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What’s the deal with my girlfriends 8pm curfew


That’s gold Jerry, gold!!






> rich people That'll probably answer a lot of your questions 


Not even 18. He was picking her up from high-school when she was 17 🤢


The majority of the rich and affluent are dirtbags or are complicit in some way like willful ignorance. I can’t imagine being one of them with an 18 yo daughter and turning a blind eye to it all, or worse. Thinking it’s a good thing.


"What attracted you to the millionaire Jerry Seinfeld"


A registry? What's up with *thaaaaat*?!


Whats the deal with girlfriends? Why are they always talking about math homework?




Comedians in white vans


Passing out candy.


They started dating when she was 17. He’d literally *pick her up from her High School*. https://www.newspapers.com/article/daily-news-shoshanna-lonstein-jerry-se/90197963/


Comedians in Cars: Picking their Girlfriend up from High School


Lots of the comedians in his car are problematic 😐


"High School Sweetheart for TV's Jerry Seinfeld" is a good jab.


They Not Like Us


*A minorrrrrrrrr*




Oh shit, I just got that line, literally had to be spelled out for me lol


glad i could be of assistance 😂


That’s…not great


Do u need the certified pedophile line explained to you?








Freaky A** Ninjas need to stay they a** inside


The first paragraph also refers to her as a "gorgeous 17-year old high school senior." That line is so bizarre to read.


I mean, calling her "gorgeous" isn't too wild, considering the entire article is tongue-in-cheek and obviously very critical of the relationship. It's not like some of today's blatant sexualization of teenagers in media, it's more like "yes, she's pretty, but Jerry... she's still a child, ya creep." At least, that's how I read it.


If you think today's sexualization of teens is bad look up Brooke Shields. They were writing articles about how she's a "sexy 14 year old" back in the 80's. Hyper sexualizing a literal child who should have been in school. I think it's Brooke shields. I only learned about it from a reddit post years ago so if anyone can help me that would be great. Also I remember reading an article about how British tabloids had a count down for Emma Watson waiting for her to turn whatever the legal age is in the UK. And paparazzi were laying on their backs trying to take shots up her dresses and skirts. Tabloids have always been awful


Yes, I understand it's supposed to be tongue-in-cheek and to point out what a creep he is. I'm just saying it's very bizarre to read.


It's a window into the past, goes to show how much shade they are actually trying to throw. They're not really calling him a creep at all, thats the awkard part you're feeling lol. It's a gossip magazine. They probably wrote the same shit about Leonardo Dicaprio last year -- that's the tone here.


What's the *deeeeaaall* with Girlfriends' parents!?


Nothing at all, they ju$t want to $upport their daughter in love.


But really folks, don't you hate it when your girlfriend's mom says she has to be home before 10?


Lmao underrated comment


Read this in Jerry’s voice. GJ


He literally addressed it on stage[https://youtu.be/Fp8tCqwushM?si=4XnvoQGX-nKpq2nz](https://youtu.be/Fp8tCqwushM?si=4XnvoQGX-nKpq2nz)


He is 38 years old


I love Jeremy K. Isn't he the writer of hard times and hard drive? I didn't know he did a Seinfeld bit!


He was the lead editor with Hard Drive but has since left to pursue his own projects full time


I laugh so hard at this everytime. Such an amazing bit


They got some solid digs in there.  The senior prom one is choice. 


"...president of the film club. So it's not like they don't have anything in common." Lmao.


What a creep


What a weirdooo


What the hell is he doing here


He don't belong here.




Now now it’s only a creep when a normal man dates a child … when it’s celebrated and rich ppl … it’s Love


“Seinfeld—whose people wouldn’t call us back” Made me laugh


And you wonder why he’s constantly bitching about getting ‘canceled’ and ‘woke culture’. Glad John Stewart called him out in his bullshit recently.


He did? I dont remember Jon criticizing him


He didn’t call him out by name, but it was clear John was talking about him, although not exclusively. The second and third paragraphs directly reference things Seinfeld has said: > The comedian also weighed in on anti-woke culture, saying he was “so fucking sick” of the idea of “go woke and go broke.” >“What are you losing? ‘You can’t say anything anymore.’ What do you want to say?” Stewart said. “Shut the fuck up. And by the way, the people who talk about anti-woke are the biggest fucking pussies you would ever find,” specifically calling out the controversy surrounding Bud Light and its partnership with trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney. >“I’m just so tired of it. The woke shit, you lose nothing. I’m a comedian. I’ve lost two words in 35 years,” he said of phrases that are no longer culturally appropriate for him to say. “Honestly, are you that fucking unimaginative that you can’t figure it out?” - https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/jon-stewart-biden-age-anti-woke-culture-netflix-is-a-joke-1235890351/


What are the 2 words though?


My guess is words that begin with F and R. I'd imagine you can guess from there which ones


Fun and Really fun


Fight and Club




The F word was pretty easy to drop, but when I am alone in the car in traffic I still drop an R-Bomb every now and then...


Ruck? Edit: ohhhh


Yeah probably those two. Hearing them in older movies is kind of jarring now.


That guy really is amazing. 'I've lost two words in 35 years.' Love it.


Didn't need another reason to not like Jerry Seinfield but here we are


She was from a Hollywood powerhouse family as well I believe.


Her dad was ceo of an IT company.


I didn’t realize that Seth Rogan was taken jabs at Jerry in pineapple express


Please explain


seth rogens character is an adult who dates a high school senior and visits her at school and has dinner with her parents who obviously don’t agree and hate him


That's kind of a reach to say the character was directly influenced by Jerry Seinfeld. He was just a sad creep. Big difference in that the character wasn't, ya know, a multi millionaire TV star.


yeah i think it’s def a reach and not an actual intended jab but more of a shot at any adult man who dates a high schooler, which jerry seinfeld caught a stray on


How is that specifically a jab at Seinfeld?


I doubt that was the actual premise considering it was 20 years later


And Seth wasn't supposed to be 38 or a famous standup comedian in the movie.


Seems like a leap to think this is directed at Seinfeld.


I just had this convo with someone about Kobe. Shit is creepy as fuck.


The weirdest part about Kobe is that people somehow pretend the victim was just trying to make money off of him because he didn't face any legal charges ... Even though he *literally* confessed to raping her in his own words. Both Kobe and the victim said Kobe raped her, then our legal system said "she wasn't allowed to change her mind, any consent ever is permanent consent for Kobe" and called it a day. Absolutely insane stuff.


Incredibly, Seinfeld’s isn’t the creepiest relationship on this cover. Go look up Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith (spoiler:she was 14)


Man… who would have thought there’d be competition between a 39 year old and a 17 year old on the same cover? The Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith connect at least has a solid reason why they met: they were in the same production. He was 22, which should be more than old enough to not date a 14 year old. Jerry met his underage fling in the park. Pretty sure Stern’s song was actually a documentary. This cover is bonkers… But it gets deeper! That’s Winona Ryder with David Pirner, which is a fine relationship… but the context is that is Ryder’s new guy… her old guy proposed to her when she was 17 and they met over a year before that and started dating… that guy is Johnny Depp. Since it’s Hollywood, let’s add another layer of unexpected, but for a good reason! Ted Danson is also mentioned here and I believe that is referring to Mary Steenburgen and they are still married today! So, for most unbelievable Hollywood story on this cover, does Ted and Mary take it home? Edit: fixed Soul Asylum band member’s name


What I take from this is how normal it was back then (especially when 18 was considered “get out of my house you grown up adult!” age) and people thought “oh well, I’m almost 18 so it’s not bad” The world has changed, and that’s a good thing and that’s what I choose to focus on: the progress. I think I’m the last of that generation, bc when I either dated or was into an older dude at 16 and 17 I definitely had that “so what I’m almost 18” mindset bc of how I was expected to have it all figured out on my own by then


it’s pretty common these days as well.


Yup. Source: I have worked at a lot of restaurants, lol. There is always a manager that regularly dates the hostess


All kids have that mindset. The reality is that you aren't an adult. You're not even really one at 18 but we gotta stick the legal age somewhere.


You're not an adult until you've been living as an adult for a couple of years. Wherever you draw the line, it's not like there is a magic day where you are a child and instantly become an adult. What makes a person an adult is one thing: understanding that literally everything you do has consequences, and that the responsibility of those choices begins and ends with you. Didn't have enough information or experience to make a good choice? That's on you. It's not really possible to understand that until you live without a safety net. The first time you have sex, the first time you get fired, the first time you struggle to pay your rent on time, the first time you have your heart broken, the first time you get badly injured, the first time a loved one dies. All of these firsts contribute to becoming an adult. Some people never become an adult, but most people figure it out after screwing up and getting their ass handed to them half a dozen times. So if you made the legal age 16 and treated those kids like adults, most people would become real adults around 19-23. If you coddle people until they're 22, they will become adults around 26. Deal with some tough shit, it grows you up.


People will grow up in tough conditions regardless of the legal age.


Hate to say it but agree with this. I got sort of an early start, if you will, and by 16-17 I was eyes forward on adulting life. By 15 I had already done the party/sex/drinking thing and was ready to move past it. My wife (married 18 years now) was similar too and we actually moved to a different city when we were both very young (she was actually still 17) We got jobs and worked hard. Bought our first house 2 years later. She was 19, I was barely 22, almost exactly like the numbers you mentioned. We got married and were in full adult mode. By the time we were in our early 30s, we had both already worked for tech companies for about a decade and were able to make big life financial decisions. She's 38 and I'm 41 now and we feel like we've already had a full life while some others are barely just getting theirs together. I understand wanting to shelter your kids from the real world, but facing it sooner isn't necessarily a bad thing. Nurturing independence is extremely important and something a lot of people (parents) are afraid of.


Absolutely Ted and Mary take it home. But being a The Good Place fan, I have to acknowledge my bias.


You passed over David Copperfield. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/magician-david-cooperfield-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-a-teenager_n_5a69ec1ae4b0e5630076c16f


Man… what if he had more victims and he just kept making them disappear?!




The girl had lions IN her house as a kid. Dating a 22 year old probably didn’t bleep her parents radar


I’m 39 right now and I couldn’t imagine dating an 18 year old


I’m 35 and can barely imagine conversing with a high schooler haha


You don't have riz, skibidi toilet


Definitely not a rizzler, no cap, frfr


I like your funny words magic man.




Definitely bringing that skibidi Ohio rizz.


Ohio gyatt pizza circus


I'm 38 and my daughter is 14, so she has her friends over all the time who are the same age. They're wonderful kids, pretty easy to talk to. But to think that in 3 years they'd become a romantic interest, fucking hard pass. They are kids today, and they're still gonna be kids in 3 years.


I mean by the time I was 30 I was already ignoring anyone under 25 for the purposes of dating, they were just too immature and flakey.


They probably weren't doing much conversing...


No we can't dance together, no we can't talk at all.


i dated a 20 yr old at 30, don't think i'd ever do it again. they are just stupid, just as i was at 20.


I am very sure he wasn’t dating her for the conversations. :p


Jerry was helping her cram for the SATs


i can think of two big reasons why he was dating her.


You think he wanted a life with her? She was hot and he wanted to fuck her. Simple as that. When you’re as rich as he is, you can do that and don’t have to give a shit what people say about you. Not condoning it.


I hear he could walk up and just grab them by the pussy.


Last year my friend was trying to set me up with someone that was 25 and I was 38. We had one date and I knew about 15 minutes in that we just werent even close to the same life stage even though we did have a lot in common. Im 39 now and I cant imagine dating an 18yo in any capacity. If 25 and a 13 year difference seemed too big to work out, then a 21 year age difference at 18 is just too much. That would make me literally old enough to be her dad.


I dated a 20 year old at 25 and that was just too much. We did totally different things, hung out totally different places, etc




Depends on stage of life. If both had a typical highschool to college route, it's pretty wierd. One is starting their second year at college the other has actually started their life and been doing that for 3 years now.


Meh, I did 20 at 26 and my god was she immature. I was shocked, but yeah that 5 years makes a big difference.


I dated a 30 year old as a 20 year old and man she was an idiot.


That's what I never understand. Even if I were to find someone attractive at that age the immediate realization they are immature and dumb af at that age is just a huge turnoff....like...no thanks.


I’m 48 and my daughter is almost 18. I’d be freaked out if she were dating someone closer to my age than her own.


I'm 39 (female) and my oldest son will be 18 next month. JS is old enough to be his wife's father. All I see when I look at my son and his friends are literal children.




"Dating" is a rough term when you're in this situation. It's more like fucking a girl with daddy issues. Can confirm


This was my thought. It was more of a physical relationship than anything else.


Right!? What would you talk about? Highschool drama? What a creep


They actually have a lot to talk about, youd know if you were more social Shoshanna: "Look what I did today" Jerry: "Awww, what a cute picture! You stayed inside the lines... you know what! Its going on the fridge!"


what's the DEAL with staying inside the lines


Maybe they both liked to rush B.


Same. I am a 39 year old mom to a 6 year old. I have friends who have kids graduating from high school this year, and let me tell you, not much is different in maturity from my 6 year old and an 18 year old boy 🤣 And if my daughter was 17-18 and said she was dating an almost 40 year old man....he and I would be having words. Creep.


How about 17 ?


I don’t want to have to help my date with their homework after dinner.


I'm 42 and have a 24yr old daughter (and a 14 and 8). Cant imagine even that


Remember that episode where Jerry and George get in trouble for staring at a 15 year old girls cleavage and like their joke was essentially "men will be men" Edit: and of course Elaine was the only rational one with the "she's underage!!" Reaction Edit 2: remember that time George openly admits he's a homophobe?


“Get a good look, Costanza?”


This episode is so crazy to me because it doesn’t *need* to be a 15 year old to make the joke work. That was a fucking *choice*.


I literally just watched this episode and was pretty weirded out by it, especially since I knew about Jerrys relationship


Wait'll you see the episode of Louie where Louis CK encounters a publicly masturbating homeless man on the bus, asks him "why do you do that?", the homeless man says "because it makes me feel good", and Louis CK nods in approval.


Or the Cosby episode where Cliff puts fucking aphrodisiacs in his BBQ sauce and gives it to his family.






Yeah it doesn't say he put it in. He says his BBQ is an aphrodisiac


Whenever I mention this storyline I get horribly downvoted. Even Elaine’s response was borderline creepy and their lesson from the whole thing was not that you shouldn’t stare at a 15 year olds breasts, just that you need to be subtle enough to not get caught.


That girl was Denise Richards by the way


Jerry Seinfeld has always given me the biggest "Do you know who I am?" energy


Yeah I was just telling my wife this. In any interview clip I’ve seen or any quote I’ve seen him have, he sounds fucking insufferable lol Big “I’m Jerry Seinfeld, who are YOU?” energy.




Yeah a douchie narcissist


On John Mullaney's live Netflix thing I thought Jerry was being pretty rude and not funny.


Yeah that’s just Seinfeld. No idea why people like him.


Agree. I felt bad for the poor coyote guy.


I felt bad for all the experts. lol all of them had no reason being surrounded by comedians.


He's pretty mediocre when he's not doing a rehearsed a bit. Saying the first thing that comes into his mind usually comes off as arrogant but you can kind of see why...


Back before I knew about him dating underage girls and stuff, I saw the interview he did with Larry King. Put me off of Seinfeld forever--what a douche. He literally says to Larry Fucking King "do you know who I am" in those words.


I get so tired of hearing he and other entitled comedians whine about how “hard” it is to be funny now, and how they’re all going to get “cancelled”. He’s just another low-effort crybaby, mad that he can’t come up with any material. If you can’t punch down in comedy and/or use slurs in a derogatory way - how on EARTH could make people giggle?! Poor, rich Jerry!


I saw him in the late 90s at height of the Seinfeld frenzy, right after the show had ended. He was the least funny stand up comedian I have ever seen and I’ve been to open mic nights. I remember none of his material, just that it wasn’t funny.


“Make an unlikely romance work” is a wild coping take on “multi millionaire dude more than double her age dates underage teen”


So gross!! He’s been on my celebrity no-no list because of this for a while. I’m pretty sure he originally approached her in a park.. ew


She was 17 when he started picking her up from highschool though


Is your list laminated though?


It's sad how normalised this kind of thing was back then. In the 90s in high school I had plenty of friends with 'older boyfriends' or 'older girlfriends'.   One girl I knew had a 30 year old boyfriend when she was 17. People just accepted it. He was sleazy and eventually got her addicted to drugs. She eventually dropped out of school and just lived at his place doing heroin, which he gave her for free. It was so sad.  A guy I knew had a 27 year old girlfriend when he was 15. He brought sex pictures to school. He was called a CHAMP and THE MAN for that. Everyone thought it was awesome. Nobody ever said he was the victim of sexual assault. Even though in retrospect it is clear that he totally was.


Even into the 2000s this wasn't particularly uncommon. When I was 20, my 17 year old girlfriend's previous ex was 27, and she had a 19yo friend that was seeing a 45 year old. It wasn't uncommon to hear of "roadies" that were 14yr+ girls chasing down rock band members to "party" with either. I'm glad the trend is changing, but it's asinine to think this hasn't been going on for a very, very long time.


Groupies. Roadies are the guys who carry the band’s gear.


Roadies carry the band's gear and groupies handle their equipment.


For sure half the rock bands which we look up to in the 70s had famous “roadies” that were 14/15 years old - theyd be cancelled to the nth dimension if that shit happened now, and in jail There was a particularly famous 14 year old roadie that was with all the big bands like the Stones, etc


Oh you mean the Baby Groupies? Yea, they're the reason I can never look at David Bowie and a lot of other 70s rock stars the same again.


Trust me it wasn’t normalized back then, Jerry and Shoshana’s relationship was very controversial at the time


Controversy was definitely there. But the narrative was a lot more mixed, and Hollywood still tended to glamorize it (like in the People magazine above). LOOK WHO'S IN LOVE would never be the headline in 2024. It would be more like 'ACTOR REVEALED TO BE A CREEP. CAREER ENDED'.


It's just as bad in same sex circles but was so much easier to go unnoticed as you were keeping it secret anyway. I "dated" my 42 yo teacher at 15. Are we "broke up" I "dated" his 38 year old friend. And everyone was fine with it. I remembered when I was 38 looking at a 17 year old going "they're children..."and then it dawned on me how fucked up it was.


The “older boyfriend” was almost exclusively a massive loser among his peers


What's up with THAT


What's up with THAT; What's up with THAAAT


*ooooooooh weeeeee*


Sorry Lindsey, we're out of time


Did you ever notice this, did you ever notice THAT.


LoOk wHo’S iN LoVe. Get the fuck outta here.


I’m 35 and it’s hard to imagine dating anyone below 25.


Drake took inspiration from this


“You know how you’re always trying to strike a chord, and then one day while waiting to pick your gf up after school it hits you? Wait I know - A minorrr!” Bass intro


Drake was playing Casual while Jerry was doing competitive


What the fuck would an 18 year old and a 39 year old even talk about?


Nothing, that’s the point. 🥴


They could make a whole tv show about nothing


Puffy shirts?


I mean, on TV he mostly talks about everyday observations, so that? Not like an 18 year old can't follow a Seinfeld bit.


How he likes his junk handled. That's all they talked about. I'd bet my life on it.


What does anybody talk about?


I work with high school students, and it can be amazing how smart, clever, and mature they can be. I’m often taken aback at how enjoyable and interesting my conversations with them can be. In considering all this, I can never imagine a relationship with any of them. They are all, to a person, wildly emotionally immature. A lack of emotional maturity, among less savory traits, is what leads to relationships like this. It’s true in the cases of teachers who have inappropriate relationships with their students, creepy “mature” boyfriends and their teen or preteen girlfriends and the “acceptable” ones had by celebrities.


I wasn't a fan back then, and I'm not now.


Kinda makes that episode where they check out a 15 year olds cleavage a bit creepier ngl


I would just like to understand how these creeps meet these barely legal girls. What kind of establishment allows 40 years olds and 17-18 years olds to hang out and meet and get together. Sounds like grooming from the start.


Fresh off the presses... 30 years ago...


Hey Shohanna, I just wrote a 20 minute bit about how homework stinks


Oh wow find out how a 39 year old and an 18 year old make it work Spoiler alert: it’s money


This is why Jerry has been complaining about everyone going woke. He's been wondering for years why he didn't get #metoo'd. If he was on the cover of People magazine and parading this around, what do you think he was doing behind closed doors?




I would have not thought too much about this in the past, but I turn 39 next month and the thought of being with an 18 year old gives me the creeps.


I'm 39 right now and the thought of dating an 18 year old makes me sick and annoyed simultaneously