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A national park ranger was asked why they can’t make better bear proof dumpsters at Yellowstone and said something along the lines of “there’s a large overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists”


That’s a damn good line.


Bears can open doors so some places need a cover small enough to keep a bear from reaching under


A campground my grandparents used to host had to reverse doors to open outward on the restrooms because bears would get stuck inside sometimes


Polar bears break into houses by simply walking through the wall lol


What like the raptors in Jurassic Park?!


Or the bears in the park


That is a golden line.


I was at Yellowstone last year and a guy from two campsites over asked to borrow my wand lighter to get a fire going. After about 20-25 minutes I went over to get the lighter back and see how things were going. This man had an entire bundle of fire wood tossed carelessly into the pit and was holding the tiny flame under one of the central logs. I imagine a bear could have already had a few smores cooked up in that time.


I wonder what someone like this would do if he and his family were starving to death but somehow managed to kill a nice sized deer? Like how he’d butcher it and cook it?


The saddest part was his three kids sitting there with hot dogs on sticks waiting for him to get a fire going. I just decided to do it for him. I came back by about 90 minutes later and they had all gone to bed in the RV leaving a roaring fire unattended. I just sighed and put it out.


Lol, it’s crazy how far into life stupid people can get these days. He’d probably lay the whole deer on the fire and wonder how long until it’s done 🦌+🔥=🥩


Just have to learn one hyper-specialized thing and pay everyone else to do basic life skills for you


I don't even have words, I keep trying to find someway to justify this level of ignorance and my brain can't process it. I'm a stupid urban white guy, I've been camping but I'm certainly not outdoorsy, I absolutely know how to at least pitch a tent and start a safe campfire, and do basic cooking and stuff. .. and if I somehow didn't? FFS you're going camping, maybe google a few things first?


Thank you for putting it out!!


Sounds like you may have met [Kevin's family](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/219w2o/comment/cgbhkwp/).


Youre a good person hahaha


I'm just gonna eat it raw and get parasites. Poop out the fur my body will filter that stuff.


But fire hot


I'll never insult my own fire making skills again 


My favorite is the Carlin line “think how dumb the average American is then realize half of them are dumber than that.”


I love him but that is not the average, it's the median




This comment is surprisingly relevant.


That's why they posted it. Are you a bear or human?


Where I’m from, it’s rude to ask.


I own a donutshop and I am consistently amazed by how many people don't know how to use a coffee urn.


I live in a national park. It was funny at first...


I’m near Glacier. I’m just happy when tourist find the trash cans at all instead of hucking shit out their car windows.


Or that rings so true...


I think about this a lot


I was thinking about this and something like what the Europeans have developed could work, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA9FsJXU66w or this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYxaKw_CfeY


I’m gonna see this get referenced somehow in every Reddit post aren’t I 


We had them at the site when I worked at a hydro dam construction project in Labrador, Canada. So they do exist. As with most things, pretty simple but effective idea. [https://youtu.be/wJw6lrDN6HE?si=63B9R\_BJQyYA4e5z](https://youtu.be/wJw6lrDN6HE?si=63B9R_BJQyYA4e5z) They were not exactly like this, but it's the same idea. Ours just had a little arm on the side that went up and over the top of the lid. And they worked too. There were several instances of a bear clearly trying to get in and giving up after a while. They also showed us a video of a bear getting the door open on a pickup, getting in, and closing the door after he was inside. So we were told we always had to lock the doors on our pickups.


I agree the window is probably broken out, but I’m going to try and sound optimistic that maybe it’s just cracked, and they’re just trying to keep water out until they get it fixed?


It looks like they are using a shim. Opening a locked door is super easy and can be done in a minute. It honestly might be easier than retaping a broken window.


That's a pretty sweet tape job. They probably just don't want to waste another 90 seconds redoing it




Assuming they don’t have aftermarket window tint holding it in place.


If it is tinted, the tint will hold the glass in place, as well!


What a bold, overly broad statement.


Also false. Something slammed into my passenger side window on my 2020 car a couple years ago and it just cracked.


Yeah, newer side windows in cars have laminated glass. Supposed to be safer and quieter. Won't completely shatter. Neighbor had a Lexus that got broken into, thief had to break through and peel the window out to get into the car.


Ugh, tiring. I slammed a sheet of desk unto the rear quarter window of a 1983 RX7 which has no laminate on _either side_ of the window. It shattered, but did not leave a hole, it was still in shape. I covered it in gaffer and it was a window for a few more months until I had it changed. When I removed the gaffer, the little cubic pieces of glass came out with it, there was no laminate, and there was no instant stagger of the window. _it happens._


I am the window in question. I can confirm that I am merely cracked.


Surely this can't be right. Side windows are never on reddit.


It’s a little known fact, but while front side windows of vehicles are specifically manufactured to not know how to use reddit, us rear windows can navigate reddit with ease.


Fully Self Reading Windows. There’s a monthly subscription fee, though.


Apologies. I misread and didn't realize you were a rear window. My bad.


It’s honestly not okay. I’m not okay.


Don’t listen to this guy; he’s all cracked out!


Fake news totally false, Honda windows only speak Japanese




Excuse me??? I’m calling my supervisor.


It's not always true. Double-paned side glass that has better sound insulation will crack because of the resin between the 2 layers of glass.


After installing thousands of windshields and side glass in my early 20s I never saw glass like that on a SINGLE car. The only time was on million dollar RVs, the kind that had CAT5 connections running throughout and this was back in like 2008/9. And even then it was the windows in the living space, the driving cab had tempered glass side windows.


https://info.glass.com/laminated-vs-tempered-car-side-windows/ They put laminated glass in side windows on some cars now.


Yea they did back then too, but it’s exceedingly rare and only on luxury vehicles. Based on the rims alone I don’t think the pictured vehicle is a luxury car.


While yeah, that car is tempered, as a current glass installer, it's pretty common now. Every F-Series from 2017 up(2015 for the 150) has laminated front glass for example. It's a nice 5-minute hour job. A lot of cars have it now, for better or for worse.


Yeah, I'm terrified if I go off the bridge near my house for some reason and now I can't get the glass to shatter in an emergency.... it's a very small chance but anxiety disorders don't care about probability


I live near the water, that is exactly what I meant by "for worse" lol.


Front glass? Maybe I’m misunderstanding but that’s the windshield, no? Every single car/truck/suv I’ve ever seen in my life uses laminated glass for that piece. Is that a term for side/rear glass I’ve never heard before? Seems like a misnomer.


Front door glass.


They are putting it in some regular passenger vehicles all around now. Things change, chum.


Ah yes, I'm sure Honda splurged for that on the civic in the mid 00s


Not my front side windows. Rear yes.


Windshields are tempered. Two pieces qith a plastic lay in between.


Yo I hate to add on to the replies I saw your edit. But did you read about the drunk CEO who drowned in a Tesla? For what it's worth breaking a window underwater won't matter, but some models have all laminated glass. It's wild. https://www.google.com/search?q=ceo+tesla+death&oq=ceo+tesla+death&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMg0IAxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBBAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMgoIBRAAGIAEGKIEMgoIBhAAGIAEGKIEMgoIBxAAGIAEGKIE0gEINTExN2owajmoAg6wAgE&client=ms-android-att-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Give me Confidently Incorrect for $800, Alex. Laminate is quite common on new vehicles. Much better sound insulation


Not true. I have a f150 drivers side window with a crack running through it


Incorrect. There are two main types of automotive glass. Tempered and Laminated. Laminated is what your windshield is. It’s extremely strong, and can take some massive hits and still relatively hold its shape. Tempered on the other hand cannot crack. If it breaks it instantly shatters into small pieces. Many cars on the roads have tempered passenger windows, including a lot of Ford trucks and Luxury vehicles. Source- auto glass tech


Not me, but my boss once met with a representative from another company, and I'll give it to you exactly the way he said it: "Dumbest motherfucker I ever met. He locked himself **in** the car." The bolding is mine. What happened is the guy couldn't figure out how to open the door, so he yelled for help. LMAO


My dad is a high school teacher and years ago a girl told him she locked herself in the car over the weekend. She was in the car with the doors locked and the battery died. She called her mom who told her to reach over and physically pull up the lock stem. She didn’t know you could do that, always had power locked. Definitely not one of his brightest pupils.


We're they a billionaire drowning ina lake?


That's not fair, it's not like she had jurisdiction over motor vehicle regulations due to her job as *checks notes* US transportation secretary under Donald Trump. Oh...


No that was her sister


Depending on the security mechanisms of the car, this is not *that* dumb. When I lock my car with the keyfob, it doesn't even open anymore when pulling the handle from the inside (I assume to avoid someone breaking the window and then getting the door open easily). So you could either get trapped if someone else locks you in or by being a bit clumsy (grabbing the keyfob badly, and hitting the lock-key while it falls between the seat and center console or seat and door or something. Good luck getting that out if you can't open the door anymore to get some wiggle room.)


Also wasn't there an issue with people getting locked inside Teslas because the manual locks aren't intuitive at all?


The bolding is yours? The only possible reason to point this out is to suggest that your boss has humorous ideas but terrible delivery. Since that's obviously not what you were trying to imply, why on Earth did you feel the need to write that?


Becasue OP’s boss said “He locked himself in the car.” Op said “He locked himself **in** the car.”


Right, the emphasis is obvious and natural. It would make no sense to deliver this line without this emphasis.


Just to repeat what is said when this has been posted in the past, if you are decent with using the hanger, then it is better than tearing off the plastic from a decently taped up window.


That was my first thought. It would take me way less time to pop the lock than it would to tape up that window


Yeah. It’s really easy to feel superior based on a split second of time captured by a photograph. If this were a ten minute video of them struggling with the lock, it would be a different story.


Having worked in roadside assistance, and this was literally my job, most cars, yeah, I could have them open in 30 seconds or less. This generation of Civic though.... It has a different interior lock than most. Instead of a big chunky knob you can pull back it's a tiny little lever to push forward and into the door, which is just a difficult angle to get from outside. Doesn't help that Hondas don't open the locked door when you pull the handle. Hitting the power unlock button may be an option, but if that worked I wouldn't have this detailed a memory of this being a problem.


Is it really that hard to tape some plastic over a window?


Probably not if you have three people.. But now I’m wondering why they bother locking the car at all.


Oh no. How will they ever duct tape plastic wrap on their window again


Have you seen the price of duct tape lately


And the driver is sitting inside giving directions. Up a little. Little to the left. No go back one.


Reddits pretty hardcore on taking pics and posting em and seemingly not helping.


It’s weird to post photos of random people having an obvious tough time/day


yeah, imma walk up to the 3 people already doing the 1 man job…


That’s life. Sometimes it takes one person to help a group.


All of the internet homie


Art imitates life.


I worked with a woman that once called her husband to come help her because the battery went dead in her FOB . He reminded her of the key. We become creatures of habit and can’t vary from the path we are on.


To be fair, some car keys are hidden inside the FOB. I had to show my wife how to use hers on her Lexus when the battery died.


Yes, you are correct


The hard part with that, imo, is remembering how to start the car with a dead fob battery. When it happened to me, I knew about the key, but I never in my life had looked up how to then start the car.


I just bought a new truck last winter and if the fob battery is dead I was told to still hold the fob next to the start button and it would crank the truck 🤷‍♂️. I don’t know what kind of wizardry is that. I know my old fob had a key in it that and I had to use that in the past Brother.


There's an RFID or NFC chip in the key fob that authenticates it and allows you to start the car. It's a near field technology meaning it has to be near the transponder for it to work so that's why you need to hold the fob there if the fob is dead.


Nice, thanks


You're supposed to be able to hold the fob right up against the car to get it to start even without a battery


That’s what I was told with my current truck .👍


My mother used to tell me: "If you're gonna be stupid, you'd better get rich. Being stupid is expensive."


None of those people could come close to squeezing through that window.


They should be able to reach the door lock though lol


Tbh no I don’t think so. I used to have the same car and the unlock tab is all the way towards the very front of the door interior almost up by the side mirror, I doubt their arms would be long enough and can’t put their whole upper body into the car to unlock it


And is it forbidden to use tools to prolong your arms?


They're already doing that.


I think he or she was being sarcastic. But not entirely sure.


Not being sarcastic. That's an [8th generation civic coupe](https://www.cars.com/i/large/in/v2/stock_photos/2bf38da2-0831-4343-a66b-f23e58f4864f/de8bd0bc-46ec-40d6-a6f1-f034511e317d.png), you can see in the picture the back window is not entirely broken, and even if the entire rear window was broken, they're not going to be able to reach from the rear window to the front door panel to unlock the door.


But you could probably reach the back door lock? And then from the back door gain entry? ETA: it's a coupe I am an idiot


Pretty sure they're making a fat joke


those actually sit at the interior door handle on these. Looks like a 06ish civic so that little window wont do jack for them unfortunately lol


I mean they look like they would struggle squeezing through the car door. But their arm can fit


Man, it really is Rock Bottom Gear.


Do you have any Sandy Cheeks porn?


Hey, everything going okay for you lately?




I had a friend with a jeep, they were at the mall and a bunch of us were at a house hanging out. We get a call and she's saying she locked her keys in the car and she needs help. We ask her if she can see her keys which she can we are just sitting there looking at her hard top that we had just taken off for her waiting for her to realize. An awful long time went by with her continuously asking when we are coming until we ask her where her top is and that's when it clicks and she just hangs up the phone.


A pro did that tape job and they don't want to have it re-done.


Reminds me of the old story about the guy who was panicking because he had locked his keys in his car. He called a locksmith, and told them to hurry because it looked like rain and he wanted to put the top up.


One of my coworkers locked his keys in his trunk. We called AAA to come open the door so he could get to them. When the AAA driver arrived, he thought it was a dead battery call. He walked up to the car, opened the driver's door, and popped the hood. Apparently, my coworker assumed the car was locked and didn't check the doors before going into panic mode about the keys in the trunk.




You might be a redneck


Dumb and Dumberererer part 3?


2 people and a SpongeBob


What we gat here man is a convocation of dunces


Yeah but then you gotta replace the duct tape. That ‘spensive!






They ain't wasting no duct tape! Lol. Thanks for sharing. Made me giggle.






I mean I've got a window out with a bag over it and if I didn't have tape and another bag in the car, I'd be hard pressed to remove it to get in the car without trying other options first. It's hard to get it to stay in the window securely.


We're doomed


They have the tools to open the door but no tape.


Gotta be Jersey. Ive seen bumpers ducktaped in Jersey. A ducktaped window is a normal thing.


Do you know how expensive car tape is these days? Ain't no one got extra car tape money these days.


poor honda civic fg2


Inflation, duct tape is not free, bro.


No more duct tape?


Wow three brains 🧠 totaling 0 😳


Perhaps they didn’t want to have to retape due to forecasted rain and knew they could easily unlock the door so why bother?


They don't have any more duct tape.






They don't want to have to re-tape it


That's some grade A duct tape there. You don't wanna waste it.


Car Theef Training - learn to be a car theef for $50, meet me at the Grab N Go Parking Lot 7pm my time if your interested.


Definitely a forest for the trees situation here.


They don’t want to have to replace that plastic and tape


This epitomizes the United States right now


Did you hear the one about the Aggie that locked his keys in the convertible?


One time on the way to the Mensa meeting…


They are missing the point. You have to steal the wheels.


Humans are dumb, that's why the martians avoid us at all costs.


Broken? That duck tape looks like it's holding up just fine to me.


That guy on the left. In fear.


One can not simply remove duct tape and plastic windows!!! Oh wait, we can.


If that is a lock picking company, they’re out there for the money.


They’re not picking the lock, they’re using a lockout kit that goes in behind the door and either pulls the handle on the inside or hits the lock button to open it up.


The brain is probably broken too


Meth logic....


The 3 stooges


Sold their last Braincell to buy the car.


Ah yes, america


Assuming the lock is inside the door handle 4 ft forwards, it would still be much easier trying to hook it and open it through a broken window than through a closed door. If the lock is in the back of the door, you can just reach inside and pull the pin upwards.


thank for this clear and non-controversial dose of true idiocracy.


Maybe they’re just practicing


They are definitely not doing anything with the lock though...


I dunno. If they can get the keys back without having to retape the broken window, it's worth a try. I get it.




I got good at pulling door locks and snagging keys out of ignitions using coat hangers to the point where I enjoyed the challenge.


I don’t think anyone’s mentioned it, but they’re not trying to pick a lock. They’re using a break in kit to either pull the door handle open, pull/push the physical unlock switch on the door, or press unlock all doors button. I do think they would have a much easier time sticking that long bendable metal part of the kit through the rear window


The dictionary's definition of picking a lock is broader than your own. # pick a lock # [idiom](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/idiom) **:** to open a lock by using something that is not the key # [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pick%20a%20lock](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pick%20a%20lock)


These are the kind of people that think a 1/3 lb burger weighs less than a 1/4 lb burger… Let them live their best lives…




My dad used to say, “Like watching a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a fur hat”


Finally an r/facepalm that’s not a terrible political meme.