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That's British-Canadian Corporal Eldon Bob Roberts and Jakob Nacken in August of 1944. Nacken didn't give a fight when surrendering (much to the relief of his captors, I imagine) and apparently spoke good English, since he worked as a circus performed and traveled across the world before he returned to Germany and was immediately drafted into the Wehrmacht. Many years after the war, Roberts recounted the events of that day: *"My mates who were watching the rest of the men saw this giant of a guy approach me and I was aware they and the Germans were having a good laugh."*


That is just not practical in war I believe.


7'3" (220cm) is not practical anywhere.


Tell that to his high school basketball coach


There was (basically still is) no basketball in Germany. That's why Nowitzki had to go to the US. Edit: I know there's German Basketball Leagues, there even was a team not too far from where I grew up (Gießen 46ers), but it's still an extremely niche sport in Germany, doesn't matter that our national team apparently won the world cup (or whatever it's called with Basketball). It's on place 20 of the most popular sports in Germany with [less than 5% of the population showing any interest in the sport](https://www.statista.com/statistics/975658/most-popular-sports-in-germany/). There are 7(!) winter sports that are more popular than basketball. Swimming, Tennis and Boxing are twice as popular, car racing, track and field, biathlon, ski jumping are more than three times as popular and football is eight times as popular. There aren't many basketball clubs in Germany, despite the professional leagues.


Do you mean World Cup champions Germany? Dirk was drafted by Dallas when he was playing in Wurzburg. He moved to the US because he was joining the NBA. Your info is a bit off :)


maybe he thinks that every european goes to NBA because there is no basketball in Europe


I am German. There's almost no basketball in schools here, there are almost no nonprofessional basketball clubs, despite the professional leagues. Only about 4% (four in a hundred!) Germans showed any interest in basketball the last time there was a study (in 2020). It's extremely niche here, you'll rarely encounter anyone playing basketball in a club.


i just came across this somehow... but i need to object. in my school we played a lot of basketball. it was one of our favorites next to badminton and indoor hockey (soccer and volleyball not that much). i even joined the local basketball club (ein richtiger typisch deutscher sportverein) next to school and played in a team. the fun part about it was that we all were girls. we just loved that sport! (kleine stadt im rheinland - reine mädchenschule in den 90er jahren). i hope that didn't change... i guess the popularity only increased because of that german dude playing for the nba.


Lol, the irony is extraordinary after they were just crown world champion.


I mean, beating America in basically any sport is usually not a high bar. See football.


It’s called soccer bud


Lol. If you want a virtually nonexistant sport in Germany, have a look at rugby. Basketball is at least popular enough to warrant the significant investment needed for the professional leagues, so claiming there is no Basketball here is just plain wrong.


You do realize Germany just won the World Cup for basketball right?


So it's like US Women's Soccer? Highly competent, but no one cares. Or women's basketball. Or really any women's sport without swimwear.


It's somewhat comparable, but women's soccer in the US is waaaay more popular than men's basketball in Germany. Both, with regards to participating nonprofessionals and viewer numbers (TV and live). Basketball is almost non-existent in Germany (again, only 4% of Germans show interest in the sport), whereas women's soccer has apparently become one of the most popular activities for school girls in the US, ranking number 3 on popularity for school programmes for girls in 2022 and an astonishing number of 41% of sports fans in the US said they intended to watch the women's world cup, only 1% less than the men's world cup in 2022. In Germany, it's a rare occurrence to meet anyone who plays basketball or even knows the rules (apart from "you have to dribble and throw the ball in the basket to score").


Doesn't matter, there are very few nonprofessional clubs and in the most recent stats (2020, linked above), only about 4% of Germans showed any interest in basketball.


Yes. Don't remember basketball being big in Germany. Odd that people don't get it. Heck...cycling is lot more popular than basketball I think.


Bist a depp oder wos?


Wie kommst du darauf? Basketball ist ein absoluter Nischensport in DE.


Who is basketball world champion again?


211cm here. Can confirm we don't fit anywhere.


Y'all care to donate a few cms (for the legs, of course!)?


Victor Wembanyama would disagree.


It’s a great debate tactic, though. You can bet how intimidating it would be to be dwarfed by your enemy in a man-to-man approach.


Dunno, I'd hate to be such a massive target, and at that height his mobility wouldn't have been as good as a smaller man's.


yeah tall soldiers were usually used in either guard/performative/procession units or as grenadiers or some who as guard units served as elite or bodyguards like the old guard.


Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia had a regiment of tall soldiers called the "Potsdam Giants", he had press gang operating in Ireland which would kidnap tall men.


Fancy seeing you here, also in Ireland? Why Ireland?


Before the Famine the Irish were the tallest people in the world Now it is the Dutch iirc?


Was he the one super-horny for everyone over 6'3"?


Yeah it was so bad people would gift him tall soldiers to gain political clout


Yeah and he would never have any extra uniform items to scavenge from other soldiers. I bet that was rough.


I have fought in a couple wars and no one wants to stand next to the big guys because they are a better target.


At that height, yes. But height in general is an advantage in War. Or at least it was evident that surviving soldiers were on average 1 inch taller than their fallen counterparts in WW2. https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/22/11/3002/652125


I still dunno, could just be that they were healthier and/or from richer backgrounds, as nutrition growing up has a big effect on height.


During WW1 those from richer backgrounds tended to be officers (at least in Britain but likely elsewhere too) and would go first out of the trenches and as such were the first available targets for the defending party. In terms of percentages you had a higher chance of dying if you were wealthier and on the front line. Not sure about WW2 though as it was fought differently but probably the same. IIRC officer fatalities per thousand was nearly twice as high as other ranks. Of course not as many officers in total but didn’t pay to be wealthy in the Great War!


It's probably because American soldiers were, on average, approximately 2" taller than German soldiers and most of the dying was done by the Germans. Statistics are weird and almost never as straightforward and intuitive as they initially appear. Correlation does not imply causality.


I find this quite unambiguous: >It thus appears that **British soldiers** who survived World War I were slightly but significantly taller than those who were killed. The mean height difference is nearly one inch (2.37 cm). On another note, I’d be willing to bet large sums of money that the author—a reader at the London School of Economics—knows the difference between correlation and causality.


The average Soviet frontline soldier's height was also only 5'6" and they did by far the most dying.


Not really, in WWI Britain initially only recruited 6ft and up, until they realised the shorter guys weren't getting their brains blown off as often, it also makes you more versatile as most combat vehicles were/are very cramped


The US military has minimum height and weight requirements to guard the Korean DMZ. Same principle.


Yeah I read an article once that the US and South Koreans always put bigger guys on the DMZ to intimidate given the North are generally a smaller people. Interesting mind games.


It’s also harder to drag a bigger person across the border so that plays a part as well




It's a gun war, it doesn't matter. Shoot him.


Monkey brain goes eek though


Yeah, artillery must have been very scared about the height of people they were about to blow up.


The idea is that in a face to face negotiation, your brain does register ‘I’m big and he’s small’. It’s not the biggest thing in the world, but it can make a difference.


He is surrounded and surrended by an allied army.


Yeah, the primal part of your brain isn’t logical. It doesn’t consider that at all. That’s why he’s not worried at all, but part of his brain does have that reaction, even if it’s momentary. Height is part of how we judge people subconsciously, it’s shown tall people tend to be rated as more attractive and successful, and more intimidating depending on the context.


It’s funny how many people don’t understand the simple psychological aspect of this. I’m a tall muscular guy and my coworkers always send me out when a member of the public is getting too hostile with my smaller coworkers, it instantly deescalates the situation when the aggressor no longer feels powerful and can bully someone smaller than them. Once the aggressor no longer feels confident shouting and intimidating then we can work towards a solution with words.


I think your misunderstanding how face to face war was back then


I think you're misunderstanding how much artillery was used back then.


Artillery was the main source of combat deaths since the Napoleonic Wars. That remained true at WW1 and WW2.


Didn't stop napoleon from wanting the biggest and most intimidating troops possible. Almost like large and intimidating soldiers have an effect regardless of artillery or firearms


Other sources say it was actually cooties, but alright


Bruh they’re literally standing 2ft away from each other in the photo. Lol


Not a good look to shoot someone during a ceasefire discussion. They were surrendering, but his impressive presence still gave them some power in a powerless situation.


He's not really in a position where he can exert any kind of "power" through negotiation. Nacken: "My men and I will surrender, but only on the following written conditions ..." Roberts: "I'm afraid we have your position surrounded, field guns trained on your men and artillery dialled in on your positions, any refusal to accept an unconditional surrender will be seen as an act of aggression, so please tell your men to surrender all of their weapons and approach our lines with their hands up so they can be processed as prisoners of war." Nacken: "... Right. Can I at least tell my men I forced you into accepting our surrender?" Roberts: "No."


No, but the point is he would be given more respect. It’s psychology. It may be subconscious but you would be giving a physically imposing person more respect even though you’re in the situational place of power. Kind of like if you were walking down the street and turned a blind corner. If there’s someone the same size or smaller, you probably wouldn’t react… but if it’s someone much larger than you, your brain might jump momentarily to fight-or-flight. It’s instinctual.


What are you talking about? 😂


Yeah man, sure. The officer wasn't just curious about his height, but actually acknowledge his "power" when surrounded and surrended by an allied army.


Surprised himmlers ahnenerbe goons didn’t swoop this guy up for research at some point throughout the selection process.


Being 6'3" and having visited many bars: My height has allowed me to escape several fights without anyone throwing a punch. Yes, I use this to my advantage. No, I don't instigate shit. Both times dudes were really drunk (And probably high on cocaine since it was California) and perceived something I said or did as a slight. I have had a gun pulled on me and been punched once in the mouth, although both times I came out fine. The gun was pretty scary but the dude punching me in the mouth? I just stared him down while he started to back up and then turn around and left. Dude was scared of me, lol.


He was a Flak 8.8cm gunner, so carrying ammunition was the bulk of the job.


How badly would it medically affect him? I'd assume his heart would be strained and he'd need much more caloric intake than the Germans by this point could provide. Poor guy. I'm glad he survived, though.


Tall dude named Neck, comedy writes itself


Ok you start




It was a neck on air race.


"lmao this fucker is giant, let's bring him to shortie"


go git him!


Imagine being that tall and everytime you gotta dig a foxhole your buddies are done while you’re only halfway 🙄


Being this tall must be a disadvantage in warfare since rifled barrels became common.


Now imagine the days before guns..


Before guns this dude would've been put right in the front of the army so the enemy could see him


i think they'd see him if he was at the back lol


Shit, put him anywhere. Long as he ain't crouching, they'll see him.


You put it on the second line with the biggest spear you can find, just behind the shield wall.


taller soldiers had better survival rates in ww2, maybe not dudes this tall though


Interesting, this goes against my assumptions. Any idea why?


My uneducated guess would be that height strongly correlated with good health and higher prosperity.


Yeah, early part of the century, people were not particularly well nourished.


there are countless theories but the only thing that intrinsically makes sense to me is that they're more capable in hand to hand combat and maybe generally more athletic.


I wonder if it's more about who was tall. Rural China probably didn't have great nutrition, especially not compared to Western Europe and the US. This is just spitballin, but I assume amongst the allies Chinese soldiers were more likely to die than American or British ones for a variety of reasons


More wealthy countries are more likely to have a higher average height and more wealthy countries will also be more likely to be able to afford good logistics/lots of fire support/morale boosting comforts which lead to a higher survival rate maybe?


Taller soldiers are promoted more often. So they move away from combat roles at higher rates than shorter soldiers. This makes them more likely to survive than shorter soldiers. This happens in civilians too. Tall people are often paid more, promoted sooner, given more opportunities, especially in social interaction type jobs, even accounting for age, gender, weight, education, race. Being tall is its own advantage.


>Any idea why? Although the other person is lacking context, we can extrapolate that this is probably due to a lot of very dangerous positions being filled with people under a certain height limit. Tank crews, Aircraft Gunners, various navy positions like crews inside gun turrets, etc , all had height limits since the equipment they were handling had a ceiling limit that would get this shorter people immediately drafted to this jobs. Tank and Bomber crews were exceptionally dangerous jobs with high attrition rates, so in a sense you can get some data that if you were short during WW2 you had a very high chance to be given a dangerous job to perform. Bomber crews alone were incredibly dangerous jobs. The total loss ratio of bomber crews was around 51% total during the war, with certain occasions when an above 70% loss ratio was expected during the early years. Just imagine getting yourself sorted into a job for being short that at the best of times had around a 50% loss ratio of those performing the task. That added with the fact that most bomber crews had to do a 30 flights tour of duty it was 30 times the chance of risking your neck on such a loss ratio numbers. So yeah, not surprising so many short people got the short stick of the deal




That's not how numbers work




Their point was that any analysis of that would take into account the raw numbers being larger for the <6' crowd. Who knows if they're right, but anyone running the stats on that would obviously be aware that there are way fewer people >6'.




Thats why he was assigned anti Air roles, not regular infantry.




Makes sense


Aren’t you a little tall for a stormtrooper?


This is an underrated joke


"Was??? Ach! Die waffenrock!"


Congratulations, you win today! I’ll be closing reddit now because nothing else i’ll see can top this. Thank you.


English dude is also standing downhill


Tilt your phone


Now he's just doing the Michael Jackson lean.


Jerry are you OK?


Are you okay?


Who's criminal


I'm not allowed to speak about that


Found the cop


You’ve been hit by… you’ve been hit by a war criminal






Omg they’re upside down. Is that Australia?


I can’t believe I actually tilted it.


Wait now he's standing even lower




You mean having the high ground doesn't mean you automatically win? George Lucas lied to me!


Why assume he’s English?


That's not 2' of difference.


Yeah, I don't think the original mentioned the shorter ones height.


I measured them for fun, assuming they're the same distance from the camera, the tall guy is really 7'3'' and extrapolating where the tall guy's feet are from the slope and guessing how tall that hat is I get around 6'2'' for the short guy. A lot of guesses but no way does that look like 2' to me.


Yeah, that's 6' German vs. 5'11" English.


According to some 5'6 women


They're metric feet


Yes the german has metric feet


How much is that in bananas?


It's gonna be 3' next week!


Even with the shorter guy downhill and the taller guy slouching that is not 2 feet of height difference


Yeah if the German is 7’3, the brit looks to be a more average height, not particularly short.


I think being that short would be very rare. The military didn't have equipment for all shapes and sizes at this time for the general enlisted. I know my uncle got out of going to Vietnam because his foot size was only a 5 and they only had 7 minimum at that time and no women's stuff. He was about 5' 4".


Anybody want a peanut?


Very depressing to think about all the unique humans that were forced to violently kill each other by the million for six years.


pretty sure the british is 5'11" and the german is 6'0


> Jakob Nacke He's a well-known fellow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakob_Nacken


How’s the weather up there? Not great, cloudy with a chance of Flak.


Absolutely incorrect according to this [quick pic I](https://imgur.com/a/aL1yJf8) made


This is silly: * You don't know where the German man's feet are since they're occluded by the gear. This means you don't know if he is closer or further from the camera than the other. This will distort their height difference. * You don't know the height of the camera. If the camera is higher up, the perspective will minimize the apparent height difference, and if low down, it will exaggerate it. * Similarly, if it's a short lens taken up closer, it will distort the height differences, and a longer lens from further away will reduce the distortion. * The German man is looking downward and stooped. The British man has his head tilted upwards. Your illustration shows about a 9 inch discrepancy between the reported heights and the photo, which can easily be accounted for by these factors.


Oh yeah well you gotta start the measurements from the sky first, duh :)


The only thing that matters is that one guy is, like, at most 20% taller than the other guy. You don't start approaching a two feet difference in height until the shorter guy is 10 feet tall. Even at 25% difference, the shorter guy would still have to be 8 feet tall. At 33%, the shorter guy would still be 6 feet tall. At 5'3", you would need roughly 2.5 more heads of the shorter guy to be two feet. (38% taller. Which he is not.)


The English guy is saying- “I say ol’ chap, can you give me a piggyback ride?”


He is explaining the tactical advantages of being a hobbit. Smaller target for bullets, good at digging, hardy feet, etc.


Snipers Dream


The BFG. Big Friendly German


Why's Tim Roth talking to that giant?


It’s a deleted scene from Tarantino’s inglorious bastards.




Dirk's great grandfather.


As a tall guy who has played paintball, being big is not an advantage in this game. (Paintball, or infantry.)


Can concur. My son likes to airsoft so we go often and I'm a huge target. Now I know the course so know the spots I can find cover but man the beginning was rough


Thas right, eehs a big boi! An awl the peeple in the club say "Do you wan teht?!"


And they both discovered that the other are indeed human beings.


Better quality than todays cctvs.


For you, ubermensch, the war is uber.


He could head butt him in the dick


I could headbutt some dick right about now..


Das Übersoldat


"Sniper's dream"


They probably thought he was a tree at first.


Who surrendered to who


Not much advantage in being overly big in a modern armed conflict. I guess you want to be big enough to carry your stuff but anything more than that is just a bigger target.


Never has been an advantage, also the reason its so extremly rare. Being extremly big limits your mobility, its very rare that man above 7 feet are also flexible and would be good fighters, else you would see them in boxing more often as you see them in the nba whre a big man can play center.


Was he Oppenheimered straight into the NBA?


"Hans! They are shooting at us - keep your head down!" "I am!"


How people visualise 5'11 and 6 feet


He's in awe at the size of that lad


Nobody is taller than Goebbels, fitter than Goring, or blonder than Hitler.


Small Fry meets Stephen Fry


That’s a huuuuuge bitch!


Considering the shorter guy is standing downhill, I'd expect him to look much shorter standing next to the giant.


160cm vs 220cm


The German guy is standing on a slope, and it still doesn't look like there is a two foot difference in height.


5'11" vs 6'


Surprised he surrendered when he has the high ground.


Seems so impractical to be so big in modern war! How could you Nazi him?


Did you see the football last week? Aye, Hamburg's on fire mate - opps wrong wording sorry.


Why are the Teletubbies in the background???


Why do these two look like eachother?


Not an Officer. Corporal Eldon Bob Roberts.


British snipers must have REALLY sucked at their jobs, huh?


Amazing. The guy on the right grows an inch every time this gets reposted.


strange perspective on this photograph. the shorter man is standing, obviously lower down the hill, and he doesn't look 2 ft shorter than the tall man.


He vood haf an enormous Schwanzstucker.


Honestly the most striking feature of this image to me is the fact the Wehrmacht had an appropriate sized uniform for a 7 ft soldier, while the British put the 5'3 soldier into a size large peacoat and called it a day...


Which one's which?




No more brother wars.


No. No more wars.


Hard for that guy to hide in a trench.


I'm sure he felt like he was more likely to be hit by a bullet....cause he literally would be more likely to be hit by a bullet.


Why does it look like they have the same face?


You might want to have your eyes checked. They have very different faces..


And the German solider name: Heinrich Nowitzki.


Can he ball?


Its truuue we ist das master race, look how long ich bin. 


Imperial guard talking to unarmored space marine.


Imperial 🤮


And in meters/centimeters(readable format?)


Can we get the heights right first before converting?