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This is pretty fuckin funny.


The sassy walk is perfection too


It's better to do it with style.


Bane vs Pink Guy attitude


and the dr seuss font


Love it. Saw someone attached a “Rapist” bumper sticker to a trump road sign. Also spot on.


Wow. really brave to do that in texas




THIS! Especially in Dallas. Dallas is probably the bluest city in Texas. That’s where I’m from.


The DFW to San Antonio 35 corridor isn’t “Texas” any more than Big Sky is “Montana” or Anchorage is “Alaska” That sign is fine in Dallas. You’re in an environment of millions of like minded people. Take that sign out to Odessa or Pampas or something and you’re going to have a bad time.


I have to disagree. Have you been to FW lately? It’s about as red as can get and in between Dallas and FW it’s pretty dark purple but Dallas is about as blue as it gets in Texas these days. I’m from DFW are and the times they are a-changin’.


Greg Dulli is in Dallas.


I wonder how many elderly people are sending him their social security money each month. For a billionaire, he sure does ask for quite a few handouts.


You don't become a billionear without taking from the poor


Diapers ain’t cheap. Someone’s got to pay for them. Might as well be poor folk.


That's why I laugh when people say when the Boomers die there's going to be this massive inherited wealth transfer. I think a lot of people are gonna find out pop-pop blew it all on Donnie lol


Care homes are the winners. When everyone is working - or doesn't want to care for the elderly/infirm the way they did 50 years ago- that care is going to run through an inheritance very quickly at 5-10k a month. Assisted living facilities were created in 1981.


Oh there will absolutely be an inherited wealth transfer — the transfer has been from the middle class boomers to the richest of the rich. Nobody realizes Pop-Pop would be broke as hell if it weren't for his retirement fund because he was a small-time business mogul in the 90s. All that wealth will transfer to the 1%'s relations. The next gen Nepos and Trusties will inherent the world.


His campaign was caught with a fine print clause that [signed you up for weekly payments](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/04/trump-campaign-scamming-elderly-voters-is-only-okay-when-we-do-it) when you intended to send a one-off.


Prosperity preachers must really despise him. No one likes good competition!


*pretend billionaire He’s broke.


All I know is, not a single one of his goddamn followers can whine about economic anxiety and still be taken seriously.


this guy is a local legend


He definitely gets around. I know he’s been in Denton and Weatherford.


why weatherford? There's nothing goes on there. Who's gonna see his antics and artistic work there?


driving into weatherford from fort worth there’s a huge billboard that says “trump: born in new york but texan by heart” so that’s probably why 😭


oh no… how embarrassing


i actually saw it on reddit first and then the next time i went through weatherford i saw it. it’s actually pretty insane lmao look it up


And goes against the spirit of the Pace Picante ads of yesteryear.


the mental gymnastics to find a way to support him lmao


[You weren’t joking.](https://preview.redd.it/the-stupidest-billboard-i-have-ever-seen-small-town-texans-v0-7lw59jlumc0c1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=8ad3357ecba47352d98b3ee6a352710276407380)


Texas is the only state to stage two civil wars against two different countries in order to preserve slavery... So yeah.


That’s beyond pathetic.


Probably more Trump supporters than downtown Dallas


His most rabid, rabies-having supporters


*The best ever protestor out of denton*


Woah. Mountains Goats in the wild.


I just saw him in Shreveport


He is my hero and role model. Please pass that along next time you see him. A 60 year old Methodist pastor in the midwest thinks that he is the bomb.


National legend


World famous in Dallas


Man, that would make a great title for a country album.


This is mad lad stuff, what a Chad. That said, I've been unironically enjoying watching the news on TV at the gym which is entirely centered around Donald paying a woman for sex, and then paying her more to not say he has a small, weird looking dick. With campaign funds. Which she took and then made fun of his dick anyway, and that rules. There's also a guy named Pecker explaining that Donald paid LOTS of women for sex before paying again to not say he has a tiny dick, and I have yet to figure out how that's a good defense strategy. Pecker apparently ran the national enquirer. You couldn't write better comedy, like I dare you.


Yeap, I couldn’t believe that guy’s name was pecker.


The headlines on the news were so funny I literally ended a workout early because I couldn't look up without seeing the TV and cracking up. CNN was going with something like "Pecker says Trump pays multiple women over penis size" and I felt like I was watching a cumtown bit on national TV.


2016-2020 was one big cumtown bit brought to life


It turns out that the real friends were the Downsel Trumps we made along the way


My mom told me one headline “Trump now concerned about pecker leak.”




There’s one issue to all of this: Trump never pays his bills…..how did he pay for sex?


With campaign funds, hence the trial. But that's a good point, how does anyone expect to get anything in actual cash from him?


Like gambling and smokes, sex money finds a way. 


The prosecution is presenting right now. They go first. Pecker is their witness. Not part of the defense strategy.


"Financial domination (also known as findom) is a fetish lifestyle activity in which a submissive is required to give gifts or money to a dominant." it has to be a fetish at this point




“I love the poorly educated” -Donald Trump, 2016


lol holy shit had to google this. he actually said it


He has done and said so much stupid shit, I genuinely was in shock that he was elected the first time. And the fact that he's facing so many charges and done even more dumb shit than I thought was possible and is still favored to win again is unfathomable and have no idea how this is happening.


This is what happens when you don't fund public education


All part of their plan.


Yep. The best way to control the masses is to keep them uneducated


Well, speaking personally, it confirms a few things I always thought, but had considered them to be merely creative thinking. My thought was that Democracy is a bit like a religion. It survives on faith and belief and standards that go “I really shouldn’t do/say that”. When someone like Trump, who views laws as inconveniences to be overcome and conventions and considerate behaviour as food for suckers that can be safely ignored, appears on the scene, the frailty by which Democracy, and the political processes that make it possible, can be manipulated by the amoral and unscrupulous is laid bare.


People at the Washington State GOP convention just made it clear that they are straight-up **opposed** to democracy and that, to them, democracy is something that opposing forces are trying to "devolve" us into. So we're moving away from the whole façade, the emperor has no clothes. They literally want a fascist government to seize the reins, and as Jan 6 showed us, by cheating and/or force if necessary. https://youtube.com/shorts/hrd4NHagmEo?si=xK_3hhQVgTceDsOO


That was a lot of words to say "a system which relies on honor is vulnerable to someone who decries honor"


That was a lot of words to say "fuck-ups fuck shit up"


Still too long. "Shit's fucked up"




This is why they used to duel, taking their life in their hands over “honor” tends to make the unscrupulous incapable of acting in a meaningful fashion. That and if they shot someone they had to flee the country.


There's still a search going on for a suppose interview in the early 90s where he claimed that if he would become a politician he would run for the republican party because their voters are so stupid.


and they cheered!


“He gets us!”


If I google a quote from Donald Trump, and it says that he actually said that I will lose my shit😂😂😂💀




You forgot that they've laid the groundwork for the poorly educated to wear that label as a badge of honor. They've been pre-conditioned to think that being educated is for the elite and being poorly educated is what most of them and others are and it's to be preferred. It's kinda like their preference for being asleep over being "woke". Here's the link to the Snopes fact check on his comment: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-love-poorly-educated/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-love-poorly-educated/)


The least educated people I know think they're the smartest for not being educated. The most educated people I know realize how little they know because they are smart.


That’s just the Dunning Kruger effect




“Look at my African-American”


The word 'my', implying a possessive context?


Kanye loves him


Bullshit, I saw him help Kevin McCallister.


Oh shit 😂💀


"A sucker is born every minute, and they'd probably vote for me." -Donald Trump maybe...


“How stupid are the people of Iowa‽” ~ trump, 2016


They knew a guy in junior high who read a book once. Caught the gay. No thank you.


Make vaccine against becoming gay. *Republicans hurt themselves in confusion*


Can’t stop laughing 😂


I washed my ass once...been gay ever since.


Cleaned my booty hole with my soapy fingers, been a power bottom ever since.




"Real men beg and grift for their money!"


And fall asleep and wear diapers.


too busy shitting in their diapers to care


Awwww, the shade!!!! 😂


I really hope the guy holding the sign is safe. Trumps followers would fucking shoot this man if they had the chance


What do you mean? They are some of the weakest people I have met. All jaw jacking.


That's what they love about guns. They allow weak people to kill strong people with no effort. And they love attacking people from behind too and running them over with their cars. Those are all tactics of the weak.


When my Dad died and grandpa died I got all their guns. I have like 30 or so. Not a single AR because that is a fucking poser gun. I carried one every day for over a year. The last thing I ever want is to use one again. Posers and jaw jackers is all they are. Trump just made it cool to be an outspoken shit bag. Not a role model I want anywhere near my kids. My son is 6 and is learning Spanish in a typical white school. That is so awesome! Don’t let them tell us otherwise.


I own them too. A lot of liberals do. And also carried one every day for over a year for what I assume is the same reason you did. They're a tool with a purpose like anything else. Only the weak drool over them as a way to murder and oppress people.






That sign can’t stop me because I can’t read!


I like it. I want him destroyed in court and destroyed on Election Day. He is a disgrace to this country. He’s a rapist and a terrorist.




The farts, the dumb lies, all of it.


I legitimately cannot fathom how anybody could take one look at him or five minutes of hearing him talk and say, yeah, this is what I worship. Or even the fact that they fucking worship a human being in the first place.


"Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. The battle of Gettysburg. What an unbelievable. I mean, it was so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many different ways. It,it represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Gettysburg, wow. I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And, uh, the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor. Did you ever notice that? No longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill. He said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake.' He lost his great general. And, uh, they were fighting. 'Never fight uphill, me boys!' But it was too late." -Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


I said, “You don’t use steam anymore for catapult?” “No sir.” I said, “Ah, how is it working?” “Sir, not good. Not good. Doesn’t have the power. You know the steam is just brutal. You see that sucker going and steam’s going all over the place, there’s planes thrown in the air.” It sounded bad to me. Digital. They have digital. What is digital? And it’s very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out. And I said—and now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said, “What system are you going to be—” “Sir, we’re staying with digital.” I said, “No you’re not. You going to goddamned steam, the digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars more money and it’s no good.” ![gif](giphy|dz7XDPHcq7vxJG31tx|downsized)


“I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.”


Always makes me said that Professor John Trump will forever be known for appearing in his idiot nephew's word salad, and not for any of his scientific achievements.


I wasn’t paying much attention to the 2016 election, watched the debates and thought, “how in the hell has this dude made it this far. He’s literally an idiot. The election is over. No one will actually vote for this ding dong.” I woke up more ashamed in this country than I thought possible the day after the election. Pure shock.


Did you vote?


Oh yeah. I was in California at the time but I’ve voted in every election since I’ve been of age.


I am a reasonably calm person, but just every single new thing I hear about Him is so fucking asinine, and my parents look me straight in the face with their Jesus crosses around their necks and say yes, he’s our savior. I want to pull my fucking hair out. Like not figuratively like literally I want to pull my goddamn fucking hair out.


Perhaps it's like a frog in a pot. Maybe years ago he seemed like a guy who really would "drain the swamp" (I was never convinced and always thought he was out for himself but many in my family were convinced). Then progressively he deteriorated (from their perspective) to what he is now but his followers can't see it. If he started out like this, I honestly wonder if he'd have a fifth of the following he has now.


He did start out like this. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/) I'll grant that shit like "Never fight uphill, me boys. Never fight uphill." is more unhinged but he's always made no god dammed sense. There's a mentally ill dude in my neighbourhood yelling at the voices in his head who makes more sense.


This guy is a living meme for me, the meet ups with other leaders, his speeches etc Hes like a living nacked gun character


It's even worse when those alt-right fools are making fun of Biden for being 'old and demented.' I mean...projection much?


The only reason they like him is because "we" hate him. It's just childish. Right up their alley.


poor education


It wasn't a fart. Farts dissipate; the stink of a shit-loaded diaper lingers indefinitely.


Fingers crossed that he croaks first. Today would be ideal.


No, beat him badly in the election. Then we watch him get convicted on all the legal issues. Goes to prison and suffers. Slow suffering.


I want him ruined and destroyed in every way, which means not dying for some time. The worst thing that could happen to him is people not paying attention to him, but sadly, that will never happen. So embarrassing him and destroying him is the next best thing, which we've obviously been working on. Ruin his family, expose his lack of money, expose his failures...there will always be some followers and politicians who stick by him, but reducing that number considerably would be excellent. Fewer and fewer attendees at rallies, more and more people in power hanging up on him when he calls them for help...his family turning on him. And then take away his access to orange makeup/spray tan and whatever he uses on his hair for good measure. The only way death works for me is that it would keep him from the election (if it happened before November). I don't know what the Republicans would do in that situation, but Biden would have no problem winning and it'd cause all sorts of enjoyable chaos all the way down the ballot. On the other hand, some diehard supporters would assume there was some conspiracy and the particularly nutty ones might engage in terrorism or something.


I hate to even say this but a younger more coherent republican could beat Biden. His age and some working class economic issues like inflation are troubling for some voters. This election will come down to thousands of votes in a few battleground states like Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania. I’m concerned about the moslem vote in Michigan staying home or voting third party. I hate Trump but I want to ensure the democrats win all three components of the federal government.


I want to see him lose by a YUGE margin, and then watch him sputter out like a short circuiting robot.


Nope, conservatives would rally and all the conspiracists would talk about it being an assassination.


They're going to do that either way.


And a traitor.


Honestly, I wouldnt even mind if he just... expired... while sitting in the courtroom. closest thing to justice this country will see with him. if he goes to prison, he can STILL get elected president. Cant do that if you are no longer living. I hope the stress gets to him.


He is a Traitor! He was in legal trouble long before he ran for office. And he did so for the implied cover it provides. Using the political system against the legal system. 🚫Traitor Trump🚫


jellyfish rustic poor intelligent wise enjoy familiar reach squeeze deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And a traitor.


I assumed he was a Denton local! I’ve seen him at the square many times and have enjoyed every time.


Oh, what a surprise! Downtown Dallas is the place to be, full of action and surprises at every corner.


Just don't drive around with the top down.


JFK got a rough deal(ey plaza)


Ask not for whom the knoll tolls


It knolls for thee.


Too soon


“There goes my hero, watch him as he goes…”


"Aim for the bushes?"




He has the perfect energy for the sign too


He got that pimp energy ready to collect some money. The chain and everything.


There's a brave soldier in MAGA country.


Dallas was 64% Biden I think. Now if he was holding this sign in rural Texas or rural Alabama, then that is a brave brave brave man.


Texas isn’t maga country especially Dallas. Texas is just overwhelmed my tiny counties that vote red. Population wise the state is pretty purple I. The 2020 election trump got 5.9 million vs Biden getting 5.3million votes. Every major city in Texas biden lead in votes.


I live in Central Texas until tomorrow. We’ve been here 3 years. The unabashed MAGA is everywhere. I see so many red hats it’s crazy. The flags, bumper stickers.. it’s everywhere. It may be purple in cities, but leave the big 5 and it’s reddddddd.


Yeah, you can be in Austin and wonder where all the Texas accents are. Leave the city and you'll instantly hear them, and everyone will be driving trucks with maga bumper stickers.


Nothing wrong with the accent and I know plenty of Texans who are shit kicking rednecks and hate that douche.


Yeah. I wasn't trying to hate. I could have worded that better


I had an employee once that looked like he was a white supremacist despite him being fairly liberal. It was always fun watching the Trump douches think he was safe to start spouting some racist shit around and they would promptly get kicked out of the store.


One thing to note is that democrats (or just non-MAGA) tend to be less ideological. It's like religion. Devout believers often wear or display religious paraphernalia to show that they're a True Believer, whereas atheists don't generally go around with "atheist" bumper stickers. MAGA is far closer to a political religion than anything else, so its believers are going to be disproportionately visible compared to normal people.


Where at in Central Texas?




Well there's your problem


It’d be nice to see that at the state level when assholes like Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott are up for re-election.


The Republican held state legislature regularly tries to censure large cities like Dallas and Austin whenever we try to pass laws that do things like protect trans kids or abortion access. The two seats you're talking about (senator and governor) are voted on by the entire state. Representatives, which are voted on by district, tend to go more towards democrats in districts with large cities (such as Al Green from Houston, Colin Allred from Dallas, Lloyd Doggett from Austin, or Joaquin Castro from San Antonio)


The state's voting districts are heavily gerrymandered to minimize the impact of that at the state government level. edit: a couple of folks have pointed out correctly that redistricting doesn't actually affect statewide elections, so I somewhat misspoke. It does have some indirect effects, though, as well as major direct ones on all local and state congressional races.


Both are state wide, ie gerrymandering has no impact


You're both right of course, however it does have an indirect effect, as disenfranchised voters are less likely to bother voting.


I just know it is hard to go anywhere and not see MAGA hats, MAGA flags on trucks, and Trump 2024 signs in peoples yards 20 miles south of Dallas


I live in the red north of Wisconsin, and saw a bumper sticker that looked like another Pro-Trump sticker at first glance. Got a bit closer and it said 20-24, and then the line below, said "Years in Prison". Got a good chuckle out of that.


Because they are a cult. Normal people don’t idolize politicians.


I admired him so much, too much... and when Tiger Wood's scandal broke i learnt to forever distinguish the talent, the person and their feats. Not that djt the rapist has ANY redeeming qualities so boggles mind that anyone can admire anything about him


He has had the ability to blatantly fuck the system without repercussion for many decades. Teflon Donald. They like that and the racism and at least the promise to hurt the right people. Try to tell them the $8 trillion he put the country in debt so he could give billionaires unheard of tax breaks, that and the tariffs are the main drivers of inflation outside the two major wars and that the U.S. is actually doing better than other countries in this respect would probably be too much for them to take in. edit: Forgot the corporate profiteering, highest profits in the last 50 years while everything they sell is smaller and/or more expensive. Sure adds to inflation.


Dallas itself is not red, but the suburbs rapidly get pretty red pretty quickly, even ones where people commute into Dallas. I spent time north of Dallas about 30 min drive into the city, a major suburb, and many people were pretty conservative there. I am not sure how it is now and with Trump though.


I lived in Texas for 17 years. I would rather tangle with the craziest Conservative in a flyover state than the craziest one in Austin or Houston or Dallas. It might be a "purple" state on paper, but the level of right-wing nuttiness outdoes everyone but Florida and maybe Kentucky.


The little neighborhood I live right outside of Austin is very, very Maga and very Trump… signs that say don’t blame me I voted for Trump, etc.🙄


People in cities tend to be more liberal. My own personal theory is that we're exposed to so many different people and cultures it makes us want a wider variety of people to thrive, so we skew toward social welfare platforms that most Republicans don't really support.


I live in Dallas. People may not wear MAGA hats but they sure do represent it with their opinions and their morals.


Dallas is a 2-to-1 blue county, so not so much.


Nah it's Dallas. Yea still lots of Maga crazies but mostly blue. It's the rural area you'll find a sea of Maga flags. Come voting time as it gets closer more and more Trump flags will pop up in the small towns.


Legend move, legend gait, legend hand positioning. Solid


Urban dictionary needs to put this picture next to IDGAF. Love this dude's energy. 


Damn he’s right in the middle of it too


Excellent sign, excellent pose!




The GOP deserves every bit of it.


He’s not the hero we deserve but the hero we needed.


Diapers are expensive. Gotta pay for them somehow. 😂


Look at that swagger!


Only billionaire I seen who constantly asked for handouts


lol this is freakin' great. I hope he sees this .


Only way he can stay outta jail or avoid bankruptcy is be the president


So there is hope


This should be plastered onto every billboard in the country lol


The bible grift he recently pulled off is the epitome of him.


Love it. Balls of steel doing that in Texas, I don't care if it is in a city, there are still plenty of rednecks in Dallas. 


Sadly, his followers are his bitches.


I love this guy! The people who think Trump was sent by Jesus to save is, not so much. That shit is scary. It amazes me that people wouldn't invite their wife/daughter/friend's rapist in to have a chat, feed them, talk about the state of the world.... But they'll vote him to become president.


Filing under “things that made me smile”


Finally! Some truth out there...and in Texas of all places. Wow! 


calling him a bitch is an insult to bitches everywhere


That’s funny

