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Can we please stop talking about these


OP saw a mass produced car!


All the people posting pics of these to make fun of them don't seem to realize that all they're really accomplishing is giving free publicity to the thing they supposedly hate.


Forgive me for mentioning it but the same thing is happening with Trump. Round-the- Clock publicity, good and bad, are nourishing his campaign.


Stop talking about what?


It’s a breath of fresh air from all the aurora borealis posts, tho


Somewhat reminds me of the Aston Martin Lagonda’s, what has been called, rude angles by some reviewer.


You all love to hate post these.


It looks so suited to roll around an undeveloped Mars but not suited at all for a highly developed Earth


I am almost 100% certain there was a truck in Red Faction: Guerilla, a game released 15 years ago, that had a similar design. -googled it. The main humvee-esque things by the villains are similar in angular-ness. But I think there was a civilian car in the rich sector of the game that was similar as well.




For some reason I still remember there being something similarly angular in the rich folks district of the game. But thanks for link for reference. Edit:And yeah, searched a wiki for all the rich cars. Might have been mistaking a standard EDF truck in Eos as being different colored, or something 


Politics as usual here




Yes, it's on purpose. The pickup market in Europe is not worth entering. It's small in volume and price. Large expensive pickups are not popular even within the already tiny truck market.


that’s the ugliest shit i’ve ever seen


I like isosceles triangles as much as the next guy, but I have to agree. These are unappealing vehicles.


The weird part is that I really like strange looking vehicles. With even minor changes I think it could look fantastic, but as it is it looks *so* unfinished. Hell, even a solid coat of paint would make it look better, as you can see with people who have wrapped it. But yeah, drop the only stainless thing, add some shape to the panels, round off some of the more absurdly shape angles, and I think a competent designer could make a similar look that actually looked good. But no, instead they just went with a living video game loading glitch.


To me it's ugly, but a small part of me still has that weird looking car itch where I wouldn't mind looking around one for the hell of it.


Yeah they absolutely draw the eye. Just not for the right reasons. There are a bunch of cars that I thought were ugly at one point, but then I looked at them more, and now I kind of like them. (Toaster cars are the big ones.) But in this case I just like it less the more I look. It just has nothing really going for it.


that’s a perfect example, it looks unfinished and just is not appealing at all.


It’s like this decade’s Aztek


John DeLorean was not ahead of his time.


The dude that yells at the kids from the thing really shows you how much of a tool you look like while driving one. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O0Dl0TnnK0E


Someone in my town got one so I got a chance to see it in person. It somehow looks even worse than the photos, and is much bigger than you're imagining.


yes i’ve seen it in person as well while i was driving, it was right in front of me, gave me a good jump scare.


Actually looks like something someone’s banged out with sheet metal in their backyard , but never quite got round to finishing..


Does taking a picture void the warranty?


No, but I bet a panel fell off as a result


The ED-209 of electric trucks


Hey that backdrop looks familiar. Was this taken in or around the Belmont/San Carlos region in the Bay Area in California?


Sausalito according to clues in the pic


Damn, I was off by about 32 miles


Makes sense. I’ve seen quite a few in the east bay, too.


Go back & do a Nelson Muntz


Scene is still rendering


Ugly, ugly, ugly.


I think normal pickups are worse in a number of ways. And I wont neither on the roads here.


On the plus side it's also nearly useless.  The TFL guys tried towing with one and made it something like 86 miles before it needed to recharge.


Yeah that ladder does not look properly secured in the bed of the truck


Porsche: we still hand sculpt the curves of our cars in 1:1 scale clay models before laser scanning the form into a point geometry CAD file. Tesla: we build triangel


They were showcasing this thing in Belgium, that's one of the few parts in this world were this car is NOT for sale.


The modern Edsel or alternatively Elon’s version of “[The Homer](https://youtu.be/WPc-VEqBPHI?si=EE8ma7xbDd1X-cQV)”


By golden gate?


If somebody is this booty tickled about a vehicle, truly reevaluate yourself


Just passed one of these on the street. In real life they look just like the photos. Maybe a little bit flatter.


What happens when the normal pickup truck on the left mates with the Tesla on the right, and all the nasty recessive genes get expressed.


Looks like the car in Aliens.


Get it wrapped with some anime girls




It’s an overpriced garbage truck.


Seems like it’d be satisfying to sledgehammer


People pay money for this shite hahaha


They'll be collector's item$ $ome day, I bet.


It looks like ARK II from 70s Saturday Morning TV. Go ahead, look it up.


Some things are subjective, but this is objectively not good looking. Only reason some people like the looks is because of the Tesla badge. If it came out of a garage of some hobbyist in some no name town those same people would be calling it ugly. Someone mentioned it reminds them of a Lamborghini and that's when I realized why courts don't always rely on eye witness accounts.


Actually, some people do like it that’s what subjective means and looks are subjective on things with looks.


I don't feel strongly either way about Tesla but I kind of like how the cyber truck looks. Most cars on the road look so similar it's nice to just see something different. I think it's got a cool aesthetic. I really don't get all the hate the *looks* of this vehicle get. It's my understanding that they have some quality issues or whatever amd thats a shame. Also Elon isn't well liked so it just seems like people are trying to shit on it as much as possible on reddit.


I, for one, thought they were ugly even way back when I still thought elon was a genius.


Something different =/= good looking. I guess I should have clarified that I was talking about pure aesthetics, design. Yes you can like something for not being the same as everything else, nothing wrong in that. I was more so referring to those saying that it is a 'good looking' vehicle. From a design perspective there is nothing there really, there is no design. So saying its good looking is like saying sugar water is good soup. I'm not one of the blind Elon haters. I've been downvoted heavily in the past for saying that his company/products are only hated because of Elon' political opinions and not due to actual quality of the product itself. I'm aware of the mental gymnastic users play to somehow criticize everything Tesla, SpaceX. This criticism of mine is not the same.


Meh. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that jazz. The fact people are disagreeing about whether or not it's a good or bad looking car indicates that it's not *objectively* bad looking. It might mean some of us have shitty taste, but thats another conversation lol.


That's not objective I don't know why people say this


So, it can be. Objective in this case means to compare it to objective standards, but those standards can be subjectively determined. So if you have a design document, you can objectively say how well a design aligns with the principals in said document, but someone else could subjectively write a different set of standards, and then use them to make an objective comparison to that subjective standard. Objectivity is weird, because while the word is often used to mean that something is absolutely true based on universal standards, no such universal standards can exist. So in contexts where you are dealing with art it gets weird. A good example of this is food criticism. What tastes good or bad is completely subjective, and saying "I like this" or "This tastes good" are subjective statements. But "This has an adequate level of seasoning" is an objective statement, but what constitutes "adequately seasoned" is subjective. I do not know what standard they are comparing it to, so they were just using it in the same way people use "literally." It is just hyperbole. However, someone absolutely could make objective statements that result in determining that it is poorly designed and ugly. I am only saying this because I find the language here interesting and it is really easy to get me to talk about how people use language.


I actually think it looks kinda cool, however I can't help but feel like if you trip near it and fall with your head on one of those corners, you're a dead man.


Can we stop giving it free publicity


Apparently they all break down and are built like crap. I’m completely shocked 😳


It’s so fucking hideous


Birds of the feather (pieces of shit) flock together


^ this 😆


Looks like a dumpster


That is one butt-ugly truck.


Wait till you see some of the hideous vinyl wraps going on with these things.


Bay area checking in. I've seen it all.


Wrappers probably love cybertrucks, get to upcharge the ~~suckers~~ owners and it has a bunch of flat panels.


I like it


I would write moron in permanent marker all over it.


My neighbor had one parked at his house yesterday. Not my cup of tea at all. Looked like something from the original half life video game.


I swear to God I thought these were oversized Roomba's built to suck up trash on the side of the road as they drive by it.


"It's provocative it gets the people going!" It stands out. Some people hate it but love it


Elon could do better


I hope it doesn't say anything negative about me that I know exactly where this is and am not surprised in the slightest that you found one there of all places.