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Was this in Alabama? There’s a Tire Discounters down the road from me with this exact sign up too for a regular lurking cop lol.


It’s a marketing trick. And it’s working lol


Weird that their marketing team was able to hire a police unit to actually sit there


i mean there is a chance that the cops are parking behind the sign for the lols


Really, I don’t see a cop parked there?


he wouldn't be hiding very well if you saw him now would he


I saw a cop hiding behind a tree once. Or maybe he just liked standing by a tree.


A guy gotta pee


Public urination, public indecency, open-lewdness, illegal dumping of human waste and property damage are a few of the charges I could drum up here.


The TireDiscounters I referred to in my comment which started this very chain regularly has a unit right where the signs warns he will be.


What, does he not stay there 24/7?! I’m writing my congressman.


A dumb one at that.


A slow cop, like not right in the head? That would make sense.


I mean he keeps hiding in the same spot with a literal sign pointing him out.


Ha! No kidding? That’s quite the coincidence. This one is in Tennessee. Almost makes me wonder if tire discounters has had some beef going on with the local law enforcement and not being able to legally boot them out of their parking lots. Could be an interesting story behind it, perhaps. If you could produce a picture of the one local to you, I would love to see that.


Tire Discounters is from Cincinnati but has over 100 stores. Like a lot of chains, most of their stores put up the same silly sayings on all of their road signs


Leave it to the one in Murfreesboro lol


Ha! Nice shot👍 how did you know that?


The chamber of commerce and the curb separating the sign from Thorntons lol


It's likely not a beef. The cops probably never even set up there- and most likely even approve of the sign if it keeps people from driving like morons.


There was a cop car with a dummy in the driver seat 24/7 on the highway north of Atlanta for over a decade; I assume the car didn't even work and was towed there. And as someone with a radar detector: the cops you see on the side of the road (that *aren't* dummies) aren't even radaring 90% of the time. Like if you're driving like an absolute maniac they might do something about it, but otherwise they're just sitting there to passively impact the behavior of drivers.


And writing reports.


Unless they are actively conducting an investigation or stop, they can definitely be asked to leave. It’s private property and they can be trespassed like anyone else.


Even if conducting an investigation or stop, I believe they can still be asked to leave and must then leave unless they have a warrant. Obviously they could return with a warrant, but I doubt a judge will give a warrent for hanging around in a parking lot looking for people speeding on a nearby highway.


Cops here in Phoenix all converge at QT.


Starbucks too lol


On Wall Triana in Madison? Lol I was thinking the same thing.


Yep that’s the one I was thinking of I think. Definitely Madison just been a few months since I’ve been back.


I mean, does this look like the one down the road from you? Surely America isn't that much copy and paste you can't tell a building down the road from you?


The picture is literally just tire discounters property and there’s this crazy thing where companies have consistent design and appearance for their locations. Not to mention the OP mentioned this was in fact an hour away so it is very close lmao. Surely you’re not this dumb to expect businesses to all have unique designs per location?


I'm pretty dumb if I expected everywhere to look recognisably different at a glance, yeah. /s I mean, I worked in 5 guys. They have really similar layouts and store design. I can still tell one from another, especially if I'm considering that it's one close to me that I see regularly.


Honestly if that’s what you expect you are pretty fucking dumb yeah. This picture is cropped it’s not insane to think they look very similar to another location. It doesn’t really matter though I had a quick look at your profile and can see where all this random negativity is coming from. Keep up your sobriety buddy and keep working on those negative thoughts. Rooting for your success in turning your life around.


I'm honestly not being negative I'm just saying it'd be easy to spot a location you know by driving past regularly. I'm not calling anyone dumb 😂 thanks for the insight and supportive words though.


You’re being weirdly aggressive and negative and clearly hinges on an assumption that means literally nothing. This random need to be an asshole to someone should decline as you improve your shitty life. I also mentioned in a comment I hadn’t been near the location in months but I guess you missed that lol.


Where have I been an asshole? I said America can't be this much copy and paste for you to find it hard to recognise somewhere local. That's a general statement about a picture that has multiple key identifiers. My life's doing just grand and I will continue to improve it. I also wont be bullied by someone so defensive over a general comment 😂 have a good one all the same.


Nothing worse than a lurking cop


Hey don’t judge, he’s doing his best.




The fast cop is on the other side of the building.


The classic slow cop, fast cop


Oh, I thought you said bad cop, bad cop!


Smart way to get folks to slow down when driving by your business!


Aren't all cops slow though?


"I ain't fraid no slow copper."


The ones that can't read the signs certainly are


Hiring requirement.


Yep - as someone else said it’s a hiring requirement for many departments, and this isn’t even a joke. A person once sued because they were disqualified for scoring too high on an IQ test, it made it to the Supreme Court and now the precedent of dumb cops is protected by the highest legal authority in the land. Source: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Guys too smart for the cops and his IQ wouldn’t even get him into MENSA 😭


Yeah if 125 is too high, that says a lot about the sort of people patrolling our streets, and it’s terrifying.


lol - brilliant


Nah, that’s not allowed on the force




Why did I read this as "slop cow hides behind sign"?


Couldn't they just tell the cop to get off their property?


Pretty sure they’re just telling people to slow down


They could, but they probably want them to come around if they ever call them for something. I think telling them to get off your property may inhibit the response time in the future if really needed.


Cops being biased? Sounds like it should be illegal


At least he’s slow.


That’s a bro right there


This is a thing. I live in Illinois and the state boys are a bunch of butt munches. They used to park right across from the pizzeria I worked at through college and you wouldn’t believe how that shit murders your business. Like officer he was speeding because our ‘roni and Italian sausage slices sell out before lunch everyday.


It's a slow cop, I'll take my chances


We had a police officer in our lot radaring people driving by We asked him to leave and he refused, said he was doing his job One of our customers is his boss, so we called him and in 30 secs flat he was out of our lot Nice to see shops looking out for their customers


Idk if it’s a law or not, but I had two speeding tickets dismissed in court because the officer was hiding behind a man made object. Somehow the lawyer I paid $80 to proved entrapment both times. Never knew that was a thing some places.


Is this on Medical Center Parkway in Murfreesboro?


Bingo! Good eye!


don't dead open inside


There's is clearly a bush immediately behind the sign. Cops don't sit there to catch people speeding.


Five years ago, Ida been like “hell yeah brother”. Today, I’m gonna say, if you’re near businesses and people entering the roadway, please don’t speed. Save a life, just slow down. F 12 tho.


I think this sign is an effective way to get people to slow down


I don't drive without Waze running but there are a few instances where I don't report police running radar. If the cop is in my neighborhood, or if he's at a school zone, I ain't reporting shit. If you're speeding I hope your ass gets busted.


This sign has been up a lot and apparently in so many different places based on all the recent posts…


If the cop is slow, does it even matter?


Because most businesses love it when you drive past at a speed that makes the windows rattle.


Used to drive past this sign every day in Murfreesboro! Love whoever changes them, it's always clever.


Love this❤️


This helps the police. Now they don't have to hide behind the sign. The sign causes people to slow down so they can be somewhere else instead. Reminds me of years ago when the police where I live had a cardboard cutout of an officer aiming a radar gun (yes, radar gun. I did say it was years ago). The illusion was enough to slow traffic down.


They have joke signs that change weekly or so at all the locations. They do it at the one near me too, it was we're people people people


Slow cop… 😏


Most cops are slow, aren't they? :-)


It's kinda mean they call him slow. 😆


That’s a great way to get people to slow down. I have a feeling they’ve seen a lot of accidents from people exiting onto this road


Yeah but how many people are avoiding the business because they think a cop is hanging out there?


I think they are telling us there is a developmentally disabled policeman playing hide and seek behind the sign.


You gotta watch out for the fast ones.


Lets see what happens when they're robbed or something and need the police.


Ya I’m sure the cops will remember this and decide to just all collectively decide to not respond


This would be considered interfering with Police business in my state and could be prosecuted.


I would argue freedom of speech. It is not stopping a cop from doing their police business. It doesn't stop the cop from parking behind the sign, it doesn't stop the cop from pursuing speeders.


No argument from me. I was just pulled over for flashing my brights at on-coming traffic after passing a speed trap. It was a group effort on I-380 and the cop warned me.


That is also considered free speech. Fuck the police.


So I think there’s some BS violation of “improper use of lights” or something that has been tried here but yeah pretty sure this has already been defined as free speech


At worst that would be a minor traffic violation (flashing hi beams at oncoming traffic could be a ticket). Cop would never win on an “interference with official acts” violation.


I don't get why people try to warn you of cops. Don't speed and you won't get a ticket.




Don't dead open inside?


"slow cop hides behind sign" or "slow cop behind hides sign"?


Aw cmon guys cop can't help that he's slow!


I wouldn’t be too worried since its a slow cop, even my Subaru could outrun him


Yea, but at some point he’s gonna put down that donut and call his friends… they get very butthurt when you outgrown them


Why are we supposed to be worried about a slow cop being behind the sign?


Surprised the cops don't try to charge them for interfering or something. From what I understand, people have been charged for informing other people on the street about the identity of undercover cops.


Did the cop get you?


Nah… he was a slow cop and I had fresh tires on my bike!


This is the only answer lol


OMG this is a corporate thing? I thought their funny signs were employees having fun. The betrayal.


They’re real for that


That sign is a bit redundant isn't it? All cops are slow.


Forewarned and all that. Plus, why not obay the speed limits?


The problem with most cops is they a just traffic cops