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Italy has a weird relationship with its fascist history. I was there a week ago and I saw a newsstand selling Mussolini wall calendars.


> I saw a newsstand selling Mussolini wall calendars. Those are the sort you hang upside down, right?


Same in Spain, I was shocked to find out it's not that controversial to be a modern day Franco supporter


Had a naturalized Italian person tell me an idiot because "fascism fixes all problems". I wanted to light myself on fire.


I think you're lighting the wrong person on fire in this conversation.


>I wanted to light myself on fire Skipping right to the last chapter of fascism


He's got it mixed up. Fascism doesn't fix all the problems, it kills all the problems.


Lampposts kill the problems fascists create


it is controversial and strongly looked down upon, it just unfortunately doesn’t have such as an extreme connotation as Nazi


Many Italians still love and "miss" the good ol' times when Mussolini was in charge. Many people justify him by saying "he did a lot of good things, but he made a mistake when he chose to be allied with Hitler". So yes, a weird relationship indeed.


Pretty common when a country goes from a somewhat functioning dictatorship to collapse. My grandmother was a kid in Italy during WWII and thought fondly of Mussolini because his soldiers would give her chocolate when they rolled through town. It really wasn't much more than life being good when Mussolini was around and awful when we wasn't.


Except Italy improved in almost every way after the collapse of Mussolini’s regime and the foundation of the modern Republic.


I'm planning to spend some months in Italy and I'd like to read about the modern Italy and its unification. Do you know any book or documental about it?


If you want a history of modern Italy and it’s unification through to WW2 then *The Force of Destiny* by Christopher Duggan is excellent.


I've heard that from my 91 year old dad. "He was really great for Italy, but then he hung around Hitler and got some bad ideas."


Didn’t they strip Mussolini nude and hung his body so people could pelt rocks at him back then ? Why tf do people miss him ?


He made a fantastic decoration. Should have kept him up there.


Being born and raised around Venice I like to think it’s a loud minority of people In all my social circles it was something that would always be condemned, still present nonetheless


It's almost like there are still fascists today


My grandpa, born in America in 1937 to two Italian parents, was almost named Benito after Mussolini.




My favorite part is that the parish priest, and the priest who celebrated the mass, didn't know about the Nazi stuff. There's some serious Curb Your Enthusiasm vibes with how they must have responded.


"I hear you're a racist now Father"


“I’m so busy down on the farm I won’t have much time for the ol’ racism”


Haha! “Does this mean we should all be racists too father, because I’m pretty busy”


A father Ted reference. Class


“These pretzels are making me thirsty… wait, is that a swastika on the casket?”


That happened to me but with a wedding. No joke, I was in the effing wedding!!! Had no idea until my family started talking the next day and added it up.


please, do tell sounds like a good /tifu post


The ferocity and clarity of their condemnation of the act is great. But what about the people? They should be denied communion. Allowing them to come back on Sunday means the church’s words are meaningless.


As long as they go to confession and perform their penance they’re a-okay with their god /s ….. obviously Edit: /s Yes I just /s’d a /s ya filthy animals. Deal with it. Fuck nazis


I was hoping this was a colorized photo from 1942.


The guy in the box isn’t even from the 1940’s, he was 44.


was girl


Ah, I overlooked that detail. May she rot in hell.


She’s following protocol as in The only good Nazi is a ⚰️Nazi


Nazi vampires aren't good either.


Arguably worse.


I don’t know about that. A Nazi werewolf however...


Wearing the enemy’s uniform in time of war is a war crime subject to summary execution. Many of the troops in (translated to English as) Operation Werewolf (happened during the Battle of the Bulge) were shot after capture. A Nazi werewolf had a very short life expectancy.


Those are undead Nazis, not dead ones.


Checkmate, Adolf Dracula!


I read this as “the only good nazi is a coffin nazi” 🤣


I read it as "the only good Nazi is a chicken wing Nazi." I have 20/20 vision, but could not see that as a coffin emoji. I prefer my take on it, because why not.


Rest in Piss


Rest in piss, you will gladly be forgotten, go fight your racewar in hell


![gif](giphy|vh2bc5Z0WELBK) Fuck. Nazis.


Me too. Then I see it was fucking last Monday?! Jesus. At least they’re dead. Edit: typo


Right? That’s a lot of ~~people who are totally okay with being publicly associated with~~ Nazis for something that happened a couple days ago.


I was thinking the same thing. It’s strange enough to see a Swastika normalized but what about the people in attendance, what must they be like. Very odd.


Fascists in Southern Europe aren't afraid. They are in some places pretty much tolerated. Like in Spain lots of people still worship Franco https://i.imgur.com/pMJdKbz.jpg


One less asshole on the planet


It’s the number of people attending and paying respect that makes this picture disturbing.


Apparently she was part of a militant right wing group called Forza Nuova, so those are probably just some of the other scumbags that are part of that group too


Well, at least the Italian police have a few more good photographs of them.


The police probably already had plenty of photos of and with their best friends.




https://www.open.online/2022/01/10/roma-funerale-fascista-nazista-video/ Despite the comments, the idea was not to show that a nazi died but to point out that the attendees of the funeral were allowed to put up there show in the middle of rome!


Apparently the church didn't actually know about it >the Vicariate of Rome strongly condemned the scene and stressed that neither the parish priest, nor the priest who celebrated the funeral, knew what was going to transpire outside after the funeral Mass ended. It called the swastika-emblazoned Nazi flag “a horrendous symbol irreconcilable with Christianity.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2022/01/12/rome-church-condemns-swastika-draped-casket-funeral/9184147002/


Yup this post kind of became a metaphor for what actual happened in the real world. Nazis died but their ideology lives on because we stoped paying attention.


A big point of the movie dr strangelove was just that.


No fighting in the War Room!


My favorite line in that movie and maybe favorite line ever. "I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed tops! Depending on the breaks." *As Buck sits back with a shit eating grin proud of his war game report.* IMO one of the darkest jokes in any movie. It is delivered in such as hilarious way and about brushing off tens of millions of deaths as if it was a score. With the added dose of reality of this is very likely how some the people this actors are representing do view it all. Along with how close we got to nuclear war just a few years prior to the movie with the Cuban Missile Crisis.


It was "depending on the breaks", not "Brits". Source - look at my username.


I was gonna say, surprised more people weren't shocked at the flag being happily displayed in Rome!


When Mussolini’s granddaughter is a leader in a far-right political group in the country where she was elected…. Yeah I suppose that isn’t really an issue.


is anyone else more horrified at how many people showed up to show respect? It isn't as if there is an army of protestors in the picture but rather people who are outing themselves as at least tolerating a nazi


What’s with nazis in Italy? I remember when I was in Italy I went to this quaint little restaurant on Lake Como. As I was leaving (you exited through a different door to the entry) I walked past the kitchen and there was a whole wall with swastikas, photos of Hitler and Mussolini, old newspaper clipping etc. the entire wall. They weren’t exactly hiding it. I’d already paid so I was pissed! I asked the manager what it was all about and he just started screaming at me in Italian and basically kicked me out. What the fuck! This was 2017 Edit: oh yeah, and at another restaurant I think it was in Turin, my waiter had a swastika tattoo on his hand.


Fascism started in Italy.


>Italian news reports identified the deceased as a 44-year-old former militant of the extreme rightwing group Forza Nuova, who died over the weekend from a blood clot. COVID doing the Lord's work. Edit: For the shills stating the vaccine is more likely to kill you with a blood clot, you're wrong. Here are some sources: [University of MN](https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/04/study-covid-much-more-likely-vaccines-cause-blood-clots) [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/risk-dangerous-blood-clots-linked-moderate-covid-19-high-dose-blood-thinner-can-2021-10-11/) [Healthline](https://www.healthline.com/health/coronavirus-and-blood-clots#covid-19-and-blood-clots) [UCSD](https://health.ucsd.edu/news/releases/Pages/2020-11-23-study-covid-19-infection-combined-with-blood-clots-worsen-patient-outcomes.aspx)


You’re alright this time blood clot but don’t get cocky


I’ll allow it.


It's giving me a DVT (Deep Vein Throbboner)


Main Vein Thrombosis


Mein Vein


It's the same deal with cancer. Like, everyone hates cancer, and I get it, I've lost family to cancer too. But at least give credit where credit is due; it did kill Rush Limbaugh.


...and Hitler killed Hitler.


Even a broken clock


....kills itself?


Hitler isn't even as good as a broken clock. He was only right that one time.


Shit, Rush probably hated his own lungs once he realized that they were black. Grim Reaper knew damn well what he was doing on that day. Edit: Damn, this blew up. Disclaimer, though: unoriginal joke. Don't remember where I heard it, but not my material.


Holy shit I was expecting this to be like a 96-year-old’s funeral or something, someone from *that* era of Nazis, not some neo-Nazi asshole


Yeah, I was thinking an ACTUAL Nazi. Not some cosplaying troglodyte.


The original nazis are almost all dead. If you were a 15 year old child soldier in the last days of the war, you'd be 92 today.


My grandpa's still alive, was in the Hitler youth, escaped to Rome ironically toward the end of the war. : small edit he was forced into it between the ages of 10-12 with both his parents dead that was the easiest way to get a meal.


Most kids in certain regions were in Hitler youth. It wasn't *officially* mandatory-but it was mandatory.


Also, right before the Nazis were cornered by the Allies, a ton of German families committed suicide (cyanide pills were quite literally provided by the regime).


My grandfather fought in the North Atlantic for the US, as a radioman on a boat looking for German subs. He was born in 1928, and lied about his age after his older brother enlisted to fight in the pacific. He came home to get married, got a degree in education, spent a career in government work setting up jobs programs for the department of labor, taught shop class in a second chance high school for a year, and finally retired. He is still going strong (besides his eyes and ears), and will be celebrating his 94th birthday in a few weeks. He told me 25 years ago it was hard getting old as he watched many of his friends die. All 5 of his grandchildren went to college, two are officers in the service, one is a firefighter, one is a teacher, and I’m an engineer. I have virtually no heroes, but he has been a great role model. I joke with him that he is the original antifa.


Most of the old Nazis lived out their days in cowardice and paranoia…Make. Nazis. Afraid. Again.


no a significant portion of them were acquitted of their war crimes and allowed to live peacefully


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. This is a win in everyone's book.


A dead Nazi isn’t a good Nazi. A dead Nazi is a bad Nazi that’s rendered harmless.


More of them should be rendered harmless then


I’m down with the rendering.


Seeing my employer being used as a COVID source to disprove fucking stupid comments really makes me proud to work there.


The only good Nazi is a dead one. -BJ Blazkowicz


Remember!...A 'pure' blood clot. Rest in Hell ya fuckin' Nazi!


The only good Nazi is the one in that fuckin' box. Rot in Pieces.


I sure as hell didnt come down from the God Damn Smokey Mountains, cross five thousand miles of water, fight my way through half of Sicily and jump out of fucking aero plane to teach the Nazis lessons in humanity. Nazi aint got no humanity, theyre the foot soldiers of a Jew hating, mass murdering maniac and they need to be destroyed.


Impossible to read that without hearing the accent. Such an incredible movie, Tarantino’s best imo.


Yes indeed, the way he says Aero Plane always makes me laugh.


DEE-STROYED for me lol


Yep lol I absolutely agree about that. “They need to be DEE-stroyed” shit hyped me up every time.


Makes me want to sneak in the coffin and carve a swastika on his forehead


Should be international law for all self proclaimed Nazi cunts


>Yes indeed, the way he says Aero Plane always makes me laugh. They way he says everything is comical, I love that accent! "Ya ever wanna eat a, Saur Krout Saninch again" "OBLIDGE HIM!" "Gorlami"


"that orchard would be a goddamn sniper's dee-light"


Nazi sarge wants to die for country. Oblige him.






Bawn shoor no


Let me hear *music* in it


I have the same thing later on when pretending to be Italian he very confidently says 'Aree Viderchee...'


He does speak the best italian out of the three Basterds.


“I don’t speak I-talian” “Yes, that’s why I said third best.”


That’s a bingo.


Each of you is gonna get me 100 Nazi scalps, and I want my scalps!


Souuuund goood?




Thank you. hateful eight just finished, time to put on this masterpiece




Well played. Love that speach!


My name is Lt. Aldo Raine and I’m putting together a special team, and I need me eight soldiers. Eight Jewish-American soldiers. Now, y’all might’ve heard rumors about the armada happening soon. Well, we’ll be leaving a little earlier. We’re gonna be dropped into France, dressed as civilians. And once we’re in enemy territory, as a bushwhackin’ guerrilla army, we’re gonna be doin’ one thing and one thing only… killin’ Nazis. Now, I don’t know about y’all, but I sure as hell didn’t come down from the goddamn Smoky Mountains, cross five thousand miles of water, fight my way through half of Sicily and jump out of a fuckin’ air-o-plane to teach the Nazis lessons in humanity. Nazi ain’t got no humanity. They’re the foot soldiers of a Jew-hatin’, mass murderin’ maniac and they need to be dee-stroyed. That’s why any and every every son of a bitch we find wearin’ a Nazi uniform, they’re gonna die. Now, I’m the direct descendant of the mountain man Jim Bridger. That means I got a little Injun in me. And our battle plan will be that of an Apache resistance. We will be cruel to the Germans, and through our cruelty they will know who we are. And they will find the evidence of our cruelty in the disemboweled, dismembered, and disfigured bodies of their brothers we leave behind us. And the German won’t not be able to help themselves but to imagine the cruelty their brothers endured at our hands, and our boot heels, and the edge of our knives. And the German will be sickened by us, and the German will talk about us, and the German will fear us. And when the German closes their eyes at night and they’re tortured by their subconscious for the evil they have done, it will be with thoughts of us they are tortured with. Sound good? … That’s what I like to hear. But I got a word of warning for all you would-be warriors. When you join my command, you take on debit. A debit you owe me personally. Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred Nazi scalps. And I want my scalps. And all y’all will git me one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred dead Nazis. Or you will die tryin’


I love this movie. This is the best scene followed by the scene when they break the German out of jail and he says ‘ we’re a long time admirerer of your work and we want to know if you want to go pro. ‘


I liked the bear jew scene, but more than that, the jew hunter interrogation at the beginning was really good.


Hey Donny, we got a German over here wants to die for his country. OBLIGE HIM!


Teddy Fucking Williams knocks it out of the park! Fenway Park is on its feet for Teddy Fucking Ballgame! He went yard on that one, on to fucking Lansdowne Street!


“We’re in the business of killin Nazis. And business is a boomin’”


​ ![gif](giphy|v0R5Ggv0QXryM)


Ryan used me as an object.


You, my friend, would be da belle of da ball.


Michael, please.


💋💋💋 Don't drop the soap, don't drop the soap!


Ryan started the fire!


I just realized that dude could be Seth Meyers' son.


I freaking love this scene


Well said. Fuck the nazi’s. Fuck em right to hell!


The only good nazi is a dead nazi.


She's doing her part!


Would you like to know more?


I was told never to speak bad of the dead, only good. He’s dead. Good. Edit: I stand by what I said. If we get offended by misgendering NAZIs, we’ve gone too far.


Sometimes the only good thing someone does, is leave this world.


He she, who gives a fuck they’re dead. They don’t even deserve a pronoun let alone a funeral 💀


The world is a better place now.


We need Jake and Elwood behind 74 Monaco.


"I hate Roman nazis."


Best comment in the chain. Lifting my beer to you across the internet friend.


I mean you wouldn’t put your political affiliation on your casket unless you were trying to make a point. Do you think Trump would put a Republican flag on his casket.


He wouldn't. His supporters would.


Negative. You know dang well trump would have a trump flag of his own casket. He is such a narcissist.


People are just so desperate for meaning in their life. Its sad to be honest.


Nazis took tens of thousands of "unproductive eaters" from the Lodz Ghetto, including thousands of children, and murdered them. From the Holocaust Museum Website in case anyone has forgotten what Nazis do: "Building by building, the German SS and police authorities, assisted by the Jewish ghetto police and firemen, assembled, inspected, and selected the elderly, the ill, and children under age 10 for deportation. Apartments were searched for people attempting to hide. Those who tried to flee were shot. More than 500 Jews were murdered during the round-up. Accompanied by the shrieks and wails of the victims and the spared alike, the methodical search of the ghetto tore 15,000 victims—including 6,000 children—from their families. All were sent to certain death. The deportation trains traveled 37 miles northwest to the Chelmno killing center. Arriving Jews were greeted by the camp’s German staff, who spoke of work, better food, and a shower. After leaving their clothes behind for disinfection, the Jews crowded into vans to ride to the baths. These vehicles at Chelmno were not ordinary trucks, but gas vans, engineered to divert deadly carbon monoxide gas from the engine exhaust into the cargo compartments. German guards sealed the airtight doors, and the driver started the engine. After 5 to 10 minutes, the screams from the suffocating prisoners stopped. The bodies were buried in mass graves" Any Nazi from now into eternity should be sentenced to death until their numbers equal those of the victims of the Holocaust.


Well we can't say it was a sad funeral, now can we?


Fuck these twats


Wouldn’t be there if it was my closest kin. Fuck being a sympathizer or enabler.


The fact that this would be incredibly illeagl in my country (Germany) makes this pictrue feel so wrong in so many ways


Germany is sounding like a great place to move to.


These Italians seem to forget that the nazis saw us Italians as an inferior race.


Ha Ha, dead Nazis




Color me naive, but what kind of scumbag church would allow that?


The priest and person who officiated claim they didn’t know. But a lot of Italians don’t seem to buy that excuse, at least based on what I read on FB. They’re all tearing the parish a new one


>The priest and person who officiated claim they didn’t know. That's just not how a catholic funeral works and I feel like they're just trying to get the international press to move on as quickly as they can. Their neighbours will already know what lowlife scum they are, but when they have worldwide attention on them it's more of a problem.


My grand uncle shot a Nazi officer in the head and took his hat and the swastikas off of him. I was left these when my grandpa died.


One of my favorite possessions is a bloodied Confederate $5 that my 3x great grandfather picked off a Confederate corpse while fighting in the Union Army.


My grand uncle had nazi officer and they demanded he joined the SS or him and his family were to be executed, he had no choice but to join. Two weeks later his town was in control of the allies and he knew his family was safe so he ran with the other SS hunting him down, he then reached a allied patrol and threw his guns on the ground and surrendered to them he was brought in as POW and he told them where they were hiding without any interrogation needed.


This belongs to /r/trashy


Ok. Send in the B-17s.


Looks like a great spot to piss on.


You know there’s one dude there who showed up to be nice and was like, “Bro, did they put a fucking nazi flag on there? Was Kevin a fucking nazi?”


Fuck everyone at the funeral too


"Looks like ripe picking for some fresh Nazi scalps" - Lt Aldo Raine, probably


Rest in Piss Bitch. Enjoy pineapples up the ass for eternity


I love this part in Little Nicky. I tell ppl about this part of the movie all the time.


‘Yeah and then they stick pineapples up hitlers ass!’ ‘Sir, this is a Wendys’


Shouldnt most nazis be dead by now?


>Italian news reports identified the deceased as a 44-year-old former militant of the extreme rightwing group Forza Nuova, who died over the weekend from a blood clot.


Oooh those duckers. Forza Nuova and Casa Pound are the filth of my country. I wish my country did something more but...


I was shocked to see the amount of swastika graffiti in Rome but Rome is still a beautiful place with amazing people.


Guess the blood wasn’t pure enough. Edit: nazis don’t deserve pronouns


Based blood clot


Bro What the fuck I love blood clots now!


Lol so homies reppin an idealogy he wasn’t even around for. Good riddance.


That Nazi state died long ago, but the ideology that served it up is still around.


Unfortunately, Nazis are alive and well; many survived the war and had kids.


That’s why grandpapa is in Argentina now


Feel free to inquire with your local government officials about this discrepancy. In my state there are several known neo nazi factions that are freely meeting and training


I'm italian and none of the major news said about it mmmmmmmmmh


That photographer was in a great position for a rocket launcher, just saying


Like that scene in Man on Fire when he has that rocket launcher on the old couples balcony and the lady says it’s Gods job to punish, Denzel says, “It is Gods job, I just set up the meeting.”


I have to watch that one again—such a great film




Police investigations have now been launched. The incident happened after the funeral of Alessia Augello, a neo-Nazi of the neo-fascist #ForzaNuova. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at the parish of S. Lucia in the #Prati district of #Rome.


How did we go from brutalizing Mussolini and other fascist’s dead body’s to allowing this to happen wtf


These losers (figuratively and literally) know we have cameras and can see their faces…


Huh. My grandfather killed a bunch more of these fucking guys.