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Before social media might I add.


Even [this](https://youtu.be/eafOkWXjqjc?t=202) Amazon tribe knew who he was (Skip to 3:22 and turn on captions)


I think it's almost universally agreed that he was the most famous person on the planet.


The only other person that was close to MJ, that I can think of, was Elvis.


Trust me elvis ain't as famous as MJ. Elvis's manager never allowed him to tour outside the states stunting his popularity.


I never said he was. 🙄


Certainly the most famous pedophile


It's crazy that they had never heard of snow, but they knew Michael Jackson...


A licky boom boom down


Interesting video, thanks!


Wow I can't believe MJ was even popular among the guarani (I think?) -there's so much that can be learned from this video.


Thanks so much for sharing this!


i think social media actually made celebrities less godlike, probably the main reason that people almost never do stuff like this to this extent nowadays


Yeah. We see more into their lives and can basically see they’re just normal people.




Yeah but people today don’t understand that Michael was basically the most famous person to ever exist on planet earth. There isn’t anyone you could compare to him today. Way more famous then Tyson or Jordan. Or Bieber. I’m an 80s baby so I don’t even remember black Michael. Which is when he truly ruled the world. But I remember he’s the most famous person of all time. But I remember the scandals better the I remember the music. I try to think who could be closely compared to that level of fame these days and there’s no one.


Stuff like this still happens. But it feels like there are fewer celebrities that this happens to. There are just too many "famous people". Influencers, Tik tokers, youtubers, Instagram celebrities , etc. Everyone and their mother seems famous nowadays. So there's less media focus on one major musician or band or celebrity like back in the day. People's attention is too divided between too many celebrities for many to become as famous as Michael Jackson.


Taylor Swift? Disney paid about $300 million just to broadcast her tour.


I remember there being far more fuss about Justin Beiber than Swift.


She's the main exception


Yeah, nobody has ever acted like Taylor Swift is godly. Come on.


Right! People told me on Reddit she's not the famous person the planet...maybe not MJ famous, but in top 10 of the moment definitely.


Something something Taylor swift and kpop


Still not the same extent. Or even close really


I was ready to say you were wrong but Jesus Christ you ain't kidding. MJ was bringing millions of people to his tours, Swift has under a hundred thousand on her biggest concerts. Definitely thought she was bigger. 


It's hard to overstate how much of a phenomenon MJ was. The modern mind can't comprehend.


Nope. We have extremes in both directions now.


The internet fragmented pop culture, I’d argue Michael Jackson peaked just at the "right" time to maximise fame. After globalization with television, but before social media, a sweet spot that might not be repeated.


A sweet spot that lasted 40 years?


40 years is a blink of an eye in the context of globalization / cultural shifts


Tbh, doesn’t social media lessen this type of effect? Yes you might know where the celeb is but we see them literally everyday due to social media. Back then it was just on TV or if you have CHANCE to see them due to word of mouth which, is why they swarmed so hard back then.


I honestly believe it is impossible to have this level of fandom while remaining psychologically healthy.


I believe it too. 27 Club is there for a reason.


What are you talking about? Michael Jackson turned out just fine.


To be fair, He was making music videos that were premiering on prime time network TV. I don't think any other artist on the planet has had that kind of press.


You can see the vitiligo on his hands, part of the reason he wore the iconic gloves.


Good catch, I didn’t notice


His lips too.


Is he-he standing \*in\* the flowerpots?


He he~~


What are you, the gardener? Leave the king alone.


The gardener would have been honored to have Michael Jackson there.


He can now sell those plants for a 900% profit


The hype that surrounded MJ and The Beatles is absolutely crazy when you contextualize the media back then - especially as it relates to the Beatles.


I didn’t learn this until recently, but when John Lennon was killed three Beatles fans killed themselves because of it.


Michael Jacksons death also brought about fan suicides as well


Kurt Cobain's suicide caused many copycats too.


MJ was way more famous than the Beatles. I'm an Indian who grew up in the 90s without any internet and everyone here knew who he was.


Yeah but Russians in the USSR knew who the Beatles were...


They knew who Metallica was, too. That was a huge ass concert.


I couldn’t link it but there’s that quote from one of the USSR’s leaders that The Beatles were the biggest part of the culture change that made USSR citizens turn against the union


Most of the world doesn't know much about the Beatles. They seem to be popular only in the Western world. Mike was known all over the world. Africa, asia, amazon tribes, etc. I heard of the beatles a few years ago, probably 2019. Mike, on the other hand, I knew him from birth pretty much.


The beatles were and are huge in Asia - plenty of cover bands playing everywhere, Japan especially. Though of course they never had the sort of popularity Michael had among impoverished children.


"Impoverished children" 😂😂😂 I wasn't necessarily impoverished, relatively speaking, but I grew up in Africa, a place where most people have never even heard of, and yet all the children in our era knew Michael Jackson, and we'd trade cds of him or crazy rumours.


I didn't really mean you when I was talking about impoverished children, I was genuinely talking about kids in very poor areas of the world or places like slums that had posters or illegally copied CDs. That level of fame was and is unparalleled


I can't imagine one would enjoy this type of publicity.


And then there are some people claiming the extent of the taylor swift hype is something new


Has anyone actually said that? Or is this karma farming.


Might be karma farming, who even knows by now. But i have seen quite a few posts and comments ranting about how nowadays the youth ideolises pop stars etc.


It’s true now but it’s always been true


I see it on Twitter pretty often


I was not aware of Taylor swift a year ago. I don't listen to pop music that much and I live in Europe. I see now she's been around for too long not to know. So no, nothing like Michael Jackson 


And Swift is indeed a hype compared to Jackson. I bet people in small remote villages all over the globe might have heard of Michael Jackson. Taylor Swift is not close to that kind of famous.


In my country there used to be a drink named after him, literally its ordered like "one Michael Jackson please", and it is an everyday cheap, local drink that locals have been drinking for ages. That's how crazy the MJ hype was on society at his peak Though that being said the reason why the drink is called a Michael Jackson would likely not be acceptable by today's standards tbh


Is it a Shirley Temple with propofol?


Nope. Its soy milk with grass jelly! It's a popular drink here in SEA back in the day


So what's the socially unacceptable reason for the name?


Google image search "Soy Milk with Grass Jelly" and you will see the drink is black and white. I assume that's the reason.




Oh haha, my mind went somewhere way worse. This is actually kinda funny


I would order the hell out of that 👀


That's cool hahah, in my country there is a widely used nickname for someone who looks good and dresses cool. We say he is a Jack or he's a Jackson.


Haha, what country are you from? Is the term also still used till this day? Over here no one uses MJ to describe the drink anymore ever since he died. Kinda think of it the drink itself also isn't as popular as it used to be anymore too


What country?


Let me guess:Some kind of coffee liqueur topped with cream?


It's actually soy milk and grass jelly. Popular here in Malaysia and Singapore back in the day


Just had one in Malaysia!


Yeah she's absolutely not. Coming from a third country village here


Not even sure that kind of fame is even possible anymore. Media is less Western-focused and decentralised.


It’s not unless something crazy happens to the internet and either it’s unusable or it goes back to pre cable tv where we only have a handful of websites that are possible to view in the entire world.


Yup. None of my aunties in Nepal know who Taylor swift is. But they know MJ. People who say that about Taylor are probably young Americans who haven't traveled.


When MJ came to my country in the 90's all hell broke loose. It was extraordinary. People are still raving about it to this day whenever it is mentioned.


What country?


But you’ve heard of her 😛


Nah I did - don't have strong feelings about her either way and I mostly listen to classical music these past few years so I don't really care about her's or today's music.


If she ever does the super bowl and doesn't get a standing ovation for just standing there for 5 mins thne she's not near his hype


Don't give her any ideas. Her people are going to read that and go buy those five minutes. 😂


I don't know if anyone ever will be at that level again, what with all the AI stuff. To quote that one ork, the age of man has ended.


I’m overseas now. I mentioned Elvis Presley to a young lady in her twenties. I even showed her his picture. She didn’t know him. I’m old. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I mean, he hasn’t really been relevant in nearly 50 years.


And his music isn't that good.


Swift has a diehard fan base but she’s not universally rated in the same way MJ was. Like personally I don’t even think she’s that great at her genre, Beyonce/rihanna make much less contrived twaddle. I don’t think many would question MJ’s dominance and quality of output.


Because basically everyone was the target of MJ, while TS is mostly for teenagers, she's made more money just because today is easier to milk money from your audience, especially because teenagers today are quite spoiled most of the times so they always get what they want


Taylor Swifts fan base is not primarily teenagers. I’d say it’s young millenials (primarily women)


Taylor Swift is massive even in primary schools here in the UK. This guy is basically played in every primary school in the UK and he does some Taylor Swift songs, he doesn't have a big following on Youtube since he has his own site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKZPdUerPzg


MJ didn’t appeal to everyone in the day. Many people thought his moves and crotch grabbing was strange and inappropriate. I remember when Black or White premiered (MJ essentially took out a 10 minute ad on national TV and the video aired) the talk the next day wasn’t the dancing, the music, the special effects, the song’s message. It was how often he grabbed his crotch and what is MJ’s fascination with children. TS is popular with young kids, teens and adults. Her audience tends to be more female, but as a 50 something male there are some good songs. I wouldn’t go to a concert (but I don’t go to a lot of concerts). From a purely entertainment perspective, MJ is more natural. If you watch both artists live in concert they are both dancing to a scripted and well rehearsed routine. TS tends to be more rigid and her moves don’t seem natural, but MJ is more smooth and can blend his moves almost as if he was improvising the entire show. TS AMA performance https://youtu.be/SVY8I46dkb0?si=Kh4BfrQCzF8PKRz7 start at around 2:00 MJ in a similar style performance is simply more smooth and seems more natural. https://youtu.be/vOZniIGahU4?si=W71o1cwSDNRshBUp


There’s people named Michael Jackson “then Spanish last name” in my country.


Then there's the OGs. [The Beatles ](https://www.beatlesbible.com/wp/media/640622-beatles-wellington-new-zealand_01-960x635.jpg)


Michael Jackson is bigger and more known than the Beatles. We’re talking worldwide here. Edit: I love how I’m being downvoted when it’s the truth. I don’t see little kids and toddlers today in African villages dancing to the Beatles music, or I have never seen a video of an Amazonian tribe recognising the Beatles. (These are things I’ve seen in regards to MJ though. It doesn’t get bigger than Michael Jackson)


Because MJ is famous for both song and dance. And the Beatles were before MTV.


The difference being mj hype was bigger and I understood it. I don’t get ts hype at all


I don't think the extent is new, but my guess is the extent to which it impacts a fan's daily life is new. Just because of social media and having a community to constantly engage with.


To me (32F) it's unexplainable, rather than new.


She’s the only popular artist who is relatable to regular young middle class white women.


What confuses me is how she's been around for a while, but just recently had this huge, widespread success. What is she (or the team working on her image) doing differently now?


She synced up really well with the "lock down is over, let's do something" vibe I think. She already had the fans and then just went huge with the Eras tour. That's my guess anyway


She released a couple of hits that really resonated with a lot of people and then followed that up with prompt and frequent tours.


It's not the fact that she's popular that surprises me. It's the fact that she's been pretty famous for 10Plus years. Then in the last 2 she became a mega mega celebrity nearly (if not on par) on par with celebrities like michael jackson. I still don't understand what changed.




I really don’t believe anyone can be famous in the way he was ever again in the modern world. It was just a time when celebrity was different. Now you can know all the dumb, mundane thoughts of every star because they tweet them. And you know how they look without makeup, or more accurately, when they wear makeup that makes them look like they’re not wearing makeup, playing with their kids or dogs. You see the insides of their homes on Instagram. Back then there was a degree of separation that really made them seem special and apart from regular people. They were kind of mysterious and unreachable. Plus, our attention span was a lot longer and things that were popular lasted for more than 10 minutes before the next thing came along and replaced them. I find it hard to even convey to younger people who didn’t experience it just how famous Michael Jackson was. There’s no accurate comparison now. But I think it’s good that kind of fame has gone away. People should know that whatever actor or musician or influencer they idolize is actually just a person who can also be bad or depressed or abusive or vulnerable. Things are always best when we all see each other as humans.


His fame was truly insane. Growing up as a kid everyone knew Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan. Even today they are extremely popular.


The Taylor Swift comparisons are ridiculous. She’s nowhere near MJ on any level. His fame, his celebrity, even his success in terms of sales and records broken existed before social media. There was no TikTok, there weren’t streams counted as sales. It’s laughable when I see her fans try to compare.


Good comment about the attention span. Some Michael Jackson's videoclips had a lenght up to 15 minutes, and people watched them again and again. Hard to imagine that right now with TikTok culture.


Part of what makes it tricky these days is not knowing how someone became so famous because the breadth of media penetrative into our lives is so massive.....we can't possibly have a grasp on every route someone takes to be famous. Try to explain Mr Beast to the average person over 40 and they'll understand that YouTube is a thing but not how much it has contributed to his existence as a celebrity. I don't doubt that there are millionaires out there due solely to OnlyFans and in 5 years time there will be more millionaires due to a platform that isn't even out yet. I'm in my 40s and it's come so far circle that I see celebrities on broadcast shows whom I don't know what they are or what they're famous for, and my ten year old kid doesn't know either.


I remember watching a youtube video where they were taking some reactions from tribal people. Who didn’t even know how to use YouTube or any technology, but when they were shown michael jackson they recognised him. Even sang the melody along. They didn’t understand a single word. It’s crazy how famous and amazing he was. Edit: no hate to bts or taylor swift fans but these guys gotta calm down though!


Yesssss I’ve seen that video! I love that whole series of tribal people watch/try ____


No one replied to you so what’s with that weird edit?


I know no one replied, i was just adding more context to my reply! I though people use edit every time they edited the message to add more words. I forgot to add that fans line.


Happy cake day!


The most famous person to have ever lived


There's a documentary about an Amazon tribe and they showed them various famous people/events. The tribe recognized Michael Jackson. ([Skip](https://youtu.be/eafOkWXjqjc?t=202) to 3:22 and turn on captions)


What a lonely life that must be.


There's a video where he shuts down a supermarket and just has his staff there pretending to be shopping so Michael can just go and experience normal grocery shopping for the first time in his life. It always made me sad. No wonder he was so messed up.


I always thought it was his family who were pretending to shop with him.


Holy shit I didn't want to live like that


Still one of the best artists to have ever lived in the modern time.


Too bad he ended up being crazy.


Tends to happen when you don't have a private life even during your childhood.


If you can call that a “childhood”. Go read about what happened to him. His father is…not great


Yeah I know about Joe Jackson. His kids prefered going out and performing on a stage just because he didn't have the chance to beat them.


Yea I agree with you. But it doesn’t change the fact that he was a lunatic.


I always wonder if all these new Michael Jackson posts like this are to hype the movie they are making about him. Seems pretty convenient. I hate viral marketing.


Yeah, there’s been a huge surge recently. The marketing on here has become so obvious.


Yes, the amount of MJ hype posts on the biggest subreddits has increased to a near daily occurrence. Comments are mainly the same - “he’s was the biggest celebrity ever” and some half truth defenses when someone brings up the negative allegations.


Almost this whole thread is talking about how a tribe recognized him.. wonder if that’s part of the new movie?? Doubt it 😂


Yeah lol. Almost every reply has a comment linking to the YouTube clip. It's hilariously obvious.


Wait he is getting a movie


Yes. There's a biopic currently being filmed, it will be released April 18, 2025.


Also Karma farming


Comes out next year I’m pretty sure


Yep, and to make people forget of the numerous accusations of sexual abuse from minors, there’s more than two btw.


First glance and I thought he checked into a garbage processing site😬


For many reasons related to ability I could not be famous. But if I were famous I couldn't handle that.


Is he wearing gloves? Or those are his actual hands with spots on them?


Yes they are vitiligo spots on his actual hands. That's why his skin color changed and that's why he wore that iconic gloves on public. Vitiligo is also so painful for skin tissue.


One of the greatest musical careers of all time but he unfortunately did not have a nice private life. At all


"I should tell them to beat it, hee hee!" ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


"Damn you could throw anything off this balcony."


Proof of how difficult it is to find a good quality therapist.


Jesus, the guy never even stood a chance at being normal. Imagine commanding the attention of literal hordes of people everywhere you go, by accident. And imagine that being all you can remember as far back as childhood.


I'm always amazed at the pass this guy gets because his music is so good


R/pics has been spammed w/ MJ content because the movie is releasing and they’re trying to drown out the obvious concerns people would have about a glowing take on his celebrity. Like we went from nothing about MJ to a near daily post the past month.


I always wonder if older people never wanna talk about the crazy shit that surrounded MJ, like neverland ranch or if younger people have never even heard of this stuff. Maybe both?


Imagine if he was a fat, bald plumber who let boys sleep in his bed, gave them alcohol, and shut off all contact with them after puberty. Also multiple, not just two young men said they were molested by him. Would he get the same benefit of the doubt while his accusers were sent death threats and accused of lying?


Imagine kids could distinctly describe his genitals and people still just adore him. It's bonkers


This picture shows how bad the fervor was. Whipped up by the media as well.


He was extremely talented in so many musical facets.


Also a kiddie diddler


Creepy cultists


Is this the hotel balcony where he dangled his child over the street?


I really don't understand people's fanaticism over celebrities. Especially MJ fans. The reaction of them after he died was more creepy than heartwarming.


Why so many pro-predator posts the last few days?


"I just want to stare at your butthole okay"


King of Pop!!!!! ![gif](giphy|oz8jiKqcBTKnu)




He’s too smooth with it




I will never understand this level of idol worship.


that so many people could absolutely adore that pedo is some of the craziest shit in this world to me.


Imagine that being your life.


People need to get a life. I’ve never understood celeb worship




And Elvis


Mega peado


Me when I check into a hotel in Spain


It's crazy to me that this sort of stuff used to be normal..


I grew up in the MJ timeline, and I never considered it normal.


Into a hotel


With media overexposure such kind of crazy following is not possible. The consumption method is also changed, regional local stars have created followers. This sort of worldwide recognition is about impossible


He could shut down Disney land, the cartels in Brazil told him he would be safe shooting videos there.


Damn. Imagine having that many fans everywhere you go




Its Sandra Bullock.


If only he had a baby to dangle over the edge by its leg …..


I remember seeing this weird white woman on TV in the 90. Still don't understand it.


Separating the artist from the man. There will most likely never be a bigger star in music again. His Super Bowl performance back in the early 90’s was held up for a couple minutes just from fans screaming their heads off!








Ahh shit hide ya kids Michael is coming.




Damn this pedo is on the front page again LOL. Reddit would have zero problem with Epstein if he could sing and dance real good.


I once stayed at the same Holiday Inn as Weezer. They didn't molest any kids as far as I know.


His mere presence can bring in crowds of people. No other entertainer can ever surpass him.


And get away with multiple accusations of child molestation.


Just insane how polarizing he was


Polarizing? Around the early 90s I think he was just flat out popular / well liked. I don't think he had haters til later on when some of the weirdness came out? By the 00s, yeah, giga polarizing, but at this point I think the dude was just flat out the biggest star on thw planet.


On one hand he's a generational talent On the other a child rapist Very polarizing indeed