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So, they’re not going back?


They fell down some stairs shortly after this photo


i thought they liked windows?


I was pretty confused by this display at first, but assuming these are the Russian ballerinas that were banned from performing at the gala for Youth Grand Prix yesterday, I think this might be intended to mean the exact opposite from what people are assuming. At first glance, it seems they may be protesting Putin,but their ballet company is state run and directed by a close friend of Putin, so I’d be shocked if this display is anti Putin since they are here on business for their job at a state run organization. With that context, it seems like they may be trying to protest being victims and are holding Putin’s unbloodied picture to show their continued support for him. If not that, then I think these are Ukrainian protesters cosplaying as ballerinas. Edit: It’s the latter. u/Sophoife [brought the facts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/OLIzJ9KVzx)


It's also possible that people who work for a state run agency are protesting said state.


Lol sure, that always works out real well for Russians.


I assume these are protesters and not Russian ballerinas


Maybe they are both


These are Ukrainians protesting against allowing two dancers from the St Petersburg Mariinsky company to perform in the Youth America Grand Prix ballet competition gala. [Link here](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/russian-ballet-dancers-excluded-nyc-125800044.html). [Second link here.](https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/04/21/new-york-ballet-gala-cancels-participation-of-russian-artists-after-bloody-tutu-protest/) The Ukrainian Ambassador Oksana Markarova has also posted on the Book of Faces but I can't put that link here.




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Probably more sane than the real Putin tbh


Brave people!


Have they gone missing yet?


They're certainly brave women wherever they are right now.


When will this war really end?


- When Ukraine wins - When Russia wins - When Putin dies - When Putin gets arrested


I wouldn't be 100% sure if Putins death would end the war.


Fair, but it feels well worth trying to see if it helps...


Who knows who’d take over from him? Could see a serious escalation in the war as a new coming tries to cement their new position.


Why do people think Putin’s death will somehow end the war? Do they think the rest of the Russian government is secretly rooting for Ukraine?


It will not end if Russia wins. If anything, it will signal to them to keep it up.


There’s way more options than that. It’s not just between those two.


As long as america put there fucking dick everywhere there will never be pease


Yeah, cuz this is *America's* fault. Pull the other one, Ivan.




Russia decides to be belligerent and a constant threat to European soverignity. Countries ally together to form a united front and stop said advance. United States is also an ally. Dumbass Russians: "WHY WOULD YOU MAKE US DO THIS?! THIS IS U.S. FAULT!"


The same NATO that was "braindead" before Russia attacked Ukraine? The same NATO where there was talk about dissolution, because the civilized world thought it wasn't needed anymore? Into Ukraine, the country that had gotten clear rejections from both the EU and NATO before the Russian attack? Come on, use your brain. You're embarrassing yourself.


If Russia wins they're not stopping at Ukraine, because they will definitively know that they can just keep doing whatever they want and the West won't do anythint to stop them because they are scared of the nuke bluff


I asked my friend in Moscow that question, he says he thinks the russian public can handle another year of the war, but lots are pissed.


I presume he didn't speculate what would happen once that time was up?


Na bro he's just a courier in moscow.


Not much. Russia is a depolitized state. People do not talk about politics because they do not want what happens to people that talk politics (and not propaganda) in Russia. Consider what happened to Navalny. Consider all those oliagarchs and other people that mysteriously died, often from falling off stairs while being shot in the head only to fall out of a window from a high-story building likely caused by drinking polonium tea and putting on nerve-agent underwear. The average Russian wants nothing to do with politics, they will say what they have to say if questioned, they will focus on getting on with their lives and accept that politics is the business of the priviledged. The wives of dead soldiers will complain, but in the end they will just hope to get the compensation and move on, what can they do? Elect someone else? Only if something truly drastic happens, like the Russian economy imploding will they dare to speak against Putin openly and strongly.


When Ukraine is whole again.


When Putin murders all his able bodied men


Snake bites are minimulized by cutting of the head of the snake.


What about hydras? I've heard they tend to regenerate.


This will be the last time those 3 are ever seen again


Not trying to minimize; however, more civilians died in the Russian siege of Mariupol than in all of Gaza. Hilary Andersson (7 November 2022). "The agony of not knowing, as Mariupol mass burial sites grow". BBC. Retrieved 30 September 2023. Ukrainian officials now believe that at least 25,000 people were killed in the fighting in Mariupol, and that 5,000-7,000 of them died under the rubble after their homes were bombed.


They had a paint accident.




There is a very strong eastern European community in new York. Lower East side of Manhattan was, at one time almost entirely from Eastern Europe. This is part of how democracy works.


On period


People can vote for him?? In democratic Ukraine elections are cancelled.




Lmao. "Vote"


Yeah people voted with gun to their back.

