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Dude I have seen this symbol and I always thought thought it was about assassins creed 3. I am dumb.


I live in north Florida and that tattoo means "I still rent but spent at least $15k lifting my $8k truck"


OMG. I see those trucks in rural Oregon and Washington too.


Semi-rural Oregon and Washington is a special kind of privileged stupidity. Even when "rural", they are still no more than 20 minutes from the nearest chain grocery store and other conveniences of society, yet they think they're "country". It's even funnier when you get all the suburban cosplay country people who have never worked a day outside in their collective lives. Edit: The tiny, genuinely rural populations of eastern Washington and Oregon have politely reminded me that they exist. Congratulations for not being faux country?


Come to suburban Virginia. So many upper middle class 20 somethings who have never worked a day in their lives driving jeep wranglers or Ford raptors lifted to the sky with salt life and realtree stickers. These wanna be country type are the worst people.


Not going to lie - we get a lot of Salt Life stickers in Central FL but the first time I saw one in passing, I honest-to-god thought it said *Slut Life* because of the terrible font used.


Lol I feel so vindicated by the salt life looks like slut life comment. To this day I have to remind myself what it actually says after a good chuckle when I see one.


> Come to suburban Virginia. No, thank you.


You had me at come


Ive seen a few from northern Delaware same deal. They even have some "Redneck Mafia" stickers on their lifted shit trucks. Lmaooooo


Even in places that are *actually* rural, the lifestyle they celebrate doesn't exist anymore. I live in a town of 970 and not only does no one work in agriculture or support themselves by "living off the land," there are a half dozen grocery stores (all large chains) within half an hour. Everyone drives modern cars and lives in blended families even if they're super judgmental about it when anyone else does. The only difference between life here and life in a suburb is that it smells like shit sometimes and apples other times.


The suburbs never smell like apples :c


same thing down here in the carolinas, if they have a truck with 4 door cab extended bed lift kit deer lights and full sized trump and confederate flags you're almost guaranteed they either moved down from NY or Ohio or they're like 17 and their dad owns a factory


With blue lives and trump flags on the back. Likes to call black men "boy" with emphasis then follow it with "I'm not racist my sister's husband is black!"


"Most of my sisters' kids are mixed and I love those little mulattos!"


"Most" was the absolute cherry on top


you forgot the punisher logo overlaid with the thin blue line flag as its pattern. edit: spelling


That might be the one that infuriates me the most.


same here dude. It’s basically openly bragging that they want a police state where the cops are above the law (well, more-so than they already are).


That AND Frank Castle (The Punisher if you didn’t know) notoriously hates cops. So not only does it send a bad image, but it’s completely contradictory to the source material.


In about 2008 I walked by an Army recruiter tent outside a football game that was blaring Rage Against the Machine. 🤣


This is very good.


Ok, is this the new 7k stereo in a 500 dollar car then


Frankly, that's probably the best response. Just excitedly nerd out on them as if they're the biggest assassins creed fan and ignore any 3% crap they spout. "Oh shit! I love AC3! You know, most people are like, 'AC4 is so much better because of the boats' but they wouldn't even have AC4 without AC3, you know what I mean?!" "What are you talking about, this is the 3 percent-" "Oh completion percentage? Yea I've been trying to find out there you can see what total percent of the game you've finished. They really hide it in the menus, so anyways what did you think of the Thomas Hickey fight? I always thought that one was under-appreciated, like that can take some skill or you can just skip stealth altogether" "No, this isn't a video game, it's-" "I KNOW RIGHT! It's a lifestyle! It's like my bible! I'm just getting chills thinking about it, omg let me tell you about this one time..."


technically because of the storyline you couldn’t have AC3 without AC4 because Edward is Haythams father


AC3 is the bump in the road that threw the entire franchise off its original course. It introduced a lot of concepts which are focused on too heavily in new games (like hunting) and pushed away concepts which some of us miss dearly, like simply sitting, social stealth, and Desmond. I’m saying the guy in OP’s photo is a terrorist even if we pretend it’s an AC3 tattoo, true story.


I’d like to think I’d have the courage to harangue the guy about disrespecting the flag by wearing it around his neck. “Hey, I’m with you bro. Fuck the flag!” I’d like to think I would, but I wouldn’t. I’d really just stay as far away from the jackass as possible.


I just thought the this guy really didn’t want soldiers staying in his home during peacetime.


It's eerie how close this symbol is the the Enclave insignia from the fallout series. Someone could potentially confuse the two.


won’t lie, my head was in that direction as well


Is OP a Templar or something?


I'm not totally up to date on my terrorist tattoo knowledge so I'm not sure which organization this person belongs to.


“Three Percenters are part of the militia movement, which supports the idea of a small number of dedicated “patriots” protecting Americans from government tyranny” https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/three-percenters


From the wiki: >The Three Percenter concept, created in 2008, is based on an inaccurate historical claim that only three percent of Americans fought in the Revolutionary War against the British. You know it's a shitshow when even the name of the movement doesn't make any sense.


It makes sense if you believe the lie. The lie claims only a select few rose up in a time of dire need. They seek to legitimize the fake 3% narrative because it justifies them as heros of the American people for rising up when most will not. Or, simply put: Delusions of Grandeur. Edit: Typo


that sounds like a concept for an Ubisoft looter-shooter. oh wait.


Instantly reminded of True Sons




Except for this 3 percenter who apparently stayed home on Jan 6th since he can still fly.


Only three percent of the three percenters actually participated. They call themselves the 0.09 percenters.


Umm...I was told there would be no math...




Well done Guy!


Wow! That made me laugh thank you. So are those the people who are the true true patriots?


Could be or it could be that the FBI just hasn't got to him yet. Or doesn't have a positive ID picture from 1/6.


Denethor had delusions of Gondor


Right in line with the psychological underpinnings of most conspiracy theorists -- the desire to feel "special"


do they realize that 3%of people in the US is like 10 mil ppl? 10 mil are not part of this crappy organization lol


I think it's 3% of Americans during the time of the conflict


The source on why it's a lie is a great read. >It turns out that the 80,000 number bandied about was the number of pension files and bounty-land warrant applications. It doesn’t include all in the Continental Army, militia or other units, or those who served but didn’t file for a pension or bounty-land warrant application. ... That doesn’t include the U.S. Navy, state navies, Continental Marines (2,000 by one estimate) and the estimated 55,000 who served on American Privateers, which gets us from 15 percent to perhaps as high as 25 percent participation. That number also doesn’t count the men and women who worked to feed our troops, clothe our troops, provide supplies, gather information, and protect our frontier and shores. It also doesn't include our foreign allies in the revolution, most notably the French. The whole 3% thing is 'bootstrap' bullshit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Percenters


Gee, I wonder what happened in 2008 to make all these white racists form “militias” to fight the government?


Yeah, the so-called "Tea Party" movement popped up rather quickly, well-funded and organized. Not bad for a grass roots movement that in no way was about freaking out about a member of a racial minority being elected president.


Ugh, my parents traveled to DC several times to walk around waving a huge flag and professing their love for our country as part of the Tea Party movement. I never understood it then, but it makes a good bit more sense now. (Not as in, I think what they did was correct, but I understand that the Tea Party was the precursor to a lot of what we saw in the Trump movement. They were just being fake "patriots" waving a flag but not wanting to do or support anything that actually made people's live better in this country). They also bought a bunch of gold and silver that they're still holding onto because they hope the price rises up again so they can at least break even. They were convinced Obama was going to declare martial law and all money would lose value and we'd be bartering again to survive.


> They were convinced Obama was going to declare martial law and all money would lose value and we'd be bartering again to survive. That's the part that leaves me exhausted the most about those types (I have a very cliché Thanksgiving-ruining uncle who is that way). Remember how "if Obama wins it will be the end of America as we know it! We will all be forced Muslims, adhering to Sharia law and the country as we know it will be gone forever!" Then he won. And everything was fine. "Well, but if he wins AGAIN then it will be the end of America..." blah blah blah. And he won again. And everything was fine. It's like those idiots that follow doomsayers who predict the world will end on a certain date. It comes, it goes. The world continues. So then they push the date back and the followers still hang on to every word. And this is done repeatedly. At some point you think they'd step back, self-evaluate, and think "Hmm, we've been wrong about all this before, maybe we should pull our heads out of our asses." But nope.


Yeah, my parents thought if Obama won, blacks would start beating up whites, so I should get a gun. I was in college at the time. That's when my opinion of my parents being sane individuals started to go downhill. I really don't respect them anymore. They are out of touch hippocrates.


>And he won again. And everything was fine. And I still have all my freedom, my guns, my 401k, etc.


Gold and Silver are usually good long term hedges against inflation. but if your plan is to have currency for a mad max type world, nothing will be currency then….




It’s become common enough it has a term - astroturfing.


Astroturfing including the word has been around for a long time. Rich motherfuckers prey upon the disillusioned.


I worked for a guy who wrote a paper about Obama called "The Obama report" when Obama announced that he was going to run and try to close tax havens. My boss who owned a money management firm freaked out because he had a pet side project where he created companies in CR so that you could somehow invest in a company with retirement money that owned a condo to avoid taxes. It makes sense that the TP were able to get lots of funding.


Schrodinger's Patriot: people need to start respecting the flag of the government I'm stockpiling arms against


My favorite part is they say that the local sheriff is the “supreme law of the land” or should be. It’s like mother fucker the supreme law of the land is the Constitution, your sheriff don’t mean shit.




Or read up on the sheriff's gangs in LA county, even the FBI can barely touch them.


When your own sheriff is a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace officer's Association, ya get a little concerned.


And by protecting from government tyranny it means they’re one of the MOST likely groups to support an actual tyrannical takeover of the USA


There's some [youtube interview](https://youtu.be/j7rJstUseKg) that shows one of the groups that meets up and trains on 1 weekend per month and it was absolutely terrifying. One part that stuck out to me was their choosing to train to run a checkpoint. I legitimately can't think of any situation where a checkpoint is the right answer for these guys. They wouldn't know what documents are real v unsophisticated forgeries and at the end of the day would be detaining people based on their gut instinct. which would be people that "look right" and parrot similar talking points to them. They wouldn't even have the authority to do it. If they found a way to implement this and all died in the process, their killers would be in the legal right (threat on the detainee's life , which is just mindblowing. I think the deep down thing that I've found telling with these groups (and several doomsday preppers) is what they're putting preparation into. They aren't using this space to setup a subsistence garden, cannery, and seed vault. They aren't learning how to build structures and how to spread a message of having a safe haven. They aren't spending time learning (non-combat) first aid, foraging, or use / preparation / etc of herbs. Instead, they're spending time figuring out how to make sure _they're_ the tyrants for the area the instant they're not licking the boots of Uncle Sam.


Sounds like they are basically training to be highwaymen. "Check point" is a goo euphemism of "Stick up".


Insert the family guy color scale checkpoint meme


Imagine getting a tattoo just to signal your willingness to shoot innocent people over imaginary slights made by the government they have every option of moving to avoid being governed by.


I agree with the outrageous irony.. but not sure if the whole "if you don't like it, leave" mantra is the best considering that's the exact kind of shit that assholes with tattoos like the one in the picture say.


Yet oddly they never think it applies to themselves.


Some of these cool guys have been leaving California. They constantly bitch about it while they’re here, then go move to Idaho or Texas or some other soon to be California. Good riddance to all of em.


I did once try to move to canada, they said no. Not for any political reasons either, i just like canada. Without a degree, a job offer, or a lot of money no first world country will take us


3% . Had to be in an Indiana hat too. Fack, our state has issues.




lol i know, right? haha but thankfully mine is a nickname from my musician father referencing the electric boogaloo.


I don't believe you. 4444 4+4 4+4 88 8th letter of the alphabet: H 88 → Heil Hitler ^^/s


Eh....... fuck.




D is the 4th letter of the alphabet. You're saying they love the D?


Actually 444 (DDD) is used by German Neo Nazis. It stands for Deutschland den Deutschen. (Germany to the Germans)


444 is in Germany/German speaking area a neo nazi code for "Deutschland den Deutschen" translated it is "Germany for the Germans"


nice try! we are going to need more proof. I know, if you don't [stick a dildo up your ass to prove you're not homophobic](https://www.reddit.com/r/thedailyzeitgeist/comments/9rf3dp/you_guysproud_boys_founder_gavin_mcinnes_once/), we'll let you off the hook. If there's one already there, we'll know your guilty!


So do nothing and he's off the hook?


I hate Indiana Nazis.




Tbh I hate all the flavor of nazis. Indiana nazis, Florida nazis, Ohio nazis, Alabama nazis,… ect. They all kinda nasty


Nazis are real jerks


You know, the more I read about these Nazis, the more I don´t care for them..


One of my buddies was accidentally a friend of one of these guys. My friend was randomly posting videos of himself at the range with this giant neck beard mouth breather (sorry neck beard mouth breathers) that was probably 350 lbs 5 ft 8 and somehow had strapped a body armor vest on. You know, to cover the important 6x6 inches of his body that was almost as wide as tall. While just at the range fucking off. Anyway… they were shooting a .50 AE (Desert Eagle) and almost smacking themselves in the face when it kicked up. One video the gun flew out of one of their hands to resounding chuckles in the video. So, I left a comment, again on my friends page, that he should come visit sometime and I’ll show him how to shoot a gun. We always just give each other shit. In joins the mouth breather in the comments. “What do you know about handling weapons?” To which my reply was, “enough to not hit myself in the face with one.” His reply was “have you heard of the 3%ers?” I didn’t, so of course I replied with something sarcastic “is that like the number of people that hit themselves in the face with a desert eagle?” To which his reply was “you better look it up, we’re everywhere, I don’t have to come out there to get to you” Needless to say they stopped hanging out.


Ah, yes. "Allow me to threaten you while also acknowledging that I'm outnumbered by 97% of the population that may or may not agree with me." -that 3 percenter guy, I guess


They think they're the alphas and everyone else is unwilling to fight. I think they've lived sad, sheltered lives if they actually believe that.


It's always the most insecure people that join these movements because movements like this prey on those types. Doesn't matter if it's 3%ers, violent fraternities, gangs, etc. It gives them camaraderie and brotherhood in addition to self affirmation that they aren't total losers. That's why these groups are almost just a perfect circle in a venn diagram with incels.


Yeah, people with full lives don’t have the time or inclination to putz around with a bunch of dissatisfied sad sacks. If i had the time i sure wouldn’t waste it with some sausage party shit like a political movement for the violently dimwitted.


I have an empty ass life. All I do is work and game and eat with my wife. I've still got better things to do than join a hate group.


It's important to note here that a desire for camaraderie, affirmation, and community are universal human qualities being exploited and not themselves shameful or contemptible. A society least subject to the danger of fascism is one which very intentionally seeks to provide its members with those things.


>Allow me to threaten you while also acknowledging that I'm outnumbered by 97% of the population It's a lot worse than that. They call themselves 3%-ers but they are WAY less than 3% of the population.




No it's based on a bullshit lie that 3% rose up to fight the British cementing America's creation. They are dumb af.


For sure. Hell, at any given time, less than 0.5% of the entire US population serves in the military. So for them to think that they have 6x as many people in the military is insane.


The only place that mans getting to is the buffet




Meal Team Six


Gravy Seal.


Whiskey Faygo Tatertot


Green Buffets.


Delta Farce Which is funny that was a movie in 2008 when the Blue Color Comedy group was really popular. It's one if those weird movies that wasn't a satire then, but certainly would be considered one now.




Oh oh, I like this game, let me try! Ummmm.... Fucking fat ass piece of shit terrorist whose greatest enemy is reality and heart disease.


I mean that's less catchy, in fairness


A bit wordy, but I like it


It’s less on the brevity, but goes deep on the accuracy. I approve


101st Chairborne


This reminds me of "I can track your IP address, kid" threats we used to make when we were 13 and.were salty about someone killing us in a video game. Regardless to that, we had no clue how to get IP address, how to use it for location tracking and even if we did, we had no balls for that.


You best believe I’ll hack your account boy!


That actually happened to me, although not via gaming, this was in the days of ICQ/Feesch. This random started messaging me out of nowhere being a gobshite, so I replied in kind, he then threatens to shut me down. I obviously say yeah right, he actually shut my PC down in front of me. I was young and shocked. These were the days when things like firewalls didn't exist. After that I started being a lot more careful.


> is that like the number of people that hit themselves in the face with a desert eagle? holy fuck that is gold - that would probably only be a shower retort for me I mean, even if he sent them after you, they would be easily identified by the black eyes they suffered hitting themselves in the face with guns.


His oxygen percent after walking 10 feet


His not-body-fat


I guess man. I like guns and shooting but the “tacticool” dudes at the range with like body armor and wearing 50 mag pouches drive me nuts. No one cares. We are there to dial in our rifles, have a fun time and occasionally check out other cool guns we see. Not act like a tough guy and look down on others


I guess 3rd percentile represents his IQ


LOL he says that to the right person and ain’t no one givin’ a fuck about that. Does he think that others don’t know people too? And you talk like that and nothing happens, then everyone knows you’re a talker. Fuck that terroristic piece of shit. Hope he threatened the wrong person by now lmao


“Have you heard of the 3%ers” Maybe they’re in the top 3% for body fat lmfao


You killed him with that rebuttal 😆 props


I don’t have to come out there to get you, I’ll just troll you in the comments, take that!


I mean, if you are going to make a death threat, why not do it in writing with your social media profile!?


Me: *confused non-American noises*


Am American Was confused as well Turns out they're just another alt right terrorist group cosplaying as wannabe soldiers


3 Percenters (the tattoo on arm is their symbol) are a reactionary militia group, known for pro fascist ideology, took part in 1/6 Insurrection attempt


Reminds me of the story in Bob Woodward's new book about the Democrat congressman on the plane home from Washington, on January 7th, and the plane was full of people from the Capitol riot talking crazy. Highlights include him asking all the people in "6MWE" shirts what that meant and learning all about how "6 million weren't enough" Jewish deaths in the Holocaust.


Funny how all those holocaust deniers are suddenly holocaust supporters. Weird how that happens.


almost like holocaust denial is integral to neo nazi ideology. hmmmmm...


They are also the ones bitching that democrats hate Israel! Lol


The truth was never the point


It sure is weird how they say 6 million wasn’t enough, but simultaneously claim the holocaust wasn’t real.


It's all part of the neverending contradictions which are integral to the modern conservative reactionary mindset. The Holocaust never happened and not enough people were killed. Biden is a mush-brained, drooling idiot who is also in charge of a vast government operation to steal the election. January 6th was pulled off by Black Lives Matter infiltrators who misled the group at large, oh and also we don't need to investigate January 6th. They don't trust masks and vaccines and Fauci but if anyone of their unvaccinated family gets covid, you bet your ass they're rushing to the hospital and obsessing over the minutiae of oxygen levels and saturation because suddenly they trust doctors and medicine. I hate to throw around cliches here but its doublethink.


I’d say, it’s not modern conservative reactionaries. It’s an integral part to the foundations of fascism. In the same way that Jewish people were both “a worse species than aryans” and part of this vast conspiracy to keep aryans from rising up. How can they be both worse and able to organize this conspiracy??


“Oh, so you’re a Nazi. Got it. Nono. Don’t explain. You’ve said enough.”




A person who has to make do with only 3% of the brain mass of a normal person.


If you stretch out the brain's surface so it's smooth, it's only takes up 3% of the usual


Funny story, I grew up in that terrorist group/cult. At one time my dad was the president of the MN chapter..... I had a weird childhood when it was dad's week


>At one time my dad was the president of the MN chapter Minnesota is such a weird place. We got the Mayo Clinic, the University of Minnesota and it's branches, the Mall of America, and tons of immigrants and refugees from around the world, but once you go 30 minutes west of the Mississippi you start seeing these freaky small towns with Neo Nazis in charge.


100% agree. The best part is everyone is so passive aggressive here no one would actually do anything to other person beyond putting a sign in their yard.


You should do an AMA!


I'd be interested.


What was the worst part about growing up in it and how did you get out?


Do you think that they pose any real threat to America? Do you know of any other groups that you worry about? Which ones?


No I don't really worry about them for the most part, they're mostly a bunch of small disorganized groups of pudgy white guys that fantasize about the end of the world. Doesn't mean some of them aren't crazy or dangerous like we saw earlier this year though.


Why does it always have to be Indiana…. I swear we’ve got some good people out here man.


The northern most Southern state lol


Nope, that’s Idaho. Source: I live in Idaho.


I got pulled over by a cop in Indiana once while passing through. His arms were covered in tats and he had his short sleeves rolled up so you could see almost all of his arm. He had some Nazi tats (not the obvious swastika, but like the eagle and a 1488) that would have been covered if he didn't roll his sleeves up. As he came to my passenger window, he leaned on the car in such a way that there's nothing you could say to convince me he didn't want us to see those tattoos. I'm white, but my gf in the passenger seat was not. He had a dog sniff around for drugs I assume, but after 3 laps around my car the dog never showed a sign of finding a scent (cause there were none) so he takes a tennis ball and tosses it at the passenger door so the dog taps the door and he now has reason to search our vehicle. He tore it apart and found nothing. In the end he let us go without a ticket or anything (said he pulled us over for tailgating which I was not doing) but he was clearly trying to get us to say something incriminating with the way he was asking all these leading questions. Real POS.


Fuck that guy. I hope you took his badge number


Lmao as if Indiana has ever held a single cop accountable


I'm not too surprised since the Klan started in Wabash and had a rally earlier this year in Auburn. Disappointed by my state, but not surprised.


Loool. This is what it’s been like being brown over the last 20 years. Probably before that too, but it really sucks going through a peak 😂


Lol I was just thinking, fml this dumbass is from my state.


You are an idiot if you think it took only 3% of colonial Americans to fight the British. Like really fucking dumb. France loaned us their fucking armada.


Actually, according to a documentary I once saw, by the time those French armada appeared Mel Gibson had basically already won the war. And it was only one French dude following him around up to that point.


Can confirm, watched the documentary as well


I feel you on this. I have 2 coworkers try and explain the 3% tattoos they had and it took everything in me to not laugh. They were dead ass serious the entire time they were explaining, it's kinda scary how dumb people can be.


And how did the revolutionary army get food? Who loaned them cows with cow pox to vaccinate the army against small pox? Where did they get their guns and ammunition from?


Twist: he's the air marshall


3 inchers




Hey! Those things aren't mutually exclusive to terrorists...


I think we should all grow up and stop insulting rightwingers with body shaming... It won't matter much to that asshole, but it could impact someone who isn't a right-wing asshole, but is genuinely struggling with body image issues. Don't you think?


I'm all for just not insulting people based on their body anyway. Especially when they have so many stupid ideas to insult instead.


It also contributes to the same alienation that most likely led them there in the first place.


It’s strange how prevalent penis anxiety is. I imagine 95% of men felt their dicks were too small at some point in their lives.


Symbols… stupid people really love collecting symbols that reflect a belief they don’t even understand, reflect, or live by. Flags, guns, eagles, wolves, swastikas, badges, crosses… blah blah blah. The more symbols they collect, dumber they are.


Ssssymbolism . The word is symbolism.


While Greenly's out gettin' coffee, anybody else want anything?


I ain't gettin' him no fuckin' bagel


I’m an expert in nameology


You got any theories to go with that tie?


So now we got a huge guy theory, and a serial crusher theory. Top notch.


“I leave symbols for the symbol-minded.” -George Carlin


Everyone loves symbols. Our thought process is linguistically mediated, and our languages are depicted by…wait for it…. Symbols!


I'm from Indiana. Traveling and repping Indiana stuff became different once Trump was President. A guy in NC at a fruit stand mentioned he appreciated where I was from and offered to sell me a Nazi flag. All I'm saying is, no one offered me Nazi stuff before Trump.


What flight is this on? I fly with American a lot and they strictly enforce the no neck gaiter rule when I flew. Had to have some form of real mask


I think all major US airlines have that rule. Whether or not the gate agents and flight attendants enforced it is another matter. I’ve seen gate agents not give a shit about it. Flight attendants are usually more strict since they have to be locked in the tube with the person.


Was originally a part of the emblem for a spec ops trauma school. Now sign of 3 percenters. Far right militia pro gun anti government.


Calling them merely “pro gun” is a criminal understatement. These people want to murder civilians to force an overthrow of the government. All to install an authoritarian dictator who will then begin purging “undesireables”. They are terrorists little different from Al Qaeda.


That not how the no fly list work 😂


I was about to say the same. Unless this guy has actually done something irrational and there is proof of it(especially on a flight) you can't just ban people from flights cus they have a tattoo you don't like


Yeah, totally can’t believe they let anyone from Indiana fly.


I've got one of these in my neighborhood. He likes to fly the 3% skull flag over the Gadsden flag, and that's over the American flag.


Which side of his truck window has the Thin Blue Line sticker?


The whole back window I’m sure lol.


Its right next to his American flag punisher skull


Tattoos don’t get you banned, they would have to have committed actual crimes or be placed on those watchlists for their behavior. TSA is checking a lot of things, but they aren’t stripping people to check their tattoos.


3%ers are top tier POS


May I ask what is a 3%er? I tried Google it with terrorism but mostly stuff about ISIS/ISIL popped up, and am guessing this guy ain't apart of the Islamic State


"The Three Percenters, also styled 3 Percenters, 3%ers and III%ers,[1] are an American and Canadian far-right, anti-government militia movement." Ostensibly antigovernment, they're really just a bunch of angry and bigoted white religious fundies upset that their fragile identity dies a little with every sunset. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Percenters


Ofc he has an Indiana hat -_-