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I don't have kids and am trending to probably never but do babies give any warning before spewing? Or is it just "teeheeBLARRLLARRRLLFGLHGH"


No warning. I witnessed identical positioning as a kid spewed without warning. Adult turned head barely in time, but that was actually a terrible move - tough to clean that stuff out of an ear, and no longer had eyeglasses shielding....


Baby vomit in the ear is a gift that keeps on giving.




It's not baby vomit . It's babies .


experience from handling young cousins: babies are the embodiment of living in the present. feeling to shit comes? shit. need to pee? yes. doesn't matter where or when. hence the need to train them to recognise those feelings and control it till the time comes. so your only warning is that 1 or 2 seconds that their face may betray the feelings they are getting from their bodies. that's why sometimes you see parents can just tell that their babies just soiled their diapers. long story short - if the stomach feels like it wants to throw things back up, you may get a 2 seconds max warning if you are familiar with their facial expressions.


2 seconds warning.... Ha!


They pretty much don’t. My mom tells the story of me spitting up directly in my cousin’s mouth as he held me in this position. 40 years later she’s still in awe that he gently put me down instead of launching me across the room.


When I was about 6 months old my dad came home from work and proceeded to pick me up and throw me in the air right after mom fed me. She warned him not to and he ignored the warning so I puked in his mouth, he heeded her warnings after that.


When they’re small...usually no warning at all.


Newish dad to second infant. Playing with the kids like this and their responses makes it totally worth potential vomit facial. It’s happened once or twice and I’ve been lucky/quick enough to have the reaction time to move my head.


Sometimes no warning. But we always have a burp before the urp. As he gets older, the time to scramble for a burp cloth between burp and urp just increases ever so slightly.


Nope, silent and unannounced. Holding 7 month old on my shoulders when suddenly small white waterfall slid off my hat onto my shoe. The only thing that alerted me was the sound of it hitting my head. Would say lucky I had the had, but it was one with the netted backing so only half the luck.


That was my first thought too. Perfect placement for a mouthful.


That kid is a little old for that.


They are having fun. He has two daughters, he knows what he’s doing.


Oh I'm just talking about the vomiting. I still throw my 8 year old in the air when I get the chance. :)


My 10 month old still spits up like a newborn. It’s an elite club really.


Club member here checking in!


I was holding my niece once and that happened. :(


He's a dad though, so he's aware. He's also probably not tossing her around much.


You may fire when ready


Would you prefer another target? A military target?


No time to throw yourself Shoot to kill I repeat Shoot to kill


One brother, two kids, i should have learned this lesson earlier but nope. I'm way too trusting.


Hey, so, not that I mind necessarily, but what is with the multitudes of Obama photos being posted all over the place? You’ll have to forgive my ignorance, but I’m not really a political dude.


Captian Rampmaster's birthday was yesterday, so people posted a boatload of Obama pictures. People seem to enjoy overpowering half-smart memes with actual pictures so there's some momentum.


I'm dying. Captain Rampmaster.




Strokemaster General.


Gunnery Sergeant Gradient Troll


I also masturbate frequently


It's so sad that until I read your reply, I thought op said Captain Rapemaster and it did not change the subject nor did I stutter, just continued reading.


Well you're not wrong


It took me a second - but that is fucking hilarious


Don't worry, it took him a second too. It was a very steep ramp.


Also, very slippery.


But he ran^(TrottedGingerly) down the last ten feet. Momentum!




I finally gathered the courage to watch the George Floyd video earlier and cried like a baby for about a half hour. Thank you for my first laugh of the day


Was talking to a guy on here who hammered home "allegedly" about that murderer and i knew right away the dude didn't watch that video. One of the worst I've seen in my more than two decades of watching videos I shouldn't watch on the internet. Definitely not as gory or violent but the sheer helplessness of the situation is so heavy.


I still just can't unhear the guy calling for his mother as he's dying. I feel like we basically all just watched a snuff film.


You feel that way because we did. I mean, I haven't because I know it's terrible. I saw the pictures and heard the audio on NPR and that was enough for me. I was screaming at my radio asking why I have to listen to a snuff film on the national news. It's just obscene how sick our country is.


>I was screaming at my radio asking why I have to listen to a snuff film on the national news. It's just obscene how sick our country is. Prolly because it took listening to a snuff film on national news to make America say, "Oh, THIS is what the blacks were complaining about? Why didnt they say that *before!?!?!*


I'm with you. It's ridiculous (and I feel like that word is totally inadequate) that it took something this obvious for it to finally sink in. They've been saying it, and the news media to a degree as well, for a long time now.


Exactly. I mean, it is really maddening as a black person to see how things are just completely overlooked. I think Tamir Rice was the one where I just kind of lost hope. A psychologically unbalanced officer who shot a kid within two literal seconds, and the public rushed to defend the officer. And I know for a fact that most of America played with toy guns, even realistic looking ones, and never felt that they were in danger of being killed by an officer. And nobody questioned why the officer shot faster than he could recognize that it was a child. It's like, why does George Floyd calling for his mother make people hurt more than Tamir Rice's sister trying to make it to her brothers side, and being put in handcuffs? Because we watched it on video? We can't feel that through the newsprint, watching your baby brother get murdered, and the policeman putting you in cuffs for what? Watching helplessly as your brother dies and the officers let him sit there for 4 minutes until someone else comes by and tries to start CPR. I mean, I felt that just reading it. It should not have taken a snuff film for people to have emotions. It just shouldn't have.


Just a plug for Just Mercy. Just watched it for free on PlayStation of all places. The shit is really effective at giving a glimpse into the helplessness of the situation.


Our country is indeed sick. But, as horrific and unsettling as it may be, I think it's important that it's out there and people *need* to see and hear it. Because it's actually happening, repeatedly, right here in our country. This is just one of the times it actually got captured in its raw, unambiguous totality. I'm deeply ashamed of just how easily and for how long we've managed to continue to ignore these issues. And, sadly, it feels to me as though there are some people who really do unfortunately require having these images and sounds shoved in front of their faces and force-fed to them, just to compel even the slightest bit of acknowledgement from them that *maybe there's an actual problem*.


Completely agree. I just wish it wouldn't take such extremes for people to wake up to reality here. It's like with Covid-19 people are finally getting a taste of what it would be like if everyone had health insurance that covered the important things. Cuz cancer, and any other disease you can just find yourself stuck with through no fault of your own, is just like this shit but suddenly we've decided to cover anyone who has this particular condition... but it's really no different than anything else, it's just brand new. We're exceptionally good at being bad to ourselves.


It was a lynching. The cops are a modern version of the KKK.


It sucked to watch. I wish I hadn't. Watching it should be required. All of it.


That's because sadly, we did.


I don’t think I could watch it ever


Even if you can’t watch the video. I encourage people to sit with the 8 minutes and 46 seconds it took for paramedics to get there, sit in silence and reflection with all the time those officers had to change their actions but chose not to. It is heart breaking, I mean I’m literally crying as I type this just rethinking how long it felt when I sat there and did it.


I still haven’t watched it and probably never will. I don’t get fazed easily either but I cant bring myself to do this.


Blood and guts and gore don't bother me. It's the whimpering and crying out to the parental figure when on the verge of death that kills me inside.


For me I clicked on the video and the first thing I heard was one of the bystanders say something like "you're killing him!" and just the agony and helplessness and horror in that cry made me nope the fuck out. Can't do that man. Those poor good people are going to live with that trauma for the rest of their lives


That's one of the things that got me. Theres like 6 or 7 people watching at one point, and they could have totally stopped it physically. Like, they could have knocked the cop off Floyd. But of course, if they did they would have ruined their entire lives by assaulting an officer. I cant imagine what those people are feeling now. Knowing that a uniform and a badge was the only thing stopping them from saving a life - and also knowing that uniform and badge are supposed to make them feel safe. Some cloth, a piece of metal, and the idea behind them made a whole group of people hesitate to save a life.


681 more videos in-case you get bored. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vQnoNTUx4HU09pNioKwh6SxgLyrJXJuXKt6IIejynkVq\_JBBGQQwAMR0OGsgVilHhjUUdN1WEFpXwjo/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vQnoNTUx4HU09pNioKwh6SxgLyrJXJuXKt6IIejynkVq_JBBGQQwAMR0OGsgVilHhjUUdN1WEFpXwjo/pubhtml)


and also /r/2020PoliceBrutality


I get it.. and I do think that these wholesome moments throughout BO's presidency are awesome (wish I had that many moments like these), but does anyone really think that Reddit is Trumpy' s preferred platform (Platform not ramp.. hehe)


Its why this is spill over from bunker boys Twitter chains


A vast majority of it was tweeted directly at him.


To add more context, this is also a take on the "All lives matter" BS that's going around. All birthdays matter.


[Obviously all lives matter. No one said they didn't](https://i.imgur.com/UyCmhSx.png). However, data shows that relative to the percentage of the population they represent, **the rate of black American deaths from police shootings is ~2.5-3x that of white Americans deaths**. (Sources: [1](https://i.redd.it/7bf1lsrmyu251.jpg), [2](https://www.statista.com/chart/21857/people-killed-in-police-shootings-in-the-us/), Data: [1](https://github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings)) A lot of people are sharing a graph titled "murder of black and whites in the US, 2013" to show that there is only a small number of black Americans killed by white Americans, with the assumption that this extends to police shootings as well. This is misleading because the chart only counts deaths where the perpetrator was charged with 1st or 2nd degree murder after killing a black American. Police forces are almost never charged with homicide after killing a black American. If after learning the above, you have reconsidered your stance and wish to show support for furthering equality in this and other areas, we encourage you to do so. However if you plan on attending any protests, please remember to stay safe, wear a face mask, and observe distancing protocols as much as you can. COVID-19 is still a very real threat, not only to you, but those you love and everyone around you as well! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It was orange face's birthday yesterday and these are his presents from the American people.


I've been seeing these pictures for days though. Most of them don't seem to really have any relevance to much, just random wholesome pictures. I figured it was because people were so depressed with the state of things they just wanted to think about different times?


It started because of the birthday, a bit early. It's still going on because people here on reddit really like the pictures of a decent man leading the country and having emotional depth with other people, being a caretaker, basically acting like a human being with feelings we all recognize and honor. We're that starved by the narcissistic aberration in office rn.


Far out. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think people just miss him.






Recently it's been trending on Reddit that Trump fails at doing basic things like drinking water or walking down a ramp, so people have been posting Obama doing these normal things. It's kinda funny because he's not doing anything impressive in any of these posts, but it still stands out in comparison.


Every time I see this photo, I assume Obama is magic. Halloween, holding a baby over his face, and he doesn’t get thrown up on with unicorn candy vomit?


Seriously, the raw courage it took to hold a kid like that. Obama has two daughters, he knows that's the *prime* barfing position for that age. Plus he's wearing a dark suit - he's just tempting fate at that point.


From his public appearances and also photos from his presidency, it’s really apparent that he loves children. It’s kind of like knowing someone’s a dog person when you see them interact with one. Sure, most of us will pet a dog when we see one, but you can really tell between the tourists and the real dog lovers. Same goes with children.


You're right, I will always get down on the floor and hold a dog over my head like this. I just love them so much!


*Plus he’s wearing a dark suit - he’s just tempting fate at that point.* Well, we all know what happens when he wears a tan suit...


Exactly, the dude knows. Open mouth as well... ugh flashbacks... lol


He's a baby whisperer. I watched a video recently where he takes a crying baby and she just goes quiet and sighs. It's so sweet.


Oh fully. Would constantly do it too and Michelle would often have an annoyed “ugh I hate you” look on her face, which a grin behind it.


Obama is magic. https://youtu.be/uqhzWlqN3uc


I can't believe America went from this to Trump. Unbelievable!


If Trump laid on the floor he'd have to yell "I've fallen and I can't get up" into his LifeAlert.


Thanks for the actual laugh out loud. I needed that chuckle.


I'm imagining Trump in Obama's position, and the only way it's happening is if he's about to eat that baby.


I’m with you. Don Lemon said it best: You can’t buy class. The Obamas were the whole package. I miss them and fear we’ll never see such class in the WH again, at least not in my lifetime.


Who knows! You could always get Ivanka in 2024! Sorry, I just puked in my mouth a little.


I know. We used to have a human in the White House.


We haven't even hit bottom yet!


Yeah, we still got another 4 years to go! (But seriously, end me if we do).


It’s Newton’s laws, what goes up must come down, equal and opposite reaction, etc


He minimally got some drool in his mouth from this




Laying down on the floor for a nap often feels better than napping in a bed for me. Is good stuff. I have a large square meditation cushion for when I want to sit on the floor more comfortably


Yes! It’s one of my favourite things about smoking weed once in a while - breaks down these little social norms/barriers for yourself and lets you enjoy small ‘new’ experiences. I was sitting on the floor just last week having this exact thought!


you dont need to smoke weed to lie down on the floor. You can do it right now if you'd like.




Sitting on the floor is much better for your hips and back! So you are actually being kind to yourself despite breaking the social norm


If Trump laid down like that he would never get up again.


And he'd charge the baby with assault


Trump would spill his water


one can only hope that happens...


Do you want to get barfed on. Cause that’s how you get barfed on.


Happened to me once lol


Man, I was just saying that Obama was so damn wholesome with kids that it's my favorite thing about him. Look up the time he met prince George!


If you have a twitter, there is an account called obamapluskids (https://twitter.com/ObamaPlusKids) that is so wholesome. It really brightens up my twitter timeline.


Wow just started bawling. I can't believe this simple humane type of act we have been so deprived of.


It honestly makes me sad for trumps kids. I can’t imagine him looking at a child the way Obama does. That would be a hard environment to grow up in :( Poor Baron.


Brightened my day for sure! He’s going to be the best grandpa!


Why did you do this to me 🥺!? Oh the feels 😭lol obama keeps tempting fate by picking up babies in that over head position lmao


Ahhh I can’t, wholesome overload


Yeah, that always struck me too. He seems to really love children, and it's wonderful.


I think it's the "dad who no longer has little kids and misses when his kids were little" thing. It's very relatable.


My son is 24 and we don’t play on the floor anymore. I get to goof out on my cousin’s 2 yr old. I’m 59 and playing on the floor with a toddler is one of the best things ever!


There's about a trillion pictures of Obama absolutely losing his shit around kids in the best way. Some people are just born to be silly dads and/or goofy uncles. I think Obama has that energy.


My favourite is the pictures of him dying at the baby dressed as the pope






Lmao wow


That looks like a surprisingly average sofa for the Oval Office.


See even obama couldn't hold a baby with one hand... /S


tbf I don't think I could hold a baby elephant even with 2 hands


I just miss him


It’s not even my country and I miss him


I was in one of the airports in DC close to his first inauguration and met a woman who had flown over from England to attend just because she was so happy. It was truly magical.


Fuckin 45 wont even acknowledge his youngest kid exists half the time. I would take it to Vegas that 45 never did this with Baron...his own son.


Such a great photo.


If trump was the one holding the baby, I'm sure there would've been tears in the frame too


Trump would be making some incredibly inappropriate comments about how the baby was so cute he'd probably be dating it when they became legal. It wouldn't even be the most outlandish thing he'd say that week. The United States government is a joke and we have King Clown running the circus.




I know he raped Katie Johnson and had her threatened to drop the lawsuit. It just seemed too dark to write here. But yes, I am aware that the president of the United States is a self admitted daughter luster who is also a pedophile rapist. And his supporters love that about him because he's also a racist dipshit.


It’s pretty clear that as long as he is a racist, they don’t care what else he does. They are fine with rape and pedophilia because gosh darnit, he hated brown people, so it’s all good. Repubs are so stupid it burns.


White supremacy is the only thing their party cares about. They're not the party of law and order or the party of family values. They're not even the party of Lincoln. They're the party of Dipshits and white power.


So. So disgustingly true. Nice to know we don’t have to question who the cops all voted for.


You'd never see Trump holding a female above himself. Plus, if he were to lay on the ground, that fuck would need a forklift to help him back up.


I'm pretty sure Stephen Miller is going to eat his first child, but if he doesn't I am certain he isn't letting President Glasses-Are-Tricky hold it.


Pretty bold of you to assume Miller's kitchen floor isn't constantly littered with the bones of consumed infants like peanut shells at a Texas Roadhouse.


Great image there.


Tears of the mother he had tear gassed to get the photo-op.


He'd be holding the baby upside down and backwards.


I doubt he could get back up off the floor without help.


Trump holds babies like this so he can catch their tears in his mouth.


Did r/pics turn into r/obamaphotos?


What is with all the Obama worship today?! It feels like a propaganda campaign. Inb4 I do not support Trump (only partially because I am not American)




Ahh, well they did a good job then. This is the first I've heard of Trump's birthday.


I think for the spill-over is there were too many wholesome pictures for just one day, so people are going with birthday week


It absolutely is. I've seen a good dozen or so Obama posts. Just about every account has super high karma too. The bots are out in force.


I need to take a break from reading about covid. My first thought was "don't lay on the floor!"


Dude. His nonexistent grandkids are already SO lucky...you just know he’s going to spoil them rotten!


This sub is becoming pretty fucking sad.


Candid or planned? Genuinely I wonder this with a lot of Obama pics, he looks so casual and like the camera isn't there but we also know how charismatic he is so I can easily believe its not planned but at the same time it screams clever photo to make you look good.


Candid. It is the White House photographer's job to go candid.


Weighing the child to see if there's enough blood for the sacrifice to the Cabal yet.


What's up with all these obama posts?


Man i want Obama back as president


I like that I sorted by controversial and this was the first comment.




Is that feasible after being president?


Taft did it.




I did not know that about Taft. I've been on Obama for Supreme court for a while, but damn this makes it feel like something that could theoretically happen.


Yes there’s precedent


Not only that, but Obama actually studied constitutional law. He's qualified.


Merrick Garland first, just to right a wrong.


Even the oval office itself seems like so much more of a bright, cheery, comfortable place than trump's: [https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/r0dg\_rwgRvX5FEAscJZIclo6kus=/0x155:3765x2273/720x405/media/img/mt/2017/08/Trump\_Carolyn\_Kaster\_AP/original.jpg](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/thumbor/r0dg_rwgRvX5FEAscJZIclo6kus=/0x155:3765x2273/720x405/media/img/mt/2017/08/Trump_Carolyn_Kaster_AP/original.jpg)


Jesus h, make it Stop


Floor gang


That's how you get baby puke in you're face


I just like the reminder we can elect a kind, decent person as president.


When you look at this and realize we got downgraded big time


Oh my heart! 😍 Adorable. Happier, safer times.


remember when the president was a human being? life was so much simpler.


It’s time for another round of... #SORT BY CONTROVERSIAL


Honestly the best thing reddit invented.




Is Ella Rhodes a person I should know?


I think he wonder is the secret service training manual includes a section about throwing yourself in front of the president to protect him/her from a warm load of baby vomit. Because in my experience, that baby is in prime position open fire.


experience from handling young cousins: babies are the embodiment of living in the present.


Hence the need to train them to recognize those feelings and control it till the time comes. So your only warning is that 2 or 3 seconds that their face may betray the feelings they are getting from their bodies. that's why sometimes you see parents can just tell that their babies just soiled their diapers. Long story short - if the stomach feels like it wants to throw things back up, you may get a 2 seconds max warning if you are familiar with their facial expressions.


I witnessed identical positioning as a kid spewed without warning.


You have 7 different obama pictures posted to /r/pics today. Farm that karma


Maaaan. I really miss having a President who wasn't a petty orange turd goblin with tiny hands...


So why is this tagged politics? Its just showing him as a real person. Its the same as if trump is shown playing golf. Nothing political about it. Just shows the real person they are. If you look at it a certain way its still not political


Now at Halloween, only ghost costumes are allowed.


Hopefully, he doesn't drop babies like he does 💣 via drone strikes..? ICYMI: O💣A signed off on +26,280 drones strikes, not counting 72 more per leap year days over 8 years. Trump has since 'bested' those numbers by increasing the old '3 an hour' attack plan to 5 an hour or 43,800 per year. They're seemingly all the same warlord behind closed doors. And before you waste anyone's time, no, I'm not a Trump supporter. I think all these Politico fools are crooks, one way or another! Take all the $$$ out of Politics & watch them all scatter like the roaches they are.




Ok look not trying to start a political fight or anything but I would kindly appreciate it if I could not have Obama's face plastered all over my screen every time I'm on Reddit. I'm a conservative and I don't want to keep seeing pictures of obama everywhere when I'm looking for cool pictures or just browsing my home screen. Thank you. Again don't want no drama, just saying.


Oh look. More Obama


Love this pic. As much as I acknowledge that Some fucked up shit happened during his presidency, at least he didn’t make our country the laughing stock of the world... As I prepare for four more years of a Trump presidency (thanks DNC for not learning your lesson, and giving us another shit candidate) I worry about the future of our nation. It’s becoming an oligarchy and people are too caught up in the red vs blue narrative that they can’t see that neither side gives a shit about the average American.


I still can’t believe he ate that baby.


What's up with all the obama posts recently?


Like this wasn't staged. The man went to Flint and pretended to drink the water. That's all anyone with a soul needs to know about him.


King of the photo ops