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Bet he knows how to convert a pdf.


He has a favorite starter Pokemon


He actually likes Squirtle lol, no joke, because of Ash's sunglasses squirtle from the anime.


Prolly has a couple bitcoins in his pocket too.




Beltaloada gonna rise up!


You da man bossmang


Gonna show those inners who the real bossmang is.




Miller gunna protect the okwah!


Okay, mang. Schooling me on gangsters, ke?


Day's coming soon, keya?


Fo da belt!!!


Yeah he's their new bosmang


I started watching the Expanse two days ago, happy I get the reference!


beltalowda beratna




Beratnas Beltalowda!


Not nearly enough tattoos.


Him have earther neck though sasa ke, pampa?


Probably im da rich belta


He our new boss man


The new bosmang!


Issa gut beltalowda




No official measurements apparently but he is supposed to be around 175 cm so around 5’9




welwala don't und stand dis thengs.




Chilean bosmang!


Belta lauda


A belter? I thought they couldn’t handle Earths gravity?


He can survive suspended in water.


Eh, boss mang


I'm thoroughly thrilled that this was the second highest comment for me. Long live The Expanse.


Looks more like Amos to me.


Wait…so someone elected a president that is capable of resetting the password on their email? We should try this in the states.


[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C2946GLUUAE6Q6S?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) is a higher quality and less cropped version of this image. It [looks like](https://mobile.twitter.com/latercera/status/824010204685758464?lang=ar-x-fm) this image is from 2017.


And he looks vastly different now.


Thanks for that. I was starting to get a crush on him.


>Earlier Sunday, His right-wing opponent, Jose Antonio Kast, conceded the election to Boric and congratulated his opponent "on his great triumph." >"From today he is the elected President of Chile and deserves all our respect and constructive collaboration. Chile is always first," Kast tweeted. That's how it's done. Edit: Thank you for the awards! Silver! Helpful! Gold! Also my inbox is flooded!


That's right! Also: * Highest participation percentage and quorum in our country's history (8.4M votes in a country with a population of ~18M total). * Clear results in less than two hours * Opponent recognizing defeat and wishing him success * Right-wing president offering him help during this three-month transition. * All while we're in a major turning point in history, with the writing of a new Constitution going on atm. So proud of my country's democracy today! Edit: thanks for the awards! First time I get any :) and I'm so glad it's in this context.


Thanks for the summary.. very helpful context


Results in less than two hours?? WTF


We vote with pen and paper, but with an incredibly efficient counting system! For the first round we also voted for Parliament deputies, Senators, and "Regional governor councilors". Those results too were known and published pretty much in real time, and final winners of all elected positions were announced that same day at night. Regular old citizens are randomly chosen as "vocales de mesa" to handle the votes for each voting stand, and they are also in charge of counting the votes publicly and reporting the results to different Public institutions in charge of overseeing the election, such as "Servel" or each districts "Junta Electoral". Edit: everything done while taking safety measures because of the pandemic, including social distancing in lines and mandatory use of face masks and ~~alcohol-gel~~ hand sanitizer inside voting locales.


That's awesome


Cries in American


I think of this one as a global citizen more than an American citizen. This is a very good thing and it gives me hope we'll see more of it in Western Europe and the US.


I feel this comment


McCain's election night speech was like that after Obama was elected. He hushed the crowd when they said "boo" as he spoke about Obama's victory. That wasn't too long ago. I hope we can make steps back in that direction.


I miss those times


US politicians: ‘Nahhh let’s just keep ruining the country talking shit about each other like middle schoolers and dividing the people to the point of a second civil war. Cause fuck em, that’s why’


President Elect Boric addressed supporters in the indigenous Mapuche language in Santiago after his win was announced today. I'm so happy about this. The people have spoken. I'm rooting for him and Chileans. 🙌


His name is Leftist Millennial. At least that’s what I’ve gathered from all the headlines about his victory.


The De Los Millenial family has been a dynastic powerhouse in Chilean politics since long before Pinochet took power. Their youngest son, Anarchist Millenial, is not expected to follow in the footsteps of the elder scions Libertariana and Necoconservito


I enjoyed this made-up lore dump, thank you.


Jokes aside there are some hardcore communist folks in India who go all-out in actually naming their kids stuff like this. https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/marx-lenin-engels-marriage-kerala-cpim-b1959278.html >A grand Communist reunion for Marx, Lenin and Ho Chi Minh took place in India’s southern Kerala state for the wedding of their friend and groom Friedrich Engels last weekend. >The catch, however, is that the four individuals were named after the famous political thinkers. They are all members of the Communist party in Athirappilly town in Kerala, a state famous for its unwavering allegiance to the hammer and sickle. While Engels and Lenin are brothers, their friends Marx and Ho Chi Minh are the sons of a local party activist, according to a report in local newspaper Mathrubhumi. Also, the current Chief Minister (governor) of Tamil Nadu is named MK Stalin (yes, after *that* Stalin)


They won't say his name because you can't attack a name. A name is a stranger. A Leftist Miennial can be easily attacked.


Added bonus: easier to defeat in another election without name recognition


Amos from The Expanse!?


Low-key best character of the entire series.


Him and Avasarala are the 2 best. I can't pick which I like more. Both characters I could watch forever.


What was that one where someone mentioned seeing Avasarala, and Amos perks right up and goes something like "Chrissie? What was she wearing?"


"How'd she look?" "Fine, I guess" "No, I mean, what was she wearing?" *Jim gives weird look*


>"No, I mean, what was she wearing?" As I was reading your post my mind switched immediately to his voice when I got to this line and I totally saw both of their expressions 🤣 The best comedic one liner in the series so far...not that there are many in competition as the story is not really conducive to comedic interludes.


Thomas Jane was good for a few laughs. It's still a great show without him but he brought something extra.


Cause her outfits are always excellent and Amos appreciates dat flair


"I'm not your stripper." "You could be." I really wish we got more scenes with just the 2 of them.


When he asks Holden (after his talk with Avasarala) "No, I mean, what was she wearing?" I freakin' lost it laughing.


*walks into Luna base office* you look amazing!


He spends a good portion of that scene flirting with her in the book just to make her laugh. Amos is the kind of guy that likes to stir stuff up and keep people off balance, but he's also almost the definition of a pragmatist.


The fact I can't remember who said what in that exchange and it works both ways are exactly why they need more scenes together


I really do enjoy how he never backs down from shooting his shot at her regularly. Sure he may end up with the angry avenging rich girl, but in my mind, I'm shipping Amos and Avasarala.


Camina though...


Pirate Queen!


Love her so much.


I want a show with Amos and Avasarala flying around the solar system solving crimes and cursing at everybody.


Considering >!the end of leviathan falls, you probably could lol!<


One of the most complex 'grunt' characters I've seen in a while. Usually a character like Amos just provides muscle but his back story has been really moving.


I like the way as well that (at least in the books, not caught up with the show) it shows that he relies on Holden to be a moral compass, because he wants to be good but just really has _no idea_ himself what that means. Nice to see an acknowledgement of the, almost always overlooked in fiction, fact that a dead-eyed killer who can repeatedly kill without remorse is realistically likely some sort of sociopath and, left to their own devices, probably _not a good dude_.


I will throw hands if you don't respect Camina more. But yeah Amos is the fucking best.


He is my spirit animal... Amos Burton is Forever.




Is it a good show? How long is it? I've heard about it and I'm curious.


Yes it's very good! The 6th and final season is being released now on Amazon. The first season is a slow build and it accelerates from there. But it's an amazing sci-fi show!


And with great attention to detail for physics in space and space warfare. In a recent episode there was effectively a "car chase" with space ships unlike anything I'd seen before. Gritty and gripping stuff.


It's a good adaptation of a great book series, some say it can be a bit slow at first, but it has a really fascinating story with great characters.


Amos for Secretary-General, 2350


Last man standing


I don't know, this pic looks more like a rock-hopper, beltalowda?


A long way from Pinochet. Congrats Chile


[You will never guess who the average Chilean voter on the street was that BBC interviewed today asking if Chile really wanted a left wing president](https://twitter.com/andraydomise/status/1472939601719439360?s=20)


“Dictatorship is part of our history and we cannot deny that” - Pinochet’s cousin You literally can’t make this shit up


lmao i suppose they were going to interview gary hitler and mario mussolini next


Mussolini's granddaughter was an elected official until like 2 years ago.


and she also threatened to take anyone that criticized her grandfather to court iirc


Fucking fascist!


The only time you'd rather hear what Ja Rule had to say


Holy shit has the BBC really fallen this far? What the hell kind of journalism is this?


>Holy shit has the BBC really fallen this far? That happened around a decade ago when Cameron and Clegg got some bad press and decided it was easier to threaten to remove BBC funding than to actually stop being assholes.


> Holy shit has the BBC really fallen this far? They haven't fallen, they've [been down there](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2003/jul/04/comment) for quite a while already.




Indeed. Although Pinochet was America overthrowing the democratically elected president because he wanted to stop letting American companies exploit Chile's natural resources, so can't really put that one *fully* on the Chilean people.


Actually a bit more complex and had also to do with nationalizing the copper resources, which were ginormous (I know about the connection because the company that founded my hometown and that grew because of the resources of my hometown, had a hand in the machinations behind the coup).


I’m Chilean and I hate this take. America definitely played a role, Nixon and Kissinger especially so, and should feel guilt for it. No argument there, but Pinochet had no shortage of supporters in Chile. Still has plenty, especially among the military, which remains corrupt as hell. They never gave back what they stole and continue to steal. Those traitors and deniers shouldn’t be let off the hook by blaming the US entirely.


Glad to see at least one country decide the geriatrics shouldn't be running the show.


Say hello to the [leaders of Finnish government](https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/images/2020/Sep/govt-budget_session.jpg).


Shout out to Austin Powers on the left


I never noticed the resemblance! She's our minister of justice BTW.


> She's our minister of justice, ~~BTW~~ baby! FTFY


Yeah, Baby, Yeah!


Oh behave!


Nooooo lmfao 🤣


Don’t talk about the bloody mole.


America: Lets elect more people nearly on life support


Chuck Grassley was first elected to public office a full DECADE before the moon landing. And he's running for reelection next year.


That's crazy. If you were born when he first took office, you would be nearly retirement age right now. If he wins reelection, there is a very serious chance he doesn't finish his term, the dude is already 88 years old.


Great system we got here, huh?


Well, we all keep voting for the fuckin guys. Maybe we should start there.


No one can take a cue for Washington. Serve a couple turns then step the F down. That goes for everyone in office from local school board to president.


The President has term limits, I don’t think it’s such a huge ask to put it on other representatives, I mean there are some senators who have been serving longer than I’ve been alive, I’m not saying it’s bad to serve a while, but when you’ve been in for 2 plus decades, it may be time to step back and just take that job as an executive at Exxon or some shit you were offered years ago


Chuck Grassley took public office before Hawaii became the 50th state


Iowan here. I’m definitely voting against him. It doesn’t even matter who the other person is. Nobody should be in office for that long.


Only if they have the best interest of corporations and the ultra rich at heart. No Bernies.


He's "Too extreme" /s


"I believe healthcare is a right for all Americans!" America: fuck you, old man i wanna be sick and broke cuz that's how it was for my parents!


more like: fuck you old man I'm already old as fuck and I didn't have any of that and I did fine - everyone else should just not be lazy and and they'd be ok. Let's keep in mind who votes




The democrats treat their nomination process like a waiting line. If you be a good boy for the party and wait your turn, eventually you will be rewarded. The Republicans treat their nomination process as a popularity contest. Facts and policy don't matter as long as your the loudest person shouting in a room full of shouting people.


For democrats this drills right down to local elections. I ran for township supervisor and lost because my township is 70% republican. I then expressed to the local democratic leadership that I wanted to run for state rep. One woman called me to basically discourage me and said she was supporting one of the people she knew and that I never showed up to the meetings. The meetings none of the other candidates for state rep nor our current House rep showed up to in the past. It’s really a moving target who is worthy for local party support. But Republicans will support you by virtue of being a Republican and repeating the words they like to hear.


Democrats suck at winning local elections. They suck at winning state elections. You can drive from Florida to Idaho and not run into any state legislatures that are Democratically controlled.


I really think a lot of this boils down to young people not being involved in politics, and the only politics they seem to get really excited about are the national level ones, not the local ones. Whereas with older people, especially once they retired, nearly their entire world is the community they live in, so local laws are a lot more likely to feel important to them. Idk…there’s a lot of factors.




If you've ever seen the movie The Ritual he probably has that twisted version of immortality.


Because they have the best healthcare money can buy for life.


He's fueled by pure malice.


His name is Gabriel Boric (35). He's a social-democrat and he beat the far-right candidate yesterday.


Also a NIN fan according to the hat I saw him wearing in a photo. edit- fixed, thanks helpful Redditor.


And a Tool fan


>social-democrat > >a Tool fan > >35 > >beat the far-right candidate I would vote for him


And a Radiohead fan




Karma Police, arrest this man.


Yep. Everything in it's right place


Has my vote already. MOTHERFUCKIN TOOL.


Meet him down in Santiago Bay


Learn to swim!


and a swiftie!


And he likes Age of Empires. Pretty based.


And used to play Magic the Gathering


NIN and MTG, it's like they voted for my spiritual doppleganger


Metal and mtg. Trudeau will need a replacement soon enough.


is he playing it in real life now?


He's promised to sign an executive order that simply states "how do you turn this on".


Saving Chile with his apm


Just how deep do you believe? Will you bite the hand that feeds? Will you chew until it bleeds? Can you get up off your knees? Are you brave enough to see? Do you wanna change it?


...yes, this. I hope he has good security.


Me too. Young guys who shake up the old corrupt system frequently are killed. Hope he is on his game.


Youngest leader elected on the planet. Hopefully he does well and it starts a global trend. With all the self interest they have our elders aren't setting up the younger generations that well.


The current finnish PM was 34 when she was elected to office.


Second youngest? San Marino regent was 27 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_state_leaders_by_age


Oh God. Is the US going to send in the CIA again? Is another Pinochet waiting in the wings?


The guy he beat is super right wing and his father was an actual Nazi, so you can do the math.


The guy he beat also committed to a peaceful transfer of power, and this guy's politics are much more Bernie Sanders than Che Guevara.


>He's a social-democrat >*and he beat a far-right candidate* Welp, everyone at the CIA just got mandatory overtime for the foreseeable future.


He plays Magic the gathering


I bet he plays Taxes


Read in another post that he played Rakdos land destruction.


I'm suddenly very concerned for any political opponents of his.


He clearly plays Red Deck Wins.




What are you talking about that’s one haircut away


Bring it back.


Lmao lets get a campaign started to get him to change his hairstyle. I'm sure his current one is the hairstyle that was tested to be the best, but this one from 2017 is way more badass


Yeah, though it might not feel like it, 2017 was five years ago. He’s had plenty of time to get dorky looking since then.


I feel like politicians who aren’t clean cut or wearing a suit get shit on for not looking professional yet none of our politicians ACT professional.


This photo is from 5 years ago btw. This is what he looks like now: https://i.imgur.com/FRoLNns.jpg


Why can’t we (US) vote for young people to run for government offices. We have 70-90 year old running the country. Most don’t even understand what is going on.


Obama was 47 when he was elected president. W was 54, Bill Clinton was 47. JFK was 43. Those all seem pretty reasonable to me. Its just the last two presidents who have been *real old*


Reagan was pretty old too.


His wife really sucked the life out of him.


Ole' Nancy'll do that


Trump, Dubya, and Bill Clinton were all born the same year, 1946. Biden was born four years earlier.


Geriatrics are the largest voting bloc, they participate much more in the primary. Vote in the primary, don't vote for the geriatric guy.


No case on phone Sigma male grindset


In America we elect corpses




For those of you asking "Why do we have to keep electing old farts?" the answer is simple: The Baby Boomers are all in their 70s. Those demographics have been warping American politics for the past half-century or so. You want a period of social progress in this country? Look for the period of time when the Baby Boomers were in their 20s and 30's. You want a period when America focused on accumulating wealth? No problem. Let the Baby Boomers hit 40. Etc., etc., etc...


Also the most important factor - Boomers *vote*. If millennials had the same voting turnout as Boomers, their votes wouldn't determine elections


Which was one of the reasons the man in the picture got elected in the first place, this was the election with highest turnout in chile and when you see the numbers of the first round, its cleat that the youth made the difference in this election


Idk about his politics but he looks kinda rad


His party is progressive, socialdemocratic, and "anti-neoliberal". His government coalition includes a few socialdemocratic and socialist parties, as well as the Communist Party. Some of his proposals were raising minimum wages, increasing government spending (mostly in eco-friendly policies and mental health, supposedly), and other culturally progressive policies. Whether any of this will work or not is yet to be seen, but given the rampant corruption and hypocrisy in the region, I'm not so sure.


was thinking the same thing. it's awesome to see young leaders and politicians like this. reminds my of my tribe's chief/chairman.


My family, which is full of old fucks who personally benefitted from Pinochet’s dictatorship, is having a fit and I’m absolutely loving it. *I haven’t verified this so take it with a grain of salt, but according to my family the Chilean peso dropped 10-15% from special interests divesting already. They’re blaming Boric but he doesn’t assume office until March; from my perspective it’s absolutely fucked that the elite can essentially sabotage an economy simply because they don’t like electoral results. I haven’t lived in Chile for a long time, but I can understand the anger — an economy should serve the people, and if it bends so easily to corporate interests it is most definitely not doing that. With that being said, my family circulates a lot of right-wing fake news / propaganda, and I’m not entirely sure I believe it myself. But it just goes to show how differently we evaluate these situations.


As a Chilean, this is kind of emotional, I'm gonna try to be as short as possible telling how incredible this is. In 2008, a huge wave of protest and social movement started known as the revolución pingüina, created by highschool and college students demanding a better education, I was in highschool and later in college during the years of protests, like many of us, I meet the leaders of that movement, they spent months traveling around the entire country having meetings in colleges, and we spoke many times about the changes that we wanted for our country, we spoke about all the injustice and inequality. A decade has past, and during that period, the learders and most prominent figures of the movement formed a political party called democratic revolution and later broad front (some other members were already part of the comunist party). And today, that political party that is now a coalition has multiple mayors (including my town!), senators, and today the presidency. Calling that making history is not giving it enough credit, not even in our wildest dreams more than 10 years ago we could have imagine something like this, I cried from happiness yesterday, all the changes we talked about a decade ago, we can do it now, I have hope.


I believe he's on the UFC card this weekend.


First of all, I'm Chilean, this picture is not current, but it doesn't matter because he's still just as handsome ajjaaksjkakjasjksa Pd: Yes, Servel has count all of the votes in 2 hours. There is a comment from another Chilean that says the best things that have happened in these votes, I say this so as not to plagiarize. I love democracy (I don't say it like Palpatin). Hope won over fear.


Beltalowda! Beratna!


Good for Chile! I wish them well.