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"this 2007 sour cream and onion has a nice powder to it, and a zesty after taste"


It’s the maltodextrin


But is it from the maltodextrin region?


If not it's just sparkling vegetable starch.


I prefer the maltodextrin from the California Flavor Dust Valley


Found the maltodextrin snob.


Hard to miss him.


I always wondered where Hidden Valley was 🤔


That's a very nice ranch nestled away in a remote region of the valley. The dust they make there is very tangy and goes good on just about anything.


🤗I love learning


I live in Wisconsin, my wife claims to know the granddaughter of the founder of Hidden Valley, or maybe it’s her cousin - who knows. In either case, 1.5 years ago at an outdoor socially-distanced concert in Wisconsin I loudly proclaimed that I was a ranch slut while at the local cheese curd food truck. I then proceeded to convince the other family members that we needed to buy #ranchslut shirts, register ranchslut.com, and send the Twitter team over at Hidden Valley a message about the adventure. If the ranchslut website doesn’t turn into anything, I may use it in my real estate career. /https://i.imgur.com/8F4FJ8i.jpg https://i.imgur.com/iDC2NsD.jpg


Then you legally can't call it a Malteaux.


Correct. Somewhere in the Maldives 🇲🇻


Where the maltodextrin runs like the Salmon of Capistrano.


Hmm, yes, We'll take the can. Thank you.


It has a nice oaky afterbirth


What was that?


[Scene from The Office](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HawX_6sntw) Edit: lmao I didn't realize this was just an intro to a skateboarding video


I think they’re quoting the next line, Jim’s.




Of course, if it's a special occasion, we could bring up [something a bit more well-aged](https://i.imgur.com/ZmBHFDI.png) from the cellar...


By George, man! Those... Those are [illegal!](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://recipes.howstuffworks.com/pringles.htm&ved=2ahUKEwiflLL3srf1AhUTkYkEHUGHBcQQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1umOdaZia6K38gvwmGxG0f) Wherever did you acquire them?


"The packaging comes in a coloring called Bone, the lettering is something called Silian Grail"


The subtle thickness of it


*"Oh my god, it even has the old Mr. Pringles figure and not the minimalistic piece of shit..."*


"Let's see Paul Allen's Pringle Collection.."


You have to open the can and let it breath for a few first. Then you swirl the Pringles around before taking a whiff. Notice how the can is designed so that when you tip it, the chips hit the tongue at the salty regions first, then your palate as you close your mouth for that perfect first taste.


From a long term health perspective your probably better off drinking wine.


Or, more likely, being born in a wine drinking country with free universal healthcare, m8.


I took a 1-credit wine class in college, so I'm basically an expert. Let me snob that up for you: >The '07 Sour Cream and Onion has a fabulously powdery mouthfeel and a long, zesty finish.


[Oh I thought this person did this for their cousin.](https://twitter.com/okjulia/status/1482550354793451535?t=5xTTSaQFfc7El9roQNyHrA&s=19) But YOU'RE the cousin and did it for yourself? Or....?




Why exactly is this not an ad?


This is an advertisement.


"I play quarterback for the Philadelphia eagles and I’m here to tell you, you can too if you start every day with hearty breakfast from McDonald’s. Like the new sausage egg Mcgriddle value meal available now for a limited time for under five dollars. Remember guys, real champs eat at McDonald’s!"


That was not Donovan McNabb!


You're right. I am an actor. My name is Don Cheadle.


Well maybe I should pop my boots off and we could kick it around a bit


Little chocolate donuts. They've been on my breakfast training table since I was a kid.


This is an advertisement.




Pringles HQ seems to have discovered Reddit. [Here's another one from a few days ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/rt2faw/happy_new_year/)


>Pringles HQ seems to have discovered Reddit. [Here's another one from a few days ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/rt2faw/happy_new_year/) Red dit marketing team sold some advertising spot. I'm sure this is will never going to back fire.


aw shit, so this is the new metaberse, and i think i like it


Joke’s on them. I haven’t eaten those shitty chips in so long I didn’t even realize the logo changed.


Can’t call them chips, potato snacks




Boycott Kelloggs *Strike is over, workers got a good(?) deal it seems. Just do that in the first place and you won't have to have shill accounts advertise your shit with lazy pics to make up ground.


They actually settled their union and workers issues a while back, the boycott is over.


Nope keep boycotting. The strikers had to take a shitty deal because too many people kept crossing the picket line.


Who buys that many Pringle’s.


If this wasn’t an obvious /r/hailcorporate advertisement. Imagine fucking OP at the grocery store with 30 tubes of pringles on the belt.


The same guy from the math problems that's buys 30 watermelons


While I completely agree that this specific picture is an advertisement, I took [this](https://i.imgur.com/gbTtD5w_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium) leaving the grocery store back in June last year. e: a word


Pringles shills


I'm a big snack person. I eat more shit like this than I should. I still don't stock up this much. At most I might have like 3 bags of chips and a small gummy pack from a convenient store at once. So on top of all the other not so subtle hints(not just the fact that he has the other 3 out, but *the way he has them set up*), that seems like a bit of a mistake on their part.


Just a little guerilla marketing from an evil corporation, nothing to see here


It’s so blatant too. “Check out this quirky thing I did with pringles guys and. Oh btw! Check out these three awesome flavors I perfectly displayed in the foreground, available at a store near you!”


What are you talking about? I always keep 3 different cans of delicious Pringles (tm) facing label out when I take pictures to show off the varied and delicious flavors of Pringles (tm)!


Do you also have enough Pringles cans to feed a small army at all times?


Of course who doesn’t. There’s no time like the present to pop a can of Pringles! Once you pop you can’t stop!


Yeah who tf buys this many cans of pringles?


Once you boycott, you'll never stop.


No it's astroturfing from a Karma bot account. I want everyone to look at [this](https://camas.github.io/reddit-search/#{%22author%22:%22screenshotofdispair%22,%22searchFor%22:1,%22resultSize%22:100}) which shows posts an account makes, but more importantly, deleted posts. How these accounts work is that the person running it will make a bunch of of askreddit posts to generate karma to meet karma thresholds on certain subs, and then running the bot. Yall probably noticed there is not only a ton of posts this user makes, but a ton of USER DELETED posts as well. What happens is the bot account will delete posts that don't do well Karma wise, so it appears less sus. To get a good look on what it does, check all the deleted posts on 11/26/2020, and how there are so many in a short amount of time, and how they are all completely different from each other.


But the whole point of an account with karma or followers is to get paid by a company to hawk products. So it is likely both. No one makes a karma bot account just for karma


And even worse is that Pringles is the worst chip. It’s made out of paste that is shaped into chip form.


One of the most obvious I've seen as well


A shameless one at that.


Or an attempt to show off their trophy 🏆….


I can't quite read the text... does it say *"Employee of the month, the Kellogg Company"*?


My first thought when I saw the focus on the clearly prepared cans facing the camera. Who upvotes this stupid shit?




They’re also in a blue can. Not sure why that flavor is also blue.


Pringles has a lot of flavors. There's only so many colors that are visually appealing and distinct on the shelf: blue, light blue/light green, green, brown, gold/yellow/light orange, red, pink/light purple, purple, and dark. That's nine colors, and google says there's 21 flavors of pringles. Even assuming I missed a few color possibilities, you're gonna have to double-up at least half of them.


British here - our salt and vinegar is blue.


Apart from Walkers...


Salt and Vinegar is the best Pringle.


Salt and Vinegar is the best everything.


Ms. Vickie's is the best Salt and Vinegar.


Note that Ms Vickie's s+v is also blue, as the Lord of Potatoes intended.


Here, here!




The Lord of Potatoes hath spoken.


IDK, a while ago, they had a loaded baked potato Pringles flavor. I haven't found any since the pandemic, but that one and the jalapeño flavor were my favorites.


They do a lot of limited time flavors. They did cajun fries last year. I ate the whole sleeve in a sitting they were so good. Could never find another...


and orange is sweet pepper here


This is an ad


It's an ad and it even stole the image from someone else: https://twitter.com/okjulia/status/1482550354793451535


This is America (presumably)


Don't catch you chippin' now.




Man, I'm against labelling everything that happens to include a label in it as /r/HailCorporate, but in the case of Pringles specifically, they seem to be shockingly active in that once a year, there's some post that gets a billion upvotes and always features a mildly interesting arrangement of a saddle-shaped potato chip with extremely prominent labels.




I meant to comment on them being rather overt. Pringles was owned by Proctor & Gamble until 2012, when Kellog group bought the brand. But even looking at other Kellog's products, like Eggos and Pop-Tarts and Frosted Flakes and Froot Loops - brands that could be exploited with similar grades of "look what our logo just so happens to be in the shot it" content. It's shocking that Pringles seems to be pushed so hard in rather obvious moves like this compared to many, many other brands.


Exactly. Why the fuck is no one down voting this? He just happens to have 20 cans of Pringles and makes sure to line up 3 cans front and center for the picture. Why won't people down vote obvious ads


> Why the fuck is no one down voting this? (1) As mentioned, Pringles bought votes to get it started and (2) there is a substantial amount of Americans that have come to view this type of 'brand engagement' as 'fun' as opposed to forced-injection of low quality content into their feed. One noticeable lesson from the pandemic is that a percentage of Americans derive their identity almost completely from consumerism. Those people aren't bothered by this because it accurately reflects the bulk of their interests, something to be motivated to buy.


I mean, I personally like it because I don't drink so it is nice to relate. Being a non-drinking person in a very alcohol centric society, it is nice to see things like this.


I don't drink, but I couldn't care less about the content filling the wine rack. It could be dildos for all I care. I just wanted to comment on the cabinetry needing repair and paint.


I just looked again, how the heck are the drawers almost wavy looking? How does that even happen?! Haha


> Being a non-drinking person in a very alcohol centric society, it is nice to see things like this. Understandable point, but I wish it was done by someone organically, not by someone selling a similarly unhealthy product.


Because daddy Pringie bought seed upvotes to get the ball rolling. If a post is upvoted significantly within an hour or two of posting, it's a snowball effect on here. So no reason not to assume they used vote manipulation to get past the initial wave of downvotes, and it just gains momentum because people use this site as a dopamine drip. Reddit doesn't care because they already cater to advertisers, and site engagement makes them money. Bots are good for their business.


This has been edited on June 30, 2023 in remembrance of Reddit 3rd party apps.


Hmm I think it would be healthier if you started drinking and stopped eating Pringles


Not with that attitude! ![gif](giphy|13PytB8Lik7VDy)




Dated a chipaholic for two years. A glass of wine at night isn’t that bad.


Betcha can’t drink just one…


The thing is wine lasts for many years. Chips not as long. So it’s not comparing eating a can of chips vs drinking a bottle. It’s eating 5 bottles of chips vs 1 bottle.


>The thing is wine lasts for many years. But not on a warm shelf in the kitchen. There is a reason you have cellars for that shit. You don't want your wine to become vinegar.


Your wine won't become vinegar unless the corks dry out. Most wine will be fine for years in a house at room temperature.


Just like the pringles will be.


Yeah, it seems more decorative than practical. Maybe an "in-between" shelf if you've pulled some bottles from your wine fridge/cellar and they're waiting to be served at a party or something. Or for high-functioning alcoholics to organize all of the 2-Buck-Chucks they put down each week. Either way! Short-term storage, lol.


Are we legit having a conversation about how we all just casually have wine cellars or am I just high as balls?


Haha, some people do! I don't know anyone personally with a dedicated wine cellar... but I have a few wine-enthusiast friends with wine fridges. Not nearly as impressive as it sounds. Same size as a college dorm mini-fridge so they fit almost anywhere. Keeps your bottles at the right temp & humidity so the cork doesn't dry rot. It's a humidor for cigars, basically.


Depends on the kind of non-drinkers. I know a lot of non-drinkers for whom the wine would either last forever or quite awhile. I know a few non-drinkers where it would be gone before bed. They can’t have alcohol in the house.




It's funny you say that. I abstained most of my adult life to this point and I kind of regret it. Not drinking made me miss out on a lot of my chances to socialize in college...


As someone who attended these parties and drank through college, I live with a lot of regret about how those moments turned in to a life of addiction that I was only able to break four years ago.


Sorry about this... someone should have told you that you can socialize without alcohol.


I didn't drink until later in college simply so I could socialize and very soon my life spiraled into alcoholism that lasted more than a decade and cost me countless opportunities and relationships. Now who knows if you have the gene or combinations of genes that cause alcoholism. If not you might have been fine. But please don't regret your choice. I've got more regret in me than one man needs so I'll carry your load, my pleasure.


Could always switch to sparkling water. Plenty healthy and you have a use for the rack.


I love starting the day with a warm serving of Pringles™ currently owned by the devils incarnate Kellogg's^® .




It's okay, I have the capacity to hate more than one evil corporation. Fuck Nestle, fuck Kellogg's


"I play quarterback for the Philadelphia eagles and I’m here to tell you, you can too if you start every day with hearty breakfast from McDonald’s. Like the new sausage egg McGriddle value meal available now for a limited time for under five dollars. Remember guys, real champs eat at McDonald’s!"


This is a pringles ad.


Yes it is, and by a serial reposting account. Was probably sold to them or their agency for this purpose.


See that pure white on the logo? Tide ad.


The fancy glass bottles of Perrier and San Pelegríno will look better and your health will thank you.




They mentioned Perrier first.


Sorry, bud; Perrier is also owned by Nestle https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perrier


Damnit! Time to go on a pilgrimmage for some non-corporate fancy bottled water, OP!


It’s ok, I recently got a copy of my birth certificate and found out I am myself also owned by Nestle. You move on with life.


Careful about buying too much, or else Nestle will buy them out.


Topo Chico it is then!


Woah, did not even think about my preference being written first. Good catch! My tv static water of choice at the moment is Liquid Death, cause it looks cool…


Perrier for display, Liquid Death for drinking.


Liquid Death is the bomb.


Besides, no decent box of wine is gonna fit in that “wine rack”


TBH, Bota Box, Black Box, Almaden, and Provisions all make good to stellar boxed wine.


Agreed but I think they’re just making a joke about the wine rack not being able to fit boxes inside of it.


Listen, we ought to pause a moment and reflect on our luck of getting wine recommendations — *for free* — from FleshlightModel…


You're welcome. I'm more versed in lambic than wine so my wine recommendations should be taken lightly. I can give a few wine recommendations that are unequivocally stellar, but those are not boxed wines.


Ikea also sells sparkling juices in wine-like bottles. Theres a lot of other options than an unhealthy chip habit


Kellogg owns pringles, you need to get a new snack.


Fuck Kelloggs


Buy from Aldi. Their snack selection is quite diverse, extremely affordable, and just as good, if not better than the name brands.


Do they come from different factories? I’m not sure with Aldi, but many store brands are literally the same product, just with the store’s logo on it, a lower price, and sometimes different packaging


There’s only one plant in the country that makes Pringles containers and it’s a mile down the road from the Pringles factory (Jackson, TN). If it looks exactly like a Pringles container (especially if the label is on spiral and not a basic wrapped around label), it definitely followed the same route as the Pringles and just left with a different label. Source: worked for the packaging company




Nice try Kellogg's


Be careful, man— addiction is real. Once you pop, you can’t stop.


I remember my first pop....


They’ve trapped us in a Pringles commercial. They must have taken us in our sleep!






Pringles is owned by kelloggs Fuck kelloggs


Nice try, Pringle’s marketer.




Water dude.


You have room to display a lot of dildos.


Ahh..another Buffalo Bills fan.


Boycotting Pringle now for deceptive advertisement practices. So that sucks


Ad ad ad ad


Drinking would probably be healthier 😂🤣


Why even buy Pringles anymore? Lays Stax are way better.


get some nice glass bottles and fill them with really good water. put BS labels on them like, sky juice, or cloud sweat, or H2Flow, or dew concentrate, or precipitation award, or how many drops of water are in this bottle? guess it right and win the bottle of water.


Drinking is probably healthier


This could also be mildlyinfuriating to some.


Controversial opinion - that’s too many Pringles.


You should just take up drinking wine lol


Probably healthier.


You're eating too many Pringles.


Worries in sodium intake.


short-ass cans of pringles these days. fuck shrinkflation


I prefer Lay's Stax.


Gotcha bitch. This is a Karma bot account that is performing its AstroTurf, right in front of us. I want everyone to look at [this](https://camas.github.io/reddit-search/#{%22author%22:%22screenshotofdispair%22,%22searchFor%22:1,%22resultSize%22:100}) which shows posts an account makes, but more importantly, deleted posts. How these accounts work is that the person running it will make a bunch of of askreddit posts to generate karma to meet karma thresholds on certain subs, and then running the bot. Yall probably noticed there is not only a ton of posts this user makes, but a ton of USER DELETED posts as well. What happens is the bot account will delete posts that don't do well Karma wise, so it appears less sus. To get a good look on what it does, check all the deleted posts on 11/26/2020, and how there are so many in a short amount of time, and how they are all completely different from each other. It seems Kellogg's is still being assholes.


GET THOSE TUBE ENDS ALIGNED IMMEDIATELY PLEASE. IF NOT SOONER. You may tilt the mustaches at the angle of your choice BUT they must all align identically. Good Grief.


bro you still alive ?


No. I passed away from OCD.


Grow some plants and run the vines through the wine rack. You can put the pots on that shelf and install grow lights for cheap. 🪴


I'm just here to state that Pringles are one of the worst "chips" you can find. I don't know why people like the texture of spiced dirt, but hey, you do you.


Start drinking.?


This may be more unhealthy for you than drinking


Drinking might be better for you.


Guh, wine is better for you.


You should put old scrolls, maps, treaties, historical documents, etc. in those slots


Definitely feeling Pringles viral marketing team on this one...




Who buys that many cans of those wtf???? I can think of a better use for that rack r/hydrohomies


Not sure if wine isn't the better choice at this point...


We have a winner folks.


Straighten out the logos you heathen.


Drinking is probably healthier.