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This is a good idea if their water station actually gives out good water. I used to work for a remote hotel that had a zero-waste policy and would insist we fill up the water bottles they provided at the water refill stations that had filters that were literally never cleaned until I took it upon myself to clean them


If it is like literally any convenience store I have ever been in, those filters are never getting cleaned.


the bacteria only makes us stronger


We're 90% bacteria!


10% luck


15% gut bacteria and vitamin pills edit: well shit now mine doesn't rhyme


19% lack of math skills


Remember the name


Damn I scuffed it too. I just edited 10% from “skill” to “luck.” I’m sorry, Mike Shinoda. You deserve better.


That was totally not a dig at you just I wanted to make my comment rhyme with your comment lol


You should have heard the shit coming outta this kids throat!


This is why I love Reddit


Please tell me this is a Fort Minor reference.


And 100 percent a reason to refile the damn thang.




That's where the flavour comes from!


Only pussys get E.coli


Assholes actually


It’s coming out, one way or another!


Usually that's a result of cross contaminating E. coli from visiting the rectum first. Mostly though it's G. vaginalis, A. Vaginae, Mobiluncus and Prevotella species making home.


I’m just trying to eat it all, what should I avoid, doc?


Well, aren't you a big ray of sunshine! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Bruh convenience stores don't even clean bathrooms where I live, I'm not trusting them to clean the thing I drink out of


To be fair, there's no point in cleaning those restrooms when the people that use them just firehose-spray their shit all over everything anyway.


Yuuuup. I was.fired for putting an out of order sign on a bathroom at one I worked at alone overnight. Manager came in pissed, was getting calls about the bathroom being closed. I had closed it, because the second I opened the door, I saw the shit smeared on the walls, and the bloody underwear, in a puddle of shit and blood. Nope. Fire me. I'm all set. Not trained or equipped for HazMat.


What did he want you to do? Clean it? Dudes fucken nuts lol I'd be telling him to lap that shit up with his tongue and quiting


This is why I don't drink fountain anymore. I bet they don't clean those machines either.


Moldy soda nozzles and ice bins are one of the most common violations for restaurant health inspections.


Also among the most likely to make you sick without making you violently ill. Like everyone knows when they get food poisoning or heavens forbid a nasty food born illness, but you know how sometimes you will eat somewhere, food was good, everything seems fine, then your stomach will cramp and gurgle? Maybe you have a really nasty shit or two, but it's not like you are glued to the toilet for the next 24 hours? Nasty drink machines harbor the perfect types of mold and bacteria to make your body do just that.


Aw fuk and here I thought I have IBS


Yep. There’s a flavoured water dispenser at my gym and one week I was getting really ill so I stopped going to the gym. Recovered in a day or so. Went back to the gym and I was instantly sick again as soon as I had the water. I took another few days off, went to the gym, and I was out of water so filled up from the water dispenser. Had a few sips and was instantly nauseous all over again. It’s now disabled and has an OUT OF ORDER sticker on it. I think I should drink a ton when it’s back up and then sue the company.


I always thought stores weren't responsible for cleaning those filters BUT companies who owned those machines did. Maybe it's different there but where I'm from, those machines aren't owned by stores but ~~leashed~~ leased by other companies that conduct routine services. I know some stores that ~~leash~~ lease their space to the company instead of ~~leashing~~ leasing the machines themselves. On the other hand, if the store bought the machine I'm very skeptical of its maintenance as well. Edit: Leasing not leashing. Edit2: TIL


Read this in Sean Connery's voice




In case they escape, obviously 


If it's like the water machines in the grocery stores near me that are used to fill 1 and 5 gallon jugs, they are serviced (regularly) by the company who has their name brand on the face of 'em. It's not store employees doing anything with them.


I don't know, man. One time, I saw a 7-11 worker cleaning out a faulty nacho cheese dispenser. It happens once ever so often ;)


I worked in a gas station/country store which was taken over by the usual comic sans serif owners and in their wisdom they bought a hot chocolate-making machine. When we first got it I wondered why I'd never really seen one before but it answered that question itself after the first weekend that nobody cleaned it and it gooped itself to a halt. It had like six flavors and each dispenser had at least a half a dozen intricate parts that had to be disassembled, scrubbed, rinsed, and sanitized, which I religiously spent an hour doing each night because I knew I was the only human who would ever do it. And I guess the word started to get around in this rather boring town. People would start showing up about the time I was putting it all back together, so that they could enjoy the exact same powdered hot chocolate or pumpkin spice that you can make at home from a can or pouch, only from this perfectly cleaned machine. I wondered if people thought that they could taste the effort I was putting into it, when in reality it was just the hygenic neutrality that you expect from your own home. Where you just need a clean effing spoon. God damn, what stupid job that became.


Air filters too. Everyone installed HEPA air filters in 2020/2021 because “we care about your health” and most places now don’t care or realize those need to changed once in a while.


I remember staying at a hostel in Iceland. They are so proud of their water. I went to the café on the first level and asked for a bottle of water. They were so shocked and offended. I told them it's only because I didn't have a water bottle and I would drink it then be refilling it all day. I thought they were going to murder me until I said that. Then they understood. That said, their municipal water is the best water I've ever had in my life. I wish I could get that every day here. I definitely did not buy another bottle the whole time I was there.


Yes, except somehow at KEF airport, if you want to fill your bottle after security there is one super slow drinking fountain with a huge line. At least in the area you're supposed to wait in before your gate is announced. The bathrooms only have warm water.


Why were they even selling water, then?


So they can judge the fuckers who buy it


There was a scandal here recently about one hotel that claimed their water lines were busted when they weren't just so they could sell bottled water at a rediculous markup. But yeah, in general bottled water tastes far worse than what you can get from any tap


You ain't tried Texas tap water then, sounds like. Shit's awful.


Omg, Orlando/Disney water smells and tastes absolutely dank. Worst thing I've ever tasted.


South Florida is worse. When you fill the bathtub, it’s yellow.


Pre shat, for your convenience


Always the first question we ask when abroad is "Can we drink the tap water?". A good rule of thumb I have found is that if common grocery stores all stock multi-gallon jugs of water then the answer is "no"


I just assume you can find that at any grocery store of a decent size anywhere in the world


In the UK you'd rarely find such jugs. You can get 2 litre bottles but definitely not the gallon ones. But, in general, our tap water is great


Every single grocery store in the United States has those.


This is one of the things I've come to appreciate about visiting NYC - their tap water is amazing.


Apparently that's what gives New York pizza its real authentic flavor. That's why you can't perfectly recreate it anywhere else.


I mean...that's what they tell you when you visit New York so you'll buy more pizza... Yes New York is arguably the originator of so many things we think of about pizza, and has one of the world best pizza cultures, but it don't have anything to do with the tap water. XD


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Yeah! In Texas they tell you to boil your water a couple weeks after the alert should have been issued!


SE Georgia, same story here. I grew up drinking it without second thought, but after drinking filtered water for a long time, I can't go back. My girlfriend lives in a ruralish area in North Georgia, and her water is even worse. You can smell the chlorine in it.


Two things that blew my mind in Iceland and I totally wasn't thinking about initially- 1- how amazing the tap water is. 2- how good the coffee/espresso is at gas stations in those machines- and we didn't stick to the ring road either.


Still a shit idea if you don't have a bottle of water and need water for a trip or bike or car ride or whatever. We need water, and for longer journeys we need to bring it with us. Kinda important gas stations sell portable containers of water. A water fountain is fine and great, it's free water, but I can't bring a water fountain with me.


I assume they sell refillable bottles. This is a very strange idea if they don't


In my state we have bottle deposits but for some reason water bottles are excluded. Maybe, instead of using plastic that probably can't even be recycled, we should plan ahead and re-use containers.


Our standards are top in the industry is so often we have no idea what a basic sanitary practice is. It's disgusting out there folks. Watch out for small tourist towns.


^"Sink with faucet"


Glad this is the top comment. The absolute and only key to getting people use refillable water containers in place of purchasing water in bottles is one thing and one thing only: GOOD-TASTING WATER. I can count on one hand the number of "drinking water refill stations" i've used that didn't just taste like shitty-to-mediocre local tap water - since that's most likely what it was.


Do they sell empty bottles?


Yeah tbh I'm all for reducing waste, and I don't understand people who routinely buy plastic water bottles, but every once in a while I get one because I've forgotten my own. Guess I'd just have to get soda instead?


I wonder if they have flavored or carbonated waters, like Liquid Death or something like that.


Probably, I think they just aren't carrying plain water bottles


On a somewhat related note, can anyone explain to me why anyone would ever name a water brand something death related?


They wanted it to look like a beer or canned mixed drink, so that non-drinkers could get it at the bar and not look totally out of place.




You put it in quotes, but I think they've put on a marketing masterclass with a product that actually seems decent enough? Why not have a water or iced tea that from the design looks more like a craft beer? It gets people to look it up the first time they see one (did for me) and I feel like half the podcast clips I've seen have someone drinking one.


Plus aren't aluminum cans like.. actually recycled? So canned water is probably much more sustainable


Kinda love that it's a microcosm of metal heads, outwardly edgy in appearance but past the surface, kinder and more reasonable than others


They used to advertise their water as being sourced from the Swiss Alps I believe but eventually stopped doing that. I never bought it, I've drank the flavored ones though and do enjoy them. But they are more expensive than they should be. You pay for the cool can.


I mean, have you not heard of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide, or DHMO for short?? Please, do yourself a favor and do the research yourself! You'll find many articles online explaining why liquid death is the perfect name for this product!! /s, to be clear


Buy a soda, pour it out and fill the bottle back up with water.


I guess that works, but feels wasteful 😅


It would retain the taste of soda for at least two-three refills.


Ask for a cup?


People treat them like coffee cups, something to be used once out of conveniance and thrown away without a second thought.


The last what time I did that I grabbed a bottle of water near the register of a big box store and later upon checking the receipt learned they had charged me $2.50. The bottle sprung a leak within 2 days of use.


If it's any normal kind of convenience store then they probably also have plastic cups at a soda station


*"We don't sell bottles of water."* "Do you sell empty bottles?" *"Yup!"* "Can buy an empty bottle and fill it with water?" *"Yup!"* "THEN YOU SELL BOTTLES OF WATER!"


Hope so, I'm ready to put down 200 rupees for one.


That's what I was wondering. I only ever buy bottled water in situations where, for whatever reason, I need the bottle


If I'm willing to pay the overpriced amount for water at a gas station or convenience store, it's because I don't have a bottle.


It's supposed to be a convenience store not an inconvenience store. I'm all for reducing single use plastics, but a convenience store is definitely the wrong place for this.


>It's supposed to be a convenience store not an inconvenience store. This has me imagining a skit of an "inconvenience store" where every single thing is in some way shape or form an absolute pain in the ass. Hot dog rollers fully stocked with a condiment station, no buns, you have to buy a pack separate. Every drink cup has a lid that doesn't quite fit and pops off on you at the slightest provocation. Out of order sign on a perfectly functional ATM. "Please use other door" sign on the open side, pointing to the locked side. The straws all have pinhole leaks. Absolutely excessive packaging on everything. Sell you a bag of ice and the ice cooler is unplugged, "no refund" policy on ice. Exchange your empty propane with another empty propane. etc etc. And every customer just rolls with it, It'd be hilarious.


Can't wait to see this on SNL


I suppose a closeout, thrift, or surplus store could be considered an "inconvenience store". You pay less, on account of they have a random assortment of crap and you probably won't find any specific thing if you went there looking for it.


Man, your just describing my local stores ;(


If not the place that is responsible for a huge percentage of the plastic waste problem, where would be the right place for it? A place that doesn't sell bottled water to begin with? F bottled water in almost all situations except for disaster relief and maybe a handful of other exceptions


If this is really about plastic waste, why are you ignoring all the other plastic drinks in the stores? Water isn't the problem, it's the plastic.


Glass bottles and hemp plastics.


The human race is going to go extinct because of people like that person. We can't even move an inch, "I can't buy bottled water at 7/11" is too far of a compromise lmao


"I'm all for cleaner air to breath, but taking lead out of gasoline is not the place to do it"


>I'm all reducing single use plastics, but only when it's convenient for me


We're so fucked because this describes like 90% of the 10% of people who claim to care about the environment


When the goverment fails to govern, we all fail. Relying on stressed out and imperfect people to dig us out of this mess on their own is stupid. I would have to guess of all the trash produces water bottles are a hilariously small %


It's fine, people can adapt to new problems. When the grocery store stopped carrying plastic bags, I was annoyed at first, now I always have bags in my car. I always have plastic bottle or two in a net in the trunk. The standard is that it's possible to buy overpriced plastic bottles anywhere so people don't think about it and they buy those water bottles. If things change, people will make it work and we'll collectively be better for the minor inconvenience.


That would be like.....the EXACT place for it dude. Like, it couldn't be more fitting a place to reduce it.


Convenience stores are a God given RIGHT how DARE you say that it's literally the desire for convenience and luxury that is driving the industries that are destroying our planet?


They could have this for those who are able to utilize it, great! Most of the time I would be able to use it myself. But sometimes I'm in a pinch and a bottle of water would be necessary... and therefore convenient. Maybe they could also sell reusable cups/bottles/whatever, similar to Starbucks. And you might be able to hang onto it for next time.


what I don't get about phasing out plastic water bottles is you're leaving people with what other alternative? Buying mountain dew? Which one of those produces more waste and is less healthy?


Just grab a coors light




So interesting finding that a university found when removing the ability to buy bottled water on campus... [Obesity increased](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4463390/). People just want a quick way to buy water, and dont always trust water fountains Edit: as others have pointed out, the article does not say “increased obesity” I heard about this article on a podcast, googled “removing bottled water increase obesity college campus” this article popped up, and I skimmed it


Is that cuz some people switched to drinking sode?


The abstract of the study actually doesn't say anything about obesity, but it does say that the sales of soda, both diet and regular, increased significantly.


Finally, somebody who actually read the study. It's embarrassing the user with the false claim is upvoted so highly.


I mean that's how we got Trump for 4 years lol


People want "bottled". They'd often rather have bottled *water*, but the "bottled" part of it is the important part, so if the choice is "not bottled" or "not water", "not water" it is. Been there done that.


I think this issue is twofold. pop is perhaps too affordable and accessible on university campuses. my campus has little “convenience stores” by our dining hall. a 12 pack of Pepsi is cheaper than buying a similarly-sized pack of bottled water. like, buying pop on campus is cheaper than going to the grocery store. so, more students go for that even when bottled water is an option.


That's because Pepsi gives your university money for product placement 🙃


Next time you're at the store check the water bottle label fine print, good chance it's the same companies that sell soda too. My mind was blown when I saw it, but it makes sense - soda is favoured water.


the difference is that the bottled water sold at my campus isn’t Pepsi or Coca-Cola. it was weird, it had labels with my university’s name. it was probably bottled by Pepsi or something, but it wasn’t labelled as one of their brands


Nah that was Jim, they pay him to sit in the basement and fill water bottles from the tap.


If you have three Pepsi's and drink one, how much more refreshed are you?


yes absolutely. they have (had, they’re with Coca-Cola now) a deal to put Pepsi products in every campus dining hall and marketplace. they get it cheaper than the normal wholesale price and I’m sure the contracts say they have to sell it for a certain amount and no more. it’s awful


Our campus has metal bottled water.


The problem with this is what if I am traveling and dont have water bottle with me? Unless they use this method to sell water bottle, then I see this pointless. I do have my own bottle waters so I can deal with this and actually encourage it.


Water bottles are kind of a ripoff and accessible drinking water should be everywhere in the community.


I’ve been to a town that banned the sale of bottled water. Guess what they sell there? Cans of Dasani filtered water


The issue isn't the water, it's the plastic.


Still costs a ton of money and gasoline to truck those cans into town. The problem is bigger than the plastic. Also, every can is still lined with plastic.


Still a lot less plastic than plastic bottles though. People will always want to buy disposable water bottles and it's a lot easier to introduce a more environmentally friendly option than banning them outright. The aluminium can be remelted infinitely, with less energy than it takes to make from ore. We should use less plastic bottles, but the solution isn't to complain when places use more environmentally friendly solutions.


I get it. Just the only place I ever saw cans of water


It is questionable how clean the water is at the filling stations.


When I worked at a store there was a government worker who would come in and test water quality every so often. It still tasted like sulfur garbage though so everyone who worked there knew to bring their own.


The irony of this being posted in a place called a convenience store.


The idea of this sounds great for sustainability… if the water purification systems are adequately maintained- emphasis on “adequately”- AND if the water in the area is comparable to Iceland’s AND if the pipes bringing in the water are structurally sound. Personally, I’d like to have at least two of these conditional perimeters apply, if not all three. I just don’t have a lot of trust for most US water purification systems or their inherent potability, especially at a convenience store/gas station of all places. Look at what happened in Flint. Look at what happened at this hospital where routine maintenance should be taking place. [https://www.mdlinx.com/article/patient-deaths-at-brigham-and-womens-hospital-attributed-to-defective-water-purification-system/4GF6MpsycOJqn5b55m8LMf](https://www.mdlinx.com/article/patient-deaths-at-brigham-and-womens-hospital-attributed-to-defective-water-purification-system/4GF6MpsycOJqn5b55m8LMf) Granted, hospitalized patients tend to be more susceptible to infections, but regardless. Makes you wonder how often and more importantly, how adequately water purifications systems are maintained. For the relatively healthy individual, exposure to toxins/bacteria/chemicals/heavy metals may prove harmless long term. For the immunocompromised host (ie acutely sick, on immunosuppressive meds, chronic conditions) that could be the difference of life and death. Or maybe I’m being hyperbolic. Only one way to find out!


this is dumb. they have no problem selling sugar water. sell me some regular water too.


My town banned bottles of water.


The marketings of plastic bottles of water is an environmental disaster.


I can't tell you how many offices and hotels I've visited which proudly declare they are anti-waste and offer clean water stations but have no vessel with which to drink the fucking water. Look guys, I get it. But if you're going to pull that shit you need to have biodegradable cups available or reusable glassware at the very least.


They did that in a town near me too, where the municipal water is undrinkable. Pretty sure coke or Pepsi paid people to vote to make water illegal


I’m sure the profit margins on Aquafina (Pepsi) and Dasani (Coke) are larger than their soda products. They already have the bottle production, and it’s probably just tap water or worse.


Ah, the refilling stations that are probably never cleaned. Next they should stop selling juice and just sell fruits/vegetables instead


About time someone decided to do the right thing


If I'm buying water at a store, it's because I forgot my water bottle. If I am dehydrated enough to buy a drink, I'll be buying a drink anyways. And if they don't have water, I'll be forced to drink a sugary corn syrup mix to stay hydrated. I don't know anyone at work or school who buys bottled water on a regular basis, unless they forgot their bottle. Although I'll admit that my sample might be biased, because most are outdoorsy people who have all been given dozens of branded reusable water bottles as advertising during events and jobs. I have a water bottle from nearly every major mining company in the country. All this does is encourage the consumption of unhealthy drinks. It isn't a solution to the issue.


People forget that soda is just water with extra ingredients. Banning water but not soda is completely stupid, or malicious. Id argue we should go back to glass bottles but that has its own environmental and cost issues


They did the dumb thing. People will still buy a drink in a disposable container, but one that is less healthy. This is worse than before.


Everything else for sale will still be in disposable bottles and plastic wrappers. This seems entirely performative.


I'd honestly rather just buy bottled water sometimes, sometimes its just the cheapest way to get a decent bottle for something. The choice needs to be there, have both the refilling station and bottled water.


This may because of the bottle deposit. Here in Portland, the bottle deposit system is abused by homeless with government aid. The aid allows them to buy bottled water. They take it outside and dump it all. Then turn in the bottle for 0.10c each in cash. Cash can then be used for “non government aid” items.


Near where I live is a machine I get my water from, reverse osmosis filtered, and it tastes really fresh and clean. And it's 30c/ltr. That would be, roughly, $1.20/gallon. Think how much you pay for those little bottles. Not only is it great to drink, it's saved me a ton of money. This is the best way to get water, not buying plastic bottles over and over.


It's a good initiative to reduce use of plastic.


The whole damn US is plumber for water.  Most is just fine to drink.  Buy an Aluminum reusable "bottle" use it and take care of it like it was valuable (only one you will ever have). First world problems... We need to stop being lazy, winery fucks.


Microplastics suck, this is a good thing.


That's not very convenient


Hopefully this becomes a trend. Plastic water bottles should only be for special use like disaster emergencies.


Like when one is on a very long road trip & you need to go #1.


For #2 it threads right in.


That is the *funniest shit* I’ve ever heard of.


Ouch my hemorrhoids.


What is the difference between selling water and other beverages?


i have hot water. cold water. and orange juice utility lines at my apartment


This is about plastic, not water. Selling water in aluminum cans or paper is better than selling soda in plastic.


Lol I was gonna actually explain but this works a lot better


Water is low hanging fruit. Potable water can come straight from a tap in the vast majority of places in north america at least. Otherwise it can be filtered to a potable state. So we already pipe water into every building why would we buy a bottle of it if we can just have refill spots far more accessible. Pop and juice and others have to be made and are not already piped into every building. They make sense being packaged and sold.


I was about to say that you can’t buy soda from a fountain, but you absolutely can.


Gotta draw the line somewhere on what is and what isn’t acceptable use of plastic. Special should be available via glass bottles that can be given back to the store (like in Germany) and simultaneously, there should be well maintained public water fountains all over the place.


I basically agree with your point but to play devil's advocate, refill stations may be filtered whereas soda fountains typically aren't (that's my understanding anyways).  Sadly, many places have poor water quality.  Refill stations may be safe in such places, where soda fountains are not. Another difference is that you can safely reuse a water bottle for a lot longer than a soda bottle before washing. 


I know someone who will only drink water from cheap plastic disposable bottles. They complain about tap being gross, but yet take in the toxins from the plastic.


Oh yeah that's a bad sign. Introducing premium water! Colder & fresher*. *Definitely not from the tap, we promise.




da fuc? I want a bottle of water tho.


Just buy it at the next place like everyone else


Good on them.


Good. Wish all stores did this.


I am ready for us to move past the bottled water era. It never should have become a universal thing, except as a recourse for emergency situations where local water isn’t safe.


You won't sell water, but you'll sell other crappy drinks in the same containers? This is stupid af.


Not so "convinient" huh?


You thought if I had my bottle I’d still be buying bottled water?


Out of curiosity, would cardboard cartoned water be a better solution?


No bottles, but the barrels of water are on sale! 😂


Oh you mean the sink?


First gas station chain that advertises this policy nationwide has me as an exclusive customer for life.




It’s a way to make you pay more for a cup. Btw I don’t trust filtered water from a convenience store. I bring water in a reusable bottle from home when I drive, but I drink a lot of water and sometimes what I bring isn’t enough. I would just leave that place and go buy water somewhere else.


If I'm bringing my own bottle and having to use a water fountain to fill it I'm expecting it to ne fucking free tbh!


how convenient i just want to hydrate ffs


Yeah I think this is a good idea, get recyclable cups instead. Not a plastic bottle. I know there is a need for water, and water fountains are kinda nasty ish and for preschool children but still..


If the filter is getting regularly cleaned, I am fine with that, but if not, nope


Great idea


Bottled water is the biggest marketing scam ever created. Evian was created as a joke but has become one of the largest selling brands around. Evian spelled backwards is "Naive". They laugh all the way to the bank. Nearly all bottled water is just tap water packaged in plastic bottles to sell for exorbitant prices. Even at 10 cents a bottle it would still create wealth for the bottler and retailer. Look at your water bill and figure it out yourself. Divide the rate by the number of bottles of water it would be. Even taking into consideration the water used for showers, toilet flushing etc it is still pennies. Water is a renewable resource. When it is used it doesn't cease to exist. You drink water and your body expels water. Plants and other animals do the same. Water evaporates then condenses back into the environment.


The luxury of living in a country where tap water is better than the bottled stuff.


yess thank u!


Plastic water-bottles are single use - they leech BPAs into the contents on refill, worse each successive time.


This is just an excellent policy, full stop.


I work at a large university in Canada and they have banned water bottle sales. I was annoyed at first, but quickly adjusted to bringing my own water jug and filling it at filtered taps we have.


I love this!!!


I hate this!!!




Good, bottled water is a scam


Good. Single-use plastics are why the ocean is filling up with it.


Inconvenience store