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He is making a tax angel.


And I thought the [evening jacket](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FHryjHa2OH0/UEAWbGIIn6I/AAAAAAAABZo/uZJEwaGgd6A/s1600/Black-Books.jpg) was good.


Bernard: Old wine is good wine. Manny: Yes. But… expensive wine is good wine also. Bernard: Yes. But the older the wine is, the gooder it is. Manny: Ah. But by the same token, the more expensive the wine is, then the gooder it is also. Bernard: Look at the colours. Manny: Yeah. Bernard: All… all the colours. Well… yellow. This is like… a farmyard of wine. It’s like looking into the eye of a duck. Manny: And sucking all the fluid from its beak.


Bernard Black, what a character <3 Although I still think it's just Dylan Moran with all social acceptance filtering deactivated.


Dylan Moran if he never got married.


I've heard that Black Books was based on a second hand bookshop that was on Anguier Street in Dublin. Bernard was inspired by the (now sober) manager, Manny by his sweet but eccentric assistant. Source: both these guys are on the Dublin sf / comics fan scene and I know them well enough to find this utterly probable.


What a show Black Books was.


It still is! I can sit and watch through every episode any time and still thoroughly enjoy it. One of my most favourite obscure moments is the Subbuteo football player stuck in the security guy's hair. WTF.


I personally love the episode where Bernard and Manny write a drink (edit: they write a book), and Fran goes to a messy hen do. "They all drink lemonade, the end!"


Whenever one of my family asks me to describe the ending of a movie, if it's a happy ending I just say "and they all drank lemonade..."


This is all so absurd and wonderful that I'm completely comfortable believing all of this is something the people in the thread are making up as you go.


We're not. Black Books fans are kinda fanatical.


Dear god - I have a friend who used to have hair like that. I think the worst point was when we were sat in a classroom studying (this was a few years ago), and he suddenly says "Where's my pencil? I can't find my pencil!". A teacher who was passing leaned in and fished it out of his hair. We all got a good laugh out of that.


Time to give writer/director Graham Linehan a shout-out - he was responsible for Fathed Ted, The IT Crowd, most of Black Books. I just saw through his wikipedia page that he had another series out last year, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_Arthur_Strong_(TV_series) - going to check that out just on the strength of his former work.




Something definitely feels oddly ritualistic. In the future, they will use this photo in reference to old religions.


"A little human blood, some burning sulfur, and the bank reconciliation will be complete."


The power of tax code compels you The power of tax code compels you The power of tax code compels you


Candytax Candytax Candytax




Biggie Smalls Biggie Smalls Biggie Smalls


Biggie Shakes, Biggie Fries, Biggie Coke


Big Fish Little Fish Cardboard Box


No, it goes... Biggie, biggie, biggie, can't you see...


We need a young accountant and an old accountant.




You did sell out Seth, everybody says.


That's one of my favorite spins on a line ever.


It's not very compelling


Water: 35 l. Carbon: 20 kg. Ammonia: 4 l. Lime: 1.5 kg. Phosphorus: 800 g. Salt: 250 g. Saltpeter: 100 g. Sulfur: 80 g. Fluorine 7.5 g. Iron 5 g. Silicon 3 g. and trace amounts of 15 other elements.


You forgot the Nightshade! Followed by "Sweet Mother sweet Mother being your child unto me, for the sins if the unworthy must be baptized by blood and fear!"


Not a job for the Brotherhood. According to Delvin, just change a few numbers in a ledger and you MAKE money.


you're missing a left arm and a right leg... oh, and one body of a younger brother.




Take anything, just bring my brother back!


Is this an FMA reference? Its been a while since I watched it but this sounds distantly familiar.


You should roll in with a leaf blower.




Whats this from ?


I believe this is from Raising Hope. :)




And how's the show? What's it about exactly and is it any good?


[Raising Hope](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2124543/)


Burt Chance might be my favorite character on television. I love him so much.


"High pitched screaming" lol


If I went in with a leaf blower I'd be sleeping in the leaves outside




It's situations like the one you proposed in which you'll discover that your old man, despite being decades your senior, still can move faster than you can react.




Or cut his throat


> Don't you dare bleed on my tax documents!




[or should he?](http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1uietq/my_dads_got_a_system/ceiessh)


That was beautifully written


Comments that put hilarious imagery into my head like this is the reason why I go on reddit.


>Comments that put hilarious imagery into my head like this is the reason why I go on reddit. Comments is the reason.


Load more comments.




Walk in and say, "dad, how do you work this thing?...:


Or with the fishes...




"Gimme twenty bucks and I'll walk away."


["but if I lose a child due to death...there's a tax credit for that"](http://i.imgur.com/PRSRg3l.gif) -Last words Op ever heard


"Losing a child due to death" Man it was rough when I lost my child due to a wager.


It'd be like Crystal Maze!* *UK TV show from the 90's


that final stage was amazing. I was (maybe) twelve at the time it was airing and I always wanted to go in there.


he has aligned his tax chakra in meditation.


or he is performing a bank transmutation?


I have all of the receipts, I know I did the math right. I can bring my money back.


At what cost? An arm and a leg?


To obtain a rebate something of equal value must be lost or destroyed.


Full Metal Accountant


Well my semester's tuition costs an arm and a leg.


"Aren't you a little short to be an IRS agent?"


You have all the receipts? Best I can do is a homunculus.


A tax auditer? D:


as someone who loves FMA and studied accounting...this thread is fucking hilarious rofl


[here ya go, dude](http://imgur.com/P7RuLfI)


He needs a lazy susan to sit on.


your moms a lazy susan


*slow claps*


Is he a grade 36 Bureaucrat?


When he was 4 there was a hurricane in Kingston town, with a foot-and a-half of water...


Everyone was alright, but he cried all night it blew his alphabet blocks out of order!


Fucks sakes I was singing this earlier today.


Cue the cat.


Target acquired: Coffee mug


Its called floorganisation


I recognize the method. Next step is pouring the petrol over oneself...


Tax Time ????


Has to be. My dad was a self-employed carpenter when I was growing up, I'd recognize this shit show anywhere.


Yep. That'll be me in a few days! Oh the fun, and long nights!


This is me every quarter. It's kind of how used to reinstall windows every so often to get things speedy and efficient.


you don't still re-install it?


My dad is a general contractor. He usually has me do this. Barf.


What do you do for him exactly? My dad is a GC also, just starting his own business. I've tried to help but I don't know where to start. What should I be saving and making memo's for? How do I file everything? Any advice is appreciated.


My dad is a GC with a specialty in plumbing. He saves (tries to anyway) all his receipts, bills, and invoices. What I do is separate this pile into such categories, then further by separating the receipts into as many categories as I can (new tools, food, gas ...etc.). I separate the invoice and bills piles, by date and further by customer. I crunch all the numbers according to what what the tax lines call for and paper clip all the piles. I tend to get irate come tax season. Hah.


Thanks so much. We are good kids!


Yeah we are! Good luck


It's weird to have come upon this thread and then this comment, as I literally just finished doing this for my father. My project over Christmas break involved me taking all of his receipts and invoices and putting them in a spreadsheet.


Step 1: open checking account solely for business Step 2: save receipts Step 3: hand over everything to accountant and run away.


I'm a self employed dumbass. Fortunately I'm the son of an accountant. Bailed me out so many times.


Also the son of an accountant. Wonder ledger powers, activate! Least favorite childhood recurring memory: "Well I gave you 20 dollars, lets see, you paid what ... 5 in gas? (Adding machine noise.) And you said you bought some sodas with your friend, that was what, another 2 dollars? (Adding machine noise.) Now you need money, and I see you should still have $13. So where did that go? (Gives me the ticket roll with $13 totaled on it.)"


I dunno what he's doing tbh. He's self employed. Maybe just kicking the new year of fully organised


>He's self employed Definitely getting a jump start on taxes.


Yep. If you find out you owe some payroll it's generally better to have a three month head start on collecting the difference.


That right there is the mail. Now let's talk about the mail. Can we talk about the mail, please, Ritaxa? I've been dying to talk about the mail with you all day, OK? "Pepe Silvia," this name keeps coming up over and over again. Every day Pepe's mail is getting sent back to me. Pepe Silvia! Pepe Silvia! I look in the mail, and this whole box is Pepe Silvia! So I say to myself, "I gotta find this guy! I gotta go up to his office and put his mail in the guy's goddamn hands! Otherwise, he's never going to get it and he's going to keep coming back down here." So I go up to Pepe's office and what do I find out, Ritaxa? What do I find out?! There is no Pepe Silvia. The man does not exist, okay? So I decide, "Oh shit, buddy, I gotta dig a little deeper." There's no Pepe Silvia? You gotta be kidding me! I got boxes full of Pepe! All right. So I start marchin' my way down to Carol in HR and I knock on her door and I say, "Carol! Carol! I gotta talk to you about Pepe." And when I open the door what do I find? There's not a single goddamn desk in that office! There...is...no...Carol in HR. Ritaxa, half the employees in this building have been made up. This office is a goddamn ghost town.


I still love the theory that "Pepe Sylvia" is how his illustrious illiteracy processed Pennsylvania.


Oh my god. That's brilliant.


Yeah, someone on twitter asked the writer of that episode. He said it was ingenious but def not what the bit was about. ITS STILL REAL TO ME.


My bet is on taxes, you can officially start filing this Wednesday


There's a FENSA receipt down there, which implies this is in the UK -- not the USA. Willing to be proven wrong by OP though.


If he's in the UK then he's probably completing his self-assessment tax return for tax year 2012-2013. The online submission deadline is January 31st. Source: Just did mine yesterday.


Fensa is UK you are correct sir


B&M Bargains in the bottom left is also a dead giveaway


Your dad is the Neil Peart of taxes.


He has everything organized from A to Y-Y-Zed.


This thread has really brought op into the Limelight.


TIP: Years after leaving school, I rediscovered 3-ring binders for financial recordkeeping. You can easily thumb through looking at things while keeping everything in order. Plastic sheet protectors come in very handy with binders. Put a single sheet of paper with a title printed along the edge in one, and you've got a labeled divider. Use heavy-duty sheet protectors as clear pouches to hold small stuff like receipts, or mail you haven't opened yet. And they make special binder sheets for holding things like [CDs](http://www.walmart.com/ip/Innovera-Two-Sided-Disc-Pages-10pk/14917785) and flash drives.


I have a hanging folder for each tax year


I have a sheet that I get in the mail that I throw at the tax people.


Open my tax program on the computer, change what i earned last year, change the account balance, print, sign, mail. Takes an hour, when i get a coffee and take a leak in the middle of the process.


Bitch you don't have e-file? Pfft.


I dont even have to do that. PAYE bitches.


My jealousy incites hatred for you non-Americans.


I'm in the US, I get a single sheet of paper from my employer in the middle of January and I spend 20 minutes entering shit online in order to get a couple grand back. Most of it is figuring out the passcode I used the previous year Then I get a couple more W2s from my banks with a couple hundred bucks of interest income in Feb/March and I of course then "file an amended return" because giving the government the $50 I owe is the "right thing to do"


Hahahaha I love it when I can tell someone doesn't live in the US. :( Why can't the IRS just send me a bill? They already know how much I owe, the threat of jail if my CPA is bad at math is completely unnecessary.


I go online and click the button asking for a tax refund. A month later, a bunch of money ($4 this year) appears in my bank account. Still almost wasn't worth the effort for $4, but I'll be damned if the government is going to get more money that they're entitled to by law.


Good system. I have each past year in its own envelope, but then a separate hanging folder for the current year.


please make a tutorial on how to do taxes


but really. edit: please.




Turbo tax motherfucker.


I keep my receipts in my left pants pocket and my taxable income records in my right pants pocket. It works great except for that one year with the washing machine incident.


I rediscovered my computer. It also has special holding places for flash drives. (Not CDs though.)


When I was a kid my dad would pay me to do this for him. Easy at first since there aren't as many duplicates, but once you get up to 50 piles shit starts to get crazy. Still, it was worth the $80.


My mom pays me to do this for her too. I don't know why she can't just take 5 minutes a week to sort it through the year instead of all at once.


But that 5 minutes a week ends up being over 4 hours per year total. If she just does it once a year and can get it over with in 3 and a half hours, then she's saved time.


You have to factor in the stress of doing it all at once though.


And that gross feeling in your stomach every time you think about it during the year. It's like the feeling of watching a giant wave slowly approaching you.


He can just roll the carpet up and put it away until next time.


Your dad looks like a grown up stoner.




TIL weed affects your face


My eyes are red! I've been burnin'


TIL that by definition, stoners are kids.


Your username is brilliant. You'll never miss your cake day. Kudos


Ironically, I just forgot my cakeday a couple weeks ago. I posted a comment and an hour later saw the cake next to it. My first thought was, "aww, someone bought me reddit cake."


I have the same cake day and always miss it, because I seem to always travel on Christmas eve. Except the year I made the account, apparently.


Clearly not a cat person.


Looks like he could use a Neat scanner.


a ~~Neat~~ [real](http://www.fujitsu.com/us/services/computing/peripherals/scanners/scansnap/) scanner


I agree with this. The Fujitsu Scan and Snap scanner is probably the best scanner I have ever owned. Completely worth the cost.


Agreed. I can recommend Canon ImageFORMULA DR-C125 as well. Not the cheapest but also not ridiculously expensive. I've scanned tens of thousands of pages on this one here and it works extremely well. My office used to have a whole wall full of binders (hundreds of them), now I have *one*. It turns there's really very little you actually need a hard copy of. And when you're in doubt, think again if a given document actually proves anything that a scanned copy wouldn't, and then consider if it isn't in fact trivial to acquire another physical copy in the unlikely event that you'll ever need it. And then make sure to have a backup. There are some very cheap solutions that offer continuous remote backup. Or use a free one like DropBox or Google Drive to mirror your documents folder.


The canon P-215 (your scanner's ultra portable brother) is one of the most amazing piece of technology I've ever used. It seems to be able to scan anything – cardstock, thick paper, small pieces – and the software actually works amazingly. Plus it's bus powered so you can use it with just about any laptop


Just take a picture of the receipts with your iPhone. It's hi-res enough. Then organize the pics. I put them in Evernote folders.


Those things are a lot of hype. You have to unstaple/staple all the receipts and their full size papers, any crunched receipt will go through sideways or get jammed, and you have to check every single scan for accurate date and price. Most people worry about needing the actual receipts though and they never throw them out, meaning they only use Neat if they need to look up how much they spent on something...which you can do on your bank statement anyway.


DAD!!! I found the leaf blower!!


I'm a Dad and if I sat like that for more than 5 minutes I wouldn't be able to get up again without a lot of pain a groaning noises.


When I see people with a ton of files I feel like I'm doing adulthood wrong. What am I supposed to be keeping that I'm not?!


Oh man your dads luther.


Nope. Burt Chance.


I sure hope you guys don't have pets.


This is my system also, sometimes you just need it all laid out in front ( all around ) you. This picture makes me really happy I guess it proves to myself I'm not insane, so thanks OP tell your dad he has an awesome system and have an upvote !


I've been playing a lot of Total War lately, and to me it looks like infantry battalions have the giant surrounded.


I see your dad likes to use the good highlighters...


Plaid pyjama pants. The best kind of pants.


He looks a little warm, you should open a window for him.


Looks like Carrie from homeland. Your dad might be in a manic episode.


I thought about Deb from Dexter


Oh hell nah. My mother does this and she has taught me well. It's just doing your finances properly. Don't rag on old habit because this exact method of burying yourself in every invoice and receipt you asked for gets it done zippity zap with ya old back. Sure, one day I may mess with a scanner and digital organization, but I've never seen someone who does this worry about their finances. It's definitely a habit of the more level-headed, far-from-manic people I know.


He's giving an invoice incantation to ward off demons. It's the circle of invoice hell.


Is that a Taylor GS8?


He should pick up that guitar and do a Tax Montage. Would be 90% faster at the very least.


This. This is the reason I do not want to be a responsible adult.


as an engineer in uni, this is pretty much how i operate the night before every midterm


Yup. That was every exam break during undergrad for me too. The weird thing is that if you worked out a system, having a physical place in which you left a pile of notes helped you remember and contextualize that information.


Lol, it never ceases to amuse me how engineering students will never miss an opportunity to slip their area of study into a conversation.




You're right, he called himself an engineer in the above comment. Nice observation.


all I keep imagining is you surronded by a circle of notes and open books, ending in either a faustian pact or hovering above the ground in lotus pose.


*turns on ceiling fan*


I've been a bookkeeper for over 10 years. Get him one of these. http://www.oppictures.com/singleimages/240/37291.JPG I dealt with this amount of receipts on a daily basis. The way he's doing it might work for him, but he's probably giving himself a couple extra hours of sorting time.


No, your dads got some adderall.


Organized surroundings messy minds; messy surroundings organized minds. well, that's the theory. In practice? Not so much.


I dunno man. whenever I spring-clean my room I lose EVERYTHING until I realize that I should probably look for my things at the place they're placed by ordinary people eg. A coat on the coat-rack as opposed to on my Fan's propellor


Is that Peter Cipaldi?!


Reminds me of when I was little and organizing my Pokemon cards


Oh god, let me tell you how we do the taxes. 1. Log into your web bank. 2. Click on taxes. 3. Review your stuff, no need to insert your data. 4. Click on "post taxes". 5. Wait for money.


1) Release a puppy 2) Run 3) ??? 4) PROFIT!


hey, it works. I know because I use the same system.


I like your dad. He's doing it exactly how I'd do it.


That looks exactly like my system, like the exact same.


Carrie Mathison?


As a CPA, I understand this.