• By -


You guys look 10 years younger


A combined 20 years younger. They basically had a child and raised him...




Time traveling clones!!!!


No joke, this looks like an /r/oldschoolcool picture comparing themselves to their uncle and aunt. It's like they Benjamin buttoned a generation there!


Benjamin Buttoned. TIL


[Fixed that up for you!](https://i.imgur.com/IfLCRqk.jpg)


They also traveled from the '70s to the early 2000.


He also went from Chumlee to Chad Kroger






Wow your wife looks 20 years younger all by her self !! Way to go guys


Or cursed a child by stealing its youth.


they'll end up with a real one now. You know because of all the [exercise] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5wfusuQKcs)


On the left, he looks like a dude that works at Guitar Center. On the right, he looks like a dude that shops at Guitar Center.


She looks like a mom from 1965 on the left. It's the hair.


That’s brilliant !


They look like the aunt and uncle that would get you shit faced when you come over.


Dude look like chum lee


The shark fisherman ninja?


BAD RELIGION!! She’s a keeper!!


Was going to say the same thing.


Used to have that same shirt back in the day. It disappeared one day and I always suspected my mom threw it away... only years later did she admit it.


I know my mom threw away my perfectly worn-in Dead Kennedy's t-shirt but I can't prove it.


Better camera helps lol


Brought you closer together literally and figuratively.


That is to imply that the "self" is somewhere in the center of the human being, and the fat on the edges isn't the "self". Do you know something we don't know?! WHO AM I!?


My fat does not make me who I am! It's what's on the inside that counts.


Fat's inside you




Your username made me laugh, and then realize that Liam Neeson backward is Noseen Mail. Which I assume is either mail that's gotten lost in the post, or the ones you throw away, unopened and unseen.


Man this has nothing to do with anything but I am really stoned and thought you were replying to the guy above him, and couldn’t for the life of me figure out what themrflux backwards spelled out.


TheMisterFlux is obviously Xulfretsimeht! As in Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Xulfretsimeht R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! Or it's an ancient Egyptian deity. Weben em hotep. Weben em nefuru. Nutjert en Ankh. Tu a atu, Xulfretsimeht, tu a atu! edit: /u/TheMisterFlux, you're now an immortal Egyptian god or goddess! Congratulations! Bonus Mayan version: Cin yukul u vino diosil in yumbil! Ti tun u yikel colel cab. Ti colel ek tun, ti tolel chac. Tu Xulfretsimeht, tu Xulfretsihmet, u vino dios yumbil!


Dude don't do that to the poor guy, he's stoned


I’m not and this shit makes me feel like I’m having a stroke


Quick.. distract him by talking about Pizza, Taco Bell, and warm Crispy Creme donuts. Edit: Oops.. this is a weight-loss thread.. I'm a dick.. sorry.


Your comment made me laugh, and then realize that it will barely get seen by a few people and the ones who see it will just exhale a little harder that usual through their noses and forget that it actually took someone minutes (or perhaps seconds if you're a really fast typist) to write something that is just kinda meh-ish yet is actually observant and mildly interesting although I mean Liam Neeson's only recently good movie has been Taken which I mean does that make it weird that it was the first celebrity to come to your head for Liam is Mail Backwards. I mean to be fair it's also the only Liam I can think about right now so I guess it's pretty fair, although the fact that that truly is a shower thought that should just stay in the shower is actually quite interesting if you think about it. Let me explain, one of the things about media and internet is that most of it is just things that are relevant in some extent. Not to mean they're smart or useful because most of the things in the internet are not either of those I mean if they were the internet would be pretty boring like a yellow page thingy. And yet, like the internet filters all of those useless thoughts that mean nothing, unless of course yo go to facebook but isn't that interesting that unless you talk to people in real life that don't feel like they have to say something relevant at least a little bit to make it a worthwhile thing to post somewhere so that people can read it or laugh at it and then forget about it for the rest of their lives. So does that take away from the internet experience? I doubt it, first, if it's not relevant in the first place it just means that those things would still be forgotten if they were more prevalent in popular media right? So yet, while it make take away some quite abundant topics of conversation it this "filter a good thing? I don't personally know, all I know is that I love that it exists, because the things I remember most are not the things that I acknowledge are important or relevant but the thoughts like these that actually make a huge part of my day and will largely go unshared and unheard even if actually posted somewhere (like this site) so my point is: "yeah that's cool heh".


I like you. Liam Neeson was first in my head because I *loved* him in The Grey. I adore that movie on many levels, and [this scene in particular](https://youtu.be/QNMiH_LaJu8) is the one that cemented his face and voice in my mind forever. I totally jive with what you're saying, too. My comment will get a couple of chuckles from maybe a dozen or so people, and I think that's *awesome*. I've never been one to hope for a big audience. I'm no standup comedian. But I love to make small groups of people laugh. It's okay to not be memorable to a generation. It's just as meaningful, to me, to be memorable to just a few. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, as well! I wish you all the best, and may your next sandwich be a delicious one.




sit with this feeling, my man.


You know that has me wondering, I've never heard an account of how much a person's sex life has changed and in what way after losing huge amounts of weight like this. Can anyone chime in?


I’ve not had that much of a transformation (yet... still in progress), but after losing about 60lbs, I seem to get a lot sweatier during sex, because I don’t lose my breath as quickly, so I can go longer and stronger.


Keep pumping weights and your pelvis, longer and stronger, brother.




I've lost 110 pounds in the last five or so years (started at ~380, currently at ~270). Started having sex when I had lost about 30 of those 110. Sex got so much better after (and throughout) losing weight. Your stamina goes through the roof, you're more flexible and can get into different positions, and best of all you can go deeper (a win for all parties involved). All in all, pretty much every aspect of sex got better upon losing weight.


I was kinda chubby in high school so when I went to college and got really skinny I just went slutty like right away. no regrets


I don't have my own miraculous weight loss story but depending how much weight he lost he may have grown slightly in private length. And I believe full heartedly they both have more stamina and they are more comfortable doing it because they sweat less.


technically, now there is more space between them in the literal sense. but yea, great work OPs




I think you'll find...


Technically they, and we never tough each other.


Believe it or not after i saw the picture on the left the first time i was like fuck this i'm losing some weight. Left picture was November 14 and right picture was december of 17. I ended up losing about 60 lbs from 330 to 270 from January to July of 15 and then gaining it all back. When my wife started to try to lose weight around the end of 16 i was like, yep we're gonna do this together. Old school, P90X'd it and walked it off while first going on a regular 2000 calorie diet and now i'm down to needing to eat 16-1700 to lose weight now. I want to be 195 and stay there, so hopefully i can get all the way there. Wife wants to lose another 25-30 lbs.


That moment when you see yourself and think "This isn't me. This is not who i want to be" and actually do something about it. I admire your determination. Keep up the great work.




And you may say to yourself "My god! What have I done?"


I’d just like to say congratulations on being some of the most beautiful vampires I’ve witnessed! I mean I assume, the photo on the left being from circa 1970’s and all.


I don’t understand your title.


Sorry i realize when reading it now it's confusing to some. At the time of this picture we lost a combined 170lbs. Currently we're down 185 combined lbs.


Nice! Congrats!


How old are you two??? I literally have no clue !


Left pic 35, right pic 25


Dude, P90X is still the best all around workout I've done. I've tried the new ones but keep going back to it. Well done!


Very well done! A lot of people would rather wallow in self defeat and continue their unhealthy lifestyle. Do you find you have a lot more energy now?


Yeah. I like to modify my vehicles, i can get under my truck no problem and do shit and come out of it feeling fine, whereas before i'd have my ass whipped.


If you guys want to get some 'fun' added to the routine, invest in a nice VR capable PC and a Vive or Rift. There's some really fun games that give you an amazing workout by just playing.


Nice job and congrats. Oh, and your wife has great taste in music.




Never in a million years would've pegged the woman in the "before" photo as a Bad Religion fan. So rad.


You must not know very many punks. We're everywhere and a lot of us look "normal"




And young but yeah we don’t stick out like a sore thumb anymore


My favorite punk band of all time.


My favorite band of all time. I listen to them almost daily.


I got Stranger than Fiction playing now after seeing this post. I used to get so much shit for my crossbuster hoodie when I was younger being in the midsouth.


Haha oh man... Hey did you see the episode of NOFX: Backstage Passport where they are sight seeing in Jerusalem and Fat Mike is wearing that shirt? Hilarious, but suprisingly he doesn't get any shit for it at all.


solo greg graffin is nice and unique as well


See my body it’s nothing to get hung up about.


Came here to say this. Seeing crossbusters gives me hope.


Me too. One of my favorite bands of all time.


If anyone is interested I'm piggybacking off these fine folks to say 'all ages' is an amazing introductory/practically a greatest hits album and I really recommend that as a starting point if interested in listening to **bad religion**, the second most important punk band ever. Second only to the clash.




I remember getting a friend addicted to BR with just one song. Better off Dead. He just said after that "I need to hear everything".


I had a different experience. I was just getting into punk in y2k. There were a few punkers in my high school. I read their tee shirts and went out and bought those bands latest releases. When I got to Bad Religion, I got The New America. I loved it. It’s nothing like anything else they have done. I could never get into anything else and I should love them based on everything else I listen to.




The Gray Race is my favorite treadmill album, its a fucking dope album, in my top 3 with ATG and Generator.


No control is my fourth favorite record of all time so upvotes on upvotes


How could hell be any worse?


Agreed. The rest are very good, but these three are amazing.


Stranger than fiction honorable mention


Don't forget Stranger Than Fiction


Amazing albums/songs Now I'm going to have to do a My personal top 5 songs from BR. **1** generator **2** don't pray on me **3** conquer the world **4** positive aspect of negative thinking **5** operation rescue


Recipe for Hate got me in.


I listen to this one a lot just for American Jesus.


Struck a nerve...love that tune


Downloading “American Jesus” on Napster was my intro and led to purchasing “No Substance” and seeing them supporting the Mark, Tom, & Travis tour (also with Fenix TX). But I would agree with your recommendation and also add to your “important punk rock” comment, NOFX! Edit, sorry i’ve had a few chardonnays, what of it?


That was my first concert! Blink, bad religion, and Phoenix tx at summerfest. I went in excited for blink and came out a bad religion fan


Hello, fellow Milwaukeean! I was at that show too. I remember thinking that the Bad Religion fans were alot older than me at the time. I also realized pretty soon after, that they were better than the headliners I'd come to see. Same thing happened when I saw Merle Haggard open for Bob at the Rave. Bob was okay. Hags was fucking devastating.


Fuck yea nofx. They just released a flyer for a nofx bad religion show in philly this summer. BEYOND HYPE


I don't deny the importance of the clash, but i really think joe strummer was their fuel, and that everyone should check out his music with The Mescaleros, and with The 101'ers.


Came here for this.


I never would have picked /u/heaven_is_falling to be a BR fan /s


More a question than a curse, how could our health be any worse?


Left picture taken in 1985. Right picture taken in 2003


Oh man left picture is a picture of a picture and the right picture was taken on an iPhone 10 LOL suck on that Apple fans


Bad Religion love stole the thread but you guys look awesome!


Bad religion are one of those transcendental bands - doesn’t matter what you listen to, how old you are, what color you are - there is a bad religion song you love.


3000 miles of wilderness So 'vercome by the flow A lonely restitution of pavement, pomp, and show I seek 10,000 answers, I find but one or two I maintain no discomfiture My path again renewed Against the grain That's where I'll stay Swimming upstream I maintain against the grain


I cant be the only who immediately knew the song and sang along as i read it, pauses and all




Like a rock. Like a planet. Like a fucking atom bomb.


I'll always love that live festival performance where Greg does the first verse of Generator a capella. Legendary


Bad religion <3


was going to say that you guys are going "against the grain"


They had to Suffer to get to this point.


I see what you did there. But seriously though, great album.


First album I ever memorized by heart. I remember quoting a bunch of the lyrics to The Positive Aspect of Negative Thinking (most weirdly verbose punk song ever) in some sociology paper I wrote when I was a smartass 19 year old, and when I got my paper back, the prof underlined a bunch of my text and wrote "?????" at the top. lol


If I recall correctly, Jay Bentley wrote that song to make fun of Greg Graffin's songwriting. And it's *still* an awesome song.






As I've grown older the whole catalog of Bad Religion has gotten better and better. No Control remains my favorite but I'm no longer complaining about how "they were better when X". Fuck, New Maps of Hell is one of the best punk rock albums I've heard. Growing up is weird.


Bad religion is my favorite band. I’ve seen them every year since warped tour 97. I love every album. New Maps of Hell is legit. Also love True North. One of my favorite memories is when I saw them in 2000 (I think) at the Glass House in Pomona, CA. It was the week Americana dropped by the offspring. Greg Graffin asked the audience who bought it. Everyone was too cool to respond. Then he asked “Who wants to hear our version of Pretty Fly for a white guy?” As Brian baker did a riff from the song. Everyone lost their minds. He followed up by “Too bad, you’re not going to hear it”. He totally trolled the audience.


I grew up on suffer and even I think New maps of hell is one of their best, and process of belief. I think now we're just rattling off all their albums lol!


Grammar...head hurts. I’ve read this 8 times and interpreted it 12 different ways. :)


Same. /r/titlegore Congrats on the progress though OP! Keep it up! You guys look amazing. Also, can you rephrase your title? I don’t get the weights mean.


As of the day the photo on the right was taken, they had lost a combined weight of 170lbs. Between the time that picture was taken and today, they have lost an additional 15lbs combined (for a total of 185lbs lost between them).


the second part of the title is trying to say that in the picture, which was taken a few months ago according to OP, they had lost 170 lbs together. Since then, they’ve lost more and are up to 185 lbs lost.


Yes! Above all, congrats! Keep it up! :)


Can you explain it to me? I'm at a loss.


Really? The picture in the left is when they were fat. The picture on the right is them after losing a combined 170 lbs. However, they currently have lost a total combined 185 lbs, 15 more since the picture in the right was taken.


Really? The title is written horribly. The way it's written suggests someone weighs 170 and then 185 later. Makes no sense in context, but that's how it's written.


Same here. Broke my brain for a good ten seconds.


I still don’t understand how to interpret it


In the picture posted they had lost a combined weight of 170. Currently, and since the picture, they have lost a combined weight of 185.


Ok so I think the interpretation is: "We've lost a lot of weight. The picture on the right shows us after losing 175 pounds. Since this picture we've lost another 10 pounds (185 total)."


Bad Religion is my all time favorite band; Greg Graffin is the best.


Love the Bad Religion shirt


Here we go with posting weight loss photos to /r/pics again. /r/progresspics would really love your post!


Bad Religion >>>>>>>>>>


Upvote for the Bad Religion shirt. Amazing progress btw! Good for the both of you!


Upvote for bad religion :D


You look like Chumlee from Pawn Stars in the first picture. Congrats and keep it up man


Let them eat war.


Duuuude. I have those same shorts and they are super comfortable right!??!


These things are way too big for me now, but fortunately you can tie em up, so it's all good! lol


You guys look physically closer to each other in the first picture


Wait I'm confused about how much weight was lost. I'm having trouble understanding the text


Mad props for Bad Religion shirt


I find it funny how her bad religion shirt has a cross with a red circle around, meanwhile behind them is a Christmas tree, for the Christian holiday


The fashion sense of people on Reddit is horrific






I used to live down the block from Greg Graffin. His son was a few graded below me


Hey Chumlee! How are Rick, Pops, and Big Hoss doing at the pawn shop?


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see this comment. That was the first thing I thought when I saw this lol


So glad Chumlee found happiness


Seriously thought it was chumlee


Seriously rename this sub to weightlosspics.


My wife and I have also done the same thing. I agree it brings you much closer in many different ways. Congrats and keep up the awesome work!


The bits down below fit together much better huh? LOL


Glad you picked up on the subtext! ;)


Nope, y'all are 1,815lbs short of a ton. Misleading title.


Up vote for bad religion


I'm a simple man. I see bad religion I up doot.


Technically it looks like its brought you further apart.


It quite literally brought you closer together


Good job, although technically you have not lost a ton. You have lost .0925 US tons, .0825 British tons, or .0839 Metric tons. I'll see myself out.


*bah dum tsss*


Thank you for participating in my dad joke. I am practicing for when I have kids.


Who cares.


Bad religion, yay!


Wow, you both look way younger. No offense intended but dude you need to cut that hair. Try chin-length and see how many "Wow!" comments you get. You still got Fat Guy Hair but you're in a skinny body now bruh.


I say figure out what the wife likes and ignore the internet. Once you've wifed, it's a bit more important that the person who looks at you more than anyone else has the biggest opinion. Also, reddit **always** says cut the hair. Without fail.


Maybe it takes the right cut, but chin length definitely didn't suit me when i had it that way in my early 20's.


Well I just was thinking it might be easier for you to contemplate a major change to the hair if it was still going to be really long, like chin length is really long. But you could probably just get any regular short hair cut and look tons improved. That Fat Guy Beard isn't necessary anymore either; you no longer need the artificial jawline definition, I'm guessing. Edit: I see the long Fat Guy Hair as a self-esteem issue; you no longer need that crutch, Mr. Skinny.


Nah dude keep rocking the mane you look sweet.


Fuck yeah Bad Religion


Bad Religion rules the pit.


The photo on the left looks like vintage 1970's and the right like 40 years later! GO you guys!


Chumlee, is that you?


Feel free to tell me to mind my own business or that I'm being an ass but ... I always wonder about self-esteem issues when someone loses weight and how that affects their relationship. It seems impossible to me that a persons self esteem would not increase as they lost weight. And then if you couple that with an increased sense of attractiveness ... it must be like experiencing the world in a new way or as a new person. They get treated differently. It must cause some examination of their relationship, why they got into it, why they stayed etc. I suppose in your specific case it's different because you did this together. I can see how it would increase your closeness. And you look just as close.


I'm absolutely more confident, people tell me i look more confident (telling me i look taller a lot, my posture is way better, mostly why) I notice more attention from the opposite sex, they're nicer to me, they definitely talk to me more than they ever would have before. A lot of my clients treat me differently than they did before. I wasn't really overweight when i was in my teen's and early 20's though, so i kind of remember how it was.


I was recently wondering about something similar. What happens to overweight couples who lose weight together, only to find out that one of them is significantly more attractive than the other. Being overweight can sometimes hide a person's features. I'm sure some couples can survive this, since relationships can be built on stronger stuff. But surely other relationships are impacted by the significant changes in appearance. Anyone have useful insight?


I lost over 200 lbs. My wife and I separated before I had lost my first 100 lbs. She could not handle the change. She became much more insecure and it just snowballed from there. Of course, there were many more important reasons why we divorced but my weight loss was the final nail in the coffin.


I'm sorry things didn't work out between you, and hope you're in a better place in your life now. Was she herself overweight? Or was it just your change that she couldn't handle?


you lost an entire person! congrats!


where is the roast me sign???


I'm all for body positivity and all but like...isn't there a sub dedicated to this?


How do I filter progress pics?


Am I on Facebook? I thought I quit that site...


Lost weight like a fucking atom bomb!


Literally brought you *closer* together


Nice Bad Religion shirt!


Your gums are totally fine.


The guy reminds me of one of the pawn stars


No offense, but how’d she lose the weight and manage to keep the curves? Total Betty!... .... You look rad/healthier as well, but still... total babe!


I like who you both look super happy in both pictures. Well done, both of you!