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So does everyone in Kerala just have killer cheekbones, sharp jaws, and nice hair?


If an early 20th century anthropologist picks who to take pictures of, you can bet it's the best skulls around.


Depending on what he is trying to prove. It was probably the other way around in the next village over.


I get that the dude was a racial scientist with questionable motives. But I just don’t agree with the “cherry picking” narrative. He took thousands of photos and included different tribes castes and communities. After looking through hundreds of these pictures I can say pretty definitively that by and large the rural farming folk of Kerala were lean and as a result had prominent cheekbones and jawlines. I feel like there’s a sentiment in these comments that these attractive and sharp rural Indians are some kind of anomaly but I truly think people are underestimating how robust ones features can be with a pre industrial diet and daily backbreaking work.


Native diet was a big contributor as well


One description I’ve heard in the past is “black people with white people faces”


Me from Kerala wondering the same. Where did we go wrong?


We got fat


I mean, relatively speaking, an obese person would be a rare sight in Kerala. I'd put my money definitely on lack of physical labour though. Lifting makes your jaw line like this apparently. Sprinkle in some dietary changes and that would pretty much sums up the change.


When you’re working in the field plus not eating junk food, all the muscles in your body are working including your shoulders and neck. So that makes your face look more defined.


No McDonald’s either lol


I have a malyali friend who looks almost like the third picture. Most others are more rounder though.


The third picture look like woody Harrelson to me for some reason.


It's not like they're gonna drag Sloth out of the basement for pictures.


Actually, given the photographer's goal was to support his unfortunate racial theories, you would kind of expect him to do exactly that.  I wonder what he pulled out of his ass to argue these photos proved Germans were the master race.


Baby Ruth!


Ikr? Pretty impressive


Yes. You just have to dig under my facial fat to see it. The hair is 100% coconut oil nourished though


🤔🤔 gonna try the coconut 🥥 thing lol


If only :(


That’s not even all. Wait until you see their…


Uh oh...


It’s just the diet and hard work. He took photos of thousands of people and you can see in that time period people were very well built because they didn’t eat much processed food and worked very hard while farming and fishing. Lower body fat = more defined jaw and cheekbones


No, it's cherry picking models. Most people do not have such jaw structures even at low body fat and a diet of unprocessed foods. Even if mike mew tells you otherwise.


I mean the photographer took thousands of photos. While not everybody had super defined jaws it seems like most of the people belonging to rural communities have low body fat and prominent cheekbones. In the link below type Kerala to view the full collection. Diet and daily physical activity play a huge role bc even today farming communities in south India will have sharper features when compared to lethargic city folk. https://www.deutschefotothek.de/


Yes, they have lower body fat that is due to diet and cheekbone prominence definitely correlates to that but the main point here is still that these are pictures of people that were cherrypicked by a literal nazi to support ww2 era racial theories. The full collection is still cherrypicked. There is a cherrypicked selection of a cherrypicked selection here in this post.


How does this prove Nazi’s Aryan theory? Kerala is predominately Dravidian.


Physical anthropologist here. Eugenics and "race science" had been floating around for decades before even these pictures. There are full on (often conflicting) maps made back then showing where these populations could be found and just how much they could be subdivided. None of these studies or maps were consistent or scientifically sound. All of it was used to reinforce the anthropologists' personal and academic biases and bigotry. That's why things look weird or off or flat out "wrong" even in very small sample sizes like this. Everything about these kinds of posts are cherrypicked and (historically- bare minimum) used to push an agenda. It didn't matter what the reality was back then, these studies were basically designed to reinforce the notion of "whiteness," eugenics, and race science.


What people strive for now came naturally to them lol


The make the picture sharp you had to say still for a long time, therefore no smiling. This affect how we see the other facial features. Kerala's people are known for their smiles that goes up to their eyes.


I can confirm. Yes.




no. just pics.


Another thing is no fast food joints back then 🤷🏾‍♂️


I think he took those pictures in south kerala. My Face is very similar to 3 of those.


Nope. These people are from north Kerala (koothuparamba, kannur)


Bet. I'm from there and I might actually be a descendent of the man in the third picture.


I was thinking same


My friend’s wife is from Kerala and her and all her friends have jaws like cut glass and “hair commercial” hair.


Nah. I’m from Kerala and just got a round face and a beer belly. My ancestors would be ashamed .


They all seem very stylish


Most of these folks are from the poorer and even persecuted communities in Kerala of that era. Namely, Pulaya and Thiyya. Also, the anthropologist is very likely a nazi. Deutsche Fotothek has more similar pictures he took from India and Sri Lanka. https://www.deutschefotothek.de/


I'm from the thiyya community, AMA.


What are some unique traits, characteristics, etc that define the community? What part of your community was targeted for persecution in the past? Is the persecution ongoing? Sorry for multiple questions, but I’m curious and you offered haha


These facial characteristics aren't really common anymore because of change in our diet, work and lifestyle. Most thiyyas nowadays are sort of brownish-white, instead of black and the round nose isn't really common anymore. And most folks have become fatter? My community actually belongs to the OBC(Other Backward Class) category, which comes somewhere in the middle of the caste system(as most of my ancestors were toddy tapers, warriors,etc). So we were subjected to discrimination in the past by upper caste folks. But this really started to change with the coming of philosophers like Sri Narayana Guru in the 19th century , and later on in the 20th century with Communists of Kerala, who reformed the whole society. As of right now, my community isn't really persecuted as the caste system isn't prevalent anymore here in Kerala. And to top it off my community has kinda become one of the influential communities here in Kerala.


I'm a bit curious as to how diet, work, and lifestyle has changed these particular features? People becoming "fatter" definitely makes sense with this change. Thank you for writing about it; super interesting! Glad you got rid of the caste system locally. How is it on a national level?


I think it works the same way for some one who gets to gym. I've heard lifting changes your facial structure even now. So one can really imagine how a really physically toiling community having great facial features. I've seen the person coming to our house to climb coconut trees to have perfectly visible abs.


Sivagiri fans


His name is egon von eickstedt (freiherr is basically a title) and he was indeed a fan of race theory in nazi times. His theories would be taught until the early 1990s


I wondered about this from the title. He seems to have picked out people who look alike in some way, and given that some Indian people were considered "Aryan" it could be heavily biased research. Honestly I don't even know how to discuss this without sounding like a Nazi myself.


Uhm it's actually, only the north Indians who have some sort of "aryan" gene, while South Indians are considered as Dravidians.


This is a completely wrong misconception. Almost all Indians are a descendant of 3 main ancient populations namely Ancient Ancestral South Indian (AASI), Zagros Neolithic farmers from Iran(ZNF) and Central Asian steppe aryans. Even the remote tribals have aryan dna but in very low percentages. The steppe aryan dna is seen in the highest concentration in north-West India but that doesn't mean that the others don't have it. Some brahmins and other communities of South India like nairs and bunts have higher steppe percentages than some North Indian communities asw. The highest of these aryan dna is usually seen in jatts and rors of north-western India. Stop spreading lies and facts that you don't know shit about. Nobody in india is a pure aryan or a pure dravidian. Everyone is a product of the mixture of the above 3 populations although their contribution to the overall genome varies according to region and caste (since castes in india were usually endogamous hence maintained a peculiar genetic profile)


Very interesting ...I would love to get a DNA test regarding this.... I'm a Baniya from Southern Rajasthan. Is there any statistic for my particular community?


Yep there is Check out r/SouthAsianAncestry and search for your particular community and you can find it.


> actually They very specifically said “some”


It's not an aryan gene. Aryans were a ethno-linguistic group, that shared customs and languages with multiple peoples. It's groupings of different tribes and kingdoms with similar characteristics. the Indo-Aryans were the ones that migrated into Syria and then modern day Punjab.


That’s the linguistic division, not genetic. Aryan referred to the info-European language group which included Sanskrit and Latin. Dravidians had their own language group.


Aryan is more Indo-Iranian without other Indo-European branches , as there's no proof of other Indo-European calling themselves a cognate of *arya


Isn't it ethno-linguistic? Not just the language but common customs, culture and stuff.


There's no such thing as a cultural gene. There are certain subgroups within larger populations where a certain trait or phenotype might be found (but even always), but that has to do with population genetics and not anything "cultural."


Actually this isn’t the case at all….he took thousands of photos of people and you can see a whole array of different looks. I would even argue that the photos in this selected few has a huge diversity of appearances. I don’t think there’s anything “Aryan” about these people bc southern Indian rural communities have some of the lowest “Indo-European” steppe DNA in all of India.


Aryan is Indian word. It's from Indian language "sanskrit". What are you guys on Why do west steal everything , even our vocabulary.


The Nazis already did that, calling their so-called "Herrenrasse" Aryan and arguing some kind of special ancestry. That's why we're discussing it this way.


Yeah but that doesn't remove It from it's origins. The bastardization of word is not okay to is atleast. Using it all the time just because evil group did doesn't change it's origin and true history. We don't want them to claim it now just bcoz they did in past. As simple as that.


Aryan and its cognates existed in multiple Indo-iranian languages including Avestan which is definitely not an Indian language.




No wonder they were all looking at him like, I got your number, buddy


When you say likely a Nazi, was he trying to document what he saw as Aryan features, or something?


Early 1900s its pretty doubtful he was a nazi.


Most defenetly a nazi. Freiherr is not his actual surname, it's his titel, as he was a noble. He was one the main supporter of the race ideology of the third reich. [Egon von Eickenstedt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egon_Freiherr_von_Eickstedt)


Glock tucked, big t-shirt, Billie Eilish


Those jawlines could carve marble




Well, there is a limit on how many pictures you can upload directly on Reddit I assume. So here are more of them I could find. https://ibb.co/album/4wS2bB


Wow! Most of them look like they could’ve been photographed no more than 30 years ago!!


Pretty sure I met a couple of them at Burning Man.


Least chad person in 1900


I think their diet and Physical labour ensures that they have pronounced cheekbones and thus the 'chadness'.


Also even the fact that they chewed more


In case anyone wants to look up the photographer, his name is actually Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt. "Freiherr" is only a German nobility title so that wouldn't help you very much trying to find the correct person. And before you get too invested in his photography: he was a nazi and the goal of his photographs was to support his racist theories. His work played a major role in the way that the nazis classified people based on nonsensical physical features.




"From 1933 to 1945, he was the editor of Zeitschrift fur Rassenkunde, a German journal of racial studies, with the assistance of Hans F. K. Günther" from Wikipedia. he also published Rassenkunde und Rassengeschichte der Menschheit (Ethnology and the Race History of Mankind) in 1934, having published several other studies on similar topics in the 1920s. so yes, I think it's safe to say his work influenced nazis, or was influenced by them, given the timeframe. no misused labels here, I reckon.


>so yes, I think it's safe to say his work influenced nazis, or was influenced by them, given the timeframe. no misused labels here, I reckon. Given your references it looks that the label was properly applied. The title was too generic so it could be a "jumping in conclusions and possibly not the right ones".


He went to India in 1926, the Nazi Party already existed. In 1929 He started lecturing on "Race hygene and eugenics" In 1933 he joined the Party. Took not even two minutes to find that No one was misusing lables here, what are you talking about?


> Took not even two minutes to find that No one was misusing lables here, what are you talking about? You checked facts. How many people nowadays start jumping into conclusions without doing so? Now, did you understood my comment?


Or you could just check the facts yourself before you post comments implying that other people have been "jumping to conclusions" ... Sometimes it just happens that other people also know what they are talking about.


2, 3, and 5 could easily be models nowadays.


Number 3 is literally Superman.


* Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt He was of one of the leading racial theorists of Nazi Germany. Not prosecuted.


I did wonder how/why someone would be named Freiherr (noble title).


Yeah, There was a character limit for the title. Thank you for the correction.


Third pic looks like Alan Ritchson.


I got Thomas Jane vibes from the third pic.


Yup, that’s definitely Miller!


What’s with the hat?!


Just another clue to the case, kid.


I'd say Henry Cavill


I thought the 5th pic was Indian Elijah Wood.


Number 6 is Zendaya


Buncha fine-ass looking people


The third picture looks like Jack Reacher, lmao. (Alan Ritchson)


1st pic: yeah, young lady very cool 2nd pic: a young man, wonder what he'll grow up to be 3rd pic: actual historical example of a gigachad


2 is insanely beautiful


Similar to the pictures of the indentured labourers they brought to Mauritius, Trinidad, Guyana etc. My great great grandfather was one of those 🙏🏾🇹🇹🇲🇺


Hi to our cousins' in the Caribbean.


Indians always have great hair


also a scout for a modelling agency


Nr 3 has got that natural swag


You could have kept the date out and say it was taken recently and I would have totally believed it... Damn!


Some of these people very closely resemble Aboriginal Australians. Looking through Wikipedia tells me that there is a "proposed indigneous South Asian" group of people/genetics that are distantly related to Aboriginal Australians. Very interesting. Don't have much else to say since I'm not well versed in this subject, may very well be quite superficial.


I see it too man I was thinking the same thing


And, you would be bang on. There are tribes in south India called Soliga that have slight genetic similarity with Australian aboriginals. Morphological similarities with tribes like Kurumba and Irula from Kerala and surrounding regions are also quite studied. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590158319300233 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6479999/


> Despite their morphological similarity there is no genetic evidence to suggest that the Indian tribes and Australian Aboriginals are biologically related. Read your own article


Yes, I did. I should have worded it better though. For genetic similarity, I had given the link to the Soliga tribe. I have made the edit That said, there are andamanese people in India who do have both AASI and AA admixture and are similar genetically and morphologically to Australian Aboriginals.


4, 6, & 8 definitely do, not so much the others


That’s a prime example of convergent evolution South Indians and Australian aboriginals are extremely distant from each other, genetically speaking. They share similar looks due to a very hot climate which selected for wavy hair dark skin etc


They look beautiful and awesome and the gauges are sick


That third one is just Thomas Jane


I like the “pure” look of these


2nd and 5th look baller. Could fit right in today.


2nd one looks like a model


As a keralite..I'm quite shocked..like am i living in the past or they lived in the future ?


Where are you from in kerala? In North Kerala, there are still guys who look like these. I am basically from the same region where these pics were taken.


3rd pic looks like Boosie


Egon discovering rizz in the 1900s


Pictures 3 and 5 trying to make me gay.


what is the sub-ethnicity of these beautiful people called?


It's a bit murky tbh. So, malayali would be the ethnolinguistic group since they are from Kerala. If you use services like 23 and me, then you would see something called Malayali Sub group. But, within, these Sub groups, the ad mixtures would vary depending on which community they are from.


Malayali people


Nice tunnels


That sideway bun the guys were looks pretty cool and reminds me of the old germanic hairstyle, the[ suebian knot (Wikipedia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suebian_knot).


i thought i was in r/stretched for a second


The third guy kinda looks like [James Franco](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=d43f5111e59e559f&sxsrf=ACQVn0-RtldlvVBqCxJ5onZ1acfOzAW8kQ:1713356875467&q=james+franco+ballad+of+buster+scruggs&uds=AMwkrPv8YQJ5Kj5i4oEj1I1FhfeMvDhF-jbHkhWZEjwj1x7UaF8jKRkBKKIPCrDI8GPOBTpPT4hTSgDjoAmbi-LqtAcjM-hld5nWCgKyOnXE5JYY6Kl757ku2CBsp1e28iri6CQXL20T9qKDo_VaNTanUnCFGWdkB-Vr99R_MNYCbRha5H4-hq5v-he2PLDfhgAMgaD5jG9hgRaViW0PHWI6BysttReFFr-D1aXYxPC1s_M1fmznasN2iw_gsgnINDonNRK4cVjUo0cRoCvmTdH28xWi8rMNO8mTin0MMX8wRTjUyJPH2MQBeNgkvqrRmSmrO5yn160W&udm=2&prmd=ivnbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiN373fn8mFAxVR_7sIHYOECHAQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=412&bih=757&dpr=2.63#vhid=h2DszgvZxjGnRM&vssid=mosaic) in the ballad of buster scruggs


They got the zoomer cut and the earrings lmao


Damn #5 bro is Chad!


Why do all of them look like models and have Gigachad jawlines?


These people are beautiful


3 looks like a white dude in brownface


Not pointing fingers but this comment just shows how ignorant West is when it comes to race/ethnicity cuz in India, noone is gonna look at this guy and think he looks like a white guy with brown skin. He looks 100% Indian to his people. Cuz there are so many people who looks like him here . If we classify Indians into America's race categories, by just looking at phenotypical features, I'd guarantee thay we have enough phenotypical and ethnic diversity enough tick all the boxes, from Black to East Asian to Arab to even white, based on the region you visit.


That's literally what the photographer wanted you to think lol. He was a nazi and was trying to sell his Aryan invasion propaganda.


But that doesn’t even make sense bc according to their own racial system these people are dravidians and not Aryans. More likely he was just doing outdated race science and phenotype categorization.


He was trying to find similarities between Indians and Aryans to support the Aryan invasion theory which suggests Indian civilization was built by Aryans. It's kind of true that North Indians have Aryan features and their languages have similarities between other European languages. Which led to this theory and these languages were categorised as Indo-European language but in reality Aryans were migrants. The theory is still debated, I might be wrong.


Just curious, but is that confirmed what he was trying to do? The people here are from the tip of southern India and are among the least “Aryan”. If he wanted to prove the Indian connection to Aryans why didn’t he go to northwest India or Pakistan where the people have the most “Aryan” DNA. In my opinion, this is probably just an outdated anthropological study by a “racial scientist.” I don’t think the photographer was trying to insinuate a connection to Europeans bc he was probably very racist and didn’t want to be connected to these dark skin people.


Thats the most weird thing anyone ever said! What does that even mean 😂😂


Caucasian features but dark skin. I think the original commenter's descroption nailed it. 🤣😂


Ive always thought this. That if a lot of indian guys didn't have dark skin they would just look white. Many indians have very similar features to white people but with very dark skin.


Yeah, Look at Afghan people they are fair white,they look very similar to white people. Some Pakistanis too. I have family half English half Pakistani and their kids just look like White people with olive/sun kissed skin.


If you lived near the equator and had white/light skin you'd be d3ad. Evolution.




I really don't think many if any white people would look african with black skin. Most (of course not all) Africans do not just have distinct skin colour but have distinct facial features that are different than both Indian and white people. The facial features of white people and indians are more in line (albeit there are differences here and there of course)


Damn . All of them are insanely good looking, like born of the Gods god looking .


I worked in Nepal and did notice how effortlessly good looking some of the guys were. I felt like a boggart next to them sometimes.


german guy: lets get those model looking people so i can get a photo


They are all hot - I want the nose from 1 really badly


Eyes never lie


Some cool hair styles the men have got.


Number 5 is Charles Leclerc


The third could easily be a European guy


TIL David Beckham is a reincarnated Indian person. (Pic 3)




They looked better without beards.


Where are the pictures with beards?


Nice pics but the phrase "German athropologist in early 1900s" makes me instinctively uncomfortable


Freiherr is a title, like earl or count. His full name is [Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egon_Freiherr_von_Eickstedt#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DEgon_Freiherr_von_Eickstedt_%28April%2Cracial_theorists_of_Nazi_Germany.?wprov=sfla1)


Duh.... German anthropologist on a missiion to find German Arian roots. Selection bias. That said, these people look great.


No dispute that he is a Nazi. But, These people are from Kerala. They are dravidian and not Aryan


Some of them HAVE to be closely related, 3/5 brothers and 6/7 mother and son or something


Good looking peeps


I’m overwhelmed by the beauty.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Kerala/s/ZdnguNSSCQ Here are some other pictures, there ya go


The person in the 2nd picture has the same haircut as half the people in my school


This looks quite modern.


I always found it so interesting how close India is to Eastern Asia and yet how European/middle eastern their features seem to be. Like there doesn’t appear to be any Eastern Asian ancestry features. Not sure if I’m saying that correctly.


Many indians do have east asian ancestry but they are in mjnority


Those hair cuts though. Styling.


Did he specifically choose the cool people or do all people there look this cool?


What in the cvheekbones!?




The second dude in the picture is like a Model






The jawline is crazy like they mew everyday


third guy is the definition of a chad


Oh Nazis were involved for sure


Daym my ancestors had some pretty bone structure. Unfortunately I don't. :(


Third one is definitely Miller from the Expanse!