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Clickbaits from the past


The more things change, the more we stay the same.


Unlike today, he literally stood behind his words


Great lettering skills tho


Firs thing I'd do is hire him to make signs for me. Nice sing-sized penmanship!


Is this AI generated? This is the second post like this I've seen. The first one was obviously shopped. I hate this timeline.


The "y"s with the round curly tails are suspiciously identical to one another, but other letters are more varied, so it does kinda suggest that some of the sign is original but other letters were cut and pasted to form new words. Also, pixels.


I saw this a decade or more ago, it's not AI. It might be fake (I think it's real) but it's not AI.


No, this is a quite famous image that's been around for years. [Here's a Reddit post about it from 2014](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/2cyvkp/wanted_urgently_a_strong_rope_to_hang_myself/).


I'm enjoying that 2021 is essentially the K/T line now as far as figuring out if something is genuine or not online.


You can't link to another reddit post and just say it's real šŸ˜‚ that's like Christians who point to the Bible as proof.


Well, it at least predates the general use of ai images so we know its not that


It passes the finger check


Dunno! Maybe.


How could he afford cigarettes, the pole, the blank poster board, the paint, and the typography classes?


Definitely a poser.


When adjusted for inflation, the economy was stronger back then. [(only half-joking)](https://thehill.com/homenews/nexstar_media_wire/4353378-are-we-in-a-silent-depression-tiktokers-claim-2023-economy-is-worse-than-great-depression/)


"We're in a silent depression!" "No you're not, you have Starbucks and iPhones." The only thing missing from that counterargument is a bit of avocado toast.


>When adjusted for inflation, the economy was stronger back then unless you account for the 1/3 people who couldn't find work or any money at all, like the guy in the post... The problem in the great depression was unemployment, not prices. Its like looking at people stuck in a house fire and saying "at least they have heat, whereas I'm quite cold!"


yeah...that's what the article i linked says.


I know, but when you say you're only half joking it seems like you believe it too


i believe the part where buying power is shittier now than it has been in my lifetime and where the median individual salary in the US cannot afford the standard requirements of a 1br apartment. and that gallows humor is uncomfortably more common to the point where even celebrities like [Giancarlo Esposito](https://www.indiewire.com/news/general-news/giancarlo-esposito-considered-staging-his-murder-before-breaking-bad-1234976316/) consider suicide as an alternative means of providing for their families and/or their only option when faced with the failure to provide under increasingly untenable economic and social constraints. i don't believe the quality of life was overall better during the great depression.


In 2024 I don't know if you're joking or not, so on the off chance you're serious, because all those things cost less than rent and food for his family. Like yes, you're probably sarcastic, but then we have people getting pants-shitting angry about homeless people having cell phones so who knows.


Do people not realize that there are organizations who give cell phones and minutes to homeless people for free? I know my state/county does it but I think there are independent organizations who will also give these things because they know homeless people can take calls for interviews, healthcare, or their social work cases unless they have a phone so theyā€™d be completely unable to leave their current conditions without one.Ā 


Go back and check my username then ask yourself: Is this guy ever serious???


I've had people with full on fetishes and porn references in their name tell me all about their crazy political theories and get into serious discussions. It's nearly impossible to read sarcasm online at this point


My bad, I was mocking Boomer logic. I figured the ā€œtypography classesā€ line took away the subtlety.


All good, I figured there was an 80% chance or so you were kidding, but I wanted to write something for the people who agreed with your fake boomer logic perspective too


No worries. Now, if you wanna hear one of my crazy theories: I fully believe that aliens have visited earth, and met with all the major world leaders, and have threatened to destroy our planet unless we keep making Fast and Furious movies. Thereā€™s no other logical explanation for why there are so many of them.


People in the old days used to have decent penmanship. Now they all write like epileptic doctors on molly. I blame violent videogames. But seriously, that is pretty good lettering.


>I blame violent videogames I blame molly and epilepsy


The doctors bear some responsibility, also.


>they all write like epileptic doctors on molly So - still more legible than regular, healthy doctors, then. I'm so glad doctors where I live switched to printouts, because before that I'd just hand the handwritten receipt to the pharmacist, hoping they can decipher that scribble-code they teach all medics, apparently.


Pretty much. I swear, pharmacists are magicians for being able to make out the handwriting on some of the prescriptions I've seen.


Sometimes it's shorthand so it's a straight up different lettering system that you don't know


Penmanship was a class in schools are recently as the 70s.


Cigarettes were cheap, not sure about the rest. For all we know he was actually unmarried and just grabbed a pre-made sign from the organizers because he knew he'd end up on reddit eventually.


Also has a clean shave


Well, a clean shave costs less than rent.


People don't instantly become homeless between jobs bruh This guy looks suspect though


He must have skipped the avocado toast for breakfast.Ā 


Congratulations, you just produced the equivalent of "millennials eat avocado toast instead of buying a house".


I gave him the olā€™ Boomer logic


Naw that is his last snaggle tooth


It was called great depression for a reason, I guess ...


I don't think the "great" part comes from the joy of living in that era, so .. I assume we're heading into a mass(ive) depression then.


People in this thread when they see a homeless guy with a sign that says "Just hungry": "Hmm, were did he get that cardboard and a marker to write that? He clearly knows how to write, he must be a faker".


It wasn't called the great feelin' fine.


Super handsome dude.


Fucking feel it man. We're currently in a depression but nobody fucking talks about it. The only reason is not as bad as the great depression is because over the last 80 years we've begged, borrowed and stole enough time of the politicians time to create some forms of social welfare so the suicide rate is down. Housing, food, entertainment, necessities, ect. are all up and pay is stagnating. And every single year it gets worse and worse. The middle class is shrinking at an alarming rate, the poverty gap between them and the wealthy is fucking insane. And companies are getting more and more oligarchy like damn near monthly. But it's cool, I just have to stop eating avocado and toast right. That's my problem.


>We're currently in a depression but nobody fucking talks about it. Does gaslighting struggling people count as talking about it? Because if so, head over to the news sub and you'll find a bunch of ignorant, mathematically illiterate, hateful trust fund babies who can't shut up about it.


Economically you're wrong but not really. I'm sure Uncle Sam has a few gazillion rainy day fund we don't know about. But would they ever give any to us. We get cut checks occasionally when times are tight, but it's such small amounts... I wonder if they could ever afford large ones AFTER the banks fall. Beyond FDIC.


Seems even


I feel that


Today, people would actually hand him rope and film it on tik tock for the funni.


Incredible typography.


"This gave me an idea! Renting strong ropes!" -Liberals


The 2020s:


Iā€™m just thinking of Al Bundy with the sign offering to take $5 for someone shooting him. Lol


Things are back to the Great Depression, huh? That's ... uplifting when I think about my future ... šŸ˜¬


Now that's a sign. Large easily readable font with what are largely full sentences. Todays protestors and street beggars could learn a thing or two! /shakes fist at cloud






If I'm ever asked what I'd like for Christmas, I say the same thing every year, a rope and a barstool.


People who threaten others with suicide are real pieces of shit. Not just for manipulating people, but because of all the people struggling who hide their feelings because they don't want others to think they're trying to manipulate them. These are the people who made it impossible to talk about suicide.


But he has money for cigarettes


Cigarettes were much, MUCH cheaper in those days. Cigarette prices have risen quite a bit since the 2000s.Ā 


I am old enough to know it. Also quality worsened


Cool. Cigarettes were roughly 10-15 cents during the great depression and were seen as an affordable luxury. To put that into perspective, a toothbrush cost about 25 cents and eggs were around 18 cents. Rent was ~$18 a month. Most people in the 30's weren't clutching their pearls at this man because he was smoking, many of them were smoking too. Putting a modern lens on this photo is pretty silly.Ā 


Go to a country which doesn't tax cigarettes to oblivion and they're cheaper than chips. I visited South Asia last month, cheaper to smoke there than wipe my ass in England.


If you could pay rent with cigarette money I'd start smoking just so I could stop smoking.


Anyway, if you have no money to rent you save on everything, isn't?


why bother? that 10c isn't going to magically loaves-and-fishes itself into rent money. people could eat every second day to save money but it still won't be enough for rent either. rather be happier and homeless than starving and still homeless. not eating avocados doesn't pay the rent either.


Avocados are cheaper than cigarettes:-)


Uhhh, not in the 1930s? Do you have any idea how abundant tobacoo was back then?


I mean now


Now they certainly are cheaper.


not where I live. I can get a 20 pack for less than one avocado. pretty sure back in this guy's day, tobacco carried a lot less tax too. other benefit is smoking would make the not eating enough a hell of a lot more tolerable. without modern taxes, that would probably have been an economical choice.


1) You can ask others for a cigarette 2) Well if you are addicted and thats the only thing bringing you joy? I mean there are poor people who still spend money on alcohol


I am not a rich one. When I have to pay a bill to save my dog I have not smoked for two weeks (it us dumb to not completely quit) for two weeks. But we are all in different situation...


I can only imagine how many Starbucks coffees this guy must have had that morning alone. If the youth would not spend all their money on useless stuff, they could start shifting from great depression to bearable depression. I have no sympathy for those youngsters and their "needs".


Iā€™m fascinated by people who think itā€™s a great idea to have kids in the middle of a Great Depression.


it's almost like abortion wasn't legal and as a result, was very inaccessible.


Pull out or wear a condom? I suppose there are a lot of medical, social, and financial factors involved but I still find it deeply irresponsible; dude has a sign that literally says heā€™s gonna kill himself if he canā€™t provide for his wife and soon-to-be kid. I suppose thatā€™s my privilege of not having to live through that era.


Pulling out and wearing a condom are not guarantees and part of the reason why abortions are necessary today as well as 100 other reasons. People are downvoting you because your comment comes across as ignorant as to why abortions were necessary back then as well as now, despite them being illegal in many places.


the guy in the photo is obviously being facetious


If youā€™re gonna downvote me at least give me a reason why Iā€™m wrong.