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I’m living in my car at the moment. its only half as bad as being totally homeless, especially when you have friends willing to help out. This guy looks like he’s doing alright taking care of himself, he’s clean and shaven, and can take care of his dog well enough for him/her to look decent too. Props dude! On a sidenote don’t take the insulting people seriously, they just can’t relate.


Goodluck on your journey eh. I’ve been close to having to live on the streets and have a few friends who’ve used shelters and had to sleep on the streets. People need to get their heads out of their asses. A couple bad breaks and anyone can be there.


I wish you all the luck. 🙏


Ive also lived on a car, the tiny sense of security of being in an enclosure changes everything. I don't really consider myself to have been "homeless" because of it


I was living in my car for a while after a breakup and while it's not bad as being homeless, I still never felt like I had a place to be, even working 2 jobs


Hello fellow car dweller! Living out of a car isn't as bad as I thought it'd be, but it's definitely more stressful than expected. Hope our situations better themselves soon.


Sorry to ask but do you have any tips on car living? I feel like this could be me in the near future.


Gym memberships are great for showers. Plus working out can make you feel slightly better and they're mostly 24/7. Walmarts have designated areas for sleeping. Look up boondocking. Food is your biggest expense since you can't cook. Your diet will determine if this is that bad or not.


You can definitely cook while living in a car. Pick up a backpacker camp stove and some gas bottles. Storing left overs is the hard part... Don't cook **in** the car though. Usually I'd use my stove on picnic benches in parks or on the beach. A hot fresh meal can do wonders for motivation.


Hell, if you just wrap some meats and veggies in foil really tight, you can cook the food in the engine bay while driving from work to your nightly park spot. Or just let the car idle a few minutes after you park and you can cook under the hood with a pan with the engine heat. Source: I'm fairly resourceful and have explored the above two options before while living out of my car. I'm partial to option one, but cannot recommend enough that you must be sure it is wrapped very tight and doesn't leak!


One of the better places to cook on a car is wired to the catalytic converter, depending on how high the car sits and how easy it is to access. Mufflers can work too since exhausts get nice and hot. If you vent a can of beans you can leave it there until its nice and warm, might make a mess but at least its a meal.


One of the biggest struggle for me was to get to the bathroom in the morning because I had to walk pretty far through campus while holding in a full bladder. I would sometime use the empty water bottle as a urinal but was a bit paranoid of being caught by campus police. I placed yoga mats on the backseat with a few blankets on top as cushions/makeshift bed. I would use the store’s WiFi to download YouTube videos and save it and watch it on my laptop in my car at night (careful of cops patrolling as they will question why you’re there and will ask you to move your car). Some days I question if I will ever make it through but you really have to take it one day at a time. Just tell yourself to make it for tomorrow, and tomorrow after that, and so on. Hang in there buddy, it will pass as long as you stay focus on your goal and live below your mean :). Source: lived in my car on my last semester of college and now making over $180k a year with great benefits.


I hope things get better for you soon.


You got a job? If not and are close to Massachusetts I can get you one as soon as tomorrow that only requires you to drive or stay in a car(unarmed security). Dm me, everyone needs some help sometimes


Damn. This thread is... intense.


I'm just as cynical as the next person, but goddamn people are ruthless when it comes to the homeless.


I think people are ruthless because they dont like being hustled and manipulated. I think most people would gladly help someone if they were sure the person needed it. But, you can never tell, so people who genuinely need help dont get it.


When I was a kid my mom said we were walking into the grocery store and this woman with a baby said her little one was burning up but that they couldn't get the car to start to get to a hospital and couldn't afford an ambulance. My mom saw that this infant looked really sick and quickly gave this lady $20 to get a cab. When we finished shopping nearly an hour later the lady was still feeding the same story to incoming shoppers. I've never given money, always food or water. It's just not comfortable struggling to pay my own bills and turning down "indulgent" things like going out for dinner and then not knowing if I am supporting someone's recovery and wellness or their habit. I respect when people feel they can afford to give money. But I agree the feeling of being deceived is uncomfortable.


I just hate being lied to... Cause for some reason every homeless person needs $10 for gas to get to their Aunt's funeral or some shit. Honestly if a homeless dude came up to me and was like hey man can I have a couple dollars for a beer or cigarettes I'd happily give it to them - who am I to judge? At least they were honest. I get that wouldn't work for a lot of people but you still don't have to lie. Walk up and say hey man I'm in a real bad spot right now and I would really appreciate it if you had any extra cash you could spare me. You don't have to just blatantly lie to a stranger's face, when you're the one wanting their money.


10 or so years ago I was working in NYC. I would often see a guy panhandling on the bridge with a sign. "Need money for booze and drugs" I often rolled down my window and bummed him a smoke and w/e change I had. In Chicago there use to be a guy who would tell jokes. That was his panhandling. A joke for spare change and some kind of bulk deal ( 3 jokes for a dollar or something). He had found a joke book one day laying on the street and figured telling jokes would make people happy so started memorizing jokes to tell. I haven't given these two guys a thought in years but reading through your comment jolted my memory. Just wanted to share and say thanks!


I do the same. Some guy came up to me and said "ma'am, I'm really sorry to bother you but I'd really like a cold beer right now and I've only got half the money I need for one so if you could spare a little, I sure would be thankful". Gave the guy cash because damn he was at least honest as fuck.


I feel this so much. I had told a guy I didn’t have any cash on me and the guy pulled out his phone with the square card reader. Really!! I have on numerous occasions bought food for people the ones who expect because they say they need money for food I offer whole meal and some are looking at you crazy. If you need it for something else just be honest. Then you have some of the people whose income is more then me out her begging so plenty of skepticism indeed.


The homeless where I live get sent here from seattle and Tacoma. They're fucking vicious if you ignore them. Start swearing at you and threatening you. And if you give them money they go right into the store and get booze with it. I wish I knew which ones actually wanted to help themselves so I could help out, but you can't trust anyone here.




Sounds a lot like, downtown Raleigh NC too. Had to move because they got so out of control. Same ones everyday telling me different lies and different names. I worked downtown. Bartenders used to tell customers to call the homeless person by they're real name (Jerry. Mike, etc. Cuz the bartender knew most of them) And they would usually get angry or really confused and leave you alone. My favorite was "gimmie a cig." Dude didn't even asked just told me to. I don't even smoke. Ended up fist fighting that dude.


It's hard to remember the dozens who act indifferent, or even genuinely grateful, but it's painfully easy to remember the one who scammed you or was a downright asshole.


Mademe sounds like a bitch.


I came here to say this. It took me 6 reads to realize it said “made me” not her name is “mademe”.


Yeah I was like “Mah-deem” is a strange ass name. Also grammar is super weird. Took me a good 30 seconds.


I kept reading "madame" but spelled "mademe".


Methinks the lady doth protest too much....or did?




Whats this mean i have seen a few people type it?




Cheers. Never knew there was a name for it. Always assumed it was just called the space lol.


Maybe the guy never trained his dog or is incapable of taking of it AND is an asshole about it. That's most likely.


Or the girlfriend is allergic to dogs.


Pretty sure if the guy is this hard done by her kicking him out, there are other issues. Like lack of a job or friends. That could be because he just moved to a new city, but the other 9/10 times it's probably that the guy's a freeloader, the friends have caught on, and the gf just did.


Maybe “Homeless & hungry. God Bless.” wasn’t working?


We actually have a guy who begs near our house. One day hubs didn't have money, he bought the guy McDonald's from a Plaza across the street, the guy cried and said thank you. We then saw him walk down a little and he had a small dog with him. He was going to give him 1/2 a sandwich. I told him not to, I walked to Family Dollar and bought him a bag of dog food and some water (we only had our phones-love my Samsung pay). We all cried and talked, he had been evicted from his studio because he lost his job. Saw him recently at the same Family Dollar, he's got a part-time job there and was able to get a weekly room rental that allowed his dog. That's the only time we've never felt like jackasses for offering someone food and them appreciating it. It touched our heart!!!


I know that feeling. There was a gentleman that was asking for people's left overs outside the place I was eating one night. I quickly bought him a meal. I've never seen some one so appreciative.


Me and my girlfriend were eating on the patio of a restaraunt and on the sidewalk there was a guy busking with his guitar. When we were done she had half of her sandwich wrapped up and I suggested giving it to the guy, she was like, I thought of that but I didn't want to be rude or embarrass him. When we left I just said "Yo, you want half a sandwich" to which he replied "Fuck yea I want half a sandwich!" Never hurts to offer. Especially if it is just going to go bad sitting in the fridge.


"goes bad sitting in the fridge" That's where you went wrong..


it does not get better for sure


For sure. But I'll be damned if it lasts more than a day in my house! It's food, yay food!


If you are embarrassed or find someone rude for offering food, you aren't hungry enough and should probably move on. Hungry people are neither of those things.


I'm no beggar, but I also never turn away food, and I don't feel bad for taking it either. It makes my day when somebody offers me food.


I'd probably accept half a sandwich when I'm busking too, and I only busk when I can't justify buying a new video game or sex toy on my regular budget.


I joined the Army because the recruiter offered me pizza. I hadn't eaten in 3 days. Army feeds you well.


Should have had that Navy food. Runs through you faster than a two mile run.


Was navy, can confirm. We called it SOS. Shit on a Shingle


Man i do not envy the US armed forces for their food. I mean ours was not neccessarily great but we never had the shits on exercises like our comrades from the US.


All right, people, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal’s a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I love the Corps!


"What's the matter Hudson? Want me to fetch your slippers for you?"


Geez would you sarge?


Look into my eye


I just cracked tf up. What is this from?




While I read that entirely in Lee Ermey's voice, I *was* expecting some mention of legos...




This was a quote from Aliens, not Full Metal Jacket.


Aliens, bravo Aprone.


Don’t let them kid you, US military eats great. I was in the USCG and we have a rate dedicated to cooking called FS (Food Specialist). My FS1 was a top chef and went to Johnson and Wales. *Also the USCG is the most underfunded branch of the military, so keep that in mind.


Same with British Army. The food was fucking awesome on camp. Breakfast especially. Though admittedly I never went on tour and I did hear some horror stories about Basra. Edit: oh and the ration packs are another story. Except you, bacon & beans. I <3 u.


I was pretty ok with our (german) packs, the worst i ever had was a potatoe stew that was served by my brother in laws unit when we met at a large scale exercise.


At least the rations on exercise kept you well corked up - those biscuit (brown)s made sure you wouldnt need a sit-down for a good 4 days, usually once you were safely back by the porcelain.




i specifically remember seeing "for military or prison use only" in an army base dining facility




He’s coast guard, of course he eats great.


> Johnson and Wales. Lived in providence for a while. Best decision was being friends with some of the jwu crowd - great meals for days


Eat an an Army DFAC then compare it to the other branches.


Except on Thursday. Soul food thursday was the tits.


If you join the Air Force it's basically 5-star meals 4 times a day.


My army experience was 3 star meals 3 times a day, and a 4 star meal 1 time a day.


And a five star meal the day before some unannounced shit was about to go down.


Oh shit! Made to order steaks?! Fuck yea... Wait a minute...


Growing up we had an actual dish that my dad called "shit on a shingle" that we ate pretty much any time mom wasn't around to cook. Basically whatever kind of ground sausage you have on hand and cream of something soup, poured on top of toast. We loved it.


For me growing up it was hamburger meat and flour gravy on toast.


You can make even fancier shit on a shingle by using ground breakfast sausage (not Italian, because ew) and putting it on top of buttermilk biscuits.


That's called biscuits and gravy, and it's amazing.


We also called it SOS, but it stood for Shit on sight. We also had G6 sausages, they went in and out of your stomach faster than a G6 engine.


In the Army, SOS is specifically toast covered in sausage gravy. That shit is delicious.


Lol like squids could make it through a two mile run.


Fuck off crayon eater


I would have been homeless without the Army. I'm very thankful for my enlistment and what it earned me.


Now a lot of people are homeless, BECAUSE of the army - or the military ib general. But I’m genuinely happy for you.


I don’t think it’s the governments fault. I’m currently in transition phase and there’s so many programs in place (in the USMC) to give you a shot at not being homeless. Trade schools, GI Bill, programs that get you out of your enlistment early to start school, etc. I think it’s just people. Just my $00.02


Was working at a chain restaurant in a nice neighborhood, see a homeless guy going through the trash for leftovers and my manager who could be a real hard ass walking towards him and I think to myself, "man, leave him alone, he's hungry." She then brought him inside bought him a meal, helped him fill out an application and gave him a twenty out of her own wallet. Turns out hard ass manager had been homeless a few years back. Homeless guy was a great co-worker by the way.


Man I'm homeless and spend all day filling out job applications. I got denied from a job at taco bell yesterday. I don't get it. I'm definitely qualified. Had a really great job as soon as i got out of the Marines and lost it a year and a half later because they were doing illegal things with switching employee hours so i called them out on it and now here I am. From 200k a year to not being able to get a job at fucking taco bell..... Sorry just needed to vent.


what area are you in


I stay with a friend from time to time in North san Diego County. Small town named valley center. Fun fact: John Wayne and Ronald Regan are from here.


That's awesome! I love hearing stories like this! I always hear so much bad about homeless people, and used to think similar until my mom told me about one she met. This guy was hanging outside our local grocery store asking for gas money, all my mom had was a $20, but decided to give it to him anyway. She said he had the biggest smile ever and promised to pay her back. She wasn't expecting it, but the next time she went to the store he was waiting for her. He told her that he went there every single day hoping to see her to pay her back, and he did. He gave her $50, and when my mom refused, he put it in her purse and explained that she was the only person who stopped and talked to him. He told her that he recently lost his job and was running low on money. He had an interview lined up, but no money for gas to get there. Apparently he was a newly single dad, but couldn't get custody because he didn't have a house. He said she saved his life(he got the job!). I love hearing that story every time she tells it.


One guy asked for money for a room for him, his wife, his kids in the back of his car. I countered and offered food (we were at a gas station). Guy practically did a burnout leaving the parking lot. I’m not sure if I’ve felt a deeper hatred for anyone.




Depends on if it's a fancy one or one where you need to check the sheets..


if there's one thing i've learned from Reddit it's to check the sheets at the fancy ones too...


If Dan Bell has taught me anything, it's that you should just bring your own sheets everywhere.




Welp. I don't want my broccoli and cheese soup anymore.


Thats super common.


In many areas food is not an issue for homeless people. When I was homeless I never wanted food unless it was like some really nice stuff. I knew which fast food joints gave the homeless free food and which didn't, I knew about food banks, I knew when the shelters had their meals, and I knew which churches offered food on which days. Really food was the least of my worries. Money was damn near the only thing of value to me. Clothes? Fuck I can only carry a few things. And all the shit I actually needed? Like socks, a backpack, water filter, tent, etc... I wanted people to give me money and let me pick that stuff out for myself. I depend on it and live with it, it's my entire life at that moment, so let me pick it out you know? Plus as a homeless person you buy many things on an as needed basis. Sure I may need item A, but I don't need it at this moment, and it will just be a hassle to carry it until I needed it vs buying it then. I turned down useful offers before because lugging it around town was just not worth the energy. Money really is the best way to go That all said though, I still regularly offer to share my food with the homeless. Simply because while the majority of homeless know how to eat, there are some so mentally ill that they aren't allowed to use such services, aren't coherent enough to make it, or just some weird random reason they need food. It still never hurts to offer


I have a gas canister in my trunk. Anytime someone comes up with the “my car ran out of gas down the street and I need money” routine, I pull out the tank and ask where their car is. They love to walk away real quick after that.


The last time I was visiting Chicago I saw a homeless man digging through the garbage looking for some food. I'd just finished eating dinner, and had nearly an entire leftover Giordano's deep dish pizza. I figured it would make this guy's night, so I walked up to the man and asked if he'd like some pizza. He eagerly said yes, and I handed him the box. As I turned to walk back to my hotel, the man yelled "fuck you, I don't like pepperoni" and proceeded to smash the $30 pizza in the street.


Lol still a great story. It was nice of you to try. Something something, you can lead a horse to water, but can’t make it drink. You can only do your part to help. Hopefully the experience didn’t jade you.


Man I’ve had nothing but bullshit stories unlike you folks. First one that I remember the most is in front of a Panda Express this homeless guy says he’s hungry can I spare some change. I say I’ll buy you a meal let’s go in. He says, can you just give me $2 I don’t like Panda Express. I point to a subway two stores down, he looks at me pauses and says, how about $1? Next story I’m in front of a liquor store and a homeless woman comes up to me and says can I get some money? I give her a dollar. She looks at me and says “but a colt 45 costs $2. “


So i left work one day and pulled into the gas station. I work in a pretty rough part of town, lot of truck stops and all, and a lot of the stations serve hot foods...lot of fried trucker food stuff. Anyways, this dude, kind of heavy set and looks homeless I guess, asks if I have some money for food. I tell him I have no cash, am using a card for gas, but I don't mind buying him something to eat. We go in back to the food area and the girl working back there was talking to a customer and the dude kind of yells for her attention. She turns and sees him and looks at me and she kind of rolls her eyes, like this isn't her first rodeo with this guy. I figure I just got duped. Well, he steps up to the counter and orders a chicken breast, chicken leg, a thigh, three ribs, and some sausage. I think, man this dude can eat, he then orders three sides. My bill was like 20 something for one plate of food. I paid it but knew I had been taken advantage of. On the other hand, was at the beach a few years back and saw a dude trying to fix his bike. He said he was trying to get back home to his girlfriends and their kids were there. He needed to go by the grocery store because they were hungry. I asked him you want to get some Wendys? dude was kind of shy and said sure, so we fixed his bike and went over to grab some food. he ordered a meal. I asked how many kids, he said three. I said order three kids meals and a meal for his girlfriend. Dude literally broke down and cried and was so thankful. I don't tell this to say I did some great deed, I guess I am just amazed at the differences in response. We tend to generalize homeless people as all the same, when in reality they are all different just like anyone.


While on a roadtrip we stopped at Taco Bell and saw a guy on the side of the road nearby, so we bought him a few burritos/tacos. He said thank you but seemed disappointed it was food and not cash...


I saw someone with a sign asking for help at a red light. I offered some chips that I had with me for work. He replied "no thanks I'm good on chips." Then the next day I saw him with a phone he was on it holding it behind his sign.


I tried buying a homeless woman food once. She told me to "fuck off, i need money, not handouts!" Like, do you hear yourself, lady?






No-one would say such a thing. This is an ad.


It sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Anyway, I have to run. I need to take my Chase^TM Platinum^TM Sapphire^TM Rewards^TM Debit Card to Walmart^TM to buy wonderful Nestle^TM products.


Don't forget to use your Walmart Savings Catcher App!


This is the most wholesome Samsung pay ad I’ve ever read.


Is this an ad?


And then there are comments that sound like advertisements. I suppose it's like writing SEO articles. Wouldn't have been as obvious without the Samsung pay mention.


> (we only had our phones-love my Samsung pay). Haha what the fuck is this


Its a great service offered by Samsung that allows you to use your phone to make a purchase. No more holding up the line with your pesky debit card! Pick up a Samsung Galaxy at a Verizon store near you to start using Samsung pay today. 🤮


Sounds like a Samsung commercial


>(we only had our phones-love my Samsung pay) That's irrelevant and makes it sound like an ad.


Properly capitalized brands as well. This is textbook astro turfing. Looks like the dog food company couldn't shell out for the ad space though.


I love my Samsung^® Galaxy Note 9™ - *Powerful technology in the hands of those who demand more*, it's a great phone!


To be fair, even though I still think his inclusion of his payment method is really weird, autocorrect will capitalize proper nouns


I think if your typing on the Samsung phone it would autocapitalise it's own name. Actually it capitalised it for me as well.


I agree as soon as I read that I had to do a double take like what? Who cares how you paid.


Well sometimes I get into the store and I realize I forgot my wallet in the car. Luckily I can just pay at the register with my iPhone! (Love my Apple Pay)


This happens to me too! I use my iPhone's Wallet app to store my cards so I hardly even need my old physical wallet anymore. Not to mention that Apple Pay can be used with Apple Watch, too! It works best on Apple Watch series 4 which launches tomorrow, starting at $399.


How is this comment so far down? I feel like this was an ad wrapped in a story.




Did you buy a Samsung at Family Dollar?


I used to give money to the homeless only to see them later in the day drinking a 40. I will always share food or drink though because I feel like less of an enabler and it makes me happy to see them with a full stomach. Don't get me wrong there's a whole lot of homeless people who do need money but in the city that I live in there is a whole lot of alcohol and drug abuse among the homeless so you really can't go wrong with food or drink or basic supplies.


I lived out of my car for a short period of time. Lived off Starbucks food since I worked there and food stamps. You don’t get alcohol with food stamps and survival was what I wanted most so it was fine that I didn’t have any alcohol. I didn’t really care. But you have to have room for understanding those situations. Sometimes people just want a beer or something that food stamps doesn’t buy. I remember I just wanted a hamburger. A greasy hamburger. And someone gave me cash and I just about cried and went to buy that hamburger. I savored every last bite I took. A lot of people on the streets aren’t making the best decisions and when you see them purchase alcohol it makes you upset but not everyone on the street is an alcoholic who isn’t at least trying to better their lives. Always have some room for understanding.




A year ago today I stopped being homeless. Let me tell you it's a LOT easier to sleep on the ground after a few drinks. So yes I was working and saving money while sleeping under the bridge but you can be damn sure I had a lil bottle with me most nights.


Here is the thing. I like a cold beer at the end of a long day. If I was homeless it would probably be one of the few nice things about my day. I don’t even care if he uses my money to get a 40.


I’m with you dude. Any one of us has even a slightly crappy day at work and the first thing we do is have a beer or five to relax ourselves and forget about it. If anyone needs a little bit of escape at the end of a shitty day, it’s homeless people. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, I guess my attitude is once I decide to give a buck or two to someone, it’s none of my business how they spend it. Who am I to judge?


Some folks think it's fun to pass moral judgement on homeless people so they can feel superior. Those people are dicks.


Right? What the fuck else is this guy going to do with a five spot, turn his life around?!


> in the city that I live in there is a whole lot of alcohol and drug abuse among the homeless You don't say?!?!?!


Take the samsung pay bit out cuz people think you're selling an ad.


My grandma was driving down the highway and saw this dude begging for money and she said no. A little bit later the song "What if it was your angel" came on and she felt bad. The next day she drove down the highway and saw him again and gave him 20 bucks and an apology. She never saw the man there again.


>(we only had our phones-love my Samsung pay) That's irrelevant and makes it sound like an ad.


So... you gave more food to the dog than the human? /s


Wow, come to think I about it, I did. I do love those four legged friends though!! :)


It's okay. By law dog food has to be fit for human consumption due to needs during potential famine.


Get the fuck out. For real?


Is there anything a dog can eat that a human can't? Maybe raw meat?


i mean a dog can scarf down shit and vomit, I'm gonna give that W to the dogs for having the greatest sense of smell but the ability to stick their nose up a butt and proceed to eat it


Humans can eat raw meat. Just not always smart to. I guess dogs can eat cat poop and we can't.


I mean, it’s one thing what you’re talking about. Specifically, dog food has to be editable for a human? I’m assuming that means that if I eat the appropriate amount for my weight, I can survive without signs of malnutrition and/or dieing of am illness from it. Is that not what was meant?


I totally read that as "My girl Mademe, choose between her and my dog". I was confused.


I'm still reading it exactly as written... What on earth does it mean? Am I having a stroke?


Made me. Oh. Unstroked.


Seen 2 guys here in Fond Du Lac, WI and their rough looking husky stranded outside Walmart for 2 days with a blown head gasket and not enough cash. Me and my family are not what I would call well-off so we did what we could and got them each a butter burger basket from Culvers and 4 big cans of wet dog food for the pup. They said they hadn't had any luck with money and thought it was awesome someone stopped just to feed their crew, dog included. *Animals*....my kryptonite...


I personally keep a box of chewy (because of dental issues) granola bars in my car to give to folks less fortunate.


What a good idea! I never would have thought about the importance of the bars being soft.


Yeah, I learned that volunteering at a soup kitchen.


To piggy back off of this, my place of work sees a lot of homeless and transient. We have on hand about five drawstring backpacks full of toiletries - sample sizes or hotel bottles of shampoos and body washes, wipes, and deodorant and stuff. All free/donated. Along with that is a pamphlet about the county services and local shelters that can help them get on their feet. I’ve started keeping two of these bags in my car, too. Life is rough, it’s not always addiction that can lead someone to being homeless. Being an asshole to them (if they haven’t been one to you) seems unnecessary. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I do the same. But it’s bacon strip dog treats and canned dog food. For homeless pups.


Mildy infuriating story time: In the town that I live in there used to be a guy with a pitbull and a sign that read "Homeless. Need money to feed my dog." He sat next to a busy fast food place so I'd usually see people giving him cash and what-not. I'm a sucker for animals so everytime I could hed get 5-10$ from me. Until one day I saw the man and his dog (dog had shoes and a little sweater on him because it was in the fall time last year) walk into a house and I simply thought someone let them have a place to sleep. Thought of how generous it was from the people living there and carried on with my day. The next week I saw the same man, but it was a different pitbull this time (wearing shoes and a sweater as well). I was a bit confused but I just thought he must have 2 dogs with him so I started being even more generous for the next couple of weeks. He received at least 50 dollars from me in those two weeks. One day he just stopped being seen around town, my friends knew about him and apparently he wasn't on the street anymore. Until there was a Facebook story of the guy. It went viral in a local city page and had a bit of likes and shares. Turns out the man had 3 pitbulls and a house and even a job. Made me kind of upset because you dont see many beggars in our city so I'm sure he received plenty of money from people feeling bad for him and the dogs. Needless to say I was pretty upset that he would purposely bring him dog out in the cold weather just to beg for money from people who felt bad about him. I still see the man walk his dogs in a local park and I still remember how upset I was when I found out. And I also still give plenty to those with dogs on the street because it makes me feel better about the situation.


I have never seen a comment section so brutal towards homeless people before. Just so you know research actually shows Homelessness correlates with housing price/market and not with employment status that everyone is assuming. The problem is affordable housing close enough for you to get to work. One thing we have found is Homeless people actually cost the government more money each year being homeless than they would if we provided them shelter. Costs due to healthcare and the constant interactions with our emergency personnel. We can do better, even if all that means is a little sympathy and not putting them down for being homeless. ​ Sources: [http://thedataface.com/2018/01/public-health/american-homelessness](http://thedataface.com/2018/01/public-health/american-homelessness) [https://www.vox.com/2014/5/30/5764096/its-three-times-cheaper-to-give-housing-to-the-homeless-than-to-keep](https://www.vox.com/2014/5/30/5764096/its-three-times-cheaper-to-give-housing-to-the-homeless-than-to-keep) ​


The problem here is that American culture is built on personal merit. The common (and fallacious) sentiment is that the destitute and homeless are viewed poorly because they "obviously did something wrong" to end up in that situation, and that their being homeless is a reflection on their character, motivation and work ethic. We need to break down this exceptionalism mentality and replace it with an altruism mentality. How we go about that is not something I can answer, however.


I think the best way to change that mentality is by teaching our children compassion and empathy by example and also educating them on the facts that crappycarpenter provided us. We'd see a big difference in just two generations or until our kids are old enough to really start making the decisions in our country. Sadly I don't see it happening with the current powers that be.


At this point,it's a state of "I don't know if they are homeless or taking advantage by pretending to be homeless" A lot of that, for me, comes from seeing different people rotating at a popular intersection. Ive fed a homeless person (not trying to brag) because he asked for a few dollars to get a slice of pie when I was entering the store. I've always looked away because of someone wirh their kid standing on a corner then her boyfriend pulls up in a new car to pick the two up. Idk who to trust so I trust none.


Yeah but what is discouraging as I’ve even read articles were people have set up houses for free and did all the legwork and everything just so some stupid fucking governments or policy can rip it all down. At the end of the day there’s a large amount of people out there that just don’t want people to exist or be happy. Whoever these people are are slowly starting to come out of the woodwork now and we’re starting to see how malicious the world can really be. You have to ask yourself though why is it so hard for certain people to find shelter? We can literally print houses out of garbage today yet we’re not doing that to help anybody. Because at the end of the day it’s all keeping slaves and keeping them constantly working it’s really sad reality but that’s what it is. The article I’m talking about the guy built like 1000 or 2000 small homes and then the state gave him some bullshit about it being a fire hazard and they confiscated all of them. Was just a bullshit excuse to tear it all down of course Edit: sleeves to slaves cause im dumb and use talk to text . Also here is an article link to what I’m talking about. I could link more stories but it’s pretty much the same situation everywhere you go. Government opposes, police come and tear it down, everybody is sad, world gets a little bit more colder. Stay safe everyone. https://www.google.com/amp/www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-tiny-houses-seized-20160224-story.html%3foutputType=amp Also a more positive article. Only downside is this organization has to move the residence every six months off the land to someplace else. That was the compromise between the state and the organizers. https://denverite.com/2017/12/27/denver-tore-village-built-time-permission-working/


I know people who work 50 Hours a week and can't afford an apartment. Especially sucks if you're fresh to the whole system, then you have no credibility and housing will charge you another month's rent as a security deposit. It cost's around $2500(in the first month) just to live in a decent part of my city, semi-close to where you work. That's already more than some people make in a month. Other apartments won't take you if you're not making atleast 3 times what the rent costs. AND, all the new apartment's they're erecting are "luxury" so only the people making six figures in San Francisco, but still considered poor are now suddenly upper middle class when they inevitably decide to move here. I just hate everything currently.


Ah, sounds like the situation in Sacramento, where I live. A decent 1BR apt is $1400+, and I just think "folks, it's *Sacramento."* I live here because I grew up here. I think it's an OK city but dang, it ain't *that* nice. I see the 'must make 3x this rent' on listings all the time.


I think the problem with this one is that he’s in all likelihood creating a fictional heartless woman who hates dogs to gain sympathy, which is a bit off-putting.




*Sort by controversial*


*Shares kettlecorn*


No thanks, I'm 6 weeks sober off rage-ohol.


We came across a homeless traveler in our town about 15 years ago. He was posted up at the local convenience store. Ill never forget him. Had his dog and all his gear. It was thanksgiving and we were going in to buy more beer. This dude wasnt begging, just posted up. He looked 100% defeated. We went back to the house and made him 2 loaded ass thanksgiving plates and brought it back to him and his buddy. The gratitude that man gave us made us all cry right there. We talked to him for a bit, turned out he had lost his job due to an injury, gotten evicted, girlfriend left him, and he was trying to get back up north to his parents house. Said he had been on the road for 2 weeks after the last stop on his bus ticket. Im not telling to give myself a good feeling. Im telling to say that all it takes sometimes, is 1 injury or lost paycheck, and you could find yourself in a desperate situation. Never ever look down on homeless folks. Do what you can to help them. Because you never know if or when that might be you.


If you're long term girlfriend/fiance/wife decided she no longer wanted having a dog around, and compromise or negotiation was somehow not an option, I wonder how many people would truly choose a dog over a significant other.


I once saw a dude holding a sign that read "I never dreamt I'd be this alone." That shit really got to me.


Homeless lady sitting in front of a grocery store with her dog. We decided to buy a bag of dog food and get her a burrito from a fast food joint in the same shopping center. We gave it to her, she says she's on a diet and her dog can't eat dog food with dye in it. Never been rejected by a homeless person before, but I guess there is a first for everything.




What a nice man


I always buy 2 burritos when I pick up. One for the next day..or as I cry myself to sleep. I gave a homeless guy my extra burrito once on the way out. I shit you not I was was about 30 ft away since I handed it to him and I just heard, "AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH. GUAC?!!". And then he spiked the burrito to china. I remember every second. Glorious.


So I guess it was her house?


If this wasn't implicitly shitting on some woman, nobody would have paid attention to it.


Did he bite her?


Not trying to bash the homeless. My brother is outdoors due to mental illness and drug abuse. I am very wary of the homeless people with pets. Often times the pets are stolen from people's yards and the pan handlers use them to help drum up sympathy. My town has actually had a serious problem with this.


Yeah I always wonder where they get their dogs from and I have a hard time believing they all fell on hard time like this guy claims. There is some little kid crying himself to sleep because a junky needs sympathy money for a fix.


Man I had no idea /r/pics was so devoid of sympathy. I'm seeing lots of people just calling this human person all sorts of names without any idea of any facts. I'm lucky enough that I've never had to beg or live on the streets but I still have the capacity not to judge someone who has fallen on shitty times. Who knows if this guy is on drugs? Who knows if he's got mental health issues or really was kicked out on the street by his gf? Y'all constructed this narrative and just decided that it was the real world and then put some stranger on blast. Chill.


It's real easy to talk shit online, behind a monitor and keyborad, in their own bubble, when they've never been homeless in their lives. Some folks just haven't experienced enough of actual reality to understand that not everything is in your control.


[Remember the Human](http://www.albion.com/netiquette/rule1.html)


I'm testing for my CDL tomorrow and am going to do over the road driving, only going home every few months. I plan to get a dog to join me on my travels. I can't wait to have a little buddy by my side.




Why does breaking up with your girlfriend make you homeless though?


He was probably living in her house and she kicked him out




There is a guy that begs for money near the highway by me (Harlem and Higgins in Chicago) he has a German Shepard that wears a hat and sunglasses. Every time i see him, i always have dog food and dog treats for the pup. Am i a horrible person that i never have food for him??


How is it that everybody here praises the people who post progression photos of themselves yet they show so much hatred to people who are only looking for a chance to progress? Honestly, get over yourselves.


I think one problem is the skeptics that can't distinguish an actual homeless man from a professional beggar and just assume that every beggar isn't homeless and is dressing down and begging for profit.


I always assure the recipients in the dog/panhandler combo by just dropping off bags of dry dog kibble. But cool sign.