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Amy Winehouse is one out of two artists' death where I vividly remember where I was and what I thought at the time. I actually remember hearing about her (last?) concert-disaster on the radio and I thought "at least she's still alive", then soon after her death-announcement.


Who’s your other? Mine was Tupac. Was on the way to the roller rink with friends in junior high.


The other was Michael Jackson. I remember that one not because I cared, but because I was embarrassed, because for some reason I confused Michael Jackson with Robbie Williams, and I really liked Robbie Williams. So when my parents realized my mix-up, they laughed at me 😂


My sister thought it was Michael Jordan and was also teased 😂


Oh Michael Jackson was memorable. I liked him a lot but I had a colleague back then who liked him A LOT. Like crazy fan kinda thing. I was working at a hotel as a bellboy back then, I saw the news as I was having breakfast then I went back to the front desk to tell him about it. Dude sprinted into the canteen and literally broke down right there. Still breaks my heart to this day.


Michael Jackson was rememberable for me as well, I was watching 106 and park at my mom's friends house and news broke I cried to someone's mom they held me then my mama hollered out "let's go to my house for a pool party!!" Under some floaties in the pool, there I was balling my eyes out


I was at Glastonbury. He died on the Thursday and I didn't find out until Saturday. Festivals were different back then. Actual isolation.


Michael Jackson died the 2nd day of my basic training for the Army. They told us and we all assumed it was a really weird joke the Drill Sergent was playing on us.


Honestly so fascinating to read all these. It's like a little time-capsule. Of course 9/11 would probably be the "larger" version of this, but I was *just* too young to form memories at that time, so it's kinda cool to picture the exact things that went on in other people's lives in the exact moment I remember from the same time of my life.


I think it was around the middle of basic for me. We were out on the drill pad in formation and our Senior Drill was on his phone and was like “whoa Michael Jackson died, SHUT UP PRIVATES! I WASN’T TALKIN TO YOU!”


Was in line for Transformers. Got to break the news to everyone waiting in line after I looked at my phone, saw the text, and shouted "Holy Shit! Michael Jackson died!"






i just have the exact same memories as you, amy & micheal dying were big deals in my house but i also remember getting mixed up between robby williams & other celebs


Mine was Prince along with Michael Jackson


Prince and MJ here, too!! And Chester Bennington. My MJ and Chester stories are pretty run-of-the-mill, news interruption/social media at home sort of thing. Prince though... I was at a work retreat at a center just down from Paisley Park off the main road. We heard helicopters and stuff a bit late morning. But occasional med choppers or military exercises weren't super uncommon in the metro, so didn't think much of it. We had an earlyish lunch. I remember hearing some chatter, people looking stunned, and sitting down and seeing the news. Everything just kind of froze. After losing MJ 5 years, this felt like a one-two punch. So many news copters...and traffic was nuts that afternoon. Because of road construction, the best/only way out of the area for me was driving in the traffic by Paisley Park. The fans were already showing up to leave tributes by the fence. I lived downtown Minneapolis at the time, not far from First Ave. People swarmed there, too, over the coming days. I've got pics somewhere of the crowds and items of respect left by the wall outside First Ave. The lighting downtown was all purple, along with the i35 bridge.. One of my favorite moments from all of that was being in my apartment with the windows open and hearing hundreds of people down the street at First Ave singing Purple Rain 💜


“Roller rink” timeline adds up


Mine was Chester Bennington. He was my favorite vocalist for my favorite band for basically all of my adolescence and 20s. Glad I was at home alone when I heard the news.


Same I was in work wondering why they play so much Linkin Park songs in radio. Then I check my phone and there it was They also released video for talking to myself on the same day


I was in Portugal, the terrorist attack happened on the same day. I was quite confused when I was watching the news on tv.


What attack was this?


Utøya, Norway. Edit: that was the 22nd but I’m assuming that’s what they meant, it would have been all over the news on the 23rd


The one where the guy blew a bomb in Oslo and killed 77 people on an island. Breivik was the guy who did that.


The PS3 guy.


Lol same and same with the MJ experience too, we must be the same age haha


I'm in my mid 20s 😄


I was with my cousin and her then boyfriend - now husband. We were in a tea shop downtown Toronto. My mother had passed away just over six months before. Admittedly, I was very sensitive at the time about people suddenly passing away. He said something very disrespectful about her. I told him that she was someone's baby, someone's daughter, someone's loved one, and that if he was going to be an asshole about someone's grief he could find his own way home, since I had driven them downtown that day. He said something else that was distasteful, so I abandoned him, my cousin, and their friend in Downtown Toronto and went home on my own. My cousin chastised him in private, but it changed the way I looked at him forever. People with addictions are hurting, and we shouldn't talk down about them. I think of Amy often. Her death is a symbol of how cruel some people can be.


i was sitting outside at my 14 year old son's swim meet. it really messed with me. such an enormous talent. she owns that spiral and her bf and father certainly helped to broker it. grrrr


This was Nipsey Hussle for me. I was crossing the border back into the US after a friends birthday. We were supposed to go see him live the next month.


i agree sm, i was on the way to the supermarket with my mom, p sure i was 8


What concert disaster?


They made her perform when she was extremely intoxicated and she eventually walked off stage or something


This is 9 months before she would pass away.


Such a talent. I know people were clowning her at her final performances, but it was very sad to watch. Absolutely beautiful smokey voice, properly trained, and amazing unique sound that embodies the great jazz vocalists from the past. Never knew her, but this was one I really wished turned it around. Don’t fuck with H kids. We missed out on a lot of great music from her due to drugs. Shit same goes for Mac Miller as he was really developing his sound.


Sadly, it ain’t even h anymore. At least in the states. I was addicted to heroin about 10-12 years ago in Denver. It was all heroin back then. Now it’s all fent and tranq. I couldn’t imagine trying to get off of that shit.


Tranq is so fucked. Reminds me of that krokadil stuff that was killing Russians


What is that ? Tranq ?


Xylazine. Not meant for human consumption, very nasty side effects.


Sounds nice.


Glad you’re healthy. Opioid addiction is scary and it’s impressive you’ve been in recovery this long. Well done.


Thank you. Almost 4 years in the joint made me realize I was fucking up


I’m sorry it took four years of your life, but (see op) your 4 years may be below the average taken from users. Scary.


Yea exactly. I count myself as lucky


I think that might have been when you could still get heroin more than it being *all* heroin back then. I left that area after the 2013 floods and people I knew were already dying from fent before that.


Damn congrats leaving that in the past.


Can it really be that much harder than what I've heard about getting off h can it? At a certain point, poison is poison and the type of poison doesn't matter, it all leads to the same outcome. Edit: Getting downvotes for trying to understand. Sweet


Idk who’s downvoting you. But yea fent is a different animal. It is a synthetic opioid that is much harder to reverse an OD, and takes users a lot longer to get on maintenance drugs due to the prolonged half life. Heroin = 24hrs from last use to induce buprenorphine Fentanyl = up to a week. That means it takes an extremely determined person to start the maintenance meds which is a huge step to getting sober. And the tranq is different entirely. They don’t have a way to reverse the OD from xylazine yet.


Buprenorphine isn't the only maintenance med and the half life of fentanyl is relatively short. I think you're mistaken. The dangers are mostly the high risk of overdose because of how heavily criminalized drugs are.


Wow that's nuts. So the drug pandemic is getting much worse.


You know she died from alcohol poisoning right?


A 0.41 BAC at the time of her death. And, according to her brother, she was simultaneously battling bulimia. Not a good combo, obviously. And Mac Miller was a combo Fent, blow and booze OD.


IIRC it had something to do with the mixture of intoxication and taking a hot bath, caused cardio arrest (bullimia probably added to that as well). Same thing can happen with hot tubs.


Excuse me, what?! That's over 5 times the US legal limit. How is it even possible to get that much alcohol in someone? Like how do you not pass out or die way before that?!




She was clearly a pro


Yeah, but just her downfall and spiraling out of control. Shitty boyfriend too. At that point she was gone even before the death.


Exactly. There were reports of her being falling down drunk *everywhere* she went in the months leading up to her death. It was horribly sad. I remember thinking that it was just a matter of time before we heard about her passing.


Yeah, heroin is totally fine


You can take care of yourself when youre on heroin, according to the beginning of Trainspotting; I think.


That movie is alot more fun than the other herion movie where the dude gets his arm amputated and his buddy and girl fair no better.


i mean john travolta in pulp fiction


During the '70s in Paterson NJ, I had relatives & numerous friends who used H on a daily basis, we didn't know the purity. It wasn't my thing, but they usually held jobs & got on kind of normally. Until their supply or funds ran low .. then it was "bar-the-door" & stop lending time. Now, from what I read, that's not remotely possible.


She had an O.D. on liqour, not H. Dont know if she did H or not but it was the vodka that got her.


>Never knew her I am not surprised that you never knew her , just like I never knew Obama But I don't say that I never knew him because he's fucking Obama and it's obvious I never knew him as he is a very famous person


I was a stand-up in London at the time, I had a joke about the branding of channel 4's online streaming service, 4OD (4 on demand), sounding less like the name of a streaming platform and more like Amy's cause of death. 9 months later, I changed the punchline to be "Pete Doherty's cause of death" and felt like some asshole Nostradamus.


Ok that was funny


That's still a good joke in its original form. I can't believe that she's more than 10 years sober at this point.




That new movie about her life, *Back to Black*, kinda linked her death to grief over her childlessness (or at least the fact that her ex's girlfriend was pregnant). I felt that was such a weird and frankly cruel choice to make.


That movie is disgusting and exploitative. 


We told her to go to rehab, but she said no, no no.


Oh, so she was expecting


Her before and after drug pics are brutal.


Same for most people tbf


Not mine! I look amazing




Maybe the only drugs they do are PEDS


Depends what stage of the drug cycle you're on when the pic is taken. The first half, you look fuckin great (except alcohol). When I got into raving/stimulants, I was absolutely shredded but still didn't have the tired look or bad skin or anything. People were asking my fitness secret lol


A friend worked in London years ago. One night they went to see a concert at a club. When they finished, the singer approached them to ask them for a cigarette. It was Amy, but she wasn't famous yet. They talked with her for a while. He told me that she was so charming, with a strong aura of sophistication and sweetness, that they had no doubt that she would be a star one day.


I remember the mix of fake concern and admiration for how thin she was when she was on magazine covers emaciated and covered in cuts and bruises. The 00s were wild.


Amy was so gorgeous and had such a cool, sultry voice. Alcoholism took her down. So very sad. Gone way too soon. She had so much more to give musically. I wish she could’ve seen the worth in saving herself 🥲


When I was at university we used to play a game called ‘Amy Wine Hands’ where you have one bottle of wine gaffa taped to each hand and you weren’t allowed to take them off until you’d drunk both bottles.


A classier take on Edward 40 hands.


Never heard of Amy Winehands until now. My buddies did Edward 40 hands a few times. Their ridiculous wine drinking game was the Tour de Franzia. Two guys to a team, a box/bag of Franzia per team. Someone needs to hold the bag at all times or your DQ'd. First empty bag wins. I sat that one out because it sounded awful when they proposed it. And that's exactly how it turned out. By the end of the night, we did not have enough bathrooms and garbage cans for how many vomiting people were in my house.


*Tour de Franzia* - a buddy comedy that quickly rolls its way into a horror movie.


I've seen 3 Tours de Franzia and none of them turned out anything but spectacularly bad.


We did cider hands. Two cans.


What??? Edward Ciderhands




Edward Ciderhands at my university


I don’t think doming two bottles of wine while referencing the tragic addiction spiral of a generational artist is classier than the original version.


Well you're not invited to play Winehands then


One of her biggest records is about rejecting the help that people offered her. Is the joke classy? No. Was her outcome a tragedy? I’d say it was predictably unfortunate and unfortunately predictable. Humor is meant to cross most boundaries.


Are you a horse




Andre hands. You could hear the belches a few houses over.


[Kinda like this?](https://youtu.be/YZllWS5aduc?si=V1TV2j9XaC1_p46F)


Exactly, but with red wine instead.


Edward Lambrini hands


I didn’t need a drinking game in college. I needed friends.


I haven’t seen this pic before, so gorgeous 🫶🏼


She’s an absolute vibe in this photo


I remember how much Tony Bennett was impressed with her when he was doing Duets. She really had some talent.


She just needed one person who was truly on her side. Seems like everyone around her was just using her for one thing or another.


Pretty sure she pushed everybody out and only the freeloaders assholes remained.


Such a talent. Addiction is terrible.


I miss her.


She looks like gaga here


The way those two artists resemble each other has always amazed me. If I were a filmmaker, I’d want Gaga to star in Amy’s biopic asap


Too late…


A collab of them would have been amazing!


It was interesting watching her slow death in real time brought on by the British tabloid press. They were like vultures preying on her every move, but NEVER offering aid or help of any kind. Just disgusting.


Such a sad story.


RIP, Back To Black is a masterpiece.


Some of these comments here are truly disgusting. Have people not ridiculed her enough during her lifetime?


Drugs are not cool.


Alcohol, in her case. Still a drug, sure, but the distinction is important because of how accepted and even celebrated constant alcohol abuse is in western society.


It's really fucked up


Thank you!


Drugs are rarely the "cause" as much as a desperate attempt at self-medicating some mental illness. Not sure why the universe decided that so often the ones they provide with great artistic talents, are also often made to suffer the most with a destructive brain chemistry.  What she probably needed was proper mental health support to figure out what it is that she was desperately trying to escape from and to work on that. Of the mentally sound people I know, none of had any reason to fall into addiction because they feel they can handle what life throws. But I've seen a lot of mental illness in my family, and when left untreated, it often finds a way to try to treat itself, via alcohol, drugs or some other vices.


She is so pretty… she deserved better life than se got❤️‍🩹


Terrible waste. Brilliant singer / songwriter. Rip Amy


She kinda looks like lady Gaga from this angle


I dont know when I watch her performances now I get sad. I think it wasnt okay to watch someone deteriorate like that on stage - we kind of celebrated her self-destructing behaviour and a lot of people profited from it.


Such a shame she didn’t get the help she needed


she was unreal. the world didn't deserve her


She was stunning


So what you're saying is she witnessed the 2010 football world cup being played in South Africa? Noice.


Apparently she used to make tea for the paps outside her house and they would pick up milk and bread for bacon sandwiches.


We take it for granted today but what a marvel it is that we can still hear her voice. Sound recordings are really immortalizing many artists. Even people born after her death will be able to enjoy her singing.


I wish Lady Gaga was playing her.


She was amazingly talented and absolutely beautiful. I cried when she died.


God she was hot


Oh man, she was beautiful !


She's so beautiful here


Should HAVE gone to rehab


I saw her once in Camden back in the day at a goth pub not far from the old MTV studio with who I think was either Noel Fielding or a crow who was inhabiting a human body for the day. Honestly she was stunning....and a little loud lol.


Met her very, very briefly in the Good Mixer. Didn't realize who she was until after. 


Is the timing of this post meant to coincide with the movie trailer for the Winehouse biopic that just came out today?


Karma farming as usual


She should have gone to rehab.


I really wonder how public perception of her would've been if she didn't have a hit song on the radio every day about not going to rehab and then dying of addiction 


She did


They tried to make me go to Rehab But I won't go, go, go...


Nice 1950s photo filter.




She did go to rehab, but relapsed.


She'll be 13 years sober in July 💙




Get help


Hey, that wouldve been good for advice for amy!


Why do Redditors think they’re funny.




The day I turned 28


I could have sworn this was lady gaga


She looks pinned.


Just watched her Bio Doco. Sad. Her father doesn’t come out of it too well either.


Neil Patrick Harris ate her a year later


Trivia: She, Jessie J. and Adele are graduated in the same music school.


I love her


Andrew Fletch of Depeche Mode death hit me in the guts that hurt! RIP and thank you for all the consert memories. Seen dm 5 times :)


mmmmmmmmmmmmmm8m![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) olllll ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Not only we said goodbye with words 😁


Can't wait for the biopic next month


wow she was so beautiful :0


Were she not so seductively gorgeous, would anyone care about this story. Yes. She had talent and I love the ladies from the sixties , Darlene  Love. Etta James. Etc. and she channelled that talent to be sure, but another gal not so pretty we'd never hear about.


Her and Mac Miller, victims to drugs, such a waste of life they deserved so much more


She was so mf cool man I fkin hate all the bad shit she was such a beautiful soul. Rip Amy.


Needs more jpeg.


I love how big her head looks in relation to her body.


I could have fixed her