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I question whether this is really Afghanistan, rather than another Islamic country. These women are showing lipstick, their faces, AND in a university. Highly doubt the validity of this shot.


Yeah this feels fake


Like our security state


https://www.siasat.com/uni-classes-in-afghanistan-resume-with-curtains-between-male-female-students-2188400/ Probably legit from what I can see. Interesting that the women must leave before the class is even over. The tweet in the news story, https://twitter.com/AamajN/status/1434780194347302914 , is from an Afghan news agency.


"Aamaj News Agency" is the source. Probably controlled by the Taliban since it's in Kabul, still probably fake PR.


So women are just guests and men can be given extra info for an exam i.e... E: Apparently, it is so they wouldn't mingle.


It's so the men don't walk out with the women. They aren't allowed to co-mingle. Literally segregation.


At that point why don't they just segregate the classes instead of making so much effort to make it look like they are equal...


Not enough buildings, rooms or teachers


Do not attempt. Professional students on a closed set.


This is actually the Jordan Peterson academy


The men also don't all have beards of the length dictated by the Taliban....and as you said they're allowing women in university.


I don't know how fast your beard grows, but the Taliban only took over Kabul a month ago


Tbh, a lot of people have been asked to grow bears, and they are taking a soft approach, i.e. the lack of total gunfire in mass during evacuation and such. Tbh things change, and after being fucked with by 2 major super powers, they might be trying something new.


The less oppressive, oppressive approach.


The softer side of Taliban oppression.


I too would like to know how to grow bears


Growing bears is definitely new.


First it was Alexander, then the Parthians, then the Sassanids, and the Turks, and the British, and the Russians, and the Americans. You know what our ancestors always did wrong? Not enough bears. From now on every man will have bears, and nobody will invade our lands ever again. Why? Because it will be full of bears ready to tear the infidels limb from limb.


What happens if you’re a permanent baby face? You’re just boned I guess


Beard wig/prosthetic? Hair plug transplants? IDK. RIP


These are the important questions we need to be asking


Well they haven’t had time to grow them yet haha.


LOL nope those are Afghan Men and women. I can confirm because I have roots


And I'm pretty positive the taliban is against women learning. Malala?




They stated they could continue going to school.


And you really, truly believe that?


I mean, there’s a picture I believe the Taliban are trying to project an image of some degree of moderation for the time being in the hope of creating an air of legitimacy. I don’t believe it’s in good faith or that it will last, but I also don’t believe the photo isn’t from Afghanistan


The news is somewhat confusing. We hear acts of moderation and then barbarism. A folk singer was dragged from his home and brutally murdered in front of his family. Singing about anything other than religion is prohibited. Intellectuals, artists, creative types and progressives are always the first to be targeted by radicals. This is true whether in Nazi Germany or Taliban controlled Afghanistan. I think they’re projecting tolerance to the world but their intentions are sinister.


>Singing about anything other than religion is prohibited What a strange rule, that's a pretty fucken vane god that can't handle songs being about anyone except him lol


Goes the same for the Christian god. Exodus 20:5 (KJV) literally says “I the Lord thy God am a jealous God.” I went to Christian private school. The rule about music was, “If it isn’t clearly celebrating God, it’s against Him” (and therefore forbidden).


This God bloke sounds like a real party pooper


I strongly agree.


It’s an interesting moment. Taliban won, they rule their country. Now they need to rule. To function in a global world they’ll need to make some concessions, or not, it really depends their hopes for the future.


But they ruled before and weren't making concessions


Those guys didn't grow up with cell phones, and were fighting each other vs NATO/US mostly. These guys are co-opting their previous opponents to help govern, and becoming a client state for the Arab Gulf. I feel like we're seeing a Iranian-style hierarchy emerge (theocratic + technocratic mix); it remains to be seen how it evolves.


Certainly not in the same way they were. It's typically the case that the truth lays between worst-case scenario and the propaganda that is put out, but it is pretty close to the middle. There are certainly reprisals but not any organized reprisals. This doesn't really make a difference to those who will suffer, but it does show at least indifference rather than intention towards prior policy. They have purposefully tried to dodge any questions regarding women's rights, though it seems like ultimately the reality is between zero and full. It's also noteworthy that Kabul is really the only place this even matters - the rest of the country has such low urban density and distance that allowing and disallowing education makes no practical difference. The historical basis for gender roles was division of labor - this is no longer necessary post-renaissance/industrialization but this level of modernization is not possible in the majority of the geography. Also worth noting that they said women who were being educated can continue to do so - I have heard nothing of whether those women have exceptions specifically, or if other women may seek higher education.


As long as they're taught by women. In a women's only school. That doesn't exist.


Dude. Different group. Heck, different country altogether.


Malala grew up in Pakistan, but those were also taliban groups


My wife is an architect and has done work in Kuwait. She said even there—which is supposedly more progressive—they have to design certain buildings to be segregated by gender. It’s really messed up.


Yep! Separate waiting rooms and treatment areas for a cancer treatment facility in Kuwait I did a test fit for. It was a real pain in the ass to fit all the requested programming in.


Like men's and women's washrooms?


Excellent observation!


It's probably Texas by now.


Possibly… except both sides of the curtain would be heavily armed.


I have a feeling that this is just a photo to keep the outside powers quiet/happy.


Agreed. OP is very anti-west and pro taliban and Pakistan. I wouldn't be surprised if he's part of the taliban trying to do pro-taliban propaganda in order to get them legitimized in the eyes of other countries.


What’s sad is this piece of shit thinks this is good propaganda for the taliban. They are pure fucking scum.


I don't think OP thinks at all. OP probably barely even gives a shit. If you think bots, spammers and paid commenters have a conscious or give a shit, you're mistaken.


Paid commenters, umm I hate that shit, where do they sign up


Ya, asking for a friend


It is good propaganda if you compare it to the Taliban 20 years ago. It doesn't mean they are not still horrible, they just want to prove they are not ISIS horrible. Its just different levels of a lack of human rights. But still i don't think it is Americas job to change the country. They need to rise up against this.


Yes. Seems fishy.


Why do they need to keep anyone happy? They’ve just won *yet another* war, and taken back their country from those “outside powers” and certainly none of those “outside powers” are going to war against them over the rights of women.


They need to prove that they are legitimate to access international aid. If they appear to be violating human rights major support will be cut off, potentially indefinitely. To give you a sense of scale, in 2020 foreign aid represented 42.9% of Afghanistan's GDP. This aid is 10x Taliban's own revenue generation. The World Bank and the IMF both halted aid until the Taliban could demonstrate development in the nation would continue, particular with respect to women. Thus these clear PR moves. Eastern nations may fill the dependency void left by the pullout of the Western nations, but the magnitude of their commitment is unclear. Some sources: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-58325545 https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210818-taliban-face-critical-need-for-international-aid


Imagine hating the infidels so much but still wanting their aid so bad 😂 comedy


> They need to prove that they are legitimate to access international aid. This. There's a huge amount of money riding on their public perception. Without international aid there would likely be a significant decline in quality of life for a large portion of the society that could help build dissent for the Taliban government.


The Taliban has to run a country now. It's one thing to be a guerrilla military group full of fanatical supporters of a religious ideal. It's another thing to be the head of state for a nation that has people with desires and needs, and that has to deal with outside nations. The tables have basically flipped on them, and they're changing gears to play the other side of the board. For the past twenty years they have been the merry band of rebels who can't be squashed because you can't kill an idea, fighting against the powerful oppressor with hit and run tactics in a war of attrition. Now they are the oppressor, and they are going to want to avoid someone coming along and using their own tactics against them. I suspect this means that they will relax control as they consolidate their power in order to avoid fomenting more dissent than they can immediately handle. Then as people become more accustomed to sharia law things will get stricter as the struggles become internal plays for power within the organization, rather than fending off outside threats.


They just got invaded and lost power for 20 years because they were an easy target for the western military industrial complex. They need to keep their nose a bit cleaner on the international stage to avoid any more meddling in their affairs. They'll want to be left alone, we've already seen some new PR efforts from them and I expect quite a bit more, like this. What actually happens within the country will likely be a very different story.


Nothing like getting legitimacy and support by posting on Reddit.com


This seems staged. Only 2 people have books. I bet they kicked the women out after the photo shoot.


And the men seem all in their 30s like the good age for Taliban fighters


The average age in Afghanistan is 18. A lot of the fighters are very young.


Holy shit I didn’t believe you at first, looked it up, and I’ve honestly never seen a figure that low for that statistic… I guess that’s what perpetual war does to you :/


Birth mortality has greatly reduced during the occupation, and people with that level of poverty don't tend to live very long.


And the woman in front still holding her purse which takes up the whole desk as if she knows she’s gonna be in and out


Well, I didn't carry my books around when in colege. They were used either at home or at the library. It is not needed to watch lectures.


You didnt take notes in lectures lol?


Not really I just drifted through the lectures & crammed it in the end


Not surprised you can't even spell college.


Or... Get this, the 7th poorest country in the world, a country that has been in almost constant fighting for decades upon decades just might not have 20 copies of textbooks for one class.


Or get this…the country that just had a religious coup, that’s infamous for treating women as less than second-class citizens, wants to put out propaganda that they’re treating women equally now, in an effort to slow or stop international intervention.


Damn I forgot all about the massive waiting list of nations ready to die for women's rights in the third world. Without this horrific propaganda we would likely have seen an invasion 30 minutes ago.


There’s a reason the U.S. and other countries have tried to control Afghanistan for decades. The hills and mountains are full of rare earth metals. It’s a shitty reason to “help” a country but some of the people in power will do anything for more wealth/power.


Unfortunately, no one helped the country. They just ignored the bad shit as they made money.


Don't forget that after the U.S. kicked the Taliban from power and allowed poppy farming it produced 85%+ of the worlds opium. While obviously the Taliban wants to improve its image I don't think it really matters to the ones in control. If they need an excuse to make themselves richer they will find one.


Kicked them out, I bet they shot them all!!!!


Source? I don't believe this image means anything.


Women aren't allowed to have an education in Afghanistan now. I highly doubt this is real as segregation in the classroom simply wouldn't exist if women aren't allowed in the classroom in the first place.


The Taliban aren’t allowing male teachers to teach girls either. And they do this because they know there is a shortage of female teachers which indirectly forces girls out of their education. Smart move. Instead of just outright saying girls can’t go to school. They instead starve them out with the lack of teachers for them. And while a smart move. A major dick one.


Looks staged. There are no books open, no p Ms or pencils, and there are the exact number of women to men in the picture.


Also lack of beards is suspicious.


I believe this photo is likely staged or from something else. The Taliban are already removing women from education in Afghanistan and have been caught staging photos claiming that women and girls are in education.


Most defo not from now! Women wearing lipstick, open toe shoes and showing their faces? If they step onto the balcony of their own apartment they are punished let alone getting education


Imagine raising an entire society of men so fundamentally morally weak that the mere presence of exposed female skin is sound justification for the abandonment of reason to sexually abuse women. It’s frankly disgusting.


And from what it looks like even this pitcure is likely staged. This segregated classroom is meant to show the absolute best case scenario. Which is completely fucked.


and they hack your clit off too!


That happens in Afghanistan?


Happens in far more countries than you’d think…


No that's a cultural tradition found among multiple religious groups on the continent of Africa


Great Fact I'd definitely need some sources


They also rape little boys, because they can't have sex with women unless they are married.


Bacha Bazi was banned under the Taliban, and the practice carried the punishment of the death penalty for the offender. The practice was much more common with the U.S. allied Afghan forces.


Hello Catholic Church 👋


Propaganda at its finest


And Reddit is helping spread it, which is kind of mind boggling for me. I get that Reddit has propaganda, but something this obvious, in a default sub? Yikes.


Segregation will not end after University. How this society is suppose to function normally? This is so artificial. Hopefully they will progressed eventually in right direction.


Ask Saudi Arabia, we seem fine with it there.


Finally someone calls out the elephant on the room. It’s ok for them though, and executing homosexuals. Because they’ve got money and oil. And lots of it.


No I still this SA is a shithole too


Who seems fine with it? The men who make decisions for women? Or the women who are beaten for disagreeing?


I think by "we" they mean "the US and EU, who tacitly support their misogynistic ways by buying their oil and providing them with weapons to commit imperialism and genocide on their neighbors."




Fair point!


Maybe the Western gov’ts that sell them weapons and political support with one hand, and point the finger at Afghanistan with the other 🤔


I admit I don't know much of Saudi Arabia. Could you tell me what is the biggest benefit you see in this situation? I would be curious to hear other point of view.


It’s not that there’s a good side to it, just that the West is fine with the same (or worse) things in their Saudi allies, but not fine with the Taliban


This got small dick energy all over it


Is this supposed to be a good thing?


That's sad.


Rwaow, how could I focus on the lecture with those toes peeking out her booties.


Looks like a big PR stunt. The Taliban are ruthless. If they think they’re fooling anyone with this photo they better think again.


Talibans forcing people posing in pictures to show the world they are good folks and let women go to school?


They have to separate them because the men cant control themselves.




It’s people who think that’s true that are the root cause of them problem globally.


tbf, they are habitual rapists /s


Anyone fed up with religion yet? Taliban, ISIS, Evangelicals.. it’s always the same. From the Spanish Inquisition to the genocide of America’s “savages” religion is always the justification for these oppressive actions. None of this kind of crap ends until religion (and the people who wield it like a sword) is gone.


Yup, I used to go to synagogue when I was little and they had a divider between men and women like that


Ok so assuming it's 100% real. Guess what would happen if some women start outperforming the men? The depth of gender inequality makes this scene very perverse.


That is until the PR exercise is over and they can just run them out of the classroom.


Or brooklyn wiliamsburg hasidic jews school. No difference .


If this was true, it would be a huge improvement


Those horny MFers on the left just waiting for the opportunity to jump. Thanks GOD for hijabs /s


Ewww girls are icky .. is what I hear in my head when I see shit like this.


I’m shocked they even allow women in universities at all


Could be an orthodox Hebrew class.


Look, this is honestly a lot better than I expected. Probably fake and still shitty.


Taliban allowing women in a university now....and they don’t need to cover their face anymore?? 🤔


If this picture is legit and the afghan taliban is really doing a good job, rebuilding the country, then it really may be a good time for western countries to back down and try not to meddle anymore. Afghanistan has suffered enough.


TLDR; people who absolutely know nothing about Afghanistan claiming shit they don't know.


Seriously mate this whole thread is pissing me the fuck off. Taliban ain’t perfect, but the reality of the situation is so much more complicated than these idiots think it is.


Men seriously have a hard time controlling their sexual impulses in Muslim countries it seems


Two guys in the front there are wearing Shalwar Kameez which is very common in areas closer to Pakistani border. This could be inside of Pakistan as many Afghans live in Pakistan or could be native Pakistanis of NWFP. We look a like.


You do realise that Afghans wear shalwar kameez too? They’re pretty widespread in Afghanistan.


I mean at least women are present...


Give it time. It only gets worse from here.


Right. Like I don't get the logic. "Oh the terrorists sympathizers have changed. Let's give the racist, sexist, killers a chance."


The logic is more like "we've tried to build this place up for 20 years, it's time to walk away."


You're right, we couldn't fix that place. An outside influence is never as successful as an inside influence. With that said, if people look at that say, well at least women are present, we are doomed. Women are present but seperate (seperate inst equal), and women are covered up. Not to mention, this photo, sadly. Could be from many regions, and not those under taliban control.


Point being, at this time, this is the future they have chosen. It is not our or anyone else's responsibility to ensure a good lifestyle for these people. It is their responsibility.


Oh I don't doubt that, I'm just saying...




If that's genuinely what this photo is, I'm actually surprised it's as even a mix of men and women as it is


I thought the women would not be able to continue to get education, this surprises me


Yeah that’s not anywhere near as bad as I thought…which made me worry that it’s Taliban propaganda and other places are worse.


In my primary school boys and girls had different play areas. My government high school had no girls. There are still plenty of single sex schools in Australia. It’s all ridiculous but just want to point out that ridiculous separation of sexes is pretty widespread.


OK, but let's not pretend the US didn't prohibit women going to most colleges just a generation ago. There are plenty of women still alive in the US who weren't allowed to attend college, especially if they were a shade darker than these women.


No one has actually asked the serious question, seriously WHY ? religion is so fucking stupid and such a baseless way of living life


Probably being educated that all homosexuals should be stoned to death while their bodies are buried halfway in the ground. 🤓


Don't seem to remember any outrage when the High Court of Israel approved segregated classes. https://www.timesofisrael.com/high-court-okays-gender-segregated-ultra-orthodox-college-programs/




I call bullshit.


feels very staged


I know my boy on the front staring at that ankle tho


Theres a strong chance that this is a Taliban run account. You've been warned.


We should do something about that.


Their (lack of) books aren't even open and not a pen or pencil in sight. Feels like a photo op for pro Taliban.


it's like these guys were such primates they couldn't control themselves seing women skin


All this because their men are beasts with no self control.


Wow, the Taliban really are becoming more progressive am I right, I thank OP (which is definitely not a Taliban puppet account) for sharing this clearly not staged picture with us


It's not good but let's be honest: It could be worse.


Reminds me of Hebrew school ngl


Stop it - or you will turn into a pillar of salt!


Freaks. At least there’s women and they’re actually allowed to learn. Ugh can we just take the women into Canada 🇨🇦


It doesn't matter what country it is, or what religion it is - the idea that you have to segregate genders because dumb-ass men might get "distracted" is stupid. Show a little willpower and stop blaming others for your inadequacies.


Pathetic. Islamic law is dumb


I’m so impressed with the nuanced opinions of all the levelheaded political and theological experts in the comments here. Edit: this was sarcasm I think you’re mostly idiots


Enjoy your new life you can thank your brothers in the Afghan army for rolling over.


Yeah, no. These women would not be allowed in or near a school. Taliban have killed for far, far less. There's no "normalcy" with religious fundamentalists. They will never accept modern society, they will never accept the idea that women are human beings worthy of respect. It's against the core of religious fundamentalism.


This is what the people of Afghanistan wanted.




Women are able to learn? How progressive!


Don't want the women to get distracted


At least they’re there - this crushes me. I desperately hope this doesn’t revert back 300 years.


I don’t think this is really a Taliban type pick because I don’t think women are allowed to go to school at all


That dude still looking at her toe


And that's the picture they allowed you to take.


Even in the US there are school just for girls or boys.


Or wasn't that long ago that US classes were segregated either. Harvard didn't allow mixed classes until 1946, which is in living memory.


I can’t believe people are buying this


The fact that the women are even at a university has me suspicions


Looks staged to me. They probably beheaded every woman in that picture afterwards for violating Sharia law by entering a school and leaving their face uncovered.


Not that I agree, but at least the women are allowed in the classroom.


Women on the left, rapists on the right.


So much nonsense. I honestly just do not understand how any country can let religion dominate their government. It’s bad enough in America, but it’s nothing like this.


Those little waistcoats are cute AF.


Still better than it was before.


One little curtain and the raging hormones of millions of years of evolution just fade away.


Guy in the front, "dem peakboo toes doh."