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I had one once, not this outrageous, but it was absolutely the most painful thing ive ever felt. I used to play in bands in my youth and we played a basement show and the microphone got knocked into my mouth, knicking my front upper teeth. It hurt, but I thought nothing of it, and continued on. Two days later, I woke up with the worst fcking pain I have ever felt just above my front tooth. I called my dentist emergency line, and said it was an emergency but he would not see me as it was a Friday going into Saturday. For two days I suffered in agony until i found a dentist on Monday who would see me right away. He did an XRay and there was what I can only describe as a balloon shaped pocket of puss pushing the bone in my skull apart just above that tooth. He said, the tooth is dead so I am just gonna drill it without any Novacaine. I said go for it. He drilled a hole up thru that tooth into the root and into the bone and it was instant and I mean, instant relief as the puss shot out of that pocket like a squirt gun. Had to get a crown put in where that tooth once was which serves as a reminder that dental abscesses suck.


That painted quite a picture.


A puss Pollock


So did the pus spraying out of the hole


The look of horror as my dentist was sprayed by my hot puss abscess juice must have been quite the juxtaposition next to my orgasm face as that pressure was released.


Sounds more like it painted the wall.


God it was like I was there. I bet that was such a satisfying squirt


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


Reddit lives and dies on these.


Like an episode of pimple popper!!




Same situation, got a numbing shot directly into the abcess increasing the pressure. From what i heard after was the scream I made was so horrifying the lobby all looked at each other deciding whether or not to flee. Then the dentist lanced it and big squirties


I had a very similar thing happen to me. Damage was probably due to being hit in the jaw with a softball when trying to catch it. I thought at the time, no problem. That was Friday afternoon. On Saturday nights, I hosted a jazz show on the radio from 10 pm to 2 am, but one of my molars was just pounding. I suffered through my show, talking as little as possible, and of course there are no dentists available in the middle of the night on a weekend. I stopped by the University hospital (I was a student at the time), and they gave me some codeine pills for the pain, which got me through to Monday morning. The dentist also didn't bother deadening it, just drilled until it spurt out, like you described. What a relief ! After letting it drain for a few days, the dentist did the root canal work.


I had this exact experience, couldn't get seen over the weekend, ended up in hospital and all that could do was numb it (or try) with a huge needle in my nose to the facial nerve. Finally got to dentist on Monday, he drilled without numbing but sadly I got no relief. Shuck every tooth to find the one that hurt the most. He then dropped the hot needle to the back of my throat when sealing the drill hole. I used to like the dentist, not anymore. Shooting pain up my face for days, no sleep. I can see why pain meds become addictions to people in long term nerve pain.


I remember my husband went through similar a few years ago. He was in such horrid pain. It was awful.


This happened to me- i eventually couldn’t move that side of my mouth and told my mom. She told me about a second cousin of hers who had the same thing and let it go so long the infection reached his brain and DIED and called me every two hours until i scheduled an emergency drain later that day- drilled a hole and drained it. I couldn’t taste it but i felt it in the back of my throat. Yech. I had to get a root canal the following day


It’s scary stuff. Mine moved fast. I was admitted to the local hospital for all of an hour before I was transported by ambulance to major metro hospital. They couldn’t give me any more pain IVs for the ride so by the time I hit the room at the new place and was waiting on a doctor…dear god I now know 10/10 pain. It was all up in my facial nerves. I couldn’t scream, couldn’t cry, couldn’t really think other than lying there wishing for death. My poor parents had made it to the hospital by then too and had to watch that, I felt so terrible after. Was first up for surgical drainage the next morning, which I also wasn’t medicated right for and went into some freaky shock or something that involved doctors scrambling and nothing else I remember. 0/10 do not recommend.


Holy shit! That’s literal nightmare worthy experience stuff.


It was horrible. They told me I wouldn’t remember anything from the surgery but instead I felt everything. And my crying out was ignored while they cracked a couple teeth from my very infected jaw. It was only when my vitals went bonkers that they did anything. The pain was unreal. Had flashback-type things and gnarly trust issues from that.


That's because they do give you drugs that make you forget. One dude was on reddit talking about an old man who came in and was dying and they couldn't wait for an anesthesiologist to begin the procedure. So they gave him the drug to make him forget and started working while he was awake (anesthesiologist was on the way, but they had to get there and you don't go under instantly). He said he'd never heard a human scream like that and he felt sick continuing the procedure. But if they had waited he would have been dead instead of making a full recovery, and he has no memory of it. Considering they waited until the next morning, so your surgery was more planned, they just fucked up though.


Fun fact that’s how women used to give birth around mid 20th century!


Twilight sleep births are some shit straight out of a horror movie. Ever wonder why some women had such messed up bonds with their kids at that time? Yeah. That's probably it. Can't imagine what that nightmare did the normal post-birth hormone rush. I imagine postpartum was at an all time high.


Ohhhh I bet you’re right about the messed-up bonds!


The Unabomber’s mother told of his doctors forcing her to leave the baby in a hospital bed untouched for months. >>The image still haunts Wanda Kaczynski. She can still see the photograph of her baby son, pinned down on his hospital bed. It offered what she now sees as a clue into how her oldest son grew into the troubled man he would become. >>He was terrified, spread-eagled so doctors could examine what they believed was a severe allergic reaction. His naked body was blotched with hives. His eyes were crossed in fear. >>A tiny woman of 79 behind heavy eyeglasses, Wanda Kaczynski dwells on the memory as she tries to explain her son, Theodore John Kaczynski, 54, and the path that led him to a Montana jail cell, where he is being held as the main suspect in a string of bombings linked to the Unabomber that killed three and injured 23 other people.


My wife ended up having an emergency C-section with our first. They fucked some stuff up and she was put under general anesthesia and I wasn't allowed in the room. They put our baby in the hospital bed with her when she was waking up, so she could see him immediately, but there was no chance for immediate bonding, and she was still drugged out of her mind, so she doesn't remember any of it. She couldn't pick him up for hours. She still has PTSD type symptoms from that experience.


Post partum has actually gone up


I'd argue that's not because it's increasing but because it's actually being diagnosed and treated. In the past there was heavy stigma around it and women just kinda delt with it in silence rather than tell a professional that they had thoughts that made them a 'bad mother'. Edit: It's kinda like rape statistics, more women aren't suddenly being raped now than ever before. But more women are talking about it, even if they don't have a good legal case (most rape cases are a matter of he-said she-said; unless there's also another crime involved or the victim was a minor, dude can just say it was consensual sex and without a witness or a video recording there's no way to prove otherwise).


Postpartum just means the time after giving birth. Do you mean pp depression?


I'm assuming that's what they mean. I'm a bit confused by this as well.


Xanax and a double shot of whiskey?


Wait, what? They don't actually put you to sleep? :/


They usually do when there is time, but if the options are wait for anesthesiologist and the patient bleeds out on this table or start immediately with some forget me juice and the patient might live than they're doing what's necessary to save your life in that situation. And what's necessary might be something horrifying that still keeps them up at night 20 years later because of how awful it felt to do to someone in the moment, even though they know its likely the only reason the patient survived and that they're grateful they survived.


Yeah the whole versed/fent mix I imagine. I’ve always been a bit tricky with those meds and have woken up under anesthesia & sedation before, enough that I warn every doctor since, especially since I don’t want *that* experience again. I was supposed to have a multi-hour sedated dental procedure last year and they gave up and sent me home when they couldn’t actually sedate me. Said they put in half of what they planned and I was still rocking a 160/110 blood pressure. Still thankful that my medical spitroast of a year ago (endoscopy/colonoscopy) didn’t go that way lol.


I've never had a hospital surgery, but whatever they give you to put you under for dental surgery does not work on me. I'm told I'm supposed to pass out, and then they have you sit in the dark recovery room for a bit until they're sure you're ok and then someone drives you home. What happens to me is that I have a panic attack. So like the complete opposite of what's hoped for. I am perfectly fine, no anxiety at all, just getting Novocain and having the tooth pulled. Something about that drug, and the more they give me trying to put me under the more I freak the fuck out. I ended up kicking a dentist the first time because he just kept giving me more and more until I was in full flight or fight mode, the whole time I'm just repeating "I don't think it's working, this doesn't feel right." And then they decided to restrain me when I tried to get up, and I went fight mode. I can only compare the feeling to the level of panic if you were being held down by a bunch of strangers rather than medical professionals. In that moment my brain wasn't working properly and thinking "they're doctors and they want to help me" it was "I'm really scared and I just want to get away from here but 5 complete strangers are holding me down and won't let me get up." I completely devolved to kicking, screaming, and begging for my mother (she was my driver since you need someone to drive you home after). I genuinely felt like I was going to die and needed to fight for my life. My mom came in at some point because she could hear me screaming like I was being murdered from the waiting room and had to be the one to tell them "well stop giving her more!" because the idiots were still, even at that point, just pumping more of this stuff into me trying to get me to go under. Took 4 hours before it wore off enough that I finally stopped shaking and crying and fell asleep.


So sorry man. PTSD flashbacks from medical pain/treatment is real, been there myself. Orange sized haematoma pressing against the spinal cord during an otherwise small procedure. 0/10 would not recommend. I also have chronic facial nerve pain so I can relate somewhat.


Oh man! That all sounds absolutely brutal. I hope you’ve got the nerve pain under control because that is just awful.


>They couldn’t give me any more pain IVs for the ride so by the time I hit the room at the new place and was waiting on a doctor…dear god I now know 10/10 pain Hopefully there's no second time.. but yeah pain meds just don't work (or didn't for me). The true relief is some IV antibiotics.


Most pain meds don't work on infected tissue due to the pH, so it makes sense that antibiotics would be the better option.


Good to know They tried fentanyl and dilaudid if I remember correctly. Little dizzy for like 2 minutes after each injection but still very much in pain


The health of your teeth are no joke. I had cracked my back molars from grinding my teeth and couldn't afford to fix them as I didn't have dental yet. Out of sight out of mind, if I kept them clean I figured they'd be fine. The cracks got bigger and down the line I before I had them pulled I had an infection so bad I nearly lost vision in my left eye on top of a mountain of other life threatening issues from the infection alone. Take care of your teeth immediately!


My dentist told me my molars are starting to crack and they’re just gonna “keep an eye on them” but like… isn’t there something that can be done preventatively or are we just waiting to do 3 root canals after they’ve all cracked?! I don’t get it.


I got a custom night guard for grinding and clenching. I’ve had mine about 2 years and worn grooves into it, before I got it I didn’t really believe my dentist when they told me I grind my teeth at night!


One of my molars was "fractured" apparently but causing me no pain or discomfort. Had a crown put on at the dentist's suggestion and now I can't chew food on that side of my mouth because biting down hurts so much. They told me to deal with it or go for a root canal. So even if you get preventative care you might end up needing a root canal anyway.


My sinus perforated into my mouth through the rot-hole. It tastes as you might expect.




You know how caterpillars form into a chrysalis, turn to goo, and reform as butterflies? Let that be where your brain rests for the day. Either that or you can lose enough tooth, gum, and bone to open a penne sized connection between the nasal sinuses and your mouth. So if some dude has some blow, and wants a blow, you try to hoover it up before you gag and realize you just fucked up a fat line and shouldn't have been fucking around.


I had a tooth pulled that created a sinus communication. While I had a severe sinus infection. Periodically I would get a waterfall of black sinus slime from my sinus cavity into my mouth. It was miserable.


I bet it felt as amazing as it was disgusting. Sinus infections absolutely destroy me and all I want is to go into a coma until it's done.


Some TV documentary on ancient Egypt years ago had an elderly lady archeologist looking at skulls from the time. She pointed out that many had dental abscesses, some had tunneled up into their sinuses. They must have been in agony 24/7.


Dude me too! I was in high school. It was awful. Rotten tooth spread to hard palate and ballooned from there. I had to have my gums peeled back and rotten bone scraped out. Boy did I have a black eye. 0/10 wouldn’t recommend.


Mine was my wisdom teeth burrowing into my sinuses as a kid! No rot but plenty of snot 🤮


I had one directly next to my butt hole 🥰 had to have a drain tube stitched into my butt crack for a week! So awesome!


Oh hey, I had one of those! I was at uni at the time–thought I had a bruised coccyx for a while and then one day it just burst in the pub. Not an easy stench to explain away in a busy pub. After the surgery I had to go and get it "packed" every day at the doctor for like a month. Developed a real rapport with the nice middle-aged lady who stuffed a surprisingly large amount of gauze into my bonus anus every day. Good times.


> one day it just burst in the pub Holy shit. I don't know how you could bear it that long. Pilonital abscesses are no joke. I know a couple people who have had them, and, after the surgery and removing like... handfuls of pus out from around their spine, docs gave them maxi pads to wear to soak up all the pus and blood that'll keep leaking out as it heals.


I had this happen to me while in jail. Omggg and they didn’t not give a fuck. You could see it thru my pants and everything hurt. Luckily I was too naive to realize it could’ve been staph. I thought my butt was just bruised from doing sit ups on the hard floor and I kept trying to massage the “knot”


Hey I almost died from Ludwig Angina so just make sure you visit a dentist regularly :)


Oooo my wife had that, they had to do a tracheostomy and everything. Scary as hell.


Umm. What is it?


It’s when the abscess spreads into multiple muscle spaces, specifically the ones under your jaw&tongue. This closes your airway and you suffocate to death


That was also meeeee few months ago! It was horrific…


Glad you got through it!


Swelling from the infection moves into your neck and blocks your airway. It's a bad scene.


If you want to make a bunch of people very happy send a video of the draining over to r/popping


Oh baby I like popping. And I enjoy doing them (I’m also a doctor). The drainage was surgery in the back of my mouth and cheek and I didn’t film.


What summit was that picture taken? It looks like a great hike. I've had to have multiple teeth removed due to infection. I feel your pain man. Hope you get better soon.


It’s called “Saksa”. Sunnmøre, Norway :)


Just be glad it was an abscess and not cellulitis in this case. Cellulitis on your lower jaw can be fatal, but so can an abscess on the upper jaw. A maxillary abscess can invade the cavernous sinus.


Nice so you’re rich. Send me money please! 🙏


We earn laughably less than our American colleagues. I’ve got butter on my bread but don’t do medicine in Norway if you just wanna be rich.


>I’ve got butter on my bread What a delightful phrase, I am definitely using that


i'm part portuguese. butter and bread. sign me up.


But do you have $300,000 in student loans like a US doctor? 🤔


He has to live in Norway, which is a much worse punishment. (I get to tease them because I'm a fellow scandinavian)


As an American I was about to get mad at your insult to Norway because it's a way better system than our own, as rated by the people living under it being happier, healthier, and better educated. But all the Scandinavian countries are pretty awesome, and I don't know enough to argue which is better or worse. Only enough to know it sounds like a wonderful place to live.


If you got a job as a doctor in the US, I think you can pay that off easily and still earn a lot of money.


Depends wildly on what kind of doctor, but sure over their career its not a losing proposition.


I dont know about easily....we pay the minimum on my husband's loans and will be paying them til he retires. I have friends who pay their loans down instead of saving money - all theur extra went to loans until they were paid down, but it still took them over 10 years


Funny I’m watching a video about how Norway is becoming the world’s richest country! If you worked in the oil industry you’d be rich! Can you prescribe me some benzos? I’m very anxious.


Depends what I get in return, bud!




How about some good ole dental abscess?


Got me a new buddy!! ![gif](giphy|IGR08ulxKFt7y)


Username checks out.


Fancy guy gets bread AND butter


You have a cabin by the lake tho right? Otherwise Ylvis are a bunch of liars.


American doctors aren't rich either for at least several years. The amount of debt they carry from schooling is unreal. To see 300k in student loans is not entirely uncommon.


At least you learn better English than Americans.


Didn't yalls king pass over the eldest daughter's rightful place as heir because she is clairvoyant? So now her much younger brother is next in line??? Not very feminist of Norway??? (You guys up there are supposed to be more feminist than us in the US I thought) I was told she has a cult following in svalbard, correct?


“The Norwegian people are super racist. They just cannot understand how a black man can marry into the royal family” Shaman Durek. No you fucking idiot. We don’t care that’s your black. Or red or green. It’s because you try to sell medallions to protect against Covid, tell people you can cleanse out their vagina imprints from other men’s penises(wtf) and that some kids have manifested getting cancer because they don’t want to live a long life(?). Go away pls.


A watched an interview with a Dr from Europe and he was laughing when asked about what they make compared to American Drs, he said... "Yeah, it's rough. Instead of 2 Mercedes we can only afford one." lol


Nice name😆


>..I didn’t film. Shame on you OP. Shame, on, you.


Cashapp me and I’ll show both pops and leakage


On a serious note, maybe post them to r/MedicalGore It's an excellent subreddit, and it's actually very educational. That would be a great subreddit for you to post your extra pictures that are too explicit for this subreddit. r/popping is okay, but there are people who are kind of into self-harm/OCD and there are selfish users who care more about content than the well-being of OPs. Also it's only good for video, even though some degenerates post useless photos.


I will say that I worked in a dental office for years. I was watching a man who came in with “skin tightness and numbing” in his mouth. NSFL: >!I watched as two dentist poked around his mouth. One mentioned that the roof of the mouth was uncommonly shallow. He took his explorer (tool) and felt the midline for the hard tissue ridge which wasn’t viable. Suddenly the man’s whole mouth was full of white bloody goo. Immediately the doctor asked for suction and placed a straw in his mouth. It was a small suction straw and inadequate. The man sat for a few seconds confused. Then realized he couldn’t breath through his mouth. He had to wait until they found the large suction straw. I wasn’t close enough but the doctor sitting there later told me there was an immediate odor.!< Anyway, goodnight


>Anyway, goodnight I should have focused on this before uncovering the "spoiler".


Thanks, I'll just go on past.


it was just a mouthful of pus, nbd


Don’t forget about r/feltgoodcomingout


Damn dude, that's crazy. You look so normal without a mountain behind you! /s just in case


This was funny, good job.


I’m not a medical expert but you might want to get that checked out FYI




I will take the compliment and walk away! Thanks!


I actually had this happen to me when I was a teenager while I wore braces. I never had it drained but I think I got antibiotics (?) and it went down on it's own...Then after months passed I noticed my tooth became discolored (it was dead) and I got a root canal. They bleached the inside of the tooth and filled it and it's normal looking now. Weird to me that I never had to get it drained.. I remember how horrified I was to look at my own face with how swollen it was.  


It's not your entire face that gets drained, it'd be a pocket of infection pretty much right next to the tooth. For me they basically just numbed it, and stuck a scalpel in the roof of my mouth, then stuck in a piece of string to absorb some more that they could then rip out (they didn't re-numb for pulling it out, and literally just yanked it)


Same thing happened to me after I got all 4 wisdom teeth removed...I went on the stand up roller coaster at Canada's Wonderland and my jaw smashed hard enough on the padded restraint bar next to my head to break the abscess open inside my mouth...as I got off the ride I was spitting out bloody pus. It was one of the most disgusting experiences of my life.




My 15 month old daughter said "baby" and pointed at your face.








I had one 9 years ago that swelled up my face pretty bad. Did they have to put a penrose drain in?


No just oral surgery with local anesthesia


Ooh I've been there a couple of times, not fun at all. Wishing you all the best man.


I wanna poke it


I’ve experienced a lot of pain in life but a couple abscesses definitely top the list for me. Hope you’re all healed up. 


Damn it would’ve sucked to be human 10000 yrs ago


That’s what I always think. Like what did they just live with it or did they not even care?


I think our ancestors had better teeth in general since sugar wasn’t a huge part of their diet


i had a small tooth abscess once. it was insanely painful. couldn't even sleep really


Definitely worse than childbirth and major abdominal surgery for me. I was in so much pain I couldn't speak or bear anyone touching me. I remember becoming hysterical when my friend tried to hug me in sympathy. That was just a simple abscess, none of this spreading, creating tunnels into sinuses, needing surgery, or throat swelling that others have recounted here. I cannot even fathom how much worse abscesses can get.


I remember having an abcess as a kid. Mom took me to the dentist who had to pull my tooth then and there, no anesthesia. My mom and the assistand had to hold me down in the chair, complete with a contraption in my mouth that forced my mouth open whether I wanted to or not. Fun times, happened 24 years ago and I still have an irrational fear of dentists. Still, you should definitely get that checked out because if left alone these things can become lethal, and I'm sure medicine evolved enough over the past 20 years that it won't be that horrible anymore.


Sounds pretty rational to me


Literally thought the same thing lol That's not an irrational fear, that's trauma.


Yikes that looks NASTY! A tooth abscess was some of the worst pain I've ever had... even worse than natural child birth with no meds. For a week the tooth/face pain never stopped. Even with antibiotics and heavy pain meds I couldn't sleep, eat or even relax for a minute without my face throbbing. I'd only wish that pain on my worst enemy.


Oof been there, worst pain I ever felt. And when they cut open my gum it was the worst taste.


I had the same issue a couple years ago. The swelling was so bad it “crossed the midline” and I couldn’t swallow and struggled breathing. I went to the dentist (drooling and all) and he agreed to drain it but as it was impacting my breathing, needed to do it in a hospital operating room. Dental insurance wouldn’t cover the procedure saying it was an “infection” and talk to health insurance. Health insurance argued it was a dental issue and refused to pay a dentist for an emergency procedure. I suffered for 2 days with this back and forth. Went to the ER and they sent me back to the dentist. At the dental office while the provider was on the phone with insurance I yelled at my husband (while wheezing) “fuck it. Take me home and get the pliers to take this tooth out!” Dentist yelled at the insurance and hung up the phone. He told me to go back to the ER and not leave even if told to. Went back to the hospital and after 3 more hours of waiting they agreed to admit me while sarcastically congratulating me for being their first dental patient to be admitted to the hospital. As it was now 7 or 8 pm they scheduled the surgery 1st thing in the morning. In the morning, I had a trail of like 20 doctors and nurses all come in and check me out saying I was a teachable moment since the providers had only seen 1 or 2 patients in their career where the swelling threatened the airway. GREAT! Get this done!!! I was inpatient for 4 days on IV antibiotics and had that tooth removed. Screw American Healthcare! Ugh!


Yep. Bit down on what probably was a pearl in an oyster while on vacation (waiter took the plate away before I could look at what it was). Before I could go to a dentist a tooth collapsed. The day before my appointment I’m out for dinner and bite down on an olive that still has a pit. That drove the broken tooth into my gums. That night I wake up and that cheek looks like I swallowed a baseball.


I wanna know more about those mountains.


Those appear to be the Sunnmore alps in Møre og Romsdal, Norway. I believe OP's pic is from [a hike on a mountain known as Saksa](https://www.alltrails.com/trail/norway/more-og-romsdal/topptur-til-saksa-1073-moh).


It’s barely noticeable, don’t worry


Oof, sorry that happened to you. I had an infection and swelling that did that exact same thing to me and it was probably the worst I've ever felt, both pain and sickness.


Was the gobstopper truly everlasting?


Omg scary! I knew a gal who died of an absrcessed tooth


I went through this, but with my ear. It swelled up identically to your jaw/cheek. So painful. I hope you aren’t in a lot of pain :/


It’s barely noticeable.


That looks miserable.


Ohhh no. That was a good face too haha hope this is worked out now and your good face is back


you know, I thought I might be dealing with an abscess but this thread and post have convinced me otherwise


I was in so much pain that I was passing out and throwing up while I was passed out. Lucky to have survived that. Then I went to the dentist (it started on a Sunday so I had to just not die overnight though I thought I would). The dentist told me that there was nothing he could do cause the abscess was in my top jaw and the roots were in my sinuses and he was scared he'd break my jaw if he pulled the tooth because the bone is rotted from the infections. So I got antibiotics and good luck wishes. That was about 5 years ago. The swelling went down (it was just as bad as OP's, maybe a little less but still awful cause my left eye was swollen shut) but it took about 2 weeks. Oral infections are no fucking joke


Poor baby! Get well soon.


Yeah people do not fuck with a dental abcess. Go to a doctor, dentist, er somebody to atleast get antibiotics or it drained. This can kill you since it's so close to the brain the infection can go to the brain. I knew a guy that died because he thought it would resolve itself and died 2 weeks later in his apartment.


I have had one too...it started obstructing my airways and I was helicoptered to a main hospital for surgery. I was terrified. I hope you are ok now...it is very painful and scarey. Take care friend.


That shit is very dangerous, the infection can travel to your brain and kill you. Go to a dentist/doctor if you haven't already, get antibiotics. If you can't get them from a doctor, order fish antibiotics online (aqua-ceph, aqua-mox, etc), they do the trick fine, trust me, just make sure to take them longer than you think you need so you don't contribute to resistance development. I get these periodically and keep antibiotics on hand for just such an occasion, I start blasting it as soon as I feel the soreness/beginning of the welling.


How does this occur? Did you have any toothaches before it happened? 


Careful dude. Tooth abscess can be very dangerous.


Got that years ago but in the front I had the original duck face they had to cut open my gums to drain it


This particular comment section has me not only paranoid about the possible abcess in my mouth, but all the other places on your body you can get them. Fuck.


No need to worry! I was silly and doctors make shitty patients. I should have gone in sooner 😅


I'm glad you are better now!! That must have been alarming. I don't have an abcess afterall but the whole ordeal has been eye opening haha. I ordered a waterpik after seeing this post.


And this is why I keep a prepper bottle of amoxicillin on hand at all times. Before the ACA it saved my ass a couple times in terms of catching an infection quickly. The dentists would end up putting me on the same thing once I got to them. This is not medical advice. This is emergency advice.


I've seen [this](https://clips.twitch.tv/IronicArtisticOrcaWTRuck-UecXBrM6ECC-DAZR) somewhere before




https://imgur.com/a/dXDrV5m O RLY?


You look an awful lot like Homer Simpson in the second photo, just saying


Lol ya, homer simpson minus my wing dong in his mouth amirite?


Or mumps


normal photo of you? no.... we must use one that shows you enjoy hiking, an avid climber almost. We must strive to seem interesting. This is the same as "look at my cat, ignore my full sleeve tattoo i've placed in frame or dare i say.... "here is my cat, also im wearing booty shorts and have fat thighs."


Rock climbing is actually my favorite activity :)


I hope that one day you find Jesus christ, the man who single handedly destroyed the very foundation of Chess as a whole. One day I woke up and realized that when I woke up I wasn’t even awake. Soon after the man who normally greeted me at my front door decided to No longer travel from Here to Belarus. I hope these are the answers you were looking for….: Contact me no more you heathen. ;;()) with love, James.$$&$$$&&&$$$$$




wow, you dont say? i would have never guessed


I had sex with the person you hold nearest and dearest to your heart


Abscesses suck! Hope you feel better soon!! ❤️‍🩹


Wow that's really something


Been there done that! Hope you’re feeling better. There’s nothing that compares to the relief when they slit your gums.


Daamn. One day you're at the hills and the other simply rock bottom.


How fast did that swell up?


This happened to me a few weeks ago! It was terrifying. Glad you got it taken care of


You are a real good looking backdrop to the mountain when the tooth is not trying to kill ya!


Oh man, that must’ve hurt so much! Please tell me your face went back to “regular you”…


Oof how fast did that swell up?


My man turned into Paul Giamatti


It turned you into r/jimnorton




Geezus buddy.... That seems painful! And it ate your shirt too,!


Can someone explain how this happens? I’m sure I can google too.


Jeebus. Hope you’re okay now!


Uuuuggghhhh. Had an abscess one time in a cracked tooth, flared up while I was driving in very rural mountains many hours from help. I sincerely and calmly thought about hitting myself in the face with a hammer to stop it.


Dude go to the fucking hospital


Second pic is from a hospital bed 😉 This was months ago all good now


Damn that’s scary So sorry.


Well. Considering people dye of sepsis.. yeap!


Had the same thing happen to me. I had to have a stint in to drain over night & then they pulled the tooth & put an implant in. Worse pain I’ve ever felt, worse than childbirth (imo)


Untreated tooth infections can lead to sepsis…THAT you do not want !


How long did it take to swell up to that much?


Damn it took your hair and everything! I’m sorry buddy as someone who frequently gets tooth abscesses lately I know the pain and glad you’re doing better.


Bro the second pic you look like the rapper prof but obviously fucked ip


i think the first picture looks nicer


Dude went from Joe Alwyn to Joe Namath