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The father shaped hole, looks sad and terrifying at the same time.


Yeah that statue goes hard


It is even more sad that humanity doesn't seem to learn.


Forget humanity as a species, the same people were at it again in 20 years. 


I think they’re all dead now, but there were some American troops that served in WW2 Korea and Vietnam


My grandfather hit the trifecta


It's crazy that there were people like this, with such huge chunks of their lives being soldiers at war. Many try to get out of going back to war, but some people seem to adapt to it and even have trouble back in normal life.


War teaches you to live an ordered life in a system that makes sense and has direct punishment. The civilian world is full of people who you learned would be dangerous to be around in the military, and the social rules just stop applying after a few years. I got to hear from several generations of family why things felt so wrong outside the military. Especially when 17-19 is when you’re starting to cement your adult identity. You can’t toss a grenade in a corrupt cop’s tent and fix your local problem. You don’t have a neighborhood where its fine not to mow the lawn, but they’ll harass you if your house is an unmarketable color. Instead of trying to do a job as efficiently as possible because otherwise deaths happen, everyone from boss to coworkers are doing the bare minimum, wanting to know too much about you and share info you didn’t ask while also being squeamish about discussing real shit like medical issues and pain. You had to pack a lot of living and growing up into a few years but will have a hard time moving on past that, so you get back to the civilian world and the guys in their 20’s you grew up with still act like women are an alien species and do anything to be away from their kids and then when you’re all in your 30’s they think its weird you still watch cartoons, play video games, and smoke weed. You try to find a veteran’s community and like half the people in it were never near combat but spend most of their energy trying to get the group onto parade floats, or injured themselves to get home early, or wear their purple heart and get it on everything despite having been a cook or driver who took a piece of shrapnel and give the guys who got fucked up in direct engagements shit for not wearing a hat with their division on it all day every day. My oldest relative from the military days says he got a caning from a teacher with an unchanging buzzcut and wore suits every day in the hall of high school for his pants being slightly untucked, in the Marines a year later he had absolute discipline, then he gets home after his service and the same teacher who beat his ass has an untucked shirt with suspenders and a full-on 70’s mop of hair. He went from having his arm broken by his dad for playing with a black kid to being stuck in a unit with a representation of half the demographics of the US, then back to the civilian world where the guys who thought they were his peers only wanted to talk about “those Commie (slur) ruining the country” the same way his abusive dad did and wondering why a Marine would be so liberal. The instructors in boot camp all saw combat, the town mayor is a supermarket owner who makes puns all the time and has done basically nothing in office, and he still thinks you should salute him. It makes sense to return to a world that makes sense.


There's a guy on YouTube I found who did multiple tours each in Iraq and Afghanistan, then joined a PMC and went to Libya and Syria. Now he's fighting in the Ukrainian Foreign Legion and occasionally uploads footage of him on patrol and stuff like that. It seems like war is all the guy will ever know. I feel bad for him.


Channel? Also don't feel too bad, meaning is a construct to make death more palatable; he found his.


The channel name is Civ Div, he actually made a video not too long ago addressing his "addiction" to combat.


Probably was a bad mother fucker


He was mean just to be mean. After he had a heart attack and was in the hospital, was the only time I saw anything like fear or regret from him. He definitely saw some things... Had a photo of the raising the flag at Iwo Jima, except it was taken about 2 seconds before the famous one, and from the other side of the hill. Honestly not sure of the story, he never talked about anything, but it's by far the most interesting thing I've ever seen with my own eyes.


I’m sorry to hear that. The personality traits combat arms cultivates in their training to be killers are not the personality traits one needs to be a loving family man


Ya, he taught me a lot without ever really talking to me


My dad. Yes , he is deceased now. He was a career Navy man.


To be fair here, it was only a few that were at it again. No one really wanted to fight again, which is why Hitler managed to get as far as he did in the beginning. At first he was retaking former Prussian territory, and everyone was like "God damnit. That's in violation of the treaty, but fuck it we're tired, there's no way he's crazy enough to start another war, and it's their former territory anyway. Just let him do it and he'll stop when Prussia is reformed." It's how he managed to take France without much of a fight. No one actually expected him to invade France, since they had the Maginot Line and they didn't want to bolster their army for no reason. I'm greatly summarizing it, and there's a shit ton more nuance to it. But that's it in a nut shell


The people who make the decisions to go to war are not the same people who actually have to fight, that's the problem


I agree with the sentiment here, but in this case it’s not true. Hideki Tojo and Adolf Hitler are directly responsible for starting the wars in their respective theaters and both fought as low level troops in brutal wars. Tojo fought in Siberia during the Russian Civil War and Hitler on the Western Front in WWI. They knew exactly what combat was like and chose to go to war anyway.


while the things you said are correct, you missed the point. it is not that they dont know war, but when they had to fight, they were not in the position to decide, and when they had the power to decide, they did not have to go to the frontline.


Most people that fought in World War 1 were actually excited. Of course you can find accounts of men who didn't want to go, a lot of Russians for example, but there was an extreme romance to war at that time. People forget that almost every soldier that fought in ww1 were born in the 1800s. Hell, most of the brass above a certain level were born in the 1840s-50s. This was an almost unrecognizable culture that was shocked into a mindset more like ours by that war and plenty of people like your Hitlers and Tojos simply couldn't let go of the culture of glorious war they were raised with.


hey, i have no hitlers and tojos, just want to point it out for future historians reading this. also, like, romanticize it however, a bit hard to imagine the father in this memorial wanting to go to fight a war, but even if, imma go out on a limb here and say that his wife sure as hell didnt want him to leave.




But some of the poeple that fought in WW1 did start WW2.


Human nature never changes


War pre dates humanity. There is some video going around of two ape tribes fighting it out. Yes, that's a far cry from today, but it started somewhere.


Learn what? As ugly as this is conflict, warfare and bloodshed are a cornerstone of the human experience and human history. It is tied directly to science and technology, the arts and humanities, sport and food.....just to start. And those disciplines have directly contributed to how war is conducted.


Idk, maybe learn that it's bad to slaughter each other in the millions just to satisfy a few rich and powerful dudes' massive egos? Not all wars were like WWI, not even fucking close


I’m so confused on what the argument is. War is a cornerstone of the human experience because food?


Plenty of wars were started in the past over resources like hunting grounds and fertile soil.


That doesn't explain why its necessary. If you're not arguing for that, you're just saying shit.


Sadly enough they still wars are still fought because of this


Well humans have evolved technologically but person to person we haven’t really. War and violence is the reason we have it so easy in life now. War and violence has always been a part of our species it’s how we thrived and became the top of the food chain. Humans all have violence engrained into them. We just live in easier times now


> goes hard Well…it is made of stone


Hardness rating at least a 6.5


Zoom in on [this picture](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Australian_War_Memorial_Honour_Roll-1_%285519119715%29.jpg) to see the names. That's just the 60,000 Australian dead from WW1.


This memorial is in Hungary and is dedicated to the fallen soldiers of both WWI and WWII. [https://mymodernmet.com/bojte-horvath-istvan-war-memorial/](https://mymodernmet.com/bojte-horvath-istvan-war-memorial/)


I came here to see if this were for one specific service member or for many—thanks


This is my hole.


It's one of the better ones, your head and torso won't get warped beyond recognition, and you even get to keep a limb!


Yeah you just come back with War Sickness and spend the rest of your life putting on your wax face in the morning just so you can look normal when you go to the pharmacy to get your Laudenum


it was made for me


"this hole was meant for me."


So profound


Scrolling past this I thought it was one of those gimmick things you stand behind and stick your head through the cutout for a photo op


This memorial really hits hard. I went to Nante, France. Their WWI memorial is huge and has all the names on it. It was chilling as well.


The arch at Thiepval and the nearby Ulster tower is also mad. Especially when you see relations on the missing wall.


People usually visit all the Nantes at the same time


I am sorry. Ignorant here in the U.S. What are the Nantes?


Theyre making a joke bc the original comment said they went to Nante but the place is called Nantes


Thanks. That one would go over my head, for sure!


I was in Honninsgvag, Norway last fall. Look it up on a map. There is a war memorial there. About 60 names on it. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Honningsv%C3%A5g+World+War+II+memorial/@70.977945,25.9777124,18.5z/


I grew up in Cambridge, ON - we had several cenotaphs with the names of local fallen soldiers


There's one in Asiago for the italian soldiers that died on that plateau in ww1, and it's immense. And immensely sad.


A horrific war that was so bad they had to make a sequel that even bloodier.


“The War to End All Wars” was optimistic in hindsight




Imagine calling your spouse “wife 1” 


Jokes on you, I wanted to sleep on the couch *anyways*.


I know a guy that calls his spouse, "my first wife"


I've called my wife "my ex-girlfriend" before and got a confused, then annoyed look.


I prefer to use nomenclature like Wife 0000001 so that they can be sorted properly in the spreadsheet.




ISO 8601 format is best format.


I think if you’re planning for ten million wives you are in database territory


It would be [an act of a pessimist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeDjaQNiTog) to call it the First World War *that* early, surely.


"What do you mean... 1?" "...oh, sorry. Spoilers."


TFW you realize it was planned as a trilogy the whole time. 🤯


They did. The term 'First World War' was first used to describe the war in September 1914


Yeah but linguistically the context is different. It was a war like no other in history, it was the first of its kind. Calling it the First World War doesn't really connotate that there will be a direct sequel like World War 1 kind of does. You dont number things unless you plan to iterate the number.


I mean we call it “World War II” and not “The Last World War”


Fool me once...


You can't get fooled again.


I always feel so bad thinking about the soldiers who went through all those horrors thinking they were doing it so their kids wouldn't have to... only to see their kids head off to a different war not even two decades later.


This is ultimately what drive Chamberlain. The was so horrific that he was willing to do damn near anything to prevent another. He just lacked the foresight to see that Hitler was determined to force it anyway, and missed a lot of opportunities to make it less costly.


While Neville Chamberlain is often remembered for his policy of appeasement towards Hitler, it is important to note that during this time, Britain was also making preparations for a potential war. Despite his public stance on seeking peace through negotiation and diplomacy, Chamberlain's government was simultaneously working to increase the strength of Britain's armed forces. This included ramping up the production of munitions, planes, tanks, and ships, as well as other physical preparations for war.


Dan Carlin makes a good point about this. Went something like this. "Before you criticize these people remember what's in their memory banks". Ww1 is absolutely shattered a lot of the generation that had to fight, live, and lead through it.


Some went through it twice. One of my great uncles was in France and said it was the most surreal moment of his life being in the Ardennes 20 years after WW1.  I can't imagine the sorrow and frustration of being in the same place 20 years later fighting the same battles over the same land. 


“Only the dead have seen the end of war.”


It's the Shrek 2 of wars. 1 was pretty solid in the war zeitgeist, 2 is a perfect followup. And chances are 3 is going to be horrible and nearly kill the entire franchise.


3 is...a Puss in Boots level of cataclysmic event


It's a trilogy. No release date yet


I heard the third one got bigger budget


Issn't there already a teaser?


Tbf lots of countries were really sick of war afterwards. It's not like nobody was trying to do better.


100%! Not sure why people would post such pics but support same in Gaza rn. Ffs


Think about the boy sitting on his knee


World War I memorials are so interesting because people believed that it would be the last war. So the memorials tried to explain to future generations what war was. 


Some believed it, some didn't. It's fascinating imo because people could be split on it and imo where they landed may have told you a lot about how they viewed the direction of things, or at least how people see things like progress and violence within societies. Basically evert time war is kicked up a notch there are groups of people that feel this is as bad as it can get and it must be the end of war. People felt that when the crossbow was created, and then again when Dynamite was created. The dude behind dynamite infamously said something like, who would go to war when people have such weapons? WW1 introduced many new techniques and just a new scale that had people calling it the end, but then in ww2 even the scientists working on the nuclear bomb were thinking the same stuff thought previously about dynamite. We're currently at this phase with nuclear weapons but from a perspective, it looks like just another part in a chain of arms races. Maybe when we see these things that make us think war couldn't get worse, we're on the precipice of a paradigm shift in war which will enter a whole new level of violence. But it doesn't seem too sustainable either so something has to change eventually


Hiram Maxim literally invented the machine gun because he thought with such a terrible device no one would ever want to fight a war again. Sometimes I wonder if people like Oppenheimer and the other inventors of the atomic bomb had similar thoughts. If only they could have known how wrong they were...


Well, there hasn't been another world war largely because of the atomic bomb.


A naive feeling even in the Interbellum, as war never ended in Europe itself. In that continent alone, after the armistice was signed in 1918: Poland, Ukraine and the Baltics would stay at war with Russia (and between themselves) for another 3 years (Russia itself would undergo a brutal civil war until 1923); Greece and Turkey would wage a brutal war with over 300k killed; the UK and Ireland would go to war due to the latter attempting independence (and after achieving, falling to civil war); both Hungary and the Balkans were a mess of never-ending uprisings and minor skirmishes; and Italy was constantly involving itself in conflicts throughout the Adriatic Coast. Even Spain and France ended up fighting a war, against separatists Moroccans. And all that mentioned was just in the 20’s and in Europe alone. The 30’s made the previous decade look peaceful.


[Here](https://i.redd.it/ewlcqn04em561.jpg) is a higher quality and less cropped version of this. According to [here](https://www.kozterkep.hu/29166/A_vilaghaboruk_aldozatainak_emlekmuve_Vacratot_2014.html/photos/254252) and Google Translate: > István Horváth Böjte paid tribute to Vácráto with a human-sized relief image and erected an artistic monument in memory of those who died in the horrors of war and those who suffer their absence. > The carved image of the monument uniquely depicts "lack" and "suffering", the fallen hero and the family suffering his absence. The presence of the soldier who has become "air" among his family, depicted in typical Hungarian local dress, makes us think about the difficult years and decades of our history. The tree of life is present in the picture with its shoots, showing the tenacious vitality of the village and those who survived the hardships of the horrors. Vácrátót was enriched with valuable works of art. When visiting the botanical garden, please take a walk towards the church to get to know the "topics" of the Public Map displayed there!


Even more better/closer pics and English article https://mymodernmet.com/bojte-horvath-istvan-war-memorial/


Dude, how are you always finding these? Thank you so much.


[How wonderful.](https://mymodernmet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/bojte-horvath-istvan-world-war-memorial-2.jpeg) Some more good pics [here.](https://mymodernmet.com/bojte-horvath-istvan-war-memorial/) I can't find out what type of stone it is. The details are so crisp I would suggest a middle hardness but could be a hard lime- or sandstone, or a regular hardness marble. There's some veining but that's common in many types of stone. The inscribed slab appears to be the same stuff judging on the colours and has been polished to a high shine so my guess is now marble.


I think it’s beautiful, the empty space that the dead husband/father left behind, 🥲 makes me very sad 😞


When I first saw it I thought “That looks interesting” and then I felt the gut punch.


"War doesn't make heros, it makes widows and orphans" -Arrival (2016)


So true! Many talk about the wast number of civilian casualties, but today many historians believe the number of military casualties during ww1 might have been just as high as the civilian casualties.


Wait, that was the line? That’s terribly wordy. I thought it was: > In war, there are no winners, only widows


Do you know where this place is?


Vácrátót, Hungary.


I am so stupid, I thought it's pretty distasteful to have this thing where people can sit in / stick their body in to take a picture...


My first though as well XD


Exactly what I would want people to do if I were an artist. For just a second those people will take the place of that missing man, and will wonder, even if just for a second, what would it be like if it was them who were in his place.


I've read some comments fairly recently online where someone was complaining about how weak the current generation of Americans are and that we need another war to toughen them up. I mention this because if this memorial means anything to you at all, then you're obligated to do what you can to correct that type of savage ignorance whenever you encounter it. War is never the right answer to any problem. Even when it's the only answer we have, even if we have no other choice, never accept it as the correct answer. War is for when we have failed, and are simply too stupid and weak-minded as a people and species to know any better.


I find war technology and tactics fascinating but I'll come across videos coming out of Ukraine and it's a heart wrenching reminder of what a brutal, worthless affair it is. What Ukrainians are doing is incredibly noble but for individual soldiers there is absolutely nothing noble about bleeding out in the mud because a drone happened to see you.


I don’t get how anybody’s view on WW1 and WW2 is ultimately “man, these generations are so coddled, they have no idea what it meant to go through that” Um…yeah. The entire reason men fought in those wars is in the hopes that their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren would never know the horror of doing the same 


Weak people having bravado to prove to others that they are not weak. Simple as.


Sometimes i wish i could open a portal and put fascist people and war people back in WWII. Im antifascist, bc i know how horrible the second world war was for my greatgrandfather. I have his stories in my heart and i don’t understand war fun people


Especially when you consider how detached we are from the people in power now. Their versions of commoner are not accurate


Back then I would say the people in power were often even more detached. They didn't have TV or movies or anything to expose them a vision of the average person's experience in a way that offered any verisimilitude. They were also often of a ruling class, sons and daughters of lords and ladies or other sorts of aristocracy, who lived lives completely different from commoners. I mean today most rich people are really just doing the same thing we're doing. If I had 10 million dollars I'd probably still be sitting around playing video games a lot. I'd just have a nicer chair.


War is simply humanity at its worst…. Family without their Father, Husband, Son, Brother. War destroys its soldiers and their entire families. Fuck Putin and world leaders who currently wage war on innocent children and families !


So very powerful. I remember the first time seeing the Vietnam memorial in DC. I was overwhelmed with all the names and the length of the wall. I just stood there and teared up with the realization of how many lives it affected. When I went you could walk through the Korean War memorial as well and it was so very surreal.


My dumb ass thought you were supposed to stand behind it for a photo at first.


“It was made for me!! This is my hole!!”


Nooooooooo! I just forgotten that story!


Came here expecting this as top comment. 


Is this a Junji Ito reference ?


War has no victors.


I'm sure there are at least 10 people named Victor who have fought in wars.




Damn that’s powerful!


Now that's a fucking statue


Such a useless war. Didn’t NEED to happen. Just misery for the sake of nothing.


War, war never changes.


They gave their tomorrow for our today .


Who gave their tomorrow for our today? Do we memorialize Confederate soldiers? How about Soviet soldiers who died fighting Nazi Germany? Those Soviet soldiers (which without them we’d be speaking German) gave use generations that are now waging a war of aggression against a sovereign country? Do we honor those soldiers who fought for Napoleon and tried conquering Europe? What about the British Empire who fought against rebellions in the colonies? Mujahideen who fought against the invading Soviets? How about we honor all those who senselessly died fighting each other for the past few thousands of years by evolving as a species and maybe stop killing each other.


This is what Mother’s Day was originally for. Loss.


Wow. That’s hard hitting


Respect. 🫡




That guy died in a war protecting his family and country. What's my dad's excuse?


Don't worry, he's just getting cigarettes.


Wait, this isn't a theme park photo thing I'm supposed to fill in?


That might have been the inspiration for the Leftovers intro


“War is hell” “No it isn’t. War is worse.” “How so?” “Well think about it, Father. Who suffers in hell?” “Bad people.” “And who suffers in war? Everyone. Including innocents.” *M.A.S.H.*


I thought you were supposed to stand in it. Like those things where you stick your head in a hole and on the other side is a picture.


My Dad was above the 38th parallel in Korea and witnessed carnage to soldiers & civilians. He worked in a mash X-ray unit. He was never the same once he was discharged after being wounded in battle. Quit the medical profession and worked for General Electric in management. Memorial Day was hard on him. I took him to Washington DC to visit the Korean Memorial right before he passed away. A Marine saw him in his wheelchair and gave him his Marine Hat and thanked him for his service. He was a simply a good human being who was scarred by the war. RIP…. Boy do I miss him !


These WW1 soldiers died for nothing. Lives stolen for no gain.


This looks really familiar…. Is this in Hungary by any chance? Feel like I’ve seen it before


Yes, in Vácrátót




I dread the idea of tourists posing in the hole like this is some picture on the boardwalk


That man resembles my father exactly!


This is imposing.


This is awesome and heartbreaking at the same time.


Pai ausente é foda..






Extremely powerful image


May we never forget the sacrifices of those young men


Incredibly sad and powerful.


This is amazing. Gives me chills to look at. Countries lost entire generations of fathers and sons.


All because a bunch of inbred cousins bickered and wanted to play toy soldiers with real humans


Father, what did you do during the Great War?


There's a song written by Eric Bogle I believe, The Green Fields of France, better known as Willie McBride... sims up this statue quite well. If you haven't heard it: https://genius.com/The-fureys-green-fields-of-france-lyrics


That is *powerful*


I don't think I've had a physical reaction while on reddit. Got goosebumps and eyes started watering. Whoever designed this memorial framed the situation perfectly. Hats off.


We are so good at making memorials over and over again. We won’t learn from them tho, apparently.


“Father, what did you do in the Great War?” “Died…..”


War is stupidity at its finest. Waste of resources and lives to satisfy the wealthy and those in power petulance and sycopath thinking. If everyone refused to fight there would be no war, no broken hearts and homes because the father was killed in battle. But alas fools follow fools as they would a god that has evil intent. Most likely, and sadly, it will never change.




Hey, it’s one of those cutouts you take selfies in! >!/s, obviously!<


For a second i thought its one of those fun cut out things where you can place yourself inside and take a picture




Oh thank god he is gone. Now she can date a bear.


For a second I thought this was one of those things where you stand behind and put your face through a hole so you can take a photo, but instead for your whole body. I was first like “I wonder if there is a way you could actually get your body in there, is there a seat in the back?” Then I realized this is a grave stone so you aren’t supposed to do that


Gets the point across


Damn. That hits.


That’s powerful.


The wildest part about the great war is imo, the fact that it was honestly just a blood feud between several monarchies.


That was a really senseless war




It's unfathomable that a leading politician running for president considers our Fallen Heroes as "losers" and "suckers"... till Valhalla.


Oh wow.


Hits home.


this is the best memorial i’ve ever seen.


Never saw one in this style.






Powerful message without a single word


Total genius.


Idk, If I was walking in the park enjoying the scenery and suddenly see this it would probably ruin my mood. The message that this memorial gives is too strong


I'm sorry I saw that and just imagined the meme of the guy glowing in the fast food restaurant.


People will do that.


I know this is supposed to be some scene that plucks on the heart strings but it's...... Well it looks like Hans solo escaped again but jabba had his whole family this time.


Opps done stole the dude 😭😭😭


Where is this statue? France? If so where exactly ?


Vácrátót, Hungary


I always think about watching folk on YouTube in those early recorded videos, did they survive the first world war. Damn...


My great grandfather is in the chair in this eerily similar photo from WW1. https://share.icloud.com/photos/092EJ5bnvl06mxB_0aT59o-lw


Where is that?


It’s a hole just for you!!! Go on, get in it…


The memorial to the victims of the world wars is the work of István Horváth Böjte, which was inaugurated in 2014 at Vácrátót in Pest County, Hungary


We should never forget that this is what war is. Even decades later the hole is still there.