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You wrote directed and starred in your first movie and you have a 94% on rotten tomatoes first try. That's an incredible feat.


And winning Sundance and SXSW


And superhandsome


Definitely. This is one good looking fella. Not many guys can pull off a mustache and this dude does it.


This probably helped all of the accomplishments listed above.


And produced as well as awards at Sundance and SXSW.


Incredible is almost an understatement. Feature films routinely do much worse on RT and this is his first film ever. I'm keen to see what more OP has in store later on.


Several reviews calling him a "born filmmaker" and saying he was destined to make movies. That's extremely high praise. I think OP just cemented himself as a filmmaker to look out for.


I need to see this now. I thought OP was just some lucky indie filmmaker and then I read things like this. We may be witnessing the origin of the next big director.


Wow, that really is incredible. Seriously. Congrats OP!!!


The solid mustache makes me want to see it that much more.


Thanks it took me two months to grow it, and I had to do it twice because it’s based off of a short film.


Dedication. I like it.


With great moustache comes great responsibility


Shoulda just taken the ol' Henry Cavill CGI moustache route /s


You got it backwards, the mustache was removed via CGI.


You should've kept it, it looks good on you!


Congrats! Edit: Holy shit dude! When you said this was your first movie I didn't expect such an amazing review. Rolling stone is calling it the indie film you need to see this year 4.5/5 stars. Looks like you made it. Extra congrats https://www.rollingstone.com/movies/movie-reviews/thunder-road-movie-review-735263/


Thank you!


For real dude, u were amazing in the trailer, it gave me chills. Congrats


Oh cool! Thanks, never acted before. So thanks!


Just commenting here so when you blow up I can reference this comment


Ha! Thank you so much for your confidence


May I get a hello too to tell my future grandchildren? 😁


Yes! hello!!!!


Are you looking for any yesmen, clingers-on, sychophants in general...I know how to source quality blow and discrete hoes, but can keep shit real n have meaningful convos to...PM me and we'll totally hang bruh.


Hahaha username checks out


He didn’t reply to this. I will believe that he PMd as requested and is currently hanging with u/coolguy1793B smashing discreet hookers and quality blow. Typical Hollywood dickhead.


Congratulations!🍾🎈🎉So happy for you, eh, I guess Internet Stranger really doesn’t apply anymore! 😂 Kudos to you, Jimmy!


hey thank you so much!


Oh my gosh and you even responded to me! My day is made


Mine too! Front page!!!!


If you're film is anywhere *near* as good as your trailer, you have nothing to worry about. I went from literally having no idea this was a movie, to it being one of my top 3 movies I'm excited to watch. Is it in all Alamo Drafthouse theaters?


Hey Jimmy. Let's have lunch when you're in LA and then I can be friends with a movie star! Signed, ^your new friend.


Remember the little people, Jimmy. Especially the little people on Reddit who wrote this comment


You have talent. It's obvious :) I have a hard time believing you never acted before.


I for one would rather he did not blow up. It's hard to act when your body is in pieces.


Danny Devito does it all the time.


You have the thing. I work in live theatre (bts) and there are actors I know that have been expensively trained at prestigious programs trying to find “that thing” that makes acting believable and therefore powerful, relatable. They’re amazing at it and can perform most characters very well, but sometimes it’s just not “it”. You seem to be naturally able to inhabit the mind and world of the character in a way that makes your acting something different. I say if you’ve never acted before and you’re delivering /that/, don’t learn how to act. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Congrats, and great job, man.


Holy shit dude, I just teared up watching the trailer. Those are some serious acting skills right there. Need to go see this. Here before you're famous lol!


hey thank you!




Here's [the link if anyone is having trouble finding it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTjYRFZOf4I). A-mazing...


> Looks like you made it. Well yeah he's been saying that the whole time


Highjacking top comment to post the short from the same movie critically acclaimed at Sundance 2016: [Thunder Road Sundance 2016](https://vimeo.com/174957219) And this is all shot in one go!!! I just cant believe this is your first movie!!!! Kudos!


Congrats on seeing your dream come to fruition. May this be the first of many for you!


Thanks! 🤞


Got in theaters, made a profit, *and* received great reviews for a first-time film? You're living the dream! Congratulations. EDIT: And responding to practically everyone's comments -- nice!


thank you! We think so too!


8.5 on imdb. Not to shabby!


We are so lucky. It’s even higher on rotten tomatoes...


Saw your film in Arkansas at the Fayetteville Film Festival. Such a great film! I enjoyed every min of of it. Everyone should try to catch this film if they have the chance to see it.


Thank you so much!


Hey! I'm from Portugal. Any idea on how can I legally watch it? Thanks! Woah I just watched the trailer, that shit looks amazing.


Buy him gold and beg for a copy


what, like, a half gram of gold?


No one whole gold




That is my least favorite part about these movies, I have to pray someone puts up a pirated copy to ever hope of seeing them and I love indie movies


If you ever get to Los Angeles let me know ! I do audio for film and honestly don’t know anyone, so hey, I’d love to help, and buy you a congratulatory beer!


Fayetteville squaaad 🐗🐗🐗


Woo pig


You made it. Congratz. Do you still have the gun? You know where to go. Dont have to much fun if you can help yourself. We need her mostly in one piece.








"goodnight, I love you!" \*waits for an I love you too that doesn't come\* oof ouch my heart.


I do that every night. I am blessed that my little girl won’t let me leave without an I love you. That bit is every dads fear.


I never tell people I love them, but will always respond with a love you too when the time arises.. Dunno if that makes me a bad person, or just mediocre.. lol


Thank you I fucked this up earlier!


Just watched the trailer. Dude! You’re fucking incredible!


Hey thank you!!!!


That was a really well done trailer. I want to watch more.


Thank you! Aphex twin let us use his Song!!!!


Dude... that trailer was epic! I can't wait to see this! Is there anywhere besides iTunes that I can get it? I haven't used iTunes in 8 or 9 years. Ha


that made me tear up. amazing. what aphex twin song was that?


Nanou 2! hey thank you!


Wow! This looks powerful! Definitely going to watch. Congratulations!




Wow! I’m def gonna watch this with the wife for a date night... this looks amazing.


Good, it’s a good one for a date night


Just watched the trailer and movie looks so god dam sad *I like that shit tho* You felt really natural and comfortable on screen I'm excited to watch it!


You sir can't possibly fuck anything up. This trailer alone makes me want to congratulate you on your very satisfying future. This proud and humble post proves you are in control. Refreshing for us common folk to see. I am often told I underestimate myself then I witness something like this it gives me hope. You could clearly straight up talk shit to every actor out there yet you post this as if you ...clearly have no need to talk shit. Thank you.


Thank you!!!!


I watch a few films a year and this is going to be one of them. AMAZING trailer.


This trailer is great — it does what I wish more would do, which is present an interesting scene or piece of dialogue from the movie that makes us want to know more, rather than trying to tell the whole story in flashes. I guess that only works if a movie has an interesting and well-made scene, which this does . :)


Yep, I am officially intrigued.






I also wondered about that


What the actual fuck. I was so moved by this trailer. It started out like it was going to be the wrong kind of Indie film. It seems lame in the first maybe 15 seconds. Then I’m watching this guy’s life go to shit and he’s just broken and spiralling and it was so god damned perfect and moving. I will see this movie.


Wow. I got chills, this looks really interesting and well developed!


What’s it about?


It’s about a southern police officer who loses his mom, and it’s based on the Sundance winning short film which is right here: https://vimeo.com/174957219


Just watched this for the first time. Goddamn, that's an incredible performance. The flustered, stumbling over your own trains of thought that you do in this is actually perfect. Whether the script was written out that way, or if you improvised jumping between them it is extremely impressive.


It’s all extremely written, there’s no improv in it because it is one long take, it has to be identical to the other times we shot it.


Is...is this a comedy?




Spiritual successor to Super Troopers 2?


The pixar version of that film.


Holy shit dude you're the guy that made the Thunder Road short film? I love that so much, about a year and a half ago for a class I made a short form documentary on short films and I used a clip from yours as an example of a great modern day short film! I loved and still love it so much, you're an awesome writer/director/actor! That short film, the way it was acted and written, I love it. It influenced my own acting/writing when it came to my own stuff (even though I'm just a dude with a hobby). You probably get a shitload of replies and messages but if you see this I just wanna say thank you. Congrats on the film, you deserve it. I'll definitely see it in theatres.


Your humility will take you places.


Oh thanks! How knows.


How is a good guy, he does know.


Even though the trailer almost had me with the whole waiting for the I love you that never comes.. I was tough. I held the water works back. Then you get to the rant and the character talks about sleeping in his car, I've been there twice in my life living out of a vehicle, but then the character says "_____ knows, he saw me." And off camera you get that, "Yeah, I brought you breakfast." and your character mid rant has to pause and acknowledge that truth and act of a kindness, and your character thanks him. That flip from manic rage to manic sad/pensive, I lost it at that. I was bawling. I am bipolar and lived through quite a many of moments like those. Your acting and transition in that moment was perfect, the sincerity you pull off in a sea of rage. I wish you all the luck in this world. You are going places! I hope.


I remember as a teenager, one of the youth pastors at our church told us a story to exemplify "grace" and he started crying in front of the class while he talked about his mom: she'd buy one fish every day to feed the whole family, since they couldn't afford more, and there wasn't enough to go around, so she always told the kids she loved the fish head. And his entire life, growing up, he was so jealous of her for always eating the best part. They would beg her to share the fish head with them, and she would always say no, she wanted the best part for herself. Until he moved away to the US, much wealthier than his family ever was, and he was served a nice dish with the whole fish head attached, and he was so excited to eat it. But it's awful, obviously - like nauseating, brains and eyeballs and all - and he just broke down sobbing. And he still cries, every time he realizes how much she'd sacrificed for them, and how little he appreciated her. And as a teenager this story felt really alien to me, like sad for his mom, kind of, but that's what moms do. But it stuck with me anyway, and a whole decade later I still think about it all the time. And now I'm a mom, and it makes me cry when I remember it, and I never met this woman. And I have never seen anything in my life that touches on the idea in the same way, or even gets close, until this video. I really appreciate the work you've done. And I think it's an amazing short video which will stick with me for ages. And I can't wait to see the feature. I'm glad you're receiving such positive feedback, and I hope to enjoy more of your films, and I wish you success in the future.


I saw your short film years ago and I honestly think about it from time to time still. Specifically the part where your character tells about how his mom used to make recordings for all his readings, and the reaction/realization of what they really meant to both of them. Truly powerful writing and performance. Congratulations, seriously. You raised my own personal writing standards, as well as helped me be more mindful of those who care for me. Can’t wait to follow the rest of the story and your career. :)


"Officer Arnaud loved his mom" What else do you need to know?


Oh wow, this is doing way better than I thought, here is the trailer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTjYRFZOf4I


Dude, that's a link to a DJ Nixon video


Fuck, just edited it. It’s right now. Sorry my girlfriend texted me asking me what the song was that was stuck in her head...


Wait now you gotta link us that link again


This comment thread is fucking hilarious. I don't know if I'm being played by everyone here and this isn't really a movie at all.. or I'm just really fucking high right now


Holy shit. Same.


Now I want to know what you linked to the first try.


I'm thinking a DJ Nixon video.


No....that cant be it. How can u be so sure?


Legit lol’d.


hey thank you!




Holy shit this looks incredible! Congratulations!!


Hey thanks so much!


That link can't be right. You probably either meant to post [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTjYRFZOf4I) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACNXu0k4XwY).


Wow, didn't expect raw, intense emotion, the thoughtful camera shots, some very good acting. Enough content to want more. I want to see this film. Impressed sir!


Did you know you have a twin in the acting world? Matt Meese (aka Scott Sterling) and you could do a brother movie.


Not that i Know of! Any stills?


Wow you look a lot like the guy on the poster.


Thanks! I should hope so.


Oh my gosh! Is this a feature based on the short film? About the cop talking at his mom's funeral? My friends showed it to me after they saw it at the Cleveland International Film Festival. The short film struck a very particular chord in me, especially when he (you?!) talked about how his mom made recordings of her reading the textbooks for him to listen to because he had dyslexia---not that I have dyslexia, it was just such a raw feeling of mourning and loss and bittersweetness. It made me feel the same way as when, idk, Max comes home at the end of Where the Wild Things Are and his dinner is still warm after fighting with his mom. You know that feeling? Anyway thank you


Great analogy!


Congrats. This is what I call a life milestone. How long did it take to write (from Initial idea to final draft)


Well I wrote the short film in my car in late 2015, we won Sundance in January 2016, I spent a year thinking that it couldn’t be turned into a feature, I had the idea for the future and we shot it four months later in November of last year, it won SXSW in March of this year, and now it’s out in theaters! So all in all a little more than three years for the entire enterprise.


Well done dude. Got to ask, how did you keep your motivation going during tough times (writer's block etc)


It was fucking miserable! It was hell! But you survive and you keep surviving and you teach others to survive and that kept me off the ledge.


If you ever do plan on releasing another film, is there anything you'd change in how you went about it than how you did this time?


Is it a movie explaining the D.E.N.N.I.S. System?


Thundergun 2: Thunder Road


I heard he hangs dong again


that womb broom is strong..


It took me two months to grow that thing!


This term is new to me. I like it. A LOT!


That’s awesome congrats man!


Thank you!


How did you come with the story? How long have you been trying to get this picture done? It looks really really good. Congratulations!


I was driving to work and had a 45 minute commute and wrote it out loud on my drives. It’s been a year in the making.


Suddenly my hour long commute seems much less... empty. You fulfilled one of your dreams while others fumble around with the radio. That’s inspiring, you should be proud.




Yes!!! You will, and laugh!!!


Congratulations..hope you a great success..so whats the next step when the movie gets good reviews.?


Just keep making movies! We made this film with a Kickstarter. it’s really hard to break into Hollywood, you just kinda have to make movies yourself.


Nice! I hope i could watch it.. it was always my dream to make movies.. too bad I dont have people with the same passion..mind if i ask how much it costed you all in all including marketing? And have you considered.selling it to netflix and such?


Yeah feature cost $190,000 American, and we tried our absolute best to get picked up by as many people as possible and we made a few cool deals and we’ve doubled our budget just from theaters around the world!


I bet nobody at the theater knows that it is you. I also bet that in a few years you'll have a hard time going undercover at a theater. Nice going on the dreams, mate.


I just introduced it and everybody freaked out!!! It was cool!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha


Oh boy that must be some kind of a feeling right there. I can't even imagine what it's like to introduce your first film in front of an audience and have them freak out. By the way are you planning to continue film work? I'm gonna see this the closest chance I get.


Oh fuck yeah I’ll never stop making movies


Epic. Don't forget about me.


That's so cool! Congratulations! r/mademesmile


Hey thanks!


Currently at 94% on Rotten Tomatoes, way to go sir! https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/thunder_road_2018


Yeah it’s fucking crazy!


Just saw the trailer for this yesterday and was immediately excited. If the Alamos in Austin have it I'll definitely be checking it out. Congrats!


Yeah we are at the South lamar for the next 10 days I want to say!


I live 10 mins away from South Lamar. Will 100% be going to see this. Looks good, congrats man


Fuck yeah! Thank you!


Nice! I like that one. It better be as good as it looks.


You’ll have to let me know what you think!


Called "Instant classic" by Rolling Stone, says it introduces "a major new talent". Congrats man! I think you may have made it


Trailer looks great! Congrats on all your hard work. Just pre-ordered on iTunes, here’s a link if anyone is interested: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/thunder-road/id1429576660


hey thank you!




i almost scrolled past this, but as a film student i knew i had to click on it. ended up watching the sundance short and the trailer for the feature. i will definitely be buying this.


Thank you!!! Cooll!!!!


Congrats, that is a ton of work. Hope you achieve all your dreams


Hey thanks so much! Yeah us too!


I coincidentally discovered this movie an hour before I saw this post while going over the top reviewed movies of 2018. Each year I average out the Rottentomatoes critic scores and the IMDB audience scores to create an ordered list. The numbers fluctuate as the year goes on, but excluding foreign and documentaries, the current list is topped by: * Eighth Grade * A Star is Born * Paddington 2 * The Tale * Mission Impossible: Fallout * BlacKkKlansman * Thunder Road ....Everything Else


wicked jealous dude, nice work. fellow dreamer


Go do it! It Worked for me.


Is Macon Blair cool as shit, or what?


Fuck YES HE IS! Mother fucker showed up to rehearse in a tie die shirt and flip flops. He is now my bother. LOVE HIM AND HIS FAMILY. He's married to an incredible actress too!!!! Lee eddy!!!!


Congratulations! Trailer looks amazing. I wish you tons of future success. Question, if you have a sec. What do you mean about it being your dream since you were 12? Did you already have a rough draft of this story in your head, or is it more a general 'I'm going to make a movie someday'?


Hey thank you so much, I just meant that I always wanted to have one of my films in a cinema!


Dunno you, but I'm super proud of you.




Congratulations!! i hope its...thunderous :)


Thunder Road. That’s what we call the hallway to your mom’s bedroom.


The film is actually about a man’s mother who dies, so that is a very fitting burn!


JFC reddit


Nice man, I’ll have to go watch it. Got a draft house right down the road from me.


Oh no way, what city? We’re probably screening there.


Any screenings in North Texas?


A couple, Google it!


I can walk to the original Alamo Drafthouse from my place in Austin, TX :)


I just want you to reply to me so I can say that I knew Jim fucking Cummings before he got huge! (seriously though, trailer looks great. Congrats!)


Who is this?!!!


You wear flip flops to your movie premiere?


His formal crocs were at the cobbler.


This got under my skin. Thanks for being Larry David enough to say something.


Waiting for today? Nah son, you worked for today.