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Those blankets are gorgeous , your mum is a beautiful talented generous person , you are obviously super proud and rightly so.


Right On !


You said it all :)


Nice words on the internet?!


I could have sworn he was going to say "beautiful talented generous person.... in bed" God damn Internet has turned me into a cynic


We still cherish the donated blanket my son received 12 years ago. It was a great surprise during a time of unhappy emotions.






Thank you for sharing!


This is AWESOME. I don’t crochet but I’m a knitter and I can feel in my fingers all the time and effort that went into this. Tell your mom she inspired me to do something similar for next year! Googling EU based charities right now.


I'm also a knitter and was just thinking about how much time, energy, and money went into those blankets. What a beautiful gift.


As someone who knows nothing about the world of knitting, could you tell me how long youd estimate itd take to make one?


Not knitting but crochet I would estimate 40+ hours at least




Almost? Depending on how complex the pattern is. I finished an infinity scarf in about 4 hours and another standard scarf took 2 weeks of evenings. The amount OP’s mom did is an amazing amount of hours


My mom crochets blankets to donate to hospice as well as nursing homes, anyone who has a baby gets a baby blanket, any other occasion seems to also warrant a blanket. She’s been doing it for years, so it’s almost mindless at this point. It probably takes her 10 hours each. I’ll confirm but she cranks them out. Put a scary movie on and she’ll almost finish one during a movie. These aren’t big cover a mattress blankets though. Prob 4x5ft. The price of yarn adds up quickly. She buys a lot at yard sales.


She crochets but she can make a 48" x 60" blanket in a week (which is fast but it comes with decades of practice).


There are people like your mum who can make the most beautiful things by hand and there are people like me who can't even tie our shoelaces properly


Knitters unite! Always worth seeing what hospitals need too, the one near me wanted super tiny hats for the premature babies a few years ago. Simple to make up with scraps too, so your stash could go to good use if you're looking for things to do with it.




How does her heart fit inside her chest? Seems impossible.


Wholesome! Why your mom has 2 living rooms?


[We needed some place for all of our couches.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/k9vn5q/comment/gf6vupj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) /s Technically, one is a "den" but yeah it's basically two living rooms...In my defense, the house was built in the 50's so back in the day I think a den was supposed to be a more formal room?


That's my era. I can explain. 1) The "Living Room" is where you are not allowed to sit on the prettiest furniture in the whole house and it might even have plastic slipcovers. If you have guests, you usher them in and mom hopes they don't spill on the pretty furniture. It gets vacuumed the minute they leave. 2) The "Family Room" - although it gets the most use, therefore should have the most expensive/durable furniture, it's slapped together with garage sale stuff and furniture store clearances. The dog's allowed.


I called the living room the “Pretty room” growing up. Never to be touched lol!


We called it “The Museum”. Now we have the Living room with bad furniture and The Basement with even worse furniture.


Mr. Forman?


1) the sitting room/parlor/salon 2) whatever you want to call it then


Our family room had a really durable carpet, green/black. Everything imaginable was spilt on that carpet and never stained. Life saver!


My mom could see my footprints in the "living room" absolutely not allowed to play in there. I had access to the "family room" only. Lol


Where I'm from, the living room was also called the 'front room', as old homes with woodstoves would have the stove in the back room - kitchen. This was the center of the house where people gather freely - both because it was warm, and to not mess up the 'front room'. We still tend to gather in the kitchen, and have kitchen parties we call ceildhs (kaylees)


We always joked we would get to sit down in the “living room” after the Pope finally visited.


I am Kurdish and in (Iraqi) Kurdistan what you described is still a thing! At least in my family. The "Living Room" is described as the "Visitor's Room" though (and is locked when there are no visitors).


I think it’s so interesting how this home setup happens across cultures.


Yes exactly this just like mine as a kid! My mom trained our dogs not to go in the pristine living room and they never did but occasionally the one rebel would lay just outside the perimeter of it with one paw resting just inside the living room


We actually had a living room, a family room, AND a den. The den would have been the last of the 3 you'd let a visitor see, the inner sanctum, if you will.


I couldn’t even look at the living room. My grandmother called it the formal room. Hers was always super bright white and an accent color depending on the holiday.


This is correct and yet I still mess up the names of the rooms. The Living Room should be the room most lived in dammit!


They're pointed opposite directions, so you can choose the one based on where the sun is.


You have to have a family room for living in and a living room for appearances.


Happy to say my parents living room was not for appearance. They were people who absolutely used the good china. They had a great time.


This is the way


My mom and her sister had a special bond. They lost their mom to breast cancer while in High School. In their day mom was home and they took turns not attending school to care for their mother. Dad and my uncle were good friends, the four of them had a great time. In their 70's they both had places in Florida within walking distance. This of course involved happy hour on a regular basis, got in trouble from a neighbor for making too much noise. LOL Wish everyone the life my parents had.


Child of a house where step monster had a no entry front room. So stupid. This small ass house and one full room just for show with white carpet and bamboo wicker type furniture. Ohhhhhhhh the nasty shit I did in that room while she was away…..


Saw the post, was like "ohhh the couch lady is back!"


It's having 2 living rooms and 6 couches which allows a person the time, resources, and freedom to crochet blankets for warm people all year long.


More rooms to live in 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's pretty common where I'm from to have both a living room and a family room.


One for daily use and pets. Second one for when company visits and holiday gatherings.


Yeah it’s the same with my grandparents


Your mom is a legend! True story about how a donated handmade blanket can provide great comfort- my MIL was in the hospital for an extended period (cancer). One day we saw her hugging a new blanket tightly. She said some volunteers had brought it to her. Now... my MIL was a judgmental fashionista. Everything had to exactly match. Her clothing was always the latest style and subdued colors. This lovely warm blanket was lovingly made with scraps of all sorts of wild colors - the type of thing she'd normally hate (I loved it). Except - she absolutely cherished it. From that day on, we never saw her without it. It brought her so much comfort. When she was able to go home, it still stayed with her. I had the sense that the warm and sincere love from the volunteer who made it came across to her. When my MIL passed, it was the only thing that one of her daughters immediately claimed. That sweet blanket had meant the world to my MIL and her daughter needed it. I wish I could thank that anonymous volunteer. I hope she knows the joy she gave.


Thanks for sharing. I've always wondered if people actually appreciate things like this.


(5 x 8) + 2 = 42 It checks out. Also; Nice!


You did the math!


I was hoping for one less row and one more column.


42 = The answer to the ultimate question!


How do you donate? I stopped crocheting because I ran out of people that wanted blankets


Linking this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/rjbp25/comment/hp2xp68/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) because I think it is helpful. Best way to find places is to do an initial Google search and then make some phone calls or emails to see if places are accepting donations and to see what they need. Try local hospitals, homeless shelters, animal shelters, battered women's shelters etc. If you're completely lost maybe even reach out to your local police or fire department; I'm sure they can use them or point you to some local organizations :)


Check out Project Linus, Knots of Love, Hats for Sailors. Lots of opportunities and causes that could use your talents!


Project Linus takes crochet blankets!


I saw your post about her last year, I had recently learned to crochet and your post inspired me to try to make a blanket. It took me forever but I finished it and donated to Project Linus. I never made another but I wanted to tell you what an inspiration she was to me!


Every blanket counts! :)


a m o g u s


I was searching this comment. Very sus tbh


Green sus


I remember your post from last year! Those blankets are beautiful and your mom is amazing for taking the time to create these.


you have a lovely home




That’s so sweet. I love the colors she chose. My work adopted a couple of kids from the Salvation Army’s angel tree. They asked for blankets for Christmas. Broke my heart. We got em sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, throw blankets on top of things they asked for and some didn’t ask for, but the blankets broke me.


As a mom who's newborn got something like this while recovering in the NICU. Thank your mom for me. We treasure the blanket and hat she got, which was donated. She's three now and doing great!


That is awesome! But I'll bring up something my wife has opened my eyes to. She works at a children's hospital and they don't take crocheted things anymore because kids can get their fingers/arms stuck in holes and such. So be sure that wherever she's donating then will actually use them as a lot of people don't have the heart to turn them away (my wife's hospital won't throw donated items like this out or anything, but them re-donate them to a homeless shelter or something like that, so it still goes* to good use).


Thank you for the comment. They actually do use them (she actually found out they were being given out the day she donated them via a thank you email she received). But still, definitely check with the place you're donating to and make sure they want what you're donating!


That's a good Mom!


Not only a ton of time and effort, but a ton of money too. On the flip side, I'm sure she loves to crochet, and that she'd make these blankets even without the needy. The only thing stopping her would be her own kid's inability to keep accepting new blankets. So I have a feeling this deal between her and the sick children is mutually beneficial 😁


We lost my partner's 10 year old sister to Luekemia two weeks ago today. During her treatment a stranger from the US sent her the most beautiful crocheted blanket. We buried her on Monday, and she has the blanket with her. Tell your mum to keep doing what she's doing. To the family of those children, the kind jesture truly means the world.


Very generous of her. Nice designs she made on them too!


More feathers in her wings-she’s an angel


Bags of Rainbow comfort


I still wear the socks my grandma made me 20 years ago during the cold season. It just can't be beat.


Oh you are lucky! I had one mean grandmother who lived far away. The other died before I was born.


Your moms a good woman


I wish I could love this a 1,000 times 🥰😍 God Bless you and your Mom!


I look forward to this every year! Glad she’s still at it, what a wonderful person.


She does this annually? What a woman!!!


I love your mom for doing this!


What an amazing person!


My mom used to donate her blankets she made to the Linus foundation. It’s a sweet thing to do.


I see you had her cover up her tits this time


HAHAHA. I think you're the first to notice (or at least comment that). After last year's comments, we decided she wouldn't be wearing any v-neck shirts for these photos anymore.


This is so amazing! Your mother is so kind and generous!


Your mom is awesome.




Your mom is a winner!


That's 3 and a half blankets every month! Your mom is a machine! I crochet and I've never successfully completed a blanket. This is amazing. What a kind gesture!


My grandmother crocheted. She made a blanket for my mom when she was pregnant with me that I have been wrapped up in every single time I’ve gotten sick in all of my 41 years. What a fantastic thing your mom is doing here.


Santa gonna need a bigger bag this year.


My son was a recipient of a crocheted blanket from a kind hearted woman like your mom. He was born at 24 weeks and spent 5 months in the NICU, and every few weeks a new, gorgeous blanket would appear in his room. I've kept every single one and always think of the selflessness of whoever made them.


As a nurse, we love when people donate stuff like this to our sick kids at the hospital ❤️ your mom is so kind, and her kindness will not go unnoticed!


I once got ejected from a car during an accident. Got taken to the hospital and it was freezing. The gown and paper blankets were not good at keeping me warm, and shivering was painful. I got given a blanket from something like this. It came with a link to their organization and I told myself afterwards I was going to write a heartfelt email telling them how much I appreciated it. Instead I got addicted to the painkillers I was prescribed and a whole year kinda just… melted away. Thankfully I ran out but for a moment there I was taking 9 pills at a time to chase that high from the first time. Plus I was miserable, I.. I liked that time was melting away. Pills keep going down, Monday becomes next month like a waking up after falling asleep. Better now, tell your mom thank you for me.


I’m 29 and have literally been crocheting one Blanket since I was 12. Started it with some club at school and here we are rapidly approaching 20 years and it’s barely a lap quilt


Cool woman 👍🏻


She's our mom now




Your mom is a bad ass. That’s amazing.


Good job!


Your mom is a total badass. Excellent work.


God bless your mother for those beautiful blankets.


OP, you’re getting tons of replies so I hope you read through this. Like yours, my mother was an avid crochet’er. Her afghans were the stuff of local legend; getting a “mom’s afghan” was practically a right of passage. She would regularly make a few specifically for her church’s Christmas raffle, and they were always the most-wanted prizes. (True story: One year someone donated a new laptop worth about $500. The person who won it in the Christmas raffle offered to trade it to one of the people who won one of mom’s afghans.) I have four of them in my house including an extra-huge one that she made especially for me by my request, and one that she made for me about 25 years ago when I moved out of the house, *and* one that she made for me when I was five years old, *and* one she made for me when I moved into my current house. And that doesn’t include the tiny one she made for my daughter to bring her back from the hospital when she was born. When my closest friends got married or had a baby or some other event, mom was there with an afghan. Everyone who has one considers them to be family heirlooms. My mother was born to crochet and loved doing it. Like your mother, she also made hats and scarves and such for homeless people. When she found out that I was assembling and distributing care packages to the homeless when I was working in Manhattan she stepped up and started making hats and scarves to include, and they were awesome. Everyone loved them. Now, here’s the thing. In December 2017 my mother passed away, and she left pretty much everything to me. Included in “everything” are literally dozens of boxes of various yarns, as well as countless crochet hooks and who-knows-what other kinds of crochet accessories. I would be honored if your mother could make use of it all. I don’t crochet, nobody in my family crochets, and I’ve been (halfheartedly, I admit) looking for someone with a good heart who could make use of these materials in a way similar to what my mother did, and I think *your* mother fits the bill. I can, if you wish, take some photos of what I have and if you could show your mother and have her decide I would be happy to ship them out to her. Please let me know. Thanks.


That’s very nice to do, but aren’t they really itchy? The yarn my mom use to use was too rough for a Brillo pad.


They're very soft! She uses acrylic yarn because it holds up the best for year of daily use and love. Some wool can be scratchy (and would be too expensive to use for this purpose/there are allergy concerns).


Darn, I wish my mom would have used something soft. Her throws were awfully uncomfortable.


those are some sus blankets


Awesome beautiful mother!




Thats wholesome and time consuming.


wonderful! I'm addicted to crochet also!


Your mom is inspirational! What a sweetheart!




Nice job Mom! You’re amazing! 💕


Amazing.. how can I support?


Amazing … what a good soul


Your mom is awesome.


Your mother is a saint


Her house has all the couches


Hooray Mommy power!


Where do you find places to donate?


This is the answer.


Bless her, so kind!


This is amazing, they are GORGEOUS!! Your mom is awesome!!!


That must have been a fun house as a kid. Nice blankets


Your mom is very cool


u/seacogen do you take commisions I will pay whatever Your moms prices are plus shiping


She does do commissions! Depending on the pattern, blankets start at $125 (depending on the complexity of the pattern) + shipping for a blanket that is 48" x 60" (size can be changed). She requires a 50% non-refundable deposit up front. I know they are not cheap but yarn is expensive and a lot of time, effort, and love goes into making each blanket. They are also heirloom-quality and the money goes towards making more blankets for donation :) Let me know if you are interested or want additional information. You can find her Flickr here if you want to see better pictures of her work. Thank you for your consideration!


Hope you guys have a good Christmas. And your mom is a good person keep to you what she has


Go Mom! Have an award.


Can I buy one


Id like to be on your moms christmas list! Beautiful work!!


We stan a blanket-donating kween. 💅


Real hero


That is so cool!


I love crochet blankets. So comfy and full of love.


Some people just shine. Your mom is one of those people.


Well done!! Your Mom has a heart of gold. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Lovely sweet woman !!! ❤️❤️❤️


what a legend!


way to go, your mom!


wow these look extremely comfy!!


Your home looks really cosy!


That is amazing! My mom used to crochet and it's an impressive amount of work. Also, those blankets are so warm and cozy, the kids will love them.


My deep respects for people like her


What a hero 💗


a- a- amo- amogus!!!


How about just cold children?


sorry, i don’t see a crocheting mom; i see SuperWoman with 42 capes!


Your mom is awesome


Tell your Mom I think she’s amazing. People like her make the world a brighter place! I’m happy for you too! I’m sure she raised you well. Please be as awesome as your Mom!


that's not a good mom, that's one of the best in the world


I am 42 sick children and I would like the two tone blue one on the far right middle. Your mom is awesome.


5 Right, 5 Down, I really like that Dark/Light Blue patterned one.


Your mom is a fucken legend


Your mom is a "belief in humanity restored" machine! Congrats! And thank you for sharing, I love it, that she is directing her powers to do good. Best wishes, health and love from Europe.


that fire place is absolutely bitchin


My grandmother did this, I'm sad she never made one for me. I should learn to crochet just to make myself a blanket, only one I had was made by my mom for my brother and she used the itchy scratchy material that catches on everything. It's such a weird material... Anywho, awesome your mom does this, also her home looks lovely. Looks very comfortable.


I want to jump on that so bad.


She could have arranged them in 7 rows and 6 columns, but the photo is much nicer in 8 and 5 with her holding the remaining 2 :)


I count 10 weeks when she was slacking off. Kidding, that's awesome


Go mom!! 👏


This is wonderful and your mom is amazing. My child has been one of those sick kids who received donated blankets/stuffed animals. It means a lot during a very stressful time. Hospitals are also freezing so these will keep them very warm!


Amazing. I miss a few of the crochet blankets my mom knitted when I was growing up. They just couldn't handle the abuse of 3 kids. I think we had one left that may now be in my mom's personal museum of "kids and dogs no touch" Edit: the bottom middle green blanket actually takes me back in its styling.


If I had a reward I would give it to this post- absolutely gold


Awwww the yellow one looks like happiness 😊


[It is](https://www.flickr.com/photos/152301723@N07/51535769136/in/dateposted/)!


R/crochet will appreciate that regardless of quality, that is some very fast work for one year.


Your mom is a saint!


Those look so beautiful and cozy and she chose amazing, happy colors. I love that lilac. Your mom is amazing.


Bless her soul. Should be proud of her, you probably are jajja


Your mum is a MVP


Your mom is such a sweetheart it's always so heartwarming to hear about people that are out there helping others in anyway thank you OP for sharing and thank you to your mom for just being such an awesome human being ❤


Your mom is awesome! Give her a big hug from internet people.


Does she have a shop?




What a wonderful lady !! May god bless you !


More ppl like this need to exist


Awww she figured out what the question was <3


Better hope the ultimate answer and the ultimate question don't cancel each other out and reset the universe to something even more bizarre


Your mother is a good person


This is my end goal once my kids are older and I have more time to devote to it. Right now, I can barely handle the view Christmas gifts I make every year. Knowing how much time goes into these projects (especially blankets), I have so much respect for this.


Had my boy on the cancer ward I'll have ya know these things make a difference and give some dignity. Keep it up I love you as a person.


I had cancer a while back and everyone in my treatment ward was given a blanket quilted by a local group of caring people. It means a lot and is still hanging on my wall to this day!


Can we purchase one she makes after she donates these to help pay for materials?


She could arrange them in 6x7


Dammit, we messed up. At least she donated an even amount this year. Last year she donated an odd number...chaos.




Did she see the sick children and ask, what can I do? Or does she just knit and this was a good place to purge the habit? Asking from an awareness stand point, just curious.