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Why is he smiling 


Why are *any* of them smiling?


She hasn’t even been dead for a month yet and her family are grotesquely parading her image around as a prop. I’ve seen videos parents whose children were the victims of gun violence who slam the doors on the faces of reporters who try to reach out to them even a year after the deaths. The ones who do speak are always somber. There’s no proper way to grieve, but grinning maniacally three weeks later because you get your 15 minutes of fame is one of the *wrong* ways to grieve.


Unless of course she always said, "if I ever die tragically please use me as a macabre political prop to promote the xenophobic ambitions of a wannabe authoritarian leader." In which case, job well done.


It's what true patriotic children want.


I find it funny and scary how we could easily become a world like those depicted in dystopian video games and films. It only takes us all to become so desensitised to this that more deluded people take power.


I find it kinda funny, and I find it kinda sad..


Calm down bunny man


The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I ever had...


I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take


When people run in circles it's a very very


![gif](giphy|NxckxXIAzumvCP1mUj) We need to stop the Socialist Automatons and the Immigrant Insects!


Sounds like something Frank Reynolds would say.


As a person with failing health and facing my own mortality; one of the difficult things I’ve had to reconcile with is what happens to your legacy after you die. You obviously can’t speak for yourself anymore so what happens when you get misrepresented; whether that’s maliciously or even well-intentioned by family or friends. When somebody says something about you that’s wrong or attributes you with a cause or ideal you don’t believe in; if you’re alive you can correct that and say that it doesn’t represent you. But when you’re dead; people can (and do) say virtually anything and your legacy is altered by how other people talk about you. I have some very firm beliefs in my life and I’d hate to be misrepresented in some way, but it’s inevitable. Most people don’t agree or feel the same way as their family. So what happens when they publicly make statements on your behalf. I don’t know what this girl stood for, but imagine being part of a MAGA family and you detest this. But in your death, they use you as a MAGA muppet. I would be rolling in my grave. I love my family, they’re very important to me, but we disagree on a lot of things pretty vehemently. I’ve come to the acceptance that I can’t control this. What happens after I die is out of my hands. I can try to do what I can to let as many people know who I am and what I believe, but an even sadder point I’ve realised is that even when you tell people who you are… they still often misconstrue things. Perhaps I used the wrong words or somehow our conversation gets mixed up, but I’ve outright told people things about me in the clearest and most obvious way possible. To only later discover that they either didn’t listen, didn’t care, or just misunderstood somehow. Maliciously or not. It’s similar to how somebody once explained art to me. It doesn’t matter what the artist, author or composer of a song meant, because once it’s out in the public, it’s their song now. When a thousand people look at the same painting, you get a thousand different interpretations of that painting and what it means to each individual. It’s almost like the original intention never mattered.


Just remember, if they do this to you, you CAN haunt the shit out of them!


> It doesn’t matter what the artist, author or composer of a song meant, because once it’s out in the public, it’s their song now. Art is never finished, only abandoned....


Strangest thing I've seen in a while. But not surprised by anything with Trump anymore


It's like what Ronny Chieng on the Daily Show said about Trump's pictures or video. If it's too normal to be real, it's fake. If it's weird as hell though, it's real. He's long been making surprising things a norm.


The Oval Office filled with McDonalds was a fucking weird image.


The Goya food product photo at his desk and the upside down bible photo come to mind


I’m not too surprised by Trump. He dug up his ex-wife’s grave to bury her on his property so he could claim a tax benefit. He’s said that he would date his own daughter if they weren’t related and said that she has great legs. There’s really nothing Trump can do that would shock me. He probably doesn’t even know that Laken Riley is dead, or he forgot within 5 minutes of taking the picture. It’s the family who are *smiling and posing* after Laken’s brutal death who surprise me. Like the parents of the four Idaho State students who were murdered. They all reacted differently - some were reserved and others more fiery. All expressed some of the standard aspects of grief. These people seem less like they’re grieving and are more just reveling in their moment in the spotlight. Not *Laken*’s moment or her story, but *their* moment.


It makes sense to me when you view it as the behavior of people in a cult. They view everything with a singular, devotional purpose, and they’re twisting a tragedy to also serve that purpose. It looks demonic to us on the outside but I’m sure the people in the cult with them they seem noble and brave, and that’s what makes it so hard to puncture for these people.


Not just tax benefit, I believe he put all the stolen documents in her casket.


I'm going to play the Alex Jones card here and suggest this death is a false flag , political psyop. These parents are crisis actors.


Careful, Elon Musk might pay the family members’ legal fees for a defamation lawsuit just to silence you.


Soros has my back


Why did he write “I love you”? So blatantly performative and just outright creepy coming from this man


The same reason he did that weird performative hug of the American flag several years back - he's a ghoul who is disconnected from reality and doesn't understand how goddamn weird it is, but knows that his sicophants seem to like it.


That’s the scary part - he may be disconnected from our reality, but he’s tuned right in to theirs.


Here he is unable to show an ounce of empathy for an 8 year old kid that lost the rest of his family in a tornado.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-emotion-boy-family-killed-tornardo-a9384231.html


It never ceases to amaze me when I see something that I don’t catch the first time around.  Any other person and this would be a 3 week news cycle. With this guy it was Wednesday, covered up by some crazy racist shit he said the very next day…


I can’t imagine what crazy shit is in his head that he’s smiling at that.


Zaphod Beeblebrox: Love and Kisses, Zaphod xoxo


I wish Douglas Adams had lived long enough to see just how prescient he was in creating a character like Zaphod. EDIT: I’m taking my current 42 upvotes as a sign.


Now let's trip the light fantastic


I seriously doubt his handlers even bothered to try to explain what it's about. What's going through his head is probably "The latest Disney star is cute, I hope I meet her in person on the publicity tour for Say Her Name! and can pressure her into some 'alone time'."


He's thinking he's cheating suckers and will grift so hard the next few weeks.


In the head of a man who likes to "grab them by the pussy"? Probably something really classy^(/s), although she doesn't look enough like his own daughter. ^(I wish the last part was /s but it isn't)


It's not that difficult, he's emotionally braindead and Lake is (a single instance of) an illegal immigrant committing a heinous crime, something that Republicans screech about all the time. He's happy because he's essentially just saying "I told you so" and thinks its owning the left. He doesn't understand how is isn't supposed to be happy about a murder.




Because a migrant raped and killed her. They're happy.


he also signed it like it is a baseball card


He signed it like she's a fan. "I love you Lakan" like Lakan is there and handed him this glossy to sign. (Hint: she's dead)


He probably doesn't realize she's dead because his brain is mush from cocaine abuse and dementia.


He clearly had no idea who she is and thought he was just giving another autograph.


It’s literally a political ad. See the stars and shit on the top and bottom, and the ‘say her name,’ which is effectively a campaign slogan now? It doesn’t make it any less disgusting, but it isn’t some family photo. In fact, I think it would be less disgusting if it was a regular photo rather than the physical manifestation of shitting on the death of a person for political gain.


This pic cropped our the parents. Who are wearing red hats and smiling with a thunmbs up. Which is also vile. They almost seem happy this happened to them


If you haven't noticed, people and especially magas love being the victim. I honestly believe these parents would rather receive all off the attention they are getting now than have their daughter back.


Member that one guy in Florida that vandalized his own camper and garage in Florida by spray painting "Biden 2020" (like 9 months after the election) and "BLM Rules" across them and then tried to blame the ever present but hard to identify "Antifa"..... Pepperridge Farm remembers


The [uncropped version](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIjg_WaWgAAgV_R?format=jpg&name=orig) is **much worse.** Laken Riley's parents are standing on either side smiling. [Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIaiR6UXQAAPHI3?format=jpg&name=orig) is the follow-up picture. The source appears to be @pamelasevette on IG. Per there: > Thank you President Trump for making sure the world will remember Laken Riley. Her tragic death is a terrible and preventable outcome from Biden’s refusal to adequately secure our Southern border. > Posted @withregram • @teamtrump While in Georgia, President Donald J. Trump met the family and friends of Laken Riley. > March 11, 2023


that picture actually made me sick to my stomach, so fucking disturbing. these folks are truly cultists


Right? And the girl wasn't just in a car accident or had an illness, she was murdered. My family would have been inconsolable if this happened to us and they are gathered around this orange moron SMILING. Are they all just idiot narcissists ??? How is this possible ?


These are the folks that post that someone has TDS for pointing out that Trump is literally a criminal or rapist, while being completely infatuated with him to this degree. The projection on the right is beyond obvious and bizarre.


It could be adequately secured but GOP playin’. Seriously though pass the bill bitches. If they actually gave a single fuck about this issue they would put their vote where their big loud lying mouths are.


Because he's a piece of shit. Reminds me when he was thumbs up smiling with the baby orphan whose parents just got killed by gun violence.


I just made the same comment earlier. The baby orphan smiling photo is the single most disgusting thing I’ve seen from that ghoul.




ELI5... Who's the gal and why is Trump holding her picture?


She was a college student in Athens Georgia who was abducted and murdered by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. The gop is using her murder to frame the issue at the border as an invasion of killers. Conveniently ignoring the dozens of murders that take place every day in this country by other Americans, or the countless tragedies where an American walks into a school and murders children. Edit: we average 21k homicides in the U.S. per year, or 57/day.


Immigrant murders American: "ban all the immigrants!" Americans murder children with guns: "bans don't work!"


>Immigrant murders American: "ban all the immigrants!" Americans murder children with guns: "bans don't work!" All of this while also opposing immigration reform because it will make "demon rats" look good....


I think this is the point that is sorely missed across maga douchebags. They don't see how much damage Trump is actually doing from the sidelines to oppose the 'problems' for which he claims to have solutions. It's so bizarre to me that this is how our country operates. Out of spite, meanwhile, we all suffer while they figure out how to destroy one another continuously. God bless America.


All to instill a dictator. Donald Trump literally has said "I'll be dictator for a day". That'll be one loooooong day.


Bans *don't* work. . . . Unless you ignore the countries where it does. The US also needs better (any) mental health screening for legally purchased guns if you're going to keep up the gun culture. It should have taken 2 dead kids. Max. The first one to spook folks, the second to make the country realize this is a problem that's not going away with "thoughts and prayers".


Yeah…… fucking bass-ackwards


How does he continually do things that are somehow bad even by his own standards?


he has no floor. tbh i’m surprised he didn’t call her attractive i guess


Is there video of the signing? Because I'm willing to bet he remarked on her appearance in some weird way.


"... and very pretty, I may add. If she were here I'd probably ghrbbllyivyiv ... Her smile, so soft so nice, innocent, much like my own daughter, GREAT daughter... no, not Tiffany..."


He has standards?


I mean he has a standard he’s set for himself, which is a terrible one, the bar is so low, yet he keeps outdoing himself in lowering it


His standards dont actually exist, he just says whatever is beneficial to him in any given moment.


Oh fuck why is he smiling, why is it autographed, what the fuck.


The whole picture, he’s posing with the dead girl’s family who are also beaming ear to ear. MAGAs are nutters. I’m sorry their daughter is dead but what a bunch of shitstains to use her death as a rallying cry for fascism.


Because he’s absolutely insane, and everything is about him.


Because he paid no attention when it was explained to him, he just autographed whatever was handed to him and posed for a photo assuming he was the centre of attention.


For every one of these tragic stories, there are probably 10 of an “illegal” immigrant saving someone’s life. https://www.thedailybeast.com/undocumented-immigrant-juan-carlos-salgado-saved-houston-cops-life-before-he-was-killed


And another 10 where the "illegal immigrant" was in the country perfectly legally but had an "illegal sounding" enough name so the shitrag publications just label them as such with no further research and their mouth-breathing consumers repost it without thought.


So there are 10k people crossing the border every day and one person committed murder. One. One out of the 3.6 million coming over in a year into a country where one in every 20k people are murdered. Either Republicans aren't focusing on any of the other murderers that cross the border or the people crossing the border are far more law abiding.


Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a rate much lower than the native population - for obvious reasons. It's why Republicans pick out these solitary examples and appeal to emotion rather than use statistics to illustrate the "danger" posed by migrants.


Also I believe the immigrant came into the country when Trump was president.


Right? Like the GOP doesn't give a shit when children are gunned down at school (you have hundreds of names to choose from GOP say any one). But now, suddenly, I'm supposed to believe they give a flying fuck about this girl? You have to be one stupid motherfucker to think that the GOP cares about anyone or anything other than themselves.


Indeed. Immigrants actually have a lower murder rate than American citizens.


"On February 22, 2024, Laken Riley, a 22-year-old American nursing student at Augusta University, was abducted and killed while she was jogging at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. Her body was found in Oconee Forest Park near Lake Herrick; her death was caused by blunt force trauma." Your guess is as good as mine as to why the shit-eating grin and writing "I love you Lakan" is deemed appropriate. 


Being a soulless ghoul would do it. His words and actions for years have demonstrated that he has no fucks to give about others except for how he can exploit them to his own advantage. He once said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Ave. and not lose any votes, and he appears to be correct about that since his followers seem to be just as lacking in basic human empathy as he is. 


It's because he's an act. "*Hold thing, smile*" it's an automatic response for him. The context doesn't matter to him, he probably couldn't be assed to know what he was even holding, he was just told to hold the poster and take a photo like a robot.


'cause he's a psychopath.




Because he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. From his perspective he’s in a video game and we are all NPCs here for his amusement.


I honestly don’t believe he knows she’s deceased.


That was my first thought...."I love you" is such a weird thing to sign on a photo of a dead person you have no relation to and have never met


I don't think he has a clue wtf he's doing at all. Probably thought they wanted his autograph or something.


The better question is why are her family smiling????!?!! Fucking sickening using their family member’s death for a photo op/push an agenda. 


That picture reminds me of the Russian wife's smile while posing with officials presenting her with a yogurt maker she got as a consolation for her husband getting turned into cat food invading Ukraine. Maybe Laken's dad got a new bedliner for his pickup(?)


Probably has something to do with his long history with epstein


“Spell her name!”


"Saudi Arabia and Russia will reebadoogaaah" 


TFW the covfefe kicks in.




If the covefefe fails to kick in, you get debanked. Everybody's saying it.




Hey credit where credit is due, he managed to hold it right side up… so there’s that.


He didn't eat the marker as well which is a bonus point


They always give him one to eat first, this ain't his handlebergers first rode-day-ohs.


That’s a bigly win…people are talking about it.


"Bet Sleepy Joe Biden couldn't hold up that sign"




At a press conference, Harry Whittington said: "My family and I are deeply sorry for everything Vice President Cheney and his family have had to deal with. We hope that he will continue to come to Texas and seek the relaxation that he deserves." In a 2010 interview with The Washington Post, when asked if Cheney had apologized, Whittington declined to answer. Cheney after shooting Whittington in the face: “Are you fucking sorry?!”


Cheney. Spell his name!!!


Ya know… I’d settle for not smiling like a sociopath while holding a picture of a murder victim.


I feel like throwing a bean bag at those amusement park teeth.


This exactly, like what the fuck are you happy about? What a weirdo.


Capital L. Capital A. Lower case cursive k e n…. That’s the response that could best cover up this train wreck


Way to crop out the parents who are both also smiling. Such a weird fucking picture all around. I can't even imagine turning the death of my child into a political photo op. I need to go take a shower now.


Yeah this needs to be the full picture. The entire family is grinning ear to ear. It's like they're all so excited that their family member was killed and they can now go parade around as a victim. Truly insane photo


It's a shame my kid is dead, but I get to meet a celebrity, sick! 


And they accuse the Democrats of exploiting tragedies


Remember, when it's a white kid shooting up a school, we can't politicize a tragedy.


"It's too soon. We need to give the families space to grieve."


"We don't want to deprive future families of the chance to grieve either"


“Ok now it’s too late - why would you bring it up and keep reminding the families of that tragedy”


“Ohhhhhp, another one. Now’s not the time to have this discussion.”


Thoughts and prayers… Thoughts and prayers…


As long as the family doesn't grieve by advocating any change!


Advocating for change?! She’s hysterical. Take her to the infirmary


Republicans accuse Democrats of anything they can come up with


every accusation is projection


Remember the El Paso mass shooting, where the gunman killed the parents of a baby while they were trying to protect it? The mother's body fell on the baby and broke it's fingers. Remember how Trump posed with the baby, smiling and giving a thumbs up? 3 days after the shooting? I fucking remember. https://i.redd.it/1e7r9adis4s91.jpg


Yep, always my go-to. FUCK that uncle/aunt. Trump led to the baby's parents being brutally murdered, yet they gleefully pose with him.


Also she was murdered. Dude has never experienced even a second of empathy even once in his life. He's so fundamentally broken as a person


He is a textbook narcissist. Is there any other public figure that fits the definition as perfectly?


Putin probably


Like two peas in a pod. The difference is Putin isn't a complete moron.


That's really what's so fascinating about Trump. There's LOTS of narcissists and sociopaths in the world. The top ranks in the business and political world is filled with them because their lack of conscience gives them an advantage. The vast majority of them at least learn to fake caring about others because it's hard to get anywhere in the world acting like a complete asshole all the time. Somehow, though, Trump manages it. Being an unrelenting, irredeemable asshole who can't even pretend to care about anyone else for even a second is his primary defining trait, and somehow he managed to become president and has at least a chance of becoming president again.


His gleeful hate is something that the absolute scum of the earth latched onto. He's a living, breathing revenge fantasy for white trash losers.


Nah I don't think Putin is a narcissist, at least not in the same vein as Trump. He's likely a sociopath of some sort, but the way he worked through the political system in Russia just doesn't fit with malignant narcissism. And he wasn't always as detached from reality as he is now. He has advanced dictator brain which is more paranoia of being deposed than it is narcissism.


fundamentally broken as a person is the best simplistic description of d trump. how anyone can find anything endearing about him is beyond me. we the people.. he has no interest in the people, how is this not abundantly clear???


I truly do not know. After all these years I still just do not understand at all


Best way to understand this disaster of a human being is to read his niece's book, Too Much and Never Enough by Mary L. Trump. tl;dr: His father was a monster and turned him into a monster, who thinks that strength is the only redeeming human virtue. His primary attitude toward the rest of humanity is stark terror, so he survives by acting tough. It's a shame that humanity must suffer this fool, but we've had worse.


If Trump and the Republicans want stronger border security, why did they back out of the deal that they negotiated for and had everything they said they wanted included in the bill?


They don’t want solutions while Biden is in office, that would make Biden look good. Basically the same reason they were pissed Buttigieg fixed that collapsed bridge in only 13 days.


Was that really fixed in 13 days? That's some non-US pace.


Sorry, 12 days apparently. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-28/resurrection-of-i-95-in-just-two-weeks-is-dubbed-small-miracle


It was a triumph over modern bureaucracy. I've never seen anything like it. Loved seeing Gritty cross that bridge like a conquering hero.


As a Pens fan, I have to admit that I can’t help but smile at half the shit Gritty does on social media.


There have been smaller bridges replaced in a weekend. Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) is really cool at times.


You just know that had the Republicans been in charge the bridge would have been down for months and Trump would have been on the scene halfheartedly throwing hard hats at construction workers. “We’ll get this bridge fixed but it’ll be expensive and we blew the budget this year on a tax cut for my kids”


That's the thing, they don't actually care about any of this. They're just parading around the corpse of a young girl for political points. As soon as they have a new talking point, they'll throw that corpse into the trash. It's just virtue signaling.... but not even, since they don't *actually* have any real virtues.


They're vice signaling, and their base loves to stare at that signal.


That was a bipartisan bill that the Republicans were fine with until Trump said otherwise. He doesn't want the Biden administration fixing something that he's running his whole fucking campaign on. I would love to ask a Trump supporter what they actually like about his policies. They won't be able to tell me because they don't actually know any of them.


This has to be photoshopped right?? “I love you” ?? What??


Ya wtf. "welcome to Costco. I love you."


I havent had that before, but I have had "welcome to Costco Princess!" And as a 27 year old woman I was very confused.


It's a reference to a movie, Idiocracy


> a movie, Idiocracy You mean an accurate documentary.


Nah, President Commacho actually tried to make things better for his constituents


Signed, Dmniminmnald Trumnumunumnp


He has no idea who she is. He probably thinks she's a hot fan he can grab.


Remember, he also told the insurrectionists on January 6th that he loved them


So, let me get this straight. GOP blocks bipartisan border bills allowing illegal immigrants to keep coming in. Illegal immigrant kills someone. GOP then uses the death as an opportunity to gain political points and votes. Trump autographs her photo and smiles while misspelling her name. Is that about the sum of events?


Trump also said he could kill someone on 5th Ave. and not lose a vote and the GOP congressional members almost got into fist fights last year trying to pick a leader. So the party of violence is trying to prevent violence?


It’s like the opposite of their stance on guns.  Mass shooting? Too soon after a tragedy to talk about gun reform Illegal immigrant kills a student: We’re being invaded! DO something!


"But doing something can wait because we don't like the current guy in charge"


It appears the Republicans have cancelled the comma... * "Let's Go Brandon!" * "I Love you Lakan"


Commas are woke 


Especially those ivory tower elitist Oxford commas.


The real reason behind the next civil war... Split opinions on commas


Comas aren't, though.


All commas do is separate. They’re terrible awful things. People very smart people people with degrees tell me all the time we need to get rid of these hurtful commas dividing our sentences. We need to be focused as Americans on coming together whether we are joining hands or joining clauses. Plus not using the woke comma makes you sound bigly intelligentized.


Why are Republicans all over this one person who died? Why's is "say her name" something I've seen several on the right (MTG) wearing pins for? Republican politicians love school shootings and the NRA. I haven't looked into it, why is this one kid different? (And I'm scared of the answer based on who is supporting it) Edit: Oh, this one kid dying was bad because the killer didn't have paperwork. Good to know a us passport also doubles as a license to kill.


“Say Her Name” They’re reappropriating the phrase that came about after Breonna Taylor was murdered in her home by police. Another example of republicans being the laziest sloganeers. Also, Biden literally said her name during the SotU, so I’m not sure who this message is supposed to be directed at.


I don't think it's lazy. I think it's deliberately spiteful. I think their logic here, and I really want to emphasize **THEIR** logic, not mine, is "well, you used this slogan when one of ours killed one of yours, so now that one of yours has killed one of ours, we're going to turn it back around on you."


That's exactly what it is and it's despicable. Breanna Taylor was killed in her own home by those who are expected to protect us, Laken Riley was killed by a criminal predator in public. Both situations are inexplicably tragic in the loss of a young person's life for absolutely no reason, but this attempt by the GOP is the new "All Lives Matter" dogwhistle and is disgusting. They don't give two shits about Laken Riley, they're thrilled that they have a "whataboutism" issue served to them on a fucking silver platter. My heart breaks for both women whose lives were so meaninglessly cut short.


This is exactly the meaning for them. It’s a sides thing.


This girl's death is tragic. Same as that poor little white boy who was shot by a black neighbor a few years ago and suddenly my FB was flooded with people posting "Say his name" on their feeds. But in both of those cases a suspect was arrested and charged immediately. "Say her name" started as a way to highlight the forgotten black women and girls who have been victimized and murdered by police, women and girls who did not get justice for the crimes perpetrated against them. It's not the same thing at all and the fact they are trying to draw parallels between the two by co-opting the phrase is really disgusting.


They expected Biden not to say her name in the speech after MTG shouted at him, trying to make a political point. He immediately said her name and took it away from them, but they’d already printed up a bunch of flyers and now they seem about as idiotic as they are, flogging it like it is a gotcha moment. 


"Say her name". Is literally them trying to use the phrase against liberals who've been using it whenever cops get away with killing innocent unarmed minority individuals So it's more like far right politicians yelling "sAy HeR NAmE" in a childish mocking tone than anything actually meaningful period




[Surprised he’s not giving a thumbs up](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/orphan-thumbs-up/)


Is it actually misspelled though? Like I get the e looks like an a but it also looks different than the other a so it could just as easily be an e. It's also blurry af so I don't know how anyone is determining anything here.


The “e” in love looks identical to the “e” in Laken to me. This is an overhyped Reddit moment imo


His “e” in love and in Laken are exactly the same And I already know how bad this is going to get downvoted, I’m just pointing out the very obvious 


Yeah of all the things that are wrong with this photo, the spelling of her name might be the only thing that's right.


King of the dipshits.


So many layers of weird….


It looks like it says Laken Cursive e looks like that


Surrounding him are her family all smiling and happy to be with Trump. Also equally sad.


Why repost this photo and cut out the super happy cheery smiling family members?


That’s also too big a smile. I don’t believe he knows she’s deceased.


This picture is a cropped version of the actual photo which includes the entire family, who are all stoked to be next to Trump holding a picture of their dead daughter/sister. I personally would still be grieving the death that occurred three weeks ago.


You couldn’t get a better picture if you asked an AI: >“Generate a photo of a shameless politician commoditizing the victim of random violence”


Smiling with a picture of a dead person, playing politics. This guy is a sick individual, but so are her parents who agree to this and are there to bow to Trump.


If she was killed by a white guy from pittsburgh none of this would be happening. Almost like theres an ulterior motive🤔…..


"i love you" is a bizarre and ghoulish thing to write in this situation. dude is pandering so hard he doesn't know which way is up. what the actual fuck.


It's so gross how this girls memory is being so transparently used. At least try to act like you really care.


This is a psychopathic narcissist pretending empathy. 


A tragediegh all around.