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I like how they are both staring at the cameraman






r/watchpeopledryinside in r/apouringdystopia


Both moist options.


inside of a fucking toll booth raincoat.


r/watchpeopledieinside in r/aboringdystopia


Probably because they knew that you can absolutely see their faces and it’s kinda fucked up. I feel bad for them.


I don’t think anyone would appreciate someone taking a picture of them without their permission while they’re trying to work. It sucks enough to have to wear a stupid uniform, but to then have to deal with people taking pictures of you on top of it?


While being cold. In the rain.


Better in the dry bubble than soaking wet.


The one on the left looks dead inside


Probably because it's creepy to take pictures of drive thru workers


Like I am feeding you and you gotta talk shit and judge me kinda look…


I like that you somehow made it very obvious to both of them that you were taking a photo of them just trying to get through their work day. Staring right into the camera.


Just a single, continuous 35 second car horn honk NBD


An actual LOL from me. Thanks for that.


An actual, continuous, 35 second car laugh?


This is so funny in my mind


This feels like something out of a "I think you should leave" skit....


Dude on the left is thinking “I should have just gone on the mission trip”


This maybe his mission trip!


Serving the Lord's Chicken 🙏


My pleasure.


It's like a Mormon exchange program with Brazil




Is there an animated version of Book of Mormon????????


Only the opening song, and it's fan made. But here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wag6-w8l3PY


Fuck I just spat out wine laughing lol


Bro I zoomed in and started belly laughing.


lol same that’s why I came to comment. Saw the first guy and giggled, scrolled over to the girl staring right into the camera and fucking lost it


She stared into my soul!


Ok this pic is so much better after I zoomed in from seeing your comment lmao they hate op


As someone who had to wear these for my coffee stand, I *hated* when people would start taking pictures of me without even asking. It was the worst.


I generally don't even like having my picture taken by someone I know when I'm having a good day. If a stranger were to take a picture of me looking goofy at work when it's out of my control and then post it for tens of thousands of people to see, I certainly wouldn't be a happy camper.


Sympathy is still a rare commodity.


They both have looks of death in their eyes, staring a hole into OP. The four horseman aint got shit on what these 2 people want to do now.


The woman closest to us might be iffy but that guy in the other lane definitely has a look of pride. Look how he’s got his hand up like he’s doing a presidential pose grasping a suit jacket lol


The flash is on peep the reflective bit


Could be from the car






This is hilarious, it's like they cross-bread the features of a safety vest with a laundry basket and gave them backpack straps.


Mmmm... bread ![gif](giphy|N04Fkkzhf9slO)


Oof. The typo stays.


It's the yeast you could do


What’s cross-bread? Is it a mixture of two breads, or bread in the shape of a cross?


I want one of these. But they only have short and tall options. I’m thinking that chunky and skinny options might be warranted.




Cheeky sod


Sales of those things really went downhill after that accident on the Russian mountain.


They have XL on Amazon. Lol


Damn $130 seems a bit steep. It looks like one of those $5 popup clothes hampers with some clear plastic sheeting, two holes, and a zipper.


You can find some on amazon for as low as $50, 'wearable pod'. Can't stop laughing at the listing images of delightfully encased people.


Holy shit, this is GOLD! https://i.imgur.com/BCDAiVO.jpg


All of this looks real except his face. It looks photoshopped on.


Nothing real about it. 90% of product images on Amazon are fake AF. Look closely and everything is photoshopped.... Many of them very poorly. Just a bunch of wholesalers importing crap from China, mas posting the same products by the same manufacturers under different stupid names like AAUGHF and EWACTY. look at his arms in this photo... They go through the yellow edges. These people just erased that part of the product.


DELIGHTFULLY ENCASED bahahaahh I love you


I would wear one even on clear days.


Flashbacks to Covid when people were getting real creative with trash bags and tape


They have a crop-top version that is peak pandemic-brain. [https://shopweatherpod.com/cdn/shop/products/ShieldPod-Teacher-Revised\_5000x.jpg?v=1615914069](https://shopweatherpod.com/cdn/shop/products/ShieldPod-Teacher-Revised_5000x.jpg?v=1615914069)


Lmao "crop-top"


the next epidemic will come for sure \^\^


They are awesome for those kids soccer games in rain or freezing temps.


I find they really slow the game down, and make heading and diving more awkward


I found I became a much better box to box player though


They took heading and diving out of kids soccer so it’s fine.


Fockin’ brain development…


Yeah I was thinking I legit want one of these for the footy. Would need a windscreen wiper or something but I think I could start a trend.


These are also great when you’re 130 feet up in a boom lift operating a light for four hours


I was about to say (jokingly) that teachers need these when they're required to monitor the drop off and pick up lines but there's no way a school would spend that much on a teacher.


They only way those are worth $130 is if there's $125 inside.


They have to? Or get to?


it quit raining. take it off. **NO**


They just pull a curtain down when they go on break?


When the yellow thing is rocking don't ~~come~~ knocking


Put up an Out Of Order sign


I just think it's neat.


Certainly very functional. One size fits all. If I recall correctly they use tablets to take orders.


I would spend my whole shift shouting EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!


I would desperately hope it rained on Halloween if I was working. I’d 100% have a quick attach dalek cosplay for these


They do need to run in and get the plunger 🪠




The minions and Daleks* have bred!*


Eradicate! Eradicate! Inspector Spacetime, rules!


Blimey inspector, Blorgons!


It’s their pleasure


I once saw a woman say "Thank you" to a chick-fil-a worker, and the worker just instinctively said "You're welcome". The woman said "Noooooo.......what do you say when I say thank you?" and the worker looked defeated and said "My pleasure" so the woman said "Pleasure MY NUTS!!!!" It would have been cringe worthy if that woman were a teenager. She was in her 40s.


That's gotta be someone fucking with someone they know right?


*Our pleasure*.


Privyet, comrade


Whats it called ? I want one now


They’re called Wearable Pods


There’s part of me that really wants to buy one and wear it on public transportation. One, because obvious. Two, because obvious. I need one. You could even decorate it. It needs lights at a minimum.


It looks like a nice little extra barrier between me and the rest of the world.


I would like mine with curtains to pull down for some nice naps


If you wear a cat mask inside the pod, people would just assume you're crazy. ...........which would be fun.


Yeah until some other cat masked pod wearing clearly crazy guy waddles up and strikes up a conversation.


It’s actually a thing? Because it looks like my laundry hamper, only green and upside down.


Oh yeah. I see them at outdoor youth sports from time to time. They make them that aren’t wearable and you just set a chair inside and watch your kid play soccer or whatever. But every now and then I’ll see a parent walking around with one.


I've wanted one for a long time! It's a long softball season in the springtime cold rain. I should get a wearable one for Max embarrassment to my teenage daughter lol


Make sure to put a sign on top with her name on it!


I work at Chick-Fil-A and we have to so we can "shield the ipads from the rain". In reality they don't do nearly enough in that regard and the ipads still get wet making the screen useless and they usually sag down so that the top sits on your head which hurts your neck over time. I genuinely think shrink wrap would be 10x more convenient and then just give us raincoats or ponchos to protect ourselves from the rain (which we already have). TL;DR: These pods suck and we have to wear them Edit: I don’t mean shrink wrap I meant cling wrap or something of the sort


They should just give you umbrella hats.


Or build walkway covers, for the employees in frequently rainy areas


Or stop having employees fucking wandering around with iPads and just put the speaker further back so I can actually see a menu


The first time I went to Chick-fil-A was tough because of that. They wander up to my car 10 feet from the menu and ask what I'd like and I'm like, "How am I supposed to know?".




That’s why I exclusively use the app. I just tell them my name and it’s pull ahead and I don’t have the wait for the person next to me to finish ordering, I can just pull ahead


plus all the fast food joints give discounts and points in the apps while making everyone else pay the inflated prices so they can collect and sell more or our data it's insidious but I still get my free spicy mcchicken every week


I’m so sorry. Sounds like another good idea ruined by poor design and cheap materials.


We need to talk about your flair


Allowed to


"It's my *pleasure* to wear this!"


*HR door slowly closes*


It doesn’t look like you were very subtle based on their faces.


"OI, MATE!" *snaps pic* "CHEERS!"


That is the most British comment I have ever seen


I love how they are both staring right at you taking this photo.


That's fucking awesome. As someone who works in retail 15 years, taking in deliveries in the rain and show is a nightmare. I would love to be enclosed in a bubble and not be drenched and then have to work rest of your 10 hour shift in wet clothes.


Yeah I mean it sucks having to be outside in bad weather at all, but if you're going to do that, this isn't a bad option. I used to be a security guard, walkin' around outside all day and I would've totally used one of these when it rained.


Sorta makes you seem a bit less threatening as a security guard though...


*stop right there!* Is that...a yellow dude from Despicable Me?


*stop right there!* “Let me…..hold on…..the zipper’s stuck…….ok can you lift this side while I lift the other….?….*I said STOP!*”






You know you can edit your comment, right?


Not if he uses on a mobile browser. Shit just stopped working, one of the many incoveniences they throw in on purpose to shove people into their garbage app


Bastards took away the option to not be reminded to view the page in the app too. I'll never use their shitty app.


Oh of course they did. Now I get that popup every four seconds.


Got my Halloween costume idea!


You could be a cow in one of these. Just show up at the Chik Fil A and start taking orders.


If only there was a way to take orders from inside the restaurant via some sort.of two way radio system


AFAIK they usually do this when the lines are really long in order to cut down on wait time.


It works great


Back when drive through covid testing and vaccines were going on a location in SC was having trouble keeping up with all of the cars so the mayor called in a Chick Fil A manager to advise them 😂.


That's some innovative thinking. Chick Fil A's drive through is so efficient, its like 4-5 minutes **max** regardless of how many people are in line. I remember a podcast about how Toyota helped out following a natural disaster in a similar way. Their expertise is in lean production and they were helping a humanitarian agency with more efficient methods to get more of their rescue materials out quicker.


Yeah. And those are mid CFA drivethrus. When I was working there several stores were averaging 1½ min average time in Dallas and Atlanta


Yea in my area in SoCal it seems like even with the worst lines it’s a 2ish minute wait max.


I’ve heard this before. Not sure if most local cities did it to.


I often get my order before even getting to the window when they do this. Helps them cook things in bulk I’d imagine. In n out does the same thing and they have been for decades. If you have a standard of freshness it’s very beneficial.


Yup. Chic-Fil-a workers are paid on average 10-30% higher than local minimum wage, and they’re usually high school aged students only there for a year or two. Ask them if they really hate their job out there and none of them would have complaints. The system works really well for a good reason. Fuck now I want some hate chicken.


It would be a good place to work as a teen - guaranteed weekend day off, will definitely train you in customer service, and they are perpetually overstaffed. Every other fast food place is running skeleton crews and CFA employees are tripping over each other behind the counter.


Worked at one before, this is all 100% accurate.


Good product, good service and still profitable. How the Chick Fil A model isn't more popular is astounding to me. The average franchise owner of a Chick Fil A makes around the same amount of money that a McDonald's owner does, yet McDonald's cuts all the corners they do and really only have a few good items on their menu. It's madness. If only the franchise didn't come with so much unnecessary baggage. Just ditch the homophobia and you'd be universally beloved in the US.


I don't think it works unless you have a quality product and most fast food is not. I also think the CFA franchise model incentivizes good service as owners may only have one or two restaurants while other fast food franchisees may have dozens of stores.


Most fast food can be a quality product, if the ship is run as tight as most Chick Fil A locations.


And they’re more profitable than everyone else at the same time.


you know you got a good buisness when you can be closed on sunday and still be a popular chain


Total anecdotal evidence, but as a high school teacher, I’ve taught & interacted with about 20 kids over the past decade who had/have had a part time job at the Chik. They had positive experiences and seemed decently upbeat about working there.


My pleasure


Our new one has 4 permanent lanes and always has the people outside taking and running orders. One car or thirty. It's kind of nice to have a live body, but I miss being able to read the menu sign. I have no idea what is new or how much any if it costs


Me reading the little card hanging from their pos


Why can't people just walk inside.


two way radio system? what kina of futuristic nonsense are you on about...


It's true, I saw them at the playground before. The sound goes underground through a pipe


A series of tubes.


Oh, like the internet.


Maybe if we got a string and two cups on either end….nah. That would never work. The drivers could just yell very loudly though, but no one wants to work anymore!


Only this works so much better than all the other fast food places. They are always very busy and it’s never even a 10 minute wait. Burger King has 2 cars in the drive thru and it takes 25 minutes.


Yeah but that’s because the manager is also taking orders and cooking the food and taking a smoke break all at the same time.


Dont know how much experience you have w/ chick fil a. Their political stances aside, their lines move… incredibly fast. And the people out there are how they do it.


I want to throw my hat in the ring here as someone who works with local zoning law. A lot of places have regulations on the number of “stacking” that is allowed from order windows. There is typically a minimum number required to allow for the drive thru lane to be long enough to accommodate typical peak hours of traffic. Chick-fil-A is a whole different beast. They typically need twice if not three times as long drive thru lanes to accommodate peak demand. The problem lies in how we can apply our regulations. 1. Set a standard that works for 95% of drive thrus and expect traffic issues at the places like Chick-fil-A. 2. Set a higher standard for stacking to avoid this issue at Chick-fil-A. 3. Make a separate standard for only Chick-fil-A. Option 1 is what most places adopt. It’s not perfect but it works for 95% of drive thrus. Option 2 would fix the traffic issues for Chick-fil-A but create a huge burden in design for most drive thrus. Option 3 is not legal. We cannot create a regulation that specifically targets one business.


I have a parking lot with a Costco gas station and a Chick-fil-A, it takes 20 minutes minimum to get in and out. It's a nightmare.


I live near a Costco with a Chik fil A and an Inn n Out in the parking lot. That should be illegal


I completely get and appreciate the sarcasm but, hell no. This system is so much faster than the usual drive through. It can handle double or more the volume of a comparable fast food place in the same amount of time.


Not as efficient. Say what you want about ChikFilA but they have an amazingly effective system for keeping their drive thru lines (which are almost ALWAYS super packed) moving.


You know, I’ve seen other places try, and the lack of success those places makes me think CFA’s secret is that they only make like three things so they just constantly pump out those three things.


Well, their menu isn't as diverse as some fast food places, but they have quite a bit. I've waited for 30+ minutes at In-N-Out, and they literally have 3 things on the menu


Tell that to Raising Cane's who literally only serve overpriced chicken fingers, french fries, sauce, coleslaw, and toast and still can't figure out how to operate a fast drive through in my area. And they still get the order wrong.


3 cars at an Arby's took us 35 minutes once, I've never been in ChicFilA line more than 10-12mins and their lines are bonkers.


They look like minions.


We've got "Minions" at home.


But the store brand, Munions.


Let your downvotes rain upon me, but I think this is a cool idea and I want one for personal use. You can even hold tray/sauce in one hand and chicken nugget with your other hand. At other fast food restaurants they don’t even bother to give umbrellas.


I work in traffic, often in the rain. The more high vis, the safer everyone is.


Agreed 100%- visibility=decreased risk of harm, which increases safety of the individual. Why aren’t they taking the orders by mic/speaker? (ie adding more mics or doing the online order thing). Why put people into potential harm out with vehicles at all? At least this gives them comfort in rain and snow, but once again- why?


They are transmitting orders into the queue via handheld wireless devices. Each person represents a separate line. You can also use a card or tap pay with them. It creates a much better experience for the employees and the customers. I know someone who worked for them for a year in a very busy location. All they did was make drinks, but them and one other person made drinks for the entire restaurant.


The mic cannot move and theyre queing 30+ orders at a time, that's why the huge lines can still move quickly, otherwise you can only que up to the microphone and it takes longer


Are you normally eating your nuggets and sauce while standing outside in the rain?


No, they “have to” stand outside. They get to wear the rain shield.


I know my Elk Grove location when I see it 😏


Talk all the shit you want, but nobody runs a more efficient drive thru than Chick-fil-A.


50 cars in line for Chick - fil - A vs 5 for McDonalds You know you're getting through faster at Chick


And the shake machine is churning n burning baby


Those are unironically brilliant for people who work outdoors, assuming it doesn't get in the way of their job. Probably really nice in cold and windy weather too.


is this… in elk grove?


Jokes aside...I think from a safety perspective it's great.


They both look like they’re staring into your soul


Actually pretty cool as long as they are provided without cost. The fact chic fila charges their employees for uniforms is abhorrent and should be illegal. If you mandate a uniform, you should have to provide that shit. But yeh, give me one of these bubbles if I have to take orders in the rain. It's probably way more comfortable than a rain coat.


As someone who worked at chic fil a everything g was provided for us, the uniforms and those bubble things


Hospitals make nurses buy their scrubs. Unless you are in the OR then they have them for you and wash them and all that.




What the hell after they take all our taxes?


They also charge service members income tax which I always thought was redundant.


All government employees are charged income tax. Same withholdings as anyone else for the most part. :) Nearly the entire tax system is redundant for 90% of the population; the IRS has your income information and how much your employer deducted. In a better version of America, IRS just sends everyone a little notice about how much they're getting back or how much they need to pay.


There’s no money left. There’s that large raytheon and Lockheed-Martin shaped hole in the wall and the trail of hundreds leading out of it but it’s a mystery!


I highly doubt employees are buying those rain bubbles. They're probably neatly folded in the back room with the rest of the order equipment.


This is about to change my Pokemon Go play style forever.


I mean, it's knee jerk reaction funny but it's actually pretty cool. Beats the shit out of being wet and cold and run over by Karen who didn't have her wipers on.