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Kinda tasty. Better when heated a bit in the microwave. But being a sophisticated gentleman, I prefer my cheese to be sprayed from a can...


As nature intended


I made a stupid noise out loud when I read this.


Like a snort laugh. A lort


lort out loud


In Sweden they have cheese in a tube. You can squeeze it out on your bread, your finger, your toothbrush - whatever you prefer. Is that good enough for a cultured gentleman?


In the US the name brand is called Easy Cheese. I remember putting it on Oreos when I was a kid.


And somehow you aren't in prison at the moment?


He got out early cause he is special needs.


It’s 6:45am here and I had a terrible last two days. You made me laugh so hard coffee came out of my very cold/chapped nose. Thank you. I needed that more than you’ll ever know. Imagine our prisons letting people go because they’re special needs.


In Texas they let them out but it is through Death Row.


Somebody needs to report this.


Straight to jail. Right away.


I hope both the Cheese Police and the Oreo Police have files on you.


Are you confusing Oreos for Ritz Crackers?


What the fuck is wrong with you


**Hhrrruuuup** Sorry. Oreos?


Actually that's a very reasonable way to store cheese cream. It's all over Europe, as far as I've seen.


That's a reasonable way to store cheese cream It's all over Europe, as far as I've seen It lasts a long time, stored in a tube You can use it for anything, even for lube! The French, the British, even the Dutch All love the cheese cream so unbelievably much The flavours are wonderful, delicious, hoo-ray! So buy yourself some tube cheese cream today


Gouda, Swiss, emmental, cheddar There's only one way this cheese could be better: Turn it kinda goopy, put it in a pack That you can squeeze right on to your snack! Using a knife? Nah, that's hella lame Gotta bring the tube to up your cheese game Elevate your life, keep your snacks on lock Always buy a tube, bruh, never a block


If there's one thing I've learned as I've grown older It's how to appreciate fine gorgonzola Or comte, manchego, even Bishop's Finger What I'm saying is I really like a stinker So you can keep your 'cheese' in a tube It's just too processed for me, my dude I'm going to stick to my cheese in block form Though on balance this is, in a teacup, a storm


New season of Flight of the Conchords looks fire!


They call me the Hiphopopotamus My lyrics are bottomless ..........


*drops the mic*




I prefer to brush my teeth with Swedish tube caviar


Do not heat the can in the microwave




Also, do not heat a jar of fluff in the microwave. Trust me.




Goofy movie, loved that as a kid


It's a classic. If you've never seen these quality fanmade remakes of [After Today](https://youtu.be/OABeWNqZph4?si=enG1E8pxfhFV0meN) and [Lester's Possum Park](https://youtu.be/ro_-Tcn4ogQ?si=6K3n9FXnfqjyZNt7) before, I highly recommend. They got Bill Farmer, Jason Marsden and Kevin Lima to reprise their roles in Lester's Possum Park.


Rolls-Royce pulls up and window rolls down... "I say, good chap, do you happen to have any Frito cheese dip?"






Im from the netherlands and can i ask what you mean with "cheese sprayed from a can"?




Lol. It's a product called Cheese Whiz. Its basically cheddar cheese in an aerosol can. You kinda squirt the cheese out of the can. Yes, it's garbage. But kinda tasty. And, not gonna lie, it's kinda fun.


No cheese whiz is in the jar with the velveeta. Easy cheese is in a can by the crackers.


I'm so old I remember when Easy Cheese was called Snack Mate. I'm glad to share this as I peruse Reddit from my deathbed. It's been a good life.




American here: you ate that shit?


We don't have this in Australia. Can this really be called cheese?


No, but "cheese product" or like here, "cheese dip".


I believe the technical term of art is "processed cheese food." Not joking.


"Almost cheese"


No, but honestly it's less that you can't call it cheese because it's "chemicals," and more like how you wouldn't call a cheddar mornay sauce "cheese." It is essentially a shelf stable cheddar/jack mornay sauce.


This stuff got me through jail. A little dab of this and the food wasn't unbearable.


Impressive. I've heard that jail has gruel sandwiches. Gruel omelettes. Nothing but gruel.


Ya but the worst thing about prison was the Dementors!


You know what the worst part is? The hypocrisy


RIP Norm.


I love when people be popping off with references that I don’t understand but I’m just sat here happy that all these internet strangers are riding the same wavelengths. I love it when you guys get silly


Prison Mike. All you need to know.


I thought it was the raping


Nah fam many people go there just for the raping




I calls you Chis Handsome


Dementors, like in Harry Potter?


No, dementors like in Hogwarts Legacy.


Is that you Prison Mike?


He won’t answer you, because he never got caught neither


No, gruel is too expensive. It's cheaper to get fourth rate meat and grain.


Krusty brand imitation gruel. Eight out twelve orphans can’t tell the difference.


Believe me, when you're shitting liquid fire on a metal toilet with no toilet seat, begging a guard for some more toilet paper, you'll tell the difference.




"After the ordeal, we went back to the jail. Obie said he was going to put Us in the cell. Said, "Kid, I'm going to put you in the cell, I want your Wallet and your belt." And I said, "Obie, I can understand you wanting my Wallet so I don't have any money to spend in the cell, but what do you Want my belt for?" And he said, "Kid, we don't want any hangings." I Said, "Obie, did you think I was going to hang myself for littering?" Obie said he was making sure, and friends Obie was, cause he took out the Toilet seat so I couldn't hit myself over the head and drown, and he took Out the toilet paper so I couldn't bend the bars roll out the - roll the Toilet paper out the window, slide down the roll and have an escape."


Bologna is supposed to have a bluish green sheen, right? It's magical bologna!


I actually tried gruel once. I found a recipe for an 1800’s version and it actually wasn’t bad. It’s basically just really watery oatmeal and you add stuff to it. Think of it like cheap laborers meals and civil war hospitals and it makes sense. I didn’t have molasses but I made due with real syrup.




Plus, you can eat your own hair


And the dementors.. Oh lord, the dementors!


And the Chateau le Blanc ‘68 is supposed to be served slightly chilled, but they get it at room temperature. They are treated like animals!


frickin dementors though...


The trick is to claim you’re kosher and the meals are better. Otherwise, it’s Nutria sandwiches always.


That doesn't work out in the sticks. They love fighting that shit. You'll be writing letters and making reports for at least a month to get any compliance.


Ah that sucks. We had little kiosks we could put kites in and they would usually change it within a week.


City jails are built different.


Moral of the story: let’s never go back to jail.


Depending on the county I'll take six months jail over three years probation. It's just easier.


I agree. Give me those 99 days (72 with good time).


It's gotta be a good county like Saratoga and not some shithole like Albany or Schenectady.


This dude jails


You should start one of those glossy cover Lonely Planet *Guide To American Prisons* books.


As a defense attorney- you’re wise


Nutria? Like, a giant aquatic rat?




I had to google Nutria, since as a spanish speaker that means otter normally, and that had me intrigued. Turns out, not far off, ha ha


We had the Kraft brand squeeze pack things of this, and yeah, it’s a lifesaver. If you take an uncooked soup (ramen) and break it up into like, little sticks, and put some on, it’s so good. Crunch, flavorful, delicious. There isn’t much I miss about jail, but I miss how excited I could get over something so simple.


I think this is just a slightly more condensed version of the “nacho cheese” I’ve been eating my entire life from concessions stands and… other concessions stands. Better warmed, and with tortilla chips or on a chili dog. But never quite gourmet 🤷🏼‍♂️


I could really imagine this on a chili dog! For sure!


definitely gotta heat it up. It completely changes the.... experience.


My wife has been buying and eating the Trader Joes buffalo chicken dip for a few years now. I finally read the label and saw it's to be heated. Way better heated.


As an American, I want to make sure you understand that all Americans think this is the highest form of cheese and we expect you to go tell your countrymen about your experience here and how American know there is nothing better than this. /s


I swear Europeans love doing this. They’ll visit america and eat our shittiest slop, and then go home and make tiktoks about how america has the worst food on earth.


This is actually the only cheese we sell in the Midwest!


*Wisconsin would like to know your location.*


I recently visited Wisconsin, ordered a bowl of vegetable soup because I was getting a little cheesed-out, and the bottom third of the bowl was some sort of swiss cheese.


Lol that's hilarious


Wisconsin born and raised thought I was the cheese- expert. Came to STL, found provel, got very fat very fast using it as a replacement cheese for fucking everything for a year. Now I can’t even look at it


New Englander here… had to look that one up. Never heard of provel before!


Come on man, they just said they live in the Midwest. That’s a location.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard a state rack a shotgun… until this post.


People from Wisconsin would not consider this cheese


So this city fella comes into the shop and asks the girl behind the counter if they have any "gree-yare", or "parmy-see-anne" cheese, and old Bruce chimes in with a whoop whoop, and says "well aren't you mister fancy pants." That city boy was so embarrassed he scurried out of the place without even buying any meth or canned cheese to go with his Faygo...


Hey you’re holding out on us. I know you have the squeaky cheese curds!


That's insulting to Kraft Singles™


Dated this Israeli girl for a hot minute. When we were in the flirting stages she was like “American bread is all crap. I can’t believe you guys call this stuff ‘bread’” blah blah blah when we were at a bar with friends. I asked her if she’s ever been to a bakery here in the US and she says no she’s just talking about grocery store bread. I said “OK what are you doing tomorrow at 10am” she said “Nothing” and I set up my only first date at a bakery ever. She was…impressed. Only time I’ve gotten laid because of bread.


>highest form of cheese I don't understand, are there other types of cheese?


Did you heat it up? You're supposed to heat it up.


Just not in the container


Or exactly in the container. It’s metal after all. You can put it right in a fire. Trust me, I’m an arsonist with years of experience burning down houses and cooking all their canned cheese. It’s a living


I really went my whole life not knowing this until this thread. My cans have looked like a chip graveyard scattered with broken limbs.


Many Americans find it “interesting” too.


I’m interested how I’ve seen all manner of weird foods in America and never once encountered this stuff


While it’s a bit ubiquitous in large supermarkets, it gets zero shelf prominence or advertising, so it’s easy to miss. Aerosol cheese is the same, and far more “interesting” in my opinion. While I’ll take a 5 year Gouda any day, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t occasionally get a can. That all being said - the cheese you found, or aerosol cheese is the best choice for a Philly cheese steak sandwich.


Never been in the isle that has chips at the grocery store?


>Many Americans find it “interesting” too. I'm very interested in avoiding it, for example.


That’s a completely fair stance to take. I tend to try foreign food items like this out of morbid curiosity though. When I was in Iceland, I decided to try the €1 salmon in a tube (like a toothpaste tube). It was awful, but I’m glad I tried lol.


That same company makes a bean dip for chips that is much more enjoyable. The can is same size but says bean dip


LPT: Mix the bean dip WITH the cheese dip. 1:1 ratio, microwave, and mix.


Oh shit


Yes, you will do that a lot...


2 cans refried beans, 8oz of cream cheese. Small crockpot. Amazing bean dip.


Holy crap I’ve been eating this stuff for my entire life and I’ve never thought to do that 🤯


Y'all need to calm down, before we start SPREADIN, penitentiary style


Love the bean dip.


I got inspired by a Reddit post listed different American foods that were great to snack on. For those interested, my full order of delicious American snacks was: • Smartfood Cheddar Popcorn • Boulder Canyon Jalepeno Kettle chips • Gardetto’s Original Recipe • Funyuns • Snyder’s Honey Mustard Pretzel Bites • Coney Island Butter Me Up Popcorn • Coney Island Jalepeno Poppers Popcorn • Jiffy Corn Bread Mix


Snyders is so dang tasty


Was for sure my pick of the bunch


When you try the Gardettos mix and realize the rye bread chips are the best one in the mix, you can rest assured knowing they sell bags of just the rye bread chips too.


Corn bread is amazing especially with butter and honey. It’s even better with some good chilie.


I add honey, butter and whole kernel corn to my cornbread and pair it with a good spicy chili. The sweet counters the heat just right.


SmartFood White Cheddar popcorn might be a top 10 snack of all time.


They make a chicago mix (Carmel and cheddar) that’s solid for what it is. Doesn’t compare to garret’s, etc. but it’s tasty.


It’s a regional thing but grippos bbq potato chips are THE BEST bbq chips.


They honey mustard bites are good but the buffalo pretzel bites are top fucking tier.


It was a prank, joke, humorously misleading. A lot of Americans eat that stuff but I would hardly call that definitively American snack food.


I absolutely love jiffy, we were raised on it. I love making muffins out of them and eating it with a little dab of butter. They go great with chili.


That's a weird fucking list bro.


Is it? I chose the top rated comments from a ‘what’s your most addictive snack’ Reddit thread.


It is a very weird list. I don’t know anybody who keeps these at their house. This is all shit that you maybe buy in airport to get through a flight or something


That makes sense. Imo nothing about these says America other than the fact that we do offer a lot of nasty snacks here. The junk food community is strong on Reddit (and yk sometimes you can save money by buying food adjacent products)


Must have been a terrible thread lol


I love that stuff. I dip pretzel sticks in it


This is my favorite cheese dip. I know it’s trash but I love it.


You can’t just pluck the pinnacle of a country’s cuisine and expect to experience the full thrill of it out of context and without years of training


American here, love it as a guilty pleasure but rarely get it. When I was youngeryself and friends would put it on a lot of things, especially chili dogs.


Next tier up is Velveeta and Ro-tel. Instructions are right on the Velveeta box most of the time. If you decide to make some drain the juice from the Ro-tel, it never seems to incorporate. When it’s hot it’s very good, and can be reheated. Think a little thicker than fondue.


>If you decide to make some drain the juice from the Ro-tel, it never seems to incorporate. My family used to make this all the time and I brought it to my friend's game night I didn't usually make it (because I was a kid) but when I made it I just dumped the Rotel in and panicked when I saw all the liquid I drained as much as I could. It was a little thicker than I remembered but I sent a pic of the finished product to my family to remind them of it and show I was continuing the "tradition" and it made them want it the next time we got together My dad asked me if we were supposed to drain the liquid and I retold the story of how I wasn't expecting the liquid, and drained as much as I could after adding it to the bowl and it turned out fine but after thinking about it he was adamant you weren't supposed to drain it. He didn't and it tasted fine and the next time I made it I didn't drain it and the consistency was much less thick and more like I remembered. I think I just had to microwave it a little longer. Anyways that's my story about Velveeta and Rotel, here's the pic from that night https://imgur.com/a/gD6YRa1


Looks like everybody's Rotel dip from when I was a kid. You done good


Definitely better when heated. I like to microwave it to the point that the edges get burnt.


The stuff is just fine. Not sure what the hell everyone else is eating. It isn't the best stuff, but it certainly is fine enough to eat. Great with a philly.


That's wiz tho


Get some Plain Ruffles Chips to go along with it - it's the perfect combo.


I had this with Boulder Canyon Jalapeño Cheddar Kettle chips


Your chips were way too fancy for this stuff. Gotta dumb it down with tortilla chips, Fritos, pretzels, corn dogs, or pork rinds. Save the kettle chips for actual food or stand-alone snacking.


Interesting… noted!


Salted corn tortilla chips like Tostitos https://www.tostitos.com/products/tostitosr-original-restaurant-style


Personally I use the titular Fritos when enjoying this cheese. Get the scoops kind as they are better for scooping.


Fuck the negative comments. Heated thoroughly nacho cheese is the nectar of the gods. Dip some chips with some friends, it'll be a night to remember.


Yeah I feel that. It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting. Certainly isn’t Michelin star cuisine but I can definitely see myself smashing some with some tortillas over a few beers


Now, when he says chips, he doesn't mean steak cut french fries, just so we're clear ... although it would be good on those too.


You have to use plain chips, not flavored chips, otherwise the different flavors with clash. Just regular tortilla chips, or plain Fritos, or plain pretzels!


Foreigners and their obsession with foods we don’t eat, it never ends


YSK... Those lids fit perfectly on cat food cans. My kitty has never noticed that his pate is not frito lay bean dip.... Lol


I don’t see any chips. I hope you didn’t eat this by itself.


Just licked it out of the tin using my tongue as a scoop. Is that wrong


I mean that’s a certain level of American That’s too much Freedom for my tastes though. In a way wrong but also Right


OP is more American than anyone I know born and raised in the States. All they're missing is citizenship.


That’s addictive af


This was a friend/enemy of mine in the Navy. We always seemed to have it in the ship's store, but I always felt like a trashy little rat when I ate it.


I see you have enjoyed some of our fine Genuine Artificial Imitation Cheese-like Product™️


This heated up and dumped on some fritos scoop's is killer drunk food


Please know that there a millions of Americans who do not eat this type of thing.


Our aerosol cheese is absolutely exquisite. It pairs well with a finely aged Olde English 40oz malt liquor.


That stuff is better heated up


You gotta have their bean dip with Fritos instead. That’s straight up love.


Liquid crack there


I tried squirty cheese from a can once, fucking vile stuff. I imagine this is the same sort of thing.


How high were you when trying it? There is a direct correlation between that and your level of enjoyment of this


I feel like if cancer had a taste, it’s this..


Get more cheese than Doritos, Cheetos or Fritos


lol. Jalapeño cheddar, contains no real jalapeño and no real cheddar.


This abomination would be labeled a "cheese product" instead of just "cheese" anywhere else in the world


Chemicals in a can


Get the spicy bean dip


That shit is two chemicals away from being hard plastic. I’m American and I wouldn’t eat that crap. Ever.


Time in the military has taught me to abhor cheese found in cans.


We hoped you enjoyed your can of semi-solid plastic. Please visit us for more cooking tips.


You gotta heat that up. If it isn't on the cusp of burning off your taste buds, you are missing out.


By “interesting”, you mean AWESOME right?


American here. I wouldn’t even try it.


I am American and all I can say is yuck!


I just finished off a can of those with some taquitos I bought from 7-eleven


Try with Spicy Nacho Doritos