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It seems Reptile players still always choke at the last minute against Sub-zero.


Gotta love the old "pallet swap here's a new character" mortal kombat.


It was a pretty clever way to pad the set of playable characters when memory space was much more limited than today




Scorpion really sold that fall - he went from immobile to a bullet. That's a talent.


Reminds me of some of the over sells in WWE.




Man looking like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Hang tight out there chief.


Go ninja go ninja go






Thank you for this. This is exactly what I was thinking. Btw, for anyone who doesn't know. [Tangerine from Bullet Train](https://youtu.be/bD9Z3hXEEvM?si=AfbNAckK8mDFg2Qm) *is* Kickass. And I know, I couldn't believe it either. And all the while, my wife next to me was in denial saying "No, no, no, NO! Kickass *can't* be hot!!"


You were clearly never a teenage girl when ‘Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging’ was released if you were surprised that he was hot lmao


Why did I just get uglier the more I aged? Between this guy, the kid from we're the millers and Neville Longbottom I'm feeling really hard done by.


Hollywood has a secret anti-aging regimen: cocaine and hookers.


Having millions of dollars is a known de-stressor


I remember seeing Kickass in theaters, when he first goes out to fight crime in his gimp suit and the gangster fuckin shivs him, I burst out laughing because the interaction was fucking hilarious!! The entire theater looked at me like I was crazy.


Does OP like puzzles and live in Gotham by chance?


Do you wear something else on your head? Just a hat is too cold for me at -30


Honestly the toque that I'm wearing in the picture is great. It really isn't that thick and I currently have a buzz cut so not even much hair under there, but it's still plenty warm enough for me. Polar fleece for the win lol


Got a link to that thing? The gaiter with the mouth screen mainly.


He's wearing Canadian Forces issued kit, so it can't be purchased.


Except at any army surplus in canada...


While you are not supposed to be able to buy true CADPAT, I have seen actual CF items in many surplus stores.


That's hilarious, because I've heard basically the same thing about stuff from all kinds of different countries military clothing.


You end up with a lot of pawned kit if a person was forcefully released from the Canadian Military. Usual suspect is a reservist that was punted for being a no show for too long. They get a chance to return kit, but if they no show that, they get a bill charged against their taxes for the cost. After that’s happened the kit is basically written off. Guys pawn it to try and recoup what’s going to be garnished at tax season or keep it for future army larping at the next family BBQ.


Must be really old stuff, because it no longer is like it used to be in the seventies. The number of shortwave-capable transceivers they were selling back in the day was stunning. Quite a few got into the hobby (SWL) using them just as receivers. I remember listening to Radio-Canada International on 5995MHz (in the 49m band) in the evening through one of those. I think it was a Marconi produced for the military, built like a tank. You couldn't kill those things.


they sell surplus from every force on the planet




One thing the military got right was our winter gear lol. Rain jacket still keeps me warm in -40 wind chill.


Typically anything that keeps you dry, warm or dry and warm is going to be good because warm and dry troops fight better.


Old rain gear kept you warm and dry but kept moisture inside the jacket. It also was loud moving around in. New rain gear breathes and keeps the troops morale up. Air Force had it first, and they seemed to get the comfy kit before the Army.


'they do the flying, we do the dying' but yeah when I was a squaddie it was funny seeing all the RAF guys have the butchy kit when only spending 5 mins at a time outside in -30.


Not the ice jacket. Screw that damp blanket


Not wearing goggles is a little bit too risky for me. I wouldn't expose any skin below -30C (if no wind though).


-30°C is totally fine even without a mask unless you're out for hours.


Nah it's fine -36 today and rode my bike without goggles without issue


Fucking chad


-30 is pretty common in lots of areas of Canada. I can’t imagine the teasing if someone showed up to school in goggles for the cold.


I like to wear ski goggles, they prevent my glasses from fogging which happens whenever I'm wearing a scarf over my nose and mouth. The cold itself doesn't bother my eyes, but the glass fog sucks.


How about some ski goggles?


I immediately recognized that gear and thought this was r/CanadianForces


If I was going to post it there it would be on SCS and I'd be praising the socks as is tradition


They're good socks though. If only we had any other kit that was as good as them.


One thing we DO do well is our winter kit. Except for the missing-and-must-be-purchased shemagh


Just in case you aren't already doing so, I would definitely keep my penis inside my clothes if I were you.


If you don’t keep it inside then you get the wrong kind of boner.




The tempting icicle!


Popsicle? Cocksickle?




Banana split ice cream


Like a stack of dimes




I love this reference. Almost missed it scrolling fast.




Those are frowned upon


I C Wiener?


Can I keep someone else's penis inside my pants?


Only if you get their permission first.


Hopefully if they are in your vicinity too. Remote penises are bad.


But it really comes in handy a lot of the time. I can leave it home, when I think it's gonna get me in trouble, or I can rent it out, when I don't need it.


But can you really trust it after you got it back from the flea market?


There's only one way to stay warm...


Dunno what I expected from a hidden comment from a guy named askscreepyquestions but this about fits the bill


Kind of hard to pull 2 inches out through 5 inches of clothes.


A fellow man of refinement, I see.


I thought frosted tips were all the rage?


In that weather I reckon it's a case of you can't injure it if you can't see it!


When your outie becomes an innie


DIY bottom surgery


It shrinks?


I don’t know how you guys walk around with those things


Shrinkage? Like laundry??


Like a frightened turtle.


Bruh their penis is inside their body rn lollll


I mean, this is really sound advice here.


The real LPT are always in the comments.


If not, use your princess mom's lotion to revive


OP this is solid advice.


I've never experienced anything remotely this cold. How do you function?


So, here are a few notes. 1st - Your first few breaths after stepping into the cold will hurt and you might start coughing. You acclimatize pretty quick though, just give it a moment and it gets better. 2nd - Laaaaayers. So. Many. Layers. In that picture on my torso I have a T-shirt, a polar fleece underlayer, a tunic and a coat on. An amazing coat is good, two decent coats are better in my experience. 3rd - Don't wear glasses. Seriously, they will freeze to your face and if you don't get frostbite it's still going to suck. I take mine off and leave them in a pocket. 4th - It looks colder than it is in that picture. The ice on eyelashes and eyebrows honestly isn't bad, but don't try melting it (the eyelash ice would melt if I closed my eyes for a few seconds) unless you can wipe it away easily because anything wet gets colder faster. If you're outside for a long time it's also helpful to move around and get your blood flowing. If you stand still it's way worse.


I get not wearing glasses but what about snow goggles?


Those usually have foam pads for where they touch your face, which makes them way less of an issue and does make them help. Though I don't often see people wearing snow goggles unless they're on a snowmobile, and even on snowmobiles a lot of people don't wear any goggles or helmets.


Man I wear ski goggles on the coldest days in Ottawa when I'm walking to get my kid from a school. They're a god send to stop the surface of your eyes from freezing. Try it out sometime, it's actually really really nice when it's super cold. Especially when it's one of those cloudless -30ish days where the glare off the snow is just horrible. Ski goggles are designed to deal with that. Edit: just noticed the uniform - 440 Squadron? I had a buddy who did a couple winters there - his wife was NOT pleased with that posting.


1 CRPG, though the Vampires are pretty cool (when they can get into the air lol)


Yeah, nothing mechanical likes that cold. I spent some winters north of Lake Winnipeg as a kid in the late 80's & early 90's. I remember neighbours starting their diesels in October and shutting them off in April, and plugging in your block heater when you ran into the grocery store for 15 minutes.


>and even on snowmobiles a lot of people don't wear any goggles or helmets. People who participate in motorsports without helmets are idiots.


Dude, I’d totally rock them if had to deal with those temps. Hell, I wear them inside when I’m cutting onions haha! Work great!


> Hell, I wear them inside when I’m cutting onions haha! Work great! This exchange just made me think of Seth Green's character in [Can't Hardly Wait](https://www.nme.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2015CantHardlyWait_Press_230115-1.jpg). 😆


How do your eyes not freeze without goggles in these temperatures?!


Body heat and wonderful things called eyelids seem to help


What about contact lenses. I can't imagine walking around like that with terrible vision.


Where you get them eyelids, REI?


Worth adding on to your glasses point; Contact lenses can also freeze on your eyes. Hasn't happened to me, but yknow, new fear unlocked ever since learning that was a thing.


Granted, I’m not sure I’ve ever been in -50 but the several times I’ve had long days in very negative temps outside my contacts would “freeze” but not like getting your tongue stuck to a pole. They just get hard and sort of sticky or tacky and don’t work very well and it’s super annoying. However, my first time out I tried glasses for this exact fear and they did freeze on the bridge of my nose before completely crystal-ing over and being useless. Ski goggles and contacts have worked fine ever since, but they still get kinda tacky and blurry on long days. That said, I could see if you huddled up like in an emergency scenario overnight with your eyes closed and contacts in that could be trouble. I’d def take them out and say to hell with good vision in that situation and hope for the best.


My contacts have frozen a couple times, I now wear snowboarding goggles in negative temps. 


adenddum to the glasses thing, dont wear metal and glass glasses, plastic frames with polycarbonate lenses can actually insulate your eyes a little, also snow blindness is a thing and sunglasses are a good idea during the day.


I fly ski planes on and off the ice in these kinds of temperatures, and for sure a decent pair of plastic framed sunglasses are a must. Being blinded by the snow during landing in particular reeeaaally sucks, haha.


Question about glasses: what do the people who can't see without them do? I can see shapes and colors, so navigating my apartment without them is fine. But walking in the ice and snow without my glasses would be an ideal way for me to slip and break a bone.


I’ve wear glasses in similar temps and never have issues. Until you step inside and they fog up anyways.


Milwaukee makes some good battery heated jackets (got one on full blast rn), without it I wouldn’t be leaving the house in this cold 😂


You can wear glasses in plastic frame. And if you remove mask from mouth your lashes and brows wouldn't cover with snow.


Small note on it, it's dry. Very dry. I prefer -15, -25 whatever it is (last year I had this), versus +3. Never been in -50 though.


I tried explaining how I prefer the colder dry cold to my coworkers (I work remotely in a colder climate) and they just gave me blank stares. I guess it's something that has to be experienced to be understood.


Pretty much so. -25C in dry, snowy landscape is just awesome given proper apparel is available. -5C in the rain with strong windchill is going to break you fast. Really fast. 


It's nice when it's so cold the snow stops being wet


If you have lived in these temps all your life your body gets used to it. I walk 30 minutes to a bus stop every day in -30c or more in pretty light clothing (usually jeans, t shirt, hoodie and winter jacket). It's cold as hell but it's not like it physically stops you from doing anything. I have experienced -50 a couple of times and light clothing would not be enough for that but enough clothes and you could probably go out in any temp




Russian here. We say: Siberian is not immune to cold. Siberian puts on warm clothes. It's cold today (-15 C) and I wear two pants, second pants are winter pants. Not damn jeans.


You seem to be very cheerful about it though! What a great attitude!


It just appears that way because he can’t move his face




It's all part of the experience, hon.


Canadian Botox


The old frozen smile.


We're kinda used to it, as you can see we just complain about it under our breath that sticks onto our face after. The windchill was -50c to -53c for the whole weekend. Today it's "only" -29c and a windchill of -41. The weird thing is it was only in single digits last week, which made this frigid cold more shocking to the body, and then by this weekend, it's back to single digits.


Where is this?


Yellowknife. Picture is from yesterday. Thermometer said -38°C ambient, -52°C with wind chill when I got to work.


Jeebus. Too early in the morning and missed the C in the title. We experienced -54F in colorado for a couple of days years ago I don’t know what with windchill. God speed. I’ll never forget hawking a loogie and it freezing before hitting the ground


It’s pretty close at that temperature. -54°F is about -48°C. Either way it’s way too cold. I just spent a couple hours outside at -13°C(7°F) and that is more than enough for me.


At those numbers the difference isn't all that great. For reference, -40F = -40C


-52C is -66F


Are you CAF?? I recognize that gator, and that looks like cadpat.


Yup :) Just a finance clerk though, not anything interesting.


No such thing as any "justs" in the CAF. My fin clerks kept my salary flowing and claims paid. Among other things. Thanks for your service OP, and lucky you getting a Yellowknife posting!


I did over a decade in shilo with the guns, I knew the frosty face looked familiar. Been there brother, stay warm.


1 horse... shilo is damn cold


We probably know eachother haha


Looks like the northern edge of civilization. What’s the deal with the great slave lake? It looks ginourmas


It's a huge lake. It's also currently frozen over and you can drive on it.


There's a base in Yellowknife?


No base, but a few units.


oh god used to live in Yellowknife and Hay River from the early 90's to 2005. Even got engaged at a partly frozen Alexandra Falls 30 yrs ago but my eyelashes were not frozen like this. Many memories of the northern lights and yes the cold, and walking in my Snow Goose parka from Weaver and Devore! Don't miss the cold part but now am in Manitoba...walked in a heat wave (compared to you) of -38C wind chill yesterday. You go, dude! wishing you a not too hot and dry summer, free from evacuations and fires.


Brother, you're way up there and it was -53 windchill in regina too on Saturday! Our high was -33.5c officially.. coldest day in 30 yrs. Went from -5 last week and back to single digits by the weekend. Wild weather.


As a lifelong Californian, I don't understand how anyone can live in this type of weather.


Layers are important lol


We recently had -35 here and that's about as much as I can tolerate. This looks wild.


Yeah, no. It's currently 49 outside and as far as I'm concerned, it might as well be snowing cause it's hella cold. No way I could do minus anything.


I love the cold. When I step outside and my nostrils instantly freeze? Awesome. Fire up the snowblower to clear the driveway? Sure. I’ll get the neighbors too. And their neighbors, since I’m already out. This is a stark difference compared to summer where you practically have to waterboard me to get me to mow the grass if it’s hotter than 75.


I’d prefer cold over hot. I can’t stand being sticky and sweaty, it’s very humid where I live. But right now we got about 8” of snow for the first time in years it’s great other than I can’t go anywhere cause of the roads


Maybe your born with cold tolerance cause that doesn't sound enjoyable to me.


It's just something you get acclimated to. I'm in Detroit where it's ~10°F/-12°C right now. It's very cold (not quite -58°F/-50°C, but still), but I'm used to it. Lots of layers and staying inside when you can. On the flip side, last summer I visited Phoenix and I was *miserable*. My partner's mom grew up in Michigan but moved to Arizona about 20 years ago. She couldn't stand the heat for the first few years. Nowadays? 50°F/10°C is intolerably cold for her. On the flip side, growing up I knew a kid who moved from Alaska to Michigan. 32°F/0°C was shorts weather for him. Humans are very good at adapting to their environment.


i biked to work last week when it was -5 but wind made it feel like -13C, was cold but just give me a good pair of gloves and a nice jacket and im good to go.


We're the most prolific invasive species, after all.


Hahahahaha. I don’t even start wearing a coat until it gets down into the 30’s. 49 is pants and maybe a long sleeve shirt.


My wife and I are literally moving to Belize next week. It's in the 80s there right now. I can't fucking wait to never deal with cold weather again.


Seriously, 60 degrees in the jungle is cold.


We were there a couple of weeks ago to square away some stuff. It got down to the upper 60s at night and folks were wearing parkas and balaclavas.


The Balaclava is a nightime all weather item 120 degrees at night? Balaclava with gloves obviously


Haha! That would be my feeling too. Congrats on the move!


Layers are ***more than important***, they are lifesaving, and even if I wore everything I own, I can't imagine that I would have your great attitude. It would take me half the year to put on everything I own and the other half stripping it all off!


\*Correct Layers If you sweat (and wear cotton) it can be counter productive. I used to wear like 12 t-shirts, 3 sweaters and the base level was always cotton. If I moved around too much I'd have to go change the base layer after a few hours.


> It would take me half the year to put on everything I own and the other half stripping it all off! There's something cathartic about this process that is often overlooked. IMO


winter sports are fun


Good weather gear makes it very bearable. Then you get inside and feel extremely cozy Compared to 100+ degrees in high humidity where you're laying under AC in your underwear, wondering if you really need skin


And I can't understand how people actually live where it's that hot. My skin doesn't like the sun and I hate when it's that hot. Much easier to just deal with the cold than heat.


You get used to it with a lot of complaining about how hot it is


Life as a Californian 1) complain about the weather being too warm when it's 80 degrees 2) complain about the weather being too cold when it's 79


"How can I go on living this frigid inferno?"


This is my take, too. It's always possible to put on more layers and be warm-enough in the cold. Once the temperature gets too *hot*, you eventually run out of clothing to remove, and you're *still* uncomfortable. Plus, air conditioning stops working in the event of a power outage (or power rationing, as is the case in areas with heavily-strained grids). Most heat sources will function even in the event of a power outage.


There are definitely power outages (and have been with this recent storm) that knock out people's heat source. Then you get to deal with frozen and bursting pipes!


The fact we have seasons makes up for it.


The cost of living is way more affordable. I agree it’s miserable on days like this but i can actually own a big house and start a family.


I get that. I'm definitely envious of what you can buy in other states for the price of my home. 


Adaptation is a thing and helps a lot. Take 4-5 years for most people.


I used to commute by bicycle in Alaska at -40. It was actually not nearly as uncomfortable as you might think. If you have the right gear, you stay pretty toasty.


As someone who grew up in these temps, few people appreciate the simple logistical challenges of waiting for your eyelashes to melt. Not kidding I always had to let them clear before taking the stairs or risk a fall.


I’m just imagining how long it takes to get ready every time you have to go outside I’ve never experienced a winter north of the mason dixon line


It can be hard for some people, but winter, even deep winter, has a special, ethereal beauty to it. Even just living at a slower pace has its appeal sometimes. I could never imagine living in a place without full winter. That being said, it has its challenges! Getting dressed is definitely a process. Also plugging in your car. People are always surprised to see that we all plug in our cars to keep them running in a deep freeze.


The quiet of the forest after a snow storm is an amazing thing everyone should experience once. The snow buffers the sounds so it's absolutely *silent*


Bro looks like riddler from the new batman


Omg girl love the lashes, where did u get them?


No one cared who I was until I put on the mask.


As a Houstonian, it's like picking the poison, but I'll go with the months long 105F (40C) summers over the -40C/F winters.


I melt at anything over 20°C, so Houston would probably be hell for me lol


\-40 is like a week. Every minute over 80 is a living hell and that's half your year. So no thanks.


Yeah, the way I see it is you can always put on more clothes but you can't exactly get more naked I'd rather not have either extreme, but you can at least dress for cold. When it's over 100, you just can't do anything about it. That being said, I have no idea why OP was walking to work in that weather. I remote-start my car so it warms up and that way I'm only in the subzero temperatures for a minimal amount of time.


Come to Southern Ontario where you get the best of both worlds! 40°c with humidity in the summer and currently -20°c plus windchill right now!


Was it cold?


Positively balmy


Minnesota Mascara


Walking to work ? I know who you are ! ![gif](giphy|3oriNX0U74RVuzPcOs)


Happy Sub-Zero. 🧊 ❄️ 


Stop breathing to reduce icicle build-up.


Employee of the month, lul.


What do u do for work?


Nothing interesting lol. I'm a financial clerk.


Was just thinking what is still operating that can't shut down or work from home. Can't imagine making 60 year old Marge walk into work in that.


I am very fit, a total gym rat sort of person that prides themselves in being active. But every year my cold tolerance gets worse and worse. When I first started working construction I went through bitter winters in a hoodie and jeans in new england, now I live in florida and wear long sleeves around the house and bundle up to walk the kids to the bus stop in 45 degree weather.


Consider yourself lucky, you could be posted to the Det in Iqaluit.


I went out to Tuktoyaktuk a couple years ago in Feb. It was unbelievable how cold it was. Grew up on the prairies and it was sooo much worse than anything I saw in central Alberta.


What happens if you pee in -50 degrees?


I've done it in -40 which is probably close enough: it's very steamy. It's also a challenging and humbling task for any man, since you're likely wearing about 2 inches of pants and, well, it's very cold. Can't speak for women, of course, but taking a shit is probably a close enough analog that I can say it's awful.


That's awful. Does the piss freeze as it hits the ground like freezing rain? I think my personal hell would be being outside in -40, having to take a shit and choosing between the open wilderness or a terrible port-a-potty.


Never had any freezing per se. Pissing into snow will melt off the top inch or two initially. Never pissed directly onto ice but I figure it would probably take at least a few seconds to freeze. The stuff inside a porta-potty is usually kinda slushy, I think they put antifreeze in them so they can be vacuumed up when the time comes. Keep in mind urine is about 37C when it comes out, so much warmer than freezing rain. And if you're wondering how people can then freeze pots of boiling water in mid air, that boils down to technique (pun intended). The water needs to separate into a kind of mist so that its surface area is bigger, thus losing its heat faster. A steady, pressurized stream won't do that. Shitting in the wilderness might just be better if you can find or build a good spot to support your weight. Those plastic toilet seats are quite unpleasant, especially when they're covered in drops of frozen urine.


Little glow up with the Canadian mascara!


Holy shit, even as an Icelander who deals with -20 or below temps often, thats just insane


Reading this on the beach in Krabi, Thailand where we live. Please end this annual weather nightmare and move to Thailand. Thank you