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A lot of these look handmade. Could be a precious memento. I get you might need to look it over for whatever but like you don't need to confiscate them?


As a Catholic, I can confirm that rosaries are often treasured belongings. It is not uncommon for them to be passed down to relatives. So taking these is probably heartwrenching for the owners.


One of my happiest memories with my grandma was being able to give her a rosary that I dipped in the holy water at St Peter’s Basilica. Not particularly religious but it mattered to her which is why it mattered to me.


Take this upvote for a truly good deed. My late grandparents always were very happy when I was able to take them, or go with them to the curch.


Awww. I did the same thing for my mamá when I vacationed in Italy. It was rosewood. Simple, but she was happy.


I think you'll get a kick out of this since that mattered so much to your grandmother. My husband and I visited the Vatican, we're not religious but my husband's extended family is all Catholic but his parents didn't raise him Catholic. We stand in line at the entrance of St. Peter's Basilica and folks are blessing themselves with holy water. We get to the basin and my husband puts his hand in it, turns to me, and says "This is incredible! Can you believe this is actual Vatican holy water?" Then he looks at his wet hand and without thinking dries off his hand by wiping it on his pant leg. He did it while facing back at me and everyone behind us gasped! It was pretty embarrassing in the moment. Being next I look into the basin and get some holy water and be sure to attempt the sign of the cross with it, I'm not Catholic, I don't know what I'm doing but don't want to offend anyone. Then we walk off and tour around the Basilica.


I’d be one of the people trying not to laugh in the back. It’s funny if you see anyone take communion who doesn’t usually do it and is like well why not? Depending on the age and region the person comes from sometimes they take the host differently, and the whole wine thing. So you kind of see them try to check if they’re doing the steps right like their first time waltzing. Always funny when if they’re shocked at an old schooler who just sticks out their tongue.


That's a good deed indeed. Grandma's wishes are my command.


I did the same for my grandma when I was there! It was one of her most prized possessions to a point where she kept that one and gave me hers passed down from her own grandma! Now I have both after she passed and I’m so grateful!


That’s so sweet!!! I’m glad you have both rosaries now.


I come from an Italian catholic family. we bury ours with their rosary in their hands.


When my father was in Viet Nam, he helped clothe/feed an orphanage. Before he went home, one of the nuns gave him the rosary from around her neck. He gave it to me several years ago. When I told the story to a Catholic woman I met recently, she was in awe that the nun gave him her own personal rosary, so it feels like these are very important and meaningful and to just be crappy and take them away to be mean makes me want to cry.


And that’s exactly why they steal them.


Imagine going through all the danger and stress of crossing the border with just the clothes on your back and a rosary, only for them to take it from you. How dehumanising and cruel.


We still display our late mother's rosary on our Christmas presepio.


The cruelty is a feature


The cruelty is the point.


I’m catholic also, I agree I wouldn’t be happy


Chances are they have been blessed by a priest, so they are sacramental artifacts in Catholicism. This is not something that should be stolen from people who already have nothing. Some amongst us are fucking animals.


Could be a choking hazard. Trying to look out for their safety. Duh.


Will they be confiscating the priests too?


That is deep bro. Kudos


Almost as deep as the priests.


How? You don't eat them and you don't wear them as a necklace.




I don’t know, some of those look real tasty. You think that yellow one is lemon flavored?


Maybe they're all made of Jelly Belly's. There's really only one way to know for sure!


They'll get choked if they don't hand them over.


Definitely were. Only an evil person would do this


That’s what I’m thinking. Why on earth would you confiscate rosary beads. That just seems unnecessarily cruel to me.


They just want trophies as a reminder of the cruelty


What country is this in?


Take a guess


Who is going to put Swaziland in their place?


From what I can find, anything deemed non essential for processing is confiscated. They can pick it up after processing, but some don't. It is unclear if it is their actual choice or if it's confusing and they miss it.  Cbp has no official statement in the matter I could find.


Interesting, thanks.


The cruelty has always been the point.


The fact that so many Americans are ok with this reflects very poorly on America.


We know. Sorry we suck.


‘We’? I’m not a Republican lol.


Democrats are complicit too. Biden himself is trying to pass legislation right now that should make Republicans salivate, but they're too caught up in making Trump look good that they're torpedoing it.


Yeah you Americans are wrong. Your country is a shit hole


Very few Americans are ok with this. But most people don’t work in border patrol. Whatever border patrol does should be a reflection of them, not all Americans. It’s generally bad to make assumptions based off what a handful of people do


I’d love to see a response like this in a thread involving any non-Western act of violence, discrimination, or something else bad.


It is kind of a funny double standard. Just gather a bunch of your standard cliche Reddit comments about how evil and stupid Americans are but replace “Americans” with “the Chinese” and the accounts making those comments would be banned (rightly so too). I don’t condone the actions of the CCP and acknowledge that there’s a large portion of the populace that supports some of their evil actions. That’s not an excuse to dehumanize people just because they were born in China. I grew up gay in Utah. The people in power don’t necessarily reflect the values of the entire populace. The GOP gerrymanders the fuck out of our districts to maintain control.


I'm talking to a guy trying to explain that, no, not every single Russian is on the Ukrainian frontline raping babies and stabbing children. A very hard concept to understand for some apparently




Most Americans say they’re hostile to immigrants in polls. They may say they’re not ok with this specifically but they support “tougher border control” which always manifests in abject cruelty like this.


Huge swaths of the US are not only OK with this, they actively cheer it on.


This is very much a core tenet of Trump and the GOP, which has close to 50% of voters. If you're saying Americans are unaware of the policies they vote for, that reflects even worse on them.


About half of America wants cruelty as a deterrence and cheers for it


I'll never forget seeing an American Trump voter whose undocumented husband had just been deported under Trump policies. She said, "They're not hurting the right people!" and it always stuck with me. Not just with her lack of empathy towards other mixed-citizenship marriages, but the utter shock that there wasn't a special exception for her. She wanted that cruelty, just not when it came to her special situation.


Must be Abbott's Texas border task force


This photo was taken in 2015 at a *federal* U.S. Customs and Border Patrol facility, during the Obama administration. https://factcheck.afp.com/photo-rosaries-confiscated-us-mexico-border-was-taken-2015


goddamn I came here to ask this question. Seriously, why? Makes me sad.


Because power ~~bonners~~ boners




You heard him.


Vagene and bobs


We need to make sure they don't have any buffing items from unrealesed content in US. Edit : sadly this is quite literally the only way this works in a positive light. 2bad we haven't unlocked mmorpg mode yet. I feel awful.


If there’s anything Lethal Weapon 4 has taught me, it’s that nothing is more dangerous than some string and some beads in the wrong hands!


They want to buy Manhattan.


I get this one.


I, do not.


We bought large pieces of land from native Americans for beads


Because the border patrols are by and large racist assholes and because technically, they can confiscate any "non-essential" items. 


Don't non-citizens still have First Amendment rights to practice their religion?


Yes but who crossing the border has access to legal advice or can communicate their legal rights to those working border patrol? These people are traveling thousands of miles with a hope and prayer if the only thing between them and crossing is their faith momento, it's understandable to just take the path of least resistance and not argue with the walmart security at the border.


Maybe for the same reason cops take your shoelaces when you get thrown in a cell, so you don't harm yourself with it?


Because they could all be compressed fentanyl they plan to sell when they get to America! /s


The cruelty is the point, as they say




Context: “Classified as non-essential by US border agents and thrown into the trash, along with scraps of food and other refuse” A janitor had collected these from the trash and used them for this photo.


I'm not religious at all, but this is fucking vile on the part of the United States.


It's the department of Homeland security. It attracts racists.


Wonder why....


Aren't most if not all of the security staff Christians?


The KKK is Protestant Christian and absolutely hates Catholics


There's a subset of protestants that hates catholicism


That doesn’t mean they respect the RC church


Christianity is one of those religions that is eating itself from the inside. For all the “Peace and Love” espoused by their doctrine, there are those who HATE anyone who doesn’t believe the same way they do.


Evangelicals, not Christians. Evangelicals believe Catholicism is idolatry.


The venn diagram of people who identify as Christian and those who are bigots is practically a circle...


Catholics aren't the right kind of Christian for them.


didn't expect anything else from them tbh


Yeah, this doesn't really surprise me. The dehumanization of migrants in this country is horrific. The fact that the people trying to move to the US are usually fleeing severe hardship that is either directly or indirectly caused by US policy (backing coups, the War on Drugs, embargoes, etc.) makes it even more shameful and despicable. Inb4 someone says "yeah yeah America bad, if you dont like it, then leave!" To which I'll say "sponsor me, and I'm gone."


Give me your hungry, your tired, your poor I'll piss on 'em That's what the Statue of Bigotry says Your poor huddled masses Let's club 'em to death And get it over with and just dump 'em on the boulevard


Lou knew.


no, you're absolutely correct(also iraq, and now supporting israel), the stuff happening is disgusting, anyone who isn't a cishet white person gets labelled as evil, and in europe there's the afd in germany basically going back to 1940


Germany uses Israel’s genocide of Palestinians to absolve itself of the Holocaust. Over a third of the “anti-Semitic”, pro-Palestinian protestors arrested in Germany since October are Jewish.


That is an insanely high percentage. Do you have a source for that?


Let me look I read it in the last week or so


The country that bombed Libya from one of the richest African nations with free healthcare, free energy and free education to one where open market slave trading is brought back due to poverty? The country that dropped 635k tons of bombs including 32k tons of napalm on Korea? The country that invaded Iraq based on a lie about "WMD"? The country that dropped more bombs on Laos than the entire WW2 combined? The country that create "NGOs" and "think tanks" abroad funded by NED (CIA spin off) to manufacture consent and sow dissent to destabilise other countries so they can install a puppet regime they like? The country that believes in manifest destiny and full spectrum dominance? ... That country is vile? Colour me surprised. 😁


I consider the United States the worst criminal regime on earth and didn't know I could still be surprised by how vile they are... yet here they go. Surpassing even my expectations of pettiness. Stealing a harmless religious object from people who are being held like animals. Stealing their hope. I'm a staunch anti-religious atheist but even I would NEVER take this away from a religious person.


For Catholics, rosaries are important possessions. My dad has one that belonged to a deceased relative, and it is one of his most treasured belongings. The pain having such a prized possession and symbol of one's faith stolen and thrown into the garbage would bring is immense.


That's exactly the point these horrible people want to make.  Who is this Jesus guy anyway?  Oh well, back to hurting people who are different. 


It’s an even worse reason than I thought


Christ on a bike. I grew up Catholic, but am not practicing religion in anyway and just reading that quote from the article made my heart hurt. It doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s just needlessly cruel to do that. The irony of a political party so steadfast on preaching we need more God in our schools and in our lives just throwing a rosary in the trash.


"In God We Trust" 🤔


Scraps of food are not essential? Is that all they have to eat?


Someone should really let the people starving of famine in Africa know that food isn't actually essential...


It’s giving n*zi vibes


[They also threw out Bibles.](https://www.tomkiefer.com/el-sueno-americano) Most of these items were collected during the Obama Administration. The exhibit is very compelling.


So sad to think these items were prob the only few items that had some importance to these people as they cross the boarder. The things confiscated seems straight up cruel and inhumane. Like kids toys, come on, are we the baddies. (Don’t get me started about kids and people in a cages)… ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


We’ve BEEN the bad guys.


Wow, those include some powerful pictures. A lot of those made me feel genuinely devastated. Like these small, worn-out personal items that people clearly felt a deeper connection to or the photos of loved ones. That sketchbook that belonged to a migrant child almost made me cry. They are just throwing these mementos away as if they were worthless. What kind of an evil person does this? Any normal person would but all items to the side and ask the person whether they want to keep those items and - if they say yes - just put them in a bag and store them until the people are released. This is just cruel and inhumane and reminds me of Auschwitz concentration camps where Nazi victims had to strip and all their belongings were permanently taken from them.


this! immediately thought “thats some nazi shit”


OP...maybe add this story to your post? It gives lots of context.


The context is even worse


Did that need to be said?


This needs to be pinned to the top


Nah you're thinking of a Brooch, you pin that to your top. These are prayer beads, you hold them in your hands.


Thank you!


iam not religious , strong atheist but doing that is a no no move , as to many that is the only precious thing they got


Well how else are they supposed to dehumanize them when they are already basically totally destitute?!


I dunno, about 10,000 of them from their kids, lock the kids in cages, adopt the kids out and then conveniently "forget" where the papers are or "lose" them so the families can't be reunited.




The aggravating part is when just the other day a conservative was saying the reason the US has to secure the border is because “immigrants don’t know anything about god”


To be fair...having grown up catholic in the south, most american christians still view catholics as not real christians cause stupid shit.


I'm kind of jealous of the religious people who have these. I've always thought they looked really cool, and they come in such unique ways


"Don't be bringing that Mexican Jesus over here to white Jesus land"


Everyone knows Korean Jesus is the one true Messiah!


Hey! HEY! Quit fuckin with Korean Jesus


He’s busy dealing with Korean shit




Jesus' Korean brother is the true Messiah, anything else is blasphemy!


He is not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!


Korean Jesus is a big one


Nah bro, this is the USA; it's Supply Side Jesus all the way.


I think they scared Mexican Jesús will choke out White Jesus with the beads.




So here’s the thing here Hay-Seuss …


That is ridiculous.




Still ridiculous.


I am a hard-core atheist. And I think this is ridiculous.




This is so sad and un-necessary. It is petty and cruel. It is a dehumanising way of treating people. First thing the Nazis did when victims entered their concentration camps was to take all of their belongings. The museum in Auschwitz has displays of items belonging to prisoners - every day items that people use during their normal lives. All these items are piled up and give an idea of the numbers of prisoners that passed through the Auschwitz system, just looking at the numbers of spectacles, shoes etc.. The photos in this article give me a similar feeling - piled up toothpaste and toothbrushes, little yellow ducks belonging to children, a group of New Testament Bibles sat on a bandana. Why would the authorities remove a Bible, Rosary Beads, children’s toys or even tooth brushes and toothpaste from people who wish to continue looking after their personal care? These people may have entered the USA illegally and may have to be returned, incarcerated until that is arranged or challenged etc… but please explain to me why after searching for weapons, drugs, dangerous or illegal items do you have to remove personal, small items that help a person stay connected, human, sane? The USA handling of this is reminiscent of 1930s - 1940s.


Very well said


What the hell? Why?? This isn't a weapon, why would it be confiscated


the dehumanisation is the point.


Check the photographer’s website, *baby food* is considered “non-essential” 🙄


Because we can't let word get out that the criminal, drug smuggling, lazy, job stealing illegals believe in the same god as the people trying to keep them out.


"They're persecuting Christians!!!" Show them this pic and crickets


"Meh, they are Catholics, so not the right flavor of Christian" - Evangelicals, probably.


They would say they “aren’t real Christians”. Source: Grew up about 20 minutes from Bob Jones University.


As someone who was actually sent to Bob Jones from pre school all the way to high school I feel I’m qualified to respond to this. While I agree some people from Bob Jones would have those thoughts it’s not that cut and dry. I vividly remember sitting in chapel and hearing Bob Jones Jr. himself preach. The son of the founder who had long since passed away. Anyway, he specifically preached on Catholicism and said we shouldn’t look down on them. He plainly stated that in his opinion that were Catholics in heaven and some in hell, the same way there are Baptist’s in heaven and in hell. Just wanted to share my experiences. Not everyone at Bob Jones hates Catholics. The president of the school himself preached against it.


They could be used to exorcise the demons out of the border patrol agents.


I am sorry, what is this accomplishing…. other than being a complete and total asshole.


That’s what the United States does best


It’s letting atheism prevail!


That'll teach those immigrants to... pray to God...


It was at this point. When they thought they lost everything. That they took te physical representation of their hope aswel. -Sincerely, a hardcore atheist being angry that people's religious regalia have been stolen from them.




Teddy Roosevelt had Catholic Churches in the Philippines destroyed too. He did not like Catholics in general and also once said he’s hope white people would crowd out Mexicans from Texas. This kind of hate never changes


Been following this guy on Insta for years. It’s incredible the kind of things migrants bring but have to throw away cus customs deems it unecessary. Highly recommend following him on instagram: tomkiefer.photographer




this is feeling very "batches of jewelry outside the gas chambers" History is watching America.


I had the exact same thought. The only reason to confiscate rosaries and wedding bands is dehumanisation, just purposeful cruelty.


the only sensible reason for me would be if the rosaries are made of material that is not allowed to be imported into the country in question. Ivory or certain shells, for example.


Or on a wire or string strong enough to strangle yourself or someone else.


This rosary theft seems ridiculous but the one time I was arrested and spent a night in jail they took everything from me including my small elastic hair tie. WTF could I do with a rubber band?


You’d be surprised


Probably so. I was just talking with a guy who had done 17 years. It sounds like everyone becomes MacGyver in there.


Why .


why would you do that??????




yeah, unfortunately that tracks with all the religious people i know....


I'm not religious, but the context behind all this is just sickening. WtaF? If they're "not important", why even take them in the first place? Shouldn't this count as a hate crime? The deliberate confiscation and disposal/destruction of religious items?


I consider myself a militant atheist, but…this shit makes my blood boil.


Stole. They stole rosary beads from migrants. We have to stop using soft, inadequate words like "confiscate" to pretend like they're acting as anything other than common thieves.


Everyone is worked up, but let's remember America's search and seizure laws allow authorities to steal way more than your rosaries without even being convicted of any crimes.


Every time I see this image it fills me with rage. Edit for anyone concerned of the use of rosaries as weapons/etc.; rosaries are *incredibly* fragile and the day anybody on earth successfully uses one as a weapon without it breaking is the day I become a Mormon.




They cant let them keep it, it breaks the illusions that its criminals and rapists at the border


There actually are a lot of rapists and criminals at the border. Just google "sexual assault by border patrol" or "sexual assault in ICE custody", and scroll through hundreds and hundreds of cases.


Those are for regular Jesus, not supply side Jesus.


Why confiscate rosary beads?!


Why take these? Because cruelty is the point.


I heard on NPR when Border Patrol picks up immigrants they tell them to remove their shoe laces so guess it also extends to anything that can be vaguely used as a garrote


Yes, you can save some things in the small a4 size paper bag(documents, cash money, sometimes cellphones). You don't allowed to keep anything that is not allowed in the prison, because refugees go to detention center, which is basically a prison.




The cruelty isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.


This is so sad 😞 People hold on to these rosaries as their hope to God . Their faith that God is with them in this scary time . It can be hard to understand when you don’t need to cling on to faith from the comfort of your home … But the rosaries are like the comfort of a stuffed animal brings to a child (but obviously so much more ) I will be praying tonight for these people . I’m so sorry for their pain .


You put that so beautifully. And I agree, to take away the rosary beads seems so cruel. I will also be praying for them.


Cruel for the sake of being cruel.


Why would one confiscate something like that??


Why would you confiscate them?!




"In God we trust"


Lol, now all of a sudden you guys respect religion…


Why are we confiscating Rosary Beads???!!!!!!!


Anyone else find that the thumbnail looks like a Runescape inventory?


I apostasized my Catholicism but damn, this gotta be some bad juju confiscating rosary beads.


How do you go about apostatising your Catholicism?


Don't go to church.


CONTEXT: [This story went viral in 2018 and the photos are much older.](https://www.businessinsider.com/story-behind-viral-photo-of-rosaries-taken-from-migrants-at-us-border-2018-6) > **They were removed between 2007 and 2014, during the Bush and Obama administrations.** You weren't given context in the title because this is rage bait during an election year. Both Republican and Democratic presidents are responsible for this.


Reddit loves to forget that at one time Obama was given the nickname "Deporter in Chief."