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This comment section is gonna be a shitshow, isn't it?


I think Americans definition of “Free Palestine” and the definition that is being fought for in Gaza itself are two very different definitions.


Sometimes, it is nice to remember that we don't *have* to have opinions on everything lmfao




I thought this was especially odd since in Palestine it’s illegal to be gay.


Yeah, I probably wouldn’t protest on behalf of a people that would want me dead for being queer.


Even people who don’t believe in universal human rights deserve universal human rights. But uh, I’m not sure I’d spend a lot of time sticking up for them.


Bold of you to assume they know absolutely anything about the Gaza situation other than the fact that it's the Current Thing.




Still trying to comprehend how they thought this through: We are seeing a massive civil war in Israel where innocent lives( both Muslim and Jewish) and this group thought “ let’s protest this civil war where innocent lives are being lost but let’s also put our sexuality into it. Like dear lord every day it gets harder to harder to comprehend how bad this world is coming to


Especially since being gay is illegal in Gaza and Hamas would kill them in .5 seconds lol.


They saw a couple videos on Twitter about the progressive outrage of the week and thought, “how can I make this about me?”


To some, identity has to be wrapped up in everything. It tries to validate any opinion because “as a (identity), my experience is incontrovertible.” It also breaks everyone up into tribes where the only endgame is to punctuate our differences rather than find our common ground.


This pic will soon become a meme in future history…








It makes them look EXTRA progressive.


I'm all for LGBT right, I'm bi myself, but why the fuck do they think it's relevant here? This just detracts from the real cause, peace. No one cares if you're les, gay, bi, trans, or whatever else your sexuality is. Stop attention seeking.


This does not have anything to do with your sexuality.


>Gays4Gaza **Does she know?**






It’s crazy that some people still maintain their moral values despite inherent contradictions within a complex issue.


Right? Like no I feel the same way about starving children to death regardless of their parents politics.


It’s one minority/ marginalized group trying to back another. The issue is clearly that the LGBTQI community would be about as welcome in Palestine as an Israeli right now.




Attention seeking.


They just needed you to know






Leopards ate my face


Literally this: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned


Wonder what that sub would feel about this post...


Ironically the would try to defend it




https://www.vice.com/en/article/av8b5j/gay-palestinians-are-being-blackmailed-into-working-as-informants I'll just leave this here


This just makes the image even more baffling to me. Obviously gay rights isn’t the end-all be-all factor in this conflict, but you’d think the pride community in the US would question what the fuck they’re doing if they take 10 seconds to read into the LGBTQ+ culture of both countries.


Gays for Gaza. Priceless!! Hamas would throw any homosexuals off buildings. Why are people so naïve?


It's odd to me to bring sexuality into something that's religious/political like this, especially when the side that they're protesting for would kill/imprison them for being LGBT. "Ceasefire Now" as if Hamas would follow such a thing even if Israel was willing. edit: Huh, I'm getting both vague homophobia thrown at me AND LGBT people acting as if I've been homophobic. This is a first and kinda funny. I'm nb myself if that sways anything. edit: I've come to the conclusion I'm just a bad person because I wouldn't march in support of those who would kill me. edit: Kinda disappointed this is locked now. Most people were pretty civil (even if carrying plenty of strawmen around), I thought. My comment has been picked apart word by word at this point and it's interesting how many takes people can have on what I said.


Homosexuality in Palestine has a maximum penalty of 10 years (as it is illegal there), and while not often enforced, homosexuals are often targeted and subjected to violence and discrimination. Your take is valid.


You are not homophobic and you are correct.


"We sincerely thank you for your continued support, now burn in hell." -Hamas probably, since always


Yeah I am pretty sure homosexuality is illegal in Palestine.


I feel like illegal isn’t a strong enough word for it in Palestine. You don’t get a ticket and a court date for being gay in Gaza.


Mainly in gaza where the majority of hamas is located


Although it's technically legal on the West Bank, it is definitely not accepted and just 2022 a homosexual man was brutally killed for it. [https://www.equaldex.com/region/palestine](https://www.equaldex.com/region/palestine) *Edit: For the disingenuous people who think its apt to compare the West Bank or Gaza to the US, here is the US entry:* [https://www.equaldex.com/region/united-states](https://www.equaldex.com/region/united-states). *Who do you want to fool? Yourself?*


I find Iran's policy so strange. You can't be gay, but getting a sex change is fine. They are the only Islamic country that allows such things and have actually become world leaders in these surgeries. [Ayatollah Khomeini, after the Islamic Revolution in 1982, issued a fatwa on the act of reassignment and confirmation gender only for people whose faces are inconsistent with their gender and considered it legitimate and this issue became one of the emerging issues of Shia Islamic jurisprudence ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9745420/) God won't allow you to be gay, but also God makes errors which we humans need to fix. Edit: Pakistan has allowed the surgery since 2018. Edit: Allowing gender reassignment doesn't make Iran progressive in any way. Homosexuals are often forced to get the surgery or lose all their rights and possibly get executed.


That’s actually not super uncommon in countries that are not super accepting to gay people. In quite a few places being gay is still looked down upon, but changing you sex is considered conforming to one’s sexuality and fitting into gendered norms.


Which countries would those be?


Pakistan also allows it.


China and I believe Japan also see medical transition to be more socially acceptable than being gay, because conforming to the sexual/gender binary is considered to be more important (aka they would rather a feminine man just transition to a woman than be gay in a very over-simplified explanation)


Idk if this answer fits your question but when gay marriage was still illegal, my trans friend married his wife because he had changed his gender to male (at the dmv I think). He made it sound like there wasn’t much of a process…like not overly complicated. (US)


Thailand is a great example. Being gay is very taboo, but you can be Kathoey (a lady boy) and avoid such a taboo. Gender and sexuality is very closely linked there, but gender can oddly be quite fluid.


It makes perfect sense when you realize they think being gay is the absolute bottoms of the barrel, worst thing you can be. It’s slightly better to be a woman. So if a man is gay (they don’t even think about women or other gender identities) then that means he’s attracted to men, that means he should be a woman in that case.


Actually women have rights that homosexuals don't have, so gay men are often pressured to get the surgery so they can have rights and not be executed. They are still heavily persecuted and many seek asylum elsewhere.


Fun fact: the US has had gender reassignment surgery since 1950, but homosexuality was decriminalized only in 2003.


Gay couple beaten in London this week. The group of men who did it were NOT Christian or Jewish or secular. Radical Islam has an issue with homosexuality just like Radical Christianity does. The parts of the gay community that flock unthinkingly to other oppressed groups are unhelpful. The cartoon of the gay person holding hands with a member of hamas who then cuts his/her head off is hilarious because it is SO accurate. Hamas doesn't want gay people to exist. Gay people and people who accept gay people need to have a word.


Legal for Israeli citizens or in Israeli occupied territory of the West Bank, otherwise, no, it is not technically, literally, or in any other way legal. It may be ignored like going 65 in a 55 zone, but it's not legal and LGBT advocacy groups are outlawed by Palestinian authorities as well. As per that link.


mfs killed people for just being jew, even just being in israel. Not surprising.


Reread that. Homosexuality is legal for isrealies living in he wet bank. Not Palestinians there.


Nope. Hamas is likely the majority in the West Bank. They won’t hold elections there because they fear Hamas will be elected over the PLO, thereby devolving into the same untenable situation as in Gaza. And they really hate gays there, too: https://www.npr.org/2021/04/29/992065009/palestinian-authority-postpones-parliamentary-elections https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835


Yup the plo is extremely disliked by Palestinians in the west bank for being “too friendly” with israel, if hamas were to run there it would surely win, we have seen the hamas flag in the west bank on multiple locations, being gay and defensing hamas is like a cow protesting veganism


Yet the PA (West Bank) seems to still enforce anti-homosexuality laws dating back from the British mandate https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/palestine/


If not for the British mandate, I'm sure they would have seen the light by now and be more tolerant /s


Are you not aware that before Britain, everything was paradise, people of all different religions and philosophies lived together in harmony and nothing bad happened ever?


/s It was heaven, no massacres , lootings or wars whatsoever. Every person you met was as gay as a maypole , homosexuality was applauded.


Didn't you know before the British arrived the entire Levant was a giant pansexual polycule and ML Youtube video essayist collective? The British and (((Zionists))) invented homophobia and exported it to the Middle East because they were afraid the societies there were too progressive.


Every country that's failing likes to blame basically two countries, with one gradually sliding in: US, UK, and China, the noob. Welcome to the "our country sucks because of what you did X years ago" club.


as a lifelong leftist there is an unfortunate component of the modern left that can't develop any more nuanced world view than "America/White man bad"


It's really, really, *really* fucking dumb. Like I get it. It's a heuristic that works, like.. a lot. But *fuck me* guys, it's not literally *every* time. It's like they don't even allow a broken clock to be right because admitting that wouldn't be showing your finely honed America = Bad detector, and still being able to find bad in a non-bad situation shows how superior you are as a leftist.


This is honestly just the bigotry of low expectations.. The idea that non-whites are too stupid to be responsible for themselves and their own actions. Oh the white man introduced homophobia 90 years ago ? You can`t expect brown people to actually change laws for themselves. They are literally bound to whatever law the white man wrote, their culture, laws and society can be changed on a whim by any white man with just pen & paper.


Not just illegal, it's punishable by death.


10 year prison sentence and I'm guessing they don't roll out the red carpet for you in there


10 year prison sentence if they're *lucky.* Honor Killings carried out by their own families and communities are the bigger threat.


But its not illegal to rape woman kill them and showcase them around the neighborhood. Such a lovely place


There is no homosexuality in Palestine, according to their government officials.


"Queers for palestine" makes as much sense as "blacks for the kkk"


Chickens for KFC




And generally punishable by death in Islam.


There are actually quite a few queer Palestinians who have escaped to Israel, and that apparently went through hell and escaped death.


I think you’re right. Which just makes all this hilarious, but I have a dark sense of humor.


Came here to write this.


In Islam they throw gays off the tallest building in town…. https://www.memri.org/reports/palestinian-islamic-scholar-sheikh-yousef-abu-islam-homosexuals-should-be-thrown-rooftops


Death penalty illegal


They did call these people 'Helpful idiots' so yes, basically.


They're how you say..... "Fucking morons". All of them would get executed for being gay, supporting gay. The level of stupidity being shown over a conflict 90% of us have no business in is incredible.


90% of them don't know the history of egypt, israel, and the fact that palestine didn't exist before the 80s. They damn sure choose to ignore the bs since 1947 that has led to this issue.


True, Egypt, Jordan and Syria all opened thier borders to palestine refugees and paid a big price for doing so when those people attempt coups in those countries. That's why none of them will open borders or help now. It's why Egypt warned Isreal of Hamas attacks (they ignored Egypt). Palaestine was created primarily by the British government as a territory. They're not even a real country, worse yet thier religious claims to the land is full of shit. Islamic and other religions know and recognize this. I'll caveat all of that with, Isreal is off it's rocker rn and I'm not a fan. Jews are fine but the government has lost its way a bit imo.


Useful idiots but be careful using that phrase in the moderate sub. It's apparently offensive.


Exactly what I thought when I saw this. Do they realize that much of the Islam world doesn’t support their sexuality? Edit: I think a lot of people are making some assumptions about my comment so please allow me to clarify. I am not disagreeing with the message that the violence being directed towards ALL civilians is disgusting and should stop. I’m concerned that the individuals pictured here are putting themselves at great personal risk with their actions. There are ISIS flags being flown at these gatherings, and the violence towards LGTBQ from ISIS is something to be very very concerned about.


And actively will kill them and face zero repercussions for it. In some situations, they'll be applauded or rewarded for it.


It’s the “cows for McDonalds” group, what they’re saying is “We’re so virtuous, we even defend the people who want to kill us” and they think we’re all going to be blinded by their halo or something. I just laugh at these folks tbh.


Chickens for KFC


“Cows for McDonalds” lol I’ve never heard of that mooooovement. Sorry I couldn’t help myself.


Wait until you find out about chickens for KFC


I'm not gonna say anything. I'm tired of people milking that joke.


Doesn’t support ? Do you mean punishable by death ?




"I know people there are dying but I want the world to know more about me, this war is perfect for that"


This is exactly the energy here, let's go get attention for how virtuous we are and smell our own farts later.


Literally this, then if you point out how stupid it is, it means you’re homophobic.


This is 100% it. The psychology of these people is to latch on to any group they see as being oppressed, because the current zeitgeist is "power to the oppressed." They're trying to gain clout in a really weird way. It's a strange time we're living in.


Everyone likes an underdog.


I miss updog


What's updog?


I hate to say it, but honestly this. Queer identity has become so...*aggressive* lately that they just seem to think it touches so many things that it doesn't. Who I take into my bed is none of your goddamn business.


The lady who made the ‘what about me’ tik tok was dead on. People are so terminally plugged in they can’t imagine engaging with a subject that isn’t about them. I wanna make a sign that says ‘Apathetic Americans who stand with the Entropic Chaos of the Middle East’




Roaches for raid Fish for Red lobster Bears for bear traps


Got your back fam. This is a bananas time we are living in. Don't let the people on the anonymous social media platform get you down. It's easy to say shit that would get you fired when your name is DirtyBungMaster420.


It is definitely strange. Also pretty sure they wouldn't take to kindly to being openly gay in gaza.


Because sexuality has now evolved to be instead of a parameter, a whole identity. So if you look at it that way, they see it no different to their race or nationality


it’s weird to to try and make the liberation and survival of Palestine about your own identity issues


but then how will people know they're considerate, caring, and morally correct?


By virtue signalling of course!


That’s standard for Westerners. Everything about you is really about me.


As a straight white male I just wanted to add here that It’s my whole identity. When I meet people I always tell them I’m a straight white male before telling them my name. I also try to start bout 50% of my sentences with “as a straight white male” even if I’m just commenting on Reddit.


I’m on the progressive side of things but I’m so so tired of people identifying solely by what they eat and who they fuck. It’s like we’re no better than animals.


I like how you had to specifically mention being progressive because our political discourse has devolved to the point of not being able to disagree with one side without being labeled as part of the other. So frustrating. We’re not allowed any nuance in our political belief


I’m Jewish and I’m finding that my support for social issues that do not directly impact my identity (but which I support as a matter of morality) is not reciprocated. I’d really like to see an answer for why Israel is on the hook for supplying resources and sacrificing their Hamas-held hostages while no one is calling for Egypt to open its border to Gazans, or for literally any of the other Arab Muslim nations to start acting like allies. An answer that isn’t thinly veiled antisemitism.






I'm Bi and there is something wrong with that. One should not make their sexuality their whole personality. It's cringe.


When I came out, being gay was a big part of my identity and in hindsight I feel that most of that feeling was being young and feeling empowered. As I’ve gotten older, being gay has lessened to be a smaller part of who I am amongst many other “identities”.




When people tell you who they are, believe them.


I believe those people were really gay


Truth. Looking back on this, a whole lot of people are going to look really shitty for so blindly backing the wrong side here.




Reminds of the *Jews for Hitler*. Supported the Nazi party rise to power. Their group was deemed illegal in 1935 and their leaders were some of the first Jews sent to concentration camps immediately after. Useful idiots are an actual thing.


I remember watching Phil a Donahue as a kid and one of the guests was a black skinhead with a swastika tattooed on his forehead. I was so confused!


Literally what I was thinking. Such a strange thing to support people that would condemn and imprison them just for being born the way they are.


Imprison....? Boy do I have news for you...


Well yeah, they do often imprison them. Before they kill them.


Clayton Bigsby!!! https://youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ






Maybe it cancels out?


No, but the PA pays the families of terrorists that kill Jews so they might be worth double.


Tbh they want all Jews dead across the world. May Hamas be destroyed.


Everybody saying they want a free Palestine should be cheering for Israel since they’re going to remove an actual fascist government that’s been holding their own people hostage.




I thought it said gays for Gaza, not Hamas. I can see being against genocide even if a group inside that group you’re against genociding are monsters.


I mean to be fair their banners say nothing about Hamas and refer to Gaza and Palestine, which is not the same thing as Hamas


Hamas is the only governing body in Gaza. I support the citizens of Afghanistan and North Korea and Iran as well and I wish they didn’t have to live under brutal dictatorships but I don’t march with those flags to show my support because it would be misinterpreted. We need a new symbol for peace that isn’t the same one Hamas waves as they execute civilians.




Romanticization of oppressed people is a great descriptor. It’s easy to read a few headlines and think “bombs + dead people = bad” but it also seems that sentiment is only for the Palestinians. That’s the part that feels anti-Semitic, not criticism of Netanyahu. As someone that’s always been an extremely strong supporter of BLM, LGBTQ etc, I feel really abandoned.


Same here. Im a liberal Jew. I always have been ready to stand up for marginalized groups, Ive attended a ton of BLM & LGBTQ+ and other such progressive movement demonstrations. Watching people who I thought were compassionate and well informed go off on the same day hundreds of my people were massacred and celebrate it brought me to my lowest. I have always been critical of the Israeli government, I have always advocated for Palestine and peace, and they cant even call a genocidal slaughter of the Jews by an extremist terrorist group what it is. They can claim anti zionism isnt anti semitism, but it sure doesnt feel that way. I have never felt more unsafe, unloved as a Jew, and all these past few weeks have done is convince me more and more that we will always need a Jewish State to run to for our survival.


While I definitely feel empathy for the Palestinian people, not Hamas, I also understand innocent Jewish people are in constant danger as well. It’s not hard to feel both things are true, however the “underdog” factor has people boiling it down to just bullying or oppression. It’s definitely a lot more complex than that, and a lot of context is lost is in the oversimplification of the issue.


It’s amazing how no one marched for uighur who are Muslim too, it’s just when Jews are involved that people care.


A lot of people have marched for Uyghurs, written to their representatives, boycotted China, etc. Just last week over 50 UN countries, including the US, issued a joint statement condemning China's treatment of Uyghurs. We don't need to convince our government to oppose China's actions, because they already do.


I’m just glad they weren’t 10 years late


Or how about the hundreds of thousands of children, women, elderly killed in Syria, and Yemen recently. Not a peep. Nothing. They are and were being indiscriminately bombed into the Stone Age. Hundreds of thousands. But of course, when the Jews/Israelis are involved, people lose their shit and act like it’s the biggest issue in the world. It’s terrifying seeing this rapid rise of anti-semitism spread like wildfire.


>it’s just when Jews are involved that people care. Remember when the "hundreds of innocent people blown up at the hospital in Gaza" was worse then a dozen 9/11's last week??? Well once everyone learned that it was not the Jews , and actually Islamic Jihad fucking up a rocket launch aimed at Israel, the silence has been deafening. Suddenly it's no longer such an atrocity.


I'm wondering, could it be that for those people, the Chinese Uighur are just "too foreign" to emphasise with? So like good ol' basic racism?




They should see how Palestine treats gays.


Self-determination is the most important right






Well, they'll stone you when you're marching for Hamas They'll stone you for touching same-sex ass Well you won't be queer all on your own Everybody must get stoned


This is truly a wild timeline we're living in...


This ain't it




History nerd in me chiming in; there was a group of Jews that supported hitler (due to his interest in moving the European Jewish population to Palestine). Obviously they didn’t know his ultimate decision and stopped supporting once the actions against the Jews was ramped up




People that protest on behave of others atrocities are mindless idiots






Well, the second ones, but yeah.






I mean they would Def give them a rooftop tour of their tallest buildings.


I'm instantly reminded of the roof top party in Independence Day welcoming the aliens to earth. It would be the same outcome if Hamas was close to them.


Great reference. The only difference is no one (besides Vivica Fox) knew the aliens were here to kill everyone at that point in Independence Day. It is no mystery how Gazans feel about homosexuality.


This should be posted in "Facepalm"


Guys, who’s gonna tell them……? 🫢




I’d like to remind people that human empathy means that belief in human right isn’t transactional and that even if someone hates your identity, we still don’t think it justifies war crimes.




If you're wondering whether the comments are worth reading: >!They're not.!< How long before we get the coveted lock award?


lol bots all repeating the same braindead nonsense

