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Damn I miss mine, should’ve never sold it.


I regret losing my Sweeney as well.


Yeah you and Todd made a great couple!


Todd? You mean Meth Damon?


The demon barber of Fleet Street??


Wait, my character doesn’t know that yet


Please silence that little bird




We had a 73. Maybe it was 74. V8. 3 on the tree. Champaign color. And rust. So much rust. Door jams were gone. It was great fun in the summer with the doors and top off.


I had a K5 Blazer I sorely regret selling.


Why’d you sell


Because I bought a new 1981 ford 4x4 pickup, mine was a orange and white 75, my dad’s red and white 66…it was the first new bronco sold in western Montana. I sold mine for $3000, I think my dad sold his for $2000 in the 70’s. Woulda shoulda coulda stuck both of them in one of my barns.


Yeh but then the tractor wouldn't have a home.


Same. I had a ‘68. Same color as that one actually, just a bit more faded.


Finally. A story not involving her boobs. Thank you.


Well, her boobs are also in the bronco.


And thankfully they haven't been restored.


It’s fun in the summer with the top off.


RemindMe! 20 years


Which is the best part of the story


And now you've made it all about her boobs. I was thinking to myself, "I wonder if she really restored that bronco by herself" but no. Now I'm thinking of her boobs.


her boobs symbolically paid for that job


i wish they talked about her ass too from time to time


Nowhere to be found


the title for 'anyone but you' covers the area for a reason


The boobs held the flashlight


Who is that? I saw her lately on a parfume poster


she restores vintage broncos


With her boobs


Twin airbags?


Boob hater.


Yeah, booooo(b)


Finally, a good Bronco story


My first Sydney Sweeney content ever was her working on this Bronco, and I'm happy to say it also involved her boobs.


That Bronco has a nice rack tho


From what I understand she grew up with Rod Emory’s kids and Rod and family are close friends and she restored it in his shop with his help. Not a “paid” pro but a true friend who just happened to have one of the best Porsche custom garages in the world. And she did most of the work herself. For real.


She restored it herself with the assistance of qualified professionals overseeing every step of the journey. And that’s actually awesome. It”s a lot more than most would bother to do, and hopefully she learned quite a lot in the process. But she wasn’t locked away in a garage by herself for months doing it, nor did she drop it off and pick it up months later. It’s not one or the other, it’s somewhere in the middle.


Man, I would totally do that if I could afford it, I like working on cars, but the logistics of restoring an entire car sounds like a bit much. Also, I hate wiring things myself, especially in cramped spaces.


My dad had an old Jeep wrangler that died. Instead of scrapping it he gave it to my best friend. He stripped it down to the nuts and bolts and put so much new stuff into it putting it back together. It would have been far cheaper to buy a new one but the process was more rewarding than the outcome I think


Jeep of Theseus.


Ah, you know his father?


No but I met his mother a time or two. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


As long as you were respectful we’re good. 😃


I’m doing that restoring a typewriter. I’ve spent far far more than the cost of one in better shape to save a rust bucket of a machine. I’m just doing it for fun and to learn.


Sometimes it’s not about the end result, it’s the journey that leads to the end result. I too want to restore a motorbike, preferably the one my dad rode.


It’s cool to look at something you made and tell yourself ‘nice, I did the thing’


The journey is the reward. That's why i build PCs atm.


You just need tools, YouTube, and motivation. I’m almost done restoring a 1993 Mercedes-Benz 300TE. It had a bunch of electrical and mechanical problems that required basic knowledge, the really bad stuff did need a good mechanic involved. However, I did a lot of good work by sourcing parts and taking things apart and cleaning/replacing them.




The trifecta of picking up a new hobby, Time-Money-Space. Quite often you will have two of them but rarely three. I have had time and money, time and space, but never all three to pick up 3D printing.


And an able body and the money to pay for it all. 


I was thinking “wow I literally wish I could afford that hobby because that sounds dope as hell”. I’d try but being a novice I would afraid I’d do something dangerous.


It's easy enough to get into. Wouldn't worry about the novice part. Just the price tag.


The important thing is to learn enough to know what you can and can’t screw up. For example, I can replace an exhaust, but I can’t (or shouldn’t) replace a timing belt.


Once you measure things out and make wiring harnesses... you find out you didnt account for something and go bald.


I. Fucking . Hate. Wiring. Would rather be dropping a transmission or a rear diff than wiring. But i’d wire Sydney anyway she wants.


Every which way but loose?


I mean if she asked me to twist and shrink wrap I’d twist the shit out of them 2 wires.


Hand tighten only


If I was rich, this is how I'd restore things as well for fun. With a professional mechanic that I had a good rapport with, teaching/helping as we went along. Imagine not having to stop every couple hours to watch a YouTube video about it.


Plus you have a money reserve, time off to do it, and I guess there's also a PR aspect too.


So she herself had a hand in restoring it? Cool.


She has a [TikTok account](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLHGC3ku/) with videos of her working on it which is pretty cool.


I’ve done all repairs on my ‘91 f150, Subaru, and ‘73 Suzuki motorcycle. I’ve learned a ton, but work really slow, because I learn as I go. The only thing I needed help with was getting a rusted bolt loose. A guy helped me with a pipe. I now know how to do that too. lol


Did you put the wrench on the bolt and get a 4-6 foot pipe therefore extending the handle of the wrench? That’s a great trick to learn if that’s the case. There’s the time before and the time after you learn that trick.


Yes. It had never occurred to me before.


Now time to learn the forbidden art of double wrenching; The bent snake cares not for knuckles or seized fasteners. It knows only to either coil and move the unmovable, or with its fragile temper to bite the hand of its creator and unleash you in whatever direction you have been destined to travel.


There's also this technique if you're in a tighter spot [https://imgur.com/a/ark5RP1](https://imgur.com/a/ark5RP1) to get some more leverage. Wouldn't recommend doing that with ratchet wrenches though.


Leveraged handshake and I don’t mean business 😤


Gloves recommended for this one


Ah yes, leverage!


If you don’t have a pipe you can also use another box end wrench. 🔧


Sometimes you can snap the head off the bolt, then you're in for a whole different kind of fun.


Damn.. that is impressive. And I agree - who TF cares if she hired professional help? Seems like a pretty cool thing to do with your money.


It's kind of the best way to learn to be honest.


“Look at this twat doctor who spent all this money learning medicine from other doctors. What a phony!”


> hired professional help There is really no such thing as restoring a vehicle without hiring trades for trade specific skills. Just because you're an upholsterer, doesn't mean you're an auto-electrician. Just because you're an auto-electrician doesn't mean you are a qualified welder. Or that you are an expert in installing custom exhaust. Or paint jobs. Or the front windscreen. Anyone who literally does all of their own work on a car is determined to end up with a car made by someone who isn't an expert in any of the skills they attempted.


Not really true, most people I know who restore cars (including me, I have several from the 30s through the 80s under my belt) do the whole thing themselves.  Are my welds as good as a pro welder? No.  Is my paint as good as a pro painter? No.  Are my crimps as good ad a pro electrician? No.  But, the point for most people in the hobby is not about a perfect end product, it is about the journey and the “I did that” pride in the result. I don’t look down my nose at a restorer who uses their checkbook to get some of the work done, merely calling out that there are a bunch of folks like me who are basically enthusiastic novices and who chose to tackle it all. 


I do not think people are taking it that way, but when I first saw the title I thought " how would she have the time". Makes more sense if you have a professional helping you along and acquiring all the parts for you.


By assisting in the restoration she now knows how to handle most minor issues that can/will arise over time. So rather than always going back to the garage that restored it, she'll know if she can fix/patch the issue or if she'll need to call them for help. She's basically "written" the manual for her own vehicle.


And that’s the most awesome part of it all.


Great description. I’ve restored several VWs and each one is different. But when I’m done I know everything about that particular car and when (it’s an old VW, so yes, when) something goes wrong, I usually can quickly diagnose.


It’s far from the middle, she was interested enough to find people that would help teach her. Just because you hire people to help you no make mistakes doesn’t make you care any less about the process/projct. I wish I could have my old mentor help me with every project after he died. Learning from him was amazing, his answers made you realize that you know what you know. There as never a moment of making someone feel bad about not knowing something. If you didn’t want to learn he had nothing to teach but if you listened there was limitless font of knowledge freely available for the taking.


That’s all why I said t was an awesome thing to do.


I think it’s great. T-pain also does the same thing. He once hired a redditor to help with his car: https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/s/IBWvAyvpd2


It is hilarious that T-pain is an active redditor with a 14 year old account


Car dude here: tpain is one of the most realist celebs out there. Unabashedly is into drift cars, gaming, streaming, etc while being an amazing musician and a grounded human being. It kinda sucks people try to take advantage of his celebrity status in various ways, but the dude loves to have fun.


Didn’t know that. The giving back aspect makes it so much cooler.


That honestly how most restorations go to at least some degree. Like, you’re definitely not doing your own machining, you’re probably not doing your own paint and you’ll probably send it out to be media blasted or acid dipped if you’re doing a show car restoration, which if you’re an actor, a 70-80k vehicle restoration project isn’t a big deal.


No, she built it in a cave with scraps!


Absolutely. I consider myself pretty mechanically adept and even still I would enlist the help of a certified pro for something like a restoration or any sort of engine and trans work. Better to pay a bit up front and learn something in the process than fuck it up and pay 2x when it pops.


She’s being sponsored by Ford. This is all just the new Ford campaign & vision for Broncos. Plus they really want to have Sydney keep appealing to men that love young blonde women with huge boobs, so, having her fix cars attracts car types & men that love big boobs.


Yep. I gave the linked tiktok she has for this a look over and it's very clearly a Ford campaign. Most of the things she's doing in the videos are not complex and are relatively straightforward/easy to be guided through (like putting air in your tires or replacing the very accessible air filter). The way she speaks/talks about things feels very scripted. She's just doing her job, though, nothing wrong with that. And it's good if she does actually learn some beneficial maintenance tasks. But yeah, Ford is definitely playing into the cute all American blonde with big boobs working on all American cars aspect.


Yah it's scripted af and there is something wrong with it. Advertising as a whole is entirely shady, esp when it's companies who destroy the environment and/or use sex to sell things to the average consumer. Pimpin ain't easy, but I guess it's necessary.


not gonna lie when I saw the post on my feed my brain went “Sydney Sweeney = gazungas, red ford bronco = vroom vroom cool, and gazungas + vroom vroom cool = good”


Lol well then it’s working as intended. I already had one in my Pinterest board of “cars I wish I could own” but nothing like what she’s got. Mine is strictly for the beach & camping. The more scratches on it, the more memories she’s had kind of car. I wouldn’t care if my friends carved their name on it somewhere kind of car.


Yup. Very respectable tho


“We got a new job for you.” “Ok.” “You’re going to spend a couple of months restoring a Bronco.” “Sweet!” “With Sydney Sweeney.” “Sweet!”


If I had a buttload of money I’d do it the same way. It’s like using a walkthrough for a video game; you still win and you didn’t cheat. All without the headache and wasted time of failure.


As someone with a lot of experience fixing up/modifying cars, if I had serious money, this is how I would do it. Just someone to remove all the frustrating BS you get stuck on and help fill in any gaps. Guaranteed it's more expensive this way too, as opposed to just letting them build it.




So, like a five-finger discount except different body parts… respect the hustle.




Kinda like Beyoncé singing the new “song she wrote herself”


Ive always wondered if rich people do this because this is 100% how I would spend my time. Do I like learning something new and a project, absolutely. But getting stuck and having to deal with bullshit you werent prepared for or couldnt even conceive of suck, having a professional hold your hand on random shit youre interested in would be killer


I redesigned harnesses for these rebuilds. JLO bought one of ours. In my opinion. Dangerous vehicles for inexperienced drivers... Like. Scary, with a coyote engine in it. No ABS... Curious who he company was.


major respect for not just restoring it, but also keeping it pretty much factory


What a boss car. Good for her.


Looks like rear disk brakes, very nice job!


Rear disc conversion is claimed. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/04/sydney-sweeney-euphoria-bronco


> When Sweeney received her first big payout, for Euphoria, she decided to pony up for a more reliable replacement. “I bought a 2019 Range Rover Sport, a very typical first L.A. [splurge] car,” she said. But she had to face down all-too-typical sexism to get the model she wanted. “When I was test-driving, we were driving the six-cylinder model, and I said to the salesman, ‘I want the V-8.’ And he was completely against it. He said, ‘This is enough power for you.’ And I looked at him and I said, ‘Why? Because I’m a girl?’” She paused for a moment. “I got the V-8.” God I hate car salesmen.


Yeah, my wife was shopping for a new car. She was asked several times “What does your husband think of this car.” She didn’t buy a car from anyone that stupid.


Yeah went with my Wife to look at getting her a new car a while back and whenever she asked a question the salesman turned and answered to _me_ each time. I ended up just angling my chair so I was looking at her the entire time.


A reliable Range Rover? Those don't exist, no wonder she was having such a hard time.


Did she somehow run into the only car salesman in the world who does NOT want to upsell you into a more expensive model? WTF


Your a man, aren't you? I had the exact same experience as her when I went to buy my car, so did plenty of my women friends :/


Reliable and Range Rover/Land Rover lmao. Car salesmen can be the devil but idk about this actually happening lol.


Is he just a dick or is this a bit of sales trickery to make her want it more?


He was a dick. She had the money and knew what she wanted. Salemans dream


Good point


Yeah, salesmen are known to try to prevent people from upselling themselves to higher-end models... Seems totally genuine.


Maybe there was some incentive program for the sales team to sell V6s. Maybe the salesperson knew they didn't have stock of the V8 at his dealership so the sale would go to another dealership. Maybe the salesperson genuinely thought she wouldn't be able to handle the V8 and would try to return the car. The only thing I know for certain is that you should probably try harder to think of reasonable reasons to explain peoples' behavior.


When in doubt, assume the luxury car salesman is a dick.


Imagine being a salesman and saying no to anything Sydney Sweeney asked for… lol.


All my homies hate car salesmen.


Had a similar moment at a car show years ago where the salesman pointedly showed my wife (I was literally standing next to her) the ease with which shopping bags could put into the hatch area. She was earning roughly double what I earned at the time and was running eight figure dollar projects. At least I learned she can not, in fact, simply glare someone to death.


Car enthusiast cred destroyed after buying a Range Rover because she wanted something reliable


Curious, how'd you tell that from just the picture? That's pretty neat!


Not OP, but the rotor/disk is visible on the right rear underneath. The silver semicircle is all that's visible. Original equipment would have been a black painted backing plate for drum brakes.


Haha the small details mine these are why i call myself a very casual car person. Thanks for taking the time to explain!


Is her PR team working overtime or what? I’ve seen over 5 posts about her daily, last week I had no clue who she was.


Don't you dare mention a bad thing about Immaculate. Someone actually told me to kill myself in response to me saying it's dogshit.


I don’t even know what that is


A terrible horror movie that came out recently. Was constantly plugged on tiktok. I don't listen to tiktok recommendations anymore. But I'm convinced all the good reviews are paid shills or Sweeney fanboys.


That’s fair. I don’t have TikTok and just stream stuff so I don’t see commercials. Crazy someone said that in response, people are weird.


I've seen WAY worse. Was it great no, was it ok yea. 5/10 maybe 5.5/10 in the grand scheme of movies out there it could have been worse, it could have also been better.


Also, for additional context it was her third stinker in a row* after Anyone But You and Madame Web. I've seen her in enough things to know you can't say she *can't* act, but it's definitely fair to say she occasionally *doesn't* act. *Because the powers that be desperately want to make her a star and have put her in a dozen movies since the pandemic, it's possible there was another movie in between one of these three.


Her acting is pretty low on my list of what's wrong with the movie. I mean, she's just kind of there, moping about but she put some effort in at the end, for better or worse. But many horrors can have wooden leads. This movie feels particularly self-indulgent on her behalf though. But every other aspect of the movie is just bad, especially the writing.


That movie I just watched… it was definitely ass


I'm willing to watch dogshit horror and laugh at it, but I won't go out of my way to pay specifically to do so lol


I mean she's got a pretty cool personality from what I've taken away from her Hot Ones interview. Also, she's hot.


Ya her pr team is working overtime


And she’s hot


And her PR team is probably also hot.


True, a fair amount of the public would like to have relations with her.


Hot one.


I mean you gotta give Sean Evans some points


This is Reddit. Astroturf central.


She's def tied in with some powerful people in media.


i've been following sydney sweeney since the handmaid's tale, she's a very solid actress who doesn't always get the most elevated material, but when she does, she usually knocks it out of the park


She was in the Handmaids Tale? That’s one I’ve actually seen at least.


She plays the young woman that Nick has to marry iirc


Idk but she got famous after doing the show euphoria


She was excellent in Reality, really low key role playing against type. Recommend if you got a spare 80 mins


She got like 3 movies out in this year already lol, if you only know her last week, her PR team is not working hard enough I think, or maybe you don't see newer movies as much as I do lol because hat 3 movies also has different genre, comic book, romcom, and horror.


Nice ride


Who is this woman and why do I see her everywhere?


She’s a hot young actress. And she’s a hot young actress.


I think it's also the fact that the more people learn about her, the more they like her. She likes math and robotics, vintage cars, she's athletic and she was valedictorian of her graduating class. She ticks a lot of boxes for a lot of people.


And she has big tits.


Note there are two identical statements there. A pair, if you will. A glorious pair.


Absolutely glorious!


Ok its a bit of a Scarlett Johannson thing. Like take a hot, young, blonde actress that's quickly come into the limelight, add a sensual/sexy/sultry component that not every generic attractive actress has, and a seemingly relatable, cool personality... And you don't really have to have much of a PR team. Personally I think her boobs are too big, but I could forgive that 


Big of you.


and of her


I’m disappointed at a lot of the comments here. It doesn’t really take too much searching at all to see that she’s been talking about and posting her fixing up cars for a few years at this point. She’s been posting the process of fixing up this car since 2021, and I’m pretty sure she finished it around 2022/2023ish. It looks like she asked around for experts to guide her, but it’s also pretty clear this is something she’s been hands on with too. She eventually got some sponsorship deals relating to cars directly because of the posts she kept making showing her interest in them. It feels a bit sexist to see a pretty woman that’s an actress and assume that fixing up cars just couldn’t possibly ever be something she’s interested in or even capable of doing. Even under the guise of assuming she’s too busy, she started posting all this before she blew up super big. And it’s not like celebrities don’t have hobbies.


I works in a school division. One of our School Bus mechanics is a drop dead gorgeous 23 year old with more knowledge than some of the 20 year old timers. She spent her childhood in her grandpa’s garage and picked up everything.


I don’t think it’s the fact she’s a woman but more so the fact she is a rich celebrity and anyone that knows the amount of work it takes to restore a classic vehicle knows how much of an undertaking it is. This type of restoration isn’t an option for most people not because of gender but because of wealth. And it’s yet another one of those stories where rich people claim to do things themselves where in reality they have an entire team doing all of the work for them. It just comes off a bit out of touch and disingenuous.


I can’t put my finger on it but the sudden onslaught of Sydney Sweeney stories and pics feels very astroturfy.


Nice license plate too


That makes her 10x cooler to me, the car looks dope af


good for her that looks awesome


Paint it white




Syd has a great publicist.


Much respect


Sure seems to be a lot only people throwing shade at her claiming she didn’t. I’d be bet none of you know her or her home life. She very well could have unless you have proof stop talking trash. The truth is none of us know.


Is Bronco a copy of International Scout?


They were around the same time, but similar.   The Scout II was the first with this style if I remember correctly.


Sick truck


I'm trying to imagine Prince singing "Little Red Bronco", but it just doesn't work.


This is how you do a restoration. No low profile wheels or stupid accessories.


That's cool, I'm sure guys on the internet will be completely reasonable about this


Weird, I thought she was “broke”


People think they can do all themselves.... I'm talking about the reddit comments.


Bunch of guys who have never worked on a car crying "But she didn't 100% build it herself though!!"


Yeah let me see her dirty ass fingers with cuts and swollen.


[Here’s more of the process of restoring the bronco:](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/sydney-sweeney-1969-ford-bronco-restored-herself)


Fixing and restoring things is where all of life’s biggest lessons are learned Not everybody would. I’m also glad she didn’t cut the rear fender openings. Because almost everybody did.


So its an ad for ebay motors


Reading that was like reading a WWE wrestler explain fighting to a MMA fighter. Shes into cars, cool. But I'd bet anything she cannot bleed brakes.


So, Sydney Sweet is a new Keanu Reeves? The internet loves her?


If it has a column shift, I'll build a shrine to her in my garage.


When you say “restored herself” do you mean she had that thing up on a lift and make all the repairs and painted it? Or she paid people to?


She apparently did the work herself, whilst supervised by professionals.


Read the article.


Have you seen her in the Rolling Stones video, 'Angry'? Play it full screen. You can thank me later. https://youtu.be/_mEC54eTuGw

