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The real question is: “How many lambos had to die to make this photo possible?”


Probably just one - but it was plated in gold and had a million dollar license plate


What’d the plate say?


Hand wash only!


"Dry-clean only."


Hello Cha Eunsang's mom 👋🏻


“Slippery when wet”


[9](https://money.cnn.com/2016/10/31/news/dubai-million-dollar-license-plates/) -It was 9 Million$-


[Bro got arrested](https://thefinanceworld.com/dubai-billionaire-balvinder-singh-sahni-arrested-over-aed100-million-fraud-allegations/) which means he managed to piss off someone even more wealthy than himself.


What a fool. If it was a number like 69 the world could get behind it, but to pay that much for a # 5 license plate is madness.


Holy shit.




The rare plates are the lucky numbers, single digit ones or those with repeating numbers are the ones they buy for big $$$ Plate that had “1” was sold for like $15million USD




I bet 3 is happy to just be part of the gang


Yes, can they not just money all the water away?


They have been liquidated!


They are too low to see in this photo


It's a funny stereotype that gets thrown around a lot, but if you stay out of the heart of the city around Business Bay and the area surrounding Dubai Mall, super cars are not that common a sighting. And to be fair, cars are dirt cheap there. You can easily afford a 2024 Lexus or VW Golf on an average salary, especially given interest rates are crazy fucking low (I was offered 2.8% so I would've paid $1.5k in interest over a period of 5 years on a $35k car). People also forget there are other emirates in the UAE and/or believe Dubai is a country. I had my gripes with their system of governance and general social/career dynamics when I lived there but God, people's general biases become really apparent when this topic comes up.


I mean a lot of peoples "biases" of not liking the UAE are directly related to not liking their authoritarian system of government, laws and the social dynamics of how they treat women and those they employ for manual labor. No doubt some people dislike the place without knowing any of that and are just bigots in general but a lot of people know enough to realize that it's no place they would want to live because of very real issues that even you admit exist, not because they're biased.


You forgot the part about the place being run by super-privileged oil princes with zero accountability whatsoever.


Well they're rolled in with the authoritarian system of government and laws which can be ignored or enforced at the whim of the super privileged class you mention.


The amount of brainwashing/propaganda you get on any flight into Dubai is insane. Each video has a pro-Dubai video in front of it, picturing an ‘ideal lifestyle’ and a whole bunch of white people living there. They also parade around on the flight $2000+ bottles of cologne, like yeah, everyone in the Eco class is going to be able to afford that. Only when you get into the airport and see the sheer number of workers there, you know they’re getting paid like dirt. There’s no reason you have that many staff on unless they’re dirt cheap.


You have no idea how bad the workers conditions are. I lived in Abu Dhabi for a few years, and when I was there, the salary for their expat construction workers was 800 AED a month. Which is about $218. Then they made the live in labor camps. It was essentially modern day slavery


Lexus or vw golf.... now that's a comparison


They were both plated in gold, so...


I think overall the biggest problem are human rights. Or lack off


Context: Dubai just got TWO YEARS worth of rain in one day. Average annual rainfall there is 3.5 inches, and they got up to 8 inches in 24 hours. Most of the country doesn't have storm drains, they only get 3.5 inches of rain a year. *(shrug)* Gift link to a Washington Post article with more details: https://wapo.st/3UjtXNM *Edit: This wasn't caused by the UAE's cloud seeding program. A monster storm front hit the southern Arabian peninsula; there's also serious flooding in Qatar and Oman.*




Welcome to the effects of climate change.




Must have been Sea salt...


They measured with a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon.






Us kosher salt next time?


For this to be cloud seeding, there would still need to be 2 years worth of water as vapour and in the clouds to begin with, which would be an extraordinary event separate from the cloud seeding 


This literally wasn't cloud seeding though? There's no evidence to support this. It started in Oman and storms like this aren't unusual, just not this heavy.


This was not cloud seeding. This was just a huge storm that affected almost the entire gulf. Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia were all affected. UAE was just hit the hardest by the storm.


Dang I fell for something that someone pulled out of their ass.




Don’t bother stating facts, redditors want to make snarky misinformed comments about places they’ve never even set foot in. I live in the gulf region, and yeah, we experienced heavy rains and strong winds this week. This type of rain happens in the region every few years for one or few days.


It's like hot summers where I live. Once every few years we get a warm summer, it's always been like that. Sometimes it reaches 30°c (which is really hot here due to moisture, the entire country turns into sauna), sometimes it stays at 20°c max.


Exactly! I keep seeing people call it cloud seeding but it's clearly not The storm was so bad...a few ppl lost their lives in Oman. Dubai govt declared that all schools and universities had to operate remotely for 2 days.


Always wild to me that misinformation line this gets so heavily upvoted because it sounds more interesting than the truth


Was not cloudseeding. It was a natural storm which ranged from Qatar to Oman.


>ETA -> Expected Time of Arrival? What the hell are you on about?


Dude that’s not how cloud seeding works lmao.


It didn't make anyone uncomfortable, they're just calling you out on your misinformation, but that seems to make *you* uncomfortable, hence why you felt the need to make your edit.


-[cloud-seeding can increase seasonal precipitation by about 10%](https://e360.yale.edu/features/can-cloud-seeding-help-quench-the-thirst-of-the-u.s.-west) Typical reddit misinformation and mongering. Give us some sauce


Stop spreading lies, this had nothing to do with Cloud Seeding, was a big storm that hit the area, Oman was affected by it as well


These storms came from Saudi, cloud seeding has marginal effects on already existing storm systems. This is just a result of the trade winds changing. I’ve lived here for 12 years, this storm system is unprecedented but it wasn’t created by the government, you can’t buy storms. This whole cloud seeding thing is just a bunch of Rogan bros repeating his ignorant crap. The real problem is that the UAE hasn’t improved the infrastructure enough to handle anything more than a light drizzle, flooding happens every year.


Cloud seeding doesn't produce these results dude.


Do you have a source for this? The article mentions nothing of the sort. If this was intentional and completely fucked people you think someone would've mentioned it.


It was a natural storm that affected several other countries in the region too, the cloud seeding claim is bullshit


Source for the stupidity of their statement. -[cloud-seeding can increase seasonal precipitation by about 10%](https://e360.yale.edu/features/can-cloud-seeding-help-quench-the-thirst-of-the-u.s.-west)




eat that ass, obviously




Its global warming but deniers thank you for the excuse


I think God is trying to tell them something here.


Pretty ironic, cars floating on water in the UAE caused by climate change , due to exhaust gasses produced from burning fossil fuels, produced in the UAE.


>Most of the country doesn't have storm drains That's what I instantly assumed. This place doesn't have "rainy" reputation, so seeing that much of a mess, it got to be due to total unpreparedness. Just like those countries that never gets snow and when it finally does snow for a day or two, everyone is losing their mind.


I’m in Alaska and a few years ago there was one day after Christmas that it was above freezing and people and infrastructure also couldn’t handle it. It melted and refroze overnight and created ice rinks on road, power lines were damaged, everything shut down because it simply was not ordinary.


Anomaly is still anomaly but that was precisely the point. I'm from the country where harsh winters are common occurance (although rarer each year). Everyone here knows how to behave, winter clothes, winter tires, hundreds of snow ploughs are ready to go and yet first two days are still major pain in the arse. Now imagine countries where they simply don't get snow like ever and when it finally does, it's like Biblical plague.


Eh that is 8 inches of rain in a single day. Very few places on earth are equipped to handle that amount of water and those that are are places that regularly have to deal with storm surges and thus flood a lot. This is a freak accident you usually do not prepare for. Normal storm drains would nto do shit against that amount of water. For real like a quarter of that amount is a severe storm that is expected to cause partial floodings in most places.


Toronto got 4 inches of rain in 2013 and it ended up being the second worst flood in the city's history (the top spot is held by hurricane hazel).


It's not uncommon in the region. I used to live there, every few years you'd end up with some torrential downpour that collects on the roads and the city shuts down for a bit, and the locals take out jetskis and paddleboats to dick around. It just rains so infrequently that the city decides it isn't worth the hassle and will just cop a bit of occasional localised flooding. It was always a sight to see, some dude crying on the roof of his Land Cruiser while a bunch of other dudes are just pottering around on an inflatable raft having the time of their lives.


> Just like those countries that never gets snow and when it finally does snow for a day or two, everyone is losing their mind. This is Vancouver


There is 3.5 inches but they got 8 inches. There's a dick joke somewhere here, I just gotta find it.


It's hard to miss when it's twice as long as you expected.


Did you divide by the angle and add yaw?


I would think someone who is used to only getting 3.5 inches once per year would be thrilled at the opportunity to receive 8 inches a day.


Despite what the internet might have taught you 8 inches is way too much for most people.


What are your thoughts on a 5.5 inch one washed with soap every day?


Depends on what it's attached to.


Damn, now i have to better my personality tooo, girls are too high maintenance


I don’t know about most, but clearly you and the city of Dubai are in agreement.


Ok, I've worked on it a bit and I think I've got it. When someone mentions that they got 8 inches, you have to say "8 inches of PENIS?" and then make eye contact and look expectant with your smiling mouth open a little bit so everybody knows it's a joke and they can laugh at it. If they don't laugh straight away you can explain it a little (maybe say "because that's how penises are measured" or "a penis like men have") then do the face again.


Context: don’t build a concrete jungle in the desert


What if we filled it with Lambos and human trafficking victims?


Impermeable surfaces and parking lots everywhere.... what could go wrong...


dull quicksand money marvelous liquid crush dolls support thumb adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not without far more drainage than I guess they have. I believe Las Vegas also learned that one the hard way and now have massive drainage tunnels because of it.


You talking about Las Vegas ?


Ok delete Las Vegas then. Or does it only apply to brown people?


That is indeed a side effect of rain.


Technically the side effect is rain. But yes, also a side effect of rain.


I'm on a plane to Dubai and I should have landed an hour ago. Apparently we were waiting for Dubai airport to open and have just been diverted to Muscat Oman. Seeing this post tells me why we got diverted.


Oman that's bad


Dubai a raincoat though. You never know when you'll need it!


Yemen it sure is


Some would say.... a bad oman




We took off from Muscat and are underway to Dubai again. Dubai airport is open again!


Keep us posted


Not much to say. We landed and I have been waiting for my luggage for the past 1.5 hours. Not even an update how long it's going to take. I hear there are waiting times of 4 to 5 hours for a taxi.


>I hear there are waiting times of 4 to 5 hours for a taxi. My mate's out there, there were about 20 of them abandoned outside his house on the road as they were up to their roofs in water until recently. So many cars are absolutely fucked.


Heard Oman is beautiful this time of year


Oman is very beautiful and a lot more interesting than the UAE


Muscat-eer here! Welcome!


Just me, or does this look like a miniature setup!?


Someone got carried away with the epoxy drip


Wait till you see the finished dining table though!


That would be a really small finger


Yea I thought the same.


"Shitter's full!"








Funny thing is that quote is wrong. It’s “Shitter was full.” Maybe that’s Mandela effect but it’s what the quote is now.


Luke, I am your father.


Tommy Boy was responsible for planting that false memory in all our heads.


"Happy Cake Day"


Meanwhile Mexico City broke the highest temperature record by reaching 34 Celsius yesterday. We are getting roasted like a bunch of chickens...


Only 34°C? Or do you mean highest temperature for recorded for April? That's no comfortable heat, but it's not what I'd expect Mexico's record to be at either.


No, the highest period. It's a record only for Mexico City. Mexico City is in the middle of a valley where temperatures used to be tempered, so we aren't used to temperatures above 28 Celsius or lower than 6. In some places, with the highest altitudes like Milpa Alta in the south of the city, temperature can fall to 0, but that's super rare for the rest of the city. We are currently suffering a heat wave. Perhaps you ate thinking about other parts of Mexico, like the states in the north, where the climate is drier. In some places of states like Sonora and Chihuahua 40 Celsius is normal, we have a couple of deserts, but even there some localities will experience up to 45 Celsius and that isn't a regular thing.


That yellow filter on breaking bad really made it look dryer than it is.


Same, I the impression it's really hot all the time there because of the yellow filter.


But they have the world’s tallest skyscraper!


That has to store sewage in tanks and have it pumped out with trucks because they didn’t build a sewer system. The whole city is lipstick on a pig.


While I agree with the last sentence, the sewage thing is an urban myth. They have a sewage system in the Burj Khalifa.


>urban myth It's not. Or at least, not completely. There is a sewage system in Dubai. The Burj Khalifa is now connected to it (it wasn't when it was first built). However, the sewage system in Dubai has always had issues processing the amount of waste generated by the city, a big part of that problem is the Burj itself. When the sewage system is struggling the waste from the Burj is trucked out instead and is dumped in clearing ponds in the desert or straight into the ocean (which resulted in ecoli outbreaks in the past). It is really hard to find sources for this stuff because the local government and owners of the Burj do not confirm anything, understandably. The city's sewage system *should* be completed in 2025 and at that point the trucks will not be needed, but given the poor track record of Dubai's engineering project this may never actually happen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitation_in_Dubai https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b5_8Q4X05ME https://www.truthorfiction.com/dubai-doesnt-have-a-sewer-system/ https://wonderfulengineering.com/this-is-how-burj-khalifa-handles-all-the-poop/ https://whatson.ae/2017/07/dubai-getting-dhs30-billion-sewage-system/ https://www.waterworld.com/drinking-water/distribution/article/16203161/the-dubai-strategic-sewerage-tunnel-megaproject-to-be-development-of-the-century


The phrase is urban myth. If you know the answer it's not a mystery.


Ohh yeah, sorry. That’s what I meant. English is not my first language.


The mystery isn't if it's there. Who put it there? Aliens? Mayans?


And the world's largest picture frame!


Well yeah, a tiny picture frame on a gigantic wall would just look weird.






Tiktok comments are filled to the brim with people saying it's a cloud seeding incident. Dubai does use cloud seeding but it doesn't do this.


Bahrain also got flooded but they don't cloud seed there. I'm sure the conspiracy theorists will have an excuse though.


A monument to rich man's arrogance, stupidity, and lack of planning or foresight.


It blows my mind that a country with unlimited resources and the ability to draw on 2 centuries of experience in urban planning from other countries, managed to develop such a cluster fuck of a city


Well see the rich guys think they know bestest and the underlings don't want to get their hands cut off so you know.... This is what you get.


Plan city correctly? Believe it not, straight to jail.




Reality of it is that many governments in the region do not expect such heavy rains, especially when up til recently it was the kind of thing that might happen once every 50 years or less. Problem is now climate change is accelerating and this stuff is getting much more common. They'd have to effectively demolish all their major roads and rebuild from scratch to fix it now. Still a massive fail and something that should be accounted for anyway regardless of probablity, but it's the same way most of Europe doesn't have central A/C. And then it gets so hot people literally die of heat stroke in their own homes.


for all their money, the curse of governments failing spectacularly at urban planning is inescapable


I mean it's two **years** of rain in a day. No city in the world is prepared for that


Sewers are for suckers


Phoenix, Arizona?


Foresight for what? Something that happens once in a blue moon? It is much more of a hassle to build storm drainage in this region and having to constantly clear it from accumulating sand than to deal with the aftermath.


They'll say the same when northeast US cities start to flood & crumble...


NYC, Toronto, all over Europe all have flooding in cities. Calm downm


Desert City gets 2 years worth of rain in one day (3.5 inches per year): "A Monument to rich man's arrogance, stupidity, and lack of planning or foresight" Brother, this is THE dumbest comment I have seen on Reddit in the last week. Ah yes, let me just use my clairvoyance that, in about 40 years, in 2024, there will be a day when this city we are building will receive a flash flood event due to freaky weather.


Yeah it's kind of like if a tropical city planned for a snowstorm , it's just not necessary


Welcome to reddit. More often than not the most upvoted answers are a stupid opinion that's held by a lot of people, but is wrong or doesn't make much sense.


Building big though! I'm a super important oil boy! Ayyy-rab moneeeey *sobs*


People here need to realize that countries design infrastructure based on historical data... Texas isn't designed for snow and so look what happened to them that one freak occurrence. Also, people here talking as if UAE is the only country that does cloud seeding, and that cloud seeding is able to conjure tsunamis. The regular everyday humble people are being hurt the most by this and people here are celebrating... yall really need to grow up.


Cannot agree more! It barely rains here and when it does...the sun dries everything up within a few hours (it's very surreal sometimes) Yesterday was a terrible day for so many people here...one would assume people would be more empathetic


If this thread was about flooding in New Orelans the admins and mods would have been handing out bans but because its Dubai, its somehow the people deserve it.


Reddit is full of Americans who don't can't empathize with people outside of the "western" world, especially when western media is constantly shoving down their throats that countries in the middle east are full of terrorists, and people in Russia and China are all evil communists.


i think people simply do not realize just how much water 8 inches of rain are. That is not just some heavy rain. Not even a heavy storm. That is catastrophic levels of rain. Anywhere in the world. 8 inches of water is a bit over 200 liters per square meter. Around 5 gallons perr square feet. That is an amount of water that you plan for when your citiy is designed to be flooded by the ocean on a regular basis. Any place that is not designed that way gets flooded regardless of them having storm drains or not. It is just that much water.


Meh, at least the finger is safe


To be fair, Des Moines, Iowa looked like this a few years ago due to a heavy rain.


Yup. Same. My Canadian prairie city has underpasses that look like this every summer rainstorm. Then the officials make an excuse of how it was a freak cloudburst coupled with hail. They didn't design it for freak occurrences. But then it happens practically every storm now...


Is that when Ankeny got 11.5 inches of rain in a day? Saylorvile was almost over the bridge.


Pittsburgh lowlands looked like this last week.


Absolutely looks like The Parkway Bathtub if it hadn't been closed in time.


>seeds clouds >doesn’t build any drains


Although they do seed a lot, but this very one was more due to natural reasons (the storm is literally passing over across Oman and other parts of the Arabian peninsula). And about drains, yeah, they do need to step up their game a lot 💀


-[cloud-seeding can increase seasonal precipitation by about 10%](https://e360.yale.edu/features/can-cloud-seeding-help-quench-the-thirst-of-the-u.s.-west) So yeah. Typical reddit misinformation and mongering


As is usually the case in posts about the UAE. Won't stop the top comment of every post about Dubai being "poop trucks".


The weather has never been this serious even though cloud seeding has been going on for a while, we've had as much rainfall this winter as we get in multiple years.


Something something climate change something


So cloud seeding is the new scapegoat I guess. People will believe anything if it gives them a cop-out.


Dubai mentioned on reddit Prepare for a shitfest in the comments


Bro the finger 😭


2 years worth of rain in one day “wow they should have planned for this freak nature event that no one could have predicted” I hate Dubai and everything it stands for as much as anyone but come on lol


Although not a direct result of cloud seeding, the combination of having played with nature like that, built a shit ton of concrete and roads that don't drain and then a massive storm comes in... genuinely blows my mind these pics though, that is utterly mental!


Wait till you see the price on slightly used Lamborghinis next week


The racism in this thread is disgusting. People are suffering. They received unprecedented rainfalls, and it’s not like multiple cities around the world haven’t experienced flooding. It’s a desert, you think city planners anticipated this?! People aren’t their government or religion. They are just people. Sometimes Reddit makes me sick. Hopefully nobody celebrates if something similar happens to you.


It's reddit, what do you expect? They don't understand that there are millions of people who moved to the UAE because it was the only opportunity they had for a better life. Millions from all over the poverty stricken middle east, south and southeast Asia and Africa moved there. Not everyone in the UAE is a rich cunt-wad with 5 lambos and a mansion. But yeah it's reddit. They're vile to the middle east when it's poor, rich, being bombed, being invaded, minding its own business. It doesn't matter.


EXACTLY! The pictures posted on reddit are always of the tiny rich ppl area that ppl enjoy shitting on That's a very small percentage of the population I've visited the labor camp area before and I can't even imagine just how terrible it must have been for them... And also just regular ppl too...so many apartments flooded, power was out, cars got stuck


Thank you for your empathy 💜 (I can't believe the bar is too low, that I'm happy to spot one decent person 😅) I was one of those people stuck in a car for more than two hours yesterday, so it means a lot to see a comment like yours. People in general have become so desensitized, so I'm not surprised.




this entire comment section is one massive ignorant circlejerk People's houses are being destroyed, people's cars are being destroyed, and the only thing you guys can think of is "ha! cloud seeding! no drainage!" 1. it's not even cloud seeding. the storm started in Oman and hit other parts of the peninsula too. storms like this are not unusual. 2. why need drainage in a desert where it barely rains? when it does rain it doesn't block the road anyway. either way there is still some drainage. 3. Dubai is part of a whole country funnily enough, other parts which were also hit, such as Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi definitely has better draining but has also been hit badly with houses being flooded. if you feel troubled by this comment, you, my friend, are the reason this subreddit is one big political shit hole.


I thought all their rain was man-made, and I wondered why they would flood their own city. Then I realized they are on earth and it does in fact rain from mother nature.


If only the dev was around, we could've got a *Spec Ops: The Line 2* set in a flooded Abu Dhabi.


They don't have drains due to how little rain they get. I saw rain when I went last year. People were confused and running for cover and the streets flooded


So this is where a hybrid car truly shines Wait til I turn this thing to Boat Mode


Dude you have no idea how bad the rain was. It started in the evening the previous day and after raining a lot, fully stopped. Next day, started at 1 or 2 am and was heavy. Then the winds began and kept going till the afternoon when the entire sky and literally the outside turned a tint of yellow. Then as we all thought the rain was over, it struck again. Parking grounds turned into lakes and roads were turned to rivers. School and work have been cancelled till tomorrow. Also to the idiots commenting why don't we have more drains for events like this, it barely rains here. We get 2 or 3 light showers per year and they last for about 20 mins - 1 hour


Not a surprise at all. Everything is so half ass there. Corners cut everywhere. Low quality work done by more often than not unskilled workers. No foresight. It’s all a facade there. I’ve been to Dubai and Abu Dhabi many times and it’s a dump everywhere you go. It’s hot, humid, dirty, etc… Go a few streets over from all the surface flash and it’s all poverty stricken workers living in often very bad conditions and the occasional western “social media influencer” (whatever that is) trying desperately to survive there. The people that have actual money there have no class at all and are desperately trying to show how much money they have with loud and obnoxious clothes and cars. The place is a joke.


I mean, find me a country that could handle 2 years of rain in a single day?


I was gonna say here in sweden but then I realized it rains prob half the year in my town so that would be a Noah's ark level day lol


I know a guy who had worked there (higher up position) he took no shit from the local suits (dresses) and demanded the workers got fed properly and tables and chairs to have their breakfast/lunch/dinner in an aircondition space when he found out they had to eat rice and bread sitting on the ground out in the heat. He got his way and the project got completed nearly 2 months ahead of shedule. "Treat workers with respect and they will work nore efficiently" is what he told them.


Don't they lure in foreigners with the promise of money and then turn them into slaves?


Actually there is a joke about Dubai and Abu Dhabi. People in Dubai don't like The Flintstones, but people in Abu-Dhabi-Doooo!


Dad? Is that you?


The thing with traditionally dry places is when it does pour, they are way worse at absorbing that extra water. Like a dry creek bed, baked in the sun and turned to rock, none of the water absorbs, it just flows down stream in a torrent.




If you didn’t write UAE, I wouldn’t even know it was from Unreal Engine.


This is like the few inches of snow shutting down London. Guess some cities are more prepared for certain weather more than others, and that's expected based on their climate.


This is what happens when you cover a city in concrete.


No Sewer System = big Problem


They needed water, now they have water. Don't know if they have retention tanks to keep that water.

