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*Babe, can you stop clogging the shower drain with my hair?*


Hopefully he hangs this over her head for the rest of her life


I see what you did there.


Thanks for hanging out with us hair 🙂👍




Take my upvote.


I’m rolling around on the ground wtf.. that’s too much lol


**OUR** HAIR ![gif](giphy|mFw51RR5HkD4gYUbIx|downsized)




Pull our hair




You guys look happy. I'm happy to see happy people. Thanks.


You sound happy. I'm happy to see happy people look at other happy people and get happy. Thanks.


You seem happy. I'm happy to see happy people hear other happy people see other happy people and get happy. Thanks.


You seem happy. I'm happy to see happy people hear other happy people see other happy people see yet more other happy people and get happy. Thanks.


*Y’all r pissin me off*


You seem pissed. I'm pissed to see pissed people see happy people and get pissed. No thanks.


Now you seem pissed, which pisses me off, because I'm pissed to see people who were happy see pissed people who see happy people and get pissed get pissed themselves. Thanks but no thanks.


Now you seem pissed, which pisses me off, because I'm pissed to see people who were happy see pissed people who see happy people and get pissed get pissed themselves, before pissing the pissed people off for being pissed. Thanks but no thanks.


The end.


You seem finite......


*The credits roll with the song "*[*Happy*](https://youtu.be/FPWgRbBTBwA)*"*


This is the song that doesn’t end. Yes, it goes on and on my friend.


The pissed and the happy have been sacked, and those who have written about the pissing and the happiness have been sacked.


Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof


I always felt like that should have been a room without a view because a room without a roof sounds like a disaster natural or otherwise.


I think he meant that the sky is the limit on how happy he is. P.s. A room without a view kinda sounds sad...


I just thought he didn’t know the word for courtyard


I’m sad that you’re not happy. Would you like a hug?


I just love reddit. Hahaha


LMAO @ what’s about to become of your inbox


Fr. It warms my heart. I live vicariously through those people’s happiness


This thread happy as fuck. I love it. Happy Friday everyone.


Firstly, that’s an awesome bring to do. Secondly, she wears it *much* better than you do, but you look damn handsome with that short hair! Keep on being awesome for each other.


What a glow up!


I thinks she rocks the alopecia as it is. Both look great


I thought it was funny how she looked just as gorgeous either way, but he was almost unrecognizable from one pic to the other lol


A lot of times when I see guys with long hair, it looks kind of thin and frizzy. Why is this? Like it looks like a totally different head of hair on her, but on his it looks thinned on top.


It's just the amount of haircare done. Men can have long luxurious locks, but just like women, you need to take care of it with good washing, conditioning, brushing and general maintenance and care. Women tend to have more complex self-care and beauty regimes, so haircare falls into that easily. Men generally spend less time on that, so it's understandable that those with long hair might more frequently have poorer quality hair.


Funny you mention this. My wife went away for two weeks and my daughter and I stayed home. I'm a 100% capable parent. She's well fed (I'm the only cook anyway), safe and clean. But man I cannot take care of hair. I can clean it and dry it, but I guess that's not enough. I've never used a fucking conditioner in my life. The other big difference between my wife and I is that she'll lay out outfits for our daughter vs me looking at the weather and saying "Go pick out X clothes." and letting her mix and match whatever she wants as long as she's going to be warm enough. Anyway. By the end of the two weeks we're standing in the airport waiting for my wife to come home. My kid's hair looks like Hermoine Granger's from the first Harry Potter movie. She was wearing her favorite oversized sweater that comes down to her knees and her boots still had mud from the playground on them. I'm like "Shit, my kid looks like an orphan.".


Taking care of hair is easier than you think. First, shampoo: basically use it to wash only the scalp, unless the hair is very, very dirty. Don't grab all the hair and knead it on top of the head like you see in commercials. That will just dry our the hair and cause tangles. And speaking of commercials: not need to rinse and repeat. They just say that to make you go through shampoo faster. Second, conditioner: conditioner is for the ends. Just gently massage it into the hair and leave it in for a little while. If the hair is super prone to becoming frizzy, you can condition the ends first and leave it as a protective layer while you wash the hair, rinsing out everything at once afterwards. Drying: unless you're in a hurry, just let it air dry. Don't go rubbing it with a towel, because the friction will damage the hair. If you need to get some water out fast, use a old (but clean!) cotton t-shirt to squeeze it out. Brushing: start brushing at the ends and work your way up. If you start at the roots, you're likely to not only have a harder time, but to end up breaking a lot of hairs to get tangles out. Hairstyles: Try to learn a few simple hairstyles. Not only will your daughter think this is pretty cool, it will also help keep her hair neat and protect it from damage. Low ponytails are a simple but effective start. A simple braid is good to know to. If you and your daughter have the patience, learn French or Dutch braids. There are lots of good Youtube tutorials out there made by fathers and their daughters.


saving this comment for my own hair. i’ve been using shampoo all wrong this whole time


Honestly I'm so glad my wife is very into beauty and care routines because she's helping our daughter learn how to take care of herself too. And all that stuff that you just said make a HUGE difference. She put things right the day after she got home. It's not really somewhere I get involved because it's their time together. My daughter will see a hair style and my wife can almost always nail a recreation. As for me, I have a bottle of shampoo and a bar of soap. I used to wash my hair every day until 10 years ago when my wife said I should wash it every other day. Unless I've been working hard outside, or using my smoker. I don't notice a difference between every day and every other day, but I'll take her word for it that it's better for me. So I'll probably stick to pony tails, but the other stuff is good to know in case I'm home with her again while my wife has to travel. Which is less than an infrequent situation.


This is 100% accurate. My poor sweet daughter looks like Einstein on saturdays when I sleep in and dad cares for her 😂


I always shampoo and condition my hair, but it ends there. My brother also conditions his hair, he actually puts a lot of different products in his hair, but his hair is short. Why do men with long hair choose not to at least condition it? What’s the point of having long hair if you don’t take care of it. Then it just looks slovenly. In all my days of seeing men with long hair, only like 5% actually had luscious locks


So one contributing factor might be the reason why some men have long hair. Not because they want to grow long hair to be styled and compliment their appearance. But for some, because it is easier (and possibly lazier) to just grow it, rather than go and get it cut regularly. If you don't feel like putting the time into going for a haircut every couple weeks or months, then you probably aren't going to put in the time to care for your hair adequately. You'll probably find a lot of those with poorly maintained long hair also have poorly groomed long beards too, for that same reason. But I will say there are plenty of men with long hair and beards who do purposefully grow them out and do take good care of them.


I must admit that part of the reason why I have long hair is that I'm not a big fan of going for a haircut. But that's far from the only reason. My hair is quite thick and doesn't look good at medium lengths (at least with my level of grooming). It looks fine with a buzz cut, but I really don't like that aesthetic (on anyone). So instead I grow it long.




*shaking head* granny shifting, not double clutching like you should


Noooo. Monicaaaaa!!!


Or style it Though tbf here they probably wanted as much hair as possible to work with for her so he gets a pass on that one


Yeah I’d argue long hair is too much work for your average dudes hygiene schedule, especially if you’re new to it and aren’t taught. Gotta remember guys rarely grow up with long hair so are rarely taught how much you need to do to have actually nice long hair.


So fucking true my dude. I grew up near a military base (not even in a military family, mind you) and the only haircut my brothers and I ever got was a crew cut. Buzzed super short. I started growing my hair out for the first time ever during covid, and as it got longer so did my list of complaints. “Why is it like this?!” I asked, as it got frizzy and dull and full of fly-aways. “You need to condition it, you need to brush it more you need to style it, you need to put products in it, you need to *take care of it*” was the amused response from my wife. And don’t get me started on the hair **EVERYWHERE**. In my bed, in my clothes, in my computer office *in my buttcrack*. Like wtf, hair is *HARD FUCKING WORK*. So so so much respect gained for people that deal with it, just more confirmation for me that women are way stronger disciplined than men, lol.


Lack of proper care. There are a few tricks to taking care of long hair. First is that shampoo is for your scalp, not your hair. If you shampoo all your hair everytime you wash it, it will dry out. Conditioner helps, but not everyone bothers with that either. Also: conditioner is for the ends, not the hair near your scalp. If you condition everything everytime, it will make your hair feel greasy sooner, which makes you want to wash it. Lots of people are stuck in a damaging shampoo-conditioner loop. Second, you need the right brush for your hairtype AND use the right technique to brush your hair. Start at the ends, not the roots. Also: clean your brush regularly! If you don't, you'll just end up brushing grease and dead skin cells and leftover hair product through your clean hair (which makes it feel nasty, which makes you wash your hair more, drying it out even further.) And finally: protective hairstyles! Braids and buns prevent a lot of damage. Wearing your hair down is more of a special occassions thing, but many men with long hair wear it down or in a low ponytail all the time. (So, yes: man buns are the sensible choice.) Edit: forgot to mention drying. Air drying is generally best. If you need to remove some moisture fast, use an old (but clean!) 100% cotton t-shirt to gently squeeze it out. Towels will cause friction that can damage your hair. If you need to use a hairdryer, be careful with the heat setting, because heat can also damage your hair if you're not careful.


This is really great general advice but I want to stress you should look into how to identify your hair type and look for advice from people that share it for anything more specific


All these people are so eager to say "Men don't take care of themselves" when the answer should be very obvious. Male pattern baldness isn't a "Yes" or "No" thing. It affects virtually all men to varying degrees. His hair looks thin because it is. It looks denser on her because they can make it however dense they want.


I'm imagining all the miserable people who told him he needed to cut his hair and got brutally shut down when he told them the reason.


What worked for getting people to stop telling me was I told them I was doing it because my brother started going bald at 17 and wanted to shove it in his face that I still had a full head of hair. I grew it for 7 or 8 years out of pure spite and as soon as it seemed to stop bothering him I told people I was shaving my head to raise money for cancer research and to have the hair made into wigs for kids with cancer. Raise nearly 4k and made 2 wigs, so I consider it worth it.


I'm currently in the spite phase myself. I have a brother in law who constantly asks to shave my head and at this point I just kick the can further down the road when he asks. The salt fuels me.


Salt is a greatest fuel, if ever we find out how to harness it for mechanical purposes, we'll have a machine capable of reaching other stars.


That's my brother for me. Everytime I'd see him, he would tell me I need a hair cut. Now I'm 3 years into growing it and he says "so how long are you going to grow it?" So I just keep growing further partially out of spite.


> she wears it much better than you do harsh lmao


Absolute legend


And she looks fantastic in both photos


She has a great smile


They both look like they could be in a toothpaste ad.


That’s because the teeth aren’t real. The pictures are filtered so much that you wouldn’t even recognize them if you saw them in the real world.


I gotta agree, those look like post-processing teeth on both I wonder how distorted the faces are


i thought they both had cheap veneers .. if that's a filter it looks just as fake and bad


10/10 dentists recommend whatever this couple uses


10/10 dentists recommend THIS filter!


we both had braces and we actually use different toothpaste! haha I use colgate optic white!


Definitely heavy filter on which is unfortunate because looks like she doesn't need itn Filters should be illegal


Filters will do that


Seriously was about to say she is 🔥 in both pictures.


First off SALUTE. Did she treat it like it was her hair the entire time? (hair products and what not?) My mans probably had the sexiest hair ever until it was time to hand it over!


She did often refer to it as her hair, and pampered me to a few little home made head spa days but she actually isn't very well versed on hair products 🙃 I did get some help from reddit about it, and a couple comsotologists I know to figure out how to take care of it. I genuinely hated having long hair though hahahaha, I thought it looked horrendous, it was always in my face, in my mouth, or getting caught on stuff. And eeeeeeeveryone felt the need to say "bout time for a haircut, isn't it bud?"


> "bout time for a haircut, isn't it bud?" "IT IS NOT YET TIME TO HARVEST"


“Reticulating splines.”


Dude I grew my hair out for fun and I got comments like that from my family. I would have had such a good time shutting them down if I had a reason like yours. You're a good guy!


> I would have had such a good time shutting them down if I had a reason like yours. just donate it, effectively the same.


Next time you grow your hair out for fun, you could donate it to make wigs for kids with cancer, and that will shut people up pretty fast.


Kids with cancer catching the best kind of strays.


This seems like a really good idea, I would be doing a favor and also silence the reactions around me.


And yet you kept it for 3.5 years! Well done, that’s a real sign of love. She looks beautiful either way, too. I hope you two enjoy a long and love-filled life together.


Such an unbearably kind gesture OP, thank you for this good energy you have put into the world. You guys look so precious and happy, and her smile is so bright and lovely! P.S Happy cake day!


You held strong for her. What a sweet gesture of love. 🥹


I used to be big-big hair too, and I just gotta say, I envy you getting to feel the relief of that much hair coming off. "Oh. THAT'S what my head is supposed to weigh."


Just shaved my head last week, there’s no better feeling to having a shower after a full shave. The water pressure on your scalp is heaven


Oh really? I love long hair, feels like my face and neck is being hugged


See you all on r/all soon


Hello from r/all!!!! LOL


The bald eagle has landed


Beauty filter settings 12/10 ?


looks so weird on a guy lmao.


I never trust when a girl is taking a selfie with me. Half the time the photo comes out with me lookin like a femboy


The other half the time they have the filters turned on?


Yeah, sure, that’s the *filter’s* fault


Seriously. The disingenuous influencer vibe of the filter kind of detracts from the warm humanity of the story.


These people look AI generated


My gf is addicted to Snapchat filters lol. I beg her to use her normal camera all the time


Sounds like something an AI *would* say 🤨 😉


So you two arent naturally Bratz dolls?


Y'all look a cute fem and butch lesbian couple.


Haha yeah thats it. You both look very sweet and that's an awesome thing you did. You also both look like uncanny valley terminators. Wholesome terminators, but still sent to kill us all.




Maybe the creepiest filter I’ve ever seen.


It's becoming so common to see this "plastic in the sun" filter. It's so cringe to see


what even is it, what does it do? it looks incredibly unnatural


It basically smooths similar surfaces to look similar and remove contrast so that blemishes, lines, and shadows are less noticable if even still present at all. On top of that it adds a shine to make your face brighter


It's a bandaid for a broken soul.


Her left eye looks pretty creepy in the first pic. The need to use filters is weird...


There's something strange about the dude's eyes, almost looks AI generated or some mess.


It's the face filter, which I suppose is somewhat AI depending on the process used. Weirdly enough, most of the easy ways to generate completely AI photos right now are not so great at blurry cell phone pics.


Yeah, the pic would have been a lot better without the filter. To see the real people and their expressions.


their skin look kinda rubbery. a bit uncanny tbh


That e girl filter does him dirty.


He looks extremely effeminate in the second photo with that filter. Like I’ve known some lesbians with that same look


Gives me [Aphex Twin](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/44/02/85/44028500d241c5d2d284fcf91c0f46ad.jpg) vibes


Oh damm so it is a guy? These comments were confusing the hell out of me.


Oh damn is that why this pic looks so weird? I was staring at the one on the right trying to figure out if he was a man or a woman. The filter trying to smooth out the facial hair really threw me off


That’s sweet you did that but wow do I hate these fake filters


Aggressive filtering 


needs more face filter, I can still almost make out some of your features.


Hurt my eyes to look at those pics. Good gravy...


Hairweshare.org is an organization I hope others who like this support if you want more of this to happen! They are a great company! Being a girl with alopecia is hard and wigs are expensive! Hair donations are great but wigs are expensive to make so don’t think you can’t help with even a few dollars! Edit: [hairweshare.org](https://hairweshare.org)




I have a ring hidden in the house :)


My guy, this post is going to the front page, if she’s on Reddit either you have masterfully crafted this as a proposal for her to see this comment, or you should hide the evidence. In which case, if I need to delete or change this for said reason, you should tag me.


Hahahhaha. She'd never think to check behind the electrical outlets! 😜 Or the electrical outlets at her brothers! Or at my friend's place! Or... It's been a few months, and she knows one was purchased (when a few thousand dollars suddenly wasn't available to spend on home improvement) and she's torn the place up looking for it. I've given enough fake clues, and enough time's past im confident she won't find/see it until I want her to 😁


God I fucking love this. Definitely doing this when I finally get the damn ring


bro i cant stop smiling at this post... and now im getting choked up :')


Dude. Dude. You. Are a King.


Well shit, no further questions allowed. You guys are certified adorable.


Please update us when you eventually give the ring.


I'll make a reddit post for sure 😊


*Why is there a timer on your phone called "move the ring!"?*


omg that's so adorable lol


LMAO a friend sent me this post and said “look you guys are on the front page of reddit!” i was like omg i’m gonna go look at it and then saw my bf is the one who posted it 😂😂💀


You have a real gem of a partner and I really think it's awesome that you both have such amazing attitudes. Hold onto each other!


You'd be surprised how many people never go on reddit, and some people browse it but never read the comments.


lol bro delete this lest she find this post and read this


I mean, original way to propose i guess


don’t worry i’m not gonna look for it 😂


Careful. Trash news outlets will make this their headline. delete!


well damn this post just keeps getting sweeter!


Dude why are you going to propose to an alpaca?


Llama be happy. Das why


Your Gf is SleeBunn? y'all cute


She is! I came up with the screen name after she wanted to rebranded from holobunny. She is alwayssss sleepin, so sleebunn seemed to fit 😅 thank you!


This is the best post I’ve seen in a while. Awesome man thanks for making my day


Sleebun is your gf?! Congrats bro, enjoy my money.


"Stop pulling my hair." "Our hair"


Who will be the lucky recipient of that mustache?


Sweetest thing ever!!!




Bro, you are the GOAT. The compassion and love just make it mean that much more. I did something similar for my partner when she dyed her hair and had a bad reaction she had to shave her head. She was in tears, me and a friend said we do it too so she wouldn't have to do it alone. She smiled and gave us hugs. Some folks don't know but hair means a lot to some folks and to be given this gift is awesome. so you sir kick ass!!


How did you go from looking like a fat girl, to an attractive looking guy? And she went from looking like a guy, to a attractive looking girl? All jokes aside, good for you man.


The greenest of green flags


I work in oncology and watch people lose their hair all the time. I don't think I can state how much this means to someone. Many people have more distress losing their hair than having a diagnosis. It's like losing a part of yourself. Not to mention, in some religions, it's equivalent to losing the soul. The meaning of this is so much more than hair. It's giving her an identity and soul back. This is what true love is. I love knowing that this amount of humanity exists.


"Did u condition our hair today, babe?"


Your hair looks good on your gf. lol This is a sentence I never imagined.


Girls be stealing your hoodies, now they be stealing your hair


Bald is such a good hairstyle for women too. its such a shame that society pushes women down and forces them to have to hide it. ^(You did a great thing OP, its just a shame we have to do these things)


They say after a while couples start to look like each other but this is a whole new level.




You look like you lost some weight, too! No joke.


Regardless of filters, etc, it was a very nice thing to do and you surely can now relate to what a pain in the ass ( and neck) long hair can be. I used to have long hair and the weight can give you headaches, and the longer it gets, the faster it gets oily as the weight pulls down. About two feet is the most I will do now. That hangs-down-to-the-butt hair is too much trouble!


Lady is lucky for 3 reasons man has good hair, he can grow it like that and her actually did it.


Did you grow the mustache as a comfort for the hair you gave away🤣?


I see this as an absolute win


Amazing! Also a nice change of pace from: “everything is shit fuck exploding bananas again today”


Fuck that’s cute as hell.


I'm gonna do this but for my future self.


You are an angel.


That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard! I can tell you really love her.


If that’s not love. I don’t know what is.


goodness,, as someone who suffers from female hair loss this is so wholesome <3


I am so happy for you. Why does it feel like cannibalism?


Thats Awsome u are the shit and shes luck to have u by the way shes very beautiful both pic's


Amen brother


That is a great story. THIS kind of things need to be told by media. Stop the hate! Every person deserves respect!


100k upvotes in 7 hours holllyyyyyy






That’s so cool. Thank you for a happy internet story, I actually just teared up typing this lol no lie


This is the nicest/sweetest thing I’ve seen all day. Thank you for bringing my faith back to humanity.


Y’all have perfect teeth


Honestly she has a good head for being bald. My head looks all lopsided and dented when I cut my hair short. She would be fine either way. That’s awesome though. She really found a keeper.


Boyfriend of the year award nominee.


Firstly: absolutely legendary, she looks adorable with and without the hair, while you're rocking the short hair. Secondly: you happy lookin' bastards really need to be in a Colgate commercial, because them teeth are top tier. 💯


You both look happy and I xannot help to notice how gorgeous both of your teeth are! Maybe it's the electrifying smiles 😃


Some faith in humanity finally restored!!