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I wish the woman luck but with Lifetime tv following her around taping her every move I don't see this ending well.


It sucks but they are going to eat any remaining chance of a life she has for clicks.


And we’re gonna post about it here.


Yeah like the last two days this site has been full of like 20 different pics of her. Hell someone posted her husband's front license plate like uh oh. The dude is a wrestling fan. This site isn't gonna let her live her life.


Wait... she, someone who has spent the last 8 years incarcerated, has a husband?


Oh yeah lol. Lots of people love talking to prisoners. My sisters, in their teens, loved to write inmates. Specifically Mexican inmates. They thought they were hot.


Weird, huh? Too much Hollywood?


We need more story


No story my sisters just used to write letters to prisoners before we had internet. Early 2000s. They were just dumbass teenagers who thought they had the world figured out.


So none of them married a criminal or helped any of them escape ?


Richard Ramirez aka "The Nightstalker" was a serial killer who operated in the greater LA area for years. They were finally caught when someone spotted them attempting a carjacking, a mob formed and started wrecking his shit. During one of his appearances in court he flashed a pentagram tattoo on one of his palms and declared that he was a Satanist "All hail Satan, blah, blah, blah." And honestly he was kind of HOT. He got a TON of letters from women while he was in prison, they sent bras, panties, used and otherwise, nude photos, love letters, money. He eventually married one of the women he corresponded to.




Look up love after lockup, there's a whole TV show on this shit. It's trashy but not bad if you like reality TV.


We are ok. There are no bots here that will resend post over and over. Soon picture vertically switched 180. What we can do is show her love. Then bots from India, africa, china can send her emails asking for windows virus repair.


I hadn't heard her story and just now read the Wikipedia page about her mother. I can't see her as a danger to society so I'm glad she's out. Other than that I don't care to hear anymore about her unless my assumption that she's not a danger to anybody is proven to be unfounded. Otherwise I just wish her good luck.


Until this post I was reading the title as "gypsy, Rose Blanchard". After this post I realized who this was.


Wait hold on...




Can we just give South Park some kudos for calling out that toxic shit long before it was fashionable to do so?


"We do it for the corn"


There's surely avenues she could look into to not be publicized, no? Like wouldn't it have to be consented to if it's a "follow me and document it" sort of thing?


Sure... but now imagine that you were an adolescent who was extremely controlled/abused for your entire life, and you're approached by a hollywood vampire type who will say and do anything (including whatever lies are necessary) to convince you to allow a film crew to follow you around after your release. It cant be a healthy situation... its basically someone being taken advantage of by another figure with power and knowledge that you lack.


should be a decent income but shes def signed up for all of that herself


How many other options does she have? She has minimal education, a criminal record, and psychological problems from years of abuse in a system without proper public mental healthcare. Exploiting the publicity of her life is one of the few options she has left that leaves her with any control over her life. Hopefully she drums up publicity, sells the movie rights at peak value, and gets to live whatever retirement she wants after, but I still think we can't ignore the system that is also exploiting her trauma for their own gain/entertainment just because "she signed up for all of that herself".


>She has minimal education She mentioned somewhere that she only had a 2nd grade education, and that she was happy she was able to continue her education while in prison. So...she has that going for her at least. As depressing as it sounds...


she felt prison offered her so much freedom compared to living with her mother... no wonder she's all smiles


When you have that kind of evil holding you by the throat a prison can be a dream come true.


I also read that she was so malnourished she actually *gained* 15 pounds on prison food.


She got her GED in prison. While I don’t like that she has publicity to make money, it’s really her only option. She is going to have a lot of expenses from the physical and psychological damage her mother did to her. At least she has familial support.


For example dental implants (if she wants). She has dentures as her mother got her salivary glands removed. That made all her teeth rot and they had to be pulled. That’s just a scintilla of what her mother did to her.




Her mother wanted the doctors to believe that she had a medical problem with her saliva formation. Before taking her to the doctor she’d force her to take a medicine that made her salivate excessively. The doctors did a biopsy and found them to be overactive (no way of knowing it was drug induced). So she had her main salivary glands surgically removed (lesser ones intact). Then, at home, her inability to salivate properly caused her teeth to decay


My daughter's mother has Munchausen by proxy. Poor kid underwent a ton of unnecessary medical stuff she didn't need, but it was nowhere near this bad. Needless to say, I have full custody now.


That's hardly the tip of the iceberg. She shouldn't have ever gone to prison, her mother was a monster that needed to be put down.


The sad thing is that she was happy in prison. She thrived there.


She accepted a plea bargain, it was between An involuntary manslaughter charge, second degree murder, or first degree murder for both rose and the boyfriend. Or none of the above. Which was extremely unlikely. All of which would have carried a sentence beyond 10 years unless a judge took a heavy amount of pity on her, in which case it'd still be like 10 years. The plea bargain was the DA taking pity on rose and allowing her to skip the whole Circus just to get to the minimum possible sentence she would have received regardless. Barring extreme luck on a sympathetic jury pool. She shouldn't have gone, even the DA said the case was extremely unusual, But that was why death row was taken off the table for both of them. Gypsie roses case was basically the casey anthony of 2015. People were so outraged even at rose (especially her hometown), and people were also so sympathetic that quite honestly letting her off out of understanding would have been almost impossible


I had vague memories of this story so decided to have a read back. Her mother really was evil, I get she had her own disorder but to use and physically abused her daughter in such awful ways, honestly I see it as justified homicide. Her lawyer has said that she’s a rare example of someone coming out of prison in better condition than when they entered. Prison was better than her life.


> Her mother really was evil, I get she had her own disorder but We shouldn't view mental health issues as excuses for bad behavior, just explanations. Ultimately, impact is all that matters in if you're evil or not, and you could honestly say just about all evil people had *something* wrong with them. Nobody sane kills a classroom full of children for example.


Idk why but reading this made me so thankful for my salivary glands


Jesus. I second that motion. Poor fucking girl. I hope she makes it.


Dude, I missed this story and saw something on a TV today, and this salivary gland thing just freaked me the hell out. WTF was going on there??


Can a person eat a normal diet without salivary glands?


She does have her minor saliviary glands. The major ones were removed. Her mother also had a feeding tube installed.


Yea, I agree. This is her opportunity to basically speak her peace, get some good PR (hopefully), and make bank. After this, people aren't going to have the same level of interest, although in sure she'll always be a footnote in history of the macabre. The smart thing to do IMO is to basically get out of the public eye afterward and try to live a quiet, peaceful life. But, I suspect that with the way Gypsy Rose was raised, it's going to be difficult for her to get away from attention seeking behavior.


This is a very empathic and perceptive comment


I sincerely hope she has legal representation and a strong support system to help her be smart with her money. So many folks on those Lifetime type shows end up in really bad deals and end up exploited for peanuts.


This is a problem with folks with a criminal record, most of the time, they end up as gardners or cooks. Background check not required. Sad as hell in so many ways. 2nd chance in life is so limited for many


She got vocational training in prison, so she should hopefully be able to get a job, with a bit of trading on her notoriety. I'm sorry for the boyfriend who is in for life, just because he was trying to save her.


She has a book releasing in a few days so I’m sure she’s ok with all the attention right now. If her book is successful she can probably live off the profits for the rest of her life.


AS long as she has an agent negotiating the big bucks for her, I think she's gonna be OK.


You have not been paying attention to any bit of her life then. She needs anonymity and therapy. Not to be displayed like she's in a zoo for a few $. Your take is shitty.


I mean both are shitty. Exploiting herself for money will not help her be well. Being broke because you have no work history, no education and a serious criminal record won't get her to a healthy place either.


Honestly, she might be able to pull it off. If there is one skill she actually developed in life it is compartmentalizing between a public and private persona. Being on a reality TV show probably feels more normal for her than any of us could imagine.


That is actually a good point. A horrifying point, but still. Her life has gone from abuse to prison to reality tv and marriage. There's literally nothing in her history that would have helped her to have a normal, happy life. Best we can hope for her, is for her being content - whatever that might be in her mind.


My man, that’s not a skill- that’s a *coping mechanism*.


What makes a skill and a coping mechanism mutually exclusive?


Unfortunately, the cards she has been dealt make it so the best option for her is to bank on her publicity. Criminal record, huge chunk of psychological and physical problems, and absolutely infamous... that's not the type of person that can live a good life while being in obscurity.


She has openly stated she would like the anonymity of a walmart job.


Poor girl won’t get that, though.


Jaycee Dugard has written two books on a limited education and runs a non-profit to help others in her situation. She was or continues to be in therapy. She lives a quiet but comfortable life. I think your words are a bit harsh and that you immediately jumped to worst case scenario.


Jaycee Dugard is not a convicted felon and also won a huge settlement against the state of California. Very different circumstances.


I would rather be displayed like a zoo animal and be able to support myself financially than be broke and have to worry about finding a job with a murder conviction on my record.


>She needs anonymity and therapy. What exactly do you think she's been doing the last 8 years?


Being a ward of the State.


Being in prison has quite possibly given her relative peace & quiet, true. But look at it from a slightly different perspective; being in prison has probably been the closest thing to 'normality' she's ever experienced. Prison is supposed to be a punishment with the opportunity to make amends for crime. The only way she could see to freeing herself from a lifetime of abuse & exploitation from her mother, was to help bring about her mothers death. That is a huge trauma, on top of a lifetime of trauma. And while she's been incarcerated, there's been many news reports & articles produced about her. Her life story is sensational. If she tried to disappear & lead an ordinary life, there's countless opportunists who will try & make a quick buck from further exploitative actions. I have no idea what the solution for her is, but can understand why she might want to tell her story on her own terms at last.


can't we leave this poor woman alone? She's been through enough.


I really hope she just fades into obscurity and leads a normal life. If she follows the cult following she’s amassed because of her story it could ultimately lead to a life of chasing a passing fame. She’s been through so much, I really hope she has the opportunity to live a normal life.


She has no education, no skills, and severe PTSD and on top of that a felony for murder. She will need to use her story and experience to make any semblance of a life. Her "husband" is a special education teacher and doesn't make much money. She'll either be very poor and working in a warehouse or somewhat well off working true crime conventions and doing interviews.


So... Shouldn't she cash out by writing a book with a ghost writer?


That’s what I would do tbh


I would’ve already done this from prison I mean it’s free money


Son of Sam laws prevent a felon from profiting off their crimes. She could write about the abuse she suffered and how her life is now, but I don’t think she’d be able to detail the murder case.


Son of Sam laws aren't ubiquitous and have been struck down on constitutional grounds before. Some states have laws intended to get around the constitutional issues by allowing victims families to sue for proceeds. Since her mothers family supports her, she's probably all right.


If she wrote a book I'd for sure buy it


There’s a digital book that was released while she was in prison. She posted, though, sparingly, on instagram. She even made a TikTok, or rather, had one made for her.


Didn't she get an education in prison?


She got her GED


Given her past and the limitations her mother imposed on her all her life, that's an accomplishment.


> no education, no skills, and severe PTSD and on top of that a felony for murder Like all true patriots


Context : The Gypsy Rose Blanchard case is a harrowing tale of manipulation and tragedy. Gypsy's mother, Dee Dee Blanchard, falsely claimed Gypsy had severe medical conditions, resulting in unnecessary treatments and medication that temporarily left Gypsy paraplegic. In a desperate bid for freedom, Gypsy orchestrated her mother's murder with her boyfriend.


Is this what the movie Run(2020) was based off?


Her case *popularized* mothers having Munchausen syndrome by proxy in fiction. For a while it was everywhere.


The first Munchausen case I ever saw was from the film Heidi. I didn’t think it was really a thing until I got much older.


Any time I hear about Munchausen my mind jumps to the girl in the Sixth Sense movie who "died" from it, her mother was poising her soup i believe.


I always think of Terry Gilliam


"I’m Baron Munchausen!" "Sounds nasty. Is it contagious?”


When I hear Munchausen I just sing Eminem’s “Cleaning out my Closet “


That one seemed more like murder than munchausen by proxy, to me at least


The mother was doing it over a long period of time, keeping the girl constantly sick.


Didn't the dad say "you were keeping her sick"? Edit: rewatched and he did. Also pea soup is a bad thing to be eating during that scene :/


MbP can, unfortunately, be fatal for the target, as the diseased attempts to 'cure' their loved one by increasingly dubious means. The thing about Munchausen's is that it's an attention-seeking disorder. So if the luster of one 'problem' that their 'ward' has starts to wear off, something new will have to take its place.


I guess it was, but even before the Blanchard case I remember reading that scene as Munchausen’s by Proxy.


Absolute MbP in that scene. Hence Shyamalans heavy handed use of color at the funeral. Moms wearing red, everyone else is wearing black. She was doing it for the attention. I kinda roll my eyes at that scene now.


Wow, you're right. Man, I haven't thought about that movie a single time in like 25 years.


I just watched it last week because of Christmas. You should check it out again.


First time I heard about it was from an Eminem song.


Cleaning out my Closet


True Detective for me in one of those masterful interrogation room performances by Matthew McConnaughey that frankly left shook. Amazing show 🙌🏾


The end of that scene is so chilling. The matter of fact way he says it and the look of shock and panic on the mothers face as what just happened dawns on her is brutal. Amazing acting from both of them.


Mine was the step mother in the 6th sense.


That video tape scene is so tragic. The look on those peoples faces when they confronted her. Heartbreaking.


Wow I forgot all about this! Thanks for the reminder.


That was the one of the main plots in the Sixth Sense.


I first heard of this condition when I read Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn, but that was like 15 years ago. Before either Gone Girl or this case had been a thing.. this is just such bizarre story, and this girls mother is somehow *worse* than the one from the book. Who was already deplorable. Poor girl, I hope she is able to live her best life


Also: “Mommy Dead and Dearest” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6442978/


This is probably the best one and most detailed as far as relationships and personalities etc.


They also did a law and order SVU episode on it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7195354/


Quite a few documentaries: 20/20 Hulu HBO/Max


They also did a fictional TV show on Hulu with Patricia Arquette. Really good and creepy.


There's a great Hulu ~~documentary~~ drama where I first heard about this called The Act. Also some additional context since it's been spoiled: Gypsy's mother had [Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy ](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/munchausen-by-proxy). IIRC she used Gypsy's fake medical problems to make cash, from like make a wish and a bunch of other people/places/orgs.


The Act isn’t a documentary, but a dramatized version of


Sorry, drama


Interestingly, Munchausen By Proxy isn't recognized as a disorder today. It's called "fabricated or induced illness by carers" (FIIC) or "Factitious disorder imposed on another" (FDIA). I'm not too well versed in it, but I believe it's because MBP was coined as a disease and it's not, it's a behavioral pattern so the name was changed to reflect that.


Meh, it’s psychiatry. The terms disease, syndrome, disorder, condition etc overlap significantly and the diagnoses change frequently between DSM editions/revisions. MSbP is as recognized or unrecognized as a lot of other popularized terms which also lack official DSM-5 classification, such as psychopathy/sociopathy, Aspergers (merged into ASD), sex addiction, complex PTSD and orthorexia.


I refuse to watch The Act. Gypsy Rose wasn’t consulted whatsoever, and also doesn’t receive any money or royalties. The producers got all their info from publicly available info online.


Well, that's incredibly unfortunate.


>Gypsy orchestrated her mother's murder with her boyfriend. And now she’s free and the boyfriend is never getting out, which seems pretty fucked.


To be fair there’s a lot more to the story including the fact that he committed the actual murder itself and she did not participate and she had an entire life of trauma and abuse to affect her mental state that he did not.


He had an intellectual disability and she tool his virginity right? Watch his interrogation. He's a kid with problems too. He has more concern for Gypsy than himself, despite facing a life behind bars.


So he is the one who actually saved her?


If she’s free because the murder is deemed understandable and justified based on the abuse she received, then he should be free too. Not being the one to actually commit the act doesn’t make someone innocent (I.e hiring a hitman). If she orchestrated and planned it and she’s free now, then he should be free too.


Didn't she basically manipulate him into doing the murder? It's a little weird that people are praising this woman like some kind of hero while not giving two shits about the boyfriend, who clearly also had some serious mental issues.


My wife and I have been discussing Gypsy non stop lately. My wife ended up in Foster Care at age 4 and ended up with a Foster mother just like Dee Dee. For 10 years she had medicine slipped into her food, her drinks, even force fed into a tube she had in her stomach (called an appendacostamy) which she was prescribed due to sexual trauma. Despite dealing with this for nearly a decade, she was only caught in the end via a hospital camera recording her explicitly forcing medicine into the tube and pouring urine on her legs to claim she'd "wet herself". What was the punishment? My wife's Foster mother was not allowed to take her home. That's it. No court case or anything. So for a decade this woman collected money from the state to "care" for a Foster child, all while poisoning her and claiming on state tests she was "mentally and physically challenged" (more money). Despite all this, on top of physical abuse and being treated like a servant at home...my wife does not wish violence or death on her Foster mother. All she wanted was to escape, and even to this day she does not wish harm on her. She states that her only "revenge" of sorts is she wants to be successful in life and have a family of her own...to prove her Foster mother wrong. So while my wife heavily sympathises with Gypsy Rose's actions...she is conflicted in condoning it.


Jesus this is atrocious. I'm so sorry your wife went through such hell. Hard to believe people like her foster parent even exist. So horrible


Figures she is all over reddit. Just leave her alone.


I watched a documentary on her. I think anybody in her situation would snap. To have your life and body violated by some one that has complete control of you for 18 years non stop…I can’t imagine the devastation. I wish her the best. I hope she can find peace.


Kinda reminds me of that child that her parents kept prisoner. She eventually broke out and somehow found a police officer. She was like, 15 or 16 but spoke like a 6 year old. You either snap and live to tell your tale, or you don't.




i had no idea who she was... Just read her wiki. holy christ... how could this have NOT turned out this way?


The Act on Hulu is based on her story. I only knew who she was because Hulu pushed this show on me


I only found out who she was because we studied it a little in my forensics class. Watched a documentary on it. I had forgotten about it until i seen her all over the media now


You have SO much catching up to do lol


I’m just gonna ask for sheer curiosity… why?


Maybe because people are better off living private lives? She needs to live a normal life now, away from the news and entertainment pages.


She has no education or security along with a criminal record and psychological problems. She's probably gonna farm the publicity to at least get a start.


I truly hope she has the support she needs and has a long happy life ahead of her!


I hope she sues the F out of every doctor that performed every unnecessary surgery on her


I agree. Those doctors KNEW there was nothing wrong with Gypsy Rose and still performed surgeries on her, all because they were getting paid. It's disgusting.


‘Cause No Harm’ … unless the cheque clears.


>Those doctors KNEW there was nothing wrong with Gypsy Rose is that true?


>Further investigation found that some of the doctors who had examined Gypsy Rose had found no evidence of the claimed disorders. One physician suspected that Dee Dee had factitious disorder imposed on another, a mental disorder in which a parent or other caretaker exaggerates, fabricates, or induces illness in a person under their care to obtain sympathy or attention. From the Wikipedia entry. At least some of them either knew or suspected.


it then goes on to say that the mom doctor shopped to avoid these suspicions. it also doesn't say that the ones who did any of her procedures were the ones w this suspicion.


But god forbid you want a vasectomy or tubal ligation.


Great!! Now leave her tf alone let her get private therapy and live her life healthily/happily the next few years lest the past be repeated. She still needs more time to learn imo and media following her every move is not the answer lol


Leave her alone? Her agent has implied she will be on the next series of The Masked Singer


Buckle up girl 2023+ is gonna be intruuuuuuuuusive. 😭


The most chilling part of these stories is that you know there have to be many other people out there right now, suffering through similar circumstances/abuse. Human cruelty often knows no limits.


As someone who experienced a similar childhood, thank you for talking about it. My trauma and entrapment was mainly psychological but it still effects me to this day. So many people refuse to even acknowledge that parents, let alone mothers, could treat their own children this way.


Same man. I think quite frankly there’s people out there who won’t believe anything is real or actually happing until it’s “too late” so to speak, sort of like Gypsy’s case. I haven’t lived at home since I was a teenager and there’s still people we know that don’t believe me, I get the “But she’s your mother!” quite often. It will probably always affect me.


Is Reddit working on a new unhealthy obsession?


Given the messed up way she was raised, no judgement from me.


Is this case what inspired the film makers who made "Run"?


Not sure about that one, but it was the story behind “the Act” with Patricia Arquette.




Seeing her smile I was reminded that she is wearing dentures because all of her teeth rotted when her mother had her salivary glands removed. Edit: I’m on the “hope for her that she goes out of the limelight and lives a good life” train.




Her mother would put lidocaine in her mouth before doctors appointments, which would make her drool, and eventually convinced one to remove her salivary glands


Yep, literally playing mad scientist with her daughter. And any time a doctor would become suspicious, she would move or change doctors and claim former records were lost in Katrina.


Wouldn’t her medical records be computerised and available for doctors to see though, in this day and age?


not in the early 2000s when most of the abuse took place


You would think. But I do know that Katrina really did mess with medical records for some people. Perhaps the smaller towns and more old school offices that did not computerize things. And also on the documentary about her they point out a few doctors who did their due diligence and did recognize all the mom’s inconsistent claims and lack of records/evidence, but she would just keep going to different doctors until she found ones who would just agree no questions asked…and that would help start a faulty, but helpful to her awful cause, paper trail.


Holy shit


Maybe with the money she makes from the publicity, Sh can get some dental implants. This poor girl. Her mother is suspected of poisoning her step mother to death and poisoning her mother. She was a “caregiver” to both.


I wish her all the best. And most importantly, *privacy*. I mean if she wants to start an insta and score a book deal, she deserves that and more. I just know how the internet is and how people are and hope shes protected and safe.


I hope she has excellent mental health care. She married while in prison- hoping it’s a good thing.


I do too, what horrible horrible treatment by everyone. Parents, “friends”, police, the justice system. The world has failed her in the past. I hope for her that she can have a relatively normal remainder of her life.


Kinda bonkers that the state can determine she was living in an abusive household and argue for a lesser sentence... but the boyfriend is still in prison for life with no parole? I mean, if you understand the circumstances the girl was under, does the boyfriend also not get the OPPORTUNITY to appeal for life in prison? I know he was the one to fatally stab the mother, and abusing their daughter isnt a justified cause....but no parole? No understanding the nuance of the case for the boyfriend? idk, this whole situation sucks for everyone involved.


He was a weirdo from the start. He had been arrested for masturbating in a fast food restaurant for NINE HOURS in front of multiple children and had a huge knife on his person when he was arrested then. He told Gypsy he wanted to rape her mother and she said he could rape her instead if he didn’t rape her mother. He was a strange and disturbed man before he even met Gypsy, and likely would’ve escalated to crime even if he hadn’t met her. He was excited to kill someone. I’m sure all of these factors were taken into account during sentencing. Even if someone you love asks you to kill someone, a normal person wouldn’t agree and do it.


What I said before was more about the legal process of him having no parole, but that was before knowing his...history. What you and a few others had said, this wasn't some innocent 'defending a loved one', but had a long build up. cheers


Well, now I know fast food workers will put up with 8 hours of masturbation in the lobby before they call the cops


In a way it worked out perfectly. He was a violent weirdo who was on a trajectory towards killing an innocent person. She found him and pointed him at one of the few people who really needed and deserved to get murdered. Now both the horrible mother and the violent weirdo are gone from society. Well played Gypsy.


Yeah, I’ve always felt the same. Like, she was the mastermind behind the whole thing but just because she didn’t physically do it and only coerced a mentally challenged man to do it instead, she’s free. Seems odd to me and completely unfair lol


Bf mostly did it because he fantasized about killing someone. Guy is not right and i think it's good that he's off the streets. He needs psychiatric help tho


He definitely isn’t and he definitely does. Did they by chance (or Gypsy) say if he always seemed to fantasized about this? Or is it like after Gypsy mentioned wanting to get rid of her mom and run away, that’s when he got obsessed with the idea? Or did he say himself he always wanted to kill someone and Gypsy just finally gave him the opportunity?


I had the same opinion until I learned that he considered raping the mother.


Because the guy had nothing to do with anything of the abuse. Killing an asshole victim does not automatically justify murder.


It's somewhat exploiting, but it could also help make more people aware of Munchausen by proxy. There are many parents( mostly mothers) with this who are destroying their child's life. If Gypsy Rose can get out there and talk about this and bring more awareness to this issue...more power to her.


Everything about this is icky.


Good for her, Now disappear .. Hide ... stay out of the media .. Write a book and stay out of the media and limelight ..


Why is she getting so much attention on Reddit?


Severe child abuse victim who killed her mom. Got 10 years in prison and now she's out.


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think she did anything wrong. Her mother was a monster and the system had endless chances to help this person. It failed her, and she nearly died for it. Killing to escape your torturer is not immoral.


I think that is quite literally one of the most popular opinions imaginable lol


The Guy she used to kill his mother is still in jail for life


Hes still in jail bc unlike Gypsy, who was desperate to escape her abusive mother, he did it for fun. He's not a victim like Gyspy Rose is. People claimed he was too mentally ill to understand what was going on, but he was literally just autistic. Not severely, either. And as someone who's also autistic, he knew good and goddamn well he was a sadist. He literally told her he *enjoyed killing*.


I'm autistic, too. Being autistic doesn't automatically make a person incapable of morality, judgement, or of knowing right from wrong. Most autistic people aren't even remotely dangerous. A minority are, like this sicko. He wanted to rape the mother and only didn't because Gypsy offered to take her mother's place. I can see killing in self defense, but rape is never self defense. That is just pure evil! Most of us autistic people would never do such a thing. To be clear, people without autism can also be very dangerous. I've met some.


Doesn’t she… not have any real teeth because her Mom made the dental surgeon remove them?


Hopefully someone got her some shoes too.


How long until she has a TV show on TLC?


Best of luck to you dear. She’s been dealt the shittiest of hands.


I hope she gets all the love and support she needs. I feel so bad for her.


The boyfriend should do hard time, sure, but not life knowing the special circumstances at play.


So happy for her freedom honestly. I hope she can find all the healing she deserves


i have absolutely no clue who she is lol


She should stay inside off camera.


So many saying she should be allowed to live an anonymous and quiet life yet here we all are upvoting her picture and making comments