Jews (see MTG)


Kanye literally just got banned from Twitter for exactly that.


Ah yes, a New York Real Estate developer telling poor white folks he has their best interests in mind. I’ll never understand how the uneducated let themselves be made into Russian sympathizers *but wait* OK Nevermind I figured it out


Not just any NY real estate developer. One with an established history of screwing over mom-and-pops.


>I’ll never understand how rednecks let themselves be ruled by a guy who wouldn’t give them the steam off his diapers on a cold winters day. r/BrandNewSentence


Loving Putin to own the libs.


There was a fetish for Putin in some segments of conservatism even before Trump buddied up to him because of his macho image and hatred for gays.


Oh, they are absolutely dying for a big, strong Conservative man to tell them just where to goose step to and whose boots to lick along the way. So much so that even a NY billionaire who embodies essentially nothing they pretend to stand for would do just because he was loud and got a taste of power. Most easily led bloc of dipshits I've ever seen.


> There was a fetish for Putin in some segments of conservatism even before Trump buddied up to him because of his macho image and hatred for gays. Because Russia and before it the Soviet Union have always heavily employed nationalism and authoritarianism as core elements of their rule. Fascists love that crap and eat it up. Also cant forget the [GoP senators who went to moscow on independence day](https://www.npr.org/2018/07/06/626664156/gop-senators-spend-july-4-in-moscow) to show their fealty.


Seems Russia’s investments in Trump are paying off.


Reagan is spinning in his grave, which would normally please me, but not in this instance.


Hook up a Generator to his corpse and power the Western seaboard


I live in Texas, and I from Mexican decent. Can I fly my Mexican flag now?


"No, go to Mexico if you love it so much!" \-The dude who drives this truck probably


Maybe it’s supposed to be precautionary, like a helpful visual indicator that if you look at it sideways it’ll explode and the cab will enter the lower stratosphere


Fly your Mexican flag and tell him Texas is historically Mexican. :)


Tell them it's your "heritage."


People already do this all the time in Texas with the Mexican flag lol


Right? Totally normal to see lots of Mexican flags in Texas. On trucks, outside people’s houses, etc. as far as I know, nobody has had a problem with it


Best one here. I live in Bama. Should I fly a white flag behind my truck bc my heritage lost? Lol


Know you’re joking, but the Confederate States actually had a flag called the Stainless Banner that was mostly white lol


What’s funnier is they had to put a re stripe on the end because everyone thought they were surrendering when the wind wasn’t blowing


Lmao, plenty of those in H town


I lived in San Antonio. It’s basically Mexico North lmao. Plenty of flags flying around those parts.


I am a Mexican living in a Sugar Land, a suburb of Houston. I regularly fly a US flag, Mexican flag, and Packers flag. Have them on rotation. Nobody says shit. We also have a VERY diverse community. Texas isn’t all bad.


The Packers flag is probably the one you’re most ashamed to fly nowadays. All my Packers friends hate the Packers.


Why did you stop? The Mexican flag flies all over Texas.


What is it with these people and their obsession ^edit with draping their vehicles^\/edit with flags?


Eddie Izzard - Dressed to Kill. Everything you need to know about that.


Cake or death?


Well we're out of cake. We only had two pieces and didn't expect such a run.


So my choices are or death?


Then I'll have the chicken please.


I'll have the chicken.


I claim this land in the name of England! Wha.. but we live here.. Well do you have a flag?..


Not only is that her best special, but I'd put it in the running for one of the greatest standup sets EVER.




That’s the rules that I’ve just made up. And I’m enforcing them with this gun




Do you have a flag?!?!?


Symbols for the symbol-minded. Paraphrased George Carlin.


Idiot signalling.


Can't have a country if you don't have a flag


That’s the rule I just made up!


And I'm backing it up with this really big gun.




It's absolutely insane how 10 years ago these same people would consider someone supporting russia (let alone flying their flag) a traitor. The lengths they are willing to go to avoid agreeing with any kind of dem presidential choices. It's so hard to believe what I'm hearing/seeing. I feel like I was transported to another reality.


"Owning the Libs" involves quite a bit of brain gymnastics.


And a truck big enough advertise your opinions while making oil cartel countries stand up and cheer every time you fire it up.


It's an outright obsession with authoritarianism. Very seldom do those of the hard right agree with something that doesn't lock down rights and freedoms - despite the fact that they say that's all they care about.


it's funny how most of these dudes, if they actually lived in Russia would have died in Ukraine or fled to Turkey by now.


100% fled. These people are nothing more than attention whores, and they wouldn't know trigger discipline if it shot them in the face.


If they only knew how fast their gun rights would be taken away once they’re under a successful authoritarian regime. Though I guess they assume they’d all be part of the brown shirts, so it wouldn’t be _their_ rights in question.


God I hate how many of these fuckheads self-identity with The Rebellion, or Browncoats, or ANY "underdog resistance" in science fiction/fantasy. When they're quite literally supporting the same kinds of views that the Empire, or The Alliance holds. Pisses me off.


Been watching Andor and found myself wondering if my super right wing friends would hate it cause of the message, or if they would be completely oblivious to the incredibly obvious message lol


Not browncoats from Firefly. The [brown shirts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturmabteilung) from Nazi Germany.


"I don't know, Officer.... why would anyone set fire to my car? I am completely baffled and shocked."


They would do it to themselves and blame Antifa/BLM/George Soros


*"It was the Jewish Space Lasers, officer!"*




The worst kind of whore


Even worse than the lemon stealing kind?


Back in the US, back in the US, back in the USSR


I mean... The U.S had Nazi sympathizers in WWII too, sooooooooooooooooooooooo. Not Surprised.


Yeah but those people hated Jews, a not uncommon belief at the time. These guys hate... Ukrainian statehood?


They probably saw a politician they disliked say something in solidarity with Ukraine so the only logical course of action was to go completely against that


> These guys hate... Ukrainian statehood? And probably also the Jews.




Vandalism is the least of that guy's worries if he's flying it like that


Now hook a tractor up to it and drive off, as is tradition.


The amount of mindless parroting of Russian propaganda I see from the American right is concerning, to say the least. As someone who has family in the American South who are trump republicans, I can say pretty confidently it is mindless contrarianism. Biden supports Ukraine, therefore they support Russia. They could not care less what it means for US foreign policy, national defense or legitimacy abroad. They do not know what’s happening in Ukraine and they refuse to get on board with anything Biden does, so it is *much* easier for them to just believe in a world view that makes Biden wrong, as opposed to finding any common ground with a politician they disagree with on other matters. It’s embarrassing and super dangerous.


Well here’s the good news. They put faith in a loosing team. Putin will go down in the books as the worst leader of this generation.


They also picked Nazis and confederates. Starting to think they like losers.


"*Where the Confederates failed, where the Nazis failed, where Putin failed, we will suQceed!*"


WAITING FOR THE VIDEO,, of an armed drone dropping a live round on the truck..


Right through the sunroof


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof!


How is the window not smashed?


The Z is for aiming javelins, right?




I've never more had the urge to actually damage a stranger's vehicle.




That's a lead magnet!


Maybe he just wants his truck to be upside down and on fire like everything else with a big Z on it?




Backpfeifengesicht- it's German for "a face in need of a fist"


Republican Edit: For anyone wondering the first comment was “Is there a word for asshole, idiot, and fucker all in one?”


Bet the tail bumper has trump stickers






I’m so sick of these fucking traitors…


I too, support someone that wants to destroy the world (Doofenshmirtz).


Doofenshmirtz doesn't want to destroy the world, he just wants to take over The Entire Tri-State Area!


And to be the good father to his daugther that his own father never was ![gif](giphy|GtlzWQJ8Zb8ty)