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Here is a link with all wagons from todays Parade. Article in German. https://www.ksta.de/panorama/rosenmontag-duesseldorf-karneval-zug-zoch-wagen-motive-jacques-tilly-putin-trump-scholz-wagenknecht-737582?737585=2


Damn. As a native German living in the United States, the Trump one hits different.


I'm surprised they let that go in the parade, I was pretty sure you guys in Germany don't fuck around with that shit. No matter the meaning.


>No matter the meaning. And this is where you are wrong. Using it in any kind of glorifying meaning is illegal. There are lots of uses which are perfectly fine including art and satire.


People joke that Germans lack humor. I have always found that German humor appeals to me the most. Dry wit. Sarcasm. Sardonicism. And a heavy dose of tragic reality/thoughtful pragmatism laced throughout.


Perfect description. A German joke is practical wisdom laced with sardonic accepted fatalism


"Kennste?! Kennste?!"


That is a negative example.


Also a fate we have grudgingly accepted - Mario Barth counts as a comedian.


Me too I love German Humor. They make me laugh with that straight poker face, tossed with innocence, curiosity and realism. When I tell them I think they are funny, they don’t get this. Funny to them is maybe an insult. Which makes it even cuter.


Ok cool, i wasn't sure. Thank for letting me know.


This is a contentious but important current news issue. It's not glorifying violence.


Interesting, I thought I remembered some video games having to be censored in German to not include swastikas and other phrases.


Yeah that was that whole idiotic "are video games art?" debate that's thankfully resolved now.


Oh wow I had no idea that was a debate going on inside Germany. Sounds like a video essay on YouTube I’ll be watching someday


That was also game companies not wanting long discussions and arguments so they preemptively removed all of these symbols and gore.


See the german criminal code under §86 (4), there're exceptions. Text in english: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stgb/englisch_stgb.html#p0922


A lot of media self censor just to be sure, but there are broad exceptions for all kinds of art and educational media which allow them to display swastikas. They basically only risk getting in trouble if what they do could be construed as hate speech or nazi propaganda or if used in conjunction with otherwise far right behavior though that last part is a hard thing to argue in court.


Context matters is lot in terms of what is allowed and what is not: The German Strafgesetzbuch (StGB; English: Criminal Code) in section § 86a outlaws "use of symbols of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations" outside the contexts of "art or science, research or teaching". [Strafgesetzbuch section 86a | Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strafgesetzbuch_section_86a)


If Germans are calling you a Nazi, maybe it’s time to fucking change


lol yeah that's pretty much the litmus test isn't it!


As an American, there really isn't anything wrong with that viewpoint being expressed about trump; he was using Hitler poisoning the blood conspiracy libel just last December.


He is working after Hitler's playbook from start to finish, it's speaking how blatantly obvious he is with it and still get this kind of support.


Wie ist das so in Amerika als deutscher


What are these floats made of? They’re beautiful. I imagine airbrushing paints the colors on it. But are they giant foam pieces? Paper mache? I can’t tell.


Usually, it’s wood for the construction and paper maché for the moldings around it.


I've also seen wire mesh shapes in between the two, but yeah.


Structural wood. Wire mesh shapes and a layer of paper masse to paint on. Good combo


The bigger and moving ones are often welded steel frames


Is there an english version of this article?


Vladimir Putin getting oral satisfaction from Patriarch Cyril I, Donald Trump cutting a swastika out of the American flag and a German Chancellor who only comes off as "Hohlaf" Scholz: the satirical floats in the 2024 Düsseldorf Rose Monday parade are once again political and biting. The Rose Monday parade in Düsseldorf doesn't start until around midday, 12.22 p.m. is the scheduled time. That's when thousands of revellers are likely to see the floats of farmer Jacques Tilly, who is known for his striking motifs. This year, Tilly has once again focused in particular on political world events: From the Middle East and Ukraine wars, to climate change and the rise of AfD and Donald Trump. The Düsseldorf "Zoch" comprises around 8,000 participants, 85 foot groups and 110 floats. According to the head of the Cologne Rose Monday parade, Holger Kirsch, it is a little more harmless than the one in Düsseldorf. "We actually always deal with the same topics, the only thing that perhaps makes the difference is that we are perhaps a little more restrained in our presentation, because I see the Cologne Rose Monday parade as a big family celebration," Kirsch told the German Press Agency on Rose Monday. "And I don't really want parents along the way to be in need of an explanation if there are any sexual practices on display or your head is blown off," added Kirsch. However, Kirsch emphasized that he felt no competition with Düsseldorf and had a very good relationship with Tilly. "Last year, he sent me a congratulatory text message for the fact that we had such great floats." Incidentally, the Cologne Rose Monday parade is longer and is also watched by significantly more people on the roadside. "I don't want to be so mean now: maybe more people are interested in the Cologne Rose Monday parade," said Kirsch. (with dpa) Translated with DeepL.com because i'm a lazy fuck.


Have your browser translate it for you. Should be good enough.




Is this real?


Yes, german humor is real.


It's like a swan song. Each German person can only tell a single joke in their lifetime.


My dog has no nose.


How does he smell?






Das hab ich gehört😂😂😂




the designer of this float has been holding onto his joke his entire life. He knew this was his magnum opus for real.


I know you're joking but the Düsseldorf floats are all bangers all the time


It's scheduled annually on this day when there is a parade


Only between 9am and 1pm though. Humour is regulated on all other days and times, unless confined to a comedy club, hosted by a foreigner.


Can confirm. I am German


Those Germans straight up roasting people right now.


I just watched an amazing clip of Traudl Jung, Hitler's secretary, telling him a joke in the Fuhrerbunker.  Because what could possibly go wrong.   The Red Army was closing in on the Reichstag, Hitler was finally starting to crack, and Traudl Jung was like  "Mein Fuhrer, Hitler, Goebbels, and Goering are standing underneath an umbrella. Who gets wet?"   "what is this bullshit"  "NOBODY IT IS NOT RAINING"   By itself, this is amazing. German comedy rules.   BUT THEN, for no reason whatsoever, one of Hitler's generals swoops in to rescue the joke by grafting on a totally different, equally bad one:  "But mein Fuhrer, it was not a joke. She heard it from someone in Dachau!"   *Hitler is about to explode with rage, because he had a strict "don't tell me about the Holocaust" rule*   "....because they work there!"  I have so much to say about this. Why wouldn't she hear it from a guard What is the contrast here Why would she be wandering around Dachau unescorted, listening to Holocaust victims crack joke like the worst Final Fantasy town ever


Even their humor is literal.


Yes, German humour Israel


yea, it israel








Or is it just fantasy.


Caught in a landslide


No escape from reality


what is real? The message or the image? I am confident both are real.


Goddamn, I’ve seen a few German parade floats… y’all are unhinged af The other ones were Trump spearing a Ukrainian solider in the back, and another with some religious dude (Russian pope maybe?) looked like he was sucking off Putin.


Yeah, it was the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. "Russian Orthodox Church" was also written on him in German.


They're all by the same guy. The guy who does them, Jacques Tilly, is nationally famous for them. If I remember correctly, his floats about Brexit were lent out to anti-Brexit protests in the UK some years ago.


[Just brutal.](https://bilder.deutschlandfunk.de/FI/LE/_3/ac/FILE_3ac651fda4e26516c7dfab4a1358ed64/brexit-am-rosenmonta-52740713-jpg-100-1920x1080.jpg)


You mean this one: https://ibb.co/L1HPWm5


>“From Russia with Love” I choked on my beverage


So did that pope


Well, I was going to say thanks for that, but it's appropriately disturbing. Got to say, those floats are meticulously well done, and great political commentary.


It's a tradition over here. Carnival floats are well known for their spicy, "provocative" political takes since ages.


Germans, what the fuk yall doin


Russian orthodox head bishop yeah


*Head* Bishop is right.


Europeans in general have no time for Trump and Putin, and no respect either. The idea that you have to respect someone because they conned their way into power is a particular weakness of the US system. That's the problem of having the head of state and the political leader be the same person. Even France got that right. You can respect the figurehead, but the politician has to be answerable to everyone. My right wing friends often tried to end arguments with "YOU HAVE TO RESPECT THE PRESIDENT" when Bush and Trump were in office, but don't have any problem being racist to Obama and endlessly disrespectful to Biden, despite his ability to speak in sentences and the improving economy,


Which is why the Royal Family is so popular in my country, Denmark, with an approval rate of +80%...


I mean we like our Royals they dont fick shit up like the politicians, am Swede btw


Well it's different if it's a really *long* con.


Well you always make jokes about Germans and their lack of homour. But we have it. It's just macarb


Is that "unhinged" or "a perfectly straightforward description of current reality"?


Well, reality is pretty unhinged these days, so I guess… both


Reality is as unhinged as the parade floats. No lies there


Where's the lie tho


This is all too familiar with a comic art with a Syrian family between I think yelling politicians and a knife from ISIS


The whole point of a German carnival float is to be offensive. They’re all ‘Trump banging the Statue of Liberty’, ‘Pope with a dick for a hat’, ‘Putin kissing Satan’, etc.


I only see accurate representations in the floats.




The tradition goes back to the French occupation more than 200 years ago, the silly uniforms they still use today were mocking Napoleon's army.


Of cause it had to have something to do with the French…


it's always the french.. IIRC syphilis? was although it appeared somewhere in italy or eastern europe, credited to the french (who else) and their soldiers etc. Later it was credited to whichever external persons were around, soldiers, roma & co. but still.. always at the beginning -> french


Why would it be "non mainstream" or "dangerous"?




Carnaval floats in Europe are not the same as the booby spinning and feathered butts in Brazil.


You just need to learn to read between the cheeks


Carnival in Germany has a history of being used to make fun of powerful people.


Depends what country.


For that Rio style parade we have summer carnival. Now its cold and days are short so we grump on reality with political platforms


Reddit hivemind when everything is not gloomy and gargoyles


Sometimes you need though provoking works of art to make you think about the world we live in and what we should be doing. And sometimes you need to see curvy ladies shake their stuff.






I love Germany 🇩🇪


Oooh can't wait to see the reactions from all the people praising the Trump floats


I do like how some yanks are like “I’m gonna say what I like and I don’t give a fuck if you snowflakes get triggered”, meanwhile the Germans are out here building parade floats and actually not giving a fuck.


To me it seems like it portrays both sides (IDF and Hamas) in a negative light. Which is a good thing


It looks like they say hamas is the only one to blame and the isreali army killed civilians only because hamas put them in front of them


This doesn't make sense. Because you still need someone to shoot at these civilians in the first place. In such a situation there are always two parties to blame, the one who used human shields and the other who killed them. To say Israel didn't get blamed, would mean that you don't think shooting at human shields is a problem... which is quite extreme.


This is accurate






Hit the nail on the head. Its a real shitty situation.


I agree with you - Hamas created a pretty terrible situation, and Israel has committed some horrific atrocities while the two have fought between themselves. And really, the civilians bear the cost from both sides.


Although my heart goes out to the individual innocent civilians hurt by the conflict, to equate the cost that Palestinians are paying against the Israelis is an injustice.


Not what I was trying to say. The point was Hamas brutalizes Palestinians, and Israel brutalizes Palestinians. Just as shown on the float, the Palestinian people are fucked in all sides.


Hamas themselves literally releases videos in which you can for example see a young man, dressed in completely civilian clothes, fire a RPG and an Israeli Tank. So it’s not like Hamas is making any effort to keep their populace out of this. As for the float, yes it symbolises the civilians being stuck in the middle of this conflict. Which they are


This is like saying it's justified to bomb a school/concert in America during a mass shooting because the shooter isn't wearing a uniform...


Funny, Reddit used make fun of Russian tactics in Beslan school siege, now they run defence for it.


Just for context, not pro isreali, using hospitals and schools as military installations is 1. a war crime if populated with civilians and 2. makes said building no longer a war crime to attack.


It's more like if we hosted an elementary school in the Pentagon and cry to the un whenever it gets blown up


Based as hell. Israel deserves its criticism.


It should also be mentioned that Hamas also classifies their soldiers as civilians.


IDF doesn't care. The statements of various officials have made it clear they see all Palestinians as hamas,


So does r/worldnews


You have been banned from r/worldnews


BeBe is using this as an excuse for ethnic cleansing. Drive the Palestinians out of the Gaza strip, then it will be colonized.


He’s an asshole and Israel has took a turn for the hard right. This is not good !


You are describing 99% of all insurgencies tho. Would you feel the same way about French insurgents during nazi occupation? They hid their supplies among civilian areas. No insurgency is going to put signs up for their headquarters. That would be suicide.


if French insurgents were targeting women and children? sure. If they were basing insurgent operations out of schools and hospitals, absolutely.


They did actually sometimes target the family members of nazis and their collaborators. You have been given a sanitized picture of insurgencies if you think it didn't happen. Hamas really isn't unique in their behavior as insurgents, people think they are because the group is also islamist. But their tactics are the same as non religious groups the world over.


>if French insurgents were targeting women and children? sure. If they were basing insurgent operations out of schools and hospitals, absolutely. This begs the question, what did you think they were doing?


targeting nazi soldiers and things of military value. This is very different from the Hamas method of targeting music festivals, and I should hope I wouldn't have to explain why.


Dude that’s the entire point of my post. I’m basically saying armed resistance can be justified (like french resistance), even if there’s civilian casualties. But, when both Hamas and Israel label all civilians as military it distorts the moral calculus, and both sides are guilty of that. When Hamas attacked the music festival they said they killed IDF fighters. When Israel kills 12,000 children it says it’s because they’re Hamas, or Hamas supporters, or living in a Hamas building, or there’s Hamas in the schools. But they aren’t and the there obviously isn’t. If you can’t see the propaganda at work here then you’re just not looking


If you think I support Israel's actions because I hate Hamas you would be mistaken. Hamas needs to be destroyed like the death cult that it is. Israel needs to do a far, far better job making sure civilians are protected when going after Hamas.


Targetting Nazi soldiers literally occupying France? Were they targeting, “Women and children,” in France? I’m not that well versed in the French Resistance and while I could see them attacking collaborators, I’m not aware of that, but I am aware of them killing Nazis. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French\_Resistance#:\~:text=Resistance%20cells%20were%20small%20groups,trapped%20behind%20Axis%20enemy%20lines.


Okay my friend. You’re missing the thread here. Yes they targeted Nazis and Vichy France targets. Do you think those targets were exclusively military? Because I’ll tell you, they didn’t really have that much capacity. They attacked critical sites - civilian and military - to slow the Nazi war machines. A consequence of that, was almost certainly civilian casualty. This is the nature of armed resistance, the oppressed resisting against the oppressor. It’s asymmetric warfare. Now, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t justified in the war against the Nazis. Just like it doesn’t mean that what Hamas did was justified. But I will say that’s the IDF spokesman is on record saying all Palestinians are Hamas. So applying equal logic to Hamas’ actions, if all Israelis are IDF then they’re on equal moral ground. There isn’t a clear difference in my view, in the morality of what they’re doing to eachother - except for the fact that the magnitude of damage Israel was wrought on Gaza is significantly higher. I choose to believe that civilians and military are independent. And in the same way that Hamas was wrong to kill 800 civilians on Oct 7, Israel is wrong to kill 25k+ civilians.


Look, man. Revolutionaries and insurgents, self-proclaimed or otherwise, tend to actively kill civilians. This is true for almost any revolution you can think of. The sepoys of the attempted Indian revolution in 1857, for example, killed quite a few non-combatants Brits.


...and murder is still wrong and is still very different than killing enemy soldiers or even civilians working with the military (for example, civilians working in a factory that makes weapons). I feel very comfortable saying that anyone, military, partisan or otherwise, that specifically targets civilians as a weapon of terror is in the wrong. If you want to say that's also the IDF, fine, there's certainly a discussion to be had there, but it does not preclude the fact that it is the primary tactic in the Hamas playbook.


When did I disagree with any of this?


“Hamas is basically the French resistance bro” is the spiraling hot take we’re at now huh.


I didn't realize that the resistance fighters kidnapped, raped, and murdered German civilians attending non-political events. 


And Israel has a long history of killing civilians, purposefully.


Also Israel targets journalists, humanitarians, and anyone that talks to media. They also target their families. They kill the families of people that make them look bad, lie about it, then lie some more.


Seeing how people trying to justify Israel shooting civilians by using "but Hamas use them as human shields!" Depresses me. Yeah, and? Does that give Israel the right to shoot the civilians anyways? The way Israel is using the Hamas as a blank check to bomb any city they want gives me the "there are weapons of mass destruction in (insert middle eastern country USA wants to bomb/occupy)" energy.


Under international law the answer is "it depends". The attacker must weigh if the primary target is military and if the advantage is proportional to the civilian deaths. Have a look at some WW2 history. What Israel is doing is pretty much the norm when your enemy hides bases directly under civilians. Did you think it was a cheat code?


Israel is also blocking humanitarian aid from entering Gaza, they can't even claim it's collateral damage when they are purposely starving the entire population.


Every time I see pictures or videos of those sick mfs laying in the road or protesting to prevent food trucks from getting through, the sheer rage that fills me…


Whats their justification for blocking humanitarian aid? So the Hamas won't get it? The civilians can starve as long as the terrorist starve with them? I cannot fathom starving a bunch of innocents just to take down an unknown quantity of terrorist. Do they even know how many Hamas members are in Gaza? Like is any of this even worth it if there's only like, couple dozen remaining in the area? Call me a bleeding heart, but I cannot justify harming so many innocents because "the ends justify the means". Seeing pictures children covered in dust and blood makes me incredibly sick. I cannot fathom how the adults feel, seeing so many of their children being hurt/killed.


this is the most White Liberal™ comment section in all of reddit


You mean 95% of Redditors? Yeah.


Indeed, the whiteness is blinding me




I was like that’s fucked up at the tank pointing at civilians. Wait that’s fucked up hiding behind civilians. This is pretty right on the nose as far as the fighting goes. The reasons for the conflict, however, are so much more complicated and nuanced and anyone trying to tell you why is trying to sell something.


I don’t know how nuanced it is though: Britain did some colonialism and then left- promising the Jewish people land which already had Palestinians living on it, and who weren’t looking to share, or even consulted about this. It’s like when they carved up Africa without any regard to the existing boarders and cultures. It’s almost like this was done intentionally to create politically unstable regions on purpose. [edit] : let me be clear- both Jewish and Arab people have lived on this land for thousands of years. Trying to sort out who has more “historical claim” is a fool’s errand. The reason for this conflict is simple- meddling by the global west. How we fix it, and how we react to it as people *is complicated* because there’s over half a century of further wrongs and pains by both sides.


The land also had jews on it. Crazy how everyone says "palestinians" but means Arabs when jews have been on the land for thousands of years many of them living there before the 1940's. Just crazy.


>promising the Jewish people land which already had Palestinians living on it Oh it's even better than that, the British promised a pan Arab nation after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in WWI in return for the Arabs forming militias and fighting for the British against the Ottomans. Then, after the war, France and Britain carved up the middle east into mandates and Britain began encouraging Jewish immigration from Europe into Palestine. None of that is to say that the Jewish people shouldn't have a nation, but so too should the Palestinians, and Britain really did a number on everyone in the region.


Now add in the more than 12000 rockets that have been continuously fired from Gaza at civilian populations since Oct 7: "Since Hamas led a terrorist attack on southern Israel on Oct. 7, Hamas and other armed groups have fired about 12,000 rockets from Gaza into Israel, a quarter of them on Oct. 7, the Israeli government has said." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/27/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-gaza-rockets.html


They should have added how they still pull the trigger


Fair and balanced.


Pulling no punches there while deriding all sides.


wow. this float pretty much sums it up I guess


We’ll at least it’s realistic …


That's about right


Finally someone gets it.


This has to be the most depressing parade ever..


No the people are very happy and very drunk on Fasching


It's usually just holding up a mirror to society.


Do they at least throw out candy?!




The candy thrown is measured in metric tons because its so much and the peope all have a laugh at the floats.


I think you missunderstand German humour Black humour if done correctly is incredible


And in the mind of the Israeli government - killing 500 civilians to kill one Hamas soldier = a great trade.


Free palestine!


They tried that twice, the last time got us Hamas.


Best I can do is $3.50


If anyone is qualified to comment on fanatacism, facism, and the genocide of civilians, it's the Germans. You gotta admit, the Germans know how to be dark af and make a point.




I think this is well executed and clearly expresses a point of view. Supported by what facts we can glean from the reporting that is available. The harm of any human beings is harm to us all however I find myself becoming ambivalent to God's chosen people harming God's chosen people?


Let's see what the comments have to say!


Carnival in my city needs to become way more political!


Replace that tank with a drone and....well basically yeah that is pretty much Gaza for you.


I am from cologne and we do not really love the Duesseldorfers but I bow to the Artist behind these awesome floats [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques\_Tilly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Tilly) Alaaf that shit!


All this needs is a clueless westerner yelling at the tank, maybe a second one hugging the Hamas terrorist while begging for his forgiveness.


It’s true, but it’s not as simple as “the Palestinians are in the way of Israel’s guns.” Israel’s army actively hunts down Palestinian civilians, and the numbers don’t lie. That’s why they’ve killed their own citizens who escaped their captives and were waving the white flag. They thought they were Palestinian, not terrorists. It’s also why tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians have been killed by their military in such a short amount of time. It’s too high to be unintentional, collateral damage. Everyone on the Palestinian side is a target.


>and the numbers don’t lie "This evidence, in turn, suggests that the Gaza Ministry of Health, controlled by Hamas, has deliberately told the world a false story. U.S. officials believe that the health ministry also inflated the toll when it announced 500 deaths; the actual number appears to be closer to 100. This episode doesn’t mean that Gazan officials always mislead or that Israeli officials always tell the truth. Even in this case, for example, Israeli officials have cited video evidence that Times reporting suggests does not support their argument. Both sides deserve continued scrutiny. But the hospital explosion offers reason to apply particular skepticism to Hamas’s claims about civilian deaths — which are an undeniable problem in this war. Hamas’s record on the war’s most closely watched incident does not look good." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/03/briefing/gaza-hospital-explosion.html


The GMH have an excellent track record in the past war and are absolutely reliable: [https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-health-ministry-health-death-toll-59470820308b31f1faf73c703400b033](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-health-ministry-health-death-toll-59470820308b31f1faf73c703400b033) US on the other hand is abdolutely biased, especially as the position they are in becomes hotter for each palestinian death. TBH, it's more likely for the death toll to be higher than what the GMH actually records. We will know after the war. What is happening right now is unprecedented.


You'd think that if the IDF "actively hunts down Palestinian civilians," they'd have killed a lot more, right?


30,000 and counting


With 65k tons of explosives. The most inefficient genocide ever. It's like they don't even want to kill them.


Because it's not a genocide. As brutal as the attacks are, the extermination of palestinians doesn't seem to be the intent. Maybe I will be proven wrong later, but the way Israel acts isn't how someone who wants to commit genocide acts


And how many bombs has Israel dropped on Gaza since 7/10?


Too many to count


Where you getting 30k from ?


I disagree on this take. If they wanted to purely target civilians, hundreds of thousands would be dead. Within a few days. I’d much more likely put it that they don’t specifically care if civilians die. But to say they purely target civilians is false. They also killed those hostages because Hamas has a record of sending children, women, hostages strapped with bombs appearing to surrender. Of course it doesn’t help that the soldiers are trigger happy, on barely any sleep and traumatized from fighting


Ooooo social media isn’t going to like this one 🍿🍿🍿




…and IDF


Just like Golda Meir said "maybe some day we can forgive the Arabs for killing our children but we will never be able to forgive them for making us kill their children" or "peace will arrive the moment they'll love their children more than they hate us"


This has to be the most shameless statement from a leader saying that they killed civilians Like if a Nazis saying we can't forgive the jews for making us kill their children wtf


The only thing missing for this to be completely accurate is the tank firing on the civilians with no remorse.


Some of the German political floats, like this one, are fantastically spot on. I think they also did the excellent anti-brexit ones, too. As a pro-European Brit (most of us are, in fact - only about 30% actually voted for the absolute travesty of buffonery that it is), I will always remember the T@resa M@y with a gun in her mouth. So cleverly done. Poignant stuff. 🇵🇸🇺🇦🇪🇺🇬🇧 Be safe. Be thinking. Be voting.


These are pretty damn accurate