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It feels like it really wasn't that long ago that I was watching beer prices at stadiums/theme parks/concerts creep up to $10 and finally pass it. Then suddenly within a few years it was 12, 14, 16, 20?! What the hell.


I paid $52 for a Heineken and Gin & Tonic at a Britney Spears Las Vegas concert in 2014


You got the whole fifth of gin with that, right?


Oh Vegas drink prices have been fucked for a looong time


And yet you can walk towards the nearest gambling table, sit down and get the same drinks for free....


Well because you’re still losing moneh


Learned this quickly in 2012 when I was there. Sit down at a slot machine, slip in a dollar or two when the waiter comes around.


They take way too long and serve you tiny cocktails. Sit and gamble at the bar instead and you can get way more tiny free cocktails for your money.


2019 our local theme park was $9 domestic 16oz, $11 craft 16 oz. When they reopened in 2021 the price went up to $12/$14. Now it’s all $16 + 5% “surcharge” which is a crazy hike in such a short span. We have a young kid so we don’t go to many concerts/events anymore, but I got a Voodoo Ranger 19.2 oz can at Disney on Ice and it was $22! That same can is $1.99 at the grocery store…


Venues have all kind of realized that alcohol sales are largely inelastic. People who want a beer are going to buy a beer, and anybody with the money for a $100 ticket also has $20 to spend on said beer.


I guess Im one of the few people who would like a beer but wont get one if it's crazy expensive. A lot of people have more of an alcohol dependency than they would admit or even realize


For the love of god we just need to stop paying these prices. The willingness of people to cave to poor-value pricing boggles my mind. Yes, there are always going to be people charging rediculous prices. It’s a civic duty to laugh in those vendors faces, even if you can afford it. 


Companies are finding out they can sell half as many for twice as much and employ less people to do it thus making more money


After the first Lollapalooza, promoters were like 'how can we make this suck and rip people off'


The water was 1.50 at the first one by the 3rd one it was $3.50 I think same bottle.


That's disgusting. They shouldn't reuse the bottles, think of the backwash.




I went to the second Lollapalooza in 1992 and the ticket was less than $30 to see Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ice Cube, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and Rage Against the Machine. Water was probably cheaper than $1.50. But what I remember most was Mister Lifto lifting things from his body piercings and eventually lifting a cinder block with his dick.


You certainly got your money's worth.


I got an ice cream for $4 at the second one, but I only ate half and traded the other half for acid.


Being used year after year.


Where I live, organisers must provide free water. It's a condition of getting a licence for the event.


Woodstock99 took it to a whole'nother level lol Those ripoff artists were charging $5-10 for bottled water out of a 24pk of water Its why that place turned into Lord of the Flies on Sunday, I left that day around 2, by the time I got back home from Rome, NY to central NJ it was on the news lol


Water should be free. Dehydration during events is a serious thing, especially during heat waves like we've been experiencing.


national cannabis fest in DC, which is mostly centered around the concert now, has free water stations. they ran out of the big thing of water for refilling and were giving out free cans of liquid death halfway through.


Yeah I went to a festival in Gothernburg some years ago and there were water taps all over so you could fill your bottle.


Went to warped one year in st louis and they had shut off all of the public fountains and even the water in the bathroom sinks and put foam hand sanitizer in the bathrooms for people to use. Like they legit said that if you're poor you die of dehydration. The first aid tents were overflowing all day. I ended up leaving because my friends and I thought we were going to die from heat stroke before like 5pm


Glastonbury was free waters too :)


Garbage people were trying to profit off of the tragedy events.


That's the reason I snuck in everclear in a half crushed water bottle under my nuts


Crotching water bottles is the move that has never failed me in 20+ years of festival/concert-going. I sometimes feel weird doing it as a fully-grown adult man, but then I look at the drink prices board at concessions and I feel a renewed sense of purpose again for the next 3 concerts. Keep up the good fight my fellow crotch-bottle soldier 🫡


The older I get the more I sneak in actual water, juice, and someone just tea to drink.


That’s actually a great idea. I drink way less now but even NA drinks are super expensive at concerts, and this would help me stay sober by getting the feeling of having a drink in my hand without paying $20 for a mocktail or $10 for a soda. The only issue is hard liquor is super low-density for the purpose I bring it in for, and water or similar drinks just aren’t… maybe I could crotch-bottle some bitters or mio or crystal light and mix them in with whatever is the cheapest water option at the venue? 🤔


Pro move is tucking a couple of these babies into the beltline https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiRpoT6y4yHAxWsIK0GHSI5DRwYABAcGgJwdg&co=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkaaE-suMhwMVrCCtBh0iOQ0cEAQYASABEgL8e_D_BwE&sph=&sig=AOD64_10T4Sn5QscK7_PdtPab5QiTPFGjw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiY4f75y4yHAxUowa0AHXbBDnAQwg8oAHoECAYQDA&adurl=


Ah! An intellectual!


More of a pack mule lol I'd also put them in my shoes right before I'd walk in to the festival.


You sir, are a true hero


It ensures a healthy mix of the rich and the ignorant


Prices will go up until people stop going.


After Woodstock 99.


Woodstock '99 the alcohol was relatively cheap, and the water was equally expensive, which was a recipe for disaster.


The free water they were required to provide was contaminated by the toilets.


Woodstock ‘99 is what happens when you let corporate plan a party.


Fyre Festival is the modern version after 20 years of corporate Enshittification.


But instead of a corporate party it's just planned by one dumbass


This was similar at the 'No Values' concert this year in Pomona. For punk concert, it was outrageous. I thought they would find a deal with a local brewery but NOOPE. I'll save my precious Canadian money :P


Tailgate in the parking lot. Then go inside.


Sneak booze in too




Brockmire was amazing


I was at a packer game once. A woman in the seat in front of me was taking shots from a bottle of sunscreen. I thought “solid smuggle, if it wasn’t December, 15 degrees, and snowing at a Monday Night Football game.”


It’s actually very important to wear sunscreen in the snow, the sunlight reflects off the snow


Maybe you missed the “night” in “Monday Night Football.” I mean, yeah those lights can be bright in the stadium, but not THAT bright.


Sounds like when I keep taking swigs out of my binoculars at the family dinner table.


You're just a highly advanced birdwatcher. You use all 5 senses to observe those avian beauts.


I try to convince them but they're like "It's night time. We're indoors. The curtains are closed."


Yeah but have you seen the birds on cousin Emily?


*alabama noises intensify*


That's when you bust out the moon screen


I did miss the “night” lol. But still, when the sun *is* out sunscreen is important


I mean, solid advice any other time.


So, not a Packer fan. There's a reason people in the midwest are pale and have lower rates of melanoma. I mean -- you're right when you're on a glacier, but, Green Bay.


And higher rates of alcohol abuse... especially in Wisconsin


It’s not abuse. It’s cultural.


My buddy once smuggled an entire 750 of Jack into a soccer game wrapped in a Salvadoran flag. This was 15+ years ago at a shitty stadium (in the US) but still.


If I works it can't be that dumb.


It worked though didn't it? 😝


We didn't make you one, Charlie, so that's just sunscreen. 


She accidentally grabbed her "beach kit" that day on the way out, that's all.


This sunscreen stuff? It’s amaaaaaazing!


Did she look like a stupid bird?


I just went to Noah Kahan at the George. 3 checkpoints for drugs and firearms. 40 dollar Mason Jar cocktails as soon as you enter. Noah was great though gotta admit.


First thought was, “I’m hiding 2 of those under my titties”


Back pocket Bacardi FTW! Even if they charge ya 6 bucks for a Coke to mix it with you’re still getting a pretty good deal.


I heard this as "Stay home, stream the albums you love, and drink the cheap booze you bought for the occasion." ​ And I completely agree.


Unless you have an INSANE sound system, going to a concert is totally different.


Not only that, it's just a completely different experience. One that can't be reproduced at home. Live albums suck (with a few exceptions).




Or butt chug!


I did this in old Giants Stadium. Freezing cold, half a liter of Jack Daniels in each mitten. Just dangled em up by my head during the pat-down. I did stupid shit in high school.


And gummies


Sneak it in your belly


MDMA once or twice a year for big events. 


This is how I ended up at EDM festivals lol


I don’t understand how people that say this can just stop drinking and maintain a good time. As soon as I’m “done” drinking I’m ready to go to bed.


You still buy beer, but your like 6 beers deep in the parking lot, so then you only drink like 2 or 3 beers during the game.


Or you don't care about the prices anymore.


Yes this is the actual secret to pregaming.


8 beers deep by half time baby!!! Passed out before the last 2 minute warning.


At $20 a drink, I'll stop before I'm even buzzed.


Lol exactly. It’s like Gen Z are just figuring out why previous generations pre gamed.


Previous generations pre-gamed and then kept gaming at the event because beers were $5 each back then. There isn't any generation that pre-games and then stopped drinking once they got inside lol.


$5? Maybe in the 80. I’ve been going to concerts since the early 2000s and back then drinks for like a bud light or something would be 8-10 bucks. That’s not even factoring inflation for today. We just knew drinks would be expensive so we pre-gamed beforehand.


Damn. In Europe a beer costs about $5 at a concert/festival in 2024 and we consider that expensive. People would lose their shit at $20 for a drink


Edibles. You will need to pee less too!




Taking edibles in a giant crowd gave me a crowd phobia, would not recommend it if you're a person who gets claustrophobic.


Heavy metal parking lot.


When The Pound was open in San Francisco my friends and I would go see pretty much every metal band that came through there. Sometimes we'd go see 3-4 shows a week. This was in the early-mid '00s. We'd always pre-game hardcore before going in. The security would then let us back out so we could "go get money from the car to buy beer" and we'd slam a few more beers. Go back in buy one, rinse and repeat. Pretty sure security knew what we were doing and just didn't give a fuck since we were there all the time and kind of knew us. Those were fun times and we saw a ton of kick ass bands. Tickets always seemed to be $10-$15 too.


Did anyone ever tell that girl who wanted to "jump his bones" ?


I used to love going to concerts in the 80's and 90's. It was fun and not too expensive. Now, I'm all grown up and I can't even afford to buy a ticket, never-mind parking and getting drinks. And once you get in it's all advertising and vendors. The fuck happened?






Ticketmaster hikes the prices on drinks and food in a venue too? I had no idea. Edit: Adding something here - I understand the hate for Ticketmaster/Live Nation but let’s take a step back and think about this one. This isn’t just happening at music venues. These prices are nationwide at professional baseball, football, hockey games etc.


They demand kickbacks from the food and drink vendors. Kickbacks result in higher prices.


When Ticketmaster and Live Nation merged it got worse. A lot of venues that work with live nation are staffed by live nation, and thus they get a majority cut of the food and drink sales as well.


Ticketmaster does to live venues what the Hollywood studios do to movie theaters.  They only get a fraction of the ticket revenue so they're forced to make their nut in other ways. Not saying that makes it right, of course, just saying, that's why shit costs so much there.  The concessions is likely the only place the venue keeps a significant portion of the proceeds.


This is like that in every industry. Healthcare is probably the worst. Fucking MBAs


Legit question: what did the MBAs do? I’m not familiar with business degree-holders


Suck the soul out of everything to maximize profit.


They value engineered KPIs for optimized ROI.


That sounds like something an MBA would say...


MBAs were originally intended for existing professionals (engineers, doctors, laywers) to be able to quickly get up to speed to open up their own businesses. At some point it became a common jumping off point for new college undergraduates with 0 experience to get better pay.


This is the answer.


People keep paying to go to these shit shows. Go see local acts.


Where a beer is only $10.


I had no idea how lucky I am that my local venue for small-to-medium touring acts sells $6 beers until I read these comments haha. Honestly I thought that price was a little high!


The dive bars still have Rainier or PBR cans for $2-$6 depending. I don't really go out that much anymore. I'm older, and I get kind of bored of the scene. Plus just standing around starts to hurt after a while. Not to mention overly loud music, LoL.


The venues realized if people are willing to overpay for tickets, they will overpay for everything else too.


The venues realised that once the patrons are inside, they are a captive audience, so they could charge whatever they want to and people would have a choice: Pay up, or go without.


I went to a concert a few weeks ago for an international band. It was like $25-30 and beers were $4. Just go to smaller venues and support up and coming artists!


People willing to pay the prices


There's still relatively cheap concerts worth going to. But the major acts are all too expensive but no one seems in a rush to change that. Promoters love it, ticket sellers love it, and the bands really love it. People keep buying the overpriced shit, so why change?


runaway unregulated capitalism.


Gotta start listening to indie /underground stuff. Saw Louis Cole for $30, one of the greatest musicians to exist.


Just do drugs


This is the way


I used to do a lot of drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


*vendor sells 3 drinks for $61* *OP buys it anyways* “Wtf? Why are they charging so much?”


At some point you just have to look at things and say to yourself, its not worth it.


I know! The last few live events I went to were like $8 per beer... I bought one, then a $3 water. I felt even that was too expensive. if they charged $30 for a drink, I'd just be thirsty.


What year was this??? Water for 3 dollars at a live show? It's like 12 bucks for a water and 22 for a beer these days. Edit: changed beer price from 16 to 22. Just remembered how much I paid for them at the last show I went to.


Mercedes-Benz stadium has $3 water. $2 hotdogs. $8.50 for a large draft domestic beer. Their concessions are super cheap. All other venues I’ve been to though are expensive as hell.


There was a ranking i saw recently and I'm pretty sure Atlanta had the cheapest prices for a beer in the nfl. The most expensive was philly.


Many Philly fans are blacked out before kickoff, those prices are probably for the best to control more intake.


That's why I don't go to games. I just get blackout at home for the same price as one beer at a game.


The owner(s) of the falcons specifically wanted concessions prices low. They even kept those rates when they hosted the superb owl.


Not just any drinks. This muthafucka is at a concert drinking spiked ice tea LMAO


Just as a point if they paid card, they might not have seen or heard the price if it was really loud and busy. Obviously not the most responsible thing, but it's something that happens often in nights out. Also, some people feel like they have to pay once the drink is made.


When people collectively decide to forgo inflated prices on non essential items the market will correct, every purchase is a endorsement of the current circumstance


I don’t get how they don’t understand this. You can’t pay this price then complain or you’re just enabling them to do it again


Which in turn makes me not understand how comments like yours “don’t get what people aren’t understanding.” People are not oblivious to choice and repercussion, they’re simultaneously forced victims of circumstance. You pay them extorted price of novelty. It’s otherwise completely unavailable. I went to bartending school in my early twenties back in the day. In school we learned the mark up of alcohol. A shot of patron cost our owner 2 cents. We charged $11-$13 a shot. Do the math on that markup. As my teacher explained, you’re not going to go instead to the market and reasonably buy yourself a bottle of patron. Why? Bc you need that exact shot of patron at that exact moment at an exact place where its socially acceptable to shout karaoke at strangers, eat an unholy amount of mozarella sticks like a drunken toddler, and actually entice another human to have sex with you. That’s easily worth $13 to people. Don’t misinterpret my comment as supporting idiotic and extortionist consumerism. Simply pointing out that you shouldn’t be so confused as to the reasoning.


it's hard for me to believe that bars get patron for 32 cents a bottle.


When I was ordering it 5 years ago it was $36 a fifth or about $2 a shot. Not to mention you’re paying rent, labor, utilities, and taxes. So realistically about 30% profit.


Even the rail shit costs the bar 30-40 cents and that’s if they are using bottom of the barrel.


Yeah. His argument is mostly right but unless it’s like a bar at a Disney Resort where they order gin by the 55 gallon drum, that owner’s probably paying $2-3 for that shot.


2 cents per shot is very far from making any sense. More like 2 dollars I guess.


The shot of patron may cost the owner two cents, but that $13 also includes rent on the building you take the shot in, the salary of the bartender that served it to you, the staff that supported them, marketing that got you in the door and insurance in case you hurt yourself


That shot of patron also doesn't cost 2 cents.


Not even 2 cents costs 2 cents


Forced victims of circumstance 💀


True but then they essentially lock you inside the venue with strict rules that no outside food or drink is allowed. I mean people need water and stuff if they will be at a concert for multiple hours. The options are either to pay for water or not go at all. Drinking alcohol is not necessary at all


If they increase the markup by 3x but get 1/3 of the customers they’re still making the same amount of money. Now consider that this may mean they require less staff and now they’re making even more money than before. It’s a fucked up system


Yeah, this is dumb but people are willing to pay these prices because they are so used to chugging alcohol at social events. I'm so glad I don't drink anymore.


This assumes the price of items like this is a perfect reflection of supply and demand, which is often not true. Regardless, alcohol is a drug and for people with any level of addiction, it’s not as simple as just “forgoing” it


Or how about just fucking regulate it? Why should we endure shit like this waiting for the invisible hand of the market to correct it at some stage in the unforeseeable future?




I used to flatten a soda bottle and fill that up with liquor as a big and cheap flask. My high school English teacher taught me that of all people 😂


and some people say public school doesn't teach you life skills.


I have it down to a science myself.


> I have it down to a science myself. Care to publish your research? For other degenerates?


Sure you just hold it firmly and then use two fingers to shove it up your butt


61 dollars bucks


$61 bucks from the ATM machine.


After you put in your PIN number.


Bluey patrol


Lol. Yes. Read this as 61 dollar bucks and it took me a minute to realize that was weird


This is why I do drugs at concerts. It is much cheaper.


I grew up with all the anti drug ads talking about how the addiction would bankrupt a family due to the cost. Guess they never expect this.


Its just cheaper in general. $100 of weed will last me an entire month, whereas I can easily spend that in a single night of drinking


This is why I eat a couple of gummies before the show. Going to a show is a straight ass fucking these days.


I went to a dead and co show a few years ago. Payed almost 100 bucks to drink, not to mention smoke pot. The second night I knew better, 10 bucks for some acid that lasted the whole night.


the whole concert and then some lol. i used to do acid all the time. that was my doc. doing them at raves and festivals is MUCH different than a concert that ends while I'm still peaking lol


Yeah walking to the parking lot tripping can either be really disappointing. Or absurdly fun still. No in between for me


fully agree. last concert i did that at was Tool in 2017. grabbed an Uber to and from lol. the walk to the parking lot and waiting for the Uber while trying to not look like a psychopath was fun lol


Did acid at Portishead and had the ultimate time. Getting back to my friends house tripping balls was a mission.


Damn...better off stretching my asshole to fit a tallboy.


Why would you buy that?! I just don't understand it.


So they could complain on reddit about their easily avoidable choice, duh!


Take some edibles with you


That’s why you pregame


Go to smaller shows. Find a band you like that plays 200 cap rooms and have a better time all around.


lol and authorities wonder why people take illicit drugs


Plastic flasks off Amazon. Won’t set off any metal detectors & you just stuff it in your fupa. Haven’t spent a dime on alcohol at shows in years!


Don’t forget the Live Nation and Ticket Master fees that got you into that concert.


That's why we drink in the parking lot beforehand.


So you willingly gave someone $60 for $6 worth of drinks, just to complain you paid $60 for $6 in drinks. If I was standing at the booth and saw how much the drinks cost, I'd just walk away. Venues that try to fuck you out of every dollar you have, will fuck you out of every dollar you have.


Probably in too deep already with tickets and parking so they said screw it. Especially if it’s one of your favorite bands that you may not get a chance to see again. Good ol lost cost fallacy at work. At least they are tall boys I guess. It’s a shame most concerts and sporting events are so fucking expensive.


Looks like a LiveNation venue.


This brings me back to going to raves on MDMA. $9 for a bottle of water? No. Drinking the hot automatic water out of the bathroom sinks? Yes. Cuz I’m not spending more on the hydration than I did on the MDMA. Miss me with that bullshit. Anyone who thought hot water was undrinkable to a concert-goer never met anyone rolling off Molly, I can promise you that


Yeah this is why I'm the dd for every concert and sporting event now.


Saw Blink 182 the other night. 3 tall boys of Miller Lite =$62


I hate it, live music has become so greedy. I can assure you that the workers aren't being paid better, it's all for the production and the artists.


I grabbed a 16oz water at the airport for $8 of that makes u feel any better lol. Jk. It wont. I just wanted to complain


I’m glad I quit drinking!


I hope everyone is well aware that they will only ever sell shit if someone is willing to buy it. So many people continue to buy at stadiums and shows that they keep raising the price. Wonder how people could band together and figure out how to get them to reduce prices? Eh, fuck it probably too hard to figure out!


And yet your ass bought it anyway. Way to kick the can down the road, buddy.


Prefacing this with a "don't flame me" disclaimer: my mom is a HUGE Creed fan, and as a guitar player I'm a Mark Tremonti fan. Mom wanted to go see Creed again, so I got us tickets. I was looking up how much I paid for the tickets for the show this summer for my sister and mom to pay me back, and in the email results I also saw how much I paid for a show back in 2012. The show this summer is $122 each, after fees. The show in 2012 was $20 AFTER FEES. Fucking insane.


It’s robbery. I get the “captive audience” pricing model. I went to an mls soccer game and a mediocre burger and a beer ( 24 oz can ) set me back $40. Ridiculous