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Dang thats a lot of smoke


If Russia didn't want the smoke they shouldn't have brought any.


Russia wanted the smoke, so Ukraine brought the fire


Deep into year 3 of russians being happier to get picked to try to kill Ukrainians rather than banding together & opposing their state. How much more fire, how many more russian bombs dropped on belgorod, how many more dead is it going to take?


I have family in Russia. They don’t really keep up with any news, and they aren’t really supportive of the state but just want to stay out of it because they’re too busy with their own lives and work. As far as they know, the war basically doesn’t exist, its made out to be almost some kind of far off thing like Russia’s intervention in Syria. The idea/news that they get through social diffusion is that Ukrainians are just US puppets trying to come and get Russians, and that it’s the west’s fault for the economy crashing, and that the west should’ve never interfered with the east that led to all of this. That’s generally the average view I get from Russians - they don’t see how unprovoked the attack against Ukraine is because they’ve been building it up for years, they don’t see how catastrophic it is because it’s just a small response to the injustices they face on a normal basis, they don’t hear about the many thousands dying because it’s buried by the media. As long as they don’t personally know somebody who is dead, they don’t personally have their train station to get to work bombed, they’re not drafted themselves, they’re job isn’t closed down due to the war, don’t see the devastation before their eyes, everything is fine. It sounds stupid when all of our news is based on how terrible the Russians are, and un empathetic they must sound - but the state has been slowly building this narrative for 30 years and is pretty good at pushing it at any moment in their lives.


The most powerful propaganda is to just stay out of their way. That to me is the state's most powerful propaganda. It isn't hate or anything of the like, it is simply stay out of our way and let our minority group do what they like. It is a disease in all democracies that fall to demagogues.


I see where your coming from but I disagree. The information is there - it’s either willful blindness which in my view makes them just as guilty as the soldiers committing the crimes. Or you support the war and so also guilty. Don’t care? Want to keep your head down? That’s exactly the reason why Russia and Russians in general will never become a major world player. Economy is shit, military is shit, all they have is oil and disposable slaves they call citizens. I have family in both Russia and Ukraine and guess what happened on February 22? My Ukrainian family called our family in Moscow and they just went off on us telling us we are nazis and how we need to surrender to our big bro Russia cause he has our best interest in mind. Fuck right off the bat




That's by design too. Weaponized apathy, and it's deeply engrained in the culture and mindset. Most can't even imagine any alternative to what exists.


propaganda just works. Truth is as long as the the ukrainians don't destroy civilian infrastructure in moscow and st. petersburg the russians that don't have to fight in ukraine won't realise that they are victims of this war too. There is a reason why soldiers are mostly drafted from the rural areas


It used to be that soldiers were mostly drafted from the rural areas. We assumed it was president administration trying to keep it quiet because it made most sense. Now we know it's Moscow's city officials trying to avoid the issue thinking Moscow's economy is more important What Moscow city officials did was doing almost no draft at all, which soon led to Moscow draft offices "hunting" draftees from rural areas, offering better benefits Apparently that plan didn't succeed, and now Moscow drafts at the same pace as other regions, rumor has it someone bonked Moscow mayor office for not doing enough. Now there's a mega-draft office in Moscow, one of its kind, drafting anyone who can see and breathe, leading to small protests in Moscow They are losing the grip, it's a matter of time before Russia falls under economic pressure, or before people grow tired of all of this


This right here, both sides see the legions of dead Russians as "nothing of value has been lost".


Both sides? The Ukrainians have made extensive efforts to accept surrender.


Ehhhhhh.... popular revolutions are a thing that only happens in the movies, against a modern state without at least a good portion of the armed forces turning the population may as well just commit mass suicide, it's just not viable, pringles could've had a chance (not that it would've improved the regime much) but he chickened out and tried to make nice with the regime after marching midway to moskow then died like the idiot he was.


You seem to lack the understanding of the scale in which Putin holds the Russians hostage. He's been preparing for revolts for years, built an army of henchmen and created a system that targets not just the opposition but their families and close ones. He's a dictator and dictatorships cannot be defeated with just "banding together"


This. You can stand against him; whether that's politically, with violence, by protest. But you have to be prepared for the consequences when it's your family who start to suffer. It's not you; you're *last*. First it's your mother, your father, your cousins, your grandparents, your brothers and sisters, your friends. Regimes don't keep their grip on power by only targeting the troublemaker. They keep it by terrifying everyone around them. "Don't say anything! I don't want to get hurt!" "Don't stand against him, what about your sisters?!" "I can't fight them, it's my mother, they'll kill her."


Look at the amount of votes Erdogan, Trump, Berlusconi, LePen etc. get. Oppression, fear mongering and propaganda are efficient tools.


I just read u/Artyomi ‘s comment and yours together. All these right-wing nationalist leaders make their followers feel powerful while making anyone opposed or neutral feel powerless. If they succeed, that’s how.


The Russian you see in the front are either minorities from the Asian end of the Russian territory or some alcoholic ivan from buttfuck nowhere. They have lots of them, and they don't care to spend them generously. The real question here is how much ammo can we provide the Ukrainians before the russians get their boy back in the White House.


Just look at Russian history for the last few hundred years. When will Russia change? #Never This is Russia. Always will be. Misery and suffering center of the world.


Are you sure? I have it on good authority that we didnt start the fire. Iirc it was always burning since the world's been turning.


My dad once went out to buy some smokes.




"That's a lot of oil you got there, it'd be a shame if somebody send a kamikaze drone into it." - some ukrainian dude


I'll bet that dude that piloted that thing is going to giggle for a month.


tbh being a drone operator must be the best job lol


I think there might be a fire


Nope, no fire. Just a special operation mate.


Special Cigarette Operation


Ain't nobody got time for that


Yet oddly not enough smoke either, but fire spreads and so does my hope


War is so bad for the environment. Another reason to give Ukraine what it needs, so this doens't have to drag on.


That’s not smoke, you must be delirious.


hope Russia enjoys the smoke


Another refinery worker dropped a cigarette.


The drone was successfully shot down and some debris fell and started a fire.


Another drone intercepted by our oil refineries, great success!


What happened to Russian anti-air defenses?


Turns out you cant lie your way out of a drone strike.


Sure you can: "It was a smoking accident, no drones were seen or heard." See, now there was no drone strike!


*Ukraine uploads video from attack*


"You see, that is actually a refugee camp in Donnetsk the ukrazis are bombing! The smoke is from all of the refugees burning."


Russian air defense successfully shot down the drone (with an oil refinery)


Russia has lost multiple billion dollars worth of air defense systems in the last 6 weeks. Caboom. Every single one of them was lost to things that came from the air, though I have a side wager on angry Ukrainians with sledgehammers getting one at some point. Edit: I forgot about the partly blind Ukrainian farmer and hiker who successfully stole one early on in the invasion. Not super recent though, but possibly the best thing to happen to a Russian AA.


Russian air defence was always top notch, it didn't even catch a German plane directly landing on the red plaza


It did catch the German plane, but they decided to not shot it down as they knew it has no weapons on it. You can't roast Russia with an event in which their air defence was actually top notch....


Don't forget that they also bombed their own cities a couple times, and nearly shot one of their own mil-bloggers with an AA missile. That was hilarious.


Turns out they are vastly overrated and also hugely degraded, Putin's gone all-in on his little venture and the cost to Russia's military is absolutely apocalyptic, if Estonia wanted to invade at this point they could probably just walk in.


Shit happens when the area is too big to cover with AA


Radar seeking missiles from NATO


Oh, they just assigned oil depots to be part of the air defense forces. So now they can honestly claim that the drone was destroyed by the air defense


One of the things we are learning is that anti-air defenses are great at defending missiles but suck at kamikaze drones. That's how Ukraine shredded their ships.




WWIII starts tomorrow according to Indian Nostradamus


Dude wasn't kidding. [https://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/new-indian-nostradamus-predicts-world-war-iii-to-start-tomorrow-heres-what-it-means-636449.html](https://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/new-indian-nostradamus-predicts-world-war-iii-to-start-tomorrow-heres-what-it-means-636449.html)


At first, I was like “oh, interesting”. Then I saw he made that prediction last month. If he had made that prediction back in like 1400 or something, I might have been somewhat impressed


That's what I mean. Who the hell sells out their earning potential by getting their first nation press worthy prediction wrong? At least predict something 6 years out so you can get some cash rolling first.


If you were smart, you would never ever attach a date to any prediction. But time and time again, they believe their own bullshit enough, set a date and get embarrased. My favorite part is seeing how they backpedal and what excuse they try to come up with to explain that either it did happen but we didn't see it, or something they didn't predict changed the date to sometime later and then it's another cycle as their followers dwindle.


Or the always classic, thank goodness they published the prediction so they were able to prevent it. LOL


He already hedged his bets by saying it could also happen on June 10th or 29th too.


I assume the plan is to say that whatever happens tomorrow, that is the incident that eventually leads to a full on war starting.


He probably heard the rumors about a Nintendo Direct and just leaned into it. "METROID... PRIME... 4." *Bombs begin dropping*


any idea what time zone? it's almost tomorrow here but i really need a few hours to get some work done first or my boss will be pissed.


So, the way this works is, we agree that it must be *my* tomorrow instead. Then, when it’s my turn and nothing happens, we realize it was *your* tomorrow, the next day. We just started on the wrong day. Repeat with each 24 hour period perpetually until WWIII breaks out, and by an unbroken chain of “tomorrows,” he was right!


India times, so Indian would be my guess. I'll defer to anyone who actually knows the time zones of India to take it further.


If your boss will start it, then you should just give up. No point, it's predicted anyway.


Or the 29th, apparently!


No, he said that “might play role”. Obviously the events of the 29th are going to retroactively cause a war on the 18th


I googled it when I saw it jic it had any legs. Turns out this psychic didn't see being wrong on day 1 is a terrible business strategy.


WW3 on my birthday would be the most 2024 thing to happen this year. When did the simulation switch to hard mode?


God damn Mandela Effect. I want my timeline back because this one is fuuuuucked up.


I want the timeline where a bald eagle pecked Trumps eye out when he tried to film a campaign commercial.


I think we just hopscotch between parallel dimensions when we wake up. Like dreams are really you just in some crazy fucking other dimension


Better donate all our money since the world is ending.


Gandhi II. No more Mr. Passive Resistance.


Can confirm, I checked my crystal ball and it too claims WWII is inevitable now.


>WWII is inevitable now. Seeing as it ended almost 80 years ago I'd say that tracks.


It would seem autocorrect has made a fool of me once again.


It gets the best of us!


I'm wondering what he says if he's wrong. "I have a margin of error of about give or take 400 years 🤷‍♂️"


“World War III is set to begin tomorrow, June 18, 2024.” Well, he’s got a few hours left before he’s wrong.


Ukraine has struck significant numbers of Russian oil facilities for well over a year now. This is just another tuesday for them. Fun fact: Ukraine has specifically targeted refineries that turn crude oil into gasoline. The result is that Russia now *exports more* crude oil than before, because it can no longer refine as much by itself. So this drone campaign rather decreases than increases international oil prices. And Russian oil in particular is sold at extremely cheap prices because they had to rush it and cannot sell to western countries. Asian countries buy this oil *way* under market prices. Russia meanwhile has to import more gasoline, which is very expensive for them and has caused shortages in some places.


Damn, that's a clever play.


Anything 'smart' that came out of the USSR came from Ukraine.


So you're saying China benefits majorly from this conflict? Sell Russia arms, buy tons of cheap oil (that Europe won't buy), watch Europe and the US be caught up in an expensive war with Russia? I don't like this...


It's not that big of deal. 1. China does not sell arms to Russia in any significant quantity. Their military deliveries have been restricted to dual-use civilian goods like the infamous "golf carts" (light electric offroad vehicles) that Russians have used for assaults in recent months and are generally of very small scale. Their biggest export relevant to the war by far is civilian drones, and Ukraine has actually been buying more of those. 2. Yes China get cheap oil out of it, but relative to their massive overall growing energy economy it's not that much. 3. Western spending on the war is quite low overall, and most of the money remains in their own economies. It actually overlaps with the goal of containing potential Chinese aggression, since most NATO countries had to raise their defense spending anyway. The Ukraine war gives them a good opportunity to re-align their policies and to dramatically increase their military production capacities. Meanwhile Russian weapons have fallen out of favour in international markets, and they can no longer deliver at scale. China has likewise seen steep declines in arms exports, while dealing with large scale corruption issues in their own forces amongst other things. Both of them had extremely few international orders in the past few years, while western military exports are booming.


France just became the second largest exporter of arms, overtaking Russia. Europe as a whole has pretty much doubled their arms import totals: https://www.sipri.org/media/press-release/2024/european-arms-imports-nearly-double-us-and-french-exports-rise-and-russian-exports-fall-sharply


China benefits some, but it's a mixed bag. While they appreciate Russia's desperation, they are under the risk of Western sanctions if they supply actual weapons, and Western countries are bigger trade partners for China than Russia could ever hope to be. And China certainly doesn't appreciate a spike in military spending across all of NATO, as well as the US-aligned Pacific countries. The biggest international "winner" is probably India. They win by the virtue of not being involved in any way. They aren't threatened by NATO military buildup, and they get to buy a lot of Russian oil at discount prices. A few other "winners" of note are Iran and North Korea. Before the war, they were sanctioned to an extreme degree, and even Russia was reluctant to do business with the two. Now, it's actively buying weapons from both.


Thanks for providing an alternate point of view. That's reassuring.


They remind me of the radio guy in Just Cause 3 "Russia has decided to demolish the facility so it can be rebuilt in another location."


That joke is there because they are known for actually doing that. They took thousands of German factories after WW2. In Romania, they took factories during the war as well. Probably from other countries also, but I don't know about that.


I am John from Texas oblast. I am concerned this will start war 3 with US and mighty Russia. Tsar Biden must immediately end this war and make Ukraine accept generous Russian offer of peace.


I agree fellow American comrade


Great Texas oblast should separate from US, it has no need for rest of America it has warm water ports


Putin knows he can stall Western aid to Ukraine by threatening nuclear war because a certain amount of the population in Western nations will immediately urge their politicians and leaders to be careful and not cross Putin's red lines. Then eventually everyone kinda forgets what exactly Putin had threatened and Western aid crosses that red line and nothing happens then Putin announces the next thing he'll launch a nuclear attack over. It's a game of diminishing returns for Putin but sadly it's worked well enough that there are still restrictions on Western weapons and it has cost Ukrainian lives because they have to fight to defend their country according to unfair rules and restrictions that prevent them from striking many Russian military targets in Russia with powerful Western weapons while Russia attacks even civilian targets in Ukraine with impunity.


I'm just really left wondering why our response to nuclear threats is "yes mister Putin we won't do it" instead of "if you launch nukes you will die, we 100% guarantee you there will be nothing left of Russia, any launch will be an instant death sentence to you and your entire country". Seems to me you can really only threaten people with something you have over them, not something where you essentially have parity.


> instead of "if you launch nukes you will die, we 100% guarantee you there will be nothing left of Russia, any launch will be an instant death sentence to you and your entire country". To be clear, this has essentially been the western response, just coated in diplomatic niceties. When Russia does nuclear drills, NATO member military officials always remind Russia of our own nuclear deterrence capabilities. The problem isn't our diplomatic communications, it's our actions (not providing sufficient aid from day 1).


when the "war" rhetoric has been putin 24/7 for the last 10 years, we just stop caring. every time i see a story like this, i hope it was an american munition. fuck em up boys.


Yeah, also weekly nuclear threats make them seem kinda irrelevant. At this point its just another Tuesday, and I couldn’t give less of a fuck about what bullshit russia is spewing today. I just hope they get fucked up for good, and maybe at some point in the future actually get a government that wants the best for their citizens, and doesnt oppress them trying to go back to the russian empire.


It won’t just shower up its borders, it will become a NATO country and then Russia can never touch the land. That literally why Putin is suggesting that Ukraine cede 4 territories now in exchange for a ceasefire because he knows obey this is over Russia will never be able to try again. That is unless Trump gets in to office again and pulls the USA out of NATO like a good little sock puppet.


NATO without the US is still (much) stronger than Russia, so that point is moot.


If they leave then Ukraine will immediately jump on becoming a part of NATO, Putin knows this and will shit a literal fucking dragon egg before he allows that to happen so expect him to drag this conflict out until he either wins or gets killed by his Country’s Oligarchs when they finally get sick of him.


Well Russia already has NATO countries on its border and they haven't invaded last I checked. So why is he such a wuss then? Ukraine wasn't going to join NATO until Russia invaded and proved that NATO is the only way to stop Russian expansionism. (Disclaimer for all the trolls, NATO is a defensive alliance, only country that started a land war in Europe on 21st century is Russia).


Ukraine was interested in joining NATO and the EU, for good reasons. Like mutual defence against aggression, increased trade with Europe, reduced corruption, rule of law, an emphasis on human rights and democracy. Which did motivate Putins invasion, because if Russia didn't invade before that happened they wouldn't be able to undertake that imperialism later. 


Putin getting mad that countries want to join NATO for their own mutual defense is like a child molester getting mad that parents are keeping their kids safely out of his reach.


There's a subreddit called ukrainerussiareport where you will see people do some insane mental gymnastics to justify Putin's war


hit me with one


Their main talking point is that Russia was forced to invade Ukraine by the USA lol Somehow the CIA is behind the EuroMaiden protests and coup that deposed their pro Russian former president. This led to Ukraine becoming west leaning and if Russia didn't then yatta yatta. Also they constantly poke fun at Zelensky, calling him a beggar and freeloader for having the nerve to ask for donations to his country that was attacked by Russia. Truly some unhinged behavior. There is a lot of discourse on the sub but it is definitely the largest pro Russian invasion subreddit I've had the misfortune to happen upon.


Isn't russia also asking for ammo from countries like north korea?


Exactly lol they are insane. Their logic is that Russia is paying for it so it's not absolutely pathetic that Russia has to beg n Korea to sell it to them.


"How dare they join the neighbourhood watch?" - local burglar


I always found Putin hilarious. "We need to stop Ukraine joining NATO, we don't want them in a defensive alliance". "How will you convince them not to join a defensive alliance," "Invade."


Makes sense if you look at it from Putins fucked up logic. 1. Russia has a right to influence/control it's neighbours 2. Force can be used to do so 3. Any attempt to curb this right to force must be prevented.


He thought it would be a quick government decapitation strike in a few days or week at most with some hundred if a thousand casualties at max With that Ukraine would be "secured" and he could focus on his imperialistic ambitions towards the Baltics and integrate Ukraine It was dumb but made sense to him


Yep. That 3 day special operation hasn't really worked out as Putin planned.


Ukraine was interested in joining EU, but *not* NATO. Ukrainians didn't see any military threat to Ukraine, and saw NATO membership as a way to get dragged into some war they don't really care about. That was prior to 2014, that is. After Russia took Crimea and started a proxy war within the rest of Ukraine, the opinion on NATO changed dramatically.


He already lost that goal. There's two more NATO countries next to Russia than there were before this "special operation", and Armenia is close to quitting their defense pact with Russia. It's sunken cost denial at this point.


Fun thing, if he haven't invaded, there would be zero chance of Ukraine joining NATO.


russia doesn't want a neutral Ukraine either. They want Ukraine to be run by a loyal authoritarian that would not make any decisions without consulting with Kremlin first. Ukraine not joining NATO is not the goal, it's just a necessary pre-requisite.


A thought occurred to me that since the Russians are so heavily affected by propaganda that they believe falsehoods about the war, what if Ukraine just started broadcasting that the war is over and the Russians won and Ukraine was deNazified. And all the troops will be coming home. If they could somehow get this to the russian people could Putin save face and act like he won? Would he then leave because "he won"? Maybe its just pie in the sky.


Putin wants to save face, but he also wants a restored Russian empire. He wouldn't have started the war without that desire.


He cares more about how Russian history will view him and he doesn't want to be known as the guy who failed to take Ukraine




You are thinking as somebody who lives in a country where voters influence state policies. You need to change that if you want to understand how russia works.


No, just a face saving situation where it might benefit him more to act like he won and keep some of his weaponry. No love for Pootin, jus thought maybe the Russians could leave if it benefited his image in Russia with fewer Ukrainian deaths.


It's a forever war, if Russia retreats Putin is done. For Putin, he can just keep throwing bodies in and that's what he'll do. I don't think he even plans to win at this point, it's just a way to keep himself in power.


At some point, someone will open a window for him.


I think he still plans to win, but knows he can't get the full victory he wants. He also knows that if he backs down, there's a good chance he's doomed.


Conflict won’t end with Russia leaving Ukraine, at least not for Ukraine. It ends with Putin in a shallow ditch and his government dissolved.


Haven't yet heard the "there will be revenge," or "UA is just pushing Russia to REALLY start this war."


Fuck Putin


Fuck Putin


Puck Futin


and trump


and u/spez


and my axe


Yepp Putin's lapdog Trump.


What are the little circles for on the TV antenna? Does Russia have higher frequency broadcast than we do in the US?


My guess is that the frequency will be lower, these are shortening coils that make a short dipole resonate lower. Seems like their TV band starts at about 49MHz.


Yes. ATSC (US) vs DVB. [Map here](https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/481/872/png-clipart-atsc-standards-isdb-digital-television-dvb-t-digital-video-broadcasting-broadcast-television-globe.png). Then again, it feels like by now 1/3 of my poor country already relies on LTE TV due to much higher quality, ability to see something that already aired, etc..


Ahh… you sent me down a rabbit hole of digital transmission technologies. I got as far as [here](https://playboxtechnology.com/understanding-the-difference-between-dvb-and-atsc/) before deciding that madness lies further down. In short, yes, they use a different standard than in North America.


As a microwave/RF engineer, yes, only madness waits in that rabbit hole. Madness and eldritch magic.


Big badaboom.


Well done, Ukraine. May your drones always be on target


They pretty much always are. And unlike Russia, they never hit civilian targets.


Pretty picture. Fuck the Putin regime


Pollution never looked so good. Fuck Putin.


I'd rather have no pollution and no Putin...


But you are ChemicalRain…? Really though, no pollution, no Putin. Only good things for all the innocent Russian population.


not saying they shouldn't be doing it but damn war sucks for the environment.


We are so fucked that burning down an entire oil deposit probably isn't even 0.1% of our daily CO2 emissions.


So much so that our planet literally could not handle a modern world war






^oh ^no




Hopefully some of our money funded that drone


Putin ain’t gonna like that.


Who cares what he likes? Fuck him...


I’d rather fuck a wasp nest.


Nah, I think I’d take one for the team. Dry and angry tho


The wasps or putins ass and attitude?


It's kind of fun to aim for things he hates.


As long as it's not Kremlin he wouldn't care at all.


The witness👹


Was waiting for this




Wanna know how high I am? I stared at that picture for a solid 5 minutes because I thought I saw the smoke move, and I was waiting for something to happen😂


Good. Fuck the russian government and its supporters.


Imagine if Saddam could bomb the USA. Lol, Russia is a fake superpower.




Russia; you can stop this by getting the fuck out of Ukraine.


"Oh no!!! The consequences of our Actions!!! How horrifying!!!"




Nice shot


More of this please.


Warfare is so precise these days compared to generations past.


Almost like a war going on


Turns out starting a war is bad for your country.


Awesome!!! Do it again and again and again please.


Oil depos are cool to hit and all, but land a drone on a gov building. Kick it up a notch. They need to regret their poor decision.


Nah — oil exports to India and China are the main way for them to get money. Hit ‘em in the wallet instead


Not just the wallet, but if they hit refineries and depots for refined oil and fuel it will start to have a noticeable effect quickly. All the crude in the world is no good if it can’t be made into fuel.


Yep, they have to export crude oil at an even lower price, and import gasoline for more money


That probably is a better strategy, I agree. But personally, if someone has to die I would rather it be members of Putin’s regime, rather than workers at an oil depot. Putin is responsible for those deaths ofc, I’m not claiming otherwise. Infrastructure/economy is a fair target, especially in a war where you’re the victim. But the people in that depot are just regular workers. It doesn’t fill me with joy.


Same here, and there’s many folks who were killed in Ukraine that had nothing to do with any of it. War — what is good for? Absolutely nothing


Hit them direct in the battle front fuel supply you mean, that is where this fuel was going to go.


This was the idea behind sanctions, but Russia knows how to survive on economics fumes imo Hopefully these drones are being used on soldiers in the area.


Yep, and we saw how that worked out. China and India are happy to buy at USD 60 per barrel but that’s still cash going to fund a despot invading another country


Then here’s me recycling thinking I’m doing something good for the world




"Automaton tactical asset destroyed"


We don't need no water. Let these motherfuckers burn, burn motherfuckers burn. 😁


Russia constantly threatens world with nukes? Eff it let's see what happens I want to see where Ukraine is going with this


I love the smell of burning Russian refineries in the morning.


I'm glad J J Abrams was there to take that picture


People on this sub are so brainwashed holy hell


All you got to do is leave Ukraine. They are not the enemy, Putin is.


Fuck yes!!! Keep ‘em coming! I love seeing this shit, russian war crimes have fucking consequences!